Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, April 22, 1898, Image 7

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Washington, D. C, April 10. The
radical theory of Christianity Is set
forth by Dr. Talmagc In this discourse,
and remarkable Instances of self-sacrifice
are brought out for Illustration. The
text Is lleb. be., 22; "Without shedding
of blood Is no remission."
John a. Whlttler, the last of the
great school of American poets that
made the last quarter of this century
brilliant, asked me In the White moun
tains, one morning after piayers, in
which I had given out Cowper's fam
ous hymn about "The Fountain Killed
With Blood," "do you really believe
there Is a literal application of the
blood of Christ to the soul?" My nega
tive reply then Is my negative reply
now. The Bible statement agrees with
all physicians, and all physiologists,
and all scientists, In saying that the
blood Is the life, and In the Christian
religion It means smply that Christ's
life was given for our life.
Hence nil this talk of men who say the
bible story of blood Is disgusting, and
that they don't want what they call
a "slaughter-house religion," only show
their Incapacity of unwillingness to look
through the llgure of speech to
ward the thing signified. The blood
that, on the darkest Friday the world
ever saw, oozed, or trickled, or poured
from the brow and the side and the
hands and the feet of the Illustrious
sufferer, back of Jerusalem, In a few
hours coagulated and dried up and for
ever disappeared; and If a man had de
pended on the literal application of the
blood of Christ, there would not have
been a soul saved for the last eighteen
In order to understand this red word
of my text we only have to exercise as
much common sense In religion as we
do In everything else. Pang for pang,
hunger for hunger, fatigue for fatigue,
tear for tear, blood for blood, life for
life, we see every day Illustrated. The
act of substitution is no novelty, al
though I hear men talk as though the
Idea of Christ's suffering substituted for
our suffering were something abnormal,
something distressingly odd, something
wildly eccentric, a solitary episode In
the world's history; when I could take
you out into this city and before sun
down point you to 600 cases of substi
tution and voluntary suffering of one
In behalf of another.
At 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon go
among the places of busines sor toll
It will be no dlillcult thing for you to
find men who by their looks show you
that they are overworked. They are
prematurely old. They are hastening
rapidly toward their decease. They
have gone through crises In business
that shattered their nervous system,
and pulled on the brain. They have a
shortness of breath, and a pain in the
back of the head, and at night an in
somnia that alarms them. Why ure
they drudging at business early and
late? For fun? No; It would be dlill
cult to extract any amusement out of
that exhaustion. Because they are ava
ricious? In many cases, no. Because
their own personal expenses are lavish?
No; a few hundred dollars would meet
all their wants. The simple fact Is, the
mail Is enduring all that fatigue and
exasperation, and wear and tear, to
keep his home prosperous. There Is an
Invisible line reaching from that store,
from that bank, from that shop, from
that scaffolding, to a quiet scene a few
blocks, a few miles away, and there is
the secret of that business endurance.
Ho is simply the champion of a home
stead for which the wins bread, and
wardrobe, and education, and prosper
ity, and In such battle 10,000 men fall.
Of ten business men whom I bury nine
die of overwork for others. Some sud
den disease finds them with no power
of resistance, and they are gone. Life
for life. Blood for blood. Substltu
At 1 o'clock tomorrow morning, the
hour when slumber Is most uninter
rupted and profound, walk amid the
dwelling houses of the city. Here and
there you will find a dim light, be
cause It Is the household custom to
keep a subdued light burning; and
most of the houses from base to top are
dark as though uninhabited. A
merciful God hus sent forth the nrch
angel of sleep, and he puts his wings
over the city. But yonder Is a clear
light burning and rutslde on a win
dow ensing a glass of pitcher contain
ing food for a sick child; the food is
et in the fresh air. This is the sixth
night that mother has sat up with that
sufferer. She has to the lust point
obeyed the physician's prescription,
not giving a drop too much nor too
little, or a moment too soon or too late.
She Is very anxious, but she has burled
three children with the same disease
and she prays and weeps, each prayer
and sob ending with a kiss of the pale
cheek. By dint of kindness she gets
the little one through the ordeal.
After It Is all over the mother Is taken
down. Brain or nervous fever dets In
and one day she leaves the convalesc
ent child with a mother's blessing and
goes up to Join the three departed ones
in the kingdom of heaven. Life for
life. Substitution! The fact is that
there are an uncounted number of
mothers who, after they have navi
gated a large family of children
through all the diseases of Infancy and
got them fairly started up the flower
ing slope of boyhood nnd girlhood, ha o
only Etrength enough left to die. Tney
fade away. Some call It consumption;
some call It nervous prostration; some
call it Intermittent or malarial Indis
position; but I call it martyrdom of
the domestic circle. L'lfe for life.
Blood for blood. Substitution!
