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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1898)
STOCK MARKETS. OF FIRST CONSIDERATION BY THE PRESIDENT. WALL STREET IS THE PULSE MAINE REPORT TO BE HELD UNTIL MARKETS CLOSE. As tho Crisis Approaches tho Fine Italian Handiwork of Unprinci pled Stock Oamblors Becomes Moro and Moro In Evldonoe. Washington, D. C, March 21. A spe cial telegram to tho New York World says: Tho president will not send the Maine court of Inquiry's report to congress until after the markets have closed, so as to prevent panics. It Is the present Intention of tho pres ident to scud tho (hidings of the court to congress without deluy, but In the event that tho document should bo of a startling character, as Is confidently expected, the president desires to send It In such a manner that It will not create undue excitement. At the navy department It was an nounced positively that the report would reach here Mondny night or early Tuesday morning, and would bo tho subject of discission at the cabinet meeting. Secretary Long was at tho execu tive Mansion to Inform tho president of the expected arrival and Immediately after his departure Judge Day was sum moned. Tho president explained the situation to him and ho advised that In the event the findings were Immediately trans mitted to congress It be not done until after. the closing of the stock markets In order that It would not Inllucnco prices. Both of them agreed that this would be the wiser course, as no matter how ever carefully tho report Is guarded there- would be many people on tho right side of the market, even though by accident, and It would be asserted that they had received Information re garding the contents of the report. Itls Btated on excellent authority thf tho president has decided to prevent tho publication of the report until after 8 o'clock in the uftcrnoon, after which time all markets will have closed. There Is absolutely nothing to Indi cate that tho Maine court of Inquiry re port is already In the hands of the Washington ofllclals. Secretary Long and Assistant Secretary Day, at the close of ofllce hours, made positive statements that no udvices of any char acter relative to tho Hndlngs of tho board have as yet been received. It Is specifically denied that any olllcer of the Maine, who urrlved here this after noon, was tho secret bearer of this most Important communication. It Is admitted that a special meeting of the cabinet will be called to consider the findings of the court and outline a plan of immediate action. In this way Its transmission to congress will be expe dited. Warlike preparations continue with unabated vigor ut the war and navy departments, but the main interest of officials centered In the forthcoming re port. There is no doubt Unit the authorities here arc keeping themselves fully ad vised as to tho movement of tho Span ish torpedo flotilla, now en ruute from Spain. Spain's purpose, as mndc known In Washington, Is that the torpedo flo tilla will continue Its trip to Cuba and Porto Rico. It was Btated by one high naval authority that no steps had been taken toward Intel cop ting this flotilla or warning it away. WHAT THE REPORT SHOWS. Tho Blamo For the Explosion Is Not Posltlvoly Fixed. Key West, Fla,, March 22. The report of the court of Inquiry sent to Wash ington Saturday night was signed by Captain Sampson, the president; Cap tain Chadwlck, and Lieutenant Com mander Porter. Hero Is an epitome of the main points of the report. The court finds: First The explosion that destroyed the Maine was from the exterior on tho port side, leaving the ram in almost Its original position, driving the bow In the forward structure to the starboard, the after part of the ship swinging slightly to starboard and then sinking. Second The explosion was followed by a second one In the interior of the ship, as a result of the exterior blow. Third The second explosion was In tho reserve magazine. This destroyed the superstructure of the ship. Fourth The big muguzlne forward did not explode. This is demonstrated beyond a doubt. Fifth The exterior explosion prob ably came from a torpedo. Evidence that a mine might have caused the dis aster was produced, but It was not suf ficient to convince the court. Sixth The impact came low under the hull of the Maine, or. the port side, blowing one of the bilge plates to tho surface, where It is still In sight. Seventh The ship Is broken in two, and probably cannot be raised. Eighth The forward turret was hurled far to starboard, Us top being Intact. Ninth The solitary plate showing above water Is a bottom plate, not from along the keel, but on the bottom port side. Tenth The bow of the Maine now points nearly east, while the rest of the ship lies along a Hue nearly at a right angle. Eleventh The ram of the Maine lies off to port where the bow lies, nearly on a line parallel with the body of the ship. Twelfth No evidence