Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, April 29, 1898, Image 4

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. ,K .A,i f ifc .
What Social Atntfrht 1'nnnil Innn V.mU
ern Prorlnrt.
Whilo Mmlyiug social coucHUotis in
oricntnl lamia Dr. Alico B. Stockliam
vrns ndvisori by 1'olrtol to visit thu
Nninrs en tlio Mnlnbnr coant of luilin,
nnd witness titypo of clvllizntlnn un
kuowu oltewlitiro among the inhabitants
of cnrlb. IIrrc, according to awrltur,
. tho hnubntiil ia n lucro incident in tlio
hoolftl orpntiization. tyouinii'H power in
autocratic nnd absolute Sho uii'.i or
divorces n liimnnnd itvlll. Shu frames
nud ndrulnistorH tho laws by which ho
Htch, nud through hor ia tho do&cent of
tho property, which bo niny enrn, bnt
not own. Tho riccflfcld ia his nrtlvo
nronn, nud if industrious and frugal
proving himself capable of maintaining
n family FomoNnlar maid invites him
to becoino her hncbAud. 'Tho succossfol
man of eligible yearn jh wooud nnd won
an is tho fortunnto oud accomplished
maiden of our country. "
Tho impropriety of znnnifcatlng nffoo
tiou for n woman boforo it is solicited
is thoroughly instilled into tho mind of
tbo Nniiir inuu, and, whilotl.o strifo be
tween natural toiidenclos and nationul
custom may pomotiuics'npproaob tbo na
ture) of nn irrepressible conflict, to yield
in ruin nnd humiliation irreparable
Tho cligiblo bachelor must nwnit nu
avownl of loTb and choice- nud Buffer in
silence- if it o long withhold. Tho
Nniars aro of 13 ragman origin and much
abovo tho average inhabitants of India
iu intelligence nud in thondmiuiRtrntion
of their native govornment. Hotter na-
, tivo schools nro found horn than elso
whoro iu India, nnd a surprising degree
of domestic- coutontment.'Springflold
, .Republican.
When It Originated, It Alia Stood For
Marriage Ceremony.
Tho enko wnlk properly hnd its origin
among tho French negroes of Louisiana
xnoro than n century ago. Thcro is lit
tlo douht that it in nn offshoot of some
of tho old French country dances. It ro
somblcB eotcnil of them in form. From
Now Orleans it spread ovor tho entire
south and thenco north. It was found of
-convenienco to tho plantation negroes.
They were not wedded by liceuBO, nnd
it wns seldom that tbo services of a
preacher wero called in. '
At a cnlto wnlk a man might legiti
mately how his preference for n wom
an nud thus publicly olaim her for n
wife- In effect tho cako walk yras not
different from tbo old Scotch marringe.
which required only public ncknowledg
rueuj from tho contracting pnrtins. So
this festival beramo in somo seuso a
wooing, an acceptance or rojrction nnd
'a ceremouy. This explains its popular
ity with tho blacks, ontsido of its bean
ties, with tho accompaniment of ma
nic, which is competout nt nil times to
oomraaud negro support.
Cako walking has improved, bb do
most things that aro constantly practic
ed. It an fosf its old significance iu tho
south. Negroes now get" parried, when
they marry utnl), ju the white folks?
faohlou. It has, however, becomo a pan
tomimo dance. Properly performod it
is a beautiful ono. The cako is not much
of a prize, though tho negro has a swoct
, tooth. New Orleans Times-Democrat.
Vorfjt Protection In Idaho.
Tho miners ps well as tho mine own
era operating lij'northeru nlnbo aro pe
culiarly interested in rational nnd cf
, feotivo methods of forest protection to
what remains of tho publio timber lauds,
and ns producers of national wealth
.liavo a right to doninnd it. They huvo
tho result of years of wanton forest de
struction before thoir eyes and can foo
thomsolves coufronted with a timber
shortage boforo many years fhnt threat
ens their commercial and indubtrial life.
That such n condition ia fast pppronch
ing needs no propbetio visiou to fore6eo.
The extent of burued forest lnnd tbo
past 10 years as developed iu theso re
gions is ptf evidence that requires no
supp3ftinKafgumpnt to mako effective.
Tbaf Jnany" thousand of acres of forest
till exist in tho CcenV d'Aleno basino
Hoes not Sveakon the fact of nn mpeud
vlng timber shortage. Under the present
conditions two or threo dry seasons
.would suffice to wipo out the- larger
portion by far of what remains of (ho
forests iu this part of the state. There
Js not yet adequate protection or super
vision, nnd ptfblla sentiment upon tbesp
poiu'sa is not yet' spilleiuutly aroused.