Or perhaps a mother lingers long
enough to see a son get on the wrong
road, and his former kindness becomes
rough reply when she expresses anxiety
about him. But he goes right on, look
ing carefully after his apparel, remem
bering his every birthday with some
memento, nnd when he Is brought home
worn out with dissipation, nurses him
till he gets well and starts him again,
and hopes, and expects, and prays, and
counsels, and suffers, until her strength
gives out and she falls. She Is going,
and attendants, bending over her pil
low, ask her If she has any message to
leave, and she makes great effort to say
something, but out of three or four
minutes of Indistinct utterance they
can catch but three words: "My poor
boy!" The simple fact Is she died for
him. Life for life. Substitution!
About thirty-eight years ago there
went forth from our northern and
southern homes hundreds of thousands
of men to do battle. All the poetry of
war soon vanished, and left them noth
ing but the terrible prose. They waded
knee-deep In mud. They slept In snow
banks. They marched till their cut feet
tracked the earth. They were swindled
out of their honest rations, and lived on
meat not fit for a dog. They had Jaws
fractured, and eyes extinguished, and
limbs shot away. Thousands of them
cried for water as they lay on the field
the night after the battle, and got It
not. They were homesick, and received
no message from their loved ones. They
died In barns, In bushes, In ditches, the
buzzards of the summer heat the only
attendants on their obsequies, o one
but the Infinite God who knows every
thing, knows the ten-thousandth parti
of the length, and breadth, and depth,
nnd height of anguish of the northern
nnd southern battlefields. Why did
these fathers leave their children nnd
go to the front, and why did these
young men, postponing the marriage
day, start out Into the probabilities of
never coming back? For a principle
they died. Life for life. Blood for blood.
But wb need not go so far. What Is
that monument In the cemetery? t la
to the doctors who fell In the southern
epidemics. Why go? Were there not
enough sick to be attended to In these
northern latitudes? Oh, yes; but the
doctor puts a few medlcnl books In his
vnllse, nnd some vlnls of medicine, and
lenves his patients here In the hnnds of
other physlcinns, and takes the rail
way train. Before he getB to the Infect
ed regions he passes crowded railway
trains, regular and extra, taking the
flying nnd affrighted populations. He
arrives In a city over which a great
horror Is brooding. He goes from
couch to couch, feeling the pulse nnd
studying pymptoms, and prescribing
day nfter dny, night nfter night, until
a fellow physician says: "Doctor, you
lind better go homo and rest; you look
miserable." But he cannot rest while
so many are suffering. On nnd on, un
til some morning finds him In a delir
ium, In which he talks of home, nnd
then rises and snys he must go and
look nfter those patients. He Is told to
lie down; but he fights his attendants
until he falls back, and Is weaker
and weaker, and dies for people with
whom he had no kinship, nnd far away
from his own family, and Is hastily
put away In a stranger's tomb, nnd
only the fifth part of a newspaper line
tells us of his sacrifice his name Just
mentioned among five. Yet he has
touched the furthest height of sublim
ity In that three weeks of humanitar
ian service. He goes straight as an ar
row to the bosom of him whom said:
"I was sick and ye visited me." Life
for life. Blood for blood. Substitu
tion! In the legal profession I see the same
principle of self-sacrifice. In 1840,
William Freeman, a pauperized und
Idiotic negro, was at Auburn, N. Y.,
on trlnl for murder. He had slain the
entire Van Nest family. The foaming
wrath of the community could be kept
off him only by armed constables.
Who would volunteer to be his counsel?
No attorney wanted to sacrifice his
popularity by such an ungrateful task.
All were silent save one, a young
lawyer with feeble voice, that could
hardly be heard outside the bar, pale
and thin and awkward. It was Wil
liam II. Seward, who saw that the
prisoner was Idiotic and Irresponsible,
nnd ought to be put In an asylum,
rather than put to death, the heroic
counsel uttering these beautiful words:
"I speak now In the hearing of a
people who have prejudged prisoner
and condemned me for pleading In his
behalf. He Is a convict, a pauper, a
negro, without intellect, sense, or emo
tion. My child, with an affectionate
smile, disarms my cart worn face of Its
fn.wn whenever 1 cross my threshold.
The beggar In the street obliges me to
give because he says, 'God bless youl'
as I pass. My dog caresses me with
fondness If 1 will but smile on him. My
horse recognizes me when 1 fill his
mnnber. What reward, what gratitude,
what sympathy and affection can I ex
pect here? There the prisoner sits.
Look at him. Look at the assemblage
around you. Listen to their Ill-suppressed
censures and excited fears, and
tell me where among my neighbors or
myfcllow men, where, even In his heart,
I can expect to find a sentiment, a
thought, not to say of reward or ac
knowledgment, or even of recognition.
Gentlemen, you may think of this evi
dence what you please, bring In what
verdict you can, but I asservate before
heaven and you, that, to the best of
my knowledge and belief, the prisoner
at the bar does not at this moment
know why it Is that my shadow falls
on you Instead of his own."
