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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1898)
h I Ml lUMfrll Bliopplnr; In London. One of tuoarronoous iwpronions mat i . . 4 . t I Ainerlocuts nave noiuro tuey try snop ping lu. London is Hint thingM arc ru innrkiibly cheap there, inid when tkoy ro sst right by ucttin) experience with tlio fneliimmblo drcwninkers and htibur lnslnrs they got n ucoud luistnlccn Idea bnt Kngllsb tradesmen nro extraordi narily unoiril. This nil nrUoii from tbu .liiTcrent customs that govern rotnil tisiucsaiii tho two countries. IiiAmar jon wo ixiy cash for goodH ur settlo our jcroauts monthly. In England, how ever, accounts nro supposed to bo ron 'Icrctl quarterly, nntl it bus frequently happened tbnt becutiso sonio pittroiiK ImvaiiKicinl in om lucuco that gives thotr trnilo vnluo us nu advertisement tbo -hopkeeper bus allowed their nocouuts to run for tbreo nml four years. Other patrons bavo demanded tbo sumo privi lgos nml have nbtihod tlioiu, and tbo re Milt is that to coinpeiicnto for interest ou intumy owing by Kilvout debtors and for tbo minis lout through thoso who novor pay tbo trndosinan chnrgo8 i goodly profit on all his goods, and tbo prices aro nocordingly high, On tiio other bund, Aiiierienu women shopping abroad seem to bo bargain mad, and tboir ef forts to beat down prices inspire tbo truilosinau with iniich tbu tumu fooling tliutawoll trained butlor experiences when bis uouvuau riobo nitistur euono nu bis wlncn. In fact, looking for IjiirmtiiiH in Baud street is folly. Sun Frnuciseo Argonaut. Lord llyron. Ilnro ia n now light on tbo cbaractor of Lord liyrou. Tbu quotation is from a letter by .John Murray: "Lord Byron is a curious man. Ho gnvo me, as I told you, the copyright of Ins nuw poems, to bo printed only in bis works. I did not rcceivo tbo last until Tuesday night. I was so delighted with it that oven as 1 read I sent bim n draft for 1,000 guineas. Tbo two pooniH aro altogether no more than 1,200 and 1,000 lines and will together sell for Gs. (3d. But bo returned tbo draft, say lug that itwaaveryliberal much moro than tboy were worth; that 1 was per fectly welcome to both poems to print in bis (collected) works without cost or expectation, but that bo did not think thorn equal to what tboy ought to bo, aud that ho would not admit of tboir eopurato publication. "I went yesterday, and ho wiih rally ing mo upon my folly iu offering so much uml that lio dared to say I thought now I had a most lucky csuapo. " 'To provo how much I think so, my lord,' said I. Mo mo tbo favor to ac cept this poekotbook,' in which 1 bad brought with mo tbo drait, changed in to two bank uotos of 1,000 and 50, but ho would nut tako it." A TrniiHforumtlou. Soon after my arrival in Loipsio my attention was caljed' ouu day to an eld erly gentleman on tho street! "Do you sou that old gentleman with tbo big soft felt but, tbo bluo glasses and tbo big umbrella?" "You liiean tbu onowhp is shambling along as if bu wero liot just euro wbero bo is going?" "Yes, but you ebonld not speak bo disrespectfully of tho greatest of living . psychologists. But tho mistako was pardonable, for few would bavo supposed that bu was not soiuo plain villago burgher who bud juBt comu up to town aud lelt some what lost in tho big city. Ouoo in Wundt's leeturo room, bowovcr, ouo receives n very different impression of him. Ah tho great philosopher pours forth ouo of his learned discourses those plain features light up, bis bearing be comes dignified and impressive, and you no lougcr think of tho ungainly walk nud tho quaint liiauuerisuis. ' jRouuoko Collegian. On tho Wronir Truck. Slims recently received privato infor mation that bis sou was not confining .himself strictly to tbo straight and nar row path. There were ugly