Kortister. '
Self Made Men of Other Dart.
The self mado man ia by no raeapB
solely tho product of modern times, po
luxnbua was n weaver, Fraukliu was a
journeyman printer, Popo bixtus V was
employed in his young days in keeping
b'wino, Robert Burns was a plowman,
(J52bopwasa slave, Homer was a beg
gar, Daniel Da Foo wag apprenticed to a
Rosier, Demosthenes was tho son of n
cutler, while Virgil was a baker's sou
Ben JousOH wis a bricklayer? Cervautes
was a common soldier, Canova'H father
was a stonecutter, Captain Cook com
inenced lifo as a cabiu boy, Huydn, the
musician, was tho sou of a poor wheel
wright, Piznrro, instead of going to
fchool, was sent t6 keep hogs. Kirko
white's futher was a butchor, and
Keats' father kept a livery stable. New
York Sun.
Warm Water IlaptUm.
Vp wo'uid impress upon the clergy
. the necessity of having the water warm
ed. Baptism, it is true, is seldom or
.never administered by immersion, but
even when affusion is used the contact
if cold water vfth a child's' head might
injuriously uffect one with an already
sntllcicntly low power of resistance.
JianooL '
When tho enjtun of Turkey attends
the Friday midday prayer at tho tnosqu',
in Constantinople, tbo gnrrisou of 30,
000 meu is stationed along tho route
.in such a way that ho shall be safely
guarded from tho moment ho leaves his
jialaco until ho is ou his carpet iu the
aouruu cuiiice.
How General Joe Wliculrr Waa Captured,
' General Whcolar had n most oxciting
Forvico throughout tho war. Holm told
mo how hlsliorsba were shot under him
again nud ngafu ;iud how ho escaped
without injury, although ho always
rodu nt tho head of his troops. Cf nil
tho commanders under .1 offer non Davis
lio stuck closost tq him. Ho was with
Davis whon tho cabinet moved from
Richmond to Cokefihorough, N. C, and
ho then hnd eight brigados of cavalry.
Ho toll) Davis that tho noldicrA consid
ered tho war wns over nud that ha had
troublo In holding IiIh troops together.
Davis did not agrco with him, and ho
ordered 10,000 'horsetihocH sent thcro to
equip his troops' for flight through tho
A short tinio jator, however, when ho
got ready to fly, Wheeler was about tho
only commander who could get soldiors
to go with him, and it was littlo Gen
eral Joo who followed tho Couiedcrato
president with a troop of fiOO mon.
Davis and his cabinet soon saw, how
over, that their hopo'wns a forlorn ono,
and they sent orderp to Wheeler to dis
band his troops and tako caroof himsolf.
This Wheeler did and a short tinio lurcr
wns enptured by tbo' Union troops and
was Bent with .Icffcr'so'u Davis north to
prison. Alexander Stephens and Post
master General Reagan wero takon with
him, nud on tho way north General
Wheeler says that Stephens thought ho
was going to Buro death. Ho said us
much to General Whoolcr, nud tho gen
eral roplitd, "Well, JMr. Stopheus. if
this is to bo your fate, what must bo
thnt of President Davis?" AJexander
Stephens raised Iijb "bands pud replied:
"O), don't spenk'of thatl His fate Is
too 'horrible f.q "consider." Genera)
Whoclor said ho had no idea ho would
bo killed, nnd tho way ho joked about
,tho mattor of their joint imprisonment '
norriliod Alexuudor Stephens. St
Louis ltepublic.
Waililngtou WI(lou.
I like gratitude. I liko to hear of
gratoful people, and an auccdoto I heard
recently of ono Washington man has
pleased mo immousely. Ho has recently
married tho widow of a very wealthy
gentleman, nnd on tho procooda of the
transaction ho has built a handsomo
houso. Whon tho house was finished
nnd tho moving into it was accomplish
ed, tho wife nud hor mother fell to dis
cussing just where thoy should hang tho
portrait of the lormer husband. They
had just decided to hang it in a small
Vn'oirt on t'ho second floor when tho now
husband camo Xa nud hoard of tho mat
ter. "Hung him up atairal" ho said.
"No, siren. "No, sirco. That mon was
my benefactor I owe everything I bavo
to him. He shall hang iu tho plaoo of
And busbaud No. 1 now smiles down
from over tho mantel iu thu drawing
Let that makos mo think of another
Wnshiu(.tou"widow who baa jfeccutly
ULhtowtd herself and her bolougiuga on
a beLoud'iusbaud.
"It s'sb turtunate," said sho to mo.
"My first husband's last numo begnn
with a W, you know, and so does my
second husband's first name. All Mr.
