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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1898)
Herald. VOLUME IV. HEMINGFOUD, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FKIDAY, APIUL 29, 1898. NUMBER II. The Hcmin gford "ii r I i$ ftV " 1 4 - k nr M h' , T GALL IS FOR 125,000 MEN TO BE MOBILIZED ON SOUTHERN COAST. THE At Rlonmond, Atlanta and Wash ington Loewlll Bo Made a Gen eral Voluntoors will First Be Taught. Washlncton. D. C. A!ril 25. The president called upon the people of the United States tor the first time in thirty years to munlfest their martini BtreiiRth, the vail this time being on a united people to go forward to do battle with a foreign foe. The secretary or' war created .a new army corps. The two, taken together showed that the regular army soon will move on Cuba, and that meanwhile the volunteers will be equipped and drilled. The president' proclamation, while actually Issued, was not certified to the governors of the states and terri tories. The reason Is twofold. In the first place, the war department desires to avoid destroying the present organiza tion of the national guard, which Is to be called into service first. The guard regiments are composed of twelve com panies, and being olllcered more numer ously than the regular army regiments, would have to be changed to correspond with the army regulation in order to comply with the lnw as It exists. The pending Hull bill, however, pro vides for meeting just such an emer gency, and permits the use or tne na tional gaurd as organized. This consid eration is more important than would appear at first, Inasmuch as many of the national guard have volunteered only under condition that they may serve as now organized. TO EQUIP THE COMMISSARY. The second consideration which influ enced the department In postponing the certification of the cnll wns a desire to make sure that adequate arrange ments can be completed by Quartermas ters and commissary departments for transporting and feeding the large number of men called for. This Is no light task, as the volun teers must be taken by the government at a certain point In every state, where they are to be collected by the gov ernors. Telegrams have 'been coining from almost every section of the coun try to Secretary Alger from governors and militia ofllcers. conveying Informa tion as the length of time, surpris ingly short in many cases, that would be required by them to gather their forces ready for muster. The men, as fast as mustered In by regular army officers in the various states, will be brought to one three great depots, namely. Washington. Richmond and Atlanta, where they will be organized to meet the army tactics. The fact that Richmond Is named as one of these points Is taken as an evi dence that Fitzhugh lxe Is to receive a volunteer commission, either as one of the four major generals or one of the nine brigadier generals nrovided for In the volunteer bill, for it is be lieved that it was largely at his In stance that Rchmond was selected as one of the points of concentration. RUSH OF VOLUNTEERS. In expectation of the certification of the president's call, a vast number of letters have begun to come to Secre tary Alger, offering the services of vol unteers. So numerous are these com munications that the secretary has no tified the press to Inform the people that such communications should be directed to the governors of their re spective states and territories, as he had no authority under the law to ac cept volunteers direct. The formation of a Grand Army corps In the department of the south, with headquarters at the three gulf ports, is an evidence that the government Is to move on Cuba at once with the reg ular army, leaving the volunteers called for to be disciplined and worked Into shape for future use In the cam paign. The formal order for the crea tion of the Grand Army division, Is sued at the war department at the close of office hours, was as follows: "Headquarters of the Army.Adjutant General's Ofllce. Washington. D. C, April 23, 1898. General Orders No. : By direction of the secretary of war the following orders of the president are published for the Information and guidance of all concerned. "First The United States troops as sembled in the Chlckamauga National park will form an encampment known as Camp George H. Thomas, and will constitute temporary army corps un der the command of Major General John R. Brooke. The