Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, April 15, 1898, Image 4

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    virtue&.of nor WATCR.
Many Arc -III ti .trlir nml Pulna tt Will
Not n phrase conrcyinif nn Impres
sion of entire Mlotty, yet it mny Ua
found that water, lwt, Im.s manifold
tiboa nml in peculiarly nhls in eortttlu
plocos to afford comfort and relief. A
pbyhicinn who htin tritil it wiyH tbnt no
ngont so quickly relievos iiriikti and
vomiting an water, Iiot ns it can bo
tnken. For coiiKtipatiou drink of bot
wnter a short timo before retiring at
night. Dyspeptics tiro buuofltwl by sip
ping n cup of hot water nu hour hrfOro
cnting. Tlio Ftuno practice (ends to llcsb
production, nnd is onu of tbo rules given
FomctlmcH iu prosurlptloiiH fur tLa curu
of lamenoEs.
As water is po considernllo mi ('la
ment in tho physical structure, it in iu
nomo FctiEo n food, thongh knowing,
too, tbnt without it lifo cannot be sup
portedit is not usunlly regarded in
that manner, and tbo luimvlodgo that n
weak stomach will retain bot water
when It Will nothing cho may be often
tinierfof vuluo.
LCt tbowj who nro inclined to sneer nt
"only hot water" try n cup of it, frb
ivntor, quickly heated nut! brought to a
boil, used with cream nml supar as for
loiTuo. If coffco, its many believe, en- '
courages dyspepsia, and tea renders its
cousunicra nubjout to headaches, whilo
n cold fluid with wnrm fluid is not by- I
gieuic, it answers to reason that if any
drink must bo used at meals, tbo ono
wo nro considering (or clee bot milk),
Laving nonoof their objectionable qual
ities, is prefcrnblo.
To wnrd off tbo cold threatened by n
chilly sensation, drink a onp. To loosen
a tight cough, Fip water ns hot ns it con
bu borno. A hot coinprcps, with u dry
flannol over it, persistently nppliod to
tho throat nnd chest will euro a stub
born cough, u toro throat nnd cat short
in its inclpicncy congestion of tholuugs.
To dip a cloth in bot wntor mid Juy it
quickly over tho Bent ot pain is homo
times n relief in nourulgin. Tbo eanio
application on tbo Komaeli will banish
colic. In croup place about tbo neck a
flannol wrung out of hot water. For
sprains hot fomentations are excellent.
in suou casos enro should bo tnken that
, " - : - -w - uu
tbo clothing is protected from daintiness
by tlm intervention of n dry cloth, und
in nil tbo uses for it thus fur I'ivon it
tnust bo kept iu mind that tbo wntor in
to bo roally hot.
Iu spasms placo tho nfllictod child ns
quickly ns possiblo in a hot bath tbut
is, ono heated ua much as comfort will
allow. Tbo convulsed frame will bo -relaxed
nnd soothed by its contact with
tho warm water. A hot bath nfter ox
posuro will do much to prevent tbo
taking of nu infectious disease. An oc
casional full hot bath upon retiring is
of groat benefit iu inducing sleep. Even
a footbath will bo found h help ns a
means to tbo same.
When n person is tired nnd honted,
bathing tho face with warm wnter will
provo nioro comfortable us well as less
dnuaeroua than tbo uso of cold. Weak
eyes nro mudo strongor by bathing them
' rcgulurly iu wator ns hot as can bo
borno. If thoy uro tired, such bathing,
to which is fcomotimos added a littio
salt, will wonderfully rost them.
For a fluo complexion and velvety
akin nover uso cold, but warm water iu
washing tho fuco. It may bo first wash-
ed with coap and bot water, theu rinsed
with tepid wuter. To bathe tbo face
daily in hot water will, it is mid, ro
movo piniplos. And tho nppeurnuco of
wriuklos may bo grently dulnyed, it is
beliovod, Jby tho 'uso of tbu hot bath.
St. Louis JBopnbllo.
MUtook the Mulr.
Doacon .lackson was n very pions but
very detonniucd old colored citizeu of
Owl Creek vulloy. Ho had a young
mulo which his boys were unable to
grille, nml their fniluro to break tho nui
jnal so oxasporatod tho old man tbut bo
determined to ridg it himself. Ilu was,
howovor, no sdoner located on its back
than ho was thrown into an adjoining
Jot, where ho was picked up with both
legs broken nnd his neck badly sprained.
"What on cirtu did such nn old man
as you meau by tryiug to ride a wild
young mulo llko that?" asked tbu doctor.
- "Waal, sub," said Deacon Jackson,
"I never does uudurtaku to do uutbin
widout fust cousultin ov do Law dan
socin whut ho dun thuuk erbout hit. I
axed biiri ef I orter rido dat mulo what
jny tnflin uoercouut boyscouldu't ride,
an do Lawd ho sed, ,Yehnb," jes' ez
plain oz I am talkiu to you."
"Well, but ho seems to have given
yon bad ndvico, "
"No, doctor, bis judgment was nil
right, fer do Lawd knows dis olo nigger
never 6eed do day wbon ho was nfeered
to straddlo anything from a circular saw
up to or olephant. but dis timo I think
do Lawd was jes mistookeu in do
mule." Altnuta Journal.