W 's hauukerchiofs aro just tho thing
for Willie, and I haven't oven had to
have tho initial on them changed. "
Wushiugtou Post.
Age or the World' Charuier.
Miss Browning dilates on a most
coiihUatory tact Tho women who iuflu
cuceii thuduatiniesof nations wire nuuo
of them "auujlly'youig." Well, what
does 'Misg Lrpjviliug ' call "actually
youufcr'' Nfui tten $ apt' pld.'and sho
who euvcdJbruucu irem returning mem
bers to a British parliameut was 10 at
liurtn.th Than is a tendency in'tho
muhi ti tu liko them young. Helen of
'iroy was, it is calculated, about 120,
but sho was tbo daughter of u god.
Cleopatra is pnt by Aiiss Browuing at
about 60 when Autouy reckoned tho
world well lost for her. In atjy case
her medals mako hor a plain wOmau,
with a very lougnoso. Muryfatuart had
turned filings upsido down before sbo
was 25, nnd Diauo do Poitiers was 43
and Mmp. Scarrou 45 before they copi
tured roval lovers. TIiprh vi.tnrnn oVinvm.
ers had health and intelligence, but J
Lady Hamilton was fat. as well as 40, I
wuvu duu tascmaioa jNeiBon.. Loudon
Nowb. '
C04 on Aih Wcdueiday.
Oncoa year, on Ash Wednesday, the
Anglicans of all tho middle class eat
Bait fibb, aij'd this salt fhh ia always
cod. fchrovp Tuosday is u kiud of Lon
don flhh shop festival, in which tho
wholo of thp "decoration" is salt cod
aud half lemons. Tho cod ore salted iu
tho shops, being split aud very lightly
but sufficiently salted, with a vew to
imparting flavor rather than to preserv
ing tho flhh. They aro then rol.jd looso
ly aud elegantly and a lemou laid upon
oach. Tho origin of (bo lemon is dull
cult to trace, hgg sauco, aud not lem
ons, is tho traditional" ".relish" with
salt cod, the eggs beiug also u survival
of tho old Lenten list of faro. Possibly
tbo iemous wero originally part of tbo
surplu" stock laid in for tho previous
least of paucakes on Shrove Tuesday.
Coruhill Magazine.
The Kurlj- riano.
The earliesp known mention of tho
pianoforte was jn u playbill dated May
10, 1707. Tho piece auiiuuuced was
"Tho Beggar's Opera, "with Mr. Beard
as Captain Mucheath, Mrs. Stephens as
Mrs. Peachum, Mr. bhuteras Peachum.
Iho principal attraction was giveu us,
"Miss Buckler will sing n song from
'Judith,' accompanied by a new instru
ment called piauoforto." Pittsburg
Tho annual consumption of paper used
in Amoy, China, is said to be nearly
10,000,000. Most of it is or local mau
afneture. The Chinese don't like for
iiga inudo paper.
One pouud of sheep's wool is cnpablo
)f produciug one yard of cloth.
Tntne nt Accuracy.
A man of b'uhiucFsliko aspect invaded
1 down town shoe shop yesterday morn
ing nud naid:
"I see yon claim to do iuvipiblo
patching. Can yon put an invisible
latch 011 this shoe'"
"Yes, sir," replied tho proprietor.
"Sure? I don't want it dono miles
you can, because this is ono of my swolj
shoes and I don't want it to show. "
"If I don't put an invisible patch on
it, I won't chargo you anything for tho
"All right. Gouhoad."
Tho fliooniakcr took tbo shoo, nnd in
about fifteen minutes brought it back to
him neatly repaired.
"H'nil" ejaculated the customer. "J.
think tho bargain was that it you
didn't put nn iuviHiblo patch on it you
wouldn't ohurgo' anything, wasn't it?'?
"That's right."
"This ia tho patch, isn't it?"
"Well, it's perfectly visible. What;
you meant was, I presume, that you
could mako tho evidences of its boing 9
patch iuvisiblc, but you ought to have
said so. A bargain's a bargain. Let this
be a lesson to you. Good morn"
"Hold on. I can fix that all right,"
said thu shoemaker.
Ho took tho shoo again, ran n sharp
knite under 0110 edgo of tho patch, up
plied a pair of sharp nippers, doxteroubly
ripped it off, throw 'Jt behiud a work
bench uud Landed tho shoe back again.
"Tbi!ro,"'bo said, ""is your shoo, nud
tho patch ns you'll nntico, isn't visible
now. Let this bo a les.sou to you. Good
inor Oh, ho'B gone I"- Chicago Trib
une. A Drought HenIstliiB I'lant.
