f mv&tMiTSk, ui..inrftuaMi''i''"l """ -.- -. JB SSSS553C I? I 1 i wotfxrt CTAVS HIM TTdllP Jc Another Man Cbmes Xyong and Marries tbo Alleged ,WJfo of a Portrait Artist, A marringo -surrounded by vory peculiar eircuHirtJouceH 9cnrl in HomiiiRford Tuesday. The con- jfnotjiig partio3 wero A. P. Od- povntt bt Salt Lnko City and Mrs. (launio Young, who also gave hor residence nsSftULnke. Tho worn- nn arrived hoj;o Monday raorn- jhc in company with A. M. Hnlce, who ndvcrlispd as Mr. and Mro. ,Hnkc, of tlio tinko Art company, and wero teaching tho Hake art system of crayon porwjfc work They .gayu an -cater huh mu; Monday evening and auoti A'tieailay dvoning. Odborae-iv- ,cd here Monday and Jzw to arrange to have the marrUKe core- juony performed Moryfcy night, 4but tho woman didnowavu a good cnanco to givo llakytifo Blip. Oa .borne a prosenco hi was unknown - TT l- rn & jo xihko. xuejay night aftor tho woman tho ontortainJ&cnt, y.sw.iy .assisted Hcjftf in nnckinc their ffccta ftt$o school and started out a HUm ahead of liiin apparently for tbcnnStol, but it dovolopuil that Pflh5o wnH waiting' out sid ' , TM . - - . af carnage, in whioh ho and woman wore driven to the r- :ouri house, whoro they were married by tho county judge, a littlu beforo midnight, after which hoy drove Jo Allianco, whoro it is supposed they boarded the train. "When Hako M'ont to hia.oom ho was vory much alarmed upon find ing that his former companion .was not thoro. IIo left on Wod uorning's train for Omaha. It is said that Hake and tho woman have lived together five years. JOtfSOtf HAS A TOTAL. Ytoxa thuChailron Nos: Victor .Johnson. hmvlir nf Hamilton Hall's ilock of bheep, Running south of Running Water, bocumo cray wist week and fired 'three shots from his Winchester )it J. W. Pierce. Tho -btillota 'Xailod totako effect and ho was captured and disarmed. He was 'good natured and declared ho had .won the first battlo. Ho had been (reading of war and wanted to on dist. A complaint having been sworn ut for his arrest Sheriff Uargan brought young Johnson to town Tuesday anb he was tried before (tho board of insanity in the after noon. Mrs. A. C. Iverson gave jtQstimony, which was to the effect uiiu me young guuueinan una ex hibited signs of mental weaknoss, .when ho camo to the Ivorson homo some days ago. after tjio shooting. Mr. Hamilton Hall said to the board, in reply to inquiries, sub fitantijy as follows: "Victor E. Johnson worked for mo obout 17 jnonths; has done his own camp cookhig for tho past throo weeks. Ho herded a flock of 1,000: never jlioaril of in) having any trouble with the neighbors; only had tho rifle three days; novor noticed him 7oing flighty until after his trouble ,witH J. V. Pierce. I get along j?ory wo)l with tho cattlo men; never threatened to kill in or .drive nio out; got riflo for herder to kill poyotes". ' Tho prisoner said "Don,t re join bor of having trouble on the iver; know Mr. Pierco ami never 'had any trouble with him. Ho ws at our sheep camp lost week; ho never spoke to mo; never topped, but rode by. I carry no nun; used to, but have a riflo at pump. Haven't slept well of jaights for threo months; I shot at coyoto Jast week. " .Thepoard ordered this young man to be kept at tho county form for a time that ho may be )ifforded an opportunity to re&t pud recuperate. AI EXPLANATION, I deem it a duty to myself and friends to explain why I did not appear at tho trial of Victor Johnson on May 31. In;p.do tho comnlaint against Johnson and Sheriff Dargan was Instructed to bring him before