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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1898)
V lanmm V B fc i ,-.. t x The Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY T. J. O'KliUlM!, Publisher. I'nhllslutt owry Kililny nml rntpml nt tlio nM-illlra lu llcinilitrfttril. Nclirakn. n hpoiiiiiI rliis mall matter. Tin: Hkhvi.ii IhiImhIM to tli iuttfienU of lUniliiKford ami llox llutto riiiuit). . HtinHCltll'TIAN livrns: ONK Y14AU J? SIX MONI'IIS , ' COUf.Y omcr.its. Clerk. Trrnturor. . ...luili;n. ,liprilT. Attorney. 8f . mti'iiJi'ut. Surveyor, Coroner. I'lijptriati. . Coninilfiiiiir lnt Dlht .ComniiHioucr '.'ml Dint. .('oniiulHHiourrilrtl Dint. V. M. I'nni.rt A. M.Mit.i.Kn ..... Jh. 11. II. ltr urr.. I!. 1'. SWBRNk W. M. lOHl'.M'K . . Miss A. 15. Nnr.i.Nl ('HAS. llltAKN I)u. W.K. Mii.msii . Dii. O. . Iloi.umior J WIKM IlMtUY . Jar. Hoi.i.iNitxuu .. (1. V. IlU.NONN J. E fpQ'RTE'R, ocAttorney - at - Lavra Clt.VWKOltl) NI5H. OMice In Sj iitlicntu Hlock. IV. M. IOQEMCE, ATTORNEY - .A.T - J-AW, I'ractlt'ttt in nil Hi" nuiirtR I Iemin "ford, Neb. TUTTLE & TASK Attorneys - at Law, WMINGfORD. NEBRASKA. mi. c. . noLimooK, ? YJCI i. V and SUKGEOJJ, Ke.Mdoiice, Hall house. Ollico Pirsf door north Box Butto Bank Bldg. Hemingford, -:- Nebraska T. J. O'KEEFE, U. S. COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT OF NEURASKA. v AH mutters coming licforo tlie United Stntcs .Circuit Court or tlio United Slates Laud Olllcti Mill ictolvo piompt and careful intention. ,ls attend toall ltlnds of business for non residents; leal estate, rentals, collections, etc. Correspomlenns MillctUM. Offices Ht hKMIKUI'Tmn .Nti CIUWFOKD, NEI. ! Time Table hrfflrPfftfsW iliiililJlHiJllJI :fo-r, Hemingford hi LINCOLN, Omaha, CHICAGO, St Josjumi, Kansas City, fcr. Louis and nil points east and hQJllh. Dkkvkii, IIklkn.y, Butte, Sat.t Ijakk City, Pout ian i), San Iiuncisco, ;iii(l all points west l'UMSU I.EWE AH l'"l)I.I.OWH. SRHiMi 'cr. (1h.II v. Drailwood. No. n. ItilltiiuH and nil mintn north and ui'Ht J! a. m No. 43. I rolKlit. daily. Dcaduood. HiiliiiKH nun ftntioiiH intiirinodiato S:25 p. m. 2.55 !. m. No. 17. Kroiclit, daily, Now Caxtlo and iutermitlmto Ntatioim . Ho. i'i, l'aHHfmjcr, dally, for Lincoln, Omaha, ( IiIcako ami all pointHraxt 11:15p.m. No. 4 0. Kreii?lit. daily, for Lincoln ami intrmtsllut statioiiH . 5.0H p. in. No. 48. I'ri'iL'lit, iluly, for Lincoln, and iiitcrmciliatiietalioUH . IO:U."a. in All train dally except Nox. 17 and IS, 47 dally I'Mvpi Sunday. 48 dally except Monday, Slecpim;, illiiltiir and rerlindnr rhalr earn i-intH fife mi throiiKh trniiin. TicketH sold and luiKKaKi' checked to any point in the United Stati'H or Canada. For Information, maim, time tallies and tick vt call on or writu to V. .M. Copelnud, Audit, or J. KltANClS, Owi'l raHhCDKcr Ancut.Onmlui Nebraska. I have sonio of the host seed corn in the county for sale (white and yellow) also 2i0 bushels of the very best millet seed for .alo in quantites to suit purchaser. Orders left at H. 11. Green's will be tilled or v.'rite to the under signed. ' E. Mauin. T . . NOTIOK. The undersigned will take cattle or horses to pasture thir teen miles northwest of Heming ford. Terms reasonable, In quir at Win Cioss, Esteia Taylok. A.ttoritioia. Horsemen.! The French conch btnllion QUINAUlr mid the Shire stal lion, SAXON KING, will .stand the present scoson at my place six miles west and two miles north of llomingford, Terms: i?5 to injure a maro in foal; 6 to insure foal to teat. All mares traded or removed will for feit rvny insurance So will be duo nt one . Care taken to prevent ncuideiits but I will not bo respon sible if any occur. A. S. Exykaut. I will buy your county war rants. II. II. Greon. .ludgo