The chief reason why alfalfa hay will
grow iu tho short grass country is that
it has long roots. They havo beon known
to Btriko 2C feet doop for moisture. Tbo
plant will not thrive, therefore, in soil
that is not opou and deep. An ideal
placo for its growth is along tho river
oottoms in tuo western part of Kansas
land under which great lakes of "Bheet
water," miles upon miles in extent, are
found from 10 to 25 feet hnlmv thn cnr.
face. Tho roota of alfalfa readily push
down to tho water nud drink when they
need moisture, nnd tho result 1b that
tho plant blosspms and prospers nud be
comes a never failing source of revenue
to tho man wlio'cultiyateB ft". On tho
rolling uplands, where tbo'ro is sparcely
an averago rainfall of 25, itichiH a year,
tho plant will live nufj 'produce buy
nearly always. It makes good pasturago
under ordinary couditjous there pud ia
almost certain every year to produce a
fino crop of seed All' tbo uplaudB aro
fertile enough, tho only troublo about
making nso of that fertility beiug tbo
lack of moisture ( Irrigation has uotyot
succeeded in bringing water in abnn
dauco to tho assistance of the tiller of
tho soil in this region, nud therefore
only such a plant can live as has deep
roots aud a pertinacity that even tho
hot winds of Kansas 'cannot shake.
Fraukliu Matthews in Hnrpor's Woekly.
One of the Kalnor'a Jokes.
There aro many good anecdotes nbont
tbo German emperor, nnd it mugf; bo
pwned thnt thoy all prove tho kaiser to
havo no small amount of humor. The
following, which comes from Hprr
Ehlers, tho traveler, ia smarter than
most. The emperor and Lblers wero
oollcgo churns from Bonn, and tliQ cm;
pcror never forgot hiB old college gtn
deut. At Bonn, on" special occasions,
tho different corps used to drink to ono
another, aud the following set form waa
always used: Tho president of the Pala
tia corps raises hjs glass, Baying, "I
havo tho great honor and pleasure to
empty my glass iu drinking to the corpa
of Borussia. " Tho president of the lat
ter corpa then rpplies, "The porps
thoukaaud drinka.'' On tho birth of
ono of the Bona of tho emperor Ehlers
tolegraphed him, l?I have the great
honor and pleasure to empty my glass
in driukiug to the' youngest Hoheuzol
leru. " Tho emperpjr promptly wired
back, "Tho youngest Hohenzollern
thanka nnd driujjB. Toronto Chron
icle. The Heat of tbo Snn.
According to tbo best authorities, less
than ono thousand-millionth part of the
Bun's rays reaches thp earth. It is' for
tunate that this ia so, as any consider
able concentration of tho rays npoq pnr
planet would speedily destroy it. Ac
cording to tho bame account, if all of
tho ice at tbo north polo wero bo piled
that tho heatot the sun could bo focused
pn it, it would dissolve at tho rate of
800,000.000 miles of polid ice per seo
oud. The beat ia estimated to gener
ate energy at tho rate of 10,000 horse
power to pvery square foot of space.
The beginning of tbo radiation of heat
from tho sun must date back something
liko 100, 000, 000 years. Liko everything
elso, it had its start aud must have its
finish. It may continue for 15,000,000
or 20,000,000 years longer, but there
is a limit oud it must bo reached. Ono
cannot but wouderatthe condition of
tho universe at that timo and what will
come after. New York Ledger.
Why Ulu I'alU In the Streets.
Little Dot I don't liko to stay in the
bouse like this. What makes it rain so
Careful Mamma So triat the grass
can grow and tbo floweis come 'opt,
"Does the angels send down all this
wet just for the grass aud flowers?"
"1 SUpr H SO."
"Well, what do they slosh it all over
everything for? There isn't any flowers
in the strcptb. "
"It can't bo holpcd, I suppose."
"P'raps they nro servnut angola nnd
nscd to wabhiug windows. "Strand
German Professor (iu his lecture on
Water) And then, gentlemen, do not
forgot, if wo had no water we could
uover learn to swim and how many
people would bo drowned I Vicuna
John Garrett is working down
cast, of Alliance this spring.
Miss Flora Slratton is enlarg
ing hor kitchen this spring.
Mr. W. II. Jowott bonirht 20
head of steers last, Thursday of
Cal Ilnshman.
Mr. W. T. Johnson shinned
another car load of potatoes from
Alliance, thu flrqt of tho week.
1 Will Tracy is talking of going
to war hoon. We hopp ho will
get buck in time to put in his
crop this year.
Mrs. 6. W. Duncan and daugh
or Eva, of Alliance wero yisiting
Mrs. W. T. Johnson and Mrs. V.
