Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, April 22, 1898, Image 5

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I, ii ii in' ii mill nil nun nil mn i
The Herald.
T. J. O'KliUI'Is. Publisher.
I'uIiHkIhmI tncry I'ridity nnd eutiMril id tltu
tionl-nlHc'i in tli'Uiiiwtord. Nehrvikn. nn spcouiI
tViHH mnll limtlnr. 'I'm: llKlUl.t) imli'totf-d to
lli ItilercHU of lU-inliiKtoril and llox Unite
Nt'iiHCinnius lurus:
onuykmi ir.o
1'. M. Pitri.rs
A. M.Mtt.i.rn
Jan. 11. II. It r err
K. V. Swi:in
V". XI. IiitirvpK
... ,lrk.
Trim Mirer.
. Attorney,
c. inU'inli'iit.
MlM A. L. N'Lr.l.M Hi
Du. W.K. M11.1.EI1
CoinmlHutonor 1ft Hist.
Conitniwinm-rSml HIM.
lm. C A. Hot nnoor
Jameh llMIKV
Jak. Hot.MNmKi:
(I. W. DlTNUh
('(miinlhflioimr Jlril Dint.
o: Attorney - at - Lawo
oilieo in Hjmlleito Mock.
I'ractirrH in till the court
Hemingford Nob.
Attorneys - at - Law,
Residence. Hall house. Office
First door north Box Butto
Hank Bldg.
Hi'iniugfordy -- Nebraska
All matters condiiR hetoro the United States
Circuit Court or tho United States Lund Office
will rccelo prompt and careful attention.
A1m :ittcnd to all kinds of business for non
residents; real estnte, rentals, collections, etc.
Correspondence solicited. Offices at
im:minufokd andckawkoki), nm:h.
Time Table
St. Jobltii,
Kansas Citv,
I Hum:,'
Salt Laki: City,
St. Louis and uHjSax Fiiancisco,
points eiibt and'and all' points
.south I west
Tkmnb Lkave ah Kom.ows;
l'AHiiPnvrr, daily, IVaduood,
IlilliuuHanil nil point ninth
and wjhI
No. II.
No. n.
I. 11 a. in
1'ieictit, il.iilj, Dradwood,
llilliimx and intermediato
MalioiiH B:Cr p. in.
No. 47.
Freiulil. ilnilv. Now ('nulla
uud interiii'idmto nl.ttionn S Si p.m.
Pafnienucr. daily, for Lincoln.
Ko. 12.
Unmli.'i, Clilcicii noil nil
points eitpt. ... ... 11:01 p. m.
Nn. 10. I'reilit. daily, for Lincoln
nud mt'Tiiieiluto HtutluuM 5:18 . in.
No. 18. 1'rHiclit. riaih. for Linrolu,
and ititrrtiioiiiatii Ht.-iltoim in.U.1 a. in
Sleeping. diniriK mid reolinilic eliair cars
tt.at lion) mi through tminx Ticket h nold
nml lHtRKaciiclirrkril tonii) point in tin) United
,rtiLiK or l miada.
I or infurniHtinn.inapH, time (aide and tick-
tnll on or unto to W. At. t opelMiit, Acent,
or J r'KVN'ClS.Wou'l I'aHM.nKorAftont.Oinitliii
Joint Mooting of the Touchers'
Associations of Dawes and
Box Butte Counties.
MAItSLAND. Ai'im, 21), 1808.
t'-aO. Paper: Ambition, How con It be in
spired nliuu lacklUK
. E.Curfnjan, Mnndaml.
Mr. W. C. lluMin. HeminGford.
in ft) Paper: Patriotism ami Pcrvornlous.
htip't. W. R. Hidors. Alliance.
Kttp't, A. H Julian. Cliadion.
10:30 Recitntion. Mis I'rarl Kills, Crn ford.
Hi: IS Pap-'r: Tho I'oiut of Contact In Teaching
Child run
Miss Clark. Crawford.
MrE. C. Font. Lawn.
11.15 Paper: The peruonal Kqu.ttion.
MissM. A. Lute. Marsland.
Sup't Neclaiid, HemliiKfoid.
IIIO Paper: The Proper LTse of Fiction In tho
Miss Lulu Evans. Chadron.
WInfrcd 0. Itohdch Chadron.
.'.ft) Paper. Iliiok Ilolow.
.1 V. ltaunig.trdticr. llox lluttc
Charles Hall, Ileinlngoorrt.