corps will con sist of one division of cavalry, one division of Infantry, and one brigade of light artillery. "The cavalry and Infantry divisions will each be composed of not more than three brigades, consisting of three or more regiments each. The artillery brigade will be composed of two battal ions, each comprising three batteries. The corps commander will assign the minor officers present for duty for each arm to command of divisions and brig ades. "Second The infantry regiments con centrated at New Orleans, Louisville, Mobile. Ala., and Tampa. Fla., are constituted divisions under the com mand og Brigadier General William R. Shatter, Brigadier General John J. Cop plnger and Brigadier General James F. Wade, respectively. "The division commanders will form their divisions Into brigades and nssgn the senior ofllcers present for duty to command them. "By command of Major General Miles, "H. C. CORBIN. Adjutant General." SOLDIERS OF THE DISTBICT. The people of the District of Columbia will see a great many soldiers at the be ginning of next week. By direction of the president the entire national guard of the district, 1,800 strong, has been or dered Into camp Monday morning at soldiers' home, under the command of Brigadier General Harries. The guard wlH not be directly In the service, of the United States government, but being in ramp, fully equipped and armed, will be In position for Instant service on de mand. While it is the purpose of the war de partment to secure national guardsmen as far as possible In states where there are no national guards or where the number falls below the quota stated In the call, the states will be expected to supply volunteers, regardless of their lack of orgpn'zpMo"" In fact this must be done under the lavr. THE PROCLAMATION. Washington, D. C, April 25. The president Issued the following proclam ation calling for 125,000 troops to serve two years: By the President of the United Slates. Whereas, By an act of congress, en titled "An act to provide for the In creasing of the mllltnry establishment of the United States in time of war and for other purposes," npproved April 22, 18'JS, the president was au thorized In order to raise a volunteer army to issue his proclamation calling for volunteers to serve In the army of the United States. Now, therefore, I, William McKlnley. president of the United Slates, by vir tue of power vested In me by the con stitution and laws and deeming suffi cient occasion to exist, have thought fit to call for and hereby do call for volunteers to the aggregate number of 125,000 In order to carry Into effect the purpose of the said execution, the same to bo apportioned as far as practicable among the several states and territories and the district of Columbia, accord ing to population, and to serve for two years unless sooner discharged. The details of this object will bo Immedi ately communicated to the proper au thortlcs through the war department. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at Washington, this twenty third day of April. ISflS. and of the In dependence of the United States the 122d. Signed, WILLIAM M'KINLEY. By the president: JOHN SHERMAN. Secretary of State. CHANGE IN NAVAL SFRVICE. New Offices will Cause a Long List of Promotions. Washington, D. C. April 25. The entire naval service Is to be reorgan ized. The house naval committee 'has concluded to report a bill which will affect every offcer In the service. A revlzcd bill merges the line and engineer corps, making their duties Identical. It will also give to the com mandant of the marine corps the rank and pay of a brigadier general and It Is asked that the line shall be com posed of three colonels, thirty lieuten ant colonels, six majors, thirty cap tains, thirty first lieutenants and thirty second lieutenants, being an Increase of two colonels, two majors, ten cap tains and nineteen second lieutenants. The construction corps also wants relief. The ynsk for an increase in the higher commissions, of flveMnstciul of two, with the rank of captain, and five Instead of three of commander. They also ask that the asslstnnt naval constructors may have the grade of naval constructor, after not less thnn eight or more than fourteen years serv ice. The warrant ofllcers of the navy also ask the committee to grant their claims to consideration In the line of promotion. The members of the com mittee are anxious to accomplish something for all enlisted men, giving them opportunity for promotion nnd re tirement nfter long and faithful ser vice, and this will most probably be done. VOLUNTEERS BY STATES. Nebraska, 2,114 Iowa. 2.772--Kansas, 2,702. Washington. D. C. April 25. Under the call for 125,000 volunteers Issued to day the states will be expected to fur nish the following quota of troops: Alabama. 