Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, April 22, 1898, Image 4

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    .- - -THE G.-LIT INFINITIVE. !
O. Rcrnard Shaw Say dm Clwnur Atxmt
It It All Nouimiw.
In n letter to tho editor of tbo London
Curoulolo G. Heninrd Slinw writes
I phould have- thought, now tlint wo
htivoauncwloniyof letters, tliut itiulfiht
rescue us from tbo gentlemen who occa
plonally vrito to you to explain how
English Nhonld ho written. Somo tlmo
ago yon lot Ioofo nn unhappy croatnro
to whom fiomo competent person hml
lucniitloiiPly poluteil out n common
blunder In tho um of "nnd which."
Kot mitlcrotaiiilhig tho matter, ho began .
ncousing overy writer In whoso works
he conld ilihcoTcr -"and which" of
writing had English. With your per
luifinlon, I huvo extinguished him, anil
ho has not siuco hoon heard of. There
wn soma exouso for that poor wretch,
hiH-aueo thero unquestionable is a wrotig
way of using "and which," hut for tho
"split lullnitlvp" pest thero Is uo oxcubu
at nil. There In nothing whatever to
nilsluad htm oxcept liU-own nnturo. If
nuy man woro to object to a Epllt India
ntlvo Huch as "I grontly regret," or
a split mibjnuutlvo such as "I nhonld
greatly prefer, " or a split imperatlvo
puch as "como Rlowly tip," what nowfl
paper would wanto an inch of spaco on
his foolish igunranco? Aud yet this split
infinitive iiouseiiRo is taken qui to seri
ously by editors who aro HUflloiontly
good writers to Vopautodly uso it thorn
fcolvca. Tho iuflnitivo is n mood iu which tho
position of thn adverb cannot possibly
produco ambiguity; consequently tbo
order of tho words is not n matter of
grammar, but of style, of'whioh tho our
is tho only arbiter. Tho car often de
mands tho split inllnitlvo and will havo
U iu bpito of all tho silly people who do
.not know what Rtylo means.
When these influito lupccts aro dis
posed of, you will no doubt bo attneked
In duo coursu by tho oven more impu
dent impostors who, though they pro
uounco tho word "color" so as to rhyme
with "duller, " nnd novcr hear it nud
never have heard It and liovcrwill hoar
4t pronounced in any othor way, from
tinio to timo pretond to bo shocked
-when it is spolt without a "u." I trust
you will nlwayH insist on thoso nui
Fauces definitely stating wbothor thoy
pronounco it or "honor" or"noighbor"
or "favor" or "bobnvior" so us to
rbymo with "our" or "poor," ns tbo
caso may bo, or whotber they nro merely
bogus etymologists ceutury Isolated
In cither case yon will bo justifiod in
recommending them to tho euro of thoir
relatives nnd suppressing their bab
blings. Slack and While r.ffcotn.
Black and whito effects again flguro
largely in tho domain of both fashion
nblo dress and millinory. Black and
'whito silks, satius and brocades just
brought from over tlio eea aro set forth
by lending importers. Black and whito
taffetas, surahs, fnillos nud other fancy
silks nnd liberty textiles appear. Blaok
and whito checks aud plaids are being
formed iuto, htylish spring costumes
by tho fahiiionablo drobsiuakors, and
Frenchwomen nro now wearing black
and whito satin brooadohhirtwaistswith
thoir stylish black cloth skirts. Waists
. of black and whito or gray nnd whito
ibtripes or dots aro always good stylo,
Whether .made in the manner of tho cot
ton shirt waists or with full fronts
iu rued back with whito rev6rs over a
tucked chemisotto of fabrio to match,
A full blonno of cream whito silk or
satin, covered cverywhero with a dra
pery or veiling moroly of jotted black
net, often proves the most becoming of
all waists n slender woman of iudiffor
cut complexion can select. Sometimes
.cream ribbons matching tho blonso are
tho most batibfactory additions sho can
make to the waist; again, a bow of
soft pink or brilliant cerise satin works
wonders of improvement. Now York
. CrttInff finurtli'In tho ITouin.
Away back in tho seventies, during
tho famoud deadlock fight on tho civil
rights bill, tho quostiou of tho adjourn?
Mneut of congress was under discussion
cno Saturday afternoon. Bon Butler,
.that born wit, had stepped over to Sam
JtandaU's desk for a private consulta
tion. Butler favored a Sunday session,
whllu Randall opposed it vigorously.
"Bad as I am, I havo somo respect
for God's day, " said tho famous high
tariff champion, "and I don't think it
Tight to hold a session on tho Sabbath."
v. "Oh, pshuwl" responded Butler.
Doesn't the Bible oay that ft is lawful
to pull your ox or ass out of tho pit on
tho Sabbath day? You have 78 asses on
your side of .this house that f wnut to
get out of this ditch tomorrow, and I
think I urn engaged in n holy work."
