nivtnLUJ:t.Mij:ntvLi.".vvrMiiyrrutmx uwnwiiimwiiBi imiuijirwwwiwuiiMMiii I r The Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY T. J. O'KHTM'P .iMIHi I'hUIIoIiiiI f-Ti"- l'U(l Htm iu' ( iti . tHMt-oUJcrt in !!"miiw(unl. Nilifakn, ft" onnd olaR mntl mtti. 'tnr IlKRW.u iMilprolnl tn tlffi tntorontn of HvntinjfNird inl Hot llnll- 'county. BOBKOnlITIIJ RTK! ONKYBAtt UN MX MONTHS 7: vow Y Ol'KIOKIW. nrk. Trc.iMirtr. IiiiIk" Sheriff Atlornv. K. M. P1tEi.p1 A.M.Mlt.trit .... Oak. H. 11. JIf ktt. H. P. SwmtNk 1 W. M. IoIienpr . . .. Miss A. K. NrKi.AND CUAft. llltlNN Dn. W.K. 1)11. C. A. HoI.DKiiOF JAMKS llUtllY H'- p. int'.'iiilint. Huru-ynr, ., CiininiT l'h)lpliui. Cuiiiiiiiiitltinnr lt Dlkt JAH. Hol.tlNItVKt: ('omniWMniwrtiiii Dint. (1. W. DUNCAN ('oiniiiidsiiniiTllril Dint. y. E, iPOQtTE'R, Attorney - at Law CUAWFOHIl Olfico in tfjmlicnto Mock. .NEn. W. M, WDEj'CE, ATTORNHY - .A.T - XjAW, Practlcoo In all Iho rourU Hemingford, Neb. TTJTTLE & TASK Attorney! vs - at Law. HFMINGFORD. - NEBRASKA. r DR. 0. A. IIOLBROOK, ?H YSICUM and SUtRGEOM, Residence, Hull house. Office First door north Box Butto Bank BIdg. Honing ford ', -.-- Nebraska T. J. O'KEEFE, U. S. COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT OP N13URASKA. AU matters coming before the United Suites Circuit Couu or tho United States Lnnd Oltlce will receive prompt and careful attention. Also attend to all kinds of business for non residents; real estate, rentals, collections, etc. Correspondence solicited. Ofllcesat IIEMINQFOIU) ANliCKAWFOKD. Nim. Time Table FOR. I Hemingford TilNCOL.V, Omaha, Chicago, St .Ioskph, Kansas City, St.-Louis and all points oust uud fcouth Dknveu, Hklkna, Buttk, Salt Lakk City, Poutland, San Fhancisco, and all points west TlUJNS I.KVK A8 KOI.IOWB. I'sHHPuer, daily, pPHdwuod, No. n. llillliiKK and all imiiiiIh nortt. anil ui'M 1:01 a. in No. 1.1. I roiKlit. dnlty. Dradwood, HilliiiK-i and iiitcnuftlmt" h.-UioiiB 8:15 p. in. No.47. FrelKlit. daily. Now (nt-tlo I nd iniorimttiaio BtationB.. 3.oo p. m. Ko. 12. I'm-feoiwr, da. 1 j, for Lincoln, I Uniaha. (MiicaKa nnd all pointH eal 11:01p.m. No. 10. KroiKlit. daily, for Lincoln and iiit'Tiinillriln (itatioim . r:W p. m o. 18. Ir.'itj-lit, daily, for l.iurolii, and intormisfiatx ntal oim. .. 10:25 a. m t.ra.ta friii on tlironcli traliiH Tickcm poiil m iiaKKiiKOclii'rUixl to any pulut in tlmUiiitml , ioo;niic, (llinnn anil rurlinlii,- chair earn bUtuH or Cn inula Kor Information, mtipH, tinio IaIiIpm and tlnli rU rail on or writii to W. M. ( opiilaud, Au-oiit, or J. Fit ANCid, (i'ca'1 Panheuuer AKeut.Omaliil Ncuraskii. Joint Meeting of tho Teachers' Associations of Dawes and Box Butto Counties. MAKSLAND, APKIL 23, 1898. 9:s0. Paper: Ambition; Uow can It bo lu Hplrcd when lachiui;!' V. K, Curf man, Mar.sland. Discussion; Mrs, W. O Hustin, HemliiKtord. 10:00 Paper: Patriotism ami Porvurhlons. hup't. W, U. Sldors, Alliance Discussion; Sup't. A. It. Julian, Chudron. 10:30 Rccltnllon, Miss I'onrl mils. Craw ford. 10: 1,1 Papor: 'ITic Point of Contact In Tctchlng Children. Mls ClarU, Crawford Discussion: Mrs K. K. Ford, Lawn. 11:15 Paper: Tho purxonul Hiiuatlon. MIssM. A. Lute, Jlarsland. DlacubElon: Sup't. N'rnland, Homlngford. INTUHMlSfllO.N. 1:30 Paper: The Prwper Use of Fiction In the Schools. Miss I.ulu Kvnns. Chadron. Discussion: Wlufrod 0 Kohdes, Chadron. 2.-00 Paper: Uook Itovlew, J. W. UauniBardnor, Hoi llutto. Discussion: Charlos Hall, llomineoord. Discussion; Supt. W . K. Foe. Chtidroo. A I) J Oil K.N MB NT 1 dosiro through the Ui.kald to express my .