2,500; Arkansas, 2,925: Cal. Ifornin, 3,237; Colorado, 1324; Connecti cut, 1.G07; Delaware, 351; Florida, 750; Georgia, 3,714; Idaho, 232: Illinois, S.0I8; Indiana, 4.202; Iowa, 3,772; Kansas, 2.702; Kentucky, 3,407; Louisiana, 1,940; Maine, 1.23G; Maryland. 1.942, Massachustetts, 4,721; Michigan. 4,309; Minnesota, 2.S73; Mississippi. 2.157; Missouri. 5,411; Mon tana, 523; Nebraska, 2.U4; Nevada, 237; New Hampshire, 752; New Jersey, 2,902; New York, 12,512; North Carolina, 2.5S1; North Dakota, 401; Ohio, 7,248; Oregon, 829; Pennsylvania, 10,769; Rhode Island. 810; South Dakota, 1,850; South Caro lina, 747; Tennessee, 3.010; Texas, 4,229; Utah, 425; Vermont. G33; Virginia, 2,787 Washington, 1.17C; West Virginia, 1.3S9; Wisconsin, 3.271; Wyoming, 231;Arlzona, 181; New Mexico. 330; District of Solum bla, 449; Oklahoma, 142. More Pensions Granted, i Washington, D. C. April 25. The fol lowing pensions have been granted: Nebraska Jacob E. Shafer, St. Paul, $8; George D. Ashworth, Long Pine, $tJ to $8; James Mlttlmore, nstlngs, $C to $12; Jane Allen, mother, Omaha, $12; Matilda Woodworth, Kakefleld, $8. Iowa Robert B. Blackburn, Hearing, $6; William Langark, Bella, $6; Levi B. Brown, Davenport, $10 to $15; Evan Thomas, Agency, $6 to $8; Nnthan W. Kendall, Russell. $10; Virgil A. White, Newton, $G to $10; Letltia E. Shaw. Clarlndn. $8; Elizabeth F. Lowery. Keo sauqua, $8; Josle A. Newby, Casey, $8. North Dakota Gonlong Evenson, Homer, $8. South Dakota Maria II Dismark, $8. Wyoming Benjamin F. Glenrock. $C to $8. Waggoner, Wile- Jr., Senator Walthall Dead. Washington, D. C.Aprll 25. Senator Edward C. Walthall of Mississippi died at his apartments at the Cairo. His death was not unexpected, the end having been foreseen for several days. At the time of his death there were at his bedside his wire, his sister, Mrs. Freeman, and his niece, Mrs. Clark, and her daughter. Representatives Al len and Fox of Mississippi have been In almost constant attendance since his Illness. Senator Walthall's Illness dated from January last, when he contracted a cold. In February he suffered from an attack of bilious fever and from this lie never recovered. His last address In the senate was made on April, when he delivered nn eulogy on his colleague. Senator George, In spite of the protest of his physicians. Purchased a Ninety-Foot Tug, Cleveland, O,. April 25. Navy ex perts have decided to buy for the gov ernment the powerful and speedy tug William Kennedy of this port. She i ninety feet long nnd can steam 500 miles without recoallng. She will be sent to the Atlantic coast Immediately to Join the "mosquito fleet." Representatives of the navy department are Inspecting several other large tugs here with a view to their purchase. Each tug sent from the great lakeB would be fitted with a six or elght-poundor rapid fire gun. SPANISH FLEET IS AFLOAT. WHERE ARE THEY GOING IS THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION. To Break the Blocndo and Land ThelrTroopsMny Bombard Now York NavyDopnrtment Nervous Fast Scouts Put Out. Washington, D. C, April 25. The of ficials of the navy department were tin own into a fever of excitement by In formation from their confidential sources abroad that the Spanish flotilla had sailed from the Cajie Verde Islands several days ago. - The Minneapolis and Columbia were dispatched to sea on scout duty, they being the fnstest cruisers In the United States navy and capable of bringing news of an approaching enemy before that enemy could come within striking distance, incidentally they will look out for all American ships at sen, par ticularly the Paris. The note of warning was sent to the commanding officers of all ships com prising the North Atlantic fleet, with In structions to have the torpedo boats of the squadron and the speedy ocean tugs now performing the olllce of dis patch boats to ply between the ships on the blockade and the shore for the purpose of carrying Instructions be tween the shore and the ships. These small boats will furnish the signal of the approach of the enemy which, ac cording to the