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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1898)
f 'A u 1 1 APRIL'S HERE AOAIN. Never mind the shower, April's here nftnln. And we gnyly gather Posies In the ran. April's aluuys sony March has gone away Anyhow she shows It Weeping all the daj. But when the flowers nre blooming April weeps In aln, For we laugh und Rather I'osles In the ruin. And perhaps we'll Fend you Just a bunch or two Violets or buttercups Gathered all for you. A MAN AND A GROTKER. (By A. L. Mazzy In New Time.) "HI there! CJIt along with ye!" "Whew I Got a drink too much for the legs ov uml" "Trip 'urn up, Bill!" "HI I he! hlc. hlc!" . "Got ut, ole nicketts!" With a chorus of laughter a group of young Arabs, rushing down the street lending from the tenement houses of the mill district In a western city, dashed recklessly against the tottering figure of a man who reeled helplessly upon the corner. They raced past him with another volley of taunts and Jeers. An ejaculation between an oath and a groan burst from the lips of the man as he reached for his fallen hat under the electric light flaring over the spot. He made an effort to drag himself out of the way of two ladles approaching from the side street, and who halted with horrified exclamations at the hu man obstacle in their path. "A dreadful drunken creature!" cried one, darting aside with unspeakable repulsion. Dear me! but this Is getting to be a dangerous street with so many Idle men Blnce the mills shut down," said the other. "And all that line of saloons to tempt and swallow their last nickel, don't you know?" "But, Laura, Is the fellow really In toxicated?" "Why, of course. Come along out of the reach of the vile wretch!" was tho i"eply. The abhorred creature meantime had managed to make his way to a point where he could grasp and pull himself up by a fence paling, and spasmodical ly plucking one hand over another, ut the pickets, he proceeded toward his unknown destination. Hurrying citizens were pushing past him at every step; Jests, oaths, and Bmall idmltilne shrieks were cast at him from time to time, but each passer-by was too Intent on his own affairs to meddle with a drunken but apparently Inoffensive man. At length the slow traveler came to a gate accidentally left open, and, halt ing beside it, he looked in on a great open space of ground surrounding an old-fashioned house that had been built on this acreage long before the city had surrounded the splendid grounds. The trembling wretch, hanging upon the gate post, looked over the sheltered enclosure with longing eyes and slowly edged his way within, where he could not be Jostled and pushed by tho tramping lines going up and down the sidewalk. Beyond the house he saw the outline of some building with a swinging door perhaps a coalshed or a storehouse, no matter what that seem ed to offer shelter and retreat. If ho could reach It and find a place to lie down unnoticed and undisturbed! Just to He down oh, the luxury! And yet he really ought to get on. Martha she would be thrown thrown yes, that was what the letter said thrown out of doors If He turned toward the street again, but a crowd of young people and their eweethearts had halted at tho gate for an exchange of merry Jests, and ho found his exit barred. Just for a little time to rest rest! He reached from the gate post to a friendly tree and thence essayed to walk without support to ward the haven with open door. But a sickening dizziness went over him, and he staggered headlong upon the graveled path. At this moment the side door of the oldfashloncd house opened and a girl In street dress came out and ran down the steps, stopping ehort, with a frightened cry: "Mamma oh oh!" and the petite fig ure scrambled back to the door again, "a man lying on the walk!" "Of all things! Some drunken rowdy! And there's never a policeman on this Btreet when he's wanted," declared an excited matron, locking the door that her daughter had closed with a slam and rushing to the rear for relief. "Thomas! Thomas! run and order the patrol to carry off a drunken man lying In the yard quick! quick!" There was a flash of light from an unguarded door, and a small child, with tousled, shining hair, came tumbling out Into the night, with the plaintive Inquiry: "Where dunk man? Me wants de dunk man!" And the vagabond, slowly creeping on hands and feet toward the building that promised shelter, felt himself sud denly touched on the shoulder by eoft, Infantile hands. "Oo dunk man? Wy oo's told; oo'a told! Tome in an' 1 by de fire wlf Tow ser. Foor dunk man!" "Blessed ," brokenly murmured the object of the baby's charity. Two women with a