"Don't do it, Butler," pleaded Ran
dall, "I unve some respect for you that
2 don't want to lose. I expect' somo day
to meet you in a better world."
"But you'll bo there, as you are
here," retorted tho sly Benjamin, quick
as a flnsh, "a member of tho lower
jiouse. " Louisville Courier-Journal.
The Quality of Krai Fun.
One man said to another in an ele
vated car nbout something that ho had
just rend, "Now, that is actually fun--uy,"
nud then he read it over agaiu.
JThe infereuoo from this is, of course,
that many of the thiugs written iu fuu
tiro not really funny, and, making due
-allowance tor lack of appreciation, it is
iioubtletti true that much of the matter
written as fuu uctunlly does lack tho
true spark. It may bo well iutontioued,
good uutured, even cheerful, and yet
Jack the peculiar filling, hatUfyiug, en
ergizing, refreshing, uplifting quality
of real fun.
The man who has this kind of fun in
Lis heart aud who has besides the poprer
cf commuukatiug it to his neighbor
need not go to the Klondike for his re
.vraid. New York Lodger.
Tha Uorrowcrs Way.
If yon lend a man grass -teed, bo'll
c&mu-arouud later to borrow a lawn
f.owef. Christian "lYork.
' IlrTltal of nn Aiiclrnl .lent.
Thd ancient jott regarding tho ditto
sign was revived in Olevaland not long
ngo, and it loses little of its s'purklo bu
cause of Its ngo.
Into tho oftlco of a local mnnufactur'
Ing concoru, whoso product is wire nnd
wiro hardware specialties, an elderly
customer from out of town recently
"This hero bill," he remarked, "is
wrong. You'vo milled wheroyou hhould
havo subtracted."
"IIow'b thut?" inquired tho book
keeper. "You'vo Got mo charged with $30
when I don't owo you but $13," replied
tho stranger.
"But I don't fco how you innko that
tint," said the bookkeeper ns ho glanced
nt tho hill. "Hero's pno
item of s?lO
certainly ag-
nud another of $l. Tlint
gregntcs S','0."
"Well," said tho nged party, "I'm
perfectly willing to stand by the bill.
It'u your own bill, you know, and I'll
pay you just what it calls for."
"Well, it calls for $0."
"Yes, it docs, nddod, but not nub
traded. "
" Whnt in tho world do you moan?"
"I mean this," said tho'. aged patron.
And ho spread tho bill tint on tho conn
tor. Tho bookkeeper glaucod at it again.
Theso nro the itonis ho read:
"Hold to Mr. riiinonijT. lllnnk:
4 Iron whrclbarrtiYVH nt 11 tlO
1 wooden Uo ut ft 4
"Kindly toll mo," said tho book
kooper, "how you llguro that total uuy
Tho aged oustomcr'u eyes flashed tri
umphantly, "Easy," ho cried. "Hero you'vo
charged mo with four wheelbarrows,
51(1. That's all right. Aud then right
bolow yon sny thut one wouldn't do,
hut instead of taking off tho $1 yon add
it on. Horo's your if 12." Cleveland
Plaiu Denier.
A Curloui Lecnl Doclslon.
Tho following nnecdoto is scut by a
Kentucky correspondent, who says it ia
tho oxnot truth :
"A young man who had not found it
oouvonient to pay n tailor's hill was
brought up on a creditor's bill by tho
cruel tailor boforo n very kind hearted
vico chancellor, who liked tho youth.
Ho was handsomely drossod and woro a
costly diamond stud iu his shirt bosom,
but declared under oath that ho had no
property excopt IiIh wearing npparol.
Tho tailor's lawyer claimed that a dia
mond stud was not nn artiolo of exempt
npparol nud asked for its surrender, hut
tho judge ruled that tho diamond but
ton hold tho parts of tho shirt togother
and its removal wou)d load to indecont
exposure of tho person. Then tho law- !
ycr urged that tho shirt was of a now
kind which buttoned in the back, but
tho judge mot this by saying: 'The pro
Bnmptiou of tho law is that shirts but
ton in front, nud tho court doos not ju
dicially know that shirts over button in
tbo back. The court will not requiro
tho defendant to submit to an examina
tion to rebut tho presumption.' Aud so
tho diamond remained in tho bosom
which cherished it."
Ktloartto lit Nlco.
