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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1898)
o J, . 1 FARM FACTS. (Compiled by Ernest A. Gerfrard.) Make a scrap book of your "Farm Pacts." The Illinois experiment Station says that corn can be grown, Independent of rent, for 8 cents a bushel. That In cludes husking. These people who can prow corn for 6 and 8 cents a bushel are marvels to us. That Is all we can 8a y. Cut the herd down until every cow In It earns a good living, and then buy fr raise more of the same kind. Do tot keep a boarding farm for poor cat le. Let not your pride be In a large herd, but In a herd which pays a large profit. It has taken over a century to bring the Jersey or Guernsey cow to her pres ent perfection and over a thousand years to do the same work for the Hol steln. Yet some foolish and unthink ing owner can spoil a heifer of either "breed In a year. Apple and pear growers will be glad to know that It Is proposed to Import mnd breed a small bird which lives on ,the codling moth. The bird Is a native t Germany and Is of the greatest value )to orchardlsts. As the moth threatens tho orchards In this section this Im portation will be of Incalculable benefit. HOW TO KEEP UP FERTILITY. , (Kansas Dairyman.) To a true, conscientious farmer It Is ever a momentous question, "How can I best keep up the productive power of ny land?" To such a man It seems a wicked wastefulness to rob nature of her productive power, to live his short life and turn over to the coming gen eration and the state such proof of his lack of good ctlzenshlp. For men of that kind of heart and brain, we have a word of suggestion. Crimson clover Is a plant of wonderful vigor, but It will not, usually, live through the winter north of the south ern line of Pennsylvania. Dut It can be taken advantage of In a grand way by northern farmers to enhance the fertility of their soli. At the last cultivation of the corn. bow on the fresh earth about eight to ten quarts of this clover seed. It will soon cover the ground with a dense mat of grow'h. and help to keep down the aftermath of weeds. Let It remain as long after the corn Is cut as possible before the ground freezes, then turn It under, and you have the equivalent of many loads of manure to the acre on that land. The quick and luxurant growth of crimson clover Is wonderful. In a corn field In New York, handled In this way, we dug up, In September, several roots, the size of a clay pipe Btom, with from thirty-six to forty-one leaf stalks branching therefrom. We know of no method whereby n heavy coat of manure can be placed on a corn field and more cheaply than In the way above sugegsted. FOOD COST OF BUTTER (Hoard's Dairyman.) In answer to yours of the 17th Inst., will say that I do not claim that butter can be produced at 4.2 cents per pound for feed. In my address In Connecticut I showed that with certain cows we could produce a pound of butter at 4.2 cents during the winter senson; but on the other hands, there were some cows which cost us 10 cents. During the year 1896 with us the range of coBt In producing a pound of butter was from 4.1 to 10.8 cents. The average cost from the whole herd for the entire year was G.3 cents. Dividing the herd Into two groups and placing those of the dairy type In one group and those Inclined to meat production In the second group, we find that the average yield per cow from the dairy group was 460 pounds of butter, costing S centB per pound. The net return from the dairy cows, after deducting the cost for feed at market prices, was J45.65. Taking the cows In the herd that have a medium tendency of con verting food Into flesh, we find that the group produced on an average 209 pounds of butter In a year, costing 7.7 cents per pound. The return for dairy products from this group over and above the market prices of the food consumed Is $21.10 per cow. Taking tr-e cows that have a strong tendency for flesh production we find that their an nual yield of butter was 197 pounds, costing 10.8 cents per pound. The net return per cow from this group, after deducting the cost of feed, was $8.19. T. L. HACKER. THE WORLD'S WHEAT A few days ago the bureau of satis fies at Washington Issued a report that gives Interesting facts about the world's wheat production, supply and distri bution. The wheat crop of the world last year was only 3,139 million bushels, against 2,430 million In 1896, 2,546 million In 1895 and 2,676 million In 1894, the world's crop of 1897 being smaller than that of any year since 1890, while the 1897 crop In the United States Is re ported as larger than In any year since 1891. A table showing farm prices of wheat In the United States during a term of years gives the average farm price of wheat In 1897 as the highest with three exceptions, since 1883, the exceptional years being 1883, 1890 and 1891. . WHAT IT COSTS TO SHIP THE) WHEAT. Chicago to New York By lake and canal, 4.35 cents per bushel; by lake and rail. 7.37 cents per bushel; by rail co&ts, 5.8 cents per bushels. Chicago to Liverpool By lake, canal and sea, 10.15 cents; by lake, rail and sea, 13.17 cents; by rail and sea, 18.12 cents per bushel. From New York to Liverpool By sea coats, 5.8 cents per bushel. East St. LoulB to Liverpool By New Orleans In barge, 12.89 cents per bush el; by New York, by rail and sea, 20.33 cents per bushel. From St. Louis to New Orleans By toarge costs. 