Eiold was up from Alliauco Wednesday. Miss Adams has moved her millinery stock into Mrs. Wheel ers building. Walter K. Kent, of Alliance, was iu Hemingford last Saturday and Sunday. T A. Greon, one of our most successful farmers, had his nuine enrolled on the HmiALD list last Saturday. Miss Loula Blair was the guest of Miss Nellie Goodenough last Saturday and Sunday. She also visited her parents at Box Butte. George Feud rich who is on his way to tlio Klondiko has reached Seattle. Wo hope George will strike the "right spot" up there and if lie does ho has the quali ties to stay with it. C G. Ilollibaugh and James Montague of marsland woro in Hemingford Saturday as wit nesses for Andrew Atwood, of Independence, Mo., who made linal proof on his timber claim. It is reported that Thos. Ho- vorka is on his way back from Minnesota to his faun in Lawn precinct which ho left Inst sum mer with the intention of never returning. They all come back. Commissioner Barry was in town Tuesday. Owing to the continuous rainy weather Box Butte is having, Mr. Barry is of the opinion that the good old times are returning as we shall have a bountiful crop this year. Ilov. J. T. Wornoin departed overland Monday for Hundley, Furnas County. After a few weeks visit there ho wilj go to Illinois and probably travel all summer. Ho will return to Box Butto next fall. His many friends will miss him. G. E. Mark has sold thi Goring Homestead to E. F. Moon who has assumed charge thereof. Mr. Moon promises the Gering people a good paper and the indications are that they will not bo disappointed. We wish the now management success. Mrs. Leo Brandle died at her homo near Lawn Monday morn ing, leaving motherless, twin babies only a few hours old. The funeral occured on Wednes day, interment in Lawn ceme tery, The bereaved husband and family have the sympathy of everyone. J. W. Johnson came up from St. Paul, Neb., Monday to make final proof on his timber west of town. Mr. Johnson was the first B. & M. agent at Hem ingford and is now agent for the company at St. Paul. lie is a very pleasant gentleman and his many friends were pleased to see him. A double wedding occured in this city last Saturday evening. The parties iii one instance were Orru E. Vincent and Lcoim B. Wright, and in the other John A. Chambers and Lizzie Wright. All parties hailed from Malinda, just across the county line into Box Butte county, and the cere mony was performed by Itev. Allen Chamberlain at the M. E. parsonage. Gering Courier. Hon. W. .1. Bryan has been authorized to organize a third rogimontof Nebraska volunteers which will bo organized provis ionally under the national guard law of the state and for the pur pose of being mustered in the United States volunteer sorvico at any time a call mav bo made therefor by the president. It is desired that all portions of the state bo represented in the regi mental organization as far as possible, reference being had to the locution of the companies composing the two regiments al ready 'a the volunteer service. The location of the different com panios will be announced as rap idly as determined upon. The following locations for compan ies have been selected: Lancaster, Polk, Douglas, Ad ams and Harlan counties, one company each. It is possible tiutt Box Butte county may be ablo to got in a company and an olTort will bo made at once in that direction. A NEW CREAHERY. It is Almost Assured That, a Creamery Station Will bo Established at Hemingford. The creamery mooting last Saturday was largely attended. Mr. Marplo was present and addressed the meeting and ox plained tho proposition of the Beatrice Creamery Co., which the farmers generally considered a fair one. About twenty shares of stock wcro