II. Jcwott this week.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Jowott arriv
od homo from Missouri, where
they havo been spending tho
wintor with their daughter Mi's.
Yoder. Thoy aro glad to get
back to Box But to whore there
isn't so much mud.
The undersigned will tako
cattle or horses to pasture thir
teen miles northwest of Hejning
ford. Terms reasonable. In
quir at Wm Cross.
From my ranch fifteen miles
southeast of Alliance one red cow
branded J W on loft hip; reward
for information. 1). Betebenner,
Antioch. Nobr.
Stnto of NpbrnMcn. Im
1 tit a muuui uiiiuy, I
AtuCountv Court, held nt thocountv court
room, in npil forf-nltlrourity, Apt II i:r, A.' I). IMK
Piescut, JumcN If. II, Hpwctt, Conittv.InilKC.
In tlio mitttor of Uip estate of Mnry 'Hughes.
On rciiulrtu nnil llllne tho petition of John
Hughes, praying n tlrml settlmnent iiru1 nllow-
ncc of hs llnal nrcount. as itilmlnlstrntor with
III mini ccl, urn fn tlm t-rttlrrreiit of nil
mutters rnnnccted with tho administrator of
Kill (KtfltC.
Oil! miei. Thnt May '.'ml. A. D, 1H8. nt 10
rlock n. in.. Is rmlgtied for hraiing mi lit petl
Moii, when all persons interested In said mat
er may appear nt iiCoiimx Court to bohHldln
-i!dCoutit.. nxHhmt tac why prnver of
I pcHttr.riprf.nouM not he prnntert' nrd that
notltcof ihe pemlenei of Fiiid petition, nnd the
earing tl.otcof. I n given to nil persons Inter
ested in MiMmntiri lj put lli-hlpg n ,opy of
his order In tho l'cmlnpfoid Hr.iiAi.nn weeldv
ewsparcr printed In .nId Count v frr three
ueccsslvo weeks, prior to f.pd day of honrlng.
. . JAs II. H Hewftt,
A true copy. coiipty Judge.
Lumber, Coal nnd Lime!
I .lust received a car of select
jeHslern himbor for tanks. AIo
ill kinds of hard wood, cedar
shingles, lntli. lime, nud all rands
if lumber.
Rendy made tanks, or will 'nuke
tanks to order. Price-! to comppte
with anyone the Northwest. Come
and sea us before buying else
where. Tanks and tank lumber
a specinlty.
Hemingford Lumbek Co.
I havo somo of tho best seed
corn in the county for sale (white
and yelp,w) also 25p bushels of
tho very best millet seed for sale
in quantitos to suit purchaser.
Orders left at II. R. Green's will
bf'tillod or write to tho undor
t'Miod E. Maiun.
To bur NCAIJN, puanutt cj "AH iOOI A"
rAlllllAN'lCH'. tor K-. iiiuney', ttiwy u't b
mdL'. Ifou'l buy, uDlem yuu guttur ln-t. A
tlicup HcrIo u the Hint rspunslvB Invi'.tnii-nt
you rill uiakf, It U unrrltntilo, and inran. tlil
ouner erlnu-r you mum liuy acntn. liny mljr
tacrniilnr. Intra! llliirovrt KAIIt IIAKI1M
Whlth lll latl Jim a Ufi-tlmi. ami pruvo tho
rlirnprat In tliornil. Nnnnu ran Ihrn (IKnuto
1102 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
(Old Mi'Mlr ltei'lllr-d.
Trade Marks
Copyrights vtc.
An rone senillittr a sketch and description mar
qnleklr KsrertJiln'our opinion free whether an
Invention la probably patentable. Communlra
tlMiaatrlrlrenHentlaL Handbook on I'atenti
jpnt t reu. OMeat ofreuey for aeeurlng jiatenta.
l'atem taken thnnieh Jlunn X Co. recetre
tpatal nntUt, without clMrge, In the
Scientific Jltmricaih
A lmndiomoly lllu.tratod weekly. Ijirrcat clr
1'Ulutlon of any fdentlno lournaL Terun. (J a
year: four months, It Sold by all newdealer.
r,UNN & Co.36'8. New York
Uraucli unlcu, tra F BU Washlogtou, D. C
.t.vHt&Adj .
Finals-Proof Notices.
J. W. W'LIIN, JIC, negUter.
W. K. AKKUS, Ilocclvcr
l'nrtpn ,11 vine notleos in thin eoliimti re ro
ntieneino read tliHuanioftifpfullyninl report to
tlila oilier for eorrootion'n.nv emir., iii.t mi-
pxIhU TIiIh will preunt ponaible delay in
nmkinc iiVnuf.
