Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, April 22, 1898, Image 8

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A Great Honrt Touohod by Brutal
Wrong Would Help a Orowlng
Pooplo Revolution an Upward
Stop In Life Cuba will Bo Froo.
Washington. D. C., April 19. On
Marcn 31, the sonnto having under con
sideration tho following resolution re
ported from the committee on foreign
relations: "
Resolved, That the president be re
Quested. If not Incompatible with the
public Interest, to transmit to the sen
ate all of the consular correspondence
relating to the conduct of the war In
the Island of Cuba, tim pmuiittn .
people, and other matters relating
Mr. Allen said: Mr. President My
r.eal for Cuban Independence Is not
new born, nor the growth of a mere
nlKht. 1 Mpokc for the liberation of the
Cuban people when It was by no means
a popular thing to do, and 1 recall very
distinctly at this time that several
years ago the then senior senator from
Florida (Mr. Call) and I were appar
ently the only persistent and outspo
ken friends of the Cuban people In
this chamber. We were Indefatlgablo
In our udvocacy of Independence und
Intervention. We were so persistent
that wo incurred the displeasure of
many senators, some of whom I am
now glad to know have become the sin
cere and fearless advocates of Inde
pendence. That I may prove the cor
rectness of my Btntement, I will refer
briefly to the record.
December 4. 1893, 1 Introduced a res-
Hi,'.0"' f wh,c" lh,s ls u Paragraph:
That tho government of the United
States of America should promptly rec
ognize tho revolutionists of Culm, wim
are now honestly struggling to secure
their Independence of the Spanish gov
ernment, as composing an Independent
nation and possessing the rights there
of according to the law of nations."
And In Bpeuklng In Its support at
that time, 1 said, among other things:
'I am of the number who believe that
this government should promptly recog
nize the revolutionists of Cuba and oh
Blst them In all lawful ways to secure
their Independence of tho Spnnlsh gov
ernment and enable them to establish
an Independent republic. 1 would not
have this government plunge headlong
Into a needless quarrel with the Span
ish government, but I would lend every
assslstance that could be lawfully and
properly given to the aspirations of
the people of Cuba for a republican
form of government,
"I believe It to be the true policy nnd
the true doctrine of our country that
Whenever a people show themselves de
sirous of establishing a republican form
of government upon any territory ad
jacent to us they should receive our en
couragement and support. If our form
of government ls the correct one and
of that I have no doubt then Its rec
ognition or establishment In other
lands should be encouraged und, when
an opportunity shall present Itself to
us to lend this encourngement it should
be promptly and effectually given."
Speaking to the same resolution Do-
cemoer n, is5, I urged Its adoption.
February W, 1897, 1 said:
"What Is there to prohibit this gov
ernment, by proper act of congress,
whether it be in the form of a Joint or
concurrent resolution, from declaring
the acknowledgment of tho existence
of the Cuban republic: and would not
that be a recognition of the Independ
ency of that republic, although as a
matter of fact It may not yet have
succeeded In repelling the power that
assails it?"
February 28 I introduced this resolu
tion: "Resolved, That the president of tho
United StateB be, and he Is hereby, au
thorized and requested to Issue a proc
lamation recognizing the republic of
Cuba as It exists under tho constitu
tion and form of government proclaim
ed at Jimaguaya, under President Cls
neros, In the month of May, A. D. 1895,
as a free and Independent nation, and
according the envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipotentiary of said re
public all the rights and privileges ac
corded to the envoy extraordinary and
minuter plenipotentiary of the govern
ment of Spain."
And In Its support said:
"The Cubans havo an established re
public. It may be feeble, It Is true, but
certainly these people are in possession
of three-fourths of that Island and Its
life ls maintained by their valor.
"When we declare that the republic of
Cuba Is an independent and sovereign
nation, it becomes such In the meaning
of International law, so far as we are
cocerned, although Its complete Inde
pendence of Spain may not have been
accomplished. If the conclusion reach
ed by the senator from Delaware and
the senator from California Is to be ac
cepted as final, there are no circum
stances under which a struggling peo
ple can be recognized as Independent
until, unaided and alone, they are able
to maintain a government Independent
of those against whom they are In re
volt. This ls not the Independent gov
ernment spoken of and recognized by
International law."