4.88 cents per bushel. Wheat thus goes cheapest from Chi cago through the lakes and the Erie canal at a rate of 4 35 cents to New York and 10.15 to Liverpool. THE SOJA BEAN AND THE COW Pea We prefer the soja bean to the cow pea, either as a fodder crop to be fed green, or to be put Into the silo, for the following reasons: The soja bean, a suitable variety be ing selected, will ripen In this locality, while the cow pea will not. This en ables the farmer to produce his own seed, and. further, the plant can be allowed to reach a degree of maturity BUfllcIently advanced to make the fod der less watery, and richer In the most Important constituent.) of plant-food than the cow pea In the Immature con dition In which It must be cut. The soja bean is a considerable rich er fodder than the cow pea. The Medium Green variety, which I believe Is the very best sort for this latitude, constitutes the better basis for comparison with the cow pea. It will be noticed that this variety gives os nearly twice as much fat, more than ono and two-thirds times the amount of flesh-formers (protein), and about one and one-half times the amount of heat producers (carbo-hydrates) as la given by the cow pea. When, In the light of these facts, we consider further that the Medium Green soja bean has, upon an average, as grown here, produced as large yields as the cow pea, Its superiority becomes strikingly evident. The crops of both usually average from ten to twelve tons per acre, green weight. With a yield of ten tons, the cow pea will give us the following number of pounds of the different nutrients per acre: Fat, 140 pounds; flesh-formers, 620 pounds; hnat-producers, 1,720 pounds. The soja bean with the same crop gives us: Fat, 240 pounds; flesh-formers, 1,110 pounds; heat-producers, 2.400 pounds. These facts make the apparent superiority bf the soja bean as a fodder crop very clear. These beans are edible, and are the richest known natural vegetable prod vet. I do not believe, however, 'hat they will be as well liked for table use as some of our older varieties of beans; they are too rich and oily to suit most tastes. They are not much used directly as food, even by the Jap anese, but they are largely used In the manufacture of a table sauce known as shoyu (soy), whence, probably, the names sojn, soya, and soy. They nre, also, largely used for the manufacture of a bean cheese, which Is a favorite and largely used article ns food for horses and cattle. PROF. WILLIAM P. BROOKS. Massachusetts Agricultural College. AMERICAN BUTTER IN CHIANA J. C. Goodchild, late manager of the Hong Kong hotel, the largest hotel In the colony, Imported last year from San Francisco over 1.200 pounds of pickled and cieamery butter. He placed It on the table and his guests had to eat It. The result was that it was liked, and residents of The city fell Into the habit of bending to him for roll3 for their private use. He im ported It In barrels of 100 rolls, each roll weighing one nnd three-fourths pounds, and it was laid down in Hong Kong for from 20 to 32 cents gold per pound. ALUMINIUM SHOES FOR HORSES Russia has tried experiments with al uminium shoes for cavalry horses. A few horses In the Linlaml dragoons were shod with one aluminium shoe and three Iron shoes each, the former being on the fore foot In some cases and on the hind foot In others. The experiment lasted six weeks nnd showed that the aluminium shoes lasted longer than the Iron ones. POULTRY POINTERS. It Is said a good sign of the up-to-date farmer is his flock of poultry. The progressive farmer has no use for scrub stock of any kind. Clean out the feed troughs dally. It Is well to feed a mash at all sea sons. Never throw soft feed on th; ground. When hot weather comes stop feed ing corn. Do not expect eggs from overcrowded flocks. Underfed or overfed hens ore poor layers. Ptans make an excellent fo)d for the hens. Fermented food will kill chicks, and does kill many. Serious consequences will result from not supplying grit to confined flocks. If you want eggs and meat, too, the Plymouth Rock will do the business. Feed troughs should be large enough to give all the fuwls opportunity to feed. There is more In giving chicks good care than there Is In the kind of feed. Keep your dust box full of dry dust and keep It where the hens can get at It at will. Clean the henhouse from top to bot tom. Do it thoroughly, and do not put It off another day. Early moulting makes early layer3. This Is the advantage of saving the earliest hatched