horrified scream rushed out at this Juncture, and the child was seized and borne into the house struggling and kicking and cry ing frantically. "Wanto tee dunk! Want dunk man to tome In!" The interloper had reached the step3 of the coveted retreat, when the Jarring thunder of the patrol wagon rolled along the street and stopped suddenly In front of the house. Two men Jumped lightly to the ground and dabhed across the lawn di rected by the servant. They took the offender by the collar and dragged him to the gate, anu, quite deaf to his plea of Innocence, hoisted him roughly to a Beat. Leaping in after him, his cap tors touched up the horses and the rumbling vehicle went dashing to the other end of town, in the teeth of a bitter nor'wester that bit tho thin-clad prisoner to the bone nnd made him dumbly grateful for the shelter of the station house. It was late next morning when the officer on duty came into the dreary cell. In his worn, faded coat and bro ken, hob-nail shoes, the prisoner was lying on the floor in a sleep which the clanging of the Iron door did not dis turb. "III! wake up here!" called the offi cial, touching the slumberer with his foot. There was no response. "Hist. I tell you! No shamming here, old fellow," and a vigorous kick emphasized the order of action. Still no movement on the part of the sleeper. The officer, grown heartier In his dealings with offenders of the law, bent down and fiercely clutched the shoul der of the recumbent figure, starting suddenly back as though met by an electric shock. "My Lord!" he gnsped with a shud der, and he turned und lied from the place as though pursued by the re proachful eyes of the Invisible ones who watched be- le the t'.end. It was some hours luter. when, ns a matter of form, the coroner's Inquest was held. A letter found In the dmd man's pock et had revealed hln name as David Kenyon. with address at a boarding house In the mill district, nnd Inquiry had brought to hand several witnesses to the identity of the deud man. Ho appeared to have been a sober, faithful man In the brief time that he hnd been known to the testifying parties. This was the story of the principal witness, Bartlett O'Cnllnghun: "About a fortnight before the mills shut down thnt deceased came along lookln' for work. He hnd been em plled In 'nuther mill op'ratcd by tho Great Combine, but there'd been soma stoppage that M trowed him out for n bit, an' hearin o' the better chance an' high wage down here thought he'd come on get a place, an' move hla fambly afthcr awhile. So he marched up to headqunrthers an' wns tumbled Into the railyard with the I'olocks, where he worruked cheerful an' brava wld the faith that he'd Ami n hntMmi- Job later on. Sudlnt, without warnln', the worruks shut down Jest as they'vo shut down fifty times when we thought all was prosperln'. It would be seven- teen days to pay-day, which cornea tne sixteenth o' the month, an Ken yon, pore mon. ha didn't know what to do with nlver a clnt to do onythlng, an' his boord-blll coin' on ' iis wim an' chllder needln', an' him not know- in' If the mill was goln' to start agin soon or no. An', manctlmo. wld all his worrlthln' an' runnln' hither an yon for a chanst to do anything Lord, to do anything but Bhtale he was tulf wld the grip an' had to lay up wld his groanln'. And whin the pay-day nrrove on yisterday he had Just strlngth to drag himself Into tine an' wait his turn, which didn't come till nigh dark, an thin there wasn't a clnt for tho pore scallnwag. The landlady, a lonu wlddy, had garnished him for boord blll an' a bit o" medicine, an' the boss had docked him on the breakage of a wheelbarry or the loike, an' marrv but the man was will-nigh berlft o' his slnses. Wo fellows had to kind o' lift him out an he dhronned down a- groanln' an' a-moanln' about hlB wlfo air ciuiuer an' the rlnt Arrah!' I says, chcerful-lolke, 'but come Into Mike's an' take a smack wld yer frlnd,' for I alwis thry to kape n dime for a fellow-mon In dlsthrcss. An we dhragged him Into th' dure an' braced him up wld a comfortln' glass, an' afther thot he wint out In '.ha dusk o' the avenln' mutterln' about glt tln' home to Marthy an' the chllder an' payln' the rlnt. An' that's the last I know o' the mon to this day, plaza yer nonor. After this testimony, the letter taken from tho pocket of the dead workman or cloud or haze, is seen equally well was opened and read as plainly as tho, on the western sky before sunrise, cramped, childish hand would permit. A Russian engineer has planned an "Dear Pap Can't you hury up with electric railway, over which cars aro the munny. Ma Is awfle sick with a to be run 200 miles an hour on rails dretfle pane In hlr