'.'itu Herltatiou. Ml Pearl Snow, Mar&lnnd.
2.l3Iapor: Kdueatlonul Aspects of thoTrJin.
MUsihiilppI Exposition.
Miss Loula Ulalr. Ilox lluttc,
Supt. V K. Fee, Chadron.
I dosiro through tho Hkrald
to oxprc-j.s my Aincoro thanlcii to
nil who so kindly assisted me in
my recent illness and espociully to
Mrs. llorncall, Mrs. Holbrook,
Mr. Trout and Mr. Tush.
Gubtav Hoffman.
Talie LuxatiM) DroniB Quinine Tublcth All
IvP si's'sllti I d ll I mm il it li.:l-li t i ie '&
Local and Personal
".litn."' Vojraskti is at Xow
Castle W.yo.
Curl Alexander is quite ill at
the home of his mother.
C. J. "Wildylms shippod out 27
ears of potatoes this .cn.on.
Miss Blanche Fosltol roturnod
from Omaha Siiturdnj' morning.
Wildy wants all your potatoes,
butter, eggs and chickens.
Jason Sheldon hsw resigned
his position as section foreman
at Berea.
Attorney lodenco and son Glad
stone made a trip to Chadron this
J. C. Osborn and Mrs Henry
Lichto arc under tho doctor's
care. Mrs 13 uric is improving.
Ezra Pepper wis up from
Alliance yesterday and made
this office a business call.
A large number of Box Butto
county teachers will attend tho
touchers meeting at Marsland to
morrow. Ellsworth Squibbs and sister
Laura are down from Marsland
today. Miss Squibbs tiled on a
homestead in '28-52.
Born, on April J 5th to Mr. and
Mrs. AV. B.Cross an eleven pound
boy. Mother and babe are get
ting along nicely.
Mrs F. Trowbridgo returned
to her homo in Illinois Monday
after a pleasant visit with her
mother Mrs. J. V. Nichols.
Mr. L. E. Harris of Marsland
was in Hemingford Saturday.
He made application for final
proof on his homestead.
We have a new Singer sowing
machine tho boston tho market
for sale cheap. Call and see it.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Kidwoll
gave a dancing party to a number
of their friends last Friday even
ing. A pleasant time is reported.
Mr. and Mrs. X. A. Fronapfol
arrived from Choyenne, "Vyo..
Saturday and will visit a couple
months with Lew Fronapfol and
V. Cladek is building a now
cheese factory at Dunlap which is
evidencethat the celebrated Dun
lap cheese is still in the load.
Mr. Cladolc is a great hustler.
Dennis Bergen came up from
Sonec last week, whore ho has
had charge of the B. & M. coal
houso for tho past three years.
He will recreate for a few weeks,
Throe sot of harness and a
saddle were stolen from the
barn of John Potmesil, near
Dunlap, Tuesday night. Mr.
Potmesil offers a reward of S50.
AVildy's i.s the proper place to
Otto Gibson returned from the
hospital in Omaha whore he has
been receiving treatment for his
He was greatly benefitted
and is now tible to get around
F. A. Shonquest of Goring was
in Hemingford yesterday. Hi
drove in from Sioux county where
ho was looking up a summer
range for some of his cattle. He
reports everything flourishing in
tho Platte rivo" country and
thinks it i.s tho best pare of Ne
braska. Mr. Lewis Morgan returned
Saturday from Olivet, Iowa,
where he has been vi.iiting
relatives and friends for tho
past six months. Ho enjoyed
this visit but says the winters in
Iowa are to severe for an aged per
son and he is glad to got back to
Box Butto. His many friends
are pleased to see him on our
streets again.
The Hemingford High School
will give a concert on Friday
evening, May (5th, tho proceeds
to be applied on the payment of
the school organ. The teachers
and pupils will bo assisted by
Mrs. Rustiu, Sup't. Nculund,
Misses Parkin. Ward, and
Bowers; Mr. V. Curtis and
Frank Olds. No doubt the
program will be up to date and
well rendered. Everypnc should
Tho Methodist ministerial
association of tho Northwest
Nebraska conference will bo hold
at Hemingford on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday, May
3, 1 and f. There- aro twenty
four ministers on tho program
no doubt it will bo an interesting
Died, on Sunday morning,
April 17, 1898, Leila, tho 10-yeiird-old
daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. G. C. Alevunder. She was
ill only. a fow days and death was
duo to a bad cold which settled
on her lungs. Lelia was a bright
child and will be missed by all
who knew her. Tho funeral oc
cured an Monday, tho service be
ing conducted by llev. Wornom.