And again:
"Mr resident. I would go farther
In tle Interest of humanity than these
resolutions propose to go. I would not
only recognize the belligerent rights of
Cuba, but I would establish her as one
of the republics of the earth. If need
be, I would muster every man In tho
United Stater and every war vessel nec
essary to the accomplishment of the
task, nnd I would erect on the ashes
and ruins of Spain's control of that
Island a republic modeled after the In
stitutions of our own. Sir, I would not
only Uo that, but. If I had It in my
power, I would admit the minister of
the republic of Cuba, feeble as It may
be, unimportant In the eyes of the
world as It -nay be, to the diplomatic
circles at this capital upon terms of
equality with the minister from Spain "
The same day, the senate having un
der consideration a concurrent resolu
tion reported from the committee on
foreign relations, declaring:
"That the United States of America
should maintain a strict neutrality be
tween the contending powers, accord
lng to each all the rights of belliger-
UntedSes""8 terrUry f the
i.Ti.'i1 tht fr,.e.ndy offices of the Unit
to States should be offered by the pres-
Went to tho Spanish government for
the recognition of the Independence of
I offered as a substitute the resolu
tion I havo Just quoted. A motion was
made by Mr. Shermnn of Ohio, to lay
my amendment on the table, and In
support of It a yea-and-nay vote was
taken, and the amendment wns defeat
ed yeafl f2, nays 17.
Morch 19, 1S9C, In discussing the con
stitutional power nnd the duty of the
government to recognize Cuban Inde
pendence, I Bald, In reply to the senator
from Louisiana (Mr. Coffery):
"Tho senator from Loulslnnn. ns I
Bald, Is talking upon a very Important
question. Lot It be conceded that au
thority may bo found In lnternntlonnl
law applicable to the case of a kingdom
or an empire, where the power of the
executive Is undoubted; but bus the
penator any authority applicable to a
government like ours, where the gov
erning power rests In three co-ordlnato
departments, which would lead him
to believe that this high power Is exclu
sive In the executive department?"
Agnln, March 20, 1890, In combating
the contention of the senator from Lou
isiana that the supreme court had Jur
isdiction to determine a question of bel
ligerency, I declared:
"That the power to recognize the bel
ligerency or polltlcnl Independence of
a people Is a purely political question
with which the supreme court has no
And I held, as I now hold, that It be
longs to congress, or, possibly In some
Instances, to congress und the executive
Yet, again, March 23, 1890, In discuss
ing the Cuban question somewhat at
length, I said:
"Certainly a Mate of war exists In
the Island of Cubn. Whnt Is war? Mr.
President, It Is simply an nrmed con
flict between nations or between pnrts
of nations. It must be something that
rises above a riot; It must be a rebel
lion; and ho far oh Cuba ls concerned
It Is a rebellion, with a regular military
organization upon the part of the Insur
gents. If that Is not a state of war
In fact, then I am entirely mistaken In
my conception of what constitutes pub
lic war."
And further olong:
"My understanding Is that about two
thirds of tho Island of Cuba, possibly
three-fourths, Is under the dominion of
the Insurgents under the command of
Gomez and Maceo and their followers.
There ls a distinct portion of that ter
ritory that has on Its face as well
equipped armies as could be expected
under tno circumstances, where the re
public of Cuba has absolute control and
dominion over life und property. That
Is a portion of the territory through
which the Spanish forces do not march
nnd over which they do not exercise
any control. There are well equipped
and drilled armies In the field under
martial law. 1 have the number of
troops here, to which I am going to
refer In a moment. If that does not con
stitute a state or war, according to
the definitions of the books If war Is
to be fought according to books then
I am mistaken In my understanding of
whnt tho books dellue to be necessary
to constitute war."
And again:
"Are we to stand here until the Span
lards cut tho throats of the Cubans,
and until the bloody events puss Into
the permanent history of the country,
before we take any notice of what ls
transpiring there? We know that a
state of war exists there, and the only
question, in my Judgment, Is whether
we have the patriotism to say that
those people In Cuba who are strug
gling for their liberty shall be recog
nized ns belligerents nnd have equal
opportunities with the people of Spain
In this country and In the ports of this
And again:
TION. "If the struggling patriots of Cuba
are entitled to any recognition what
ever at our hands, why not give them
that kind of recognition which will be
of benefit to them? Why say to tho
people of Cuba who are waging this
war for the preservation of their polit
ical rights, for the preservation of their
homes, for the preservation of their
wives and children, 'We sympathize
with you, but we can not extend to you
aid under these circumstances?'
"Mr. President, It occurs to me that
It would bo no more cruel to place
water within the Hlght of a dying man
upon a desert and say to him, 'We sym.
pathlze with you, but we can not glvo
you the water.' If we stand here and
Buffer Spain to apply the knife to tho
throats of the Cubans, we will be Justly
chargeable In the eyes of the civilized
world with lmpotency and with cow
ardice. Why not put these resolutions
In the form of a Joint resolution? Why
not send them to the president of the
United States and sny to him, 'Sign
these resolutions, make them a part of
the law of the country, or take the
responsibility of Inviting the ndverse
criticism of your countrymen?"