O. . S. Luna Oniec, Alliance, JCab., April 'Jfl, 1893
Nolliu Is hereby (,'Uen that'
Annio I. Cunningham,
heir of Prank FIshbauKh.deccased.of Hox Uutte,
Nol)., tins Med notlte of liUciltlnli to make
llnul proof teroru Kct'lstur or Uccelvcr nt Al
liance, Neb.. May 21. imw, on timber culture
Qppllcntlun No. 1177 for tho so i'heo I, tp 2s 11,
Mi w. Sho names as wltiiffu.es! W'illlnm I).
Johnson. William A. Clark. Stephen Holt,
James Mct'ubo, all of Hox Ilutto. Neb.
J. W. Wotin.Jr., IlUfTistor.
IditiilOnicont Alliance, Neb., April 7,1803.
Aoticu Is heiuby kUcii tliat
Andrew Atwqod,
haafitpil notice of intention to mako final,
proof iM'fiiro T J.O'Keefe.U. H.L'oiiimlanloiipr
nthis otliyn in Heinlngfonl. Neb , on May It,
tls. on lim'ur culnru applleatlou no. 1170,
fo thn hiv1 noo 7, twii yy u, r.10 v.
lio natnen as wlllncsf.es: Lincoln Shove,
Vlnroi'i'1' a IIolWmUKli. Jntnes MonUiu'UO,
John Muiituituu, all of Marsland. Neb.
Nel). J. W. WtllN.Jit., IteKla'er.
V. S. Land Onico Atlloncc. Neb. April 7, 18DS.
Notleo fs hereby Kien that
Lucy W. Pinney,
llftK fllPil nntfrn flflntnnttnti In mnlrnAnl h.nnf
before T. J. O'Kccfe. U. S. Cmralssioner nt
his onico In Crawford. Neb., on May lit. 18l, 011
T. ('. nphllcation no. IR3.V for the uw seo 19.
tp27. r6l.
Sho names as witlncsscs: Ilobcrt 55. Stewart,
UalleyO.Piniicv. Paris a. Cooper, Hoy Lem
ons, all pf Cmwfortl, Neli.
J. W. Wplin, Jr., IteBlstcr.
U. S. Land onico . Alliance. Neb., Mch. 3l.lfc8.,
Notice is hereby kIvcii that
John "W. .lohuson,
of St. l'nul. Neb , hns tiled notice of Inten
tion to make llnal proof befoicT. J. O'Keefe.U.
S. Commlshloner, nt IlcrnliiRforri, Nnli., on
May 18.1HM. on timber cullurpnpplicntioii No.
150, for thp i:e ' sec 18, tp2ii, r 50 w.
He names as witnesses: Isaac Ulckell,
William W'illmott, John W Ilroshar, John M.
Trout, all of IlemliiKford, Nrib
J. W. Wk.iis. J I!.. IteniBter.
Land Ofllce at Alliance. Neb.. Mch. 21. tM'8.
Notice Is hereby uheii that the following
named .settler has tiled notice of his Intention
to make llnal proof in support of his claim, nnd
that said proof will bo mado before T. J.
O'Kcefe, U. S. CommUstono, at Hemlnefortl.
Neb., on April 30, 189?, viz:
Horace P. Fillmore,
of HomlnRford, Neb., who made 11. E. no. 073,
for the seh, see . . tp L'7 n, r M) w.
Ho names the foIlowliiR illnesses to provo
Ins continuous i csidence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: Albert S Knyeart, Joseph Schaf
fcr.Luko Phillips, Mat C. Uauumont, all of
hcniliiKford, !eb. Also
Albert S. Enyourt,
of Ilcmihcfnrd. Neb., who mado ll b SD0 forlots
1 and 2 s V, no " st o 0, tp 27n, r 50 w.
Ho names the following witnesses to provo his
continuous residence upon and culthatlon of
said land, viz: lloraco P. Klllmore. Joseph
SchafTer Luko Phillips, Mat C. Heaumant. nil of
of IIumlnKford, Neb.
