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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1898)
g 1 5i'!g'5fiJ!CggSSagSB Kliopilnc In London. ,0tm of tbo erroneous inijirowlons that Auiorloniis Imvo bofnro thry try simp ping in London Is Mutt things nro ru ninrknbly cheap there, unci when thoy nto Rt right by nrtunl oxpcrlonro with t ho fnahinnnblo dressmakers and hnlwr dahotn thoy get a boeoud mistaken iilcu (that IJugllHb triulfKinrn nro uxtrnordi .nurily uncivil. TliiH nil nrlioa from tlig iifforuiit customs tbnt govern retail 'busiuusBin the two countries. In Amor ica wo pay cnsli for goods or nottlu our .accounts inonthly. In England, how over, accounts uro supposed to bo ren dered quarterly, and it lian frequently happened thnt bouuiso somo patrons hsivo n sooinl prnmincnro thnt gives their trade value as an advertisement tlio hopkeepur hiiR allowed thoir accounts to run for three and four years. Other patrons liavo demanded tlio kudo privi logos mid hiivu jibiihcd them, and tlio ro unit is that to coiiipuiFutu for interest ou 'inotioy owing by solvent dabtors and for tlio MiiiiH lost through those who never pay tho tradnsinan charges a goodly profit on all ilia goods, and tho prices nro accordingly high. On tho other 'hand, American women chopping abroad .tuoni to bo bargain i;iud, mid thoir ef forts to beat down prices inspire tlio tradesman witli much tho sninu fcollng that a well trained butler experiences when his nouveau rlche master eoono mlzes 011 liis wiuei. In fact, looking for bargains in Horn) street ia folly. Han 'tfrauclsoo Argonaut. Lord Ilyron. Hero is n now light on tho character of Lord Uyrou. Tliuiuotutiou ia from u "lottur by .John Murray: "Lord liyrou ia a eurions innu. Ho gavo mo, iih 1 told you, tlio copyright of 'hia now poems, to bo printed only iu Jiis works. I did not receive tlio last until Tuesday night. I was so delighted with it that oven as I read I Mint him a draft for 1,000 guineas. Tho two pouinu aro altogether no moro than 1,200 and '1,000 lines and will together tell for fis. (Id. But ho returned tho draft, sny Jug that it was very liberal niuoh moro than thoy wero worth; that 1 waa per fectly welconiu to both poems to print in hia (collected) worka without cost or expectation, but that ho did not think thorn equal to what they ought to be, and that ho would uoudiuit of thoir "tioparato publication. "I went yesterday, nutl ho wan rally jng mo upon my folly ju offering so much and thnt ho dared to any thought now I had a most lucky escape " 'To provo how much I think so, my lord,' Raid I, 'do mo tho favor to uo ccpt this poukotbook,' in which 1 had 'brought with mo tho draft, changed in to two bank notes of 1,000 ami 00, imt ho would nut tako it." A Trnimforiiiatlon. Soon after my arrival in Loipsio my attention wna called ono day to an eld erly gentleman pn tho Htrpot. "Do yon fcuo thnt old gentleman with .tho big boft folt hat, tho bluo glasses pud tlio big umbrella?" "You mean tho onowhn ia shambling jfilong as if ho woro not just fauro where ho ia going?" "Yea, but yon should not speak ao disrespectfully of tho greatest of living 'pbychologistH," But tho mistake waa pardonnblo, for Jew would imvo supposed that ho was not somo plain village burgher who had just como up to town and felt somo .what lost in tho big city. Once in Wunilt's lecturo room, however, ono rccoivoa a very different imprcssjon of him. Aa tho great philosopher pours forth ono of hia learned discourses thoso plain features light up, hia bearing bo cornea dignified and inipreshivo, and you no longer think of tho ungainly "walk and tlio quaint mauuerisma. r lioanoka Collegian. Qll the Wrong Traelt. Slims recently received private inforr matiou that his sou wna not confining jiiuifaclf htriotjy to tho btruight and nur jow path. Thero wero ugly rumors that tho