Onofeaturo of lifooii tho Riviera that
particularly strikes tho sojourner from
this sido of tho Atlantic is the utter nh
seuco of the piazza lifo that Is suah an
institution at Amorican summor nud
winter resorts. A recant visitor at Nice
writes to tho Now'York Times: "A
man mny show himself hero on the
Promenndo dos Anglais, cither on foot
or in coach, within cortain well defined
hours and with well understood restric
tions nn to his costnmo, but ho must
under no cirenmstnuces bo seen sitting
iu front pf his own dwelling, be it villa
or hotel. Tho front of tho promises
must ho clean nnd well kept, with ns
ninny plnuts and flowers us you liko,
but thero must bo uo army of comforta
ble chairs nud llttlo tuhles, as wo have
them, or any other outward sigu, in
fact, that some ouo lives within uud
somo ouo who knows how to tako lifo
comfortably. To sit iu front of a hotol
hero after brcaltfast, smoking tho cigar
of contentment, would bo u brazen dofl
auoo of all social usages'."
How Uo Shot.
A Texas military company was out
on tho rango practicing at rifle shoot
ing. Tho lieutenant iu command sud
denly became exasperated ut tho poor
shooting, aud seizing a gun from one of
the privates cried shnrply:
"I'll chow yon follows how to shoot."
Taking n loug'nim, nud a strong aim,
and an aim altogether, ho fired aud
missed. Coolly turning to the privuto
who owned tho gun, ho said:
"That's tho way you shoot."
He ugaiu loaded tho weapon and
misled. Turning to tho second man iu
the rnuks, ho remarked:
"That's the way you shoot."
In this way he missed about a dozen
times, illustrating to each soldier his
personal incapacity, and finally he acci
dentally hit the target.
"Aud thut," ho ejaculated, hnnding
tho guu back to tho privnte, "is the
way I fchoot." Los Angoles Express.
Vuljrar Shirt Bleevei.
In nn nrtlclo ilcscribiiiB thn women's
billmnl room cf tlio Vnldorf-Astoriu
botol tbo Loudon Globo says: "If iinmn
Ebould bo ho bold us to reiuovo his cont,
nu nttendunt iustnutly Iramla him n
lonngo jacket. All present t-lnit their
eyos nnd do not open them ngnin until
the ringing of n bell nuuounccs that the
shirt Hleovofi havo been covered."
Mnuy of tho fruits nnd vogetablea
now eaten iu Kuglnud were almost nu-
known to our forefnthors. Not until
Henry Vlll'a timo woro thero oither
raspberries or utrawberries or oherries
! grown in England, and wo do not read
I of the turnip, cauliilower und quince
being cultivated boforo the sixteenth
ouiitury pr tbo carrot boforo tho tuveiit
. teenth century. .
VThnt tir lml ho for nil tlir
Tlits ring lorUixl, tuMy bunch vt kr-jm?
All, thin uno pliw.nl hU vault of tlne,
Ami IIiIh on1 opened up the initio
From whence 1m took tlio ptmu iif tlimijht
That liuro nrH in IiIm wrltlnpi wronpht.
But tliist Why, ht'tu lio holil liia liful
This vnn bin Intchlioy, ami hU wifu
Tin thnnltol ilifir Uod to hrar It turn,
lis plncu U 'iihjiik tho ii ."lion In bin urn.
Willlnm Llglitfuot Vln-schiT In Woiium'n Homo
A rcetllntc Tlmo Incident of Life In tbe
llalunccil Tanks. i
Whou the decorator crab cots too big
for its sholl, it does what many other
shellfish do it sheds it, emerging with
its now sholl ulrendy formed, hut nt
that stago of its growth pliable and not
much thicker than pnpor. In its talt
shell stato it is comparatively defense
loss; and it keeps out of the way of other
shellfish If it can, but its now shell
soon hardens, and then it goes about in
its accustomed manner.
Tho decorator increases greatly, per
haps u third in size, almost immediate
ly after leaving its old sholl, which it
icarccly scorns possible it could over
have inhahitod, hut it gets nut) of the
old shell novcrtbelnss without damag
ing it -nud leaving it pftou disposed In u
tuorit lifolike form.
Tho decorators nt tho aqnarlutri aro
fed separately, so that each will bo suro
to got its portion. Tho food is put dowu
to thorn on tho tip of a little stick,
which is shaken gently over them, nnd
tho food, thus detached, falls within tho
crabs' grasp. There is no currout iu tho
baluucod tanks in which tho smnlfcr
docorutors nre, mid nuythiug dropped in
tlm water drops straight down. Tho
other day thero wero found in ouo of
theso tanks, clinging to tho ulvn, two
docorutors, which woro supplied, ns
usual, by plaoing thoir food iu tho wa
ter wlioro they would bo suro to get it.
Boiuu somewhat pressed for timo that
day, however, tho man who fed them
did not wait to see tho crabs uctunlly
cat. Ho plncod Jboir food within reach
nud trusted them to do the rest.