Old Ab Drake.
Old Ab Drake was ouo of tho "odd
sticks" that flourished in u urmont
rural neighborhood n good many years
ago. His wifo was a meek, obedient,
fcpiritless woman, over whom Ab tyran
nized for 50 yearh, when t-he quietly
slipped out of this world. Old Ab's
paucgyrics on his dead wife's virtues
wero loud and long. Ijoforo the funeral
bo taid to ouo of his neighbors: Mbha
was tho best woman on tho top of this
earth. I jess thought tbo world and all
of her yes, I did 1 1 always thought it,
and hanged if there wnn't times wheu
1 como mighty near telling her to yes,
'kirl And I would 'a' told her o, only
Tvo always held, aud 1 still hold, that it
aiu t safe to praito nuytlnug tbut w'ars
petticoats 'Ueptin for'tbat, I would 'a'
told "Lizy Elleu what 1 thought of her
many a time yes, I wonld I" Boston
Journal. t
Fa moil Threo K't.
Tbo originator or tbo famous threo
"r" alliteration "reading, 'ritiug and
Titbiuetio" was Sir Villiatn Uurti, a
lord n ayor of Loudon. In I7U6 be pro
posed it as a toast btforo tho board of
nTraarnmn i
Ilrnlicmon. uarl tho Old Manila Amnnfr
Them, Arn '('rtrnmt Vlfltlma-Ilnt tho
j fctnttaMr Jnotcil May Ho Kxccptlonnl.
i lluetlts Froih Mafcty Appliance.
It has been ectimntcd, nnd, in fact,
railroad men frequently mako tbo ro
murk, that tho nvi rngo lifo of n man
notivoly oupngfd in train Forvico is
nhout Eovcn yonrrf. In otlior wordn, that
they nro cither crippled up to as to ren
der thorn unfit for son fee ngnin in a
llko enpucity or nro killed on an aver
age in tbnt time It h;is been found by
looking over tbo ncordH of ono of tho
leading raljronds entering Louisvilio
that this is untnio During threo yean,
on ono of tbo busiest roads entering tbo
city, tbcro wero only 2 klllml ami IBS
injurod, nil of whom wero Irrkcuicn
excipt two, nnd they wero freight con
ductors who bud nsFiuned tho duty of
brnkemen, ono by making a coupling
nnd tho other by nssiutiug in unloading
freight. ,
It would seem thnl inexperienced men
would bo most npt to pet injured, but
tho figuros f'kiw dilTirently, ns indicat
ed by tho following: ISlovcu, orfl.Jifj per
ceut of tho tntul number of trainmen,
wero injured during their first year of
service; lb, or IS. If) percent, wero in
jured who bnd been iu tho servico two
years; 1C, or 1 1 II per cent, bad been
iu tbo Fcrvico tbrco yenrs; 2a, or l(S U5
per cent, four years; 20, or SO per cent,
flvo years; 27, or 21 77 per cent, six
yeurs; 111, or I) (ill per cent, hovon years;
' C, or 3.00 per cent, eight years; a, or
a. -17 per cent, nine years; 5, or -1. 10 per
cent, ten yenrs nnd 12, or 8.81) per
1 cent, over tin years, foiho of whom had
been iu tbo ber.ico 16, 18 and 22 yenrB.
It will bo noted thnt tbo largest aver
' ago of injuries occurred nfter tho em-
ployeo had been iu sorvico Fix yeurs,
1 nnd tbo figures given would iudicnto
, thnt employees ns u general rule aro
careful up to tho tiniu whon they hnvo
oecn in mo servico tureo to four years
nnd then beconio morn cnrolosa until
.... ....... vi.iiii jrtui ui toiliuu, WIJUll
i tho indications show tbnt thnmln
nlinnt fliutr. rtft.l.frl. nnnnf .. .J . .!
' bcoomo careful, ns tlioso who bhd work-
ed over ten vears havo n verv Kinnll
comparative per cent of injuries com
pared with tlioso who had worked six
years. With thocomiletioii of tho equip
incut of nil box cars with nutomatio
couplers, airbrakes, cto , tho liability
of a trainman being injured will huvo
been reuueed to u minimum, ns tbo rco
ord goes to fuow thnt at least two-thirds
of tho injuries wero caused by attempt
ing to cQiiplo automatic drawbars with
a link und pin to tho old fashioned
solid or skeleton drawbar, which is
vory daugcrous oven t3 tbo most expe
rienced railroad man. Other causes
were on account of uneven drawbars,
fcomo boiug as much ns three inches
higher tbnn others. All this will bo rec
tified with tho law which requires all
druwbars to Lo of a standard height. A
great many trainmen wero injured by
stopping upon Ftones or links in jump
ing off to throw switches, etc., quite a
number by being thrown off on account
of tho icy condition of tho tops of tho
There was ono enso whoro a brako
innu was standing near tbn'end of a car
when uuothor cut of cars struck it, and
ho was thrown from tbo top of tbo car
to tbo ground, alighting squnrely upon
his feet and "etoving him up" bovero
ly, ns will bo readily understood. A
few wero compelled to jump from tbo
top of cars iu cuhes of derailment. Oth
ers had their feet innsliod by attempt
ing to fIiovo nn nutomatio drawbar over
a few inches to enable it to como moro
squnrcly in contact with tho nutomntio
couplor. This is onu of tho Forums ob
jections to tho nutomatio drawbar that
it will not couplo readily on n curve,
nnd it is necessary for tho trainmen
cither to pull ouo of tbo drawbars over
or fhovo it over with their teet
Ono of tbo most gcuoral causes of
pinched finger was on account of tbo
pin failing to drop nil the way down
into tho bolo whou coupling with a
link and pin. TLn brakoinen invariably
reach over to givo tbo pin a start f.o it
will drop into tho hole, when tbo cars
froqututly roll onu way or tbu other
just a lew iuches nml catch tho pin just
beloro it rets all tbo way down, causag
it fo lilt Luck and catch the lingers bo
twecn pin and end sill of tho car
A few were injured by holding tho
grab iron on the end of tbo ear reecutly
added to all freight cars by nn net of
congress und attempting to make tbo
coupling when long lumber or bridge I
iron would bo exteudingnver the end of i
tho cur to be coupled to, nnd catch their '
bauds between the timber mid end of .