was adduced Implicating the Spanish government or ofllclals In knowledge of or preparation for the destruction of the ship. Aurora, Neb.. March 21. District court has been in session here for the last two weeks, with Judge Bates pre siding. The suit of the county of Hamilton to recover an alleged short age against Peter Farney and his bondsmen during his term as county treasurer for the years 1892-3 occupied the court all of last week and was given to the Jury Saturday afternoon. A verdict was returned In favor of the defendants. George Goen, a conductor on a freight train, Just after leaving St. Joseph, met with an accidont by which his face and hands were seriously cut and bruised. A Jar of the train threw him out of the window of the caboose. The horses of German cavalry regi ments are to be shod with paper shoes, recent experiments as to their durabil ity and lightness having proved very satisfactory. LILIPUTIAN LOVERS MAFRY. There's to be a wedding In Midget town, nnd all tho Lillputlans are shak ing their diminutive heads and naylnr, "I told you so." Franz Ebcrt, who U a low comedian In height and a star In the legltlmnto as far as talents arc concerned, Is to marry Kline Lau, eleven Inches tailor, Ebcrt In about two feet In height, and when he lifts up a glass of wine you cannot help but wonder why were glasses ever made so large and heavy. nils engagement did not come as a iurprlse. Even the public who Baw the midgets in the part of lovers on the Chicago stage lust week could not help seeing that there was no simulated af fection between them. Franz Ebert was a ronflrtned bachelor iverybody had supposed. You have read about man of the world, who smoke cigars and talk In cold, hard tones when tho subject of love Is mentioned. Well, that Is the kind of man he was once, ills associates weic baohclors, and some of them were six feet tall. Many Is the time that I have seen him Bitting In restaurants here drink ing Ilhlnc wine out of a glass about as big as his head, and smoking the fattest, blackest, wickedest looking ci gars you ever saw. Marry7 Not he! Why, he Is thirty years old. When a man gets to thirty, you know, he is such a man of the world, such an altogether experienced person that Cupid slnnds no chance with him ut all. A man must not give his thoughts to tho subject of women. Now, I don't know whether Fran. Ebert thought all these things or not. 1 can only say that ho looked them. One of tho last times 1 Haw him he was sitting In a well known restnunuit In West Thirty-first street surrounded by a company of men of the average height, who were listening with gnno attention to the philosophy of life which was proceeding from those midget lips. lie seemed then to huve the expression of a man who was under conviction. When tho hardened man of the, world bas fallen n victim to the love of woman he becomes outwardly more cynical than ever, and oh likely as not he will quote Schopcnhuusor on marriage. It seemed to mo then that Frunz Ebert had reached the stage when a man grasps at synlclsm like a drowning man docs at a straw. He might then, for all I known, have been quoting Mr. Schop Bnhauser's remarks that marriage doubles a man's sorrows and halves his Joys. It was another- Franz Ebert whom I saw a few minutes later. He came Into a restaurant up In Harlem not far from tho theater where the Lillputlans were playing. By his side was the small st and one of the prettiest women whom I have ever seen. There was a proud look In Ebert's face. Ho seemed as one transformed. He looked up into tho eyes of the woman by his side and smiled. They went to a table down In the center of the room. The waiter started to pull out a chair. Ebert stopped him and Bolemiy drew the chair from tho table him self and motioned to his' companion to sit down. Then he pulled the chair up again. He sat down opposite the young woman and proceeded to expatiate ut on tho delicacies on tho bill of fare. Ho delivered his order to the waiter In detail. It was a pleasure to Bit there and watch them, although It was prob ably nut the most polite thing In tho world for a mun to do. They were under the shadow of a lowering palm. Their heads and should ers were barely above the table's edge. Tho waiter had brought seveial pon derous volumes of German comic week lies for them to sit on. Ebert waved him aside with an Imperious gesture. They were alone, those two. To bo Bure there were fifty or sixty other diners In the restaurant, but the mid gets knew none of them. The young persons were oblivious of all that passed around them. They did not realize that they wore being watched. They were li.oklng across the table, over the assemblage of cruets and sauee bottles, and there was an lndcllnublo something In these glances, of which It Is not for you and me to speak, it was their affair. She watched him ad miringly as he compounded a wonderful salad dressing. Then camo the eolfee, and