But glancing iu at this tank on bin
roturn from feeding tho small fishes and
thiugs in tbo other balanced tauks ho
saw tho two decorators that ho had
found on thu ulva still there and in pre
cisely tho ranio attitudes ns before, nud
thou ho realized thnt thoy wero not live
orubs, but sboddiugs. Ho bad been feed
ing empty shells. On tnking-thom out
of tho tauk lio found iuside of oue of
them the fragment of food which he
had dropped fcr it, which had fallen
into it through tho opening between
tho upper uud tho lower part of tho
thell which tho crab had made iu get
ting out.
It mny bo tbnt tho two decorators for
merly residing in those shells, but now
secure in somo distant port of tho tank
with now shells hardening ou their
backs, smiled1' as they thought of tho
feeding of thoir ompty shells. It is cer
tain thut the man who fed them smiled
ns ho arranged them for preservation in
tho aquarium's collections. Now Yorfc
Tho cccrct of having croquettes firm,
lies in their being mixed for a long
timo. Tho ment should bo choppod very
fino nftcr being freed from all fat and
gristle, nnd about n half pint of milk
allowed to each pint of meat. Tho milk
should bo put over tho fire whilo n ta-
blespoonfnl of butter and 3 tablespoon
fuls of flour aro rubbed together. Tho
hot milk is thou added, and tho wholo
cooked to a thick, smooth paste. Mean
time, to a pint of chopped meat is added
a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, salt
aud popper to tasto, the grated rind of
a lemon, and a toaspoonful of onion
juice, if thut is liked, or some cooks
simply rub a halved onion over the
mixing bowl. Tho seasoned meat is then
stirred into tbo pasto and tho wholo
turned out to cool. Tho meat should be
allowed to stand for at least 2 hours be
furo it is molded into croquettes. Dip
first in eggs, then iu bread crumbs, and
fry in Euiokiughotfat. Powdered shred
ded biscuits will bo found a pleasant
variety to tho broad crumbs. It is a
caution, by tho way, in the uso of these
biscuits, whero bread crumbs aro re
quired, that they nre very uusuocessful
iu escallopcd tomatoes. They nro too
starchy, evidently, to bo of uso thero,
and they form a gummy mass thut is
not appetiziug. New York Post.
Simple Ruby Lamp,
Sccnro an ordiuary quart size red
Rhine viuu bottle and by geutly tup
ping on tho bottom thereof break out
enough glnFS to nllow tho insertion of u
caudlo. A hammer can bo used for this
pnrposo, if a littlo euro bo tnken. Then
wrap a pieco of ruby paper nil around
thu bottle, securing eiuuu by pnsto or
wucilogo. The lamp ia now ready for
nso, nud by utaudiug the bottle on a
triauglo of burned mutches nnd lighting
tho caudlo, will bum without nuy trim
ming of wick uud other oil lamp incon
veniences. Tho littlo whito light ema
nating from tho top will do absolutely
no harm. New York Mail uud Expreis.
Curloui Typographical Error.
Dr. Dauiol of tho Texan Medical
Jourunl, referring to n recout editorial
in Tho Stutosmnu on typographical er
rors, gives nu nmusing oxjierieuco iu
thnt lino, lio says ho wrote, "Dr. Jno.
Unilybucbe net 74 years, born July 23,
1823, aud died" Imagiuo his dibgust
when it appeared in Thu .lonrnal, "Dr.
Bellyache uto 74 years of corn July 32,
1822, und died." Austin S'tutusmuu.
It is claimed that tho X rays nro ren
dered harmless to tho human Ut'th by a
process discovered by Elliott Woodsy
superintendent of thu cupitol nt Well
ington, which involves passing the rays
through gold foil specially pronred for
the pcrposo.
Tho laud covered by now houses iu
greater Ioui'.ou qvory year is 1,163
Jolm.Gnrrott is working down
cast of Alluuieo this spring.
Miss Flora Strait on is enlarg
ing hor kitchen this spring.
' Mr, "V. H. .Towotl bciuht 20
head of steers last Thursday of
C;il Iltishman.
Mr. W. T. Johiibon shipped
another car load of potatoes from
Alliance, the first of tho week.
Will Tracy is talking of going
to war soon. Wo hopo he will
get buck in timo to put in his
crop this year.
Mrs.G. V. Duncan and daught
er Eva of Alliance were visiting
Mrs. W. T. Johnson and Mrs. W.
II. Jewott this week.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Jowett arriv
ed homo from Missouri, whore
thoy have been spending tho
wintev with their daughter Mrs.
Yoder. Thoy are glad to get
back to Box Butte where there
isn't so much mud.
The undersigned will take
cattle or 'horsos to pasture thir
teen miles northwest of Homing
ford. Terms reasonable. In
quir ut Win Cross.
Estlxi.a Taylor.
From my ranch lif teen miles
southeast of Alliance one rad cow
branded J W on left hip; rewind
for information. D. Betebenner,
Antioch, Nebr.
