" The Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF COX BUTTE COUNTY T. J. O'KBUI'H, Publisher. I'uIiIIkKmI pvrry, Krlilitj nntl iutPinl nt tlie punt-ntHm iu Uintiticfiril, Nt'hrtiikn, ar ficiiihI rlRHfl IiihII tnnttxr. Tlir. llr.nu.niH devoted to tliH IntPiCHtH ot ltumiliKfonl nihi lltix liutto enmity. HUnscniiTie.N hatch: ONi: YKAH wx aioNi'iis ,... ....! M) cout.y F. M. PlIKt.lM ... . A. M.Mtl.l.Kn. ....... J h. 11. II. Hr ktt. .. i:.l. SWERMV lV. M. lollF.M'K SI ink A. '.. Nf.ki.ani).. ClMH. MlUNS.... . . bit. W. K. Miu.kii .. 1)11. C. A. IloI.UItoOK JAMTH lUltllV J AH. llol.MNKAKK ... U. W.,iUNl!AN. omcr.irs. Clerk. TiORMtirnr. IihIk". Slicriir. , Attorney. ...... . Hi' vi, int'-ufllMlt. Hnrtcynr, Coroner. I'll) Kiel All. .fommioHlonnr lt 01st. .('onimUolnntT '.'nil Dint. .CominiHitiouvr.irit Dint. J. E. VQfRTE'R, ocMtorney - at Lawx CUAWKOKD NU15. ,1llk( In Hi Milicatn lllook. W. M. 10QEME, ATTORNEY - -A.T - XjATW, J'racticr in nil th courts Hemingford, Neb. T0TTLE & TAS1I Attorneys - at - Law, .MFMINpFORD. NEBRASKA. DR..O. A. HOLBROOK, rpH YSICJJM and SUCRGEtiJf, Residence,. Hull house. Office First .door north Box Buttu Bank Bldg. Bemingford, -:- Nebraska T. J. O'KEEFE, . U; S. COMMISSIONER, DI5TKICT OF NEBRASKA. All mutters coming before tlio United Suites Circuit I'bllrt or tlto United Suites Lund Ofllcc will receive prompt Hfld ctireful attention. AK(nUf!id toall Uluds of lniltnoss for non residents; reul estate, irutals, collections, etc. Correspondence finllclu.il. Ofllces at KKMINarOHD AUtt CKAWFOKD, NKII. Time Table FOR Hemingford 'Denvek, Omaha, CnjcAGo, HrJosin'ir, HliLKNA, Butte, Salt Lake City, Kansas City, Portland,. St.-Louis und all San Francisco, points east and md till points KOlltll West TllAI.NS l.EUE AH KOtXOftS. H. l.' l'mPili;or. dully, OPiLilwooil, KillliiKN and all i)oiutb north ami WL-sit 4.2)a.ni No. IS. brQtolit, daily. Deadwood, llllllriK" and intcrmoilinte ntntimiN F.2.7p.m. fto. ,. Fri'lclit, dally. New Castle and intermediate Htatlonn. S.Up. m. Ko. 12. I'a8eni;prt dnlly for Lincoln, Opialia,. (tliicsKU and all points east ...ll:ir p. m. No. (!. Freiulit. daily, for Lincoln aud lntPrmciltatKHlaUoUB. .. f:03 p. m. Wo. 48. FrelKlit, dailj, for Lincoln, ahd.intPrmi'dlatept&lfous . 10:i"a.m All train dally exeppt Nob. 4" and 4S. 4" dally pxrept Sunday. daily oxcupt Monday, Hlwpliic. iliniiiK and rwlinlnjr rlialr cars (t-vntH frw mi throned trains. TirkctH mild .and luiKKaKiiclieckisl to any point In tlin Uuittxl HtatfH nr Caimdft, For information, maim, time tahleH and tick et call on or vrit to Y. M. CopelAml, Agent, rJ. FKANC1B, (len'l l'as&onj;erAKPUl,Oinaliii NdirRHka. I have some of the lost seed corn in the county for sale (white and yellow) also 250 bushels of the vory best millot seed for sale in quantites to suit purchaser. .Orders left at H. R. Green's will be filled or write to the under signed. E, Mabin. Notice. The undersigned will take cattle or horses to pasture thir teen imlesiiorthwest of Homing ord. Ternis reasonable. In quir at "Wm Cross. ESTELLA TaVIjOR. wA.tton.tion, Hopaemonl The French conch stallion QUINAULT mid t)ie Sjiiro stnl lion, SAXON KIG, will stand the pro&ent seoson at my place six mil os west nud two miles north of Hemingford. Terms: 85 to insuro a mare jn foal; SG to insure foal to teat. All maros traded or removed will for feit nuy insurance S5 will bo duo at one?. Care taken to prevent accidents but I will not he respon sible if any occur. A. S. Enyeart. I will buy your county war rants. H. R. Green. Alex Muirhoad, C. E. Ball and Winnie Keano sport new bicycles. Anthony Morava was dorn from Mnrsland Tuesday on business. Sup't Neeland is spending tho week at tho Trans-Mississippi Exposition. Mr. Marplo camo up from Lincoln