Ebert, that conllrmed bachcior, that burdened man of the world, leaned back In his ohnlr ami lighted a cigar which many a six-footer would not es say to smoke. Among the wreaths of smoke he sut. She, In her chair op posite, toyed with the sugai 'ongs, and sometimes when the smoke was thick est cast sidelong glances ut him who smoked the largo cigar. They were to go. The waiter, good and olllclous soul that he was, picked up tho little woman's coat and started to as Blst her to put It on. Ebcrt In the frac tion of a second had the garment In his own hands und held it up while the young woman Bteudlly pushed her arms through the sleeves. No waiter could perform such a service for her while he, Franz Ebert, stood near. Then the wai ter helped the comedian Into his coat, and the two midgets, looking neither to the right nor the left, went from tho room. As the doors were swinging I could see that the little woman's hand was resting lightly upon the midget's arm. "it's a match," I heard the young wo man In the picture hat, who sat at an adjoining table, say to her escort. "1 guess not," said he. "They're only friends." It is supposed that Mr. Ebert and Miss Lau have been engaged for several months. " 1 doubt not that they were en gaged when I saw them the last time In Harlem. Franz Ebert has been with the Lill putlans for sixteen of the thirty years of his life. He was born In Berlin. Ho Is an actor of much ability, and were he of average length he would take even higher rank. Ills art does not depend upon his smallness. He Is a thoroughly competent actor, the dramatic critics unite In saying. The midget has more than the usual actor's thrift. He has saved money and owns two handsome houses In Berlin. Ebert Is a shrewd business man and has made profitable Investments. Miss Lau is twenty-three years oia. This is her third season with the Lillpu tlans, although she has been on the jtage for six years. She came from Hamburg, where her father waa a prosperous real estate dealer. She has property left her by her parents. The Eberts will start in their married life with more of earthly pelf than usually falls to the average young couple. Miss Lau has a brother in Chicago who is 1 wholesale tobacco merchant. He will give the bride away. Mr. Ebert, when seen in Chicago, said that the wedding would take place In New York. Then they will sail for Ger many to spend the honeymoon In Ber lin. There can be no doubt, by the way, that the fact that the diminutive per sons played the part of lovers in "The Fair at Mldgettown" inspired them more than over with the ardor of be ing lovers in real life. The members of the company noticed more of reality :ome Into tho acting of the two as time passed. It was unconscious acting which became real life. Neither of them cared to talL about the affair when seen behind the scenes it McVlcker's theater. In Chicago. Miss Lau said, simply, "Yes, it is so," ind hastened away as fast as Bhe could TO FIGHT WITH BENZINE. A PLAN TO ANNIHILATE HOS TILE SHIPS. A Novol Yot PlaUBlblo Coest De fense To Charge tho Atmosphere with Benzine A New Method of Warfare. Washington, D. C, March 22. Joseph C. Sibley of Erie, Pa., has a proposition for annihilating hostile fleets should they approach one of our harbors. He will submit it to the war and navy de partments. Mr. Sibley, who Is in the oil business, snys that If benzine Is conducted through pipes under the water and re leased, the subtle fluid will rise to the surface and permeate tho atmosphere to a height of twenty feet above the water. With the air thus charged, any hostile fleet afloat would be rent Into a thousand pieces, Mr. Sibley says. He adds that the fumes of the ben zine would be certain to penetrate to the fires aboard ship and he believes that no powder magazine Is tight enough to exclude this vapor. The ben zine, he explains, should be released on the ebb tide, so that It would be car ried outward, and he suggests thnt wooden booms be constructed at the entrance to a harbor to prevent the 'jen zlne flowing back on the flood tide. So volatile and easily evaporated Is benzine, says Mr. Sibley, that "its work would be accomplished In a very few minutes after the vessel reached the danger spot and that the atmosphere and the water would bo cleared of It the moment the explosion occurred. All of tho enemy not killed by the explo sion, he says, would be stifled by the fumes. Mr. Slblev cites thnt accident at Oil Creek, In Pennsylvania, In 1892, when u benzine tnnk tilted, released a quuntl ty of Its contents, and a sea of flame swept through the valley, consuming everything In Its path and killing thir ty persons. MARK HANNA'S AGENTS. Working Like Book Agents In Wall Street. New York, March 21. Mark Hanna's personal agents visited every broker of prominence in Wall street Saturday. They had typewritten Interviews with them and asked the brokers to permit the use of their names In connection With