Notlco Is lioroby lvcn Hint on tlio 13th iluv of
April, 1KH. I flluil my petition for a riruKKlHl
llfPlisf! Willi tlio rlcrk of thn villapo of Hem
liiufoid, Nebi-Hsl.n, fLrtbi- .nip of malt, spiitt
uoiiK ii ml Vinous Illinois formucluinIcal,v.lieiul
Crtlnml meiilclunl purpohCS,nl;,ni-o: by fourtenn
frocholdcrs of wilil vlllnco uud thnt at the ex
piration of i wo w cells from date hereof or ns
soon theicnftcr ns thebounl of trustees of snlil
vlllnpeshull meet in irfriilnr f.sslcn, 1 will
upply Tor the Ihsiiiiiicu of mid lit run-.
lMteil April i.", lfa. K. M.-IIcan.
Stnto of Nebrnikn, I hs
Hox Hullo County, f
At.i County Court, held at tho county court
room. In nnd forsnld county, April l.'l, A. I. lf-C.
Present, Jnines II, II, IIectt. County Jiidcc
Iu the matter of tho potato of Miiry llnphes.
On iciulluiT uud fllliiif the petition of John
HiiKlies, prajincn tinal hottloiiiont nnd nllow
nnco of his llnnl nccount, ws ndinlnistrator with
will annexed, and fcr tho fccttlrment of nil
matters connected with the administrator of
said os W to.
OiitiRiiGD, That May 2nd, A, I). IfiBH, at 10
o'cloel: a. in.. Is nsHlRnod for hcnrliiK said peti
tion, when all persona Interested In wild nrit
ter may appear nt n Couuiy Court to bo held In
said County, nnd show cause why prayer of
petitioner should not bo granted: nnd that
notlcuof ibo pendency of Raid petition, nnd the
hearing thereof, ho Klvcn to all ln-rsons inter
ested in (.nldmnttcr ly publishing a ropv of
this order in tho HeinliiBford HRUAl.ua weeltly
nowspnper printed In said Comity, for three
MiccesslYo wccUs, prior to said Uavof hoariiiR.
JAs. H. H. Hewktt.
A truocopy.) county Judfo.
Lumber, Coal and Lime!
Just received a cur of select
enslern lumber for tanks. Alto
till kiiidH of hard wood', cednr
shingles, lutii, lime, nnd nil kinds
of lumber.
Ready ina.de tnnks, or will mtiko
tanks to order. Prices to compete
with anyone tho Northwest. Come
and see us before buying else
where. Tunica uud tank lumber
a specialty.
Hemixoford Lumber Co.
I have somo of the best seed
corn in the county foi'salc (white
and yellow) nlso 250 bushels of
the very best millet seed for bale
in quantites to suit purchaser.
Orders left at H. R. Green's will
betilled or write to tho under
signed. E. Mabin.
To bur Nt'AI,U.H,Etiarantce'l"A!4CUI AS"
".HHI.SIKS'. tor less iiiuiieyt tln-y i-au"l ba
nude. Ilnn't buy, unlen yuu crtthn lirt. A
cbesp Mrle Is tbo must ripcntlte Invclincin
jou can uiaVri It Is unri'llalilo. aud inrniii that
suanur or later you must lm uit.iln. liny only
a Eenulne, lulrnl liuprot eil VA I ltd A MiS
wtili-h will lit jou a lirnltnc, ami pru Ilia
rhrArt In llinrml. Nn oiii- ran then dlipillo
jrourwtlKbts. HKWAIti: Ol IMITATION Si
1102 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
(Old Biul Itriinlrcd.j
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anonfl endlns a ftketrh and deMTiptlon roj
nuicklr ascertain our opinion freo whether an
r opinion ireo vue
r natcntablo. Comi
tloiitjtrlctlyrontlduritfal. Iluidbookoni'atenu
intimiion is prnnaDir naicntaoio. comruunlc-
sent frca. OMcst uuencr for securing patents,
l'atcnts takon tlironsh Munii i, Co. recti
wclal tuitke. wltliout chnrce. in the
Scientific Htnerican.
A. hnndsomelr llhiPtratrd meeklr. Trcost dr.
cutation of anr fclonUBo Journal. Terms, 13 a
yoar: four mnntbs, It tiolu broil newsrtivalcrn.
ffflN & Co.3ejBroad..r.fiew York
KraucU office, KS.y 8t Wailngton. D.U
Final-Proof NoticdS.
. W. WKHN.JIt . Ki-ifHtor.
V. It AKKUP. Receiver
l'artli" Imvltic nollcrR In this roliimn nn ri
nncfitcil torpnil thfatnncnritfiill)-anil report to
UiIm nllifi) for ctiinvtum any nrror that limy
rxlt-l. 'I'll In will iirtucut puNhlhk' illay iu
nmklne proof.