pullets. Milk, skimmed, sour or sweet. Is an excellent food for poultry, especially when you have no ground bone to feed them. Have you a barrel of lime handy? If not, get one. Make you n good stiff wash and add a little carbolic acid, then exercise yourself. A Hasty Army Marriage. The romance of young Lochlnvar, who came out of the west, and kid naped his bride by horseback, has been revised and modernized, even to the present war with Spain, by Cecil Stanley Newberry, a soldier boy from Elizabeth, N. J. Cecil was betrothed to petite and pretty Adeline Norton, one of the fair est daughters of the New Jersey town from which the gallant Cecil enlisted. Last week she visited him In camp. They had a dismally happy half hour together, and when the last train rum bled down the track their tears mingled with their klsBes. "Hurry, Addle." said Mrs. Lake, Ad dle's sister and chaperon. C ell helped Mrs. Lake upon the plat Cecil helped Mrs. Lake upon the plat form of the car. It took his a marvel lously long time to perform the same office for Addle. The train started. The girl waved a tearful farewell to her lover, and was surprised to see him run toward the rear car. "He's going to throw himself under the train," she screamed. Instead he ran through the rear car, seized her by the waist and sprang from the train. Mrs. Lake, breathless, but protesting, looked from the car window to see the couple surrounded by cheering soldiers. Years of mater nity had made Mrs. Lake too portly for the athletic feat young Newberry had accomplished. She simply did what many another chaperon has done nothing. "I couldn't let you go," said New berry, when they recovered their breath after their leap from the train. They found the Rev. Mr. Glazebrook, the "fighting parson." of the Third reg iment, and were wed with neatness and dispatch, In the presence of Major De Hart and Captain Blckel. The next morning Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Norton, stern parents, arrived In camp. "Oh, papa!" exclaimed Mrs. Cecil Newberry, before he could make any thiuiderous remarks, "who do you sup pose performed the ceremony? Guess? You never can. It was Dominie Glaze brook." The stern parents started. Mr. Norton looked remlnlscently at Mrs. Norton Mrs Norton gazed plead ingly at her spouse. "It's a good omen that the same chaplain married them who Joined us when you were leaving for the other war. Let's forgive them for being has ty, Charles." And so they did. Never borrow trouble. If the evil Is not to come, It Is useless, and so much waste; If It Is to come, best keep all your strength to meet It. Tryon Ed ward n. It Is a kind of good deed to say well: and yet words are no deeds, Shakes peare. THE CALL TO THE COLORS. "Are you ready, O Virginia, Alabama, Tennessee? People of the Southland, nnswerl For the land hath need of thee." "Here!" from sandy Rio Grande, Where the Texan horsemen ride, "Here!" the hunters of Kentucky Hall from Chattcrawha's side, Every toller In the cotton, Every rugged mountaineer, Velvet-voiced nnd Iron-handed, Lifts his head to answer "Hercl Some remain who charged with Picket, Some survive who followed Lee; They shall lead their sons to battlo For the flag If need there be." "Are you ready, California, Arizona, Idaho? 'Come, oh come, unto the colors!' Heard you not the bugle blow?" Falls a hush In San Francisco In the busy hives of trnde; In the vlneynrda of Sonoma . Fnll the pruning knife nnd spnde; In the mines of Colorado Pick and drill nre thrown aside; Idly In Seattle hnrbor Swing the tnerchnnts to the tide, And a million mlghtly voices Rolling from the rough Sierras, "You have called us nnd we come." O'er Missouri sounds the challenge O'er the grent Inkcs and the plain; "Are you rendy, Mlnnesotn? Are you ready, men of Maine?" From the woods of Ontonagon, From the farms of Illinois, From the looms of Massachusetts, "We are ready, man and boy." Axemen free, of Androscoggin, Clerks who trudge the cities' pave, Gloucester men who drng their plunder From the sullen, hungry wnves. Big-boned Swede and large-limbed Ger mnn, Celt and Saxon swell the call, And the Adlrondneks echo: "We are ready, one nnd nil." Truce to feud and peace to faction I All forgot is party zeal When the warships clear for action, When the blue battalions wheel. Europe boasts her standing armies Serfs who blindly light by trade; We have seven million soldiers, And n soul guides every blade. Lnborers with arm nnd mnttock, Laborers with brain and pen. Railroad prince and rnllrond brake man Build our line of fighting men. Flng of righteous war! close mustered Gleam the bayonets, row on row, Where thy stars are sternly clustered, With their daggers toward the foe. GENERAL ANTONIO MAGEO. One more characteristic Indlcent In the life of General Antonio Maceo. As the years roll by he will undoubtedly loom up as the heroic figure In the Jong and bitter struggle for Cuban free dom. His patriotism was entirely un tained with selfishness. His