rumors tbnt tbo young man played cards and bet on .tho hordes, Slims determined to double Jiis parental vigilance. The other even ing bu turned to tho young man who was deep ju u newspaper and inquired sharply, "What aro you reading, son?" "A column under tho head of 'What tbo Book Makers Aro Doing?' " "I'll toll you what tboy aro doing, sir," said tbo old man severely. "They aro liviug luxuriously this winter aud laying tlieir pluus to (lecco tucb lambs 'as yon next season. Tboy keep up tho raco tracks aud got rich by fooling uoodlo pates like you. I've beard all nbout you, sir, and your wild ways. Ordor that paper stopped. What aro ,you laughing at, you young rascal;"' "At your Hirprising knowledge- of horse raco methods. 1 was reading thq literary reviews." Detroit Freo Press. AualysU of a Frenchman. A Frenchman, sleeps iu italics, snores !n small capitals, talks iu thunder, ges ticulates iu cyclone and acta in tornado. Ho feels it nil aud means Jess than one tenth of it. Not that tho uino-toutba aro hypocrisy, but that tboy aro dra matio froth, discounted iu filial solution it tho bank of effervescence Brooklyn Eagle. HU Fuvorlto Author. Noosel All, you're n litorary man, eb? Who's your favorite author; , Author Witcholl. "Witcboll? ' Witcholl? Don't think I know him." "Apparently not. My card, sir.' Philadelphia Record. Ourllc In Anclout. Gurlio caiue from Afiiit utitl has been ased fiiuoo tho carliost tiiiius. It formed ,lart of tbu tliot of tho Israolitos iu igypt and was uhl by Greuk and Ko luau uoltliera aud Africuu pcusautu. The Uouejmoou'a Orljlu. Tbo inodoru boueymoou trip origi nated in tbe days of George JI aud ipaed )y camo iuto uoueral uto. .aMf MwwinftiH' nn-irmiBi.. lHafltntm h'f r Ctk.M & WNJMt7i A Pulillc Holiday ... . CJovornor Jlolc.oinu .jxsuei the f6l!mvin; proflainiition: 'l'o llio Pooplo of llio Slulo Of V..I at... ' 'PI.., t. 'J'lio licmiijiiiijr of H iUHI M.TIlil. now epoch iu tho history of llio TrAiis-MissiHsippi country, and especially NohniBlm, will bu mark ed by tho opening of tho Tiiiik Mitsnissippi mid International Ex position at Oin'-ha, tho first day of .lime, tin present year. This great cntorpriso had its in ception in tho action of tho Trans Mississippi congress of IP'.IG, at tended by accredited delegates from twenty-four states and terri tories. To tho end that friendly lies and closer commercial rolntious might bu promoted between the different states and territories, and that the progress of this great section of our country and its marvelous opportunities might be displayed advantageously. It was determined to hold an exposi tion of tho products and resources tho manufactures, arts and in dustries of tho west tit. Omaha during the present year. With a high appreciation of tho responsi bility imposed, as well as tho honor conferred, by the selection of its melroplis as the place of exhibition, the people of Nebraska, and especially of the city of Omaha, have spared neither dibit nor money in doing their part to make tho exposition a success. The state, by legislative appropiation aud citizens, by generous contri butions, have made possible tho wonderful achievement iu making this enterprise as it will be, ouo of the great expositions held on American soil. A new city has sprung up as if by magic on tho outskirts of tho NobrasUa metrop olis and for tivo months its wond ers will attract vis; tors from every section of our country, from overy quarter of tho globe. Tho gates aro ready to be thrown opon. Now, therefore I, Silas A. JIol comb, governor of the stato of Nubrnsjvii. do hereby designate and proclaim Wednesday, Juno 1, A. D. 185)8, a public holidaj, and douoininnlo it. Exposition Hay. To tho ceremonies attending tho oponing of the magnificent display ot the prom-ess of the Trans- Mississippi