tbo car. However, this dangerous metli-
od of coupling tars togetliir that havo I
lading projecting over tho endH of them !
will boon bo a thing of tbo patt. as it is i
becoming a general rulo tor till com- ;
panics not to permit tbo loading of cars '
iu this manner Whenevir tbeio is Ions '
timber to load tho companies require
tbo uo of two cars instead of one, us
With tho taking effect of the now law
compelling railroads to havo all cars
equippod with untomatio diawbars and
havo tho drawbars of equal huigbt from
rails, tbo pusitiou of railroad brakemuu
will not bo Fueh a hazardous oue.
Louisvilio Cnuriur-Jnurun!.
Death Grip ou a htchfl.
James Wbitcomb Riley, the great
Hoosicr poet, never burdeus hiniEolf
with much baggage whilo Iih is travel
ing. IIo once esplaimd bis views en
bapgago by saying: "I nm continually
haunted by tho foar that my truuk will
ba lot, po,I go about the country with
a grip. I keep a touacions hold on it all
day long nnduutor feel quito Bafa about
it nt night. In caro tLcro is over a fear
ful railway accident, nnd among tho
debris is a vnliko with nu arm uttacbed
to it firmly, they may bury it without
further Identification ns the fragments
of the Hoosicr poet." .
doctoh was in luck.
Soit tie) Out n 'Jnnrirr (if Iloef II a Wcjt
, Ik Vtnl Of.
I A proHpoToajl'ltt'biimphyslcitm.who I Unfit inilos uorthwi-sl of Mcttiib-
'XuM,U!Jn arihUKriU,Vartof 'Kloni. Terms raisonnblo. Iu
city, it luted uu oxpetKiice lie nut with j . ... n
nuoutn ymr nficr h imd graduated l,,,r "l U m l0tm-
from wiIIpko. He was pnotioing iu u ' IOstlllaTaYI Oil.
email illitgn in ludia'iu county nLout ' y ctt. UflH ""
18 in i hi Iroui nny railroad. Ho bad i-stidyea
been recently imrriurt, nui! iu tho strug- FOlii my rulieh fiftQOll milcw
elvtu iiHicoiibHb.uit tbo prospect at souftiuuBt of Alliance onu r Vjcjw
tlniiH Ui u: 0 ery discouraging. It wns , i . , -,, i r. i
dtitiiigoneof tuem ile,roMiiuB porlodo l,1"uuk'a J v i)U loft, hip; rewind
in tua iiiiduittot tbo wiutor, with snow for informal ion. i), liulobfiiuci,
n fiKit Bu.l n halt doip covering tho Antiocli Nubi
ground, thnt lu win called to nttoud n 1 ! .
farmer who lived noma miloflnwny. Tho Nohci ron DlU'ccua l.iciNMv.
stuck of provisions i i tho houbo wns ox- nUcoIn lmrohyKl-.en thai on tii imhiluy nr
huusted, nnd It mnod certain that tho Vtt XhllA?Z WaTi !&J! o'!"'
re .lutiou tuat liud been uiudo by tbo vtva. Ncbuln, in u i irlcifirrii Mtiii-
TOl U COUUlU lllit to ntk unv onn fnr
crontt must bo brol.en. Whon tbo cnll
urrived, tbo doctor was prepnriug to go
to tltu uenrtst bturo to ai.t tbo proprie
tor to give him "tick" so that ho cotiltl
got homubiuti for iiriukfnfct lustcud of
going to tbo store he mounted his faith
ful mare Molly n.id started off through
tho drills tovi-it his patient. When
fho dt jti r ro.su to lcavo, after attending
to tho patient, tlio old farmer said:
' "Doc, 1 nin't got no money, but if a
qnnrtor of beef '11 do you any good I'll
bend it in when tho roads git lroke."
Tlio young doctor'H heart guvo a
bound Concealing bis exultation as
best ho could, ho said: "What's tho
matter with mo tukiuu it right nloug? I
was thinking of buying somo beef, and
this will como iu handy. "
Tho proposition was accepted, nnd tho
farmer's sou helped put tho quurter of
beef across Molly's fhonlders, nnd tho
homeward journey began. The maro
win skittish, and tho doctor bad diffi
culty iu keeping the beef from fulling.