"A few days ago senators in this
chamber, to use a phrase which ls not
altogether parliamentary, were falling
over one another to vote for the reso
lution. There was a wonderful burst
of patriotism and patriotic sentiment
here, among democrats and republicans
alike and poppllsts were Inspired a
little, too In order to demonstrate to
the world by our votes that we not
only sympathized with Cuba, but that
we were willing, If need be, to afford
her substantial aid under the distress
ing circumstances.
"Yet our patriotism has been sifting
out from that moment to this, until it
Is very doubtful whether the resolutions
can pass today. First came the senior
Benator from Maine (Mr. Hale), antag
onizing the resolutions, then the hon
orable senator from Massachusetts (Mr.
Hoar), and finally the chairman of the
committee on foreign relations, I guess,
has concluded that It ls about time for
him to retreat, and we are offered the
resolution now before the senate to re
commit the Cuban resolutions for fur
ther consideration. I suppose that Is
the end of It."
February 24, 1S97, I Introduced the
following resolution:
"Resolved, That It Is the sense of the
senate that the president should speed
ily nnd effectually protect the lives and
liberties of peaceable American citizens
residing or sojourning In Cuba, and
that he should promptly Insist that
Spain In her war against the colonists
In the Island of Cuba, should conduct
the snme on principles of civilized war
fare, eliminating all unusual and un
necessary cruelty und barbarity; und
for the enforcement of these reasonable
and Just requirements United States
battleships should be sent without de
lay to Cuban waters."
And on the following day, In discuss.
Ing and urging Its passage, remarked:
"It seems to bo conclusively estab
lished that the Spanish mllltnry au
thorities In Cuba are gathering up the
little girls of that Island and selling
them Into a species of slavery, the
worst conceivable In the human mind,
selling them to live of shame. Above
that and beyond that. It seems to be
conclusively established that Spanish
loldlers have In one or more Instances
taken little Infants by the heels, held
them up, and hacked them to pieces
with the deadly machete In the prcs
enco of the mothers and the fathers,
and then have destroyed the mothers
and fathers themselves.
"But It seems to be absolutely hu
initiating that a government of 72,000,
000 people, claiming to be the most
powerful government on the face of the
earth, with all tho means In Its hands
to settle this question, will Bit Idly nnd
supinely hero and make no effort to
protect these people, these Innocent lit
tle girls and children, who are being
treated with this extreme barbarity
from day to day. Here ls this decaying
monarchy of Spain, a blot upon the
map of the world, a disgrace, Mr. Pres
ident, to tho present civilization of Eu
rope, a disgrace to the civilization of
the western hemisphere; and here ls
congress, with this conduct going on
almost within 100 miles of our shores,
and not a substantial effort Is put forth
to check It. Mr. President, the time
will come, and come speedily, unless
we take nromnt action in thin mniiar
when a man will have to hang his head
in siiume ror being an American citi
zen," Again, February 2f, 1897, I Bald:
"For the purpose of testing the ques
tion whether we shall have war or
peace, and whether there Is uny sin
cerity In these resolutions, I move that
me inuinn appropriation bill be tem
porarily laid aside and that the Joint
resolution with reference to Julio San
gullly bo taken up for consideration."
.May ll, 1897, the senator from Ala
bama (Mr. Morgan), having Introduced
a resolution declaring that a condition
of public war existed In Cuba, and thut
neutrality should be tnalntulned, I ob
served :
"The world knows thnt Spain has
been guilty of atrocities that no civil
ized nation can sustain cither directly
or Indirectly. The cruelties have been
without a precedent In the last hun
dred years of the world's cxlstonpi.
This government has sent special ugent
nfter special agent to Cuba to ascer
tain the truth, and yet when we want
information from the state department
we have to seek it as supplicants, not
us senators charged with a public duty
and capable of discharging that duty.
We have to appeal to the state depart
ment or to the executive branch of the
government ror Information. Repeat
edly the senator from Alabama (Mr.
Morgan) has told us what the facts are,
and he 1b a member of the committee
on foreign relations; and yet constantly
we havo this delay.
"Is It possible that the United States
by this Indirection Is willing to com
mit Itself to the Spanish policy of
atrocity and cruelty?
"It Is possible thut the president of
the United States, or those who may
represent him In this chamber, are will
ing that these cruelties shall go on
and thnt the senate shall not voice Its
conviction of Spanish cruelty In Cuba?