heart beat for Cuba, and Cuba alone. His whole family perished In the war. No cuelty Htalns his record. Of unquestioned military genius, hiB ceaseless energy was second only to his tact and fuie past. In recourse he was boundless; In bravery unsurpassed; In prudence a mnrvel. Obeying orders himself, he commanded obedience from others. Out rages upon non-combatants were re morselessly punished. The blnck sol diers of Flor Crombet quickly learned to fear and respect him. Two of them were charged with assaulting defense less Cuban women on the outskirts of a town garrisoned by Spaniards. The evidence was clear and Irrefutable. On the finding of a court martial they were sentenced to death. In vain did Crom bet and Quintin Bandera urge Maceo to pardon them. The orders against such outrages were Imperative. The strictest discipline must be maintained, and It was not a case where Justice pould be tempered with mercy. Both men were hanged In front of the cump. and henceforth Maceo's men were as i orderly and as obedient as solldlers of Sparta. No one was axcepted In camp regulations. Even the newspaper cor respondents were held to as strict ac count In the line of march or elsewhere as the. humblest soldier. Maceo was no respecter of persons when orders were disobeyed, he had few or no favorites. Always thoughful and wary, he never fclept unless he fancied himself In per fect security. Any story that sheds light upon the character and career of this extraordin ary man must prove of more than or dinary Interest. This Incident occurred after the battle of Paralejo, where San toclldes was killed, and Martinez Cam pos escaped to Bayamo, leaving his routed army behind him. Flor Crombet had fallen In battle several days before this fight, and Marti had been killed In an Insignificant fight at Dos Ross. Go mez had passed Into Cam&guay to add Are to the Insurrection In the province of Santiago. To him was Campos In debted for his defeat. He escaped cap ture as If by Intuition. A new snare had been spread for him Maceo after the death of Santoclldes, and he was (already within its meshes, when Intui tively divining the situation, he came to an nbout face and fled to Bayamo by an unused road, covered by an impass able thicket In the rear of Maceo's vic torious troops. The Spaniards were rapidly rein forced after the escape to Bayamo, and Maceo with Quintin Bandera began to fall back to his Impregnable mountain retreat at Jarahulca. This was In the heart of Santiago de Cuba, over a hun dred miles northeast of the port of Santiago. His war-worn army needed rest, recruits, and supplies. Once In his mountain fastness he was perfectly secure, as no Spanish army would trust Itself In the rocky range. News of his movements had reached Santiago, and a tremendous effort was being maJp head him off at San Luis, a railroad town fifteen miles northwest of that city. Nothing, however, escaped the observation of the Cuban general. With wonderful prescience he anticipated tht movements of the Spaniards. His troop, era were armed with machetes and the infantry with rifles and ammunition captured at Paralejo. Bandera com manded this band of blacks. The march had been terrific, and horses and men were nearly fagged. With sparse sup plies the pace had been kept up for hours. The Bun hnd gone down, and the moon was flooding the fronds of the palms with pale, silvery light. Maceo held a short conference with Quintin Bandera, and not long afterward the blacks wheeled In column and disap peared. Meantime the Cuban cavalry continued Its course. By midnight It had reached Cemetery hill, overlooking the town of San Luis. The moon was half way down the sky. Maceo sat upon his horse surveying the scene be low him long and silently. The little town was aglow with electric lights and the whistle of locomotives resounJed In the valley. Over three thousand Span ish troops were quartered In the town, and their movements were plainly dis cernible. Trains were arriving hourly from Santiago bearing strong rein forcement. Through a field glass he watched the stirring scene. He turned the glass beyond the town and gazed through it patiently, betraying a trace of anxiety. Finally he nllghted and con ferred with Colonel Mlro, his chief cf staff. A moment nfterwnrd came the order to dismount. Three hundred troopers obeyed, when they were called l" attention. A second order reached their ears. They were told to rtanrt motionless with both feet on the ground and to awnlt further orders, with thtlr hands on their saddles. In the moon light beneath the scattered palms thty stood ns silent as If petrified. Among them was a newspaper cor respondent, who had known Maceo many yenis, and who had parted with him nt Port Llmon In Central America n few months before He ha 1 Joined the column Just after the battle f alejo. In obedience to orders ne stool with his arm over the hnck of nls horse, blinking nt the enlivening scene below him. Exhausted by the day's