Finally thu maru shied at something,
aud nwuy went tho beef into a big snow
drift. Tho doctor was a member of tho
Methodist church, nnd, according to bis
story, did not swear. Ho dismounted
nnd endeavored to put the bcof ou tbo
maro, lint rbo wouldn't stand still, nnd
nfter repeated attempts tho tnsk seemed
n hopeless oue. Thinking of tbo resolu
tion, tho young doctcr set his teeth nnd
tried ngnin. This timo bo wub success
ful. Ho felt liko a conquering hero aa
bo dumped tho beef on thu portico of his
modest homo nbout midnight. Tho
faithful littio wife was suru it was a
dispensation of Providence, but tho doc
tor, remembering his ttrugglos at tho
tuowdrift, reserved his opinion. Pitts
burg Dihpatch.
Elio Could Get tlio Ainwor, but Still Sbe
A dear littio woman up on Capitol
hill married and went to housekeeping
in tho most determined maimer. Sho
set to work to keep nu exuet nccouut of
ber expenditures, balancing her books
regularly onco a month. Ouo of her
oailie.n purchases was un ice ticket for
tho hea&on It cost, 1 bclievo, CIO.
A month later, in making up her us
coantu, it occurred to her that that 810
should bodivided proportionately among
tbo several mouths mentioned on tho
ticket iu order to givo to each day's ac
count only tlio amount of mouey actual
ly expended on that day Also sho
wished to calculate nnd set down thu
number of pounds of ico used each dny.
Tho problem had several ramifications
which I havo forgotten , but, at any rato,
it wus exceedingly difficult, nud tbo
boumwifo covered sheot nfter sheet of
paper with her cnlculntiou. Tho ar
rival of herbus-baul found her dishevel
ed uud in a state of evident distress.
" What in tho world is tho mnttor?"
bo asked. Tbo wife explained.
"Well, can't you get nuy answer
without thnt figuring?" ho nskod The
wifo's eyes begup to blink rapidly nnd
Bko Muffed suspiciously.
"Ob, 1 can gi t an answer, " sho aid,
swallowing bard "1 cuu got a lovely
Hiuuur l,.. I . l. i i.-.I-
, ""'. !". i iu my ouuk
because 1 can't tell I cant tc 1 vvbetli-
or it's days or ico or uiouoy." Wash-
iUgtOU 1'Obt.
Tlie Pony In Prant-.Tourf Land,
AUun early BtiiRe in our journey onr
difllcultiea began. Tho pony broke loosa
tuu becouii niRht out. nnd. tmfi.rtunute.
ly. gorged herself with dried vegetables.
TLn... ....!. ......l. .!.. u: V. .
The.se. together with dog biscuits nud a
few ponuds of onts saved from tho pro- I -vious
sledging, wero her usual fodder.
owing to tuo lucu of legitimate horso
food, which had quito run out moro
than ia mouths beforo. Aa 1 oxpeoted,
tho burfeit of dried vegetables brought
on u Ferious illness, to remedy which
Armltage nnd I clubbed togotbor tho
small bupply of pills which wo had
with ns IIo produced, 1 think, two va
rieties of pills, nud I had a number of
podot.liyllin j eo we mudo up u dote of
22 in all, which 1 administered to our
imulid pony, mixed up in some frozen
fat from our frying pan. This, I nm
glad to bny. bad tbu debired etieot of at
all ovents partly restoring her to health.
Geographical Journal.
l'ostuce Stamps.
Stamps woro put on tho market in
August. 1847, hut wero bo littio used
that tho government hud to pass a law
enforcing prepayment of postage which
went into otloct iu 1855 Doforo this no
tion wub taken scarcely ouo letti r jag
dozon wus found with a stamp uflitfed.
Today tho poituffleesof tho country hell
1,000,000.000 stamps (counting postal
cards, stamped envolopes uud btanips of
all kind!,), valued ut J75,000,000, dur
ing n biuglo year.
Many Englihh accident insurance
compnnies charge uu extra prom i tun
when thoir policy holriors travol ia
Cuuadu or tlm Uuitod States.
Tho diomoud mining companion of
South Africa atunati) their losses by
theft at 1.000.000 a year, of which
thoy raoover about one-half.
Tlir iinriorstetiod will tuUc
IcnMluor lini'scrf to nasi urn ihir-
..","" .'."." ."?. !''"' ""luwiumeni.Piieiiil
('ml menlcliml mil pour., sin oil bv fniiri..n
reiiuidcit. of i-Bit) liii re m i tint t lie vx-
l.lltlOU ff MVO UL'RltN fllii.i .In In hm.nf ... ....
;ti thf ienfler lis tlio bonnl of tram lit of Mill!
-.- --" ...... ,,,11,1 FV-MII1, J Will
riilv for the Ustinrto of mid lit mo.
I'ttlwl rtpui 15, ' On. R. fll, 1IEAM.
Itnto of Nobrnsldi. I ss
l!ox llano roiiuty, I
AtiH'olintv f'oiir't. hold ni the county rourt
. inrni iorni Pi.nnt.v, ApllllII.A. D IRP-.
rreni.t. Jrmem It. 1-, Ho fit, ('ooiitv.ltiilce.