J. W. Wchn.Jr .HcRister.
Land OHiee Alliance, Neb., Mch. 53. 18fl(J.
nuiieu ih nereny kikii iiini inn rollowlnCT-
i in
Ni b., on April 30, 18W, viz:
Mnuruc II Reed,
of IIiiiirIi, Nfjb., who made h e3l.'J8 for the nn or
Hee2t, tp30n r, '
He names thp following wltnesKeB to pi ore bin
cnntiutioiiHreidi nee upon uud cultivntinn of
sanl laud, viz: William J. Smith, Luko J. Slay
field. Alex Dalwtty. of HoiikIi, Neb. I)i,Kl
McMillan, of Oawfurd, Neii. Alao
Notice is hereby Riven thlt
Mary J. Reed,
nee Hnrria. of HoiikIi. Neb.. Iibh filed notice of
intention to make final proof nt name time nud
plnceon timlmr culture application u. l,7!i for
thenlifuwri . mviir nv qr & nwqr hw grace
32. tti.'IOn. rfc SheiiameaaR wltneaaps: Jamea
A II inter of '.'omiiiRford. Neb .Alex DnlRt-t-ty
William J. Smith or HoiirIi, Nwb.. UurbI
McMillan of Crawford. Neb.
J V. Wolin. Jr.. llesslster.
Land Olrlco at Alliance, .sob.. Mch. 24, lbKJ.
Notice Is hereby plven thaf
Herman Perliclc,
of Hox Hutto. Neb., has Hied notice of inten
tion to make llnal proof before Register or Ite
celvernt Alliance, J.eli., on May 7, lvi8, on
timber culture application no. ltwO for tho no H
fct'ouri. tp2.m. rO w.
Heiinmosas Ultnessses: Carl Weltz. John
Hernklaii, William Kurtz. William llcinklau,
ull of Alliance, Neb. J. W.Wehu, Jr., KeRister.
I jind Ollico ijt Alliance, Neb., Mch 2U.I8W.
Notice ia hereby Riven that
Geqrge V. Nation,
Willfy ,Neb ,haa filed notice of intelionto
muke final proof before KeRiateror Itecolvprat!
hia otlico Im Alliance, Neb., on May a. lb'.h,
on timlier culture tipplicatioik No. 13s"l, for thd
nw of sea 31, twp '& n, r 5J w
Ho names aa wltneafea: Charlea M. McCon
nell, Arthur Haas. John Haildis, Wilber L,
Wallace, all of Yilley, Nob.'" AIho
Mattie E. McConnell(neo Roborts)
of Wllley, Neb , who mado II, E. 303 for tho
n !j b qr nee 20, t . 2 n, rCSvi,
Sho names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous resldenco upon and' cultivation of
said land, viz. OeorRe W, Nation, Arthur Hass,
John Gaddls, Wilber L. Wallace, all of Wllley.
Neb. J. W. Wehn. Itcglster.
VS. S. Land Onicc, Alliance. Neb, Mnr. 17. 1898.
Nollco Is horeby Riven thnt tho followlnR
named setter has lllcd his Intention to maku
final proof In support of his claim, nnd that
said proof will ho made beforo T. J. O'Keefe, U.
S. Commissioner, at IIcmlnRford, Npb.. on June
8, lbW. z:
Vaclav Vojraska
of Hemincford. Neb., who mado II H No. 1220,
sc qr see ao, tp 28 n. r 4s w.
Ho names the fnllouhiR witnesses to provo his
ontluiious resldenco upon aud cultivation of.
.aid land, viz: Henry Pelt?, Albert Nelson,
lohn Jeiinek, Grant Alexander, all of UemliiR-
ford. Neb J W. Wehn. jr . HcRieter
Lnnd onico ut Alliance, Neb.. April 27. Ib08.
n ""o lh hereby Riven thnt thu followlnR
named cttler has llled notlco of his Intention
t ma o llnal proof In support of his cltttu aud
tin Mild proof will bo made beforo T. J.
o I eefe, U. S. Commissioner, at Heuitneford,
Neb., on Juno-1, li-vs. iz:
Georyo A. Feiidrich,
of HemltiRford, Nebraska, who mado ho 37 18
for Iho e 't so 't. sv ' so U see .'(, uw 4 no U
seo 10. tp 28 ii, r Ww .
Ho names tho fnllowlnR witnesses to proo
hiseonllnuousrn.lilonce upon aud cultivation
of said land, viz: Harney Pitta. LudwlR Judo. ,
innn Kaurmnn, onaries v. finiin, un oi iiom
liiRford.N'eb. J. W. Wehn. Jii.. Ueslstcr.
Road Overhoer's Notice to Non
resident Land Owner.
State of Nebraska, Hox liutt. Countv, ss:
To C. F. IJlivoti, Trustee, iion-realduut land
You aro hareby notified that complaint has
been mado to me that there Is on the ii rlhwcst
quarter of see 18. in tonnshlp27n, of rungo H
nest, in Hox Uutte county. tUntt; il So
braska. un old liiieovered well will 'Ii U (Inn
ri'iiiiis ti stock. Said Ihm'I Is :ttii, mid a
couituoii, mid you are mil. Hod tint If said
well is not filled or securely covert tl within
twenty days from this date. I will Mil said
well as required by law, and Ihe cost "thereof
will bo taxed us a lien against tho ulxivo
ileserlhed laud, im described In section M-lu,
arl It'lu 1, chapter i, of the compllled statutes
of ltU7.