mnrch his eyes closed nnd he found It Impos sible to keep nwake. A momqtil later he fastened the bridle to his foot, trap ped himself In his rubber cont and fill nslcep In the wet grass. The adjutant soon nwoke him. telling him that lie had better get up, ns they were g'dng to have a light. He thanked the adju tant, who told him there were J.uOO Spanish soldlcts In Snn Luis, and that It was surrounded with fourteen block houses. The correspondent soon cm led himself on the ginss a second lima nnd was In a sound slumber, when he was again nroused by the adjutant, who told him he was In positive dnnger If he per sisted In disobeying the order of Gcn eial Maceo. A third time his heavy eyelids closed and ho was In a dead sleep when startled by n peremptory shake, Jesus Mnseons, Maceo's private sceietnry, stood over him. "eOt up this Instant," snld he. "The general wants to see you Immediately." In a second that conespondent wns on his feet. The whistles were still blow ing and the electric lights still glow ing In the valley, nnd the moon whp on the horizon. He went forward In some ticpldatlon, fancying thnt the general was going to lipid aid him for disobeying his orders. He was surprised to find him very pleasant. Maceo always spoke in a low tone, ns he had been shot twice through the lungs. "Are you not hungry?" "No," the correspondent replied, won dering what was In the wind. "1 thought possibly you might wnnt something to cat," General Maceo said, "I have a boiled egg here nnd I wnnt to divide It with you." As he uttered these wordB he drew out his mnchcte and cut the egg straight through tho center. Passing half of It to the cor rcspondent he said: "Share It; It will do you good." The newspaper man thanked the general and they ate tho egg In silence. He said afterward that the Incident reminded him of General Marlon's breakfast with a British oifl cer. He had read the story In Peter Parley's History of the Revolution when a school boy. Marlon rnked a baked sweet potato out of the ashes of a camp fire and divided It with his British guest. The olllcer regretted tho absence of salt, and the correspondent Bald he experienced the same regret when he ate his portion of General Maceo's egg. After munching the egg both men sat for some time observing the stirring scene In the vulley below them. This moon had gone down, but In the glow of the electric lights they could see that the activity among the Spaniards was as great as ever. Suddenly Maceo turned to the conespondent and said abruptly: "Were you asleep when Jesus called you?" "Oh, no," the correspondent replied, "I wns not osleep; 1 was only Just tired that was all." The general looked nt him earching ly, and then said: "Don't worry, it Ib all right. We are going through that town In a few minutes. There ii ay bo a fierce fight and you will need a clear head. The egg will give you strength." Within twenty mlnuteB the llttl. col umns of 300 men were on the move. They led their horses down the bill about an hour before daybrak with the general In the lead. Silently and stealthily they entered the outskirts of the town. The colunmB passed two blockhouses without being observed und at the break of day were beyond the town on the main road to Banabacoa. Meanwhile the Spaniards had discov ered them. The town was aroused and 150 Spanish cavalry headed the pursuit, the road wound through fields of cane. A strong column of Spanish Infantry followed the cavalry. Maceo held his men In reserve and continued his march, the Spanish troopers trailing after them like so many wildcats. Sud denly, to their nstonlshment, Quintin Bandera's infantry arose on either side of the road and almoBt annihilated the pursuing column. Those that escaped alarmed the columnB of Infantry, who returned to San Luis and began to fortify themselves. Maceo and Bandera camped on the estate of Mcjorana, about eIx miles away. It was here that Marti, Gomez, the two Maceos, Crombet, Guerra and Rabl met not long berorc this to Inaugurate the new revolution. Bandera and Macoe found plenty of provisions at the estate, but no bread. A small Cuban boy was sent to She Spanish commander at San Luis with a note requesting him to be so kind as to send some brend to visitors at me Mejorana plantation. The boy deliv ered the note and the Spanish com mander asked him who sent htm. With out a moment's hesitation he replied: "General Gomez." The Spanish official laughed and replied: "Very well. A supply of bread will be sent. It will not be necessary for Maceo to come after It." What Is more remarkable Is the fact that Maceo told the cor respondent before hand that the bread would be sent, as the Spaniards had been so frightened by Bandera on the previous day that they did not want to Invite another attack. That very evening the boy returned conveying many bags of bread. The Spaniards re mained within the town until Maceo has rested his army nnd departed for Jarahulca. . "By George, that was a eavage