T'i tie. mnttor of the eMnte (t Mnry IliuOies.
On ronulrjr nml flllnp tie petition of .lolin
llephoM. prnvinirn linn ".ett'omrnt nml ullow-
i e of his flti.il ncwim, as mlinltiUimtnr with
ll'nmvrrd rril for tlir feit'iirptl of nil
-T.Mtprs connected with tho udinliiNtrator of
I'ltl tnlr).
Oiuibii-. Tlint Stnv ?tid. A. D. IMS. nt 10
clocV n. m.. Ni.fBlrned frrbontii'ir shIiI pell-
lon. wi.on nil poroiixlniotfstpl in sulci mit-
PT, Pff ni'Venrnt n Coiiniv Tonrt to bo hold In
"id rT.jnU nndfbov rnee bv prnver of
tellilri'rr sl'fuld rut lopinrlcd' rid tint
;-oli o of ihc iKmU rev of F nid re'ition, nnd the
enrlt'B tl fneof. I c uiven to nil ivr.ons tnter
"'od Iti'l'ldinnttct 1 tidll'llij- n rrpv of
I Isoiilcrln tbo IVmlnpford l'.iuum Mcclilv
e pnivr printed in n-ld rotmtv for tl-rcc
uecosivu rcelch. prior lofriif dnvof honrinp.
. ., . , JAh ir. u hf.wvtt.
Atria-copy. county Jiidpc.
Lumber, Coal and Lime!
.lust rccoivod a car of select
astorn lumber for tanks. Aleo
all kinds of hard wood, cedar
lmigh's, lath, lime, and all kinds
of lumbar.
Rondy m.ido tanks, or will "lake
tanks to order. Prices to compete
with anyone tho North west. Come
and see us before buying else
where. Tanks and tank lumber
i specialty.
yr.KD'S 1 have secured through
the courtesy of lion. V. L. Green
n small suply of gardon seed.-, for
listribution. Call at tho shop
met gei some. ulauic Ulds.
Tkacueks-A E. Noeland will
-.ell your orders for you and :et
ho hijchest price for them. Send
hoin to her.
rrfcY nf ltl.tin Motiltur s
Some startling statistics of tho dp
cay of the Russian nobility are given
'n tbo list of mortgaged estntes fur
tusheJ by the liritish cuii3til at St
Petersburg. At present more thin
100.000 estates, or 41 per cent of the
entire nroa owned by nobles, nro bur
dened by mortgages, nnd tho amount
of money advanced on them has
reached $032,500,000. of which $5SG.O00.-
000 remnlrip unpaid. The Nobill.y Land
bank, created by the government to
make loans, to stranded landlords, has
advanced nearly its entire capital of
$250,1)00.000, and received but little io
Mexico's Army and Navy.
Tho regular army of Mexico com
prise 27.000 men of all arms, Including "iitiiniwr cUi;tnnp'iiiieai',on Su. ia-i, for tho
a police of about 2.000 men nnd a gon- "Tfc nam'ei, t wX8! Jl.i.,, M. M,Con
dnnncrlO Of 250. Tlio navy consists nf n.ll. Aitluu IlaHs John Oaddm. W'iiber L.
't..u iwaauia mm mrou
tirn cmntl nnnt-mnt-rwl .nnl nu.i .1
gunboats. The annual expenditure 01
account of nu n2w
r.nn nnn ,r. ir. nna nnn y '"'
500,000 to $15,000,000.
Triplets 24 Ymo Old.
A eet of triplets 24 years old nro llv-
,nS i the town of Inez. Ky., where they
wer0 uorn- ' "r are imoly hum men
ttnd remarkably Mike In appearance
. nvorv rnanoff Tivn aro ..i.i
n every respect.
Two are married
Kcllpan ainl Fairbanks Wloj.
tnlllii Timer. TanL. lrrlfift.
tlnii Ou-tlis. IIokc, Itrlilne,
llrin.li-.s sti..i'ra.Woo.l Sa.
jr .r I'uiniK. I'lp-. l-'lltlnpn.
lira- eniNtH unit PAlrtimiiii
SOiml.ki'il !scil-. I'rlirt
low (.'( tin. belt Senator
liu j t;ui iiuui Ct. Omaha, Nob.
Trade Marks
Copvrights &.C.
Invone scndliiif n sketch ami dfacrlntlon may
' Uv a.tTtHln our opinion frso whether an
.ntl-in m probably ritentable. Communion.
,ik urictlf ronlnicntlal. Handbook on Patents
i.i t n o. OMest Msenrjr lor .ccurlnir patontn.
I'litniitu taki-ti tliroiiLrh Slunn 1c Co. rcootre
. kcuU nutlet, ilhout clmrce. In the
Scievtif ic Jfmerican
liaHdmmnlr llliintratfiit weekly. Jjireeit clr
- ,'atliHi of any snout lao journal. Terma, tS a
rifouriaontbi.it. Sola by all newadiulem.
& Co.00'B'ad'. New York
BrcQCl) Ufflco, (S3 F BU Wejbluglyn, V. C, (
ltf. i&uA I f jrvl J&YteK
trr. n. m i jmmm.