Wednesday and attended the creamery mooting. Tho gonial Geo Zimmerman of Liberty had business at tho couuty capital Wednesday. Amos Abley came down from Edgomont Tuesday night and spent Wednesday with his par ents. Mrs. Vincent of Marsland was a pleasant caller at this oflieo Tuesday. Mr. Vincent is serv ing on the jury. Mrs. J. Shupp of Now Castle, Wyo., is vi&iting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Langford of Liberty precinct. Mrs, E. W. Alexander intonds moving to Alliance for tho sum met. to keep house for her son Hilt who is working there. Mrs. Zi miner, mother of Mrs. C. W. Roberts arrived from Rus- sol, Iowa, Wednesday morning and will visit hero sometime. Every one interested in tho Fourth of July celebration aro requested to meot iu the Burlew building Monday evening at eight o'clock. Mr and Mrs D F Miller of Can ton were in the city a couple of days this week. Mrs Miller was having some dental work done by DrBlancluml. Anton Uhrig, our gonial hard ware merchant, is having his store treated to a fresh coat of paint. Others should follow Mr. Uhrig's example. Mr. L. C. Cutler arrived this morning and will look after the work on the creamery. Mr. Whitaker will return to Lincoln tonight or tomorrow night. De Witt Burk camo up from Omaha Tuesday and will spend a few days with his parents, Mr. hud Mrs. Burk. Ho reports large crowds at tho Exposition. Rev. Jos. Chunderlach of St. Paul. Neb., officiated at the Catholic church last Sunday. There will bo services again on Juno 20 fourth Sunday of the month. Mrs. A.B. Butzof Janesville, Mich., is visitinp her brother M. C. Beaumont. She has been vis iting other relatives on the Pa cific coast and is now on her way homo. Miss Georgia Miller returned from Lincoln Wednesday morn ing where she has pursued a course in music at the Wesley an University for tho past five months. Luke Phillips and G. W. Sparks have lost some good calves with black leg. Every body should vaccinate their cat tle as it is a sure preventative of that dreaded disease. County Clerk Phelps and H. R. Green rodo to Alliance on their wheels Sunday, while J. W. Christy, H. F. Goodenough and F. W. Rol! made a trip to Box Butte. All of them had a good appetite for supper when they returned. Tho entertainment given by Prof Lewis and company Tues day and Wednesday evenings was quite well attended. Prwf Lewis demonstrated that he is not slow nt slight-of-hand work and judg ing from the amount of laughter the audience seemed well pleased with the show. Delbert A. Libby and Miss Elm a Nye were married in Hom ingford last Saturday by Judgo Hewett. The groom is a r-on of Ex-County Treasurer Libby and an upright yonng man. The bride who is the daughter of Nye is an accomplished and estimable lady. They have the congratu lations of their many friends. TO CURB A COLD INONR DAY T&Ue LaxatUu Bromo Qufnlne Tablets. All DivkkUw lear.d tl.i uti.ey If It lulls toCuie.23 THC CREAMERY ASSURED Will be Ready for Operation In Two Weeks. The Opening Will bo Celebrated in an Appropriate Manner by Our Citizens. Speakers From Abroad Will bo Present. At tho croamory meeting hold Wednesday all arrangements wo.ro completed and work will bo commenced on tho ' plant next Monday. It will bo ready for operation in about two wooIcr. Tho building will bo orectod on Wyoming avenue, north of Rev Brandsor's house Tho following officers were olectcd: President, A Sherwood; Secretary, Clark Olds; Treasurer, ,W K Herncajl Board of directors: B Halbur, D A Paul, W F Patterson, Wm Blackburn, Matt Rassmusson Tho plant will cost 1,750 and thero aro about povonty stock holders An interesting program has beou prepared for the open ing and committes were appointed A full report, will be published later. Thomas