the Board of Insanity. In con versation with tho sheriff at Chadrou ho told mo to remain at Harry Dean's place until ho re turned with Johnson and ho would call for mo so that I would appear at tho trial. Iu fetead of doing so, ho evaded mo and I was unaware tl)at Johnson was brought to town or that the trial was had. I do not know T'i .: the Sheriff n-coivod for -if,iUgiiig hi mind Z quickly. ' "'" J. W. PlEKGC. uaiiTNfNo hits haiimb'Sn. Special dUrUcli to the World Herald. iiarriBou, aoi., uuno i-pjm f f f v' ing a sovoro inuuuor siorxwiioro last night about 8:10 oVlorjMBuit Dow and Homer Priddkrafwliih stauding j front oUjfift Com morcial, wjcro strtckarth licht Wllilo ning, Mr. Dew buiuWlIod. Mr. Priddy wys onlySftHly stunned ond will rex5oyor,SSr Tho prin tinpHco, bank, post offico and Maiywtlar IJro'. general sloro wore JmfHtruck with tho same bolj MWightning tiiat killed Mr. DolgjrThHro w(;ro several uarroviicapos from firo in every oncyj&KIFo.o buildings. Tho dam agojgnhoin will bo slight. The tolfoph wiro two miles east of n was uurned oil anil it was mnossili in to imt nnv thrniuh ?list of here. IJEltEA ITEMS. It rains hero every few days. Two wind-mills wero put up 'n thu vicinity recently. Pat Dillon saya the black-leg laid low fivo head of his yearlings A brother and sister of Mrs. Peter lklgum ore the latest ai ri vals from the Old Country. They expect to spend tho summer with Mr. and Mrs. Bolgnni. A sister of our general Post Mistress arrived from Chicago last week and is visiting our city. "Wo hoar no complaints from tho farmers about crops, an d wo think tho prospect for an abundant harvest is hotter than any time during tho past seven years. A GOOD INVESTMENT. "Kliowl- edgo is power" according to tho old adage, but it is also said that a man novor knows thing until ho can toll it, and ho who eon express his knowledge in language more terse, vigorous, and appropriate than othors becomes a leader of men. In gaining this powr ol expression as well as knowledge itself there is no aid s.o holpful, from which so much may bo ob tained, and for so small an on tlay as Webster's International, Dictionary. This work is uni versally acknowledged standard for tho derivation, spoiling, pro nunciation, and meaning of words, and with its numerous tables of useful and relioblo information it quickly and satisfactorily answers tho thousand and one questions which ore constantly arising in our reading and study. The pur chase of this source of knowledge and power will provo a profitable investment for ovory house hold, and for every teacher, scholar, professional man, and self-educator. TAKEN UP. Juno 8, 1898, at Mrs. M. E. Hammond's place on Sec. 15-27-49 ono blojdk mare, weight about 1100; loft hind foot white; strip in faco; no brands. M. E. Goqch. Poh Sale. Ono red Polaugus bull, four yours old IU is a thoroughbred aud a tino animal; has never run in a liord. IIo can be seen at James llolliurako's place, 8 miles north of Homing ford. J. W. Pieuck. Wildy wants all your potatoes, butter, eggs and chickens. We have a now Singer sewing machine the boston tho market for salo cheap. Call and see it. Non-rosident owners of timber claims can comploto their final proofs without coming to tho county by corresponding with T.J.O'Keofr. Estrayed On Sunday April 26th from my place 2 miles oast of Homing ford, ono two-year-old filley, light bay color, small star in forehead, weight about 800 lbs., barbwiro marks on upper part of front of both fore legs. Leave informational Herald oflicc. J. T. Wornom