them. These Interviews deprecate war and afllrm that It Is ridiculous for the United States to make such a fuss over the destruction of the Maine, which they declare was caused by an explo sion on the ship. These agents of Mark Hanna plan to print the llrst batch of Interviews here today In an afternoon paper that Is Wall street's pal. The agents of Mark Hanna were bold and bulldozing. They announced frank ly from whom they came and what they wunted. One broker resented the Impudence of the agent who approached him and used vigorous language. "All right sir, you will regret your action, because when I return to Wash ington I shall report to Mr. Hanna what you have said and he will attend to your case in time," was the insulting remark. The broker's reply cannot be printed. It would make even Mr. Han na's hide creep. The agent shot out of a door in haste. Ho will not return to that ofllce. THURSTON RETURNS. He Left to Take Part In the Cuban Question. Omaha, March 22. Senator Thurston returned Monduy to Washington to re port the result of his observations made as a member of the New York Journal Cuban congressional commission, from which he was so suddenly recalled by the death of his wife. The senator will, It is believed, not only corroborate whas has already been said by Senator Proctor relative to the frightful conditions existing there un der the very patronage of the Spanish authorities, which were Inaugurated by General Weyler, but In addition to this Senator Thurston will offer a solution of the vexed question now agitating the minds of the people and will recommend that immediate steps be taken for the freedom of Cuba, Shot While Hunting. Young Mynster and Earl Hendricks started for Manawa together to spend the day hunting. Mynster was about 17 years old and Hendricks about the same uge. As they left Hendricks' home his mother called and Bald, "Be sure not to shoot yourselves, boys," and Mynster shouted by the reply, "Of course wo won't." They had been across the lake and had returned to this side. They landed at the wharf of tho Council Bluffs Bow ing association. Mynster Jumped from the boat, seized one of the guns and pulled It muzzle llrst from the boat. As he did so tho weapon was discharged and Mynster fell to the wharf. Ills companion hastily Jumped from the boat and called for help and the wounded boy was carried to the resi dence of Colonel Beck and a messenger sent to this city for surgical aid. Upon the arrival of a physician an ex amination disclosed that the charge had torn away the right wall of the abdo men, a number of shot had penetrated the liver and a large portion of tho Intestines were protruding. These were replaced, the Injury washed and dressed and the wound sewed. It was evident, however, that the Injury was fatal. The Injured boy sank steadily until death came, lie remained conscious to the end and stated to Dr. Cleaver that the accident was due to his own careless ness. He was also able to recognize his father, who was summoned by the messenger. A post graduate school for ministers has recently been organized in New York York city and Is known as tho New York Biblical Institute. It has provided a course of lectures on Mon day afternoons during the months of February, March, April and May, two being given In one afternoon, one of a. theologic, philosophic or scientific shaiacter and the other of a practical nature, by an experienced pastor. In Holland women nnd persons of either sex under the age of G are now forbidden to begin work earlier than 5 a. m. or to continue at work after 1 p. m.; nor may their work exceed eleven hours a day In all. Connecticut still keeps its standing as a clock-making state, one of its old reliable firms getting the order for the mammoth clock to be placed in the Washington p-ostoflice. There Is talk of establishing a cotton factory at Three Rivers, Quebec, and the city council Is taking active steps to secure some such industry for the town. TALMAGES' SERMON. Washington, D. C, March 20. Dr. Talmage preached today from Genesis xxl., lit: "And God opened her eyes, und she Baw a well of water; and Bho went and lllled the bottle with water and gave the lad drink." Morning breaks upon Beersheba. There Is an early stir In tho house of old Abraham. There lias been trouble among the domestics. Hagar, an as sistant In the household, nnd her son, a brisk lad of sixteen yearB, have be come Impudent and Insolent, and Sarah, the mistress of the household, puts her foot down very hard and Bays that they will have to leave the premises. They are packing up now. Abraham, know ing that the Journey before his servunt and her son- will be very long und across desolato places, In the kindness of his heart sets about putting up some bread and a bottle with water In It. It Is u very plain lunch that Abraham provides, but I warrant you there would have been enough of It had they not lost their way. "Ood bo with you!" said