Hovorka has returned to his old farm near Lawn and will make it his future home. About a year ago Mr. Hovorka got the idea into his head that Minnesota was a hotter country than this" and accordingly dis posed of his intorests and prop erty here, sold his herd of fine cattle and departed for tho land of "milk and honey" never again expecting to seo BoxButtq." But ho retracted all tho "me. n things" he said about Nebraska when ho loft and now declares that it is tho best state in tho Union. Ho will socuro more land and engage in stockraisuig and farming again. His experi ence of moving cost him close to $2,000. Mr. Hovorka is a good citizen and wo aro pleased to have him with us once more. i W. M. Copeliiuri and It. H.i Grecg attended Masonic lodge at A31iance Thursday evening. Messrs Sherwood and "Vhittnkcr had a runaway Monday. They were thrown out of the buy;gy and Mr. Slier wood was slightly bruised. The The buggy is laid up for repairs. Charles Marine of Marsland made final proof on his timber claim Wed nesday. Tie liled on tho laud thir teen years ago. IJ. F. Noel ami A. II. McLinighlln were his witnesses. Those who have recently renewed and deposited nionicy on subscription, are: S. It. IJurk, Win Blackburn, Ji w. Christy, Alliance; August Folder, Edgar Swcezey, Jos. Ypchout, J. w. Hiiuuigardncr, Jos. Pliunnsky, Frank connor, C. E. Allen. Tho following attorneys attended court this week. M. A. Hall, Oiu ali;i, V. II Thompson, Grand Island. E. F. Iticketts, Lincoln, J. E. Porter: Messrs Mi ichel, Noleinan, Slmonson, Rinyser. Berry and Sullivan of Alli ance. Among the spectators and witnesses were Geo. Zuni, P. II. Rensvold, E. I. Gregg, E. S. Marks, E. A. Hall, Joey' Paradis. Last month the land office did the heaviest business on record sinco the office was established. The beauty of it was thero were nearly as many now homestead entries as there were final proofs, which demonstrates that the country is being populated rathor than depopulated. The office experienced no difficulty what ever in handling tho volume of business, and all work was cleaned up each day, demonstrating tho industry and close attention to business of the officers in charge. Alliance Grip. Caud of Thanks. We dosira to express our sin cere thanks to all who so kindly romembcred us during our late bereavement. Mrs. F. Nikont and family. . ' ' ' "" ! Ml I lll Vl - .. .!.- Fifty Claims Wanted, for Cash. I want to buy improved farms and prairie land for cash; must bo cheap. Givo number 'of sec tion, town and range; also im proyments in detail. Address E. A. Bluncic, ; Carroll, Iowa. E. A. Blunck, a land broker, of Carroll, Iowa, who is connected with tho B. & M. was in Homing' ford Saturday with a gentleman to whom ho sold a farm about nine miles southwest of town. Mr. Blunck informed us that ho will ho hero ovory two weeks and will locate about forty families in this county during tho summer, lie says routers in tho east can no longer afford to pay tho rents asked them and thoy are seeking homes in tho west. Tho gontlo mau whom ho located horn was well pleased with Ibis country. Ho thought our now Creamery enterprise was a grand thing and said that throe years ngo there was one creamery in Carroll county and now there are twelve which demonstrates that tho dairy business is profitable. Ilv also said that tho enterprise would be an inducement for" peoplo to locate in this part of tho county. Latest War News. Loudon, Juno 10. It Is reported hero that. Sar.tingo has been captured by the American flout. In accordance with a preconceived plan Sampson blew up the Merriuuic and advanced into the hiiroor this morning The bombarding lasted for three hours. Santiago and Oerveia at Mio end of tliut time presumbly surrendered. No details have reached hcie yet. but as Sampson silenced all foils at the mouth of the harbor at his last bombardment, his entrance into the harbor should bavoJiot been a dlili- - cult feat. Hivana, via London, .nine 10.