young man played cards and bet oq J' ho horses. Slims determined to doublo lia parental vigilance. Tho other oveiii jug ho turned to tho ynuug man whq .was llecp n n nowspaper nud inquired, harply, "What nro you reading, t?l' "A column under tho head of 'What fbo Book Makers Aro Doing?' " 'I'll toll you what thoy are doing, sir," said tho old man severely. "Thoy aro living luxuriously this winter and laying their plans to fleeco such lambs ifis you next season. Thoy keep up tho raco tracks and get rich by fooling lioodlo pates like you. I'vo heard all tbout you, sir, uud your wild ways, prder that paper stopped. What aro Vou laughing at, yon young rascal?" "At your surprising knowledge of horso raco methods. 1 waa reading tho Jiterary reviews. " Detroit Froo Press. i-i Aualyuls of n Kreuclmmn. A Frenchman sloops in italics, suorca jn suiull capitals, talks u thunder, ges ticulates in cyclone nud acts iu tornado, llo feels it all and means less than one. tenth of it. No( that tho nine-tenths aro hypocrisy, but that thoy aro dm initio froth, discounted iu final solution it the bank of effervescence. Brooklyn Jingle. JIU Favorlto Author. Noozel All, you're a litorary man, oh? Who's your favorite uuthor: Author Witcholl. " Witchell? Witcholl? Don't think I know him." "Apparently not. My card, sir.'' Philadelphia Record. Garlic I Aucleut. Gnrlio came (ram Asia and baa been used sinco tho earliest times. It formed jiart of tho diet of tho Israelites in Kgypt and was used by Greek and Ro piau soldiers and Africuu peasants, The Ilonejiuoon' Origin. The modoru houeymoou trip origi- uated in tho days of George JJ and speedt ly came into general ulo. HMJILpn IN RED AND GOLD. now ttwrrt hn looked I Old not m Tint sllnt of Min on rlmiiKlnR tmi. Sly oyi with lUiil uimhi tlit Rlirw On lir fitlr i-lipek. 1 illit but I; now Thnt nliu win rtnntlltitt iiIrIi to mo. Hat kIip in Hilf-nt ivstniy Drunk la tli- color nml tlio 'low Of tlist Ulr wrmi, nor nm-ui.! l: know Tlmt lull it tx-nuly hut on mo', 1 u'-"! on lior nml coiilit hut m.-u How nwrtt ului louUwl. "In red unit roM," Mip hIrIhiI "Iiow folr Tlio coIoMiik ot tlieiMi mniibw llicrwl" lint "till my iyo did Imt lmlmld Tho lHuity tlmt did tier onfold. Tor, Hili thnt vlxlon hlnmllli tlicre, In dull red gown mid oldnn hnlr, Hinnll cjiiii Imd I wlmt Ix-huMum nirn, Whnt other wi-nlth Hint wo. id iiiIk'H bold In red nnd gold. .Tulifi l'anslmwu IliiiiukcrhofT In N'nv Vork Tluifn. TIGER AND DULL. A Fierce Untile, In Which the Tiger Win ll.idly llenten. Tho Paris letter of tho Loudon Post gives details of an extraordinary enter tainment given ut tho l'la.a do Madrid in tho presence of I,!I00 spectators. This was a combat between a royal ilcngal tiger nud tin Andiilusiuu fighting bull. Tlio tiger, Cesar, was a lull grown bruto belonging to Spessardi, tho train er, who had never been ablo to do any thing with it and had, indeed, onco nearly fallen u victim to its ferocity. Iiu hold it tor O.OUO francs to tlio director of tho plaza. A cage l?ynrds f-qunro by 4 in lioight had hem erected in tho middle of tho arena, uud the animals were brought on iu vans, tho bull being tho first to bo released into tho iuclosuro. The brute immediately began to run round uud round hia prison, bellowing and throw ing up sand and gravel with hia hoofs. The instant the tiger entered tho cage ho gavo a roar uud bounded on tho bull, avoiding tlio horns, and fixed on his flanks and belly with bDth teeth and clawR. The bull remained still for u few neconds, and then i-ccmed to be sink ing backward to tho ground. Tho spec tators thought that all wna over, but tho tiger Jet go for a second to take an other hold, and in tho brief Interval waa kicked over by tlio wild plunges ol tho bull. Before tho tiger had time tc recover tlio bull waa on him, nud, sink ing his horns into tho striped