old Abraham as he gave the lunch to Hagar and a good many charges us to how she should conduct the Journey. Ishmuel, the boy, 1 suppose, bounded away In the morning light. Boys al ways like a change. Poor Ishmaell Ho has no Idea of the disasters that are ahead of him. Hagar gives one long, lingering look at the familiar place where she has spent bo many happy days, each scene associated with the pride and Joy of her heart, young lsh mael. The scorching noon comes on. The air Is stilling and moves across the desert with insufferable suffocation. Ishmael, the boy, begins to complain and lies down, but Hagar rouses him up, saying nothing about her own weariness or the sweltering heat; for mothers can endure anything. Trudge, trudge, trudge. HELP COMES TO HER. And so they ko on day after day and night after night, for they have lost. their way. No path in the smiting sands; no sign In the burning sky. The sack empty of the flour; the water gone from the bottle. What shall she do? As she puts her fainting Ishmael under a stunted shrub of the arid plain he sees the bloodshot eye and feels the hot hand, and watches the blood bursting from the cracked tongue, and there Is a shriek In the desert of Beer sheba, "We shall die! We shall die!" Now, no mother wus ever made strong enough to hear her Bon cry In vain for a drink. Heretofore she had cheered her boy by promising a speedy end of the Journey, and even smiled upon him when Bhe felt desperately enough. Now there Is nothing to do' but place him under a Bhrub and let him die. She had thought that she would sit there and watch until the spirit of her boy would go away forever, and then she would breathe out her own life on his silent heart; but as th,e boy begins to claw his tongue In agony of thirst and strug gle in distortion, and begs his mother to slay him, she cannot endure the spec tacle. e puts him under a shrub and goes off a bowshot, and begins to weep until all the desert Beems sobbing, and her cry strikes clear through the heavens, and an angel of God comes out on a cloud and looks down upon the appall ing grief and cries: "Hagar, what ulleth thee?" She looks up and she sees the angel pointing to a well of water, where she Alls the bottle for the lad. Thank God! Thank God! EACH HAS A PLACE. I learn from this oriental scene, In the first plnce, what a sad thing It Is when people do not know their place una get too proud of their business! Hugar was an assistant In that household, but she wanted to rule there. She ridiculed and jeered until her son, Ishmael, got the same tricks. She dashed out her own happiness and threw Sarah Into a great fret; and If she had stayed much longer in that household she would have upset calm Abruhum's equilibrium. My friends, one-half of the trouble in the world today comes from the fact that people do not know their places, or, llndlng their pluce, will not stay In It. When we come Into the world there Is always a place ready for us. A place for Abraham. A place for Sarah. A place for Hagar. A place for Ishmael. A place for you and a place for me. Our llrst duty Is to And our sphere; our second Is to keep It. We may be born In a sphere fur off from the one for which Gpd finally intends us. Slxtus V. wns born on the low ground, and was a swineherd; God called him up to wave a scepter. Ferguson spent his early days In looking after sheep; God called him to look after stars, and be a shepherd watching the flocks of light on the hillsides of heaven. Ho garth began by engraving pewter pots; God raised him to stand in the en chanted realm of a pulnter. The shoe maker's Bench held Bloomfleld for a lit tle while; but God raised him to sit In the chulr of a philosopher and Christian scholar. The soap-boiler of London could not keep his son In that business, for God had decided that Hawley was to be one of the greatest astronomers of England. BORN ON TOO HIGH PLANE. On the other hand we may be born In a sphere a little higher than that for which God Intends us. We may be born In a castle and play In a costly con servatory, and feed high-bred pointers, and angle for gold fish In artificial ponds, nnd be familiar with princes; yet God muy have better fitter us for a carpenter's Bhop, or dentist's forceps, or a weaver's shuttle, or a blacksmith's forge. The great thing Is to find Just the BDhere for which God Intended us. and then to occupy thut sphere, and oc cupy It forever. Here Is a man God fashioned to make a play. There Is a man God fashioned to make a consti tution. The man who makes the plow Is Just as honorable as the man who makes the constitution. In the Lord's army we all want to be brigadier generals! The sloop says: "More mast, more tonnage, more can vas. Oh, that I were a topsail schooner or a full-rigged brig or a Cunard steamer!" And bo the world is filled with cries of discontent because we are not willing to stay in the place where God put us and intended us to be. Whether It be a crown or a yoke, do not fidget. Everlasting honors upon those who do their wprk, and do their whole work, nnd are contented In the sphere In which God has put them, while there Is wandering and exile and desolation and wilderness for discon tented Hagar nnd Ishmael. Again. 