U. S. Lnntl Ofllco. Alllnsct!, Neb., April 29. mi.
Motlco tsliorcby clvun tlint
Annie 1. Cunningham,
hfslrofFrault FlRhbaucli.tlPcenscil.of Iloxlluttc,
ncu., nns men nowof oi inieuiinii w lnui.o
llnnl proof before Ucfilst ci or lfpoelvcr at Al
liance Nob.. May 21, J8P8, on timber' culture
npplluutiou No. 1177 for tlio si? vt mc . tp Si n,
r I" w. Slio nmnoN ns wlttirsves: VWllkun 1.
JouriMin. Willlatii A. C'luik, hteplu-n Holt,
Jam cm McCnbc, nil of Box linttc, licit.
, .7. W. Wcliti. Jr., Roaster.
Land Ofllco ut AUInnro. Mob,. April 7, 18P9.
Nolico is licroliy kUoii that
Andrew Atwood,
Iibi filotl nntioi of Intention to ninkn f tnnl ,
nroof boforo 'I' .1. 0'Kofr.U. H.Cutniiilnliiiipr
at IiIh otliui) In Ilumlncfonl, Ni'li., on Mny 14,
tlHfH. nn timb-r rtiluro application .s 1170,
fn' tlin wli ceo 7, twp -U n, r SO w.
Ho tiaiTiCH us wltlncsses: Lincoln Shovo,
riare'ico O. llolllbauuh. Jutnes Montague,
,1 1 dm Montague nil of Marrilaml, Ni'h.
Neb. J. W. Weiin.ju., lt.-Kln'rr.
U. S. Lnml Oftlco Alllanrp, Xub. April 7. 1S94,
Nolico It lieruby niton tlint
Lucy W. Pinney,
bns (lleil notice of Intention to maMo final proof
boforo T. .1. O'Kccfp, U. S. CmuiIsIouer nt
bin ofllco In Crawford. Mob., on Mny in, 18!iS, on
T. C nppllcatlon No. 1633. for the uwVi sec IS),
tp27, r51.
Sho nnuipsns ultlnosscii Robert 7.. Slnwnrt,
Ilullcy (i. l'inncv, Purls O. Cooper, Hoy Lem
ons, nil of Urnwforil, npIi.
.1. W. Welm, Jr., ReRistcr.
U S. Lnml OOlcn . Allliihrc. Ncl).. Mcli. 31.1833..
Notieuis hereby kIioii that
John AV. Johnson,
nf St. Paul. Noli.,lins lllcil noili'o of Intrn
tlon to mnhc tlnal proof beforo T J. O'lCi-oIo, U.
S. Cummlsttmier, at Iitmiiihjfiiril. Nob., on
May IS, 1K9S, on tiiiilicrculttii(iippllcaiionKo
I5iv, for thu ue U m's IK, tpsr n, r Ml v.
Ho numrs us wIImckscs: Uaar Hlckcll,
William Willmntt. John W. Hroihar. John M.
Trout, all of llc-inliiRford, rli
J. W. N'Kn.v. .In.. lliRlrtcr.
Land Ofllco at Allinnco. Neb.. Moll, i-'.i. 1MK
Notice Is hereby clvcn that thf follow-In i
named settlor has Hied notlco of his intention
toinaltc Ilnal proof in support of hisrlalm, nnil
that said proof will ho inado before T. J.
O'Kccfe, U. .S. Cominlhslono, at llomliipfonl,
.sub., on April 30, lfe'JS, vU:
Horace F. Fillmore,
of IleminRford, NoK.who made II. E. no. C73,
for thn xt'H iseo 5 . tp 27 n, r W w.
He names thu followini! witnr.kCH to nrnvn
his continuous irsidoiu'o upon und cultivation of
said land, vl.: Albert H. Knyoart, Joseph Schaf
for, l.uko Phillips, Mat O. IJaaumoul, allot
HemiiiKford, r.uli. Also
Albert S. Euyenrt,
of Ilrmihiiford. eb., who made H u 590 forlols
1 a nil l!!i ue sec 6, tp'J7n,r M'.
He unniCN tht.' following wUiickscs to prove his
continuous resiilunco upon and cultivation ol
hit Id lunil, viz- Iloiuco V. l'lllmore, Joseph
Kclinffcr Lnkn Phillips, Mat C. Uoauraant, ull of
of llumlnglord. Neb.
J W. Wchn.Jr . Uoglitcr.
Land Olllce Allianco, Seb.. Mcli. 23, 1891.
NntieoiH herxhy x en tlint tho followinu
uanird iPUcr lias tiled ncticnof IiIh inlPiition to
inako finnl pr.iof in support of bin uiaim. f.iiit
tliat paid proof will lo madn before T J.