If that is the policy, Mr. President, I
feel confident that the people of the
United States will condemn it. If that
Is the policy it Is a cowardly policy
for any administration to adopt. The
Joint resolution ought to be adopted
unanimously, without a dissenting
December 8, 1897, I Introduced this
"Resolved, That It Is the sense of the
senate that congress should, with all
due and convenient speed, acknowl
edge by appropriate act the political
Independence of the Republic of Cuba,"
And, In support of It, said:
"Notwithstanding the president has
urged the contrary in his message, I
would not be content or satisfied with
a simple acknowledgment of the bel
ligerent rights of the people of that
Island, but I would demand absolute
and unconditional political liberty and
a recognition or the government they
themselves hnve formed and to whose
sovereignty they owe allegiance.
"The American people believe In po
litical and religious liberty, and they
are anxious to accord to nvers what
they themselves believe th rthrlght
of all, and I am confident they will not
be content with the course advised
by this, as they were not with that
pursued by the preceding, administra
tion In withholding from Cuba that
priceless blessing."
And farther along:
"We have declared our unchangeable
devotion to the doctrine that this con
tinent shall be free soil and be trodden
alone by freemen, und yet we sus
tain the hold of a tottering and cruel
monarchy, the institutions or which are
passing Into decay and which is satis
fled only when Inflicting on a civilized
people, struggling tor their political In
dependence, the most cruel torture. In
his own good time, God wHl call us
to account for such rank hypocrisy and
Buch a flagrant neglect of public duty."
February 8, 1898, In Bpeaklng on the
subject of Cuba, I remarked:
"My attention hus been called to the
fact that since the opening of hostilities
between the republic of Cuba and the
Spanish forces in that island, 300,000
paclflcos have died by starvation and
disease generated nnd directly trace
able to the lack of food and sanitary
conditions. I had a conversation a rew
days ago with a gentleman who Is very
familiar with the island and the condi
tions existing there, whose word can
not be doubted, In which he Informed
me that It was the custom of the Span.
Ish government to herd hundreds of
families together In sheds and exposed
positions, without any sanitary condi
tions whatever, starving them until
disease, as a result of their starvation.
Intervenes, and that over 300.000 of
them had died In consequence of that
Mr. President, I have quoted freely
from my resolutions nnd remnrks, not
to exalt myself In the eyes of any one,
but to show that In the years that have
gone by I have steadfastly advocated
the political independence embraced in
the present discussion. I have never
wavered In the belter nor lost faith In
the fact that ultimately Cuba, by force
of the public sentiment of this country
nnd of the civilized world, and by the
gallantry of her soldiers, would win her
frop rn itui u(( hr name to the re
publics of this continent. I have at
u. . -o bti-it mm i in. on that sooner
or later 'she would stnnd rorth, per
haps weak at first, but ultimately
Btrong, a Bplendld young republic udJ
ed to the grand galaxy of republics of
the earth. In the hour of her deepest
political night, when there did not
Beem a ray of hope or a gleam of light,
I felt confident that In the providence
of God she would wrest her liberty from
Spain and proudly take her station In
the ranks of self-governed peoples.
Gomez, advanced In years, rrall of
body, but stout of heart and resolute
of purpose, can Justly be ranked among
the great commanders and revolution
ists of the century. Almost any other
man at his time of life would have
Bought repose rather than war, but he
chose the field of glory whereon liberty
ts to be won or lost forever for his coun.
trymen. He spurned bribes and offers
of position at the hands of a cowardly
Spanish dynasty. He Is the firm and
MfHiusst tnend of his people, and has
smitten tho rock that will cause polit
ical freedom to gush forth and save a
famishing nation.
I rejoice to know thnt the American
people have become aroused to the ex
tent that they will no longer listen to
Spanish lying or glv enr to Spanish
threats. We are not a nntlun i.r in-mr.
carts; we do not seek war with Spain
or with any other country. We will
resort to arms only when our cause
Is Just and when the enlightened Judg
ment of the American people nnd of the
world will approve our conduct. But,
Blr, because we are peace loving, It
must not be thought we are unmindful
of the duties Imposed upon us, or that
our people nre lucking In spirit. We at
all times Beek pence rather than war,
but not that kind of pence that ls to bo
purchased at any price, nor peace with
Cuba In chains. In the language of the
jngusn uauau
We don't want to fight, but, by Jingo,
ii we uo.
We've got the Bhlps, we've got the men,
we've got the money, too."