1 llnd In this oriental scene a lesson of sympathy with woman when she goes forth trudging In the desert. What a great change It was for this Hagar! There was the tent, and all the surroundings of Abraham's house, beautiful and luxurious, no doubt Now she Is going out Into the hot sands of the desert. Oh, what a change It was! CHANGE OF FORTUNE. And In our day we often see the wheel of fortune turn. Here Is someone who lived In the very bright home of her father. She had everything possible to administer to her happiness plenty at the table, music in the drawing room, welcome at the door. She Is led forth Into life by someone who cannot appre ciate her. A dissipated soul comes and takes her out in the desert. Cruelties blot out all the lights of that home cir cle. Harsh words wear out her spirits. The high hope that shone out over the marriage oltar while the ring was be ing Bet, and the vows given, and the benediction pronounced, huve all faded with the oiange blossoms, und there she Is toduy, broken hearted, thinking of past Joys and present desolation und coming anguish. Hagar in the wilder ness! How often is it we Bee the weak arm f woman conscripted for this battle with the rough world. Who Is she, go lng down the street In the early light of the mornlng.pale with exhausting work, not hnlf slept out with the slumbers of last night, tragedies of suffering writ ten ull over her face.lier lusterless eyes looking fur ahead, as though for the coming of some other trouble? Her parents called her Mary, or Bertha, or Agnes, on the day when they held her up to the font and the Christian min ister sprinkled on the infant's face tho washings of a holy baptism. Her name 1b changed now. I hear It In the shuttle of the worn-out shoes, I see It In the figure of the faded calico. I find It In the lineaments of the woe-begone coun tenance. Not Mary, nor Bertha, nor Agnes, but Hagar in the wilderness. May God have mercy upon woman in her tolls, her struggles, her hardships, her desolation, nnd mny the great heart of divine sympathy inclose her for -ever! DESTINY IN HER HANDS. Again, I find In this oriental scene the fact that every mother leads forth tremendous destinies. You say: "That Un't an unusual scene, a mother leading her child by the hand." Who is it that she is lead ing? Ishmael, you say. Who is Ishmael? A great nation Is to be founded a na tion so strong thnt It is to stand for thousands of years against all the armies of the world. Egypt and As syria thunder against it, but In vain. Gaulus brings up his urmy, and his army Is smitten. Alexander decides upon a campaign, brings up his hosts, and dies. For a long while that nation monopolizes the lenrnlng of the world. It Is the nation of the Arabs. Who founded It? Ishmael. the lad that Hagar led Into the wilderness. She had no Idea she was leading forth such des tinies. Neither does any mother. You pass along the street and see and pass boys and girls who will yet make the earth quake with their Influence. Who Is that boy at Sutton Pool, Ply mouth, England, barefooted, wading down Into the slush and slime, until his bare foot comes upon a piece of glass, and he lifts it, bleeding nnd puln struck? That wound In the foot decides that he be a student, Tlint wound by the glass In the foot decides that he shall be John Kltto, who shall provide the best religious encyclopaedia the world has ever had provided, and with his other writings as well, throwing a light upon the word of God such as has come from no other man In this cen tury. WELL IN THE WILDERNESS. I learn one more lesson from this oriental scene, and that is that every wilderness has a well in it. Hagar and Ishmael gave up to die. Hagar's heart Bank within her as she heard her child crying, "Water! water! water!" "Ah!" he suys, "my darling, there Is no wa ter. This is a desert." And then God's angel said from the cloud: "What alleth thee, Hagar?" And she looked up and saw him pointing to a well of water, where she filled the bottle for the lad. Blessed be God, that there Is In every wilderness a well, If you only know how to llnd It fountains for all these thirsty souls. On that lust day, on that great duy of the feast, Jesus stood and cried: "If any man thirst, let them come to me and drink." All these other fountains you find are mere mirages of the desert. Para celsus, you know, spent his time In trying to llnd out the elixir of life a liquid, which, If tuken, would keep one perpetually young In this world, and would change the aged back ngain to youth. Of course he was disap pointed; he found not the elixir. But here I tell you of the elixir of ever lasting life bursting