Teachers A. E. Neoland will sell your orders for you and get the highest price for thorn. Send them to her. Ban tho j Th8 Kind You Haw Alwars PsagM IRTUES OF HOT WATER. ttmuj Are tho Acliri nnd Tain It Will IttillrVfi. Not n pfcrnBO conveyinK an hnpros- lon of ctitiro felicity, yet it niny bo ' f ootid that watnr, lurt, baa innulfolil nsos and ia peculinrly nblo iu cortnin places to afford comfort nud roll of. A pbyMcinu who linn triod it nays tbat no Agent so quickly rcl loves uaneoa and vomiting ob wntor, hot ns it can bo taken. For coiiNtipatiou drink of bot wntor n (short tlmo beforo rotiring at night. Oyflpeptlcs nro benofltcd by sip. ping n onp of hot wntnr nu hour boforo cnting. Tho siuuo praatico tendo to fldsh production, nnd in onoof tho rules giVon toinetimes iu prescriptions for tho cure of lamuncES. Ah water is bo considcrablo tin de ment in tho phyRicai structnra, it is iu Bomo boiiko a food, though knowing, too, that without it lifo cannot bo fiut portoa ii ib not usually not usually regarded in . ......... 1 .!. 1 !-.. ii.... '""V"""""' ",u '"" ""owiougo mat a v un Biumuuu wui ruwui ii os water when it will nothing oko may bo often times of value. Lot thoso who nro inclined to Bnoer at "only bot wnter" try a cup of it, frosh water, quickly honted and brought to a boil, usod with cream nnd sugnr ns for coffeo. If ooiTeo, us ninny believe, en courages dyspopsia, and ton renders its coiiBumors subjoot to headaches, whilo a cold fluid with wnrni fluid is not hy gienic, it answers to reason that if any drink must bo used at meas. tho ono we nro considering (or else hot milk). having nonoof tboir objectionable) qual ities, is proierabio. To ward off tho cold threatened by a chilly sensation, drink a cup. To loosen a tight cough, sip water as hot as it can bo borno. A hot compress, with a dry flannel over it, persistently applied to tho throat and chest will euro n stub born cough, a soro throat nnd cut short in its incipienoyoongoBtion of tho lungs. To dip n cloth in hot water nud lay it quickly over tho scat of pain is some times n relief in nourulgin. The eame application on the stomach will banish colic. In croup place about tho nock a flannol wrung out of hot water. For sprains hot fomentations nro excellent. In such enses caro should bo taken that tho olothiug is protected from dnmpness by thn intervention of a dry cloth, nnc iu all tho uses for it thus far given it must bo kept iu mind tbat tho water ia to bo really hot. Iu spasms place tho nfllioted child as quickly as possible iu a but bath that is, ono heated as much ns comfort will allow. Tho convulsed frnuio will bo re loxod nud soothed by its contuct with tho warm water. A hot bath after ox posuro will do much to prevent the taking of an infectious diseaso. An oc casional full hot bath upon retiring is of great benefit iu inducing sleep. Evon a footbath will bo found a help as a menus to tho same. When a person is tired and boated, bathing tho fnce with warm wator will provo moro comfortablo ns well aB less dangerous than tho uso of cold. Voak eyes nro made stranger by bathing them regularly in water ns hot as can be borne. If thoy.aro tired, such bathing, to which is sometimes added a little salt, will wonderfully rost thorn. For a tino complexion and velvety kin uover uso cold, but warm water in washing tho faco. It muy bo first wash ed with soap and hot wnter, then rinsed with tepid water. To bathe the face daily in hot water will, it is said, ro movo pimpleB. And tho appearance of wrinkles may be groatly