country, it is hoped many people from throughout tho country will come, and especially do I request and urge that citizens of Nebraska, who may conven iently do so, bo in attendance on this occasion, by their presence showing their interest in tho enter prise, aud assisting in making the day niemorablo in tho history of tbo state. The importance of tho exposition, and the responsibility resting upon every citizen of tho htato to support it to the oxtont of his ability is, I am confident fully appreciated by all. In testimony wherepf, 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused to bo affixed tho groat seal of the .state of Nebraska. Done at Lin coln, this fourteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety eight, tho thirty-second year of the otate, and of tho inde pendence of tho United States the one hundred and twenty-second. MKKTJXQ Ol' UOAltD OV KO.UAL1ZA TJON. Hemingford, Nob., May 9, 38US. The County Connni.-sioners will meet as a Hoard of Equalization in this ollico on Tuesday, Juno Mth 189S and remain in sosion not less than three days. Any com plaints against tbo lbl)S assessment should be made at that time. E.Al. I'mars, County Clerk. A Map of Unitecj States. Sond me lTic fetannjB ami L will mail you a map of the United States, three feet four inches wide nml live feet threo inches long. Painted in six colors. Mounted on rollers. Shows every state, county, important town, and rail road iu the United States New edition, just received, contains 4en handsome half-tone pictures of principal buildings of tho Trail s Misaisippi Exposition. J. FltAXCIS, Geiiortil Passongor Agent, Bur lington ltouto, Omaha, Nob, Final ProofNotices. J. V. WI5UN..TIt.. Hvttr. W. It AK KIM. Urn-elver. Portion linrlna lintloott In tlit minimi nrn tr ntieM'il in ivnil the xuliii'cupfiilly nml report to tills olllce fur eiirrwtion nny errnm Hint amy fxUl. 'ITiIm will prevent ihihhIIiIh iMnj In tnnklint proof. U H. Utnl OMfo. AlllftiH-c. Nh1 , Miiy -jb, 1W3. Nutlet) Ik lieml.y Hint JolntjH. Shirk, of Hi'mtticfiiril, Nob., Im filed nntlrftiif Inten tion to uiiili" liiinl proof Imfoio T. .1. O'Kiiifp, U.S. ('ointiiiMKloiii'r. lit IiIn il!ln In llcmlnit font. NpIi., on thn'Jml dny or .Inly on timber I'lillnrnnpplli'ntion No. 104 for tliern i bw'JI I .. rtt ti f AOitr ' Ilii nmnpH nu wltneiKP! .Inlin MlclmoUoii, Henry .MicluixUon. O. K llownlioruwr, I-'rinl Alilej, nil of licmliiitforil Nell. Alto Ntitk'o Ih lierehy uen tlmt Nelson 13. Sbonquist, of Omnlin, NVIi., linn II led notice of intention to liiiiku llnnl iiroof nt 'i-niiin time nml place mi 1 1 IiiIxt onlturo nipllciUlo;i No. IIIU. fortlioooU M-Olll. tpSMl TTi'iw. ' ' Iln tinmen ni WltnenWH: .lolin I Itnznnl. of lleniiiiKforil, Nell., Ixmi llriuidle, IMwin K. l'nrd, KoiiIh UoinriulioiiKen, of l.nwii. Nell. J V. Wciin. Jt-. HenlHtor Land Ollico nt AUInnro. Neb.. Miiy IS. 1WS. Notice in lioreby Klien tlmt the following named imtttnr Iiiih flloil nfitlce of lili Intoiition tomnlte llnnl proof In nupportof lilsolniin, uml tlmt wild moot will be tmiilu butoie T. .) O'Keefe, t. H. ronimlnloner. lit HemiiiKfuid, Nub., on Junu IV, I Mi;1, r.: Deltie May Hickot. nee rollnWH, who Jnnilo h c f.o. SMI, for tbo no U him! IU, tp Stiii, r 4 It w. Slioiminos tliufollnulnt; vltnu4s0t to provo bor continuous roMdcnco tipon nml cnltlviitlon of Mini land, viz. Al Scrllmur. Duulup. eb. A u nin H, Krittil. I'luirlcsW. Mlmird, liUi.Nub. Ol.trk Hicket, MetniiiHford, Vob. .1. W. Wmin. Itcplster. U.S. I. uml Olllce. Alllnnce, Neb.. Vny 2i, l!ns, Notioo in liereby ciien tbnt tlm followini; nnntPil pettier liMH fdeit notice of ilitentlon t innko liiml proof in support of bin elnini, nml tbnt, Mild proof will bo iiinibt before MckIhIit nml Heculvernt Alienee, Nob., on Inly2, 1MM, Thomas O'Keoffo, of llemiiiRford, Neb., win, nmde llil entry No. Tlfl for the. n e wv 31. tp2G n, r 18 w. He niMiii'H tin fullowiiiK witnomen tr prove IiIh ciintlnnouH residence upon unit rnltiiiitioii of kaIiI Innd, viz:' .lobn HlriiHiik, Arthur H. drove, l'eter JIoIkuiii, l'ntrick II. Dillon, nlj of Alllniion, Neb. J. W. Welm. Jr.. lteKiide.