side. She cood not i txed to brnckets on pillars from ten to finish the lasto dozzen pants. It made twenty feet above the ground. Tho the man mad and he wuld not pa but passenger coaches will scat twenty per haf prise. Little dave sets on the floor , sons, and the only windows will be In and crys. Jo Is running an errand and a smaller typo of his Invention for may get 10 sents. I've had to stop , Bmall packages and postal matter, and being cash girl till I have a new dress. ' another for merchandise parcels of me The rent alnt pade yet and the Olo dium weight. Skinner sez he shal set us out the day Envelopes cannot be tnmpered with day after tomorrow. Your affekshln- to remove their contents In the malls nato dauter. Janey." without revealing the theft If a new "P. S. Dero dere darleng nanny. I , cufety device Is used, which consists of lov yu so mutch. "P. S. Plese send sum munny." The verdict In the case was: "Died from natural causes." Tho dead man ' was put. oenevoientiy into clean ap parel and a decent coffin and interred at the city's expense. The swate list of him!" mused the sympathetic O'Callnphan. surveying hla , of overlapping shelves are placed on now peaceable friend with a moist and opposite sides of a casing with the speculative eye. "But If the set Jaw , free ends tilted down to allow water to of the pure mon could now open It ; drip from one shelf to tho next. Air wud say: 'Dom yer natral causes! Dam is then forced through the casing by yer crownor's Inquest! Dom yer clano a blower, which delivers it to the ven clothes that come a bit too late for a tllators In the house, mon to enjy, and yer nate colfin that I ,,,. , r,., ii -i would make a swate bed for a home-1 .J?' nK ""nnJi" " fr ,Ca,Ja less tramr but It Is no irood to n. dad ' locks lB pronounced a wonderful body SatPcabn"t feef Us rfade anymore. . glg&a? ? ???", Bury me as ye found me and slnd all wKr0st"tfa,1,bod1,"rlef: this waste o' money to Marthy an' the 1 ' It emtoriiceB a method of lllfts of chllder 160 or 180 feet In height; Instead of "And I faith." added O'Cnllaghan. I ?neJ Jf"'E-e -Ve mdo of steel; "It's meself that will remember that same." "I WantlttoSlnfir. Little Nat lived In a part of the country where there are not manv towns, and playthings are scarce and tor moves; nnd these locks being built high priced. So at last, when he was In pairs, nnd balanced like the two pans old enough for a wagon, his father I ot balance scale, are thus made to op made one for him. crate themselves; that Is, are auto Nat's father was a better farmer than , matlc. he was a carpenter, but he managed In the Island of Barbadocs largo after a good deal of trouble to make a quantities of a mineral have been found box for the bed, and four wheels, which which the natives call "manjak." It is he sawed and whittled out of a board of a bright black color and occurs at until they were round enough to turn a very slight depth, sometimes on tho when Nat pulled real hard. Then he surface, In beds one to two feet thlok. whittled out two axles and nailed them It generally appears under an anclel of on and a bent tongue, and when all about 40 degrees and In the Immediate was put together it looked more like a vicinity of rock. It is presumed to be wagon than almost anything else. j solidified petroleum, which Is often Whatever else It was, It was a de-'seen there exuding from the earth or light to little Nat. He- dragged It about floating on the water. In Its compo the yard all duy, and by and by, as th sltion this mineral Is similar to tho rosin In the pine wheels Bonked out pitch of Trinidad, to the gllsonlte of from heat and got on the axles, It be- Utah and the Canadan Albertlte, but It gnn to squeak. Every day It squeaked Is of a much better quality. The best worse and worse. The moment It Btart- , varieties of "manjak" contain 2 per ed it set up Its mournful howl, and cent of water, 70.85 per cent of volatile when Nat ran a little, as he did now organic substances, 26.97 per cent of and then, the noise was bo terrible that ditto solid oneB, and 0.18 per cent of his mother and aunt in the house could mlneaal parts. Trinidad pitch contains not hear each other talk. I from 21 to 30 per cent of water and At last one night, when little Nat about 38 per cent of ashes. Hence the wns asleep his father toko a bacon manjak mineral Is much richer In nat rlnd and went out to the woodhouse ural bitumen. It Is used, among other where the cart was. He took the purposes, for the Insulation of electrical wheels off one at a time and greased conduits, for varnish, bituminous con the axles and put them back again, crete and for fuel, mixed with peat, etc. Then he went to