Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, May 20, 1898, Image 3

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oi Winter
So the falling of the hair tells
of the approach of age nnd
declining power.
No matter how barren the tree
nor how leafless it may seem,
you confidently expect leave's
again. And why?
Because there Is life at the
So you need not worry about
the falling of your hair, the
threatened departure of youth
and beauty. And why?
Because if there is a spark of
life remaining in the roots of
the hair
will arouse it into healthy activ
ity. The hair ceases to come
out: it begins to grow: and the
glory of your youth is restored
to vou.
wb have a book on the Hair
and its Diseases. It is free.
The Beit Advice Free,
If von do not obtain all tho benefit!
you expected from the uio of tbe Vigor,
vrrlto tbe doctor about It. I'robaolr
tliere l eomo difficulty with your gen
eral system which may be easily
removed. AddrMi,
UK. J. U. AlliK, Lowell, MASS.
How a Dynamite Gun Is Made.
The newest type of dynamite gunton
slats of two tubes placed directly one
above the other, whereas In the old typo
there are three tubes placed side by side
In the same horizontal plane. The elim
ination of the third tubo means a great
saving In the weight of tho gun nnd
at the same time It es claimed Its effec
tiveness is increased. It Is said that
the gun can be fired at least five times
in two minutes.
Of the tubes the upper Is several fret
the longer and Is smoo'h bore. It re
ceives the projective, and the material
used In Us construction Is either brass
or steel, the latter being preferable.
"Within the lower tube there Is an Inner
tube, which In turn opens Into the upper
tube through a port Immediately be
hind the projectile. "When the projectile
Is placed In the upper tube and tho
blank cartridge In the lower.the breech
es are closed and the gun Is ready for
firing. The pulling tho lanyard explodes
the smokeless powder, which compress
es the air In the tube, and this, passing
Into the upper tubo through the port.
exertB there as pressure of 3,000 pounds
to the square Inch. This pressuro ex
pels the projectile. The air forms u
cushion that protects the walls of the
shell from shock, and It Is claimed ob
viates the dnnger which would follow
from the concussion of the powder were
It exploded directly behind the projec
tile. Tho entire length of the projectile
used Is thirty-four Inches. This includes
a tail piece about ten inches In length
and fitted with a vane set at an angle
that Insures slow rotation. The body
of the shell Is a brass cylinder having
a conical head containing a fuse. The
main body of the shell contains usu
ally a charge of explosive gelatine, tho'
gun cotton or any other explosive may
be used. The Ignition Is effected by
means of a mechanical fuse, and It Is
so arranged that the explosion can Im
mediately follow upon impact or may
be delayed for ns much as six seconds
thereafter. When the shell strikes the
water or any other object, a small steel
ball, acting as a hammer, Is driven for
ward by the sudden retardation of the
flight of the shell and strikes one or
more percussion caps, causing a deto
nation. This Ignites a tube of powder
communicating with the fulminate of
mercury nnd so explodes successively
the gun cotton and the main explosive.
The fuse embcdles a device which ren
ders the shell Inactive until Is has trav
eled 300 feet from the gun. This device
is very Ingenious. There Is attached to
the head of the fuse a little vane or
windmill, which Is fastened to a thread
ed rod running back Into the head of
the fuse fnr enough to press on the
small steel bnll mentioned and hold it
in place. As the projectile passes thio'
the nlr the bindes revolve and. In re
volving, unscrew the threaded rod, and
thus release the small steel ball, which
Is now ready to run forwaid and ex
plode the primers.
' The subject of a young lady's essay,
who was graduated from a high school
In an Ohio town, was "Hawthorne,"
and In her essay she said, "at the age
of thirty-nine Hawthorne married and
took his wife to the old manse." The
day after the commencement, one of
the village maidens called on Miss V...
and In talking the affair over, remark
ed: "Wasn't It nwful that Maude should
say such a thing in her essay?" Miss
E. Inquired what she alluded to. "Why.
she said at the age of thirty-nine. Haw
thorne married and took his wife to
the old man's. Why didn't she say n
his father-in-law's?"
"Dusty, what stopped you from ask
Ing for food?"
"Because 1 have a faint Idea thai
the man In there Is strong."
"What gave you that Idea?"