If Spain will hunt down and execute
tho deadly assussln who, under cover
of darkness, sunk the battleship Maine
and sent, without warning, 2GC souls
into me presence of their Maker; If she
will relinquish her occupancy of Cuba,
take down her flag from this continent
a flag whose only claim to public at
tention Is that It Is stained with twenty
centuries of Innocent blood, cruelty nnd
crime and leave American soil for
ever, we will be content. We have no
greed ror Spanish territory nor for
Spanish gold. Our policy Is that of a
contented, domestic people. We do not
want Cuba. We do not even desire to
be her guardian. But wo nre deter
mined she shall be free and that for all
time we shnll be rid of the close prox.
Imlty of a nation whose chief occupa
tion Is the shedding of innocent blood.
Sir, If I could have my own wnv. I
would promptly recall our minister
irom .muuhu and give Spain's minister
at Washington his passport. I would
close forever the political, financial and
commercial relations of the two na
tions, nnd not again permit an armed
Spaniard to Bet foot on American soil.
Mr. President. It Is well known that 1
am thoroughly and unalterably opposed
to the president In most of his policies.
It would be Impossible for us to bo
brought tegether unless he should cease
to be a republican and become a popu
list, a thing he probably will not do. I
have no faith that our country can ever
become permanently prosperous by an
application of the domestic policies he
would enforce.
Sir, In all 1 have said In behair' of
Cuban Independence In the years gone
by, from the time the subject llrst came
to the notice of congress to this mo
ment, my conscience has been my sole
guide. It has been
"A lamp unto my feet and a light
unto my path."
t havo said for the Cubans what I
would say for uny other nation under
like circumstances, and what I would
want them to say for my country If
positions were changed.
Mr. President, 1 believe Cuba Is free.
I believe but a few more days and we
will witness the flag of the new repub
lic, consecrated by thousands of human
lives, by so much blood, by the tears
and groans of her people, the walling
of her womanhood and the sacrifice of
her childhood, waving In triumph from
Plnar del Rio to Santiago de Cuba.
Then we will be able to cxclulm, as
did one of old:
"The spirit of the Lord Is upon me
because he hath anointed me to preach
the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me
to heal the broken hearted, to preach
deliverance to the cuptives, and recov
ering of sight to the blind, to set at
liberty them that are bruised, to preach
the acceptable year of the Lord,"
Afraid to Show Their Patriotism.
"Stand up! Stand up! If you don't
stand up I'll punch your nose."
This Is how an Englishman, and he
hadn't been naturalized, either, taught
us patriotism the other day.
It was at the last concert of the Third
regiment band that this young scion of
Briton gave us u lesson In patriotism.
The concert had met with unusual ap
probation and both uudlence and band
was feeling well pleased with them
selves, when, at the end of the pro
gram, Dr. Iiienr, the director of the
band, raised his baton a moment, and
as it descended the strains of "The Star
Spangled Banner" burst forth. That
It reached the soul of every American
in the audience and sent the blood
throbbing like fire through his veins,
was attested by the Hushed cheeks and
eyes kindling with the fire that pictured
in dim distance, the smoke of the bat
tlefield, tho sputtering fire of a thou
sand muskets and the heavy roar of
But this negative display of patriot
ism did not meet the idea of the young
Englishman. True, he wns only a re
porter on a local newspaper, but In
dear old England, when the national
air, "God Sove the Queen," was sung,
he was wont to rise to his feet and sing
with the fiery enthusiasm that marks
the Englishman the world over. To him
the "Star Spangled Banner" was the
national air of the. union, and when
Americans sat coldly through It with
out an outward sign or appreciation his
blood boiled.
He had risen to his reet at the first
note, and now his voice rose In u
mighty roar that reached the uttermost
corner of the opera house.
"Stand upl Stand up!! If you don't
stand up I'll punch your nose!"
Wonderlngly the young. man In front
of him arose, and then he yelled to the
people yet further away:
"Why don't you stand up; don't you
know enough?"
The patriotism that blazed In his eye
and oozed from every pore of his flush
ed face .seemed to then nttack the au
dience, and as one man they rose up,
and with the Englishman beating time
ror them, they sang the second verse
or "The Star Spangled Banner" with
a rrenzled enthusiasm that made the
walls tremble.
At the conclusion or this grand old
air, many a kindly glunce was thrown
at the young Engllshmnn who had giv
en Americans n lesson In patriotism.
Not that Americans are not patriotic,
but they Beem to possess n childish
fear of giving vent to their love for
the dear old stars and stripes.
The lesson may bear Its fruit.
John Hancock used to wear a red
velvet cap, within which was one of
fine linen, turned up two or three inches
over the edge of the velvet. He also
wore a blue damask gown lined with
velvet, a white stock, a white satin
embroidered waistcoat, black satin
small-clothes, white silk stockings and
red morocco slippers, yet he was not
thought at all bizarre.