advices of the navy de partment. Is likely to come within hall before the expiration of the next ten days. Naval officials at various points along the coast were Instructed to dispatch out to sea all avo liable auxllary cruisers and fast ocean going tugsi'for scout duty. With the departure off the Spanish flotilla from the Cape Verde Islands It Is Impossible to tell where It might eventually turn up. It might sail In a southwesterly direction and engage the Oregon and Marietta off the Brazilian coast. Again It might strike across the Atlantic u a westerly direc tion and attempt to break the block ade established at Havana, and third, it might make a dash for some of the northern coast cities. It is this third contingency which the navy department fears, and to cross that prospective track of the Spanish flotilla is the purpose of the .Minne apolis and Columbia. It would not be unreasonable for the Spanish to strike at the American coast while most of our vessels arc massed about Havana. Whether It will be a serious assault or a feint for the purpose of withdrawing Sampson's licet to the north, thereby weakening our fleet In Cuban waters, Is a question. In the latter case It is assumed that the vessels nt tacking the northern cciast would be comparatively few In number, while the majority of the Spanish ves sels would proceed to Cuban waters, ready to take advantage of any weak ening In the American fleet there. That Spain Intends to brenk the blockade If she can do so Is conceded bv the naval experts. There Is a wHl defined notion In the war department that the Spanish navy will not await without action the mllltnry occupation of Cuba. With our blockade broken, our operations on land could not be thor oughly effective. The navy department, therefore. Is In a case of anxious suspense. liven the news from our confidential agents may be a ruse purposely advanced by the Spanish, nnd in this connection It may be stated that several of our secret agents abroad have been found un trustworthy. All that can possibly be done is to send out a line of scouts from ono,-OMd of the North Atlantic coast to the other, and at the first ap proach of a Spanish craft, bring the news to shore. THE NAVIES ARE KICKING HARD New Jersey Reserve Flatly Rofusos to Disband. League Island Navy Yard, Phila delphia, Pa., April 25. The naval re serve detallB from the states or New Jersey and Massachusetts assembled hpro have been requested by the naval authorities to accept their dis charge rrom their state mllltla and to re-enlist In the regular service. A communication was read on board or the monitors Catsklll. Lehigh and Montauk, stating that berore entering into service aboard naval vessels, all enlisted men or the naval mlllta shall be discharged from their enlistments In thnt body and be ro enlisted for ser vice In the navy oy a naval recruiting officer for a period or one year, unless sooner discharged. All oillcers or the naval mllltla will, berore being called into service, receive acting appoint ments as oillcers or the navy In the grades which they are to serve. Arter It was read the men gathered In knots about their respective ships and discussed the questions that the communication raised. The men In all the details were unanimous In express ing their determination to maintain their naval reserve organization. The New Jersey detail replied with a written communication to the effect that they would go anywnere on any crnrt the government might elect, but only as an organization nnd under their own oillcers, In whom they placed tho utmost confidence. The point nt Issue is similar to that raised by the natlonnl guards or the different states and will probably be disposed of In the same way. Power with the Governor. Washington, D. C. April 25. The governors of the various states have complete authority, under the call for volunteers Issued Saturday, to decide what troops shall make up the quota of their states. Under the cnll each state Is to furnish a certain number of troops. The law under which the call Is made provides that the governor of each state shall reoort to the war department that state's quota and name the ofllcers who shall command these troops. If the governor of nny Btate shall see fit to take a national guard regiment with its officers and report it as a part of the state's quota, such action will be acceptable to the war department. But the governor of any state can leave a