"Because I heard his wife tell him
she thought It about time he picked uj
the yard."
Smith Hallo, old man! Thought ymi
were going to die. What saved you?
Jones The doctors gave me up.
Editor Good morning. Anything new
this morning.'
Humorist Yt-s, all my Jokes.
"There Is something about Scribbler'
,works that simply carries me away."
"The truln of tjaought, I suppose."
M WjpdUBIffla.
ji xuUUIEHjl
(W II. Ilnwlty In tho Globe-Democrat.)
"There wer nine or us, I mean nlno
white men Americans, the inptuin nnd
enw of the mean tug ltoger.'' said an
old sailor, who wns talking of tho Cu
ban war on the South street pier. "Of
course, the hold wns full of d.igoes
Cubans, 1 mean thirty of them nil
told, and we weie llllbtisteis.
"It wna the tlrst your or the Cuban
revolution. The Hover had been tun
ning light for a month, picking up a
tow here and there, and falling to make
expenses. She was a strong boat it ml
ct uld do twelve knots an hour mlr
piessure. Dan Breen was captain, p'lot
and part owner.
"One day the captain received nn of.
fer from tho Cuban agents to take a
cargo of guns und ummunltion to the
Insurgents. Thete was big money In It
for all hands provided we landed the
stuff and got away safe. The owners
left tho matter to Breen, and the cap
tan called the crew Into the cabin nnd
usked them If they would go. Ther
was double pay, and a share of the
piollts for every man of us, and we ull
volunteered at once.
"Next day the Hover called for n
southern port to bring back a tow, and
we got out beyond Sandy Hook without
being followed by a revenue cutter.
When night came we stood In towur I
the Long Island phore, und about mid
night ran alongside a schooner an
chored off one of the covers down there.
"The stuff wc were to entry was on
the schooner, nnd It took two hours,
the Cubuns helping, to get the cargo
aboard the tug. Daylight found us
steaming down the Jersey coast at ten
knots au hour. We had taken the
thirty Cubnns off the schooner and
whenever there was another vessel In
sight we were careful to keep them be
low deck, where thoy chattered In
Spanish nil day and most of the night.
The voyage down was without Incident,
because we hud good weuther all the
"According to the plans of the Cu
bans who hired the boat, we were to
land our cargo and passengers at the
head or a little bay, near the extreme
end or the island, n few miles north of
Cape Mills. A company of insurgents
wus to be waiting for us, and assist in
tho unloading. We went down through
the Bahama channel, keeping outside
the three-miles limit, until we were
within thlrv miles of our destination.
The captain had so timed the voyage
that we were to make the lust lap after
dark. We hnd a Cuban on bolitd who
knew every foot of the const down
there, nnd wns to act ns pilot when we
made the run for shoie.
"The sun wont down In a clear sky,
with a light breeze blowing from the
southeast. Every man on board had
supper between sundown and dark and
the captain warned them to cat plenty,
because tliere would be work to do be
fore morning.
"As soon us It was dark the Cuban
pilot went up and took his position
nlongslde Captain Breen at the wheel.
The engineer and llreman had their or
ders, which were to get every bit of
speed possible. The Cubans came up
nnd lay about the deck, talking In whis
pers. Then the Hover was headed for
the coast and went abend at full speed.
The full moon rose nn hour ufter dark,
which was In our favor, because It en
abled the pilot to make out certain
to steer.
"The scene, as we paced down the
coast was n grand one. On our right
rose the dense Cuban forest, black as
night, In the distance. To the left a
smooth sea stretched away to the hor
izon, and under the clear moonlight It
looked like a great lobe of solid silver.
The Rover was throbbing like a thing
of life, nnd we seemed to be Hying
through the smooth water. Lookouts
were stationed fore and nft to keep a
watch ror Spanish gunboats, although
the Cubans hud nssurances tlnt this
part or tho coast was not putroled, ex
cept at rare Intervals.
"It wns nearly 10 o'clock when wo
entered a narrow channel between the
mnin land or Cuba and a low reer or
key. For a few miles the vision or
moonlit wnter wns broken.and at times
we were plowing along In the very
shadow or the trees on shore. Accord
ing to our charts nnd pilot we would
pass a narrow Inlet nt the end or this
channel, and live miles beyond would
enter tho bny where we were to In ml
the expedition. The Cubans assured us
that ir we got out or the narrow nnd
dnngerous channel safely we would
have nothing to fear.