hide, it tossed tho tiger into tho air. This was repeated four or flvo times, tho bull varying his taotica occasionally by bang ing hia adversary against tho bars. When tho bull stopped, tho tiger lay limp on the ground, and tlio crowd, thinking ho waa dead, cried, "Bravo, torol" Tho bull stood stamping for n mo ment in tho middle of the cago, and thou, seeing tlio tiger did not movo, ap proached and smelled him. But Cesai Was only shamming death and seized tho bull's muzzle in his powerful jawi so the animal could not movo. Eventu ally, however, lie wua roleasod, and aft er stamping furiously, on tho tiger again caught him on his horns. This time the tossing, stamping and banging appar ently really ended iu Cesar's death. Tho cago wna then opeucd and tlio bull rushed out and back to hia stable. Foi precaution Bako tho tiger's van wnj brought up, and, to tlio general sur prise, Cesar roso to his feet, glanced round as if afraid tho bull was stil) thero, and then bounded into tlio van. Tho tiger waa found to huvo live rib broken, besides having a number ol wounds from tbo bull's horns. It ia sain that all wild animals bears, lions, panthers uud tigers faro badly in com bat with the fighting bull. Man uud the elephant nro tho only sure victors over thesu active aud ferociom beasts. Eiintly Unoueh. Hero ia a Sioux City (Ia.) Sundaj school story: They wero studying in tho catechism about the wonderful greatness and pow er of God. "Can God do everything?" asked tho teacher. It waa geuerally ad mitted that lio could. Then tho teacbei rather mischievously propounded a stic kler perhaps as a test of faith. "Conic" God mako two and two equal five?" ut asked. Tho query rather startled th little girls iu tho class, aud thoir facet took on n worried, puzzled expression. They had never thought of such a thing as that, and it looked as if thoir faitb was wavering. Tlio teacher waited with a lather amused smilo on hisfaco. Then up shot a littlo hand. "Well," asked tho teacher, "what do you thiuk aboul it?" "Yes, sir, ho cap," was tho prompt and certain response. Now it was the teacher's turn to look surprised. "Well, how can God ninko two and two equal live?" "By adding ouo," was tho tri umphant answer, aud tlio mischievoui tcachor couldn't dispute it. Sioux Oitj Journal. How It llnppuned, "Look hero, young man," said tlic druggist. Tho clerk did not huvo to be told thai ho had made a mistake. Ho kuow il long before. Indeed ho hud figured il out for himself uud was ablo to tell just how it happened. "You huvo charged only 75 cents foi this proscription," asserted tho drug gist, "and the regular price is $." "1 admit it," said tho clerk. "Tin fact is I was rattled. Yon seo, I made a hasty calculation as to thu cost of the iugredieuts, nud the result was !i ceutr instead of 4 as it hhould Imvo beeu. That is how it happened." Chicagt Pot. Welcome Word. "Yes, his sormons nro tirosoraolj long, but ho always says spmethiug tc tho point. " " Woll, what did ho say to tho poiul lust Sunday?" " 'In conclusion. ' " Clovelaud Plain Dealer. Tho name California, derived from tho two Spanish words caliento forunlli i. e., "hot furuaco" was givou by Cortes in tho year 15115 to tho peninsula ! now kuowu as Lower California, ol which ho was tho discoverer qu ao couut tf its hot climute. " ' Final'- Proof Notices. .j. w. WKHN.JIt .IleKNUT. W. It AKKItS Hacelver l'artirn Imritiu notice In thin mluum nro re niiMeil tii rt nil lln-mum-run-full) nml report (u tliln olllcv for correction nliy error Hint limy exM. TIiIk will prevent poKnihlx delny iu innkiiiK proof. Lund Ofllco lit Alllntiro, Nell.. Muv 12. IM'H. Notice It hoteli? k!i ru thnt tht) followln k niuneil settlor hut tiled notice of hti Intention to make llnnl proof in nuptKirtot lilselulm, mid tlmt xHJd tnoof will Do iiindo before