-sincere thanks to all who so kindly assisted mo ui ' 'tPmfffflvfSl II ll'l' W-y" m 7Tl,T,u u ,';':, :"-L,..inany friends. Ho visit. .ins, nuruuHii, ri. hujuiuuh, Mr. Trout and Mr. Tash. Ciustav, Hoffman. TO CURB A OLD IN ONE 11AV TakeXAxatUo llromo Qululnu TubUtl. All 1 in,- h fciiuictK niio it It ft-lli-1 Cvif 9 Local and Personal Littlo Hmma Tush whs quit ill Inst evening rostmuteruocKWootl ofUitHton dc-ciiou for if following rom-ons is in town tculny. wi,ith Wl. , j .,, briefly: Miss Nellie G odonough is tho 'Tim Hoard finds that UT-po-s'ssor ofa m w bicycle. e' 'f tho peiitionois have Choice cT&an German mil'eL entered lands ojitsido this county. ;oed for suit by Clnvk Olds. Miss Minnio Grabber! came' down fronriCdgomonl Saturday. 'Pi.nro .sn h en ,, f 1' VI V I I "V IH.-1 I IV UC1 IVU llVy' Catholic church Sunday, April 21. Tho infant, child of Mr 1 1 1111 Mrs. A. Uh rig was quite ill tho1 fore part of the week. I. E. Tash and Sheriff Swoonev ' wore passong-srs on 4 1 Tuesday morning for Montana. E. W. Dailoy a prominent attorney of Crawford died Sun day night of heart trouble. Mrs. Cuuninj.'hnm of Bx Butte was in Ilemingford yesterday and mado this uflijo a busino-w call, Mr. Tash and family spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin near Marsland. A good article on the special car gang was handed in by Dick.001'10 three fifths of the voles JBovan but is .too late for this .cast therein at tho last general issue, we are sorry to say. The fair given by tho Congre gational ladies last Saturday was a decided success. The proceeds netted about $30. Miss Minnie Wohlers and brother Harry attened the marriage of their brother ul Pino Ridge last Sunday. Palma, infant daughter of .Rev. and Mrs. Wundorlich, was the recipient of a Jiandsomo cab Sunday morning' from Grandpa Wohlers. .T. W. Christy has moved ( his family from Herat to Ilemingford Wo understand that Mr. Christy will soon resign hia job on Hie section. Tho Missionary society of the Methodist churcli will serve dinner at the home of Mrs. J. G. Parkin next Tuesday. All are cordially invited. Seventeen subscribers renewed their subscription this week to tho official paper which is published at the coui.ty s,eut of Box Butte count v. Commissioner Duncan had the rai-for uhe to fracture one of I he small bones in his arm, Tuesday evening nt thedepot vhilo he and Agent Copoland were enjoying a friondly scuifle. W. A. McLean, Box Butte, John T?iccnl Tin .I'll, nml P TV n,.c.... ' ' v " '"-"ll II i.lo Green.Towu, are new sub- . ., . ... SCI'IO T3 tO tllO Only paper ttlat IS . . . . r ., , ,ni c!.i!in, wonmif; lor UIO OCSl interestsof Box Butte county. The membo-sof the Congrega. linn - il Inflioc' nirl oriniol ir ...5oK .-. lloI1,u HUUeS aiCiSOClCty Wlhh tO express their sincere thanks to tho people who so liberally assited in making preparation for our church fair and also to those who patronized us. Tho county commissioners were notified on Tuesday that all in surance on the court house had been canceled owing to tho county seat agitation. Tho Board decided lo employ a night watch hence forth to prevent possible destruc tion of the building by Gre. Me.sdames Geo. C. Bell and transact business with tho county Goo. W.Young, of Alliance, visited officials for' years to come, just the friends in thiscity Tuesday wh.lo Mime. their husbands chewed the county . Tho Alliance county seat agita soatdishrag with thoir Homing- tor liavo tho privilege of iinngin ford brothers. By tho way Mr. ing that Alliance is bigger than Bell has gone into tho gum Chicago; that they aro million business on quite an oxtonsivo aires; that they are better and scalo. I know more than people living in nio UKI.AL.IJ was paiucu to " """ "'i "k"b , ns oiitiiu lUiner, ion on Hie pas hoar of tho death of Mr. S. K. ' one elbo ,hould he couidercd; MM1;rt.. lat Saturday for Gago N.'ul, which occurod last weok at that they aro thoonly toads in the county, where Mr. Kurfuiin will his homo in Surprise, Nob. Mr. puddle, etc., but now they are teach a teim. Mih Susie Neal was in tho grain business probably aware of tlio fact tiiat r wji v sit friomSs tliwre duriiiLr tho and whilo riding with tho dray- they are only human creature.