-. V. S. I.nnd Onlce, Alllnnco, Neb. Mur. 17. J Bin1. Notice Is lioteby t;icn tbnt t lie follouim; mimed sutler bus tllcil bis Intention to iiihIu fltml pioof In Mipixiit of bis elulm. nml tbnt Mild pioof will bo niiido beforo T. J. O'ICeeftj. t'. S. Ciiniiiilssluiiur, lit llimiliiufonl, Nub., on Juno H, 1W, lz: Vaclav Vojraska, of lleinlnyford. xob.. wbo inmlo It n No. 12.'0, mi i r sec ai. tji 'is ii. r 4S w. lie tiunies tlio fnllitwItiK witness's tojirnvo bis continuous tcshlciico upon iiuil cultlviillon of. wild liiml, viz: Henry 1'eltz, Albert M'lson, lobn Jolluuk, (Irnut Aloxtindcr. nil of HciuUk fonl, Mdi, J . V. Welm. jr., ItcKlntitr. I.tindOnicc nt Alllnneo, Neb., April 27, 1KM". N.M.) Is buieby uvn tlmt tbo following liltmctKeltlur lists tiled notice of IiIn Intention to i '.,.i,e Until proof In support of bis claim mid tlmt wild proof will bo niatlu before) T. .1 ) ivoefo, V. . ( (iniinlssltini'r, tit Nob., on Juno ), 1MW. vir.: 1 leu. Innfonl, (Jeoriro A. Fondricb, of UemliiKford. Nebrnsbii. who imido hellTIS for thu S su )4, y m) U Mu ;i. niv U no !i .sec 111, IpVMn, r-i'iw. Honnmus tlio fnllolnK witnesses to proie blNi'ontlmumsrosldouco upon nml cultiwitlou of Mild Intnl. vU: llnnioy I'Jtts, LuiIuIk' Jude. .lobn Iviiufmuu, Ohnrlus IV. euiilli, nil of Hem lm;fotil,.NUli. J. W. Wkii.v .lit. IfeRlsler. in Tin-: county roL'itT ok nox nrrru COUNTY NlUUtASKA. In llic innttrr of tbo Petition for the i Adoption of Wilbort Wurren. InfuiiL t OK I) Kit OK I1KAK1NO Upon Ibc tllliiL' uml r.inillnir of tliol'ctltlon of I.iii-h K. T'odnes pnulnv for tnc ndo))ttou of W llboi t Viirieu, tlm liifunt child or William I Wiirrou mid Adu Wnrien, both ceceused. it Is ordcicd tlmt n ileuriiiK be hud upon suid uuitter , on tbo (ith day of June A 1). Is'i. ut the County Court IJooin lu Ik'intuitford. Ilox lluttel'ountv. Nelniisku ut which uti.v poison Inlereste. may appear and show cause uhv suld petition I should not lip gnint I'd. n nil the said child u.mpt- . ed by Iars K l''odnes iird llerth.i Kodnes of llox HultK Countv, nud that duo notice of this hiiUiliiu bo ;di't by publication foi four coii seeutlvo weeks. In testimony whereof I lmve hereunto set my hamltiud ufllxcil my ofllckil seal this Mil day of Mn.v A. U. iML-i. Si:ai. JAa. II. II. IIuwKi-r. county JudKu. in tiik msTitirr couut ok nox uutte t'OUNTY, MUlUASKA. John Kinder, l'lnintllT. 1 NV-lllo PehUint7. NOTICK. Henry J. Sehlimtr., and 1 V. A. Coiirscn. DufoniliintK. ) W. A. CnurM'n, defondant. will tako notice that on the '.tub day of A Jirll. A I). 1M. John I.inder I'bilntirt hcieln. Hied bis nutitlon in tho District Court ot llox llutto county, No bnislta iiKabiHt the nbovo named ilefemliiuts the object of iihich nro to foreclose u certain nioriKUKU executed by tho dofemliuits Nelllo SchluntZiind lleniy .1. Sehluiitz to tho lilalntlff upon tho northeast iiuartor of section twenty-soven lutownshliituetitv-seven, north, niimu forty-nine, Most of tliotltb I', in., iu llox llutto county, j.ohraska. to sectuo tho pay ment of ono certain iiroiiiisMir.v nolo tinted llee. Ill, IM"3. for thi.' Mini of WU Til jm.Mibln In llo ears from dulo or at the option of the plaintiff ttuv time after default in payment of tho intorost annually tbeieon. and upon which there Is now due the sum of J7.V1 mid to liar tbo defendant W. A t'ourseii of nil ehiim of lieu UK'ilnst the leal estate ahove described or any oilier inteiesls theioiii by lituo of a juiU'iuent leaden d in finer of