T.J. O'Keofe. IT. S. ('omiulf-sloncr, nllluinliiRford, Null., on Jiiiiu 1H, I His. z: Dollio May JLtickot. tier) I-'nllnwx, who mnilt) ho no. WAA, for tho mi l( t-ec IS. tp 8tin. r III w. She tiunieN tho following wltnosujt toproe her continuous icsldenco iimhi nud cullWullon of Mini hunt, vlr- Al Heillitior. Dnnliip, sell. Aaron H. Kraut. Chorion W. Minimi. Ida. Not). Clark Itlclwt, liemlimford. ','uh. ,1. W, Whin. Hfglttcr. U. H. l.ntid Ofllcc. Alliance, Nob., April Si, ISIH. Notice Is horcby Klvon thnt Annio I. Cunniiiliiiin, heir of Prank MHhlmimh.deeensod.of llox llultc. Neli., him tiled notho of Intention to miiltu llnnl proof )cf ore Register or Itecolver lit Al llniiee, Null.. Muv 21. IhtiH. on timber culture iippllnition No 1177 for tho so H sic t, In '.'n n, rti w. She nninoH us wltiiusKctt Wlllfimi I). JuliiiMin. Wlllliim A. t'liirk. Stntilieii Holt, Jiiini't MeCnbc, nil of llox Hutu-, Nel. .1, V. Wulin.Jr.. Kctslntcr. 1. S. I.iiml Onice, Alllnm-e, Neb. Mnr. I", I Wis. Notice Is hnreby Klxrii that the follow ln limned seller bus llled bis Intention In jimke r I tin I proof lii MipiKirl of his eliiltn, nnd thnt Mild proof will be tiinde beforo V. .1. O'Keefe. U. S. Conimlshloner, at IleinliiKford, Neb., on Juno H, Ihl'S, i: Viiclnv Vcjraska, of Ilemtnuford. Neb., who inado II II so. fill, so ir see W, tli v'H n. r S w. llo naitii't llio following witnesses toprxno his rontlnnous lesldeiieonpon and cultivation of, said land. vU: llunry Peltz, A'bort voNon, .lolin Jolliiclc, (I runt Aloxamlor, all of llcmlin--foid, ub. J V. Wi-Iiii. Jr., JtcKinlor Land Offlio at Alliance, Neb., April "J,. IWiH. N"H'-o In hereby nlM-n thai the followlni; n nmed settler has llled notice of his Intention to i, .iho tlnnl primf In support of his elulin and that wild proof will lie mmlo before T. .1. DKeefe. I'. S. Coimnlssloner, lit llemliiKford. Ncb.,on Juno I, IMP. viz: (Jeoriio A. Foiidnoh, of IIoiiiliiKforil. Nebraska, who made lie 37 IS for the u t so t, . iv i4 so !4 see :i, nw i no '4 see III. liSMii.'r4Hw. He iiatnes tho following witnesses to prove lilsconllminusieshlouco upon and cultlvntlon of said land. vz: Hurnev l'ltts. l.udii in . u le inford.,eb!,',,, h"rlL'S W' tm,lh' "" " il""': J. W. Wkiin. Jit., KfKlster. in Tin: countv couht ov hox hcttj: COUNTY NKIIUASKA. In tho matter of tho Petition for tlio l Adoption of Wilbetl Wiilren. Infant, f OK HKAItlNO. Upon the llllnif and rntullnj of tho Petition of ;?ill!".,V.M,,"-"' I'"i"M for tno ndoption of Wllbert Wnrieii, the liifant child of William Warren and Ada Warren, both eecoased. it Is ordeied that a Hearing I o hud upon said matter on tho oth day of Juno A I). IMH at the Countv touitltooni (u llemliiKford. llox Hutto Countv. Nebraska at which any person Inlcrestc. mav appeiir and show cause why said petition Hhould not be Kranled.nnd the said child adopt ed by l.nrs K l-'odnus nrd llcitlm Kodnes of Hox Hutto Countv. and Unit due notico of this heailnK bo f.iUA by publication for four con secutive weeks. in testimony whereof I hnve hereunto set my hand and anixed my ofllulal seal this sth dny of Slay A. U. IMi. SKAf. JA8. II. II. IlKWKTT, county JikIkc. IN THK DJSTHICT COl'ItT OK HOX 1IUTTE COUNTY, NiniHASICA. John Illmlor. l'ltiliitlff, ) s N'elllo Schlnntz, NOTICK. ititiry J. Schluntz, and I V. A. Coursun. Defendants. J V A. Coursen, defendant, will lake notico that on tho '.lull day of Apill, A 1). IM'H. John l.inder plalutltT horeiu, tiled his petition In Iho District Court oi llox Hutto county, Ne biaskn nualnst tho nbovo named defemlauts the object and of which aro to foiecloso a certain mortiutKo executed by thodefendnnts Nellie Schluntz and lieuty J. iSchluutz to the plalntlll u)ti the northeast iiuarlurof section tw.'iit-saen lutowiisiiipiwentv-seveii noin. raiih'O forlv-nlne. est ol tl.etith I in., in llos Hutto county. s.ei-raskii, to secure the puj ment of ono i-erlalu piomissoiy note dated Dec 111. IH!'