bed, too. It may to some extent supplant gutta After breakfast next morning, little percha as an Insulating medium. Nat went to his beloved wagon as us- , Edward Verney. In an nrtlclc on "The ual. As he lifted It over the wood- inhabitants of Milk." states that If a house step he did not notice the dlf- drop of mllk be mlxed wlth Be)ntlIn ference, but when he started across the and examined under a microscope some yard his face showed first surprise hourB afterward It will be found that then sorrow. He paused and looked three different operations have taken around. Then he started on again. The pmce through the engineering skill of cart came easier, that was certain, but the bacteria. In one part of the gela It was as silent ns a funeral. Again tine excavations have been made- In . Btar.?a lpneu- "e, 8lo,oa I00K- tng at the cart, then up at the sky, then -t Vio Virmaa whitrn Vila mn h.. anA w. ... , .- ........ w... w -... aunt were putting away the breakfast ,"Ln5d"'l.a"7'la,Tay110 the field tie bent tongue and ran Into the house. ""-"' - -"'" "i- weeping noisily. "O. mamma, mamma," he cried. "It's spoiled! It's spoiled! It won't sing!" Ills mother had been watching him. "But, Nattle,' she said, kissing him, "It goes bo much easier, and you don't want that horrid noise all the time." "Taln't a horld noise! It sings! I want It to sing! Oh, It won't ring!" When little Nat's father camt home at noon ho took off the whls again and wiped the axles. Thta he pounded up a little piece of rosin that he had and put it on Instead. And then little Nat was happy, for his cart pulled harder and sang louder than ever. SCIENCE AND DISCOVERY. A rrlter In a Germnn periodical states thut birds have been seen nt n height of 15,000 yards. Their distance was estimated by the time It took them to cross the moon's disc. A microbe that lives nnd multiplies In strong alcohol hns been discovered by Veley. It Is believed that this ac counts for the fnci thnt rum some times deteriorates on a sea voyage. A handy device for smokers consists of a small metal box, to be clamped on the band Inside the hat to hold matches. Neckties to be tied by hand nre be ing made with the section forming the half turn of the bow lighter than the rest of the tie, making It easier to adjust. Two French women have patented a scrubbing brush which Is to be at tached to the shoe by straps nnd a heel plate, thus making It possible to clean floors while standing upright. A neat little attachment recently patented to prevent bicycle Ininps from going out, consists of a piece of wiro gauze bent to form a basket surround ing the flame to Bhleld It from sudden draughts of air. Dressmakers cnti make use of a new thread cutter which Is formed of n Bnmll steel blade, surrounded bv a bent wire casting having a pin at the back t0 atlnph It to the dress In a handy po- . BIUo for use. Dust cannot gather In the comers of a room ! a new corner-plate is used which Is formed of a triunuulnr sheet of metal with the sides curved In nnd Is forced Into the corner by a special tool which causes It to grip the wood and I which causes It . hold Itself in pi ace. A I)n,r of scnles, much like those of tne modern pharmacists, Is among tho , multitude of objects discovered this year In excavations about thirty miles from Thebes and recently exhibited at London. The scales ure llnely finished, having a beam about four and one-hilf incites long. The humming of telegraph wires Is a phenomenon which has not been satis factorily explained. It Is not caused by wind, for it Is heard during perfect calms. It has been conjectured that changes of temperature, which lighten or loosen the wires, probably produce the sound. A cheap method of duplicating con cave mirrors for search light reflectors and even telescopes, hns been pro posed by an English engineer. A well made convex glass mould Is silvered. then the silver Is backed with copper ,n an electrolyte of copper sulphate, nnd the mirror Is separated from tho mould by gentle heat In a water bath. A most Impressive phenomenon seems to have escaped general notice. It la the earth's shadow in the Bky, which, according to Prof. W. It. Brooks of Geneva, N. Y., Hrst becomes visible about half an hour after sunset, as a dark, purplish haze on the eastern sky, nnd gradually rises until lost In the gloom of earthly night. The shad ow, which Is doubtless usunlly mistaken material to be inserted In the envelope airecuy unuer tne nciureBs, which be comes damp and blurs the wrltlntr If the back of the envelope Is steamed or soaked to open the flap. Cool air can be obtained In summer to make the house comfortable by an Ohio man's Invention, in which a series """I"1 "i. """: "?, ". l"e '""n? Abcub, Luiuiucoauu 4111 id uaeu; iiiHieu of the present cumbersome and slow working contrivances, the plan Is to take the largest vessel afloat and lift It to a height equal to that of Niagara almost as quickly ns a modern eleva- another little hillocks have been thrown Up. and In a third liquid lakes have T' j. .. . .. - i.avcj oeen xormea. i nrougn tne careless I methods employed In mllklnir S and the Bubsequent exposure of tho iiuia 10 contamination, it should n.u be used as a beverage, except after heating It at a temperature of 140 de grees Fahrenheit. Of the Infectious I Influences to which milk is onen Mr ! Verney mentions the non-rejection of the first flow from the udder of the cow, the dust and dirt on the coat of ' i the animal, and unclean hands of the ' milker. From a cow where absolute ' ' cleanliness wns enrorced the milk con tained only 350 bacteria. The same vol ume taken under the usual conditions from a mixed herd showed 16,000 bac teria. Prof. Flelschmann says that morcugn sanitary precautions ar al most totally Ignored In the milking of cows. A WIDOW'S LOYALTY. I hnd found lodging for the night nt the Widow Hope's cabin, and ufter supper was over mid the smntler chil dren put to bed she lighted her plpo mm But down for a talk. After a while I asked liuw long her husband had been dead; she got up, took the candle In ner hnnd, and looked nt some pencil marks on the buck door. After study ing for u minute she came buck to her chair and replied: "Jim's deail 'bout a y'ar and a half, Bah.' "Die of your mountain fever7" 'Luwd, no! Jim was no ninn to dlo of a fever." "Then he mot with an accident?" No, buIi. didn't meet with no acci dent." Etiquette forbnde my pursuing tho subject farther, but ufter drawing a few vigorous whiffs uhu removed her pipe uml snld: ln!'Whttl Jlm d,ctl ,,f' mh wns hang- "You don't mean that your husbnnd wns hung on a gallows, do you?" I asked. "Kor shore, sail. Yes, Bah, Jim was hung nccnrdln' to law, nnd n thousand poople was thnr" to see. Everything perfectly reg'lar, sail. J was sorter Uilnkln I'd like to talk with yo' 'bout It. It was a dawggoue shame the way they used Jim, and I shall never feel right about It." "He killed somebody, of course?" I ventured to obsorve. "Of co'se. It wns nil In the papers, but mebbo yo didn't see em way up no th. Yes, Jim he killed Hiram Law son, and ho never went fur to deny It. Jest kept Bayln all the time, that he killed him. Ho had to kill him, sah he had to do It." "Did they have a quarrel?" "No, sah, didn't hev no quarrel. Jim was no hand to fuss with anybody. That onery Hiram Luwson finds one of our hawgs roamln about and pens him up. John Tarbell Bees him do It, and he comes and tells Jim. Jim takes hla gun and goes over and sdz: " 'Illnim, I want my hawg. "'Hain't got him,' sez lllrnm. " 'That's him In the pen.' "'That's a hawg I toted up from Bristol.' "As I snld," continued the widow as she turned to me, "Jim wns no hand fur fussln'. Ho knowed that was our hawg and ho knowed Hiram wouldn't gin him up without a lot of wranglln'. So he pops Hiram over and drives tho hawg home, and that bacon yo' had fur supper was a part of the critter." "And ho killed him for a hog?" I exclaimed. "Killed him fur a hawg? Why, of oo'bo he did of co'se he did. What else would he kill him fur? Wnsn't goln' to let a dratted good-fur-nuthln' like Hiram Lawson pen up nnd keep one of our hawgs, was he?" "But It was only a hog?" I foolishly protested. "Only a hawg!" Bho repented ns sho rose up In her excitement. "Strnnger, mebbo you don't know the value of a big blnck hawg down In this kcnlry. And mebbe If yo'd bin hero yo'd a sworn agin Jim, same as others did, nnd If yo'd bin on the Jury yo'd hev set out to be hung? Looks powerful like It to me jest now, and beln' I'm Jim's widder, rind beln' as I won't hoar his mem'ry scandalized. I reckon yo'd better shoulder yo'r pack and move on further!" Intolloct nnd Instlnot. "The difference between Intellect and Instinct In lower animals may be il lustrated by tho conduct of certain monkeys brought Into relntlon with new experiences. At one time I had two adult monkeys, 'nob' and 'Jocko' belonging to the benus Macacus. Nei ther of these possessed egg-eating In stinct. At the same time I had n baby monkey, 'Mono,' of Mio genus Cercop Ithccus. Mono had never seen an egg, but his Inherited Impulses bore a di rect relntltn to feeding on eggs, and the heredity of the Macncus taught tho othn.s how to crack nuts or peel fruit. "To each of these monkeys I gave an egg, the first that any of them had ever seen. "The baby monkey. Mono, being of an egg-eating race, devoured his eggs by the