-.; Minimcr. man ho was thrown suddenly that they have made many 1 - - .-.;,. . ... , .... . iiii-r:L Fill TT . ' -I , from the wagon, striking on his huiid. causing death instantly, IIe was a popular man and had ny triemis. ilo visitod his brolher.I.K. Noal in Hemingford smart fools after' all; tnat every in quintltos to suit puwhnser. in '93 and mado many warm carpet-bugger goipg through tho Oilor loft at II. It. Groon's will friouds who oxtond sympathici county id not a lagal poiitiouur to 1),J 1le1 or wrlu to tiia uudor to the bdi-oavod family. '" ''' ' ' j signotl. IS. Mabi.v. I COUNTY SKAT. This afternoon tho commis hi 1101 s rejected tho petition call ing fur a special county aunt under tho homestead laws. Thai thirty-five of the resident "l" who signed said petition "ficnvard signed a remonstrance. , That, tho names of two persons MrSnotirtiHl oiii1 ls4ifirM nittwiotc: . twicoon said potition. That six other persons who signed aid potition liavo rotnov ed from Box Butte county since signing tho samo. That Christ Hornburg whose name appears on said petition did not sign tho same or authorize his uaoio to bo placed thereon. That one hundred and ten other persons who signed said , petition are not resident electors of Box Butte county, Nebraska, !lll(l wcro not when they signed said potition. And that said petition is not signed by resident electors of Box Butte county equal in mini- election. The proceedings will bo pub lished next weok. The Alliance men aro now ou gaged in the disrepnlable work of blackmailing and causing the dis charge, whenever possible, of all who had courage enough to sign the remonstrance opposing tho calling of a special county seat election. Thcic is no use denying thefact that local ofticiuls of the B. & M. railroad at Allianco aro lighting Hemingford as hard as possible. A special car and freo transpor tation is always tendered everyono who wants to come lo Ilemingford to "bring down the county seat" and tho county seat agitators offer every inducement in order to get a crowd to come. An effort was mado at Allianco last Friday to take tlio remon strance away from John Ditto. Thore wore '.) or A big yahoos in tho deal but after John smashed one of them till he had enough and then made him set 'em up, the others conclude;! that they hadn't lost any remonstrance. Some one suggested that they run the Ditto boys out of town .but others thought they "hadn't lost any Dittos". The Alliance bruisers can find tho Ditto boys any time they want to do busi ness with them. w The Allianco fellows now travel to Hemingford, (now and forever the county scat of B. x Butto coun ty) in a special car and bring ihoir dinners with them. On Tuesday ono case of heer was brought up in the car but that not being suf ficient to satisfy their thirst, another case was brought up on the afternoon freight Wo under stand that tho committee passed resolutions to the ell'ect that they would never eat another meal at a Hemingford hotel, smoke a Hem ingford cigar or oven drink Hem ingford water. They may do all these thing hut they will coimj to Hemingford to attc d court and ilflllllllilll ll,Vlll. 111. .III,,-. 11. F mistake in their lives; that rid- j ing in spuci.d cais and drinkiiiL' beer don't get county seats; that Ilemingford wonlc are nrellv cull a county scat elect ''on; that a great many hu.