()'Ksifp, V. t'ommUsiniier, ut Huniinuford,
Neb., on April .10, 1'.S. U:
Maurice IT. Reed,
of Hough. Nob., who uiailoh 0 313-3 for tlio nerjr
mi! SI, tp 30n. r .'.Ow. ,
lie iiinueH the foliowliiR witnesse to prove Iijr
nontiuiioiiH Kideiico npun and cnltivntion of
Miid land, W: William J. Smith, Lultu J. May
field. Alex Dalcatty. of HoiikIi, Kob . DiikiiI
Mi'Millnii.nt Urawfunl, Noli. Also
Noticoiu horeliy uicii thit
Alary J. 'Recti,
nen HarriH. of Hoiicli. Ileb.. has filed notice nf
intention ti) iimko final proof at came tinioaiid
plaooon timber on ltuni appliialion no. OTfi fur
lliQtilif nwir, sir rjr nu qrinwqr if nr
BS,tt!J0n.r lnw HlienameHan witncseH: Jnmf
A. Hunter, of I.'einiin-foril. Neb., Alex JJalKft
ty. William J. Hmith of Hough. Nh., PuKal
McMillan of Crawford. Nub,
J. W. Wolin.lr.. lteKister.
Land Office at Alliance, Neb., Mch.21, id'JS.
ulicu is iieiuby pUuu that
Herman Perlick,
of llox Iltitto. sell., has tiled notice of inten
tion to male? Ilnal proof beore Register or ltc
cclVHrat Alliance. :leb., on May 7, 1MW, on
tlmhercuituiu application no. UM for the he
tec ad. tp "5n. r 5'jw .
He namonns uitnosssfK: Carl Weltz. John
lleruklau, Willlnm Kurt. William liernklau,
all of Alliauco. Nub. J. W-Weliu. jr.. Kej-istor.
I.nnd OiKcoatAlllanco, Nob., Mcli. 23,16'..
IS otlco Ih hereby iriven Hint
George W. Nation,
Willey.Neb,, ,lm8 filetl notlco of iutetinnto
muke final proof Imfoie ItcfciBtcr or lteeolvernl
IiIh oHicm in Alliance, Nob., on ..May '.', 1bS,
on timber enhure application No. lln". for the
UW r.f HOC 31, twp 2.1 11. r fi2 w
Ho nanii's a itiiCHHe: CharleH M. MeCon
nell, Arthur U.ins John GaddiH, Wither U,
Wallace, all of Willi y. N'eli. AIko
Mattie E. McConnell(nee Roborls)
of Willey, Neb. who made 11, U. .T-3 for tho
ii '.4 bt qr nee 20, t . '.!. n. r E w.
She names the followini; wilniisfcO to prove her
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of
f,aid land. viz. OeorKO W. .Nation, Arthur Hass,
John Gaddis, Wilbcr L. Wallace, all of Wllicy,
Neb. J. W. Wehu, lteglbter.
U. S. Land Ortlee. Alliance. Neb. Mar. 17. 1M3.
Notlco 1h lioteby ultra that the followinK
named seller huh llled IiIh intention to malm
final proof In support of his elritn. and that
said pioof will bo made beforo T. J O'Keofo. IT.
S. Commissioner, at HemltiRford, Neb., oiiApril
'M. lhtS. lz:
Vaclav Vejraslca,
of HcmluKford. Neb., who made II E no. 1220,
so qr see vo, tp iirt n. r IS w.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove his
-ontinuous tesidence upon and ciiltluillon of.
aid land, viz: Henry Pelt?, Albert :.elson.
lohn Jcltnek, fircnt Aloxnnder, all of IlemlnK-
foid, Neb. J W. Welm. jr., HeKinlr
Alliance, Neb.. March 17. lfcW,
Notice is herub) given that
Thomas C. Morgan,
of Panama, Neb., has Hied notice of intention
to nuiko tlnal nroof beforo T. J. O'Kecfc. U. S.
C'ommlisioner, at llcmliigford. Noli., on Anill
M. Ic'.U. on timberculture uppllcailou No. 1-10
for the so ir fcec in, tp27 u, r M. .
Ho names us witnossos: Cbaries T. V)a Ison,
Joseph SehuCer. Fred W. Hucko.LuUo Phillips,
alloillemlnKford, Neb. Also
Notlco is hereby given that
Charles T. Davison,
of llemliigford, NCb.. has filed notice of inten
tion to make llnal proof at sanio tlmo and place
on TO application .no. M, for the nwijkM
15. tp IS) u, r 47 w.
Ho mimes ns witnesses: Henry Llchle,
ClmrlesOlsen, Dunlaii, Neb.. Ilernard ltudrick
John l.cjnon, of llfirnlngford, Neb ,
J. W. Wbiin, Jii., Ilcglstcr.
LandOfflco at Alliance, Neb., March 10. lf'.B.