Mickey (defiantly) Any time ye want
tei light me dis is where I live (Indl
satlng himself). Right here's where I
live, remember dot.
Swlpsey (scornfully) Well, I can't
lay dat I t'ink much of yer residence.
Architecture Is one of the moBt fnscl.
natlng arts, and the study of Egyptian,
Grecian, Etruscan, Roman, Byzantine,
Moorish, Renaissance styles of build
ing, has been to many a man a sublime
lire-work. Lincoln and York cathe.
amis, St. Paul's and St. Peter's, and
jvivn oi xuus, anu Theunn temple an
Alnhambra nnd Parthenon are toe
monuments to the genius of those who
built them. But more wonderful thnn
any arch they lifted, or any transept
window they ever Illumined, or any
Corinthian column they ever a owned,
or any Gothic cloister they ever elab
orated, is the human ear.
Among the most skillful and assid
uous physiologists of our time hnve
been those who have given their time
to the examination of the ear and the
study of its arches, Its walls, its floor,
Its canals, Its uqueducts. Its gullerles.
Its Intricacies, Its convolutions, Its di
vine machinery, and yet, It will take
another 1,000 years before the world
comes to any adequate appreciation of
wnui uoa uiu wneti lie planned and ex
ecuted the Infinite and overmastering
architecture of the human ear. The
most of It is Invisible and the micro
scope breaks down Irr the attempt at
uAjiDraiion. me cartilage which we
cull the ear ls only the storm door of
the great temple clear down out of
Bight, next door to the Immortal soul.
Such scientists ns; Helmholtz and
Conte and De Blalmille und Rank and
Buck have nttempteel to walk the Ap
plnn way of the hjTmon ear. but the
mysterious pathway has never been
fully trodden but by two feet the foot
of Bound and the foot of God. Three
ears on each side of the head the ex
ternal ear, the middle ear. the internal
eur, but all connected by most wonder
ful telegraphy.
The externul ear In all nges adorned
by precious stones or precious metuls.
The temple of Jerusalem partly built
by the contribution of earrings, und
Homer In the Iliad speuks of Hera, "the
three blight drops, her glittering gems
suspended from the ear;" und many of
the adornments of modern times were
only copies of her ear Jewels found in
Pompellan museum und Etruscan vase.
But while the outer ear tuny be
adorned by human nrt, the middle and
the Internal ear are udorned nnd gar
nished only by the hand of the Lord
The stroke of a key of yonder organ
sets the air vibrating, and the external
ear catches the undulating sound and
passes It on through the bonelets of the
middle ear to the Internal eur, and the
three thousand fibres of the human
brain take up the vibration und roll
the sound on Into the soul. The hidden
machinery of the ear by physiologists
called by the names of things familiar
to us, like the hammer, something to
Btrike the anvil something to be
smitten like the Btlrrup of the saddle
with which we mount the steed like
the drum, beaten in the march like the'
harpstrlngs, to be swept with music.
Colled like a "snail shell," by which
one of the Innermost passages of the
ear Is actually called like a stairway,
the sound to ascend like a bent tube
of a heating apparatus, taking that
which enters round nnd round like a
labyrinth with wonderful passages Into
which the thought enters only to be lost
In bewilderment.
The ear, so strange a contrivance
that by the estimate of one scientist,
It can catch the sound of 73,700 vibra
tions In a second. The outer enr taking
In all kinds of sound, whether the
crash of an avalanche, or the hum of a
bee. The sound passing to the Inner
door of the outside ear halts until an
other mechanism, divine mechanism,
passes It on by the bonelets of the mid
dle ear, and coming to the Inner door
of that second ear, the sound has no
power to come further until another di
vine mechanism passes it on through
into the inner ear, and then the sound
comes to the rail track or the brain
branchlet, and rolls on and on until it
comes to sensation, and there the cur
tain drops, and a bundled gates shut,
and the voice of God seems to say to till
human Inspection: "Thus far and no
In this vestibule of the palace of the
soul, how many kings of thought, of
medicine, of physiology, have done pen
ance of lifelong study and got no fur
ther than the vestibule. Mysterious
home of reverberation nnd echo. Grand
Central Depot or sound. Headquarters
to which there come quick dispatches,
part the way by cartilages, part the
way by air, part the way by bone, part
the way by nerve the slowest dispatch
plunged Into the ear at the speed of
1,900 leet a second. Small Instrument
of music on which ls played all the
music you ever heard, trom the gran
deurs or an August thunderstorm
to the soft breathings of a flute.