. ilk WYJLizvtr
tkSibH, a
Proof iVotfces.'
?- f.
J W. WBHN.JK., Rpllor.
W. It. AKEHS, IHwolvcr.
I'nriM liRvilijrimltnralntlilNrolniiiii nni f- , four llOUl'St II M'dimOIlt or 4i'tllinli
i ihct; fttr ciif rwlion any mron. that ufor Il,u -c,t,l'1 U UlM'USCd roildltlOll of
mnkVWprlHH,rwi" ,,r"m,t ' u" Mn '"Illui-kidiiuya. When uriuo stains
u n i-domcC. i...H,Ncu.AlwW) im, "I v'i " ;,81,SOH r 7nYf k
NwiuaKiiieb Uot. uit ,,lf ttoiHue. loo frt'oupiit desiro
Ainiii I. Cunninrhnm.
ilrlnw of KrM,!, irhlmuKli. of Ilox Htt-.
fob., tun n'tij i,otln. a luteiitli.i. t ami e
iml pr. if lf. ri:egiNloi or hetoiier nt AJ-
miijo, ."O...MSJ m, WH. on tJmhflr onltuTo
w iimw
niiplttulion Nu. IJ7V fortLom
H.r.K LI.. bI .... F ...... .'
i u w p J . t n y n
Jolinion. WllMmii A Cliuli, Stetiliin Itolt,
Jurnoii Mel Hhe. all ef llox Ulitlo. Nol.
.1. W. Welitii Jr., Hotflster.
Ijinit Onicout AIHaiifo. Ne'f.. April 7, 1MB.
rMitic Ih hiTobj' kUpii thnt
Andrew Atwootl,
lins filed notlpp of intfiitlont.i'i nmko final.
i!r,r,t;;,Vo,i;iy'0T !-ilw- crri-t itinhiliiy( to hold urine
Ho !inmoiM wUIiumrcn: Uncoin Shove, ,mi' Braiding paill ill pasill"- it, or
.T'rM,onfiiuit0u!irj1ar.laJnTNoi!IOU,"Bn0' l,'id "'t8rfllllowillg Use of liquor
Nl'b- j.nn. Urii.v jii.. itiKigor. wine or beer and overcomes that
u. s Lind onico Aiiiunco. NVb. AprnTTsaT. "''I''n'dnecessity of beinff com-
Iu,'herolBUen that J0lp(1 , g0 np lm
Lucy W. Pinney, nig the niirht to urinate. Tlinmiltl
J5?o?WcoP-icte,,50,i.n- ",ul 'P xtrnordinary edect of
hiHonicc in rrawford. Neb., j.n jiuy in. isi.H. on owainp-Koct is soon realized. It
?J..? application Ko. ,r:n. for th0 U sec . Rland , j,,,, f(p
i&TRlSri! '"I cures of the most distressing
ons.siii of i ranfoid. .rb. eases. If you need any medicine
J- w- w - "-b'- yoe should'have the best. Sold by
Uitu?onuc 3,,uw" '''""f-'fe'1818 l)ric0 fifty cen IB and one
Job',, W. .loiinson. if YrU mnytlen iS!,niI'l
of St. Iul. Nol... has fllcd notice nfIien.'l'OUlu1 m.,mmI,,,lpt' l,ot1' 8llt
tlon to muKotlnnl proof befoioT. j. o'Keeie.U. tree by uir.ll, Upon receiiit of three
S. Coininlshloiicr. nt Iiemlusford. Nob., on ,...,, ,.,. ,..,, t
Muv ih.1H-i. on timber culturolipplicntion No txU,-L"1L ' HtaMlps to cover cost,
mw. for tho l.o sec IS. I ii 2r n. r fill w.
Iloniiines ns wltnes.os- Isnnc ltlckell
William Wllbnitt, Join V Ilroihir, John M,
Tiout. all of lleiulngford. Neb
.1. V. Wrii.v. .lit.. ItiRlptPr.
I-nnd oniro at Alliance, NpIi.. Mcb. SI. ifsOS.
Notico is huieby jrtien Unit tho followin.'
.lined settler 1ms illcd notico of Ills li'tonUoa
imuKy iiiiiii ironi in support of his plnim. i
intMihl proof will bo tniulu bofore T
Kcefe. U. S. Poinmissione, at UeinliiKfo
eb.,ou April XO, lh'JS, viz;
Horace R Fillmore,
of HenilnRfoid. Nob., who m.ido II. K. no. 673
for the -e'4 keen tn'J7n,rftiw.
IIo ininios tlio following v.ltncsf,cs to provo
his continuous icsidenco upon nnd ciiltUutloii of
wild hind v U: Alberts Kiijcirt. Joseph Schaf
fcr. Luke Phillips, Mat U. llo.iuuiout, .ill of
Hemlncford, t.eb. i-so
Albert S. Enyeurt.
of IlemlliKford. eb.. who mntlc ll u f,P0 for lots
1 iindSs 'i no ' scpfi, tp27n,r.r,Uw.
Ho nnmes the followinK wltiiessos to provo his
potitinuous residenco upon and cuttliutiori of
siiidliiid.!r Hoinco F. Fll nioie. Joseph
Sehaffer Lul.p Phillips. JlntC. Ileuumnnt allot
of Heuungford, Nub.