delayed, it is believod, by tho uso of tho hot bath. St Louis Republic. MUtooh the Mule. Deacon Jackson was a very pious but" very detormiucd old colored citizen of Owl Creek valley. Ho had a young raulo whioh bis boys wero unablo to ride, nnd their failuro to break the ani mal so exasperated the old man that bo determined to rido it hiniBelf. He was, howover, no sooner located on its back than he was thrown into un adjoining lot, where ho was picked up with both legs brokon and his ueok badly sprained. "What on enrth did such an old man ns you mean by trying to rido a wild young mulo liko that?" asked tho doctor, "Waal, 8uh,"baid Deacon Jackson, "I never does undertake to do nutbin widout fust consultin ov de Lawd an seein whut ho dun thunk erbout hit. I axed him ef I orter rido dat mulo what my triflin no ercount boys couldn't ride, an de Lawd he sed, 'Yessab, jes ez plain ez I nm talkin to you." "Well, but ho seems to have given you bad advice. " "No, doctor, his judgment was all right, fer do Lawd knows dis olo nigger never seod do day when be was afeered to straddle anything from a circular saw up to er elephant, but dis time I think de Lawd was jes' mistooken in da mule."- Alfanta Journal. Old Ab Drmke. Old Ab Prako was one of the "odd sticks" that flourished in a Vermont rural neighborhood a good many years ago. His wifo was a meek, obedient, spiritless woman, over whom Ab tyran nized for 50 years, when she quietly slipped out of this world. Old Ab's panegyrics on his dead wife's virtues wero loud and long. Boforo the funeral bo said to ono of bis neighbors: "She was (he best woman on the top of this earth. I joss thought tbo world and nil of her-r-yes, I did i I nlways thought it, and banged if thore wan't times when I come mighty near telling her so yes, sir I And I would 'a' told her so, only I've always held, and I still hold, that it ain't safe to praise anything that w'ars petticoats. 'Oeptin for tbat, I would 'a' told 'Lizy Ellou what I thought of her many a time yes, I would 1" Boston Journal. Fiuoni Three It'i. The originator of the famous three 'r" alliteration "reading, 'riling aud 'ritbmetio" was Sir tfiUlain Curtis, a lord muyur of London. In 1705 he pro posed it as a toat beforo .tho board ot education. A TRAINMAK'S RISKS FIGURES WHICH GO TO SHOW THAT THEY ARE OVERESTIMATED. Brrtemcn, ncl tha Old Hnmla Among Tliera, Aro Oftencut Tletlma lint tlia 8tktUtlo Quoted Mny lie KxccptlonJ, Ilanoflta From Safety Applinncoi. It has been estimated, nnd, in fact, railroad men frequently make tho re mark, that tho nverngo lifo of n mnn actively engaged in train servlco is about seven yonrs. Iu other words, that thoy aro eithor crippled up bo ns to ren. dor thorn unfit for service ngain in a like capacity or nre killed on nu aver age in tbnt titno. It hns been found by looking over tho records of ono of tho loading railroads entering Louisville that this is untrue. During threo years, on ono of tho busiest roads entering the city, thoro wero only 2 killed aud 158 -'" """" " , injured, nil of whom wero brakomon except two, nnd tbey were freight con ductors who had nssumed tho duty of brakemen, ono by making a coupling aud tho other by assisting in unloading freight It would seem that inexperienced men would bo most apt to get injured, but tho figures show differently, ns indicat ed by the following: Eloven, or O.fiG per cent of tho total number of trainmen, wero injured during their first year of . Jud who barf bcn V Th? taTtS service; to . to Iff .. I.. years; 15, or 11.11 porcent, bad boen iu tbo hervico throo' years; 22, or 10.35 por cent, four years; 20, or 20 per cent, flvo years; 27, or 21.77 per cont, six years; 18, or 9.08 por cent, seven years; 6, or 3.00 per cent, eight years; 3, or 2.47 percent, nino years; 5, or 4. 