.". for the . sum or Mil 70 pii.MilJle In lle .M'lirsfiomdiito or at the option of the plaintiff nuy time after default In pn.meulof the interest annually thereon, and upon which thetolsnow due tho sum of ifT.VI and to bar tho defendant W. A Coursen of nil claim or lien iiKiiiust the real estate aboo described or anv other Intorests theiein by lituo of a liuh-'inent Hindered In favor of said Coursen tmainst the Hemincford Milling Company. Joslah Thomas and Henry J. Sehluntz. A transcript copy of which Judgment was hied In the onice of tlie clerk ol the district court of said county or Hox lltitte. iMalntln alleges that said ludKinent has lapsed and became dormnu and Is no Hen on sulci teal estate. I'lntntHT prnNsforu decree thnt his morcniro ho ndjudKfd n llrst lien on snld lenl cstnte. thnt the Judgment of the defenilnut Coursen bo do clnredno lieu theieun: and that the defendants Nelllo Sehluntz end Henry J. Sehluntz bo re quired to pay tho phiintlrt the amount, duo on IiIh said nun tunue with Interest and cost or thnt snld piemisesmny be sold to sntjsfy tho nmount found due. nnd tbnt nil of said de fendants bo bnmd of nil lnterest.clntm or lien In nnd to snld premises. You nro required to answer snld petition on or before thetlth ihtv of Juno A. 1). lsH, Unted April '.1, ItV.W: Jons HlNliKlt. Plnlntlff. llv W. M. ioiiENt'K, hlsnttomey. flU-'iU Public Sale. I will offer at public auiition at Jos. jTorejt's place, threo miles west and two milos south of Lawn on Tuesday May HI, 1M)S, at 11 a. in. tlio following described proper ty: !50 head of cattle; cows, heifers anil steers. (J head of horses. 1 wagon, harness, building los, 1JJ0 post:-, household goods and numer ous other articles. Terms cash. Fhank Kudulka. - xh" OMAHA WORLD -HERALD Ja the frecitest newspaper west of the Missouri ltiuer. It advocates FREE SILVER at tho proseut ratio of sixtoon to ouo Its nowa sorvlco la the best to be obtainoi. Daily, $Q 00 per year; 50 conts per mouth- Weekly, 51 00 por vmir. your. Subscriptions for the WORLD-HERALD received at this offlca Lumber, Coal and Lime! Just roooivt'd a cur of boIijcI imstorn IiiiiiIkji' for tanlvH. Alho all kinds ot himl wood, cedar f-'liiiitfloB, lnlli, limo, and all hinds of lumber. Jlouri.v ni.idu tanks, or will mlo tanks to onlur. Prico-. to compete witli auyonn tlio N'orlhwcst Como and sco us beforo buying olso wIhmo. Tunics and tank lumber a Hjicdally. llKMINGKOUI) LlTMHKH ('o. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Chiltkcn. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho TotXf: Sicnatur OASTORIA. Bears tho The Kind You Have Always BougM rf ' t'Tfy -' ' r,) OASTOH.IA. Boara the ) iho Kind You Have Alwajs Bought OASTORIA. Bears tho fl You HavB Always IT'S DANGEROUS TotniT NI'Al.r.H, guaranteed "AH J001 AM fAlltllA KH'. for lent laiinej; tlit-y inn't ba made, llon't lini. union ynu qi-t Ibc lien!.. A chrap Mcnle It the limn eipvntlvo Intuatmrnt you can mukoi It It iinri-llalilt. auit liu-aiu Itml runner or Inter you intuit liny iiL-nln. liny only n. genu I ur. Iiilrsl liuprnvril fAI KIlA M KM whliti will lat Jim n llfctlinf. ami provo the cheapest in Hip .-nil. NiKiiiitrnii Ihi-n illnpiito yuurwi-lKhti. ItKWAItKOF I.1J IT.VTIoShI FAIRQANKS, MORSE Ci CO., 1I02 Farnam St., Omaha, Nob. (Old M-jtl- lteinilt-et.) THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE THE G1BT DEiOGIttllG W of the Northwest. Will ba sent postpaid to any nddross six days a wook for ono yoar for FOUR DOLLARS. Tho Chronlclo Is tho most consplouous nowapapor 8U0 coss of tho day, tho dally cir culation oxcooding 75,000 copies and tho Sunday circu lation oxooodlng 100,000 cop tos. It Is a first-class news paporof 12 and IGpngos (Sun day 40 to 48 pages) and la a stanch supporter of sound domooratio principles. TERMS. illy (except Sunday) 1 year $4.00 Dally ind Sunday, 1 year 6.00 Dally, 6 months (campaign edition) 2.00 Dally end Sunday, 6 months 3.00 Rally, 2 months j.oo Dally and Sunday, 2 months, 1.40 Dally, 1 month 50 Dally and Sunday, 1 month 75 Bur.dav, 1 year 2.00 fiaturday.l year t.00 Romplo copies froo on appli cation. Address THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE, 164-160 Washington St "Chlonaa. IU. iraCi ELDREDGE "Ft" A strictly high-grade Tamlty 8ewlng filachlnu, iukteini: nil modern iinpruTements. Guaranteed Equal to the Best Vrlet's very reatonable. Obtain tlietu Iruiu your local ilealer asd uiake comimrlon. ELDREDGE MAfJUFAGTURING CO. BSLVIDERE, ILL. i i F" CITIZEN SOLDIERS. Sometime Hnrit Tor Tlirtn to Untie rat and tlitt Importance of Dlnclpllne. Tbnt tho soldiiTH of tlio CoutinciitnS trmy yostonlny f nrmcrs nud nrtlKiuis could light lilhtory tells, but in tli traiisitiou 6tago tbo itlca of Riibordiim tlon tbnt nir.rkfl tbe tllftorcuco botweer nu nrmy tuitl nu nrincil inob wiih dim cult to grnpp by ineti iu whom tlio idct of personal intlepinrieiico was eo strong Tbo enntnin was uo better tbntt tin privnto In tbo village from which botlf bailed, nud it was uot EtriuiRo tbnt tbt privuto, wben ordered by his superio? ofllcer to fetch n bucket of suiter rroir tbo FpriuK, sbould retort: "Get it your self. 1 got it yesterdny. H'h your tun today." This wua uot iUHubordimitior iu tbo view of tbo mule nnd lllo, but merely tbe assertion of n proper spirit of lmiiilincsH. It happened uot infrequently duriu, tbo civil wnr that tbo privnto wuh i richer mnu thnn tbo ofliccr, iih iu tl. case of Ellas Howe, tho inventor of tb, Kcwiti", uiiicbino, wbo ou several occa b!ouh pri'M nud n Hue barte to koiiio ma jor or colonel too poor to purcbuse such a mount himself. Tburo was another soldier of this stamp, Koch by unuio, who wnH well known in Philadelphia. Ho left n for Ui no of over -f 1,000,000. It fell to bia lot ouo night to bo stationed sentinel over u bapptKO waon Tbo wentlicr was cold anil wet This set tbo sentinel musing. After remaining on post for bnlf an hour, bo called lustily: 'Corporal nt tboKunrdl" Tbo corporal enmo and inquired what wna wnntniK Koch wished to bo reliev ed for n tew minutcH, having something to Fay to tbo ollicer in coniiraud of "tbo post His wish wuh grati .id, ami in a few niitntic he Mood iu tbo prufceuco of General Alnepbertjou. "General." said bo, "whnt is tbo valuu of tbut ungou over which I urn sentinel?' . "How hhould 1 ltnow? NVns thnt nil youwautedV" responded tbo geueral im patiently. "yonietbinn npproximnto," iusisted tbo soldier. "Ob, woll, $1,000 perbnps." "Very well, General Alncpberson," responded tbo privnto. "I will write a check for tbut amount, and then I will go to bod." Youth'B Compauiou. WHAT THE BAND PLAYED. An Kxcltttig Dinner Table EpUodo on an Atlantic Liner. An instance of wbnt it calls "trans ntlnutic courtesy" is related by Lo Gau loiB of Paris. One of tbo greatest singer of France, a woman whom it says every body will ut onco ideutify on n mo nieut'B consideration, wnu returning from New York on 0110 of tbo German liners. Ouo evening, gluuciug nt tho programme of tho concert tbnt was tc bo plnyod nt dinuer, sho snw tbo an nouncement of n triumphal march celo brating tbo Germnu victory of 1871. "I urn sure," hbo said to a fellow conutryman sittiug near, "tbat this it not intended an a discourtesy to us, but I don't carol I'm too much of a patriot not to express my disapproval of it in my own way when thoy begin to play this piece. Wait nnd beo. " Tlio enptuin, hnviug enngbt tbo gist of thc.o remarks nnd noticing tho great artiht's ngitution, glanced at tho pro gramme tc seo wlmt caused it; then, without showing any surprise, bo spokk o ouo of tbo winters in a low touo. At tbo moment when thu Gorman tri umphnl ninrcb wns