J. W. Wchn.Jr , Kegister.
Lnnil tlllipn Alllnnce, Neb., Mcli. 23. lb'IS.
Notice I h hwby kIcii thot tlio folliiuinc-iiHiiit-il
Kottlcr ban filed in tieo of biH intnntion to
tiniM' final ir of in niippnrt of bin claim, nnd
that Hind proof will b nindo lifforn T. ,1
O'K'-nf" .U.S. ConiiiiiHHitmer, nt llemlugford,
Afaurico H Reed,
of HotiRh. Mill., wliu nindph o3I33 for the nu or
iiptiiillif'HlliM rollowincwitnPHKPK to provo hia
eoutinuoiiHri'siib'ni'P upon and cnltiviition of
t-jtidlimd, vif. William J. Smilli, l.uKo J. Amy.
fioli . Alex Dijlitotty. of Hoiiuh, Kol) . DiiKal
McMillan, of Oawford, IWb. Also
Not ico is hpreliy i;icn thit
Mary J. Reed,
nm Harris, of HoiikIi, Nob., Imn fi! notiroot
intpntlon In umli final proof nt r.arr.o timo nml
ljine on tim'Mr culture uppltratlnn nu. iir.'i for
tho n liT n. q . hw nr n v ijr & uw rjr hw ijr bko
.12 In.'Wn r I iv ".liPuamPMAi wilnoHSi: JametV
II Miter oT VnniiiiKforil. Neb , Alex DnlRrt
ty Wi Imiu J. Snnlli or IIoiikIi, Nub., JDiikhI
MeMillnn of rrawfiird Neb.
J V. Wehn, Jr.. neister.
Land ORlio at AUI.incu. .Sob., Mch. 21, lot.
Notice is hereby kivcii thnt
IUrinan Perlick,
Of IlOX llllttO. No!).. ha tiled tintlen nf lnli.n.
' tion to make Html proof before ItsKistpr or ite-
l;iwlr l',u."ro 'Piniutioii no. idio for tho he h
' liounmosaswiWiessveK: n.irt' wif .Tnh
iciv rni. Alliance,
PP1V nit AlllilllCP. ! 0 .. fin Anrll m KllH m.
iieriiklaii, William hurt7, William liernklnu,
.ill of Alliance, Nub. J. V. W'elni. Jr., Itcirislor.
I.ind oilico at Alliance, Ne'i., Mch 2J,IS'JS.
Notico is hereby kiiph that
G"ori?o W. Nation,
W'illcy .Neli.. .Iiuh filed notico of intetionto
in.ike final pumf beforo ItiuiHter nr III Culver at
niHoiuioiH Alliance, .Mii, on JIny a. 18Ui
iti'..... ..ii .., lain. .. k.i. .
Wallaie.all ol VYIlliy. Nob, AIho
MaliioE. McConnell (nee Roberts)
f W i ley, Nob . who matin II, 11 3 '3 for tho
n n.v ii we .'(), t . : ii. r 52 w.
Sho nuinus the folIowiiiK witnosse-. to provo her
conunuous' rosiueuic upon ?nd culttvallon ol
Mud land, vi- Oenrco V, Nntlon. Arthur ll.iss
continuous- rosideuic ujion ?nd culttvallon of
John Ciaddis. Wilber L. Wallace, all of W'llley
Nil). J. W. Wrehn, lleglster.
U. S. Land Ofllco. Alliance, Neb. Mnr. 17, 1898.
NotlCO Ih llOlOllV L'IVPIi thnt flw. l.,lti,irlm
tinmi'd seller has tiled his intention to mako
"NS'.VASrl.iS kH?.1,?.1 1 S?".1, ,llftt
S.U11 piOOl Will 1)0 inailo DtfOlO 1. J.O KccfC. U.
r. lommissioner, in llcuilnkTord, Ncb nuAprll
S), lb'. viz:
Vaclav Vejraska,
ir Hemlnpford. Neb., frlio mado II B No. 1S.0,
bo qr bee vo, tp vs n. r -Ii w.
Ho uainos the following witnesses to provo his
"ontlnuous rosldonce upon and cultivation of.
iu iiinu, viz- nonry t-eit7. A Dert solson,
I ,Min KnhllCl1, nrant. Aum?.11,"' ?.(' ,!J.,!i0I"1.n?-,
. .- v 111 lit IIH Jl , IfHIfU'l
Alliance, Xch.. March 17, lb98,
Notico Is horebj-Kiicii Unit
Thomas C. Morgan,
of Panama. Noli., has llleil notice of Intention
in muktrltiml proof tiuforo T. J. O'Koefo. U. S.
('n)iulM.lor.er. nt IhTaliiKfoid. No'.., on Anrll
2i) 1-liS on tltnberculture application No. 1210
for the ro ijr we 10. tpx n. v M.
He tiumch ns wltimshiM: diaries T. Davison,
.lo-eph'-ehnrfer, Kreil V. Hucko.l.ul.o Phillips,
all oi lU-miimfonl, NhIj. AUo
Notlou ishore'iy Klwn that
Cliarlos T. Davison,
of HominKfunl, sol)., Iiuk plod notice of Inten
tion to make tlnul proof utMinie time and placo i
imTC application o. Ktti, for the b li hco I
1.1 tp VU p. r IT w.