10 per cent, ten years, nnd 12, or 8.81) per cont, over ten years, some of whom had been in the servico 10, 18 and 22 years. It will bo noted that tho largest aver ago of injuries occurred after tho era ployoo had been in service six years, and tho figures given would indicate that employees as a general rule aro careful up to tbo timo when they have boen in tho service throo to four years and then become moro careless until about thoir eighth year of service, when the indications show tbat thoy again become careful, as thoso who had work ed over ten yonrs have a very small oomparativo per cent of injurios com pared with thoso who had worked six years. With tho completion of the equip ment of nil box cars with nutomntio couplers, airbrakes, etc., tho linbility of a trniumnu boing injured will hnve been reduced to n minimum, ns the rec ord goes to show tbnt at least two-thirds of the injuries wero caused by attempt ing to couplo automatic drnwbnrs with a link nud pin to tho old fashioned solid or skeleton drawbar, which is very daugorous evon ta tho most expe rienced rnilroad man. Other causes were on account of uneven drawbars, some boing as much ns threo inches higher than others. All this will be rec tified with the law which requires nil drawbars to bo of a standard height. A great mnny trainmen wore iujured by topping upon stones or links iu jump ing off to throw switches, etc, qnito a number by boing thrown off on account o tho icy condition of tho tops of the cars. There was one caco where a brako man was standing uoar tho end of a car When auothor cut of cars struck it, and ho was thrown from tho top of the car to tho ground, alighting squarely upon his feot and "stoving him up" severe ly, as will bo readily understood. A few wero compollod to jump- from the top of cars in cases of derailment. Oth ers naa thoir feet mashed by attempt iDg to shovo nu automatic drawbar over a fow inches to enablo it to como moro squarely in contact with tho automatio coupler. This is ono of the sorious ob jections to tho automatic drawbar that It will not couplo readily on a curve, and it is necessary for the trainmen either to pull ono of the drawbars over or ebovo it over with their feet. Ono of tho most general causes of pinched fingers was on account of the pin failing to drop all tho way down into tbo holo whon coupling with a link and pin. The brakemen invariably reach over to give tbo pin a start so it will drop into the holo, when the cars frequently roll ono way or the other just a few inches aud catch the pin just beforo it gets all tbo way down, causing it to tilt back and catch tho fingers be tween pin nnd end eill of the car. A few wore injured by holding the grab iron on the end of the oar recently added to all freight cars by an act of congress and attempting to mako the i coupling when long lumber or bridge 1 iron would bo extending over tho end of the car to bo coupled to, and catch their bauds between tbo timber and end of the oar. Howover, this dangerous meth od of coupling cars together thut hava lading projecting over the ends of them will 60on bo a thing of tho past, ns it is becoming a general rulo for all com panies not to permit tbo loading of cars in this manner. Wheuever thero is long timber to load the companies