"We were an hour making this In
shore tack to avoid the greater distance
around the reef und when We reached
the open again the wind had rreshened,
and there was a long rolling swell com
ing toward the shore. To the right,
beyond the Inlet we had to cross, a
range or low hills rormed n dark and
gruesome background to the picture
mound us. A shudow rrom these hills
seemed to be reflected back across the
water by the moonlight.
"When we were half way across the
Inlet I heard the Cuban pilot tnlklng to
the captain In a wildly excited manner.
Before I could gather what it was
about the captain called down to me
rrom the pilot house:
" 'Jack see that all the lights are
put out and then come up here.'
"We carried only one light on deck.
I put that out and ran up to the pilot
" 'What is It?' I asked.
" 'Look over to your right there.away
up In the shaded part or the Inlet, and
see ir you can make out anything," said
the captain.
"I looked In the direction Indicated
and saw what appeared to be a dark
object on the water rully a mile away,
and moving In our direction.
" 'There seems to be something there,
captain. What do you make It?' I
"Berore he could reply there was a
flash rrom the dark object, rollowed a
moment Inter by the sharp report or a
small rifled canon, and then we heard
the splash or the ball as It struck
the water, 300 yards short and 100 yards
" 'A Spanish gunboat! We've got to
run ror It!' said the captain, and whist
ling down the tube ho ordered the en
gineer to let out another notch.
"There was no use turning back, be
cause the gunboat was now as nenr the
narrow channel through which we had
passed us the lover. The Cuban pilot,
who kept his head fair' well, assured
the captain that If he kept straight
ahead to the point of laud then visible
und rounded, that he would be In the
tntrance to the bay, where we were
to land, and once In the shallow there
could give the enemy the slip.
"Acting on the suggestion, we forged
ahead, and the old tug went faster
than she had ever gone before. By this
time the stokers knew that a Spanish
boat was arter us, and they kept the
boilers red hot. The gunboat flred a
score of shots after us, but none of
them came closer than 100 years, and It
was soon evident that she was not more
thnn ten-knot boat, and that we could
outrun her.
1 "We rounded the point that mnrked
the entiance to the bay, with the Span
ish gunboat nearly three miles astern,
and were beginning to breathe easy,
when a series of yellB from the Cubans
on deck startled everybody. They were
:rosslng themselves and pointing off Una
l"rt bow. I looked In that direction,
und I'll confess I fell n bit slinky for n
time, because I snw two more boats
heading right into the bay, ns ir to cut
us off.
" 'Boat off the starboard, slrl' shouted
one of the crew on watch,
" 'Two boats astern, slrl' cried the
nft wntch.
"For answer, the captflu bpgnn to
swenr llku n pltote ha he lung the
bell to slow down.
" 'Hunt dead ahead, slrl Three boats
off tho pott bow, sir!' cried the foi
ward watch.
"By thin time the Cubans wrtc In a
complete panic. Some wete crossing
themselves, some prnylug and otheis
swearing. The men nf tho ciow wore
bndly scared, but kept thulr wits welt
enough to obey orders,
"The situation wns certainly alarm
ing. We were now well Into the mouth
of the little bny, nnd, looking mound,
we could see throe boats on each sldo
or us, two dead ahead and two astern,
between the tug and the gunboat that
hud been shooting at us.
"The strnngest renture or the situa
tion wns that not one of the vessels
showed a light, they had not llred l
shot at us and nil or them were appar
ently regulntlng their movements by
ours. When the Hover slowed down thoy
reduced speed. Kor five minutes we
went ahead at hair speed, and there
wus no hostile move on tho part or tho
ten boats that surrounded us.
" 'Maybe they are for us,' suggested
the Cuban pilot. 'See, they have no
"'Oh, III' snld Cnptnln Breen,
'Here goes to settle the business.'
"With that ho gave the wheel a turn
and rung the bell for full speed abend,
and, reaching for the whistle cord, he
blow the siren such n blast as 1 never
heard before. A thousand echoes or
that blast seemed to come back from
the hills on cither side, until It Hounded
as If a groat Hoot or boats was playing
a concert In that dark Cuban bay.