I e r ame, as witnesfcOs: Ponry Llelitc. '
riiailosilhon, DuiiIhii, so') , Ilorniirti I endrlolt
John I onion, if ..emiiiKfoiil, Neli ,
J. W. Wr.iiN, Jii., Kenistei
Lnnil i-iflke at AUlHtiiv. Neb , March IU. itlK
Mitlre Is liorebv k1hi tnat tlio fullowl.ii;
. ii moil Kttlur lias lllinl notice of her Intnntion
i-.il e Until prof f in sunpoit of her claim and
' i:it mill prrof Mill Iks mudo lifoiu T. J.
Iicfe IT.. ( oaiinlKi.Ionur, at llenilnglonl
Mb on April IB, lMW,hi
Klizabi'lh Konno, t
wlilnw or ICilwnnl Konnc, of HomlnKforil Nob.,
who muite hu .:fcil for tl.oso -.oo 1, tp 4n. r
I e nnmes tlio f llowiuu wituosson to prio
er coiiti'iuuus ru ideuce upon and cultivation
of satd hind. viz. Kriliil. Hook, tloorgn L. Tay
lor. Leoipo V reuse Mat Jloiiumont. all of
Ueiuiucford, Neb.
J. W. Wkiin. Jil, Koglktur.
a" wPa.ajuaiai.i.ui-yr-g--r - -
Fill a bottle or common glrws
with tirino and lot it stand twHiifcv.
; to iirmali-or pain in tho bach is
ld) 'OIIVIllcilltt nroof tlmt iu
I-,,),,,.. .,,! u, ,,uul uini. mo
l4l,,,Uib illlil bladder tiro Ollt -of
- otdor
Tlu-ro is com fori in tho knowl
euyo m oltcn oxprcHM'd, that- Dv
ICilnicr's jSwamp ltoot, tho rroat
kidni'y remedy fulfills every '"wish
in roliuvcliig pain in tlm Imulc
liiiiiu-ys livor, bladdor and evorv
of postiige on tho bottle
Mention the IIkhald and send
,yonr lull post-ollice address lo Dr.
1 Kilmer & Co. Binchsimton. N. Y.
The 1)101)' ifctOi of this IHIliei
i it ', ', .
,,,lto '!" '.'81111111111088 of till
ler guar-
tis ofl'or.
T. A. Slociun. M. C, the Groat Clieni
1st mid Si'ioaMst, Oflers to Send
Tree, to the Afflicted, llirco Hot
ties of Ills Nawly Discovered
IJetnedics to t'urc Cerisiuiii)
tton and A II Limp Troubles)
Niitliinj,' could be fairer, more pliij
niitliropic or carry moro joy in iti
wako than the offer of T. A. Sloctim,
M. C. of 183 1'earl street, New Yorl;
City. '
Coiiiident that he lias discovered
an absolute euro for eoiisiiiiiption unfl
all piibiuiiiiry complaints, and to
tu make lis great merits Known, lit)
will .-.end, free, tlnec bottles (tins
hlnciiin new system of medicine) ti
any reader of the Herald who is suffering-
from chest, thro.it und lung:
troubles or consumption.
Ho inVites those desirous of ob
taining tbo U'inedles to blniply send
him tbrir express and postnlllce atl-dri-bs,
and receive in return the threo
free bottles.
A bendy this 1micv .cientillc course
of nii'iUcliie" has permanently cijrcl
tlioiisandif of appaiontly lmpclsss
C'lbPS. i"
IIo considers it bia religious duty
a duty which be o ves to humanity
lo ilniiat'c his infallible cine.
OiTeicd freely, apart fiotn its art
beiont strongth. is enough to com
mend it, mid more so is ihe perfect
coulldenco of the groat chemist, niak
n the offer
He has p.oved ciinsi.mptiou to be
a curable disease beynnd any doubt.
Tiieio will bo no mistake in sond
ing the mistime will bo in overlook
ing the Doctor's generous invitation.
He has on tile In his American and
European laboratories thousands of
testimonials, of experience from tlioso
cured, in all pints of the world.
Delays are dangerous; mall your
address to T A. Sloctim. M. 0., 18."
I'earl stieet, New York, and when
writing the Doctor, please mention
reading this nrllele iu TliK llm'.ALii.
My wifo Katharine Tscliaclio
lmt' loft my home and all person
IV I ,. , . -..
uro nerony uotilied that 1 willMio
bo responihlo for any debts con
tracted by her.
' Andrew Tsclmcher.
Dated March 15, 1898.
I will buy your county war'
rants. H. 1. (Jreon.
For Infants and Children.
tt Itn
9 -
It ea
Tha fie-
sy sfr z" Ua
I havo b head or t 1 ( . oi . 1 1 i '
Ilorofoidb 10 and 14 months ( ..
at mj ri nch four n i'cK . t :i i,
ol IU i 1 u tc 1 ti 1 1 n" i i a
I l.h ii, till i 1 1 1 " .1 1 ;l l.
: J'-
'l JJ'-')!