roquiro the uso of two cars instead of one, as heretofore With the taking effoot of the new law compelling railroads to havo all cars equipped with automatio drawbars and havo the drawbars of equal height from rails, tbo position of railroad brakeman county, important town, and rail will not bo such n hozardous one. , . ' . ' TT ., , , . ,T Louisville Courier-Journal. Death Grip oa Satchel. James Whitcomb Riley, the great Hoosier poet, rievor burden himself witn mucn naggago wnue no is travel- lnr tin nne.n A-rninmerl rila i'Iotoh nn t baggago by Eaying: "I am contiunally haunted by tho fear tbat my truuk will ba lost, bo I go nbont the country with grip. I keep n teuacious bold on it all day long nnd never feel qnito safe about it at night. In cate tbcro is ever a fear ful railway accident, and Among tbo debris is a valine with an arm attached to it firmly, they may bury it without further identification as, fho fragment! of the Hoosier prct," Final ProofNotices. J W WKHN.JK. Itntlsler. W It AKERS, Kacclvcr 1'flrtipK IiatIiii? Iintlcrn In liiin rnlnmti nri rp- mii-Htnln read ilm nrmrartfully and roport to till olllcii tor corrwtwu any irrorn tltat mar exUt. Thin will ninkliiK pruuf. prment poppiliile iiciay In U.S LnmlOfllce, Alljnnoo, Nob., JuneO. I8P8. Notlcu lHAcrcliy rUuii tjiut John Knudtson, of Ilcmlgcfonl. Nt'b , has Mod notice of Inten tion toinnko final proof before T. J. O'Kecfc. U. . Commissioner, nt IlcmliiKford, eb., on July 10, I69U, on tlmbur culture application t,o. 127H for tho k o i t.ea 34. tp ilPn. r i)w. Ho nnmeAns witnesses: PctorG. Anilorcon, Jaracs HolllnrnUo, Rnrl Forhtrora, Otto Uib son, all of ItcmluRforil. eli. J W. Welm. jr.. UiKUter. Lnnd oniio nt Alllnnre. Neb., .luno P. 18!fl, Nntio is hereby chen that thn follow Ini; named nettlor hus llled notice of his Intention to uukf Until proof In support of Ills claim nnd that tiald proof will be mndo hifnre ItcelMer orltecehcrnt Alliance. Neb., on July 10, ibUi, Vaclav Potmesil, of Dunlup, Neb., who made U.K. for tho w H ho h. c '4 hw H see 31, tp'JOn, r 41 w lie names tho fHllowlnf witnesses to prove his continuous resldonce upon und cultivation ofsiild land, lz: Frank J. W. Foldler, Nor bert A Krenek. Ned A. Hrcrlmi. of llemlni' ford. Nob., Joseph Liimplot.of Dunlup, Nub. Also Frank J. W. Foidler, of HeminRford. Nch.. who made h e No. -J329 for the no see 12,tp'J8n. r-lSw. Ho names tho folloninu witnesses toproic his continuous residence upon and ciilthatlon of, said hind. Iz: Vnclnv Potmesil. Joseph I,amp lot. ot Dunlup. Neb., Norbcrt A. Krenek, Ned A. Urezlna. of llemlngford. Neb. Also Notice ishcieby gticn that, Wolfgang Freimuth, of llox lluttc, Neb., has filed notice of Inten tion to mako tlnal proof ut saino time and pluco on timber culture application No 1490 for the s o see 28. tp '.'8n. r W w. UomimcH nswltncsves: Frank J "W Fold lpr. Ned A. llrcrlnn, Norbcrt A Krenek, of llcinlncford, Neb., Vaclav Potmesil of Duu lnp. Neb. J. W. Weiin. Jn., HeKlstor. US- IjuhI OIHcp, Alliance. Nob , May 'A 1BU8. iiukiiu in nereiiy mm John II. Shirk, r HeinlnRrord, Neb., Iiax filed notice ,.f Inten tion to mako tiiuil proof before T. J. O'Keefe, U. S onimissioner, at IiIh nflicn Iu HeminK ford. Neb., on tho 2nd dav of July on timber cnltnreappllcntiou No. IBM fur the no H bocSI tp -11 ii, r .MJw. HonamcM nu witliOKBOn: John Micliaclsou, Henry MicliaelHon, C. B IloHenberserv Fred aipu'j, miui nvmiuRioru eo. AIho Notice is herehy Riien Hint elson B. Shonquist, of Omaha. Nob., lias filed notice of Intention to make