said t'ourn-n us'tilnst tlie HemliiKford .Milling (' Juslnh Thomas uml Henrv J. Sehluntz. A transcript com- of which juiljrmMit was tiled in the otllce of the clerk ol tbu disiilct court of said county of ltox Unite lMalniliT nlleaos that said judirmetit has hipseil and became, ibirman uml is no lien on suld real osttite riiilntitt iifsfora deoiee tlmt bis mourrpo U' luljuilKi'd n tlrst linn on suld leal i.stivte. tlmt the judKiiient of the defendant ('ourst-n lie de clined no lien tliereon: and that the d-feiidunis Nellie Schluiil mid Ilenrv J. Scbli in lie h tiuiroil to pay tho plaintiff the amount due on his suid uiortKHKO with interot and cost or tliRt shW premise may bo sold to snllsfv thj ntn omit found due. mill tlmt U of sntd df fblidiint.s ho iKtrrid of till intenst.vlnlin or lien 111 and to snid ptviiilst. Vuu nro ii-qnlred to Hiiser snld lwtltiou Pn or lieftiro therith ttnv of Jun" A. 1). IlW. DnUil Atirllsu, IsVm John l'laliillff. Ilv W. M. Iohum'K, his attorney. Ip - Public Sale. 1 will otYer at public auction Jos. l'orejls place, tnree miles west and two miles south of Lawn on Tuoxlny riy 1, lb(.)8, at 11 a. m. tho following described proper I ty: HO head of cattle; cows, heifers aud steers. 0 head of horses. 1 j wagon, harness, building logs, 1150 J post.-, household goods and numor- .i . i m 1. ous otner articles. lerins c:uu. FitANK Krnr.i.KA. OASTOHIA. Bears the $ lhe Kind ou Ha'8 lvtafS m OASVOIIIA. Bean tie s) lllu ratili IBU mn Alr,d's "l"1 Bigniture tt r?- V SP ZAil7. S ws VV COMl'LAINTH AOAINHT WELL CLMMR. Hemingford Neb.,M:iy 5), lSi)H. Tho County Jloard will meet on Wednesday, June .22, 181)8, to con sider claims filed for filling wells. Complaints against said chums will bo heard on that day. Hy order of the Hoard. Attest: V. M- PiiKU'S, dork. Oko. W. Duncan, Chairman, i NOTICE TO UOAJ) OVIiUSKKUS. lremingford Neb-, May !), 1898. You arcs hereby notified the dlaims for tilling old wells should be filed in this ollico in on or be foro Juno 10th 1SD8. Claims tiled after that date will not be acted on tit the Juno meeting. By order of the Uoard. Attest: I M. Piihli'S. Clerk. Gko. W. Duncan. Chairman. Bulls For 5,alc. 1 have 8 heiul ot thoroughbred Ilorefotds one to two years old at niv ranch four miles Koutheast of llox ljutte. Will take your old bulls iu exchange. W. E. Hall. Lumber, Coal and Lime! Just received a ear of select eastern lumber for tanks. AIo till kinds of hard wood, cedar shingles, lath, lime, and all kinds of lllllllhT. Ivcndy made tanks, or will "lake tanks to order. Prices to compete with anyone tho Northwest. Come and Sea us bnforo buying else where. Tuples and tank lumber a specially. llEMINdl'-OUn LUMHElt Co. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signaturo of (0k& Bears tho x Tib Kind You HaiB Always Bought Slcnatnro ss cf MM JT'S DANGEROUS Tnmiy NCAI.IiN.piiarantcdl-'ASfiOOl AN" JMlltllAMt. fur U'hj inuiify, ilit-jr i i i b Uiatlc. Ilun't liu.r. iiiilon yuii iii't thu In i. A plii'np Nfiili la tlic tiiiint rxprnnliii liivpfinn'iit juu run iiiaki'. tt In iinri'iluliic .mil iiiimik lln't sooner iirliili'r ymi iiiiihi liny uu'uin. Ituv only a Krnillll. Illt,t i in pro t cil lMIHIUMtH Vlilcli will l:it tin ii liriMliiK1, ami pruvu the rliriiu-Ht In IId'cikI. N in ran Ihi'ti illanulu uurnulittita. HKIt AUK OF 1.1IITATI(1S! FAIRBANKS, R.10RGE Ct CO., 1102 Farnam St., Omaha, Nob. (OIl fii'iilm Itfimlrvd.) Traoe Mahks Designs Copyrights &c. Anrone seiitHrn; n skrtrli mid doncrintlnn may Oil" "'y nipi'rtnln our opinion freo whether an Invention Is prohnlily p-iti'iitatilo. Communlon lloin i Ii tly f oiitlitenttnl. Handbook on Patents frut ln--. DMi-st nitency for dccurlni; imtcnta. I'titenti taken tlirouuli Jliinn ,t to. recolvo ipc lal twtlce, Kltliont clinrvt). In tho Mttttmc Jftnerican