- The A me i lean ileot bombarded Santiago again today. Tho engagement lasted from 8 to 11 this morning. No details yet. Court Notes. District court convened Tues day with His Honor Judgo West over presiding and C . B. Scott re porting. The case wherein It. M. Hampton sought, to have tho court to issue a .writ of tmindamus ordering the comulis'Hioncrs to call an election, A ' tbe court overruled tho demurrer o,f the respondents, and gave thorn until next tygdncsday to aiiBvyer. x , ,, ", Allio J, Simonson'vs B&x Butler county appeal; case dismissed. W.,D. Rumor Vs Box Butto county; Error; special nppear auco by 'defendant sustained and on request of plaintiff in error aleas summons in orror nrdcrod. Allio (male) J. Simonson vs James Barry was a case wherein Allje sought to have Mr., Barry removed from office for alleged misdemeanors. The case was dismissed, Allie has tho sympa thy i of all. Nettie Underwood Morrison told of tho cruel treatment sho received from Charlie soon nftor their marriage at Aspen, Colo., and Atty Noleman.with a faco as long as ho is broad, read an affida vit corroborating Nettie's testi mony. Thero was no defense and a divorce was granted. The case wherein It. C. Noleinan appealed from the allowance of the claims of Commissioners HolIinntKc and Barry, the court held that tho claim of Hollinrake was not excessive, and. should be allowed. Further more Mr. Hollinrake was untitled to one more day than ho charged for. Mr. Scarry nuu'o a mistake of SU in footing when he filed his claim. Ho discovered his mistake tho dtiy he tiled tlits claim and wanted to correct It, wlVlch be was not permitted to do. Tho court ordered him to refund tho $C. In case of tho State vs George Clark, defendant plead guilty and was sentenced to one day's imprisonment in tho county jail and, pay cost of prosecution. Whon pronouncing tho sontenco the Judge informed tho prisoner that ho could just as well givo him 'Sixty days and that was probably what he ought to have but lie thought it would inflict more injury on tho county than on Clark. Clark told tho court that he didn't have a dollar but he "would send the money just as soon' as ho got it, suro" He is tho fellow who was going to "do up" Nato Hart with a butcher iJiMjiuinUi.qritTuTiU mt iiI.riiijHriluHi 'U-iJ CASTORIA AVcficlablcPrcparatioafor As similating thcFoodntutRcula ling tlic Stomachs nmlBowcis of Promotes DigcsHon.ClKerful ncssarulRcst.Contalns neither Onium.Morpliine norMincxal. WOT NARCOTIC. ;ov" ooujirSOiVEunvsat JhvryAvt SmJL' ,ilx.Stnn (nin Sni Jlmmint . (trtA'J Jupv . hh&yrn tlarw. fhrrtSctii - Ancrfccf Ttcmcdy forConslIpa lion, Sour Slonuch.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions , feverish ttcss and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NTSW "YORK. XXACT COPV OF WBAEPEFii iXlmca - cianilKM New Complete Line Of latest stales, superior fabrics, at fabulous LOW prices are now on sale at ' The BIG DOUBLE STORE HM Come and see llll ' atsybruvcE C. J. WILDY. ANTON UHRIG, PIONEER - Hardware and Saddlery. Tub ui.dkst Kstaulisumisnt in this County Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. Special Agent for BAKER PERFECTlBarb Wire the Best on Earth HEMINGFORD HILLING CO., . Manufacturers of . 1 Flour, Graham, And Dealers COAL, HLCTIMIIBEilEe, 2LI3EE3 Paper, Sash and Doors. fllLLER & WILDY. CASTORIA For Infante and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought. CASTORIA TMr CtNTAUn OOMHNr, nw yokk citt. Spring Goods Meal and Feed in All Kinds of AW u iu M. J knife a few days ajq. 3