final proof at name timo and place on timber culture application No. 1,'iU" fortheel sis-III, tp28n r:'i, llenumen av witucHBps: John P. Hazard, ot HeinlnKford. Neb., Loo Urandle, Uilwin E. rord, Louim Iiomri(houseii, of Lawn, Neb. J W. Weils', jii., HeKinter. Land Ofllco at Alliance, Neb.. Mav IS. 180S. Notice Is heiebv clu-n that the followliiB named settlor has llled notice of his lutcntlou to make linnl proof iu support of his claim, anil thai said proof will be made before T.J. O'Keefe, II. S. Commissioner, at Hemlngford. Neb., on Jun 18, WJS, lz. Del tie May Ricket. neo Follows, who made h c so SWI, for the se '( se III, tp sjtii, r Hi w. She names the follow Inc witnesses tonroc her continuous icsldence iipon und cultivation Of siiiilland.il. Ai Sci loner. Dunlop. Noli. Auroh H. Kraut. Charles W. Mlnard. Ida, Neb. Clark Klcket, Hemlnpford. 'eb. J. W. Wm.v. IteKlslcr U. 8. Lnnd Olilcn, Alliance, Neb.. May 2"i, lBDJ. Notice is hereby Klien that the follow ln named settler has filed notice ot intention to make final proof in support of his claim, nnd mai sain prool win lie matte burore KeuiHter anil ltcceiier at Alliance, j,eb., on Jul 2, lbU8, Thomas O'Koeffo, of lieniiiiKford. Neb., who made Hd entry No. ilfi for tlien e H sec 3 J. tpSOn, r 48 w. Ho names the following witnesses to prow his continuous residence upon and enltliatlon of said land, liz: John Strasak, Arthur H. (1 row. Peter Helium. Patrick H. Dillon, all of Alliance, Neb. J. . Wohu, Jr., Ill-Lister. IN TIIK COUNTY COURT OF IlOX UUTTK COUNTY NEHItASKA In tho Matter of the Kstnte of Alanson D Alexander, deceased Notice of hoiirlui; on petition for the appoint ment of un administrator. At a session of said court held ut tho county court loom in HcmiMgford, Nebraska, Present, Jus. II. H. Hewott, County J uiifc'e. Upon rendUis? tho Petition of (jrant C. Alex under, praying that administration of the LNtate of Alanson I), Alexander. Deceased be huu und that William Foset bo appointed Administrator of said Estate, It Is ordeicd und decreed that Wednesday, the twent -fourth dav of June. A, D. 18118, nt 1 o'clock p. m.. at the County Court Itoom In tho Court House In Hemlngfoid, Ncbraska.be designated as the time and place nt which henrlna shall be had upon said petition whereat nil parties interested In said estate may appear und show why such administration should not bo hnd and wuv the said William Kosket should not be appointed Administrator thereof, and It isfurtherordered that due notice of said hearing shall be i;iion to said Interested parties by publication or by personal notice, IN witness wiiHREorl have horcunto set mv hand and afllxed the seal of said Court this 4th day of April A 1). lb!W. (Seal jas. H. H. Hewett, county Juds'e. MEETING OF ISOAIID OI' EQUALIZA TION. Hemiiigfoid, Nel).,MtiyS), 1898. Tho Count' CoinmiVsionei's will moot an a Board of Equalization in H"8 oflieo on Tuesday, June 1-lth 18DS and roniaiu in session not loss than threo days. Any com plaints agaiustthe 1898 assessmtnt should be made at that time. F. M. PiiKLrs, County Clerk. A Map of United States. Send me loc stamps and I will mail you a map of the United States, threo feet four inches wide and live feet three inches long. Painted in six colors. Mounted on rollors. Shows ovory state, road in the United States ISew edition, just received, contains ten handsome half-touo pictures of principal buildings of the Trans- Mississippi Exposition. J. Francis, Geuorul Passenger Ajrcnt, Bur liugtou Kouto, Omuhn, Neb. OASTOnXA. Bt th jp TW Kind Yob