A hnnilsnmely IllmtrntPd weekly. Ijircet clp r.;i.i urn u nny fi'ii'iiiinu journ ourunl. Terms. &l n foiir motitlis. ft Pom by all newmleulern. old uy ri&Co.3BiBr. New York Ilmiicli twice, 13a V St.. WnalilOKton, D. C. ,TiE 23) A strictly Iilcli-Rrnile Tnuilly Sewing Machine,, posioiuliiK nil modern iiiipruveiuonts. Guaranteed Equal to the Best I'rii'i'.i ery reasanalite. Obtnln tlieu froui your local denier pnil ixiukc comparisons. ELQREDGE ?r1A?3UFACTUR!NB 00. EZLVIDERE, ILU. . .V7 . uzyyTy (S?K bra ffira j, rHBi fettB&S&LUU. 50 YEARS' I 'WHSO? ' r V vV" j o g ! TOJ E JTOv RSBw MWW ut WM&mE3SWkffl3&,im!tti&. CITIZEN SOLDIERS. 6omntlmr Hard I'ur Tlirni to tlnitrrttand tlm Importniire of Discipline. That tho soldiers of ,tlio Continental nrniy yeotorday farmers aud nrtisnus could tlRlit history tell?, but in thf transition stno tbo idea of fitibordiua lion that marks tho diflercuco betwee nn army and au armed mob was dim" onlt to uraop by men in whom tbo idet of personul iudein ndcnco was so Ktroug Tbo captain wan no hotter tbau tbi privato iu tho villago from which bott bailed, aud it was not etrango tbnt tbe privato, whou ordered by bis supcriof ofllctr to fetch a bucket of water from tbo spring, thould retort: "Get it your self. I got it yesterduy. It'B your tun today." This was uot iuuubordiuntior iu the view cf tbo rauk aud file, but merely tbo afcsortiou of a proper spirif of manliucss. It bnpiiened not infrequently durini tho civil wnr that the privato was t richer man tbau tlio oMlccr, as iu tl case of Ellas Howe, tbo inventor of tb, Fcwini; mucbinu, who ou Fovcral occa sious prestutcd a llua liorto lu somo ma jor or colonel too poor to purchaao such a mount hiinsulf. There was another soldier of this Etamp, Koch by name, wbo was well known iu Philadelphia. Ho left a for tune of over $1,000,000. It full to bis lot one niht to bo ttatioued sentinel over a bagHtiRo waon. Tbo weather was cold and wet. This f.ot the sentinel musing. After remaiuiuu ou post for half an hour ho called lustily: "Corporal of tbo guard 1" Tho corporal caiuoaud inquired what was wanting Koch wibhed to bo reliev ed for a few minutes, having Foniething to tay to tbe ofilcer in comniaull of tho post. His with was gratified, and in n lew mimtcs ho stopd iu tho preseuco ol General Mncpber&ou. "General," said ho, "what is tho value of that wagou over which 1 am eutinel?" "How should I know? Was that all you wanted;" responded tbeijoneral im patiently. "Something approximate, " insisted tho soldier. "Oh, woll, $1,000 perhaps." "Very well,, General Alacpberson," responded tho privato. "1 will write o check for that amount, aud then I will go to bed." Youth's Companion. WHAT THE BAND PLAYED. Ap Kxcltlnc Olniinr Tabic npliodo on an Atlnntlo Liner. An instance of what it calls "trims ntlantic courtesy" is rolntcd by Lo Gau lois of Paris. Ono of tbo greatest singer of Frauce, a woman whom it says every body will at onco ideutify on a mo ment's consideration, was returning from New Yorjt on ono of tbo German liners. Ono ovt uiiig, glancing at the programme of tho concert that was to bo played at dinner, sbo saw tho au ucuncemeut of a triumphal march cele brating thu German victory of 1H71. "lam sure, " sho said to a fellow countryman hitting near, "that this is not intended us a discourtesy to us, but I don't caret I'm too much of a patriot not to express my disapproval of it in my own way when they begiu to play this piece. Wuit niul too. " The captuin, having caught tbo gist vt these remarks and noticing tlio great artist's agitation, glanced at tlio pro gramme to see wkut caused it; then, without showing any surprise, ho'speke to ouo of tbo waiters iu u low tone. At tbo moment when tboGerman tri umphal march was duo to begiu tbt French siuger, who could hardly