subscribed Saturday and there is little doubt but what the requisite number will be subscrib ed in ton days when operations on tho plant will bo commenced. It will be a good thing for the farmers and business men and Box Butte county. Everyone should tako a share of stock as you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Our most. enter prising citizens are interested and aro pushing it along. Put, your shoulder to the wheel. In response to the anouncemont and call, the subscribers to the creamery stockinet in tho city hall, last Friday afternoon, ami pro ceeded to organize. V. W. Mar pie, general agent of the Beatrice Creamery Co. the parent concern located in Lincoln, stated tho pur pose of tin company, aftor which by-laws, charter and constitution wore provided, and tho following officer" elected: President, Joseph A. Snyder; secretary, John J. Gnrrard; treasurer, V. F, Lawson. Tho board of directors was chosen as follows: J. II. Myer, Joseph Schmitz, Fred Wagner, August Droll, James W. Hupp. A com mitto of three, James W. Hupp, L. W. McConnef and J. E. Kolley, was appointed to select a silo for tho plant. Adjourned. Latek Wo learn that the coinmitoo has practically decided upon a site north of McCook Hour mill, which will nniko a very satisfactory loca tion for tho building, convenient to tho patrons of tho company. The Tribune believes that it will bo demonstrated that the Beatrice plan is a profitable one. It has tho endorsement of tho most emi nent dairy men in tho United States. A fair trial Jtcre will provo all that has been claimed lor it of profit and sucoss. McCook Trib une. The Schools. IKdlted by County Superintendent, "Insist on yourself; never im itate. That which each can do best none but his maker oan teach him". "Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great. Tho Box Butto county Insti tute will bo held in Alliance be ginning Juno 20, and continue ono week. William Hawley Smith will bo with us Tuesday tho 21, and talk to tho teachers in the forenoon and give ono of his popular lectures in tho evening. This lecture will bo worth a weolr of your time and no one interest ed in education should fail to bo present. Tho school in district No. 12 or "Star" school, which is being taught by Miss Frazior had a "Bird Day" program last Friday. Tho room was beautifully deco rated with pictures of birds and flowers. The children recited ami sang their little pieces in a manlier that showed thoir ability and the careful training of tho Almost all tho parents in tho vi cinity were present, which speaks well of thiir interest in tho schools. Tho concert given by the Ilomingford High -School pupils assisted by our town's ablest assistors was in every way a grand success'. Tlio church was crowded. The High School or chestra rendered several very choico selections. The Hag drill was well performed and proved that the children are learning to lovo our Hag. Tho recitations, tableaus, and .ongb were all well rendered and appreciated. Tho choicest part of tho progam was tho wand drill, rendered by sovon young ladies. Much credit it duo tho teachers and Mrs. Kustin, 1IK11KA ITKMS. Mr. Overman and family of Dunning county have taken charge of the Beroa section. Miss Pearl Benedict closed a very successful term of school in tho Facomiro district last Kriday . Miss Susie, Anna and Tom Hopkins, from the rivur, wore visiting in this liuighbor-hood last week. Miss Mary Eborly, who has been attending school in Alliance the past year, returned homo last Monday. Mr. V. T. Johnson, tho Gener al Manager Box Butto County Produce Exchange, returned home last Saturday and roports his uttor failure to got to Cuba with his last car of potatovs on account of having got stuck