Small Instrument of music, only
a quarter of an Inch of sur
face and the thinness of l-250th
part of an Inch, and that thinness
divided Into three layers. In that ear
musical staff, lines, spaces, bar and
rest. A bridge leading from the outside
natural world to the Inside spiritual
world; we seeing the abutment at this
end the bridge, but the fog of nn unllft
ed mystery hiding the abutment on the
other end the bridge. Whispering gal
lery of the soul. The human voice la
God's eulogy the ear. That voice ca
pable of producing 17,592,186.044,415
sounds, and all that variety mnde, not
for the regalement of beast or bird, but
for the human ear.
For the conquest of the ear Haydn
struggled on up from the garret where
he had neither lire nor food, on and on
until under the too great nervous strain
of hearing his own oratorio of the
"Creation" performed, he was carried
out to die, but leaving ns his legacy to
the world 118 symphonies, 103 pieces for
the baritone, fifteen mnsses, five ora
torios, forty-two German and Italian
songs, thirty-nine canons, 3Gf English
and Scotch songs with accompaniment,
and 1,536 pnges of libretti. All that to
capture the gate of the body that
swings In from the tympanum to the
ocean or the Immortal soul.
To conquer the ear, Handel struggled
on rrom the time when his rather would
not let him go to school lest he learn
the gamut and become a musician, and
rrom the time when he wns allowed In
the orgnn loft Just to piny after the
audience had left, to the time when he
left to all nations his unparalleled ora
torios of "Esther." "Deborah." "Samp
son," "Jepntnan, "Jtidus .Maccabeus,"
"Israel In Egypt," and the "Messiah,"
the soul of the great German compose!
still weeping in the Dead March of oui
great obsequies and triumphing In the
raptures of every Easter morn.
To conquer the ear and take this gate
of the Immortal soul, Schubert com
posed his great "Serenade," writing the
staves of the music on the bill of fare
In a restaurant, and went on until he
could leave as a legacy to the world
over 1,000 magnificent compositions In
music. To conquer the ear and take this
gate of the soul's castle Mozart strug
gled on through poverty until he came
to a pauper's grave, and one chilly, wet
afternoon the body of him who gave to
the world the "Requiem" and the
"G-mlnor Symphony" was crushed In
on top of two other pnupers Into a
grave which Is today epltaphless.
How Burpusslngly sacred the human
ear. You had beter be careful how you
let the sound of blasphemy or unclean
ness Btep Into that holy of holies. The
bible says that in the ancient temple
the priest was set apart by the putting
of the blood of a mm on the tip of the
enr, the right ear of the priest.
But, my friends, we need all of us to
have the sacred touch of ordination on
the hnnglng lobe of both ears, and on
the arches of the ears, on the Eustach.
Ian tube of the ear, on the mnstold cells
of the ear, on the tympanic cavity of
the ear, and on everything from th'j
outside rim of the outside enr clear In
to the point where sound steps off the
auditory nerve and rolls on down Into
the unfathomable depths or the Im
mortal soul. The bible speaks of "dull
ears, anu or "unclrcumclted ears,"
and of "Itching euts," and of "rebel
lious enn," und of "open ears," and or
those who have all the organs or hear
ing and yet who seem.Ube deaf, for It
cries to them. "He that hath ears to
henr, let him hour."
To show hjiw much Christ thought of
the humnn.rar, he one day met a man
who was deor. came up to him, nnd put
a finger of the right hand Into the ori
fice of the left enr of the patient, nnd
put a finger of the lert hand Into the
orifice of the right enr of the patient,
and agitated the tympanum, and
stnrtled the bonelets, and with a voice
that rang clear through Into the man's
soul, cried: "Kphphntha!" and the
polyphold growths gave way, and the
Inflamed auricle cooled off, and that
man who hud not heard a sound for
ninny years, that night heard the wash
of the waves of Galilee aguinst the
limestone shelving.
To show how much Christ thought of
the human enr. when the apostle Peter
got mad and with one slash of his
sword dropped the enr of Malchus into
the duM, Christ created a new externul
ear for Malchus corresnomllnir with tin.
i middle enr and Internal ear that no
sword could clip nwav.
And to show what God thinks of the
enr we nre Informed of the fact that In
the millennial June which shall roseate
ull the earth, the ears of the deaf will
be unstopped, all the vascular growths
gone all deformation of the listening
orgnn cured, corrected, changed. Every
being on earth will have a hearing ap
paratus as perfect as God knows how
to make it, and all the ears will be
ready for thut great symphony In
which nil the muslcul Instruments of
the enrth shall plu the uccompanl
ment, nations of earth and empires of
heaven mingling tlieir voices, together
with the deep bass of the sea and the
alto of the woods nnd the tenor of
winds, and the baritone of the thunder:
"Allelulnhl" descending.