regiment of the national guard If he sees fit. NEBRASKA NEWS. Colonel McCann of Chundron Is plan ing to raise a regiment of cowboy cav alry. L. L. Llndsey of Lincoln Is trying to recruit a regiment of colored volun teers. Lieutenant W. J. Vosbtirg of Seward, who served for several years In Cap tan Culver's troop, has been author ized to organize a troop of cavalry. The shade trees and telegraph poles or Lincoln hnve been kept decorated with effigies representing Spaniards. The neighborhoods where university students were more favored than others in this respect. Company C of the Nebraska national guard located at Nebraska City, Is be ing rapidly recruited up to the required number, which Is sixty-two. Flfty-ulno men nre now on the rolls. Many here have enlisted In the last few days, among them Paul .lessen, county itt company Is well drilled tornoy. The and equipped. William Hay ward, son of Judge M. L. Hayward. Is captain of the company. D. Y. Meats of Chadron. for many years connected with the regular army in the west as chief packiiuister, has received a telegram from Chief O. M. Smith of St. Louie, offering him n like position with the troops In t'le south. This would indicate that plans are being perfected for an Invasion of Cuba. Company H Is being recruited to Its war strength, and anxiously awaits marching orders. The governor ordered the adjutant general to muster Into the Nebraska national guard the company recently organized at Tecumseh. Hugh La master, county attorney of Johnson county. Is the captain of this new com pany, which will be "I" of the Second regiment. This fills the two Infantry regiments to the full complement of companies and with the recruits re ported will bring the whole force of the Nebraska national guard up to about 1.510 men. As the quota or Ne braska on a call by the president will be approximately VA per cent of the whole this strength of the gunrd will supply Nebraska's portion of the call for 100,000. Adjutant General Barry went to Hastings and mustered In the Second regiment band. In connection with the petition of a number of settlers In the northwestern part of the state that sev eral companies of the national gunrd be sent to Fort Robinson for protection against the Indians, the governor does not consider that there Is any Imme diate need of such protection! The petition wns sent In without any letter of transmission, and simply states that the signers believe they are entitled to have troops without specifying nny particular movement of the Indians that would load to the conclusion that there is danger or an outurcnK. Conductor H. O. Matthews, 'n charge or a Hanscom park trolley car, Omahn, was robbed of between $23 and $24 by two mnsked highwaymen In his car at the south terminal on the west side or Hnnscom park. Conductor Mat thews and Motorman Elklns, nTtor making the switch ior the return trip to the power house. It being their Inst run, had one minute's time to wall be fore starting and were both Inside the car seated when the masked men, with revolvers leveled, entered the car, one from either end, and Issued an ultima tum. The ultimatum was to the ef fect to hold up hands nnd deliver their cash or submit to being shot on the spot. The train conductor and motor man resolved to accept the former al ternative and stood the frlBk. The robbers were about 25 years old, dressed In dark clothes and about five feet ten Inches tall. The officers and men of the Nebraska national irunrd have been given a les son In the art or waiting for orders. The reports of actual hostilities having begun, and the knowledge thnt they were to be called on first, made the boys restless and anxious. The ofllcers of the Lincoln companies were busy with examinations of recruits and look ing arter arms nnd other equipments. Adjutant General Barry had his hands rull, and though tho clerical rorcc of his office has been Increased by the addition of two clerks, the department wns swamped with work. For sev eral days the clerks In this ofllce have been working until 10 o'clock nt night. A great deal of time Is taken up with Inquiries from men who wnnt to enlist and don't know how. Guard officers from out In the state are coming nnd going In continuous streams, each one bavlnir some matter of Importanco on hand, nnd all taken together, It mnkes business lively In the state war de partment. Tho chapel building at the state In sane hospital In Norfolk was gutted