in tho mud at Louisville and Platts inouth, Neb., where ho made sale of them, however, at fair figures. Mr. .Johnson shipped about thirty car loads and says there i no question but that he will be ablo to ship several thouKind bushel next fall at same prices, provided the farmers succeed in raising the largo smooth varieties, especially the white Mammoth Pearl. Estrayed On Sunday April 2(5t,h from my place 2 miles east of Heming ford, one two-year-old lilley, light hay color, small star in forehead, weight about SOO lbs., barbwire niaikson upper pai-f, of front of both fore legs. Leave information at Hi:uau: office. J. T. Woknom A Map of United States. Send me lTic stamps and 1 will mail you a map of the United States, three feet four inches wide and fivo ,feet three inches long. Painted in six colors. Mounted on rollers. Shows every state, county, important town, and rail road in the United States New edition, just received, contains ten handsome half-tony-pictures of principal buildings of tho Trans Mississippi Exposition. J. FltANOlS, General Passenger Agent, Bur lington Koute, Omaha, Neb. MEETING OF liOAIlh OV EQUALIZA TION. Hemitigford, Neb., May i), 1898. Tho County Commissioners will moot as a Hoard of Equalization in this office on Tuesday, .1 une Mth 1S08 and remain in ossion not less than three days. Any com plaints against the 1&!)8 assessment should bo made at thut time. F. M. Plii:us, County Clerk. NOTICE TO HOAl) OVEUSKEllS. Hemingford Neb., May .), 1898. You aro hereby notified tho dlaims for filling old wells should bo filed in this office in on or be fore Juno 10th 1S98. Claims filed after that dato will not be acted on at tho Juno meeting. By order of the Board. Attest: F. M. Phelps. Clerk. Geo, W. Duncan, Chairman. COMPLAINTS AGAINST WELL CLAIMS. Hemingford Nob.,Mny 9, 1S98. The County Bonrd will meet on Wednesday, June 22, 1898, to con sider claims filed for tilling wolls. Complaints against snid chums will bo heard on that day. By order of the Board. Attest: F. M- Phelps, Clerk. Geo. W. Duncan, Chairman. Choico, clean Gorman millot seed for salu by Clark Olds. TO CURU A Ol.t) IN ONE DAY ' Tako Ltimtl.o Uromn Quinine T-.iblett. All DriiKKlstbiefimd tl.t u.ruj if It fuiltot'iiiu.-J,'i Wildy wants all your potatoes, butter, eggs mid chickens. We have a new Singer sowing machine the boston tho market for sale cheap. Call and seo it. Non-resident owners of timber claims can complete their final proof by corresponding with T. J. O'Keofo. Bulls For Sale. 1 have S head of thoroughbred Ilorofoids ono to two yoars old at my much four miles Southeast of Box Butte. Will take our old bulls in exchange. W. E. Hall. Complete Line New Of latest styles, superior fabrics, at fabulous LOW prices are now on sale at The BIG DOUBLE STORE fill 'Come AT YOUR SERVICE ANTON UHRIG, - PIONEER Hardware and Saddlery, TlIK OI.DICST rJsTALIHll.MKNT IN Till! CoL'NTY Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves Paints, Oils, Glass, etc Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb Wire the Best on Earth HEMINGFORD HILLING CO., . s--.Manufactiirors of- .-- Flour, Graham, Meal and Feed -And Dealers COAL, ILu-erifcvdlZQZEE, JLJULlEl Paper, Sash and Doors. HILLER & WILDY. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear ? on every the facsimile signature of Ofasyffi&c&t wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought j? on the and has the signature of C&s&ffi&x wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The End You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF CZT&CC4 Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed Toil TNI C&NTAUH COMPANY, TT MURItAr OTRCtT, NEW YORK CITY. Spring Goods and see f! C.J. WILDY. in All Kinds of--