The gallows got Its victim, but the
post mortem examination of the poor
creature Ghowed to the surgeons nnd
to all the world that the public were
wrong, and William II. Seward was
right, and that hard, stony step of
obloquy In the Auburn court room wns
the first step of the stairs of fame up
which he went to the top, or to within
one step of the top, that last denied
him through the treachery of American
politics. Nothing subllmer was ever
seen In an American court room than
William II. Seward, without reward,
standing between the furious populace
and the louthsome Imbecile. Substitu
tion! In the realm of the fine arts there
was as remarkable an Instance. A bril
liant by hypercrltlclsed painter,
Joseph William Turner, was met by a
volley of abuse from all the art gal
leries of Europe. His paintings, which
have since won the applause of all civ
ilized nations, "The Fifth Plague ot
Egypt," "Fishermen on a Lee Shore In
Squally Weather," "Calais Pier," "The
Sun Rising Through Mist," and "Dido
Building Carthage," were then targets
for critics to shoot at. In defense of this
outrageously abused man, a young
author of 24 years, Just one year out
of college, came forth with his pen and
wrote the ablest and most famous essay
on nrt the world ever saw, or ever
will see John Buskin's "Modern Paint
ers." For seventeen years this author
fought the battles of the maltreated
artist, and after, In poverty and broken.
heartedness, the painter had died, and
the public tried to undo the cruelties
towar him by giving him a big funeral
and burial In St. Paul's cathedral, his
old-time friend took out of a tin box
19,000 pieces of paper containing draw
ings by the old painter, nnd through
mnny wenry and uncompensated
months assorted and arranged them for
public observation. People say John
Ruskin In his old days Is cross, mlsan
throplc nnd morbid. Whatever he may
do that he ought not to do, and what
ever he may say that he eught not to
say between now and his death, he will
leave this world Insolvent, us far as It
has any capacity to pay this author's
pen for Its chlvalrlc and Christ'un de
lence of a poor painter's pencil. John
Ruskin for William Turner. Blood for
bleed Substitution!
It was a most exciting day I spent on
t.ie battlefield of Waterloo. Starting
out with the morning train from Brus
eels, Belgium, we arrived In about an
hour on that famous spot. A son of one
wno was In the battle, nnd who had
heara. from his father a thousand times
tha whole scene recited, accompanied
us over the field. There stood the old
Ilougomont chateau, the walls dented,
and scratched, and broken, and shat
tered by grape shot and cannon ball.
Thnrc Is the well In which 300 dying
und (Had were pitched. There Is the
chapel with the head of the Infant
Christ shot off. There are the gates .it
which, for many hours, English and
French armies wrestled. Yonder were
the 1C0 feuns of the English, and the 250
guns of the Femch. Yonder the Hano
verian hussars lied for the woods.
T.nfr Vflflr till finplntv tnv a. Tl..-
nntrntlnn nf PhrlaHntt L'nnnilailnA ftn
,- c - .. .'...'... .w.u.i .lt.. IVUII"
nected with the Church of England) is
sued 142,205 bibles, 22,995 Testaments.
324,426 books of common prayer and
8,588,902 other books, nearly 3,500,000
tracts, the total amounting to more
uiu.il i;,uw,uw,
Poso Your Volco -Savo tho Voonl
Musolos Practice- Plnnls9lmo.
It lu so generally admitted thnt Melba
Is the possessor of one of tho most
wonderful, If, Indeed, not the most
wonderful, voice In the world, thnt
anything she may say on the sub
ject of vocal culture Is sure to prove of
Interest. Mine. Melba hnv written nn
article on tho subject, nnd It Is given
here. The grent singer snys;
"I have always sung. When I went
to Mnrchesl, In Paris, without one vocal
lesson, I sang as well as 1 da today,
but for one brenk In my voice. Mnr
chesl corrected that at once, posed my
voice properly, nnd If this had not been
done I should have totally lost tho
power of song. Thnt Is the reason why
I so earnestly advise young singers to
look nfter the proper posing of the
volte above all other things. They will
know themselves where the break lies
In their registers, and If a teacher tiles
to force the voice over a brenk there Is
sure to be something wrong. It will
result probably In permanent ruin ot
the voice, nnd the enreer of mnny a
promising young singer Is often thus
ruined In the first stages or tuition.
"It Is quite possible to sing iib nn
nrtlst, and yet to be nn exception to the
ordinary rule as to the place whore tho
register changes. A natural peculiarity
In this should not be disregarded. I
myself enrry my middle register to F
sharp, half a tone beyond the pre
scribed limit. If I were a teacher and
advocated this In any special case, I
would have the whole fraternity swoop
ing down nnd abusing me. I know my
own voice, however, and I am a living
example thnt exceptional register
changes mny be a success.
"Many critics have done me the hon
or to nlludc to the freshness and spon
taneity of my singing. There Is no se
cret about the freshness of my voice.
I save It nil I possibly can, but I save
none of my other muscles correspond
ingly. I tnke lots of physical exercise
and save my voice for the public.