operation of Instinct. On being given the egg for the first time, ho cracked it against his upper teeth, mak ing a hole in It, sucked out all the sub stance then, holding the egg Bhell up to the light nnd seeing there was no longer anything In It, he threw it away. All this he did mechanically, automat ically, and It wns Just as well done with the first egg he ever saw as any other ho ate. All eggs since offered him he has treated In the same way. "Tho monkey Bob took the egg for Borne kind of nut. He broke It ngalnst his upper teeth and tried to pull off the Shell, when tho Innldn mn . n.i fell on the ground. He looked at it'for a momoni in uewiiacrment, nnd then took both hands and scooped up tho yolk and sand with which It was mixed and Bwallowed It all, and then stuffed the shell Itself Into his mouth. This act was not Instinctive. It was the work of pure reason. Evidently his race was not familiar with the use of eggs. Reason Is an Inefficient agent nt flrBt, a weak tool; but when It Is trained It becomes an agent more valuablel and more powerful than any Instinct. "Tho monkey Jocko tried to eat tha egg offered him In much the same way that Bob did, but, not liking the taste, he threw the whole thing away." Prof. Jordan. AFail!e TUT?h,y .of st- Lou,s' whom Archbishop Kain is attempting by law to put out of his church, St. Patrick's has applied for a change of venue. Tha case was to have been up before Judge Hennessey, a Catholic, nnd the priest wants a Protestant Justice, who will not be Influenced by his loyalty to his church. - .i.Th.,eaf of a creeping moss found In the est Indies, known as the "llfo plant," Is absolutely Indestructible by any means except immersion in boiling water or the application of a redhot Iron. It may be divided nnd cut in any manner, nnd the smallest shreds will throw out roots, grow and form buds. Bev. Sherman Coolldge. who Is pre aentlng the cnuso of Indian missions in vnrlnnn TCnlar-nnnl r.1.n.-nt.n .. east. Is a full-blooded Arapahoe Indian He was graduated from the Hobart college, Geneva. N. Y., and after his ordination to the priesthood ha took up missionary work nmong the mem bers of his tribe In Wyoming. Rev. Dr. Henry M. Field, editor of the New York Evangelist, and Rev. Dr Edward Kverott Hale of Boston, have become "veterans of '7C," for they have celebrated their seventy-sixth birthday Dr. Field continues to perform as usual all his editorial duties. He Is vigorous and alert In both mind and body, nnd Is good foi many more years of active work. - , There are about 130.000 ministers of the gospel In the United States, 180.000 churches and about 25,000,000 commual-cants. A MOON STORY. This Is th story told by Mr. 'Possum when he nnd Mr. Coon und Mr. Itubbit fiat on tho edge of tho world nnd hung tholr feet over mid looked at the moon. "Well, ' Buld .Mr. 1'oMrtUin, "a good many years ugo, when there weie u greut ninny mute chickens than thore ure now, and Mr. Mun took good cure of them for us und let tUeni loost In treos lusteud of locking then: up every night In a little, unheulthy pen, my folks used to go around, sometimes after Mr. Man had gone to bed, and looke them over mid pick out whut they wanted for the next day. "I don't know why wu ever began the custom of picking out our vlctuuls at night thut wuy, whuh It was durk and dungeious, but somehow we always did, and have kept It up ever since." "Humph!" said the Coon. "Yob," continued Mr. 'Possum, "that whs beforo theio wus uny moon, nnd thu nights were always durk. It was n't a good time to lIioosu food, and very otlen my folks made a mlBtako and got u seven-year-old buntum hen lusteud of u spring pullelt, which is ubout thu sumo size. "This hupponed so much that, by and by, a very wlso 'Podbuiii, named Smooth said that If they would keep him In chickens of a youthful and tender Bort ho would ilx up a light, bo that they could see and know what they were doing. They all agreed to do It, and that night Smooth built u big lite In tho top of a tall tree und sat up there und 'tended to It until neniiy morning, and my folks brought homo the finest lot of chickens that Mr. Mun had rulsed for them In a good muny years. "Well, there was never any troubto after that to pick out yuuug meat, und Smooth kept the flic going nights, und uto a good deal and got pretty fat, bo uiui no diunt nitu to work, und kept planning some way to make his Job eusler. Ho wanted to find a light thut ho wouldn't have to 'tend to and keep piling wood on all night, lie thought about this for a long time, and used to full uslccp und druum ubout It, und onco he let thu Her go out, and fell out of the tree und neutly lost his Job altogether. "Well, while