duo to begin tbt JTrencb sinpt r, wbo could bnrdly con trol her ngitutiou, prepared to leave tbt table. Tlio tirht chord was played, the artist aroBO nnd stood, pule, ugitnted, amazed, wbilu tbo oillcers nud otbei pnsst'Ugers alto got up nud 6miled sym patboticnlly nt her. And tbo baud play, ed "Tbo Mnrbeillaisol" How Senator Vet Obtained III Peak. Alauy good stories could bo told ol tbo alertness which senators display in seouriug woll placed debks, but tbo ex perience of Mr. Vest is especially worth relating. When in 188U tbo civil service law was beiug dibcussed, Mr. Pcudlo ton, an Ohio Democrat, and Mr. Dawes bad presented bills. By a shrewd bit ol politics thu Republicans abandoned tbcix support of tlio Dawea bill nud voted lcr Mr. Pendleton 'a mensuro, thoir vote together with tho votes of tbo Demo cruts favorabjo to tbo measure, being fcufliciout to pass it. As tho bill wai about to bo voted on Mr. Cockrell mov ed tbnt its titlo bo changed bo ns t'J rend, "A bill to retuiu Republicaus in oilico. " As soon ns it passed, Mr. Vest filed a claim for Mr. Pendleton's seat "Tbo author of Bucb a bill, " said bo, "will uover como back to tbo senate." Mr. Vest was right, and at tbo begin ning of tho nextcongroba ho moved into Mr. Pendleton's vacant chair. Wash ington Pobt. ' The Curtain Wan Down. A party of couutrymen wero in town enjoying the sights. At lmt they cume by ouo oi tlio tbcuters in tlio Strand. "Suppose wo go m." huid 0110. "lietter beo bow much it is first," said another. After inquiriugtbopricoof admission they decided to bend ouo of tbo party in kitlu to teo whether it wits good enough or not. After romniuiug for somo time tho delegato leturned. "How is it?" asked ono. "No good. A lot of fellers fiddlin in f rout of u big pictur'. Como cm." Strand Mngnziuo. IrreTocably. The man wbo borrows trouble gcuer ally gives his bappiuess as eecurity. Richmond Dispatch. The Romau catacombs aro C80 miles in extent, aud it is efctimated that from rs.000,000 to 15,000,000 dead aro there Interred. Tbo mean summer temperature of Vew York city is about 74 degrees, tbnt of Liverpool about CO degrees. VEHY DE5PEHATE. An Alligator Mkn Oat .Millinery. it IiOneh o AllipratoM enn po n loncf vro y yynh out eating, but when they do pot n cluineo at what la filled n Rqttaro tncrl . they mnke fibort M)rk of It. It doon tj Room to matter mu h to tho alllgator whnt tlio squnro meal consists of v1 long ns bo can fjet it down. Anything! that he can devour without hurting hisi teeth or unduly stretching hisswnlloTT- ing npnurntusris food for him. A number of peoplo visiting1 tho Zoo; In Central p.trk, Jsew iork, wero gath ered nbout tho alligators' tank, watch ing tho reptiles disporting themselves! in 1 he w.ter. Suddenly n, gust of wind caught tho broad-br mined hat of .11 young girl in tho watching crowd, whisked It off her head and lauded it on the edge of the bank. ltcforo It could 1)5 recovered ono of the iilllgitors caught s ght of It, hU ntten'ion was attracted, uo doubt, by the beautiful artificial roses with which it was trimmed. He gazed at it rapt in ndtnl ntion for an instant Ills jaws slowly opened nnd then closed with a. snn over tho hat, which disappeared down tbe c eaturo's throat all except n single roso, which, howevor, did not escape, for in n moment the nliig.itor 1 eye rested upon It, and It as qulfkM" followed tbe rest of the hat luto thH rcature s capacious interior. Then tho alligator win -od his other cyo, as much sis to say: ''That was lino. Olvn me n I'l'-zcn more." "Every ono enjoyed the spc 1 1 le except tho young girl cOi 1 si the hat, who is still, as she wtis then, undoubtedly of tho opinion that alligators are very impolite cren t t -a. whatever other virtues they may possess CARE OK THE PIANO. If You ll.ipprli iu IIuvs One, Thts I How to I rrm It. A skilled pUmist