by fire. Hard work by the hospital and city fire departments saved the main building. Not a single mishap occurred In handling the Inmates. The fire broke out about midnight, and was discovered by Night Watch George McPherson, who failed to give an nlarm until arter ho had fruitlessly endeavored to put out the blaze without nsslstance. Ho found that the hydrant had been plug ged with a piece of gasplpe, and be fore that could be extracated the flames had gained great headway. The water supply was exhausted before 1 o'clock and the fire burned Itself out, destroy ing tho bakery, kitchen, store rooms, billiard room. ceneral dining room, chapel and five sleeping rooms, The store rooms destroyed were those con taining supplies Issued weekly. The loss Is estimated at between $15,000 nnd $20, 000. The fire was of Incendiary origin, and the entire Institution would hnvo been destroyed but for the fact that a strong wind blew from the south and kept the blaze away from tho main building. The 230 Inmates became frantic at sight if the flames, and the attendants had a hard time In trans rerlng them to the other side or the building and locking them up. When It looked ror a time as ir the whole plant would go, the Elkhorn company ran a lot or coaches rrom the Junction to the asylum switch to be used for hauling the inmates, me institution Is about three miles rrom the city, and has Its own Independent water system. The water Bupply consisted or two tanks placed on top or the building and Is Inadequate to cope with a large fire. James Kennedy, who was honorably dslcharged in 1897, while a sergeant, has re-enllsted In the Omnha Guards. ANOTHER CABINET VACANCY SHERMAN HAS FOLLOWED GARY'S EXAMPLE. Not In Favor or Wnr EndB His Forty Years of Public Sorvloo--Rotlros to Qulotor Scones Day Expoctod to Tako His Plnco. Washington, D. C, April 2C Another resignation from the cabinet occurred yesterday when the venerable secretary of state. Mr. John Sherman, handed his resignation to the president nt n spec.!nl meeting of the cabinet, called together at 10 o'clock. This resignation tnkeH of fect at once, and with It Mr. Sherman retires front public life nfter a service of over forty years, embracing the house of representatives, the United States senate, the secretaryship of the treas. ttry and the secretaryship or stale. The reason for the resignation Is the condi tion of the secretary's health, which Is now Impaired as the result of years of devotion to the public service, and the arduous labors of a lifetime, added to age, the venerable secretary now being within n few days of 75 years of age. The secretary's resignation wns ten dered In a simple nolo tendering to the president the portfolio entrusted to him uiMut the inauguration or President Mc Klnley and asking that It take effect Immediately. The secretary of state was neon by a press representative before he went to the cabinet meeting, hut he declined to make any statement beyond saying that he was carrying with him hls.leslgna tlon, and that he might have something to say later In the day. While no definite announcement could bo made at this time as to who will succeed Mr. Sherman, It Is altogether probable that the next secretary of state will be Mr. William R. Day, at present first assistant secretary of slate. Mr. Day has been urged to take the olllce by the president, but Is per sonally Inclined more to return to Can ton to practice law there, though It Is believed that he will yield to the presi dent's wishes In the matter. Mr. Day himself Is out of theclty and Is said to be In Canton, O., arranging her per sonal affairs. He has had entire charge of Cuban affairs almost since the be ginning of the present administration. The session of the cnblnet nt which Mr. Sherman's resignation was tendered was called early Monday morning for the ptirpohe of reviewing the message (he president transmitted to congress recommending thnt congress In the ex ercise of the powers vested In It by the constitution formally declare war against the kingdom of Spain. Before the session began the president announced that the message would be sent to both houses of congress for Im mediate action, u DIRTY POLITICS. Republican Politicians Fnlsllylng tho Record. Washington, D. C, April 25. The re publican malingers nre especially anx ious to coVer up their "peneo-at-nny-orlce" tactics, anil the general won!; and wabbling policy of the administra tion. Tho