from the "Rock of Ages." My mind leaps forward thirty years from now, und I find myself looking through the wickets of a prison. I see a face scarred with every crime. His chin on his open palm, his elbow on his knee, a picture of despair. As I open the wicket, he starts and I hear his chain clank. The Jul! keeper says that he has been In there now three times llrst for theft, then for arson, now for murder. He steps upon the trap door, the rope Is fastened to his neck, the plank falls, his body swings Into the air, his soul Bwings off into eternity. Who Is he, nnd where Is he? Tills afternoon playing kite on the city commons. Mother, you are now hoist ing a throne or forging a chain; you are kindling a star or digging a dungeon. And that drinking thut water you hall never get old, und you will never be sick, nnu you will never die. "Ho, everyone that thlrsteth, come ye to the waters!" Ah! here Is a man who says: "I have been looking for thnt fountain a great while, but can't find It." And here Is some one else who says: "I believe all you Bay, but I have been trudging ulong In the wilderness and can't And the fountain." Do you know the reason? I will tell you. Y'ou never looked in the right direction. "Oh." you say, "I have looked everywhere. I have looked north, south, east and west, and I haven't found the foun tain." Why you are not looking In the right direction ut ull LOOK AND BE SAVED. Look up, where Hugar looked. She never would have found the fountain at all, but when she heurd the voice of the angel she looked up, and she saw the linger pointing to the supply. And, O soul, If today with one earnest, Intense prayer you would only look up to Christ, he would point you down to the supply In the wilderness. "Look unto me, all ye ends of the earth, r.nd be ye saved; for I am God, and there is none else!" Look! look, as Hagar looked! Yes, there Is a well for every desert of bereavement. Looking over any audience I notice signs of mourning and woe. Have you found consolation? Oh, man bereft, oh, woman bereft, have you found consolation? Hearse after hearse. We step from one grave hillock to another grave hillock. We follow corpses, oui selves soon to be like them. Tho world Is In mourning for Its dead. Every heart has become the sepulchre of some burled Joy. But Blng ye to God; every wilderness hus a well In It; and I come to that well to day, and I begin to druw water for you from that well. The old astrologers used to cheat the people with the Idea that they could tell from the position of the stars what would occur In the future, and If a clus ter of stars stood In one relation, why. that would be a prophecy of evil; If a cluster of stars stood In another rela tion, that would be a prophecy of good. What superstition! But here Is a new astrology In which I put all my faith. By looking up to the star of Jacob, the morning Btar of the Redeemer, I can make this prophecy with regard to those who put thetr truBt In God: "All tfclrura work together for gootl to those who love God." Do you love him 7 CONVERTED HINDOO DYING. Have you seen the Nyctanthes7 it is a beautiful flower, but it gives very little fragrance until after sunset. Then it pours its richness on the air. And this grace of the gospel that I com mend to you now, while It may be very uweet during the day of prosperity, It pours forth Its richest aroma after sun down. And It will be sundown with you and me after awhile. When you coma to go out of this world, will it be a desert march, or will it be drinking at a fountain? A converted Hindoo was dying, and his heathen comrades came around him and tried to comfort him by reading some of the pages of their theology: but he waves his hand, as much as to say, "I don't want to hear It." Then they called In a heathen priest and he Bald: "if you will only recite the Numtra It will deliver you from hell," He wuved his hand, as much as to say. "I don't want to hear that." Then they Bald: "Call on Juggernaut." He shook his head, as much as to Bay: "I can't do that." Then they thought perhaps he wus too weary to speak, and they said: "Now, If you can't say 'Jugger naut,' think of him." He shook his head again, as much as to Bay: "No, no, nol" Then they bent down to his pillow and they said; "In what will you trust?" His face lighted up with the very glories of the celestial sphere, as he cried out, rallying all his dying en ergies: "Jesus!" Oh, come this hour to the fountain. I will tell you the whole story in two or three sentences. Pardon for all sin. Comfort for all trouble Light for all darkness. And every wilderness has a well In It. Enormous Sums Spent For Arms. In July, 1897, the German emperor called together his military attaches at a formal breakfast. After eating and presumably drinking his Imperial Ma jesty, with one of his sudden bursts of frankness under such circumstances, told his olllcers that it wus no use keep ing It a secret any