"The greatest economy of vocnl
freshness Is to phrase carefully upon
the keyboard and commit, music to
memory before ever nttemptlng to even
hum It over. The great mistake that
artists often make Is to take a new
role to the piano, and Instead of com
mitting It perfectly to memory without
employing the voice nt all, they Immedi
ately begin to sing with It. They hack
and hack at their voices, not for tho
purpose of execution, but simply to
memorize what they might quite as
well do with their fingers on the key
board. No one shall ever catch me Blm
ply memorizing on my voice, what can
be done quite as well on a musical in
strument. When the music is firmly
engraved upon my mind I use my volco
upon It; not before. When I do sing,
with the exception of my rehearsals
ut the theater, I Invariably practice
pianissimo. I strictly deprccnte the
habit of forte practicing, and I can
not Impress too strongly upon my sin
cere friends, the young nnd nmbltlous
Blngers, the damage and the Irrevoca
ble damage at that which accrue from
the unwise, not to say crimlnnl, habit
of loud practicing. If you practice forte
you cannot sing pianissimo nfterward.
Always reserve your forces. Sing pian
issimo In private, and the forte will
come all right In public.
"There Is another point I would urge
with all lthe power at my command.
Use the voice less, the general muscles
more. Half the young singers sit or
stand by an Instrument almost all tho
day, wearing their voices to shreds,
where open air exercise would do In
finitely more for Its development, creat
ing a sound body from which alone a
sound voice can proceed. I take abun
dant wnlklng exercise; I rely on Its
hcalthfulness as much as I rely upon
my knowledge of my voice Itself. In
eating I do not restrict myself, except,
on the day I sing, when a light dinner
at 2 with meat, a few vegetables and
a glass of wine Is the last thing I tako
before going to the theater. On this
day I also run a few scales with full
voice In the morning, and Just beforo
I go on I try my voice a few moments
Just sufficiently to warm It. I think
beaten egg and Bherry an excellent
tonic for luoricntlng the throat.
"Nothing would Induce me to go out
the night before I sing. I talk as llttlo
as possible on the day Itself. On my re
turn from the theater after a perform
ance I always have a most substantial
Bupper. 1 consider this absolutely
harmless after my fast through the day
and my exertions of the evening.
"One thing In conclusion, and a word
of advice to young singers upon the
subject of tone production. It Is, of
course, not naturally given to every
young singer to produce the tones as I
was fortunate enough to be able to do;
leaving only a guiding hint, the most
valuable voices are often obscured by
difficulties, which It Is the teacher's
mission to remove. Often, even when a
voice Is properly posed, there Is a
marked weakness where the registers
change. Bad teachers Insist on pro
longed practicing of this particular sec
tion of the voice, with the Idea of en
larging the tone. I say, exercise the
voice equally all over. It will In turn
become equalized In time. Even If
there be a natural defection, better
retain your voice with a small spot of
weakness than risk its ruin through
the bad art of taxing It where nature
tells plainly enough that It Is not fit
for taxing.
"In conclusion: While the average
voice Is being developed, scales, sol
feggi and vocalism over its full com
pass are essential. But once tho voice
has obtained Its growth, my experi
ence has been that If you sing In publlo
you should save It completely In pri
vate." He Loved to Tell the Story.
Thar was a period of three yars
when Ichabod Hastings was bowed
down to ns the champion liar of Squan
Creek. He begun In a humble way,
lyln' about clams and oysters and
crabs, and In a y'ar climbed to the top
of the ladder and had the best of credit
at all the stores. It was a delight
and a pleasure to hear Ichabod Hast
ings He. He had a serious, earnest face,
and when tellln' a He about anybody
beln' drowned his lip would tremble
and his eyes fill with tears. Tho min
ister let him go on for a y'ar and a
half, and then called on him one even.
In' and said:
"Ichabod, I don't want to hurt yer
feelln's, but It 'pears to be that you
orter tell the truth once in awhile fur
a change."
"Hain't I tellln' the truth every mtntt
In the day?" asks Ichabod. .
"Not skassly. The fact Is, you her
becum the nwfullest liar In all New
Jersey, and If you expect to go to heav
en you must quit it. The bible Is agin
a liar."
"Jest pint out one single He I ever tol'
will ye."
"I kin pint out a thousand. Didn't
you say that you saw a lobster down
at Cat Island with clawa twenty feet
"Yes, I seen that lobster," said Icha
bod. "Fact Is, I measured his clawa
with a tape line, and they was twenty
the ends of the cars. He suggests also
two feet long. I knocked off the two
fet so as to keep within the truth. Yta,
that was a whoppln big lobster. If ho
was put on top the blKgest table you
ever seed, thar' wouldn't bo room fur
him, and 1 ealkcrlate thnr' was meat
'nuff on him to feed twisty people."
"Alas! Ichabod!" said the preacher
with a groan. "Didn't you tell around
that when you was throwed overboard
from an oyster pirate .fourteen miles
at sea a whale rlz tip under yo and
carried ye to dry land?"