ho was getting well ho had a good deal of company, and onu duy a topknot crow named Dusk ciimu to see him. Now, you know thut our friend Mr. Crow la a wiso bird today, but lu tho old times a topknot crow was wiser than unythlug thut now files or walks, und Dusk wus a very old bird. He knew a great deal ubout Mr. Man and hla ways, and ho told Smooth thut ho had seen In Mr. Man's pantry, where he went sometimes, a light that would not go out during a whole night, und that It hud a very bright something behind it that would throw the light in any direction. Dusk, who used to carry oft ulmoat everything he saw, whether ho wanted It or not, said that thought he might curry this light off If Smooth would be willing to let htm have n few chickens for a party ho was going to give. "Smooth told him he might tnkc his pick out of his share of the chickens for tho next six mouths If he would only bring that light, and Dusk didn't wusto uny time, but brought It tho very next evening. "It wus a beautiful light, and Smooth fastened It to the tip top of the tall tree, bo thut It would swing In any di rection, and the bright round thing be hind It threw tho light Just whero ho wanted It. It burned oil, und he used to fill It up with chicken oil in tho evening nnd It would burn ull night and make a belter light than the fire ever did. So ull he hud to do was to keep it filled and turned in the direction that my folks were harvesting their chicken crop nnd then ho could go to bed and sleep ull night If ho wanted to. "And thut's Just what ho did do. And one night, while he was asleep, thero camo a terrible storm. Of course If Smooth had been awake he would have taken the light down, but he wasn't awake, nnd tho first he know he heard broken limbs falling and crashing all around, and ho Jumped up and ran out Just in lime to see the tip top of the lamp tree break off, lump and all, and go whirling around nnd around, right straight up in the air till It got to the sky, and there It Btuck fast. And It nover went out, but kept turning round and giving light In different di rections at different times In the month. "And that," said Mr. 'Possum, "Is tho moon. And you don't alwuys see it because sometimes tho bright reflect ing thing 1b turned In the other direc tion. And when It's turned part way round you sec part ot It, and It's always been so over since that night Smooth went to sleep and the Btorm came up and carried it off." "Humph!" said the Coon. "What makes those spots on it?" said the Rabbit. "Why," said Mr. 'Possum, "those those nre are some leaves that blew against tho reflecting thing and stayed there." "Nonsensel" said the rabbit. Something to Kick About. As we went to breakfast at the hotel I heard an old man warning the clerk that If tho 'bus didn't get him down to the train In time thero'd be the big gest kind of a lawsuit. The clerk guar anteed that there should be at least Ave minutes to spare, but the old kicker didn't stop to more than half satisfy his appetite. He had to wait In the 'bus for the rest of us to come out, and as we took our time about It we heard him exclaiming: "If I am not down at the depot for that nine o'clock train I'll sue for $50, 000 and get every cent of It!" We tried to guy him a little on the way down, but ho lost his temper and was ready for a row. We reached the depot with seven minutes to spare, nnd he rushed about In a half-crazed way to buy his ticket, and get his trunk checked. When he hnd finished, with four minutes to spare, he turned to the driver of the 'bus with: "I never saw such arrangements as this In all my life. Why don't you leave the hotel so as to get down here fifteen minutes ahead of the train?" "Seven or eight minutes gives a man all the time he wants," was the reply "I deny It! Fifteen minutes Is little enough." "But you are nil ready to board the train." "That has nothing to do with you, air; suppose you had lost a wheel on the way?" "Wheels never come off." "Or one of the horses had broken a trace?" "I always keep the harness in good repair." "Sir!" continued the kicker. kTowlne- madder every second, "if you had even stopped on the way to take a chew of tobacco we should have been too late " "But I didn't stop," replied the driver, "and you are here before the train." "Only a second or two, and that's by pure good luck. The hotel needs overhauling, sir, and you need over hauling. Hang It. but I bei.'eve the train has come and gone!" "Oh; no sir." "But how do you know?" "Because the agent Just told me Bhe was three hours late! Want to go back to the hotel with the rest of the gents, llr?" Half Sick Hail Weil Muny persons have their good day and their bad day. Others