Have Always Bought 8,Br S7 New Goodsl J Jiavo moved my millinery stook across tho street, in tho Wheeler houso, where I will lu pleased to see the ladies and show them my stock of goods purchased while in Iho oast. Flowers of all the shades and colors. jiev ribbons;, now triiuings and now hats in tho latest designs. Thanking yon for tho p.nst patronage iind I lwpo to mor.it a continuance .of the same. Miss L. Adams. COMPLAINTS AGAINST WELL CLAIMS. Hemingford Nob.,May 9, 1898. Tho County Board will meet on Wednesday, June -22, 1898, to con sider claims filed for tilling wells. Complaints against said claims will bo heard on that day. By order of tho Board. Attest: P. M- Phelps, Clerk. Geo. W. Duncan, Chairman, NOTICE TO ROAD OVEKSBEKS, Hemingford Neb., May 9. 1898, You arc hereby notified tho dlaims for filling old wells should be filed in. this office in on or be fore Juno 10th 1S98. Claims filed after that date will not be acted on at tho June- meeting. By order of tho Board. Attest: F. M. Phelps. Clerk. Geo. W. Duncan, Chairman. Bulls For 3ale. I have 8 .head.ot thoroughbred Ilcrefords ono to two years old at my ranch four miles southeast of Box Butte. Will take your old bulls in exchange. W, E, Hall. Lumber, Coal and Lime! Just received a cur of select eastern lumber for tanks. Also all kinds of hard wood, cedar shingles, lath, lime, and all kinds of lumber. Ready made tanks, or willniako tanks to order. Prices to compolo with anyone tho Northwest. Como and sea us before buying else where. Tanks and tank lumbor a specialty. HBMINGKORU LUMUElt Co. Webster5 sr : International! .Dictionary SuecfttoroftJifi" UnahrMittl." Standard of theU.S.RoT'trrlntliiir OiUrr.the I'.H, HunKlivc i Court, all tin MM k. . , rt'iiici OMrto, oixiol near- lraUthebchoolbuoU. warmly Commended hY Ctilte 8iirwrtntrmlnt . ( of henoou. Colli-Ln Jti ii. . 1 dnU.annoUirrKiliirittnrm i aimotiitiinoninuiuutr . Iuvnlunbic In the household, unit to iho toftcher. icliolnr, pro. ' irwuiini iiiuu, mm ben educator. THE BEST FOR PRACTICAL USE. It Is Mjr to find the word wanted. It Is eaiy to ascertain the pronunciation. It It eay to trace the growth of word. It U ty to learn what n word mtani. The Chicago Timea-lTcrald o.-iysi Webster's IntprnntinnnlTMrtlnnst-r In lt nr.Mnt form Is absolute anUiorltjr on ererylhliti; ix-rtalu. liiKtoour liniiuaKe In the nay of ortlidKrnrliv. ' orthoepy, etymology, anu dennlUon. From It therelsnoapiH-al. It Is ns perfect as huuua effort i and scholarship ran make It. . OET THE BEST. Zjr-Speclmen pages tent on application to G. O: C. MERRIA.3I CO., IHtbllnhers, Sprin&flcM, Mass., V. it. A. CAUTION- Do nt e deceived In buvlnir small so- called " Webster's Dictionaries." All aiitlientlcabrl(l(;mentsorthelntcniatlonl ' inxno various sizes bear our tradc-raark on tlio front cover as shown in tbo cuts. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of o -a. s qp o 3E1. x ua. . Besrs tha ' "" hm 'u "ln Al"an The Kind You Ham Always Bought LJ$M SCALES IT'S DANGEROUS To nuy Nf !A LBM, cusranlerd "AH l(OI AH' VAIstltAMHH', fur les money; thi-y uu"i lis uwde. Host's ljuir, unless yuu Ret Uiu hot, A rhiap Ncnlv Is the most eipenslra lnrr.innt jnu isn inl(t II is unri-llabtn, and inrsus tht sooner nrliUT you inut bur u.'sln. liny only aceniilnr.lsfrst liuprut rit sAIUIIAMts whlih lll ll.t yi.u a Itfrllme. anl pn,v lb rlirHpeitl lii ihf rnil. Ku i iu an Ihailtsnuta uururluhV. ItKWAllKtir 1.11 ITATIO.Mit FA!nt)AN.cc, r,ionsE Ct CO., 1 lOa Farnam St., Omaha, Nob. IOI4 Sililn Mryultrd.; i Jf r i m r