"Of course 1 did, nnd It wns sol I
can pint out tho veiy spot whnr' I
waded ashore! The whale was comln'
up to blow' as the pit ate throwed mo
over, and beln' ns he was a good na
tured whale and comln' my way, ho
didn't object to glvln' me a lift. 1 don't
see nothln' 'bout Unit to make me a
"Mcbbe thnt wasn't a He 'bout thnt
shark eatln' up a beyy buoy down tho
bay?" said the preacher, as he grew
"Snrtlnly not," replies Ichabod. "Ho
was a shark ns hnd probably cum from
Yurup, and didn't know nothln' 'bout
bell buoys. Ho made a rush to bite oft
my legs, nnd when he couldn't find
'em he snapped up that buoy nnd
chunked away and spit out the plecos.
I've seen sharks bite oft the flukes of
anchors more'n a dozen times."
"Wall, It's sunthln awful 1" said tho
preacher, us ho rose up to go. "Prov
idence won't let a liar keep right on
lyln' forever. Ichabod Hustings, I
wouldn't be In your shoes fur nil tho
lobsters In Squun Bay. When ye find
yerself gallopln' to the grave on tho
pale hoss of death, Jest remember that
I warned ye!"
Ichabod felt hurt In his feelln's, but
next day he wns tellln' a story 'bout
henrln' a dog-shark whistle "Yankeo
Doodle," and what the preacher said
only seemed to spur him on the gronter
endenvors. Things went on this way
fur a y'nr or more; then one dny ho
rolled off the roof of IiIh house ns ho
was flxln' the chimney and wns so
badly hurt thut tho doctor said that hu
couldn't live. When this was knowrt
the prencher called on him and said:
"Ichabod, I'm no hnnd to hold a club
over anybody, but the fate of the liar
Is alius sartln. Providence will put up
with a good deal, but thar' comes a day
when she kicks. So ye fell oft tho
house, did ye?"
"No, sir," says Ichabod. "I was flsh
ln' down In the bay and a whale rlz
up under my boat and sent her sky
hlghl" The preacher's hnlr stood up and hlB
eyes hung out and he would hcv gone
away, but fur Mrs. Hustings. Sho
asked him to sit down und see If ho
couldn't make the Uyln' man own up to
nil his Hob nnd git furglven. So ho
drawed a cheer up to the bed and said:
"Ichubod, Dr. Foster says ye hain't
got over half a day to live. Mebba
thar's sunthln' on yer mind ye want to
speak about?"
"Yes, thar Is," replied the victim.
"When I wns down to my lobster pots
tother day I seed a red shark sixty
feet long spookln' nround. If the boys
kin kotch him he'll sell fur a hundred
dollars up In New York."
"Lies on top o' lies!" monned tho
preacher, as the tears stood In his
eyes. "Ichnbod, don't ye want to own
up and ask fur furglveness fur lyln'
about them porpoises that Jumped clean
over Light House reef. It wns a Jump
of a quarter of a mile, ye know?"
"But they did It, sir! Thar was forty-two
of them In the school, nnd they
took that Jump one arter the other as
slick as grease. I ulnt sayln that ev
ery porpoise could do It, but them fel
lers had bin grensln themselves agin
the sides of a tank Bteamer, and had
got limbered up. I wish ye could hev
bin thar and seen 'em Jump!"
"May the Lord have mercy on yo,
pore man! I was In hopes ye'd own up
and nsk furglveness. How nbout tho
oyster, Ichabod that oyster who had n
shell made of boiler Iron and carried
an electric light In his bows? Hain't yo
goln' to own up that that was a He?"
"How can I?' 'asked Ichabod. "Didn't
I watch him fur more'n two hours one
evcnln', nnd didn't he turn that light
till I could see dead men at the bottom
of the bay? It ain't right nor fair that
ye should come here und worry mo In
my last hours. I did tell one He six
or seven y'ars ago, and I'm wlllln' to
own up to It. I found an overcoat but
ton In the road, and I told Abraham
Jones It wns a silver dollar. Yes I lied
about that, and I'm mighty sorry."
"But ynu .ed when you said you sa-y
a clam tackle and kill a whnle sixty
feet long." continued the preached.
"Never!" exclaimed Ichabod. "I was
right thar' when the clam rlz out of
the mud and grabbed that whale by
the throat and rolled him nround and
shook the life out o' him. They splash
ed water over me till my boat was al
most sunk, and I cum home ns wet as
a drowned rat. I'm wlllln to say It
was a thumpln' big clam, and that ho
got Btch a sudden holt that the whale
had no show, but I ain't goln' to say
I lied about it."
"And that story about soft-shelled
crabs you'll own up that was a lie?"
"I couldn't possibly do It. I counted
'em as they cum out of the water and
mnrched along down tho shore towards
Crab Island. Thar' was over 3,000,000
of 'em, and purty nigh half of 'em
carried nags and mottoes. They was
goln to hold a convenshun, I s'pose. In
the middle of the purcesshun was a
band of 1,000 crabs, and if they didn't
sing the 'Star Spangled Banner as
they crawled along, then I'm a liar! Yo
know that the boys went down to tho
beach next dny and found tho tracks,
ond that we didn't cotch a single soft
shell crab the rest of that season.