never allows his .ii' vod nstriimont to stand upagiin&t thu wall i'. liis room, a spa oof at eist a foot being uhottod, says u sntitsie dea'cr. This is to prevvnt damp "and allow a passage of dry, warm air. Tbo precaution is especially necessary in a brick boitso whore tho wall is an out side one. Hricks are anvthing but damp-proof, and unless tho wall is "furred"' there will be consideruWo dampness, especially wh'n the first fire is lighted for the fall. Dampness Is fatal to a piano, because, among other reasons, tho rosewood used in making the frame is tropical wood, and not capable of resisting; moituro for any length of time. In a carelessly kept piano tho polish is bail, and the vatmsh looks as though an at my of insets been at work on it. Tliis is be muse tho wood his stretched and bhrunk with great rapidity, owing to getting lu np anil then being dried ngii'it, and a mitsi-' etan soldom cares to buy such nu iX, strument, knowing that the doti uto interior Jias buffered at least t some extent with the exterior Ta mg euro 01 a piano is nv.t tno oatiie, an 1 iho less dnmpuc-s tho less expenditure necessary to keep it in tunc. A OIANT TIMEPIECE. I bo Vt'onilorlul ttlocic Tti it Ornatni-nts 1 hiNuclp 11 1' low. U.ill. Tho greatest horologies won t in he worid today 4 h ,'iganti' o-k 1 1 th" tower of tho imimmio " uli build ng" at l'hilaileiptiia. hcn everything is in running order this marvel of tho clockm.iUer s art will bo stationed a distanco of 315 feet from the pavement. Its bcil weighs be tween 20,000 and '.'fl.OOO pounds, an I is hi- second largest belLof any klr I in America, tho grant boll at Montreal being tho largest, weighing Sh.000 pounds. The dial of this Philadelphia titan is twonty-flvo foot in diameter, nd the striking hammer is as larg" ns a pilo driver woight. Tho minute h mil is twelve and the hour hand nine feet tn length. Tho machinery is arranged so that the clock will strike every fif teen minutes, the quarter, half, three- quarters and hours. llio uoman numerals on tho face are cairn two feet eight inches in length, the dark part of tho figures being three and three-fourth inches ia width. As it i entirely out of tho question tc talk of winding such a monstflr by, a - threo-horso power engine lias been placed at the square of the tjwer for that especial purpose. A lloino-MuUo TurkUli IlJtli. Anj ono can fix up a Turk s!i or va por bath in his own bedroom at Htt'o or no oxpensa. A 1 chair can be placod over a tub of boi in water, and the bather has only tos t n tho chair aud cover himself fr .11 his shoulders down a nrd with a heavy blanket to got a first-class vapor bath. Some people vary the arrangement by putting hay into the tub as well as thq boiling wator, but this is unnecessary an 1 only adds to the trouble and mess. The same precautions are needed against catching cold as with a regu lar Turklbh bath, with the a Ivantu ,'0 In favor of the homo aifair that you can get into bed without having to go out of doors after getting overheated. The simple Yath as described will euro , rheumatism and sprains as well as re duce woight to an appreciable extent Ulueberit'il ('title Few are aware of the existence of the veritable Hluebeard'a castlo. Yet a recent writer assures us that this is indeed situated a mile or two beyond interlaken, on a louely. well-shaded mountain road. Upon looking up the wooded hillside, just at a beud In the lane, one sees tho niins of an oldcastle On y mots-covered walls now remain, which are the haunts of bats, birds, and insects, but its stately columns in dicate iU early grandeur. Many doubt that such a character as lllueb -nr 1 over lived, but in that portion of tliTy' ' worm me story is oiuteveu anil loin ny the natives, until one fancies he sett! Futima s sister at the tower itintlow, anxiously awaltirg 6ome s'gn if ho? protector.