Notice is hereby given thut the following
mimed eltler has lllud notice of her Intention
to t.ule tlnal proof iu suppoil of her claim and
that t-uld proof will bu made before T. J.
O Koefe. U. K. Commissioner, at Ucmingford,
Neb., ou April 10, Ih'jS, lz:
Elizabeth Koane,
widow of Kdwnrd Keane. of Hcuilngford, Neb.,
who made htf 4384 for those see 18, tp Vsn, r
She names tho following witnesses to provo
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said laud, .lz. Prank Hook. Georo L. Tay
lor. Oeorge W. Punso, Mat llcaumonl, all of
Hemlugford. Neb,
J. W. WuiiN, J., KesUtor.
l OAOTOr-tlA,
. ...
ll S3
' I1ZM1I JV ffVjjf. sf .wrm
. s jy r if ii m if i.j
zijCxrTJ$jrJ.',ss inr
Zz KWftWimva-wfK-SQacci.auttisaB!
Fill a bottle ol common jIh-s
with tirino nnd let it rstand twmftv
four hours; a-wlimeiil or wttHi!;
intl.cut(s a ilisoitsod cotidition 'nf
the kidneys. When urine stuisirt
linen it is postivo eviihmcc of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire
to urinate or pain in the baek, is
aleo convinc-in" proof tlint the
kidneys and bladder are out of
order. :
WHAT to no.
Thero is comfort in the know)
edjro m often expressed, that l.)i'.
Kilmer's Swamp Root, tlio -.'rent
kidney renudy fulfills uvery wish
in rolievoing pain in the bnclt
kidneyB liver, bladdor and overy
part of the urinary pasengoH. h
corrects inability to hold urine
and scalding pain in passing it, oV
bad effects following use of liquor
wine or beer and overcomes that
unpleas.-.nt necessity of being com
jiclled to get up many tinien flar
ing tho night to urinate. The mild
ami the extraordinary ell'eet of
Swamp-Root is soon realized . 1 1
stands the highest for its wonder
ful cures of the most ''distressing
cases. If you need any medieino
you should havo tho best. Sold by
druggfsts price fifty cents and one
dollar. You may have a samplo
bottle and pamphlet, both sent
free by mail, upon receipt of thrt-r
iwo-ceiiu stamps to cover cost
df post ape on tlio bottle.
Mention the Ur.itALiY and send
your full post-office address, to I)i'
Kilmer it Co. Uinghamton, '. Y
Tho proprietfit of this paper guar
antee the genuineness of this offer.
T. A. Slocum. M. C, theGteatChe'in-
ist anil Scientist, Offers to Send
Prce, to the Alllicted, Tliree Hot
ties of His Nowly Discovered
Keinedips to One Consump
tion atid All Lung Troubles.
Nothing could be fairer, more phil
anthropic or carry more joy in its
wake than the olTor or T. A. Sloctni,
M. C, of Itjl! lVarl street, New York
Confident tlint lie lias iIlBcnvnretl
an absolute cure for consumption and
all pulmonary complaints, and u
to make its great merits Known, he
will send, free, three bottles (thu
Slocum ney system of medicine) to
any reader of the Herald who is sul
teriiiK from client, tliro,t nnd Iuhg
troubles or consumption.
lie invites those dcslroui of ob
taining the remedies to simply mmkJ
him their express and pimtolllec ad
dress, and receive in return the Mired
free buttle. ''
A heady this 'now M'ientlllc course
of medicine" has permanently mired
thousands' of apparently hopi'lesA
He considers it his religions duty
a duty which he o.vea to Immunity
to donate his infallible cure.
Offered freely, apart from its ad
herent strength, is enough to com
mend it, and more so is Hie perfect,
confidence of the groat chemist mak
ing the offer '
He has p.oved consumption to be
a curable diseuse beyond any doubt.
There will bo no mistake iu send
ing the iniBtauc will bo in overlook
ing the Doctor's generous invitation.
He lias ou tile in liis American aud
European laboratories thousands of
testimonials of experience from tho-s
cured, in all parts of the world.
'Dcltiya aro dangerous; mail your
address to T. A. Slocum. M. 0., 1?.
Tcarl street, Now York, aud when
writing the Doctor, please mention
reudinu this article in Till IIkuaui.
My wife Katharine Tschacho
has left my home and nil portion
a're hereby notified that I will no
bo responsible for any debts coi
traded by her. '
Andrew Tschacher.
Dated March lfl, 1898.
I will buy your county war
rants. H. R. (ireon.
For Infanta and Children.
k n
Mc&ZC "
Tit f-
1 have 8 head of thoroughbred
Hereford 10 and 11 mouths old
at my ranch four miles routln-iist
of llox Rutte. Will take jour old
bulls in (Xcl ni te. "V. K. 11 J I.