It was no use for the preacher to
talk to him. We sent Phlletus Tomp
kins, Absalom White nnd David Tay
lor, and when they hnd shed tears
and begged for Ichabod to own up and
die happy the dyln' champion replied:
"If I'd ever told a He but that one
about flndlr1 fifty cents In the road I'd
be glnd to own up, but I've alius stuck
to the truth and lost a heap o' fun and
money by It. Farewell, wife farewell,
boys farewell, old world! If I was to
live my life over agin I'd begin lyln as
soon aB I could talk, and keep It up
'till I drawed my last breath!"
Henry M. Stanley reports that last
year Uganda had twenty-three English
Protestant clerymen, 699 native teach
ers, 6,905 baptized Christians. 2,591 com
municants. E7.3S0 readers, 372 churches
end a cathedral which can hold 3,000
" -
Just as the frost Is going out of the
ground Is a good time to repair fences.
When the ground Is soft, and too many
posts are not gone, they may be sharp
ened nnd driven with a maul. Study the
corners and see why the wire is alack.
Study how It can be improved.
A new racing sulky which will pre
vent collisions haB only one wheel,
mounted In the center of a short phaft
at the rear end of the thills, which
also supports the Beat.
A new rubber for wet weather wear
does not extend around the heI, but !
fnstenefl to tlin nnrrmv nn.f . ..
shoe sole by spring clips to hold It
Wranoen nf mim nr nnt ah a ii
at baiem, Mass. Chewers of gum are
jawing as usual.
I was out on the Cumberland moun
tains one dny with the old 'possum
hunter of Tenesseo, nnd an we sat rest
ing on a rock a honey bee nllghlcd for
a moment between us.
"He's from a bee tree over van, two
miles away," paid Zeb, ns he closely
regarded tho Insect. I've been nt that
tree three or four times, but thar' nln't
much honey to be hud. One of tho
funniest things I ever seed happened
nigh that tree last spilng."
He stood up to "line" the bee and fill
his pipe for a smoke, and presently ho
wns ready to say:
"Thnt bee tree Is tho stub of an old
chestnut, and the knot hole by which
the bees gll Into the holler Is up about
fifteen feet. 1 wns jrnssln' thut way
Just us winter wns over, and the fust
thing I knowed I run across two old
b'ars. They'd bin lyln' up among tho
rocks nigh by durln' the winter, and
had cum out mighty Iran and ugly tem
po! ed. They'd already begun to shed
their fur, nnd 1 could see patches hero
and thnr'. 1 knowed from the fust they
wuz goln' to tuckle that bee tree, nnd
I nlso knowed thtir'd be sum fun If
they did, My old duwg wuz at my heels
nnd glttln' excited, but 1 gives him a
cuff on the head and sez:
" 'Yo' Jest hung on to yo'rself, nnd
yn'll see a circus yere, und It won't cost
yo' a cent.'
"Them been," continued Zeb, "wns all
ready fur blzncsH. The only way a man
kin tuckln a bee tree Is to smoko the
Insecks out. When a bu'r Is purtected
by his full cont, as In the fall, the bees
kin only git at his eyes, and he taken
mighty good cure of them. Mebbe them
bu'rs were over hungry, hevln' Just cum
out, nnd mebbe they didn't know much
about bees. As 1 wns snyln' they was
both foelln' ugly and ready fur a row.
and about the fust thing they did was
to pitch In and hev a scrimmage. I
didn't see no blood, but they pulled
out a heap mo' fur, und as thu old
dawg began to growl and gnash his
teeth, I whispers to him:
" 'This uln'l none o' yo'r font, and
yo' keep still. Blmeby when I give tho
word yo' enn go In and git revenge fur
the ear yo' lost last year, but let them
bees cum fust.'
"The fight Insted about five mlnlts,
and when It wuz over one o" tho b'ars
looked up nt that knot hole fur a while
and then begun to climb up. The 'toth
er one sat down nnd licked his chops,
and seemed to be In a great hurry to
git a taste of the honey. "Right up to
the knot hole went the b'nr, and nrter
squlntln' In he began clnwln nnd goln'
away at the wood. The bees wuz com
ln' nnd goln by tho hundred, and It
wuzn't very long before they got mad
and pitched Into tho varmint. He Just
squealed right out when the fust hnlf
dozen stingers went In, but a b'nr has
heaps o' grit, you know. He hung nnd
bit and clawed fur a few mlnlts, but
they wns too mnny fur him nnd he let
go with a 'woof!' to make yo'r h'ar
stand up. The old dawg wanted to git
at him, but I holds him back and sez:
" 'This circus ain't hnrdly begun ylt,
and yo' kin afford to wait. Lordy, but
see 'em a lovln' each other. "
"Was It another fight?" I nsked.
"It was, sah. The one who went up
tho treo sort o' got the Idee that tho
one below wan shootln' nails Into him,
nnd when he struck the nlrth he wna
redhot fur revenge. It was a rlppln'
ol' fight fur ten mlnlts, nnd the fur that
was torn loose would hev filled a bnr'l.