arc about half sick oil the time. They have headache, backache, and are restless and nervous. Food docs not taste good, and the digestion is poor; the skin Is dry and sallow and disfigured with pimples or eruptions; sleep brings no rest and work Is a burden. What Is the cause or all this? Impuro blood. And the remedy? It clears out the channels through which poisons arc carried from the body. When all impurities arc removed from the blood nature takes right hold and completes the cure. If there is constipation, take Aycr's Pills. They awaken the drowsy action of the liver; they cure biliousness. Wrllm to our Damter V hT tho excluilra icrrfcei of soma of the inott emlnant nlirtlcUni In thu United Hutu. Writ freely all tho pirticuUri In your cans. You will re colvo a prompt replr. without rntt. Lowell, Mti BEE BUZZINQS. The proper tlmo to transfer bees from box hives to movable frames la in early spring, as later the combs be como heavy with brood and honey. Many farmers in the vicinity of Dal Norte in tho San Luis vulley have been experimenting In bee culture and find that it is a valuable addition to their profits. This year a majority ot tha farmers will put In several stands. Aplnrlsts of tho Pecos valley of New Mexico report a favorable crop for last year. Since tho Introduction of the Golden process tho output hns been nearly doubled. Mr. Gathrlght ot Dona Ana county reports a production oft 10,000 pounds from 175 hives. Every worker bee begins Its life as a nurse bee, staying with! tithe hive for nurse bee, staying within the hlvo for the larvae with Its milky feed and cap ping them over when they are large enough to care for themselves. At about the age of ten days the bees be gin to work In tho fields. A Bet of combs which have been built by the bees without foundation contain too mucli drone comb ns a general thing, and In every case It should bfir cone through and the drone comb re moved. In naturl comb building bees do not do the most profitable thing, aa it is their nature to increase in num bers Instead of storing honey. Drone comb should be removed now, In tne Bprlug. It can be told because ot lta large cells. Why take any other route, when It Is only one night to Utah, only two night to California, from the Missouri river via the Union Pacific, the Overland Route, the most direct line? Quicker time to Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Cal ifornia, Oregon and Pugct sound point than any other line. Service unsurpassed. Double draw ing room Pullman Palace Sleepers, Buffet Smoking and Library Cars, Din ing Cars, meals a la carte, Free Re clining Chair Cars, etc., eta For time tables, folders. Illustrated books, pamphlets descriptive of the ter ritory traversed or any Information, ap ply to your local agent, who can sell you a ticket via the Union Pacific, or address E. L. Lomax, General Passen ger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. Guide to Washington Froa. An Interesting book about attractions at the national capital, hours during: which government buildings are open to visitors, a complete map, and par ticulars about the special excursion rates to Washington In July, via Penn sylvania Lines, will be sent persons who address a request for it to H. R. Derlng, A. Q. P. Agt.. 248 South Clark St., Chicago, enclosing stamp. MRS. M. G. BROWN'S Metaphysical Discovery Cam Defnei. HllndneM, Bildneu, Catarrh, R1im. malUm, l'4rnl)ala. Heart IllMau, A.thmi. eto., (& Band 10cnl. for Urlaphj.lral pamphlet, IOO una. Addrwe METAPHYSICAL UNIVEtisilt, 81 Bond Btl ISawVork. Eetablhhed 13 xeara. DONT RENT. BUY fUtlI Tour bomo place and feel KJ ww IX an independence that a J- tenant fanner never knows. Kallroad (J 2,auua tu uo uui uouriy rs cueap as ... yon pay in fees for entry on govern- rl 5ment lands, and the i conditions upon IZ which you can secure4 perfect title are (1 not so burdensome. There la a great . II future for fanners who either settle pa 1 or purchase a farm along the line of the " 0 Chicago, St.Paul, Minneapolis &Oma R Olty. Uo in Northern Wisconsin, be- U tween the Twin Cities and the head ot P the Lakes. Now Is therTAD Ml time, terms are easy and a Is 411 Iwl Af.7ourf.w,Uli!lt little money and a little effort. These lands are suitable Cfpr g-raiing and diversified farming-, and there is much hardwood timber. Col- A onles will find much room for larre IT R tracts. For Land Seekers Excursion M " Tickets apply to your home agents, and h for handsome map and illustrated fold- fl S" er address Geo. W. Btll, Land Com- if mlssioner, Hudson, Wis., or T. W. Jt Teasdale, General Ias4enEer Agent, St. Paul. In Northern Wisconsin. O. P. Co., Omaha, No. 17, isea j"WWsPSsVay