longer; the German army had had Its artillery changed without anything being known about It. No fewer than five corps had at that time been armed with the new gun, a quick-firing weapon made by Krupp, and by the middle of the present year all the field guns will huve been re placed by quick-firing guns capable of throwing ten or twelve highly destruc tive shells a minute to as great a dts-, tancc as the field guns. How well the secret wns kept may be understood from the fact that Krupp employs 16,000 workmen and that sev eral powers try to spend lurge sums In Germany to obtain military and naval Intelligence. Indeed, there seems no reason to doubt that the secret might have been kept a good deal longer. That happened which might have been expected upon the emperor's possibly In discreet avowal. The French military attache of the Berlin embassy at once took train for Purls, and found his government prepared to deal promptly with the question. In fact a model had been determined upon some time be fore, and orders were Immediately placed with the government factories and with a number of private firms. Only the cost had prevented the French war ofllce from making the change before. The reason for this hesi tation will be grasped when it Is stated that the extra expenditure Involved within a brief period will exceed J50.000, 000. The secret has been kept by the French nearly as well as the Germans kept theirs, but It Is now known several Europeans governments. The weapon now In course of manu facture has a quick-tiring gun capable of tiring at least ten shots a minute. It has a caliber of three inches, the cali ber of the French Held gun being !t0 millimeters, and of the horse artillery gun SO millimeters. The latter weapon Is slllmar to the latest pattern of the Nordenfelt cannon. Its weight fitted with automatic hydraulic or plyccrince brakes to check recoil, and with steel shields to reduce the risk from infantry fire, Is somewhat greater than that of the 00 millimeter Held gun, but the range and the bursting power of the shell are greater. The shell is fitted with u perfect percussion fuse, whose accuracy has been tested in thorough fashion. As many as 5,000 of these qulck-flrlng guns for the French artillery are being provided at a cost, Including 1.000 rounds of ammunition for each, of $10,000 per gun. Up till January 1 this year 800 guns were completed, with their due proportion of projectiles. There will be enough guns before the end of the year to arm all the "corps" artillery and, the whole artillery will be rearmed be-" fore the end of 1899. The French have satisfied themselves that for effect two of their guns are equal to a whole six-gun battery of field guns, with a margin to sapre. Nev ertheless, the superior council of war has decided that each battery shall, as heretofore, consist of six pieces. Thus the effective power of the French artillery will bo tripled by the adoption of the qulck-llting guns. In view of the d6cision It has been resolved that each gun shall not have not one, but two ammunition wagons, which will not remain In the rear, as In tho case of the Held batteries, but will come up with the guns In action. This Involves an Increase of thlrty-slx horses for each battery. x The problem of supplying ammuni tion in the field Is made Immensely more difficult by this new departure. Hygonlc and Qracef ul Dress. In studying the hygienic as well as graceful proportions of the bicycle suit there are many points to be considered. First and above nil the suit must be light weight. No woman on earth has the strength to ride In a heavy skirt which drags her down like a load. There are so many pretty Buttings readily formed for this purpose that It Is narowed down to a question of the manufacture rather than material It Is absolutely necessary from a point of safety and health that the skirt should be short. There Is nothing gained by wearing a long skirt. The wheel catches It, and the display Is much more Immodest than If a trim, short Bklrt falling In proper lines made no pretense of hiding the limbs. The danger of the Ipng skirt catching In the wheel and throwing the rider demonstrates so frequently the danger ct ruing from this fashion that It should serve as a wurnlng. Some of the worst accidents on record are directly traced to the long skirt. ) High boots are going out. They are declared to be unsanitary. Be that as It may, they are very hot and uncom fortable. The mooted question with women Is whether a circular or divided skirt looks the best. It Is a matter of opinion, af ter nil, and best left to individual de cision. The new bicycle hat is quite the pret tiest that has yet fallen to the wheel woman. It Is made of regular straw In all the new shades, nnd has a saucy rolling brim. The crown Is rather high, with an outward curve. The trimming Is usually a twist of chiffon and a bunch of the curled twills. r 1 i - r y j.r ji e f --- i imi- -