fight! What was the trouble?" the Cleveland Leader quotes one of them as saying. "Oh. It was about the war." "Ah! one of them Is a Spaniard, I suppose?" "No; one of them claimed It was Sun day evening when Dewey took Manila, and the other held that Is wasn't don until Monday morning, our time." "What blamed foola to fight over a thing of that kind. Which do you think was right?" "I think It was Sunday evening. You see " "I beg your pardon, sir, but you ar away off there. It was Saturday, our time. Now let me expla " "I've looked this matter up mystlf, and know Just what I am talking about. If you'll Just give me a chance I can show you In a minute. Suppose that It was" "Say, I want you to understand tha. I know Just as much about these things as the next man. You may think you have a copyright on human knowledge, but there are a few others. Now, If you're not Incapable of listening to ar gument, I can convince you In Just a minute that It was" "Oh, who cares for your explanation? Let me tell you how it Is. You 6ee " "You're a blamed fool!" Bang! Thwack! Z-z-r-r-rlp! Ill RAPID FIRE QUN9. Rnpld fire guns are guns In whlcli the manipulation of the piece Is greatlj facilitated by having the charge ol powder and shot put up together ai one, quite after the manner of small arm iimunltlon. An essential to secuu this rapidity of fire Is dispatch In hnnd ling ammunition loading, firing anc loading ngnln. Hence It Is nt mntter oi the first Importance to have the nminii nltlon arranged with this object Ir view. Copper cylinders nre usually the means employed. This employment ol metallic cartridge cases to hold tin shot and shell renders unnecessary the sponging of the gun after each round as must bo done with other synteniB ol binding, for nny hot residue would be of gient danger In ordinary guns ir no! lemoved or cooled by sponging. HucV burning fingments could do no harm tr a powder chnrge sealed up In n ineta' case; so the time usually given ti sponging the gun Is saved. Again, Ir ordinal y guns consldeiable delay usu ally occurs from having to Insert In the vent a primer, and from having tc extract the old one. In the rapid lire gun ammunition the primer Is alread attached to the base of the enne, nnc Is exploded by a firing pin Just as it Is, and In precisely the same wanner n In a small arm, and hence all the time ordlnnrlly nettled to prime the chnrgt Is therefore saved. The rapid flrt gun wns develop 1 froir the machine gun, the French niltrtllle use being the first successful piece ol this nntuio. It gained gicnt notoriety dining the Ftnnco-German war, and extiaordliiiiry icsults were jxp?etc0 from It. The mltrallleus, however, win not altogether so elllt'iuious as was an. tlclpated, Mill It showed the way, wiil-h Gatllng wns tint slow to follow, Kit was Nordenfeldt fnr behind, and several other Inventing wrc soon In the Held THE TORPEDO BOAT It was during this time 1875-78 thai the torptlo btnt shot Into piimlnenoe, long, low, nri.ily Invisible, ns swift t.s nn arrow, cairylng a (Until tleallnp weapon to fright the souls of fearful adversnilHH. Everything in the way of offensive sea warfare was expect d of thse craft, Indeed they were thought by some oapable men notably French- rrwintri tin Mm ntm .lnMof tn timiitl i.ln ) v , .. WIIV Vt, liJi V I 111 14 1 VJt'" tnent cf fU-crgth of the future. Ho4-''. . kiss, a name synonymous with small caliber rapid fire guns, came tti the assistance of those who were deter I mined that seme means must be found 1 to annihilate these toipedo boats, bring. ing forward the revolving ennnon of several sizes of bore. In pieces of this type each barrel, usually four In num. ber, wus revolved by crank genr until It came opposite a stationary chamber, where the projectile was Inserted nnd then fired, all by the turning of n crank. About an Inch and n hnlf diameter was found to the largest size of barrel that could be advantageously operated by the gearing; above that the weight was too heavy for the gun to be worked as a machine gun. While the machine gun was growing In power nnd efllclency so wob the torpedo boat; Its size wns Increased and the boilerB were arranged so ns to be protected against these revolving can- , non projectiles by coal; then It became necessary to provide guns possessing not only the quality of rapidity of fire, but discharging heavier projectiles with higher velocity. The success attending using of metal cartridge cases for hold . Ing the ammunition of the large revolv- I Ing cannon demonstrated the practlblll. lty of constructing heuvler guns to fire the same description of ammunition, I and It wns also recognized thnt better reBUits could be gained by giving up the mechanical loading such as was common to guns of more than one bnrrel and Instead to design the gun with only one bnrrel. Again Hotchklss nnd Nordenfeldt appenr to have been the first to adopt this Improvement, though other gun designers soon fol lowed suit. THE THREE AND