Iload Overseer District Na 7.
Hox Hutto County, Nebraska.
Dated April 23. IKM,
I-'Irst publication April C9. 189H.
Bears tbe " ; Tw Kind You Have Always Bjagtl
f "
iinimuwiun linn luru ill lilt UI IIIN lIlILNIlipr
niHKeiuial ir of in Hiipport of hU Olaim. r.cil
that Haid proof will le made before T.J.
O'Keefe. U.S. ConimiKHioner. at lli.mlni.fonl
, .. ....n. v. ,
Fill a bottle or common ghivs
with urine and let it stand tweutv
four hours; a. sediment or Buttlin 4
iml.catos a diseased condition of
the-kidneys. When urine taiu?i
linen it is postive evideneo of kid
noy trouble. Too frequent doairo
to urinate or pain in the back, is
also convincing prof that tlii;
! '''I'vs and blndilm nm ,.f 1'
WaM zn
There is comfort in the knowl
edjjo o often oxpressj,Hl, that Dr.
Kilnifir'.s Swamp Root, tho rreafc
kidney rom:dy fulfills every wish
in relievolng pain in the back
kidneys liver, bladder and every
part of tho urinary passages. It
corrects inability to hold urine
and scalding pain in passing it, or
bad clients- following use of liquor
wine or beer and overcomes that
unplensr.nt necessity of Ijeiiif? com
pelled to get up many times dur
ing tho night to urinate. The mild
and tlip extraordinary ollect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized . It
stands the highest for its wonder
ful cures of the most distressing
cases. Jf you need any incdicino
yoe should have tho best. Sold by
druggjsts price fifty cents and one
dollar. You may have a sample
botto and pamphlet, both senl
free by mail, upon reooiut 0f threo
two-cent stamps to coyer cost
of postage. 011 the bottle.
Mention the IIoai.d and send
your full post-ollieo address jo Dr.
Ivilmer fc Co. Dinghamton, X. V.
The proprietoi of this paKj' guar
antee the genuineness of tins oiler.
T. A. Sloctim. M. C, the Gicnt Chem
ist and Scientist, Offers to Send
Free, to tho Alllictetl, Tlircn Hot
ties of His Newly Dlscovuted
Uunicdics to I'tirc (Jonsiiinp
tlon and All Lihir Troubles.
XnthiiiK could he fajjer. more pliil
anthiopicor carry niqre joy lij it
wake than tin; offer or T. A. Sliiomn,
M. C, or 183 Pearl street, New York
Conriilejit fjiat he has discoyerfil
an absolute cure for consumpt'on an;
all palm mary coinplalnts. and uj
to make its ureat merits Known, In
will send, Tree, tluee bottles (the.
hloeiun new system of medicine) to
any reader or the Herald who Is suf
I'eiitiK Innn chest, Lliro.it mid lung
troubles or cnnsutnption.
jje inyiii's those desirous of ob
taining the remedies to sjmply semj
lii in thr-ir express :iud poalolllce ad
drebh, and receive in return the three
free bottles.
Aliendy t.bis "new seientillc coursn
of iijediehif" lias- perm ineiill) nrcj
tlioiisinnls of apparently hopeless
He consldeih it his reliious duty
a dijjy wliieh he o ves to, Immunity
to foliate his inliillblu cine.
O.ITered free)), ajwpt from its ad
herent streiiKtli. In enough to coin
mend it, and more .so is ihe jierfect
cpiillileiice of the irroat clicmini. mak
n the offer
He lias p.oved consi.inption to be
a curable disease beyond any doubt.
There will bo no mistake in send
ing the mistime will be in overlook
hip; tlie Doctor's generous invitation,
lie lias pn (He in his American and
Eiiropciin laboratories thousands of
tc.stiiucmuls of experience from thoso
cured, in all parts or the world.
Delays are dangerous; mall your
addiess to T A. .Slo-uui. M. C, 18:;
l'carl street, New York, and when
writing the Doctor, please mention
rending this article iu Tmc IU:i:ai.i.
A strictly hlgh-gradi) Tnntily Smrlsg
Machine, ioneiitliiK oU Diodtni
Guaranteed Equal to the Best
I'rltfK vry reasonable. Obtain them
from your loeul draler and make
, Uignatara
of '
r j , z.y9 t . ?