Blmeby they got tired of It nnd bneked
off, and when they hud got their breath
back both of them started In to climb
to the knot hole. Tho bees was sallln'
around with their teeth on ulgo and
their eyes blazln' fire, and ns Boon aa
the b'ars reached the knot hole tho
commoshun begun. They was grit, them
varmints wns, but a b'ar without his
overcoat on hain't got no blzness with
a bushel o' wild bees. Both of 'em
had to let go and drap to tho alrth, nnd
I had to hang on to the old duwg and
" 'It'B glttln' mighty Intcrcstln. but
thar's mo' fun ahead.'
"So thar was," laughed the old hun
ter. "Them b'ars sort o' mistrusted
each other, and when they struck tho
ground the begun llghtln' ngln. They
fit fur a good quarter of an hour, an yo
never heard such growlln' In all yo'r
bo'n days. Mcbbc one or 'tother of
them would hev bin killed, but blmeby
tho bees took n hnnd In It. They cum
down like a cloud o' gnats and settled
on them, two b'ars, and though I
laughed till I was sore I couldn't help
but pity the poor varmints. I never
did Bee such a performance In all my
life. Them b'ars must hev thought tho
jedgment day had cum fer suah. They
rolled over and over they rlz up and
tumbled down they rubbed agin trees
nnd bushes an' hollered fur mercy; and
If my old dawg didn't laugh with me,
he made a good show at it."
'And didn't the bears run away?" I
"Not fur a right-smart while, sah.
They wuz foelln ugly and hated to
give up licked. I reckon thur' must hcv
bin 500 bees nrter each one mebbe a
thousand and If the sting of one beo
kin lift a mule off his four feet tho
stlng3 of a hull bushel orter make It
purty lively fur a b'ar. Ulmoby the
bees went about their blzness nnd them
b'nra was slttin up lookln' at each
other, and Blghln' and groanln and
sheddln' tears, when I gives my old
dawg a shove and says:
"Now, then, go In and work the rheu
matlcks outer yo'r legs ajid chaw b'ar
meat. "He went. He'd bin used to purty
rough work two or three times by var
mints nnd he wnnted to git ev n. Tho
way he tumbled them b'ars around fur
a few minutes made another circus, but
he got tuckered out, and they finally
made off. Fur a hundred feet nround
that tree It looked as If a drovo of
hawgs had bin rootln fur chestnuts
fur a week."
"And so that was the end of the In
cident?" "Wall, skassly. Two days later tho
old woman was goln' down to the spring
fur water, and she cums rushln' back
and sez:
" 'Zeb White, cum and take a look
at two Btrtnge varmints down yero.
They ain't b'ars, nor calves, nor hawgs.
The Lawd only knows what they gin
" 'I went hack with her," said the
old man, "and the mlnlt I clapped eyes
on them I knowed It was them two
b'ars. They was all swelled up with
the plzen their eyes was closed and
two Blch homesick lookln critters no
body ever saw befo'. They was arter
water at the spring, and could only
Jest drag along. I throwed 'em sum
meat and let 'em go, and when they
got so they could see agin they went
over on 'tother side of the mounting, I
reckon, for I never saw them no mo'."
Pope Leo was able to show deference
to an older man than himself at the
celebration of his coronation. Cardinal
Mertel, who Is 92 years of age and the
senior cardinal in length of service,
having been cardinal deacon for forty
years, had himself carried to the Vati
can, but was unable, after the pope'a
address, to Join In the defile past the
throne. The pope, noticing this, step
fed down from his throne and, walk
r.g to Cardinal Mertel, wished blm
many mure yeurs of life.
Golontlsts Awestruck- It will Rovo
lutlonlzo tho Moohanlcnl World.
Liquid air now comes forth ns the
rreatost wonder of the century. Sci
entists nay It Is more marvellous than
the Roentgen ray.
Mechanlcul engineers believe thnt It la
a more revolutionizing power than
stenm or electricity. The whole sci
entific world stnnds amazed at tho
achievement of u Now York Inventor,
Chnrles E. Trlplcr. He Is the first man
to produce liquid air In quantities for
prnellcnl use.
Scientists have long known that li
quid ulr could be mode. Hut up to
twenty years ago It cost $1,000 to make
one drop of It. Last week Mr. Trlpler
demonstrated thnt he could make one
gallon In eight minutes nt a cost of
CO cents a gallon.
Liquid air Is ordlnnry air compress
ed to 1-781 of Its normal bulk and re
duced to a temperature of 320 degrees
below zero.
It has an expansive power of 2,000
pounds to tho squurc Inch. It has a
latent force 100 times greater than has
As a motive power It Is believed to be
superior to steam, electricity, com
pressed nlr or nny known force In na
ture. As a medicine It Ib regarded as
the most wonderful tonic ever discov
ered, exceeding even ozone nnd oxy
gen. Owing to Its Intenso frigidity, It can
bo used for nil kinds of cooling nnd re
frigerating purpoies, easily changing
torrid heat Into Klondike cold. Ice Is
so hot In comparison thnt liquid air
bolls when It comes In contnet with Ice.
as If plnced on a lire.