"A Tew moments later a bright bluzo
or lire Unshed up out or the rorcst at
the head or the bay.
"That is the signal of our people.
They" heard your whistle!' said the Cu
ban pilot.
"The Hover wns now plunging ahead
at full speed, and the boats aiound us
were doing the same. I looked aft for
tho Spaniard that hnd boon shooting at
us. He had been frightened off and was
heading out tc. sea at full speed.
"Another wild cry from tho Cubans
on deck was tho next startling demon
stration, and, looking around, wo saw
that the boats that a moment boforo
hnd surrounded us had vanished com
pletely. There was not a shadow left
and not a ripple on tho smooth water
of the bay to show where they hud
"Again the Cubnns fell on their kneos,
crossed themselves and prayed. The
captain merely said, ' !'
"Half an hour Inter we dropped an
chor In n little cove nt the head of tho
bay. We were within 100 yards of the
shore, and In a few minutes a boat kind
of Cuban soldiers were along side thu
tug. They had been waiting Tor us ror
a week, and no time was lost In getting
our enrgo ashoie.
"While unlonulng tho Cubans who
went down with us told those from tho
shore about the mysterious fleet
through which we hnd passed, and thu
mystery of the nffulr was quickly ex
plained. It seems that at u certain hour
on a moonlight night theic Is a soit of
double or triple reflection on the sur
rnce of the bay, caused by the shadows
rrom the hills on each side, and a ves
sel passing In or out Is mirrored In
these shadows until It becomes a small
fleet. The mirage disappears at a cer
tain point as sudenly as It came Into
"We landed our cargo safely, got our
pay and were safely out to sea berore
daylight. We wore not pursued again
by the gunboat or the shadow filibusters."
With Wakonlnpr Spring.
(Helen Wi'.mnns In "Freedom.")
It seems to me that almost every
thing I look at holds an Interest ror mo.
that calls out reelings or happiness, ho
that the earth Is becoming heaven. I
look across the boulevard to whore my
neighbor Is building an addition to ills
house, und my heart warms with the
thought or how piotty It will look whn
completed, and how much the family
will appreciate It, and with whnt pleas
ure they will ornament and furnish It.
I mil llndlng out how much and whnt
constant happiness one may have from
small things If he will only live out In
the world or effects and uses.
In coming out rrom brenkrust this
morning 1 met a caterpillar; It wns the
flrst 1 had seen this spring; nnd actu
ally the little thing wns reeling so good
he could not behave himself; he was
turning somersaults In the roud and
sometimes springing entirely off the
ground. And nil the time I was watch
ing him a sense of his happiness kept
going through mo until 1 was about
as happy as he was.
So I Just walked, on to where there
Is a rose bed made on solentlllc prin
ciples. It was dug out eighteen Inches
and lined with plaster so solidly that
the roots of the trees and glass cannot
get In to steal the fertilizer water we
put In it. In this bed the roses are
always In bloom so prorusely that It
does one good to look nt them.
As I was watching my rose bed there
was a chorus or voices close by whose
meaning I wculd glndly Ignore If I
only could. I did not want to go back
to the hotel for cabbage leaves, nor to
the store ror nuts, and yet there were
the Gulnen pigs watching mo through
the Iron wire netting that encloses the
space where they live, and telling me
In unmistakable language what 1 was
to do. So back I went, and brought
what they wunted nnother evidence or
the power or desire. In this cngo,
which Is so large that the Inhabitants
don't know that It Is a cage, there are
several squirrels, a number or whit a
rabbits and the Guinea pigs. Beauti
ful creatures all or them, ami so bndly
spoiled by the lavish Indulgence of vis
itors they are Just like naughty, per
sistent children, always thinking they
want something, nnd declaring that
they will have It whether they need It
ur not; and getting It, too, is obedience
to the law of desire.