con trol her agitation, prepared to leave tbe tablo. Tbu tirist chord was played, the Krtist arose aud stood, pale, agitated, nmazed, while tho ofiicers and other p.tbsengers also got up and biniled sym pathetically at her. Aud tho baud play ed "Tbo Marseillaisol" Ilovr Senator Vest Obtained III Desk. AInny good stories could bo told ol tho alertness which senators display iu securing well placed desks, but tbo ex perience of Mr. Vest is f specially worth relating. When in IS8U tho civil service Jaw was being discussed, Mr. Pendle ton, nu .Ohio Democrat, aud Mr. Dawes hud presented bills. Dy a shrewd bit o! politicn tbe Republicans abandcued tbci; support of tho Dawus bill and voted lur Mr. Pendlutou's measure, their vote together with tho votes of tbo Demo crats favorable to the measure, being Buillcicut to pass it. As tbe bill wan about to bo voted on Mr. Cockroll mov ed that its title be changed so as to read, "A bill to retain Republicans in oilico. " Ah soon as it paired, Mr. Vest tiled a claim for Mr. Pendleton's sent. "Tho author of such a bill," said be, "will uocr como back to tho senate." Mr. Vust was right, and ut tho begin ning of thu next congress ho moved into Mr. I'cudlutou's vacant chair. Wash- lUgtOll 1'ObC. The Curtain Vh Ouvrn. A nurty pf countrymen wero in town pujoyiug the sights. At last they came py one of tbo theaters in tbe Strand. "Suppose wo go iu," taid ouu. "lietter 6eo bow much it is first," said another. After inquiring tho prico of admission they decided to send ouo cf tho party in lidu to tee whether it was good enough or uot. After reinaiuiug for sump time tho delegatu returned. "How is it?" askod ono. "No good. A lot of fellers flddlin i front of a big pictur'. Cuuib au." Strand Magazine. Irrevocably. Tbo man who borrows trouble goner plly gives bis bappiuess as tcourity. Ricbmoud Dispatch. The Roman catacombii are GS0 mile; lu uxtent, and it is estimated tiiut from r, 000, 000 to 16,000,000 dead aro there Interred. Tho mean bummer temperaturo of Wow York oity is about 74 degrees, tbpt of Liverpool about 60 degrees. DESPUHATE. An Alligator JIhKp Oat Lunch on Mllllnrry. Alligators can go a lonp way with out catinjj, but when tbey do pot a chance nt what is untie. 1 a square mral they make short orlt of iU It docn't seem to matter mu h to tho alligntor what the square meal consists of so lon ns he can get it down. Anything that he can devour without hurting; his teeth or unduly strctohing his swallow ing apparatus is food for him. A number ot psoplo tbo Zoo in Central park, Now York, were gath ered about the alligators' tank, watch ing tho reptiles disporting themselves in tho v.itor. Suddenly a gust of wind cau'httho'd hat of a young girl in tho watching crowd, .whisked it off her head and landed it on the edge of tbe bank. lleforo it could be rejovorod one of tbe alligators caught s ght of it, bin attention wan attracted, no doubt, by the beautiful artificial roves with which it was trimmed, lie gazed at It rapt iu admi ation for nn instant His jaws blowly opened aud then closed with :i fina j over the hat, which disappeared down the Centura's throat all except a single rose, which, however, did not escape, for in a moment the alligator', eye rested upon it, and it as quickly followed the rost of the hat into tho creature's capacious interior. Then tbe alligator winked bis other eye, as much as to say: "That was fine, (tivo me a dozen moro." Every one enjoyed the spectacle except tlio young girl who lust tho bat, who is still, as elm was then, undoubtedly of tho opiniou that alligators are very impolite crea tures, whatever other virtues they may possess. CARE Ol' T H r. PIAN0. If You lluppcn to Il.ivn Our, Thin Ia How tit i'rttiit It. A skilled pianist never allows bis beloved stand up against the