-iness men of Alii anceown liMine.ileads in adjoining counties and should bo living thereon; that the county coininis- -inuers are not to hr bnlldossMl, dictated to or bought and laHt but nof least that the Ml liavo a "hot I time in the old town" bofoio they gel tl o county seat. We aro informed that a deputy U. S. Marshal visited Alliance Sunday and escorted Alius and W. G. Siiuoiison to Sioux Kails, S. 1)., where they wore wanted by the federal court in soino connection with a case where timber was cut on goverment land Tho Allianco boys didn't seem to want to givo any information on tho subject henco wo are at a loss to know just what tho charge is. However, wo pre sume Allio has something to think about this week besides Com'r liarry and county seat. Mr. Barry is still at. large. Attorney M. A. Hall of the well known linn, Montgomery & Hull, Omaha, was hero Monday and Tuesday in behalf of the remon strators to county seat removal. Mr. Hull !b a very competent at torney and a pleasant Attorney Porter of Crawford was also counsel for tho rcmon slralors. Mr. Porter is considered one of tho leading attorneys of Northwest Nebraska. Rev. II. V Romingor will lecture in the Congregational Monday evening, April 25lh. Subject "Cuba and tho Downfall of Spun" It !v. Romingor has investigated this subject torough ly and is absolutly able 'to do it justice. Every ono should plan to attend this lecture. it was YUD That the recoup ntradoos and the holto car aro a thing of the past. That money heorand "Allianco wants it" aro poor arguments to rjinovo a county seat. That attorneys Hall and Porter are no disgrace to tho legal profes sion. That Messrs. Sampy, Olds and Ditto are well posted as to tho resilient electors of Box Butto ' county. District court has been post poned until Juno 7. ' S. B. Libby has been in town this week taking in tho county seat scrap. Ernest Meints and G. W. Erb wore county seat visitors yester day. The "President" has recalled Consul General Noleman from tho seat of war and tho call came just in timo to savo him from being blown up in Hemingford harbor. Ho sailed last evening. Mabin and Sampy are still 'h, re. MAKSLAND ITHMS. Arthur Smart and Win. Timbrel have gone lo South Dakota to work lliis summer. Miss M. A. Mint will give a led ure Thursday evening having in view tho oatablishmunt of an art class. Mr. Crigler will give a ball in the Commercial Hotel Friday ' evening, April 15. A good timo is iiiMirud. i Mr. Al Fisher, who i& touching mar Ft. KobiiiMiu, spent a few (luy of bis spring vacation visit ing fiieutU in Marsland. MurslHud people are prcpumig to entertain the K-achtis in tlio jo. nt association April '2y. Every body is invited to Conio and see what a hustling little village this isi. Mr. E. ICurf man and his niece, II' L' ' l.l , ... .. I have soino of the host seed corn in tho county for salo (whit and yellow) also 2M) buslioU of " vu,.v ""-' "man tuou lur saie hmi.iwu Tie H Will soon be replenished with bran new goods from the East at fabulous low prices, for high grade goods of latest styles and patterns. 5S8CALViN J. W1LDY. TON ffVwfcfc-TKm -PIONEER Hardware and Tin: Oi.nicsT Kstauuhumknt in this Coumty Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating StOYes Paints, Oils, Glass, fr- Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb Wire the Bast on Earth HEMINGFORD HILLING CO., --'. .Manufacturers of , Flour, Graham, Meal and Feed And Dealers Paper, Sash HILLER AYeBclablcPrcparationfor As similating tltcroodflndRcfiula litig tlic Stomoclis and Bowels of Promotes Digcslion.Chccrful ncssandRest.Contalns ncitlicr Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Xatpe ofOldllrSiKl'IZrtmWt fKunp&w Sni' Al:Sniui JMU, SJts -Anin Stttt Iti CarAana&SoJ IturT-iSftd - ClanfuJ Sugar UuJNyrcn tlaiw. Aocrfcct Ilcmctlv forConstina tion, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .revensh ncss and Loss or SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. exact copy or wrappeh. -- -- - '"" , -'n rinfrrInmMmiHmiiimnimi'.utm fe ctAefnEtiA I vt H 15. mwmvmm 1 it'll mm, wniiniiiniii wmuui 1.1, t Double Store UHRIG, in All Kinds of- and Doors. & WIL DY The Kind You Have Always Bought, Bears the Fao-simile Signature OF ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE. THE KIND YOO HAYE ALWAYS BOUGHT.' THC CtNTAU COMPANf NtW VQWK CITY Saddlery. ASTORIA CdZzjffieucfa "r- teAHFjFi .32'