For an Interesting example of the
cost of maintaining a battleship in time
or ponce, when war Is not even threat
ening. I have procured rrom the records
or the war department the cost of
maintaining the New York, the most
expensive ship in our nuvy. The cost
ror the last year was $301,005.60 or nn
average or $1,086.29 per day. The vorl
ous items that go to make up this
total annual cost will apply ror the
present purpose to our armored cruisers
and battleships, though, or course,
varying according to constantly chung
Ing circumstances, nnd now being In
creased by the war rooting on which
our navy rests. Or the J391.065.60 spent
by the New ork In 1897, $237,"K.76 was
ror the pay or others, orew nnd
mariners; rations cost f35,G42.GO; equip
ment, J6.S35.21; navlgatlon,J3,21G.5S; ord
nance. 314,743.70; construction nnd re
pair, J9.163.05; steam engineering, I2S.
261.26. Then there were Incidental ex
penses, navy yard repairs, medicine and
surgery and similar items.
When Senator Tillman, speaking on
the senate resolution on Friday last,
snld, "My pcoplo nro today a unit slnco
the ruse which exploded the mine un
der the Maine flared nnd sizzled," his
remnrks might have been regarded its
rhetorical pyrotechnics or ns voicing
Ignorance ns to the manner In which
modern military Infernal mnchlncs nrc
touched off. It Is quite, possible that
the picture or a llrrcrnckcr, splutter
ing and flan. Ing under wnter, which
Senator Tillman's words call up, could
be entertained by many cltlzoiiB with
out any disturbing thoughts as to Its
nccurncy. But the picture, neverthe
less, Is rather remote rrom tho truth
or the mines. Your modern mibmnrtne
mine Is exploded by electricity, which
goes nbout its business without flaring
and sizzling.
The facts about the explosion of oth
er destroying engines of warfare, which
fly through the air, have a little better
reason for not being known. It Ih more
or less of a popular mystery nB to how
a shell seems to know Just when to
blow up nnd do tho mischief for which
It wns intended. This nccuracy of con
duct has only been attained nftcr years
of experiments, nnd today a shell can
be fired with pretty full conlldence In
good results If the gun hnrf been well
The fuses now In use nro cnllcd com
bination time niul percussion fuses.
Speaking gencrnlly n time fuse Is one
that Ignites nt a prearranged time nfter
the projectile, cither shell or shrupnol,
leaves the gun, nnd u percussion ruse
Is one that Ignites by the Impact of
the projectile. The combination tlmo
fuses for the projectiles of breeeh-load-lng
rifles Is known ns the boxer, which
Is generally UBed for shrapnel.
This fuse conslstB of n wooden stock,
the ruse composition nnd nn Igniter.
The ruse composition In a paper case,
is contained In tho center or the stock,
which hns also two side channels tilled
with loose powder. On tho outside or
the fuse stripj of pnper are pasted over
the sldo channels, one of which hns full
seconds up to eleven marked on It and
tho other half seconds.
The fuse composition Is connected
with tho side channels by boring holes
through the graduation, which marks
the times Tor which tho ruse Ib to bo
sot. ir tho ruse has not been bored
through to the side chnnnel the llnmo
will not enter the Bide channel until tho
end or the composition Is reached,
where there are permanent communica
tions to tho sldo channels. It Is Impos
sible ror the llnmo to pass directly rrom
the ruse composition to the bursting
charge or the projectile, because the
bottom or the stock Is solid except Tor
the side communications to the chan
nels. Tho Igniter Is n little brnss cylinder,
which has a nipple on the Inside or the
lower pnrt to receive a percussion enp,
There Is a brass plunger above thlH
cap, held In Its place by a wire. The
process or ignition Is set up by the
Shock or the discharge, which breaks
tho wire nnd drives the plunger on tho
cap. The explosion fires the ruse nnd
the ruse flame" passes down till It reach
es the hole bored 'in through the side
chnnnel. Then the flame dushes out
Into tho channel and down the chnnnel
to the bursting charge of the projectllu,
which It explodes.
A typical percussion ruso Is the
Schcnkl. This ruse Is fitted Into the
nose or the projectile, nnd consists of
a metal stock containing a steel cyl
inder plunger, nnd above the plunger
a cap, and below It n mngnzlne for the
fuse powder. The plunger fits loosely
Into tho stock nnd Is hold In Its upper
part by a smnll brass Bcrew, which Is
brittle, and breaks olT at the shock of
tho discharge and relenses the plun
ger. The screw enp of the fuso screws
Into the upper end or tho stock.