Itynnnls Tribune:
The county seat tight in Box
Butto county, between Alliance
and Hemingford, resulted in tho
latter winning out. Tho commis
sioners rejecting tho petition
calling for a special election.
Hoiuingford is small in size, but
she has a fow citizens who aro
fighters from tho word go.
Sioux City, la., April If). Four
teen indictments wero returned by
Unitttd States grand jury against a
number of prominent men in
Nebraska and Black Hills on tho
ohorgo of stealing timber and
lumber from government land.
It is said that a firm of Alliance,
Neb., is implicated, as well as a
railroad agent at that placo. They
aro charged with being in a
gigantic scheme to rob the govern
ment. World-Herald .
Iudustrliil School Journal. Kearney:
Sheriff E. P. Sweeney brought
a boy to the school from Alliance
Box Butte County, the first of tho
month. Box BuUo County is tho
home of this writer and ho it said
to the credit of the county that
only two hoys besides oursolf have
over been nent from thoro to the
Industrial School. We aro pleased
in this connection to chronicle the
fact that Box Butte county is one
of the best counties in the State.
She is entirely out of debt and
never had a cent bonded indebted
ness. In choosing county officers
the peoplo never follow parly lines
but select tho best men and
women irrespective of politics.
It is inhabited by a closs of public
spirited citizens who never take a
second placo in any good work.
This was amply demonstrated in
the recent contributions for the
rolief of Cuba. No two towns in
in tho State contributed as large
an amount in proportion to their
size as did Hetningford and
Alliance a fact' in which the
editor of the Journal takes con
siderable personal prido. Just
now these two cities tiro arguiug
the question as to which one
should bo tho county seat. Tho
question will probably be settled
without any armed intervention,
but we beg to point to Waco. Tex,
as on example to Editor O'Kpoffo
of Hemingford and Editor Broome
of Alliance whose respective
papers aro very 'varm reading
Board called to order by Chair
man this 11th day of April 1898
at 1:30 o'clock p. m., for the
purpose of examining and passing
Upon the petition presented to
this board on tho 15th day of
March A. D. 1S98 asking' that
a special election bo called in said
county for the purpose of submit
ting to tho voters thereof the
question of the re-location of tho
county seat of said county pur
suant to tho order of tho district
court above given, tho only call
for or notice of this meeting and
tho only authority thereof being
contained in said order of court;
and tho petition for election taken
up for consideration. II. O. Nole
ilmn, attorney for petitioners for
olection files motion, with trans
cript showing proceedings and
service of notico of impeachment
attached thereto, objecting to
James Barry actiugas commission
er of Box Butto county for the
reason that impeachment proceed
ings are pending uguin.-st him.
The board laid tho motion aside
for the present, to which action
R. C. Noleman attorney excepts
in behalf of petitioners. Board
proceeds to canvass the petition,
counting the signatures thereon,
and iind the number of signatures
on petition for election to bo 015.
At 2:S0 o'clock p. m. special
appearance of Calvin J. Wildy
and A. Sherwood filed by J. E.
Porter, attorney objecting to thn
jurisdiction of the board to act at
this time and submits same to the
hoard for consideration. K. C.
Noleman, attorney for petitioners
at UsIJO p. in. files a written
objection to the consideration of
the special appearance, and sub
mits Mime to the board. At .'i:15
1). in. II. C. Noleman attorney
tiles motion duly verified offering
to prove the legal qualification of
the persons who have signeg tho
petition riudcr consideration.
At . '1:20 p. in. it is moved by
James Hurry commissioner that
tho Board overrules tho special
appearance of Calvin J Wildy and
A. Sherwood to object to tho jur
isdiction qf the Board, and proceed
to consider tho petition heretofore
tiled, as directed by the order of
tho district judge. Motion sub
mitted and carried to which notion
tho authors of tho motion by J. E.
Porter, as attorney in behalf of
Henry Whiten and Frank Shitnek
and others, asks tune till tomorrow
morning to present a remonstran c
and answers. Petitioners py 1.
0, Noloihiln attorney objects to tho
request for time for reason, in law,
now answer can bo filed and there
is no provision in tho statutes of
Nebraska for a remonstrance
Matter discussed; R. C. Noleman
attorney renews tho motion that
an opportunity be afforded to
prove the qualification of the peti
tioners if any names thereof are
objected to.
Commissioner Barry moves to
adjourn until tomorrow morning
at t) o'clock -is request bp Ilonry
Whiten and Frank Shitnek.