wall in his room: a spaoofat least a foot being allowed, says a music dealer. This is to prevent damp and allow a passago of dry, warm air. Tin, precaution is especially nejcs?ary in a brick house wijere tbe wall is tin out side one. llrieks nro anything but damp proof, and unlets tlu wall is "furred" there will ba considerable dampness, especially wlun the ilr-.t lire is lighted for tho fall. Dampness is fatal to a piano, because, among' other reasons, the rosewood used in making the franpj is tropical wood, aud not vapabiu of resisting moistu o for any length of time. In u carelessly kept piano the polish is bad, itnd the varnish looks as thousrji an atmv of insa -ts h id been at work on it. This is be "ause the, wootl has stretched and shrunk with great rapidity, owing to getting dump and then buing' dried aga'n, and a tiiusi ciati seldom cares to buy such an in strument, knowing that tbo delicate interior has sulTerod at least to some exteut with the exterior. Talcing earo of a piano is lrilf tho battle, and the less danipne-s the less expenditure necessary to keep it in tune. A GIANT TIMEPIECE, Tho YVnndpr.rul Cloett T'nt Ornumenti 1 111 ii.nlp'il.i'o Town II. ill. The g-catest horoloi-al wonder in the world to day is the trigautlo clock In th." tower of tho Itnaniiii) "public" at l'hilailoip'aia. When everything' is in running orJer this marvel of the clncknriker'.s art will bo stationed a distance of 315 feet from tho prfvement. Its bell weighs be tween 20.000 and 25,000 pounds, and is he second largest boll of any kin 1 iu America, the great bell at bing tho largest, weighing 23,000 pounds. The dial of this Philadelphia titan is twenty-five feet in diameter, and tbo hammer is as large as a pile driver weight Tho minute h nd is twelve arjd tho hour hand ntnq feet in length. The machinery is arranged so that the elock will strike every fif teen minutes, tbo quarter, half, three quarters and hours. The Roman numerals on tlio face nro easli two feet eight inches in length, the dark part of tho figures beintf three and three-fourth inches in width. As it i. entirely out of the question t( talk of winding such a monster by hand, a three horse power engine has been placed at the square of tlio tower fi. r that especial purpose. ' IIoiiii-Muilo Oitli. Any one can fix up a Titrkihh or va pnr b.vth iu his own be Iroom nt lit'u or no esp.'nse. A wood-seated chair can bo placod over a tub of boi in water, and the bather has only tos ten tho chair and cover himself from his sbouldiM downward with a h'-nvy b'anket to get a first-class vapor bath. Sumo people vary the arrangement by putting hay into tho tub ns Well as ths boiling water, but this is unneoesury and only adds to the trouble nn 1 mess. The same precautions are needed against catching coul as with u regu lar Turkish bath, with tho advtintao in favor of tho home atVair that you can get iuto bed without having to go out of doors after getting overheated. Tho sunplo lath as des.:ribd will cure rheumatism and sprains us well ns ro duv.o weight to an appreciable oxtont ii d'rf O'tytle. Few are aware of the existence of the veritable llluebeard's castle. Yet a recent writer assurob us that this is indeed situated a mile or two beyond Interlaken. on n lonely, well-shaded m mntnin road. Upon looking up the wooded hillside just at a bend in tho lane, one sees the ruins of an oldenitle. Qn y tnoss-coverod walls now remain, which are the haunts of bats, birds, and insects, but its stntely columns ni di -ate its early graui'.eur. Many doubt that such a character us lUueburd ever lived, but in Unit pjrtion of ths world tho story is believed aud told br thu natives, until one fanoius he sotu t'atlma s sister at tho tower n Widow, anxiously awultirg some st;n i'f key protector. VERY i r X X- K