One end of this cap Is plane or flat
and the other hollowed out, nnd until
the shell Is to be used the hollow end
Is kept Inside or over the plunger, so
thnt If the plunger should get loose tho
percussion enp on top of It would fit
Into the hollow and not bo exploded.
The plunger Itself Is llllod with quick
burning powder, on the forward or up
per end of which Is a n'.pplc for a per
cussion enp. The fuse Is made ready
ror use by unscrewing the screw or ruse
enp, reversing It so that the lint end Is
inside, nnd screwing It on again.
Then wh?n the gun Is discharged, the
plunger Is Treed by the breaking or the
little screw and forced to the bottom
of the stock. On Impact the plunger
Is driven sharply forward and tlu per
cussion cap on it strikes the flat end
of the scrsw cap nnd explodes, Ignit
ing the powder In the plunger, which
t-ots off the powder In the mngaztne,
which In turn explodes the bursting
charge of the projectile.
There nre nlso percussion bnso fuses,
those which lit Into the base of thu pro
jectile nnd explode the bursting charge
through the nose of the fuse, or the
nose fuse explcdes the chnrge through
Its base. The general construction and
action or the base ruses Is similar to
that or the ncse ruses. They consist
or a stock, a magazine plunger and fir
ing cap. The plunger Is held In place
by wires, which are broken arter tho
discharge, so that the plunger, which
Is then set Tree, files forward on im
pact, strikes a cap in the Torwnrd end
of the fuse with Its point, Igniting the
fuse and exploding the shell.
The Schenkl and other percussion
fuses are now being supplanted In our
service by the Hotchkiss nose and bnso
fuses. The ncse fuses are used for lund
service and In the navy Tor calibers
under four Inches. The base ruses are
used Tor all large caliber guns, those
which are mounted chief? on vessels or
on thp sea coast. The llotNhktss nose
ruse does not vary greatly from the
types described; not sutllclentry so to
deserve extended analysis here.
The chler Improvement which vhey
Introduce Is a sarety plug, or lend step
per, which holds In place wires that
themselves hold In plnce the magazine
plunger. The plunger rorces the plug
to the renr on the dlschnrge or the gun,
nnd on Impact the plunger Is driven
rorwnrd, striking n s-.teol point on the
head or the ruse, which explodes a rul
mlnnted cop In the end or the plunger,
firing the magazine and then the burst
ing churge.
The Hotchkiss base ruse has a solid
plunger, the magazine or the fuse being
contained in tho detonating tap at the
head of the stock.
One other percussion fuse, the Drlggs,
departs rrom the common ruse type in
the method or Treeing the plunger. This
is held fixed by spring arms until tho
time or discharge, when the rotury mo
tion Imparted by the rifling to the shell
wrenches the arm clear nnd leaves the
plunger Tree to explode the caps.
The Boxer ruse for shrapnel Is also
being replaced by the point time fuse.
The rentures or this ruse are similar
to those of the time and percussion
fuses. It consists of a metal stock, a
plunger nnd wires, but the fuse Is so
nrrunged that the shock of discharge
not only tires the plunger, but explode
a cap and Ignites the fuse. This fuse
Is graduated up to fifteen seconds and
is set by boring a hole through the cen
tral cavity at the proper graduation to
a time train, which Is Ignited through
the hole by flame from the central cav
' r.ad explodes th bursting charge.
The Doctor Slocum System at
Last Presents to Mankind a
Perfect and Positive Cure
for This Foe of Health.
By Special Arrangement, Three Free Bottles
of the Doctor Slocum System to All
Readers of This Paper.
The main point about
tlio Doctor Slocum 8j stem
Is tluit It lias proM'ii by
the must ilinicult tests to
which It could lio subject
ed, to liu te) ond a iossll)to
xlimlnw of a doubt the nl.
Koluto preventative am)
euro of run sump tlo n
catarrh, bronchitis, nth
ma niul all other throat
nnd lung diseases.