RIX-POUNDERS. The results of the labors of these two Inventors were the production of the first rapid fire guns using shot weighing three pounds nnd six pounds. Subsequently the one-pounder wus manufactured. These calibers nre the ones used today In our service. Lntterly the six-pounder has been supplied alone to our new ships. From the three pounder and one-pounder about thirty shots a minute can be fired by n trained crew, and from the six-pounder about twenty-fire. This speed will not be considered too great when It Is recol lected that a torpedo boat has to be repelled or destroyed from say 1,000 yards to 400 yards, during an Interval of less than a minute. Moreover, ns torpedo attacks will probably he made by several boats at the same time and from different quarters. It Is evident that a large number of quick firing guns must be Included In the arma ment of nil men-of-wnr. They are therefore placed on board Ehlp wherever there Is room for them, nnd In such positions that several guns enn always be concentrated on nny point. Thus tney are round in the tops, on the poop, forecastle, superstructure, on brldg3s, In nny spare port, on the main deck, and In the porta of the captain's cabin, where they protect the stern nnd the propellers. The Hotchklss three and four-pounder guns mounted on board our ships are made at the Colt works, Hartford, Conn., entirely of steel, In two principal parts, the barrel and the Jacket, the latter being shtunk on the firearm. The Jacket carries the breech mechanism, which Is on the falling breech principle, and Is worked by a two handled lever on the right of the gun. TO MAN THE GUN. To load the piece, point It, fire It, etc. In other words, to man a three or slx-pounder gun requires a crew of four men. No. 1 Ib the captain of the gun. He does the sighting, pointing nnd firing, and he commaands the men of that gun. No. 2 attends at the breech, opening and closing It and wiping It off. No. 3 does the loading. Inserting the cartridge, and generally sees to the ammunition at the gun. No. 4 carries the ammunition from the boxes where It Is kept and hands It to No. 3. He nlso takes off the empty case and lays It aside out of the way. Usually there are two more men as signed to each gun. Their duties are to provide ammunition and keep the supply equal to the demand. One man, of course, car do everything himself, but not so quickly as two or three or four. More than four cannot be util ized to nny ndvantage about the gun. To have sufficient ammunition on hnnd Is a most Important matter, for If n torpedo boat be coming on Johnny will need to get his gun quick. The ammunition Is stored In wooden boxes, each cartridge so that It cannot touch the ndjolnlng one. and also so that neither the point of the projectile nor the base of the cartridge case carrying the primer shall be In contact with anything. Usually there are about a dozen slx-pounder rounds In a box, nbout sixteen rounds In a three-pounder box and nearly twice as many In a one. pounder. The oyster Is one of the strongest of creatures, nnd the force required to open It Is more than 1,300 times Its own weight. HSW DEWEY WON HIS WIPB, It was nt Portsmouth that Lieutenant Dewey first met the sweet-faced llttl woman who afterward became his wife. She was Ml-s Susie Goodwin, a daugh ter of doughty old Ichabod Goodwin, the war governor of New Hampshire) and known far and wide as "Fighting Governor Goodwin." In his way Gov ernor Goodwin was a popular hertTln the early days of the civil war, quite ns much ns Is his distinguished son-in-law today. Like many another of the "war governors" of the north, Icha bod Goodwin was nn old school demo crut of the Jnckson stripe. Nullifica tion or secession he could not stand, nnd when President Lincoln's flrnt call for volunteers came nnd found the New Hampshire legislature not In session, the loynl old governor put hla hands deep Into his pockets nnd at his per sonal expense fitted out a regiment of fighting men and sent them to the front, trusting to the honor of the people of Now Hampshire to reimburse him at the proper time. "Fighting Governor Goodwin" wns known far nnd wldo In those days; village streets were named In his honor, likewise babies galore; and to this day the old Portland, Saco nnd INsmouth locomotive "Governor Goodwin," thirty years old or more, goes pulling and snorting along tho shore road which connects Portsmouth with points, east nnd west. Two gallant navnl olllcers were gen erally HiipptiBtd to have been rlvnls for the heart and hand of Suslo Good win. They were Lieutenant Dewey ami Commander Rhlntl, the latter then pre paring for a cruise In foreign water as fommunder of the Narrngnnsctt. Tho calls of the one alternated with those of the other, and the dear old gossips Jn Portsmouth society wondered what would be the outcome of It all. Th lleiitenunt, however, won his suit. Commander Rhlnd sailed away In his fine old ship and Lieutenant Dewey nnd Miss Goodwin