contest In the senate wus a long drawn out and fierce battle. Every tactic known to the cunning filibusters wns employed to force deln- no tion, and to dehorse the American representatives who were striving to maintain the Interest, valor, honor and dignity of our country, and the friends of the Cubans, The forces on the field of battle were continually shifting to meet the ever changing parliamentary status of the debate. The pressure from the country at large was so pronouncedly patriotic that the republic-nil peaco-at-any-prlce syndicate or senators, cabinet officers, stock Jobbers and other members of the money power, had to abandon that position, and tho fight wns then waged over the manner In which the United Stntes should act The peace-at-any- prlco syndlcnte sought to adopt such methods as would protect the Spanish gold bonds and the democrats, popu lists and free sliver republicans under took to protect the Cubans from a gold-bonded slavery and the United States from being forced to uaranteo tho hundreds of millions or tho Spanish war debt. Arter tho peace-at-any-prlce senators had been forced to abandon their real position It was then a question as to how pronounced and sweeping tho ac tion or the senate snouia oe. Jiere is the place where the republican news service can get In Its fine work. In thousands of newspapers through out the land this dispatch was printed under a Washington date line or April 18: "Tho vote on tho adoption of the resolution, which probably declares for Cuban Independence, was as follows: "Yeas Aldrlch, Allison. Baker. Bur rows, Carter, Chandler, Clark, Cullom, Davis, Deboe, Elklns, Fairbanks, Faulk ner, Fornker, Frye, Galllngcr, Gear. Gray, Hale, Hannn, Hansborough, Hawiey, Kyle, Lodge, McBride, McMil lan, Mnson, Morgnn, Morrill, Nelson, Penrose, Perkins. Piatt (Conn.), Prltch ard, Proctor, Quay. Sewell, Shoup, Spooner, Warren. Wilson, Wolcott 12. "Nays Allen.Bacon.Bnte, Berry, But ler, Caftery, Cannon. Chilton. Clay Cockrell. Daniel. Harris Heltfeld, Jonef (Ark.), Jones (Nev), Kenney, Lindsay. McEnery. McLaurln, Mallory, Mantle Martin. Mitchell. Money. Pasco, Petti grew, Pettus, Rawlins, Stewart, Teller. Turley, Turner, Turple, White. a5." The above vote was not a resolution to declare or not to declare In ravor of Cuban Independence, but It was a vote on a conference report as to whether oi not the United States should recognize not only the Independece or Cuba, but also tho republic, Its government, and by which recognition the SnanlnnU would be forced to take care of thcli own gold bonded indebtedness and the United States and the republic of Cubs would be guaranteed absolute freedom from such financial obligations. 1'he nay vote was a vote In favo: of more than the Independece of Cuba It was a notice served on the work' thnt tho money power would not be allowed to settle this enormous debt on either the Cubans or the American people. The whole thing showB how nrone the republicans are willing to falsiry factr for cheap political capital. The yea and nay vote constitutes the list of senator who are "willing tc crook their knees to the money power. FIRST SPANISH SHIP CAPTURED The Nashville Takes a Merchant man One Shot Enough. Key West, Fin.. April 25. The I'nlte.I States cruiser Nashvtlel has captured the Spanish ship Bucna Ventura of 1,000 tons, having on board a cargo of lum ber, She was on her way from tho coast of Texas. The cruiser fired a nlx potiiider nnd the Spaniard surrendered The Nashville towed her prize Into Ibis harbor and put a prize crew on board. Both ships are lying well out In the slrcam. Tho news of the caplme of the Span iard sot the people of Key West fron tic with enthusiasm, All work has been suspended and the docks are crowded with people. The Spanish steamer Ruena Ventura. Intorcepted by the United States gun boat Nashville, Is a tramp steamer hailing from Bllboa, Spain. She be longed to the Sarrlnaga line. On March 2tl she arrived at Pacagoula, Miss., from Havana, nnd was on the way tc ronsueoia, Fla., to limit for Holland white captured, Key West, Fin., April 25. Comman der Lyons of the Dolphin has deliver ed to United Slntos District Attorney Stripling the papers of the Ruena Ven tura, captured by the Nashville. Ho will libel the ship In the usunl way. The unfortunate merchantman Is stilt" lying In the harbor. Her captain wn allowed to remain on board, but the crew of twenty-eight were taken over to