Oh, yes, my friends, we have been
looking for God too far away Instead
of looking for him close by and In our
own organism. We go up into the ob
servntory and look through the tele
scope and Bee God In Jupiter, and God
in Saturn, and God in Mars; but we
couiu see more or him through the
microscope or nn aurlst. No king ls
satisfied with only one residence, and
In France it has been St. Cloud nnd
Versnllles nnd the Tullerles, and In
Great Britain It has been Windsor and
Balmoral and Osborne. A ruler does
not always prerer the larger. The king
of earth and heaven may havo larger
castles and greater palaces, but I do
not think there is an one more curi
ously wrought than the hurnnn ear.
The heaven of heavens cannot contain
him, nnd yet he snys he finds room to
dwell in a contrite heart, and I think
In a Christian ear.
We have been looking for God In the
Infinite let us look for him In the In
finitesimal. God walking the corridor
of the ear, God sitting In the gallery of
the humun enr, God speaking along the
auditory nerve of the ear, God dwell
ing in the ear to hear that which comes
from the outside, nnd so near the brain
und the soul he cun hear all that
transpires there. The Lord of hosts
encamping under the curtains of mem
brane. Palace of the Almighty In the
human ear. The rider on the white
horse of the Apocalypse thrusting his
root Into the loop or bone which the
physiologist has been pleased to call
the stirrup of the ear.
Are you ready now for the question
of my text? Have you the endurance
to bear Its overwhelming suggestlve
ness? Will you take hold of some
pillar and balance yourself under the
semi-omnipotent stroke? "He that
planted the ear, shall he not hear?"
Shall the God who gives us the ap
paratus with which we hear the
sounds of the world, himself not
be able to catch up song and organ
and blasphemy and worship? Does he
give us a faculty which he has not him
self? Drs. Wild and Gruber and Toyn
bee Invented the acoumeter and other
Instruments by which to measure and
examine the ear, nnd do these Instru
ments know more than the doctors
who made them? "He that planted the
ear, shall he not hear?" Jupiter of
Crede was always represented In stat
uary' and palntln;-: ns without ears,
suggesting the Idea that he did not
want to be bothered with the affairs of
the world. But our God has ears.
"His ears are open to their cry."
The bible intimates that two work
men on Saturday night do not get their
wages. Their complaint Instantly
strikes the ear of God: "The cry of
those that reaped hath entered the
ears o.f the Lord of Sabbaoth." Did
God hear that poor girl last night as
she threw herself on the prison bunk
In the city dungeon and cried in the
midnight: "God have mercy?" Do
you really think God could hear her?
Yes, Just as easily as when fifteen
years ago she was sick with scurlet
fever, and her mother henid her when
at midnight she asked for a drink of
water. "He that planted the ear, shall
he not hear?"
When a soul prays, God does not sit
bolt upright until the prayer travels
Immensity and climbs to his ear. The
bible says he .bends clear over. In
more than one place Isaiah said he
bowed down his ear. In more than
one place the psalmist said he Inclined
his ear, by which I come to believe that
God puts his ear so closely down to
your lips that he can henr your faint
est whisper. It Is not God away off up
yonder; It Is God away clown here,
close up, so close up thnt when you
pray to him, It ls not more a whisper
than a kiss.
Ah! yes, he heats the captive's sigh
and the plash of the orphan's tear, and
the dying syllables of the shipwrecked
sailor driven on the Skerries, and the
Infant's "Now I lay me down to sleep,"
ns distinctly as he hears the fortissimo
of brazen bnnds in the Dusseldorf fes
tival, as easily ph he bnr the salvo of
artillery when the thirteen squares of
English troops open an then ja.niim
nt once at Waterloo. He thut planted
the ear can henr.
Just as sometimes an entrancing
strain of music will linger In your ears
for dnys after you have heaid It, and
Just as a shurp y tr pain I once heard
while passing thmugh Bellevue hos.
pltnl clung to my eur for weeks, and
Just us n horrid blasphemy In the street
sometimes haunts one's eurs for duys,
so God not only hears, but holds the
songs, the prayers, the groans, the
worship, the blasphemy.
How we have ull wondered at the
phonograph, which holds not only the
words you utter, but the very tones of
your voice, so that 100 years from now,
that Instrument turned, the very words
you now utter and the very tone of
your voice will be leproduced. Amazing
phonograph! But more wonderful Is
God's power to hold, to retain. Ah!
what delightful encouragement for our
prayers. What an awful fright for our
hard speeches. What assurance of
warm-hearted sympathy for all our
griefs. "He that planned the ear. shall
be sot hear?"