were married. It Is recalled now that the odds were against the old nnd more dignified ofllcer be cause, In addition to the grenter favor which the young lieutenant hud won In the eyeH of the young woman, there wns the nld which was thrown Into tho balance by her futher, the "fighting r;o crr.or." "Geirg? Is sort of reckless somc llni's." the old gcntlemnn once re rr!i5d, "but hand me If I can help HUng him. He's honest nnd full of g-'t, and he'll be heard from one of these days." 1,'eutcnnnt Dewey nnd Miss Susl Goodwin were mnrrled October 24, 1S67 nnd following the wedding a reception wns held In the fine old Gcodwln home stead, which Is Htlll standing on onsr of the quiet, elm-shaded streets of Portsmouth, and occupied by members of the Goodwin family. Shortly after their marriage the young couple were compelled to separ ate for a time, Lieutenant Dewey hav ing been ordered to sea. For two year he was on the European station, hlti wife temalnlng In Portsmouth. Return ing to Amerlen, he was, oddly enough assigned to the command of the Narra gansett, relieving his former rival. Commander Rhlnd, The one great sor row of his life enme a little later. This, wns In 1872. He had been promoted to be commander and luck seemed to be running strongly his way.t Tho young wife wus spending a summer In Newport and preparations were being; made for nn event which It wns hoped would crown with Joy their wedded life. A son was born December 2.7, but a week Inter the mother died. The boy wns christened George Goodwin, In honor of his proud grandfather. He Is now a splendid fellow of 28, a grad uate of Princeton, and a "chip of the old block." This boy Is George Goodwin Dewey, now well Htarted on a mercan tile career In New York, and whose al leged portrait has recently appeared In half the newspapers of the country. After the loss of his wife, Commander Dewey fnced the world bravely, but those who know him well say that hie soul was sorely tried, while his Bister Is authority for the statement that hs felt as If In no little measure his career had ended at the grave of his wife. Years have not entirely blotted out this feeling, but, according to a Wash ington story, our hern of Manila has not been entirely proof against Cupld'B mischievous glances. As the story goes, it was not so very long ago that th? gallant Dewey was eclipsed by a certain diplomat attached to one of the lega tions In Washington, and a Spanish: diplomat at that. 'Since then," says my Informant, "Dewey has shown lit tle If any love for the diplomat In ques tion or for the Dons In general. The fact Is, at least one may suspect so, her had something besides the Maine to remember when he lined up his ships before the Spanish fleet in Manila bay. Is This Grant's Son. Colonel Grant, who has been the idol of his men, developed a streak of rigid discipline on receipt of orders to take his regiment sruth and It increased dur ing the Jay. The fact that his battal ions were not mustered in until late In the afternoon, though it had been In tended to have the ceremony early In the morning, may have ruined him. Private John C. Helcht of company C aroused Colonel Grant's anger by a request for leave to go home to visit his mother, who, he said, was dying. He approached Colonel Grant in person,, with his sister. "I cannot grant your request," Col onel Grant said. "Do you know that X have a margin of only four men in thf regiment?" "I'll Join the regiment In two days,"' pleaded the soldier, "and pay my own railroad fare." Colonel Grant was obdurate. Hefcht sald: "I must resign, then, sir, and go home anyway." "Step back three paces and standi at attention," thundered the colonel. He sent for Captain Avery of company C. When he arrived Colonel Grant said; "Take this man to his company, strlp him of his uniform and send htm out of the camp In disgrace. I Intend to make an example of him." As Helcht left I asked Colonel Grantt, what caused his sudden harshness'. "The camp Is overrun with wqmetit begging leave pf absence for men," he unswered. "I am going to Hop It." I found among the men entire sym pathy with Helcht. Not a member oC the drum cotps would have consented to beat a note for his disgrace and Cap tain Avery, though he did not say sc hlmself, would have left the carrying: out of the order to Colonel Grant. Th captain sent Helcht's sister to Brooklyn for his clothes and left him In his tent: during the mustering ceremony Officers of high rank, who naturally refused to criticise Colonel Grant's ac tion, said they knew of no section or the military code authorising suchs measures When the men returned from the; mustering Captnln Avery had a talk: with Colonel Grant nnd Helcht was al lowed to go In me In peece Miss Helcht said to me as she left that she had never been so henrtlessly treated In. her life She said she had tried1 several times to explain mnttres to Colonel Grant, but he waved her aside without giving her an opportunity to' say e, wot d.