1 aE5pii) (g5gjfcjfo
fan 'is- tg' m
in 1 1 i I Ik "J yMB. i M m n v Mj
ISPH Ii: i ii w !lwfjH,uvHiuirMi''I" Km Mat! II """" nt
IbBEI 1 'l,,, '", ii ft Hill u.mituiUJu; HI Pill ' en ""
mmmwm If WIH Jllliil ,sS
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Sl'KCIAL KOTK. The Slocum System Is medlclno reduced tonn exact science by the world's
mot famous physician All readers of this paper anxious regarding Uio health of themselves,
children, relatives or friends, may have thrco froo bottles as represented In tho alxjvu Illustration,
with complcto directions, pamphlets, testimonials, ctc.liy sondlngfiill address to Dr. T. A. Slocum,
tho Slocum building, OS 1'lno Street, New York City. This Is a plain, honest, straightforward otfer
and Is mado to Introduce tho inorlts of Tho New System of Treatment, and should Uo accepted at
onco. When writing tho Doctor please, mention this paper.
mint dealer and do Tour own decorating, . Thla material la a IIAUU F1.MHII to Iw applied with a
bru.h and tweomea aa bard aa Gvuieot. Milled In twantr-four tin la and worka euuaJlr aa wall with
cold or liot water.
i V7 .B'? u HAMI-I.U comik CAKDB
local dealers let ua know and wa will put jou In
Donn Howolls on Literature.
"Amerlcn Is rich In material which
needs only skilled workmen. It Is nd
mltted that our genius fcr short story
telling Is equal to that of the French,
who were long supposed to he tho hest
writers of the 'contt,' We have done
some work thnt will bear comparison
with that of Daudet, Coppee, or De
Maupassant. I do not know jr tlu re
will be n well-defined school of Amer
ican writers. There Is room ror n num
ber or such schools. Our country Is so
extensive nnd our nntlonnl lire so di
verse that the writers or each section
could form a school for tho portrayal
of Its characteristic social traits. The
Held is already occupied by a large
number or meritorious wcrkers. It
might sesm Invidious to single out one
or two, but I may mention such writers
ns Fuller, .ho wrote 'The Cliff Dwell
eis:" Owen Wlster, who Is doing excel
lent work In the west; Cuban, who has
written so Instructively nnd nppreela-
! tlvely of the east-side lire In this city.
, and Allen, Fox, Fuge und Harris, who
are utilizing seme or the exhaustless
1 t tonsures or the southern field. Many
I will follow, and I see no reason for
' doubting thnt In fiction America will
, have as rich a lltetature as nny court
, try In the world.
"I shall nd another novel to my list
next year. It will be published In serial
, rorm, und I an- now engnged on It. This
, method or publication makes n writer
seem much more proline than he Is.
The book I consider as probably my
best hns also been the most populur
one "A Hazard or New Fortunes.' I
strove hard over that story, and felt
that I wns doing as good work as I
wus capable of, but the public received
it when It was coming out as a serial
with quiet Indifference. "When It ap
peared In book form, I felt that It would
fall still-born, but It soon became pop
ular, and twice ns many copies of It
have been sold as of any one of my
other novels."
Reformer I hope to see the day when
women will no longer appear on thf
stage In tights.
Hounder Well, the barefoot dance
seems to be a step in that direction.
and if Ton cannot mirchaae thli material from jonr
tba war of obtaining it.
A map of the
I Tni-fara Q-a-o-focj
VllllVU t.'lUtViJl
Send mo 15 cents in stamps nnd I
will mail you a ninp of tho United
States, three feet four inches wide by
five foot long. Printed in six colors'
Mounted on rollers, bhows overy
state, cjuntj, important town, and
railroad in the United States. Use
ful. Ornamental.
J. Franclsk(!eucral Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
Cheap 4th of July Vacation Trip.
Kvcurkloii tickets to Washington. D.C., will bo
sold via lViiusylvanU I.hu-s, from Chit-ago, July
til, 4th, r.tli and ttli. .In-t the place to spend
Independence day at tho National Capital,
l'li'iity of Interesting sights anil special voter
tahiiiieutfoMUlturs. Apply to II. 1C. Djcium),
A. (J r. Aj!t., -M South Clark St, Chicago, for
O. P. Co., Omaha,
No. 21,1808
ii Linus WMiHf au use (Aits.
Ij Heat Comb. Syrup. Tauea Good. U0
rri in time. oia dt aruraiaia.
- '. , .X4H