At 3:12 tho motion of Commis
sioner Barry toudjoun till 9 o'clock
a. m. tomorrow morning was sub
mitted nnd carried.
Whereupon tho Board adjourned
to moot April 12, 1898, at 0 A. in.
April 12, 1898, Board of Com
missions convened prusuunt to
adjournment, minutes of April 11,
1898, session read and approved.
At ):4R o'clock a. m. B.C. Nok
nmn attorney for petitioners files
a written otter to furnish evidence
to sustain the petition.
At 5);47 o'clock romonstrators
Albort Nelson and others olfer
remonstrance It. C. Noleman at
torney petitioners tiles written ob
jection to the filing of said reraon
stranco. Objection overruled to
which the potitionorso by R. C.
Noleman attorney oxcopC
M. A. Hull attorney files tho
answer of Henry Winton and
Frank Shimok to tho potition for
election. II. C Noleman attorney
files written objection to said
answer. Objection overruled to
which petitioners by their attorney
Noleman excopted.
The motion of petitioners ob
jecting to James Barry acting us
commissioner on account of pund
ng impeachment, ana asking for
thcappointmontof some person to
act in his stead fjilod April 11, 1898,
was taken uuder consideration,
and on motion overruled, to which
action tho petitioners by R. C.
Noleman attorney except.
Tho ex'-iinination of the petition
for election was continued by
counting tho number of petitioners
thereon from each precinct.
The Board find that there ore
39-1 petitioners with residence
given in Alliance; 4'i petitioners
with residence given in Box Butte
precinct; 59 petitioners with resi
dence given in Boyd precinct
Commissioner Barrv moves to
adjourn till one o'clock p. m.
Motion carried.
Board convened at 1 o'clock p
m. pursuant to adjournment. Ex
nminalion of petition by precinct,
M. A. Hull attorney for answer
ing romonstrators ask that tho
clerk bo instructed to issue sub
poenas for witnesses us oithor side
of this controversy may request,
Motion granted.
Further examination of potition
continued and tho Board finds 9
petitioners with residence given
in Runningwater precinct; 2 peti
tioners with residence given in
Dorsey precinct; JIG petitionois
with residence given in Wright
precinct; 14 petitioners with resi
dence given in Snako Crook pre
cinct; 80 potitiouerj with residence
given in Lake precinct; Nonpareil
Liberty and Lawn none, Total
found by precincts G37.
At 2:10 answering remonstrants
by M. A. Hall nttomey tile pre
cipe for issue of subpoena sum
moning Ab Curry, G. W, Erb
and Chist Hornburg to appear be
fore tho Board Wednesday Apiil
13, 1S98. at 9 o'clock a. m. Sub
poena iued and delivered to
deputy Sheriff Martin for service.
Tho matter of the consideration
of the remonstranco Albert Nel
son and others was taken up and
argued by tho members of the
Board and counsol R. O. Noleman
nndl. W. Butler for petitioners,
and MA Hall for romonstrators
also by County Attorney lodence
upon request of tho Board.
(To l continued.;
Complete Line
Of latest styles, $upverjlop
fabrics, at fabulous LQW
prices are now on sale at
1 ii :
flilll Come ind see $
AT your
Hardware and Saddlery,
. . . Tin: Ul.DHST I'JSTAUHSUMKNT in Tin: Countv
.Charter Oak Cook Stoves,
Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoyes
Paints, Oils, Glass, , -
Special Agent for BAKER FEEFECT Barb
Wire the Best on Earth
Manufacturer!- o
Flour. Graham,
And Dealers
Papei Sash and Doors.
I i.i i ', Ii"m.i;i ijjiii, in,, ll u ;IJI .;T?
-r - " j irf.
AVeectablcPrcparationfor As
similating the Food and Regula
ting the S tomachs and Bowels of
ilcssandRcst.Contalns neither
OpiumMorphine nor Mineral.
Kcapt arOtdDrSMUUBTCnSR.
lunpm Sttd'
Immint .
CtmJltJJtMtr .
Ilfcyw tlartr.
Ancrfcct rtemcdv forConstlpa-
tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
Worms .ConvulsionsJeverish
Tac Sin-ale Signature of
sW-- -.. ."'
Spring Goods
Meal and Feed
in All Kinds of-
The Kind You Have
Always Bought,
Bears the Fao-simile
TMC atNTkUK COHMIIir, Htw Q ir.
.'TMhSm .,,. h&m,