The latent explosive power of liquid
nlr Is Htich that 1 can be nppllcd to
firing huge guns, the difficulty In Us
use In this way being to cast guns In
such a wny ns to resist Its terrible ex
plosive force,
Tho mnker of this wonderful chem
lcal agent organized the Trlpler Liquid
Air company to munufneturo nnd dis
tribute liquid air for commercial pur
poses. In three months Mr. Trlpler expects
to be able to furnish It In nny quanti
ties nt about the price of common Ice.
It Is kept In large tin cylinders, lllco
milk cans, which nre wrapped around
with felt to prevent the wnrm air caus
ing too rapid evaporation of tho liquid.
Over the top Is laid a loose felt cover
ing. Around these enns the air 1b In
tensely cold, yet their contents are
seething nnd boiling.
When a small quantity of tho liquid
nlr Is needed for experiments on tho
laboratory table It Is taken out In a
long-handled dipper and turned thro"
a funnel Into a glnss not unlike nn In
candescent electric light bulb. This la
rcnlly a double glass with a vacuum
between tho Inner and outer sections.
Tho vacuum nets as a non-conductor
of heat and cold, so that the bulb can
be handled freely without Injury to tho
hnnds, though tho snbstnnce within tha
glnss Is cold enough to freeze the hand
solid In a few seconds without this pro-
In his workshop laboratory Inventor
Trlpler performs wonderful experi
ments. He freezes mercury Into solid
bars by applying a few drops of liquid
air to It. In the same way he freezes
pure alcohol, although this requires a
temperature of 200 degrees below zero.
A burning mutch at the end of a foot
of wire Is dipped Into the liquid. In
stantly tho wire begins to burn, scin
tillating beautifully.
But the simplest and most popular
experiment which Mr. Trlpler performs
Is the making of Ice cream In five sec
onds. On the table Is a clip ot plain
cream, merely sweetened nnd flnvored.
He holds a bulb of liquid air over It
and allows a drop or two to fall Into
tho cup of cream. There Is a boiling
and sputtering as If hot metal had been
poured into it. An attendant stirs tho
mixture briskly with a spoon. In an In
stant It Is as stlfl and firm a? if it had
been In a freezer for an hour.
Another dramatic experiment Is per
formed. A billiard ball Is dipped in
the liquid and then held up In a dark
corner, where It glows with a bright,
phosphorescent light.
Tho way Mr. Trlpler Illustrates lUf
force as an explosive Is by putting a
small quantity In a copper cylinder
closed at one end. A projectile Is then
rammed down upon it nnd the tuba
pointed upward. In two or thrue sec
onds there Is an explosion and tho pro
jectile Is hurled J50 feet Into the air.
If this be done .on n large scale, tho
Inventor says there is no limit to tho
capacity of this kind of liquid powder.
Another way to make It net as an ex
plosive Is to combine it with felt or
other similar substance and fire It like
my ordinary combustible by a cartridge
or match.
The navy should be equipped at once,
according to Mr. Trlpler, with air com
pressors and llqueflcrs, and each ves
sel made to provide Its own powder
lu this way Just ns It Is needed.
Mr. Trlpler says It Is perfectly safe
as long as It Is allowed to stand un
conflned. Its expanding gases pass off
harmlessly. It Is only when confined
or under pressure, like a boiler with the
safety valve closed, that It becomes ex
plosive. Mr. Trlpler declares that liquid air
can be manufactured In the Adlron
dacks, In Canada, the White Moun
tains or the Rocky Mountains, and
shipped in Jugs to the cities. When
set free In a. house the whole atmos
phere will speedily be changed Into tho
bracing ozone of the mountains.
The simplest and yet the most Im
pressive experiment which Mr. Trlpler
performs is with a common tin tea
kettle. Filling this with liquid air, he
holds the cover down firmly, while it
sputters furiously, and the vapor rush
es out of the nose with greater force
than steam over a hot fire. "What is
the forco of steam compared with the
power confined In this tea kettle!" saya
the Inventor enthusiastically. "Here Is
a power for another Watta to harness
and run the machinery of the world
without a spark of flame or artificial
This brings the Inventor up to tho
point where he grows most enthusias
tic. He says that up to 100 pounds
pressure Bteam yields but one pound of
power for each degree of heat used in
producing It. With liquid air nineteen
pounds of power Is produced for each
degree of heat used in making it. It
works as effectively at 300 degrees be
low zero as does steam at 300 degress
above zero. Mr. Trlplcr says that tht
proves that liquid air is twenty times
more powerful than steam.
While the Inventor is as enthusiastic
as a boy over the vast possibilities of
his discovery, he Is working on conser
vative lines. Ills plan Is to perfect la
a few weeks a small refrigerating mct
chtne for cold storage houses. Tola
will be charged with liquid air the samo
as the present freezing apparatus la
charged with ammonia.
When this system la perfected so u
to take the place of ammonia machine
Mr. Trlpler Intends to build a plant
sufficiently large to supply the demand
for liquid air In quantities for scientific
i"-. ntimr uses. Thus far he has slvaa
Ills product away as freely as Ice
' iS-Zdtlt-'",-
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