the Dolphin nnd made to assist lis the work or coaling. The gunboat Nashville steamed proudly out of the harbor, having nchlcved the first vic tory of thu war, although a bloodless one. She had gout; about twelve mile when the Dolphin signalled her to re turn. She steamed back and received orders, the nature of which were not divulged, and put to sea again finally to pick up any other vagrant ship oC the enemy that happens to come with in range of her guns. The cruiser Mnrblehead, the monitor Puritan, the Algonquin and the Man grove have sailed to Join the fleet Tho only ships of tho squadron now re maining are the Dolphin. th" Terror and the Helena, all of which arc likely to move within a few hours. It Is reported that tho Buenn Venturis ran aground on a reef about n me out and Is leaking. Tugs went to her assistance and milled her off. Con siderable mystery surrounds the affair. Capture a Mali Steamer. Key West, Flit., April 25. The cruiser New York has captured a Spanish steamer. Shu Is a pusesnger boat ply ing between Havana nnd Porto Ulco, Now coming Into Key West with tor pedo squadron. The steamer Iwlng: brought In by the New York tried ti run tho blockndo. She Is a Spanish mall steamer and was captured by the fleet ten miles off Havana after an ex citing chase. Many shots were fired after her. Sho was Anally overtaken by the New York and made a piiBoT r Several cruisers Joined In the pur .tit and firing. Cnrerul not to hit her at first. No damnge known to be done Watch For n Valuable Prize. Key West, Fla., April 25. -Admiral Sampson ban given or,.- of thr F.Ift cruisers special orders to look out for tho Alfonso NIL. now nearlng Havana from Barcelona, Spain. She Is the crack: vessel of the Comtmgnlu Ksphgnol Trans-Atlnntlquo nnd Is worth $1,000,000 She carries a valuable cargo of sup plies and ammunition for the Spanish; army and a regiment of Boldiors 1,000 strong. She will prove a valuable prize, and. despite the soldiers, es expected to fall an easy victim, GENERAL BARRY ASTOUNDED. Bollovos tho State Mllltla will bo Disrupted. Lincoln, Neb., April 25. Adjutant General Barry, when told of the Inter view of Major Morrison, assistant Judge advocate genernl, In relation tii the Interpretation of the war depart ment of tho volunteers, said that hu hardly knew what to think of It until he could get over his surprise, "It Is such a complete change of front," he said, "and such an upsetting: of the whole theory upon which tho governors of the states and members of the national guard have proceeded that It hardly seems credible. Tho ef fect of It will be to demoralize the na tlonnl gunrd of the state and thor oughly disrupt the organized mllltla for all time to come unless that plan i changed. "Several of the states have already begun to mobilize their guards and others are only wnltlng the formali ties which It was confidently expected would end by a formal call upon the governors by the president. Now all or this work Is to bo undone and the guard officers and men will not take kindly to It. "In my opinion this plan is an effort; of the regular army organization to get back at the natlonnl guard for what Is considered the tight against the regular army establishment In tho opposition to the Hull bill." Omaha, April 25. At the Oinalui Guards' armory the news of Major Mor rison's statement relative to recruiting: volunteers under the president's calJ met with no hearty enthusiasm, since1 all members present were much averse to breaking up their company organiza tion to go In with the "rag tag and bob. tall apt to be picked up by a recruit ing ofllce." Captain Mulford. when seen at his home later, said that since the com pany had for years maintained its dls tlnctlve name and organization, yet conforming In every detail to the re quirements of the state mllltla law, the only option the company would cheer fully accept would be to practically re tain Its present organisation In going; to war. If this cannot be done along: tho lines already laid out by the gov ernor, he believed that the Guards: would prefer to retain their identity as a part of the organized state mllltla. and remain at home. Key West. Fla., April 25. The Mar lory line agent here gives notice that his steamship service. New York andt Galveston, Is suspended indefinitely. It Is understood the vessels are chartered: by tho government for transport purposes. &&' --4tMWNililrv tsySlfebni ,.w .ahawiAWvu,,,