Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, March 25, 1898, Image 5

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    ijrw.tm.mu ujui.ku.juiu'ji im i"vrrrw,vna ;
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.iHi r
mm Mr tJr
The Herald.
I'll' IihIkiI (ijr I Im1i dm I fin-nil -t tliti
Imini-oiiic-i in iif'iuiiiicroril, Nibrnkn. a Mvnml
rlftftnmnil Matter. Tnr llrn'Mi Uilpwitrri til
Hie Intereets f lleiiiliiKford mid llux lliitte
HOUKcntrnoN iutkh:
$1 Ml
coir .yofkickus.
1'. M. ritri.i'H Clerk.
A. M.Mit.t.Kit Tren-tirer.
Jan. H. II. Hr r.vt ...... Iiulnc.
ft. I. tVF.ENw ....Slii-rlff.
W. M.IoitEVK Attnrupr.
Mirb A. K. Npki.and 8'- o.iiit-Miiliit. I
yCvW7uu.iK .- -;...;.:;S: Wyo.. has moved lo (Ills county
JiEHHni"v"R".'... (S.nim'..sI(.tir'lrliM,,i!Kt',lHl IS HOW located llboilt toil
IA. HotMNnAKi: .. ( inimiKtmi'r 'ml Ulat,
J. V. l)U.VON
..('oninilhniiiiiM'oril Dint.
x Attorney - at Lawx
ruAWFoun neii.
Olllco In b'yiulicnto lllock.
Practices In nil tho courts
Ileminford, Neb.
Attorneys - at Law
Residence. Hall house. OHieo
First door north Box Butte
Bank Bldg.
Hemingfordy -:- Jfebrasku
All mutters coming before the United Stntas
Circuit Court or tLo United Stntcs Land OMcc
will receive uiompt and careful attention.
Also attend to nil kinds of business for non
residents; real estate. rentaN, collections, etc
Correspondence solicited. Offices at
Time Table
Bt Joshpu,
j Butte,
iSalt Lake City.
Kansas City,
St. Louis and hIIISan Fjiancisco,
points emit midland all points
bouth west.
Titu.ss Lkaveah 1'om.owk.
No. tl. l'ann er. daily D'Jiood
and w.'t .. . l i
fi.o. If). rtiitflit. d.n'j. Dnnlwoml,
IlllliiiKx Hiul iiitormoilliUH
stations :45 p. in.
No. 17. FrelKht, daily. Ni-w Castlo
and intotmwliati) station.... 3.00 p.m.
TJo. 42. I'asc!ii;er. daily, for Lincoln,
Omaha. Chicago and all
pointscsnt 11.01 p. m.
No. 10. Kroi;lit. daily, for Lincoln
and intoniifdlatii xtations 5:3'.! p. in
No. -IS. Fri'icbi, daily, for Lincoln,
and intcrnu'dinto ntal mm. .. 10.2.". a. m
BlfvpiliR, dining mid uvliniiiK cliair earn
nal friti) on tlirinn'Ii traina Tirknti xulil
And lisk'ni checked lo auy point in tliu United
KtHtCK or ('uiiuila.
.Fur infornmtlon, rnaiin, tlinn tables and ticlc-
ots call on or wrilo to W. M. I oplanil, piit.
or J. FHANClb, tion'l Papbengpr AguuLOniiiliH
Local and Personal
Miss Jessie Sweeney visited
Alliance yesterday.
Samuel Switzer returned to
Casper, Wyo., "Wednesday.
W C Phillips of Canton was in
Homingford last Saturday.
Mrs. Dr. Langston visited her
sister, Mrs. Bean last week.
Mrs. Miller returned to her
homo at Oreville,S. D., Monday.
There will bo services at he
Catholic church Sunday, March
A. H. McLaughlin and k. Irion
of Marsland were in town Tues
day. Misses Anna Neeland and Ag
gio Esaney drove to Alliance
Father Musnich returned Fri-
day morning from his trip to Fort
Wayne, Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Kidwell
entertained the Cong'l ladies aid
at dinner Thursday.
A. 11, Picice has moved his
lauiily frem the Gerber place in-
the Switzer house.
B. F. Noel and daughter of
Marsland visited .Homingford
mends Saturday and bundsvy.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Uhrig nro
happy over the arrival of a young
son at tlioir lionui lust Saturdny.
Mr. and Mrs. Ford of Luwu
were the guests of Mis Mnry
Hamilton Saturday and Sunday.
There was a very largo atten
dance at tho Switxer sale Satur
day and everything brought a
good prico.
The now organ for the Horn
ingford schools arrived lust Sat
urday. It is a fine iustruinentand
the teachers and pupils are ac
cordingly delighted with it.
M. P. Soil-erg of Clcarmout,
miles north of lmiugford whore
ho will engage in the stock busi
JohtiT. Bichardson, the genial
section foreman at Marsland and
Edward Ollrog tran.aoted liusi
nessat the county capitol last
Friday. Mr. Ollrog liled on a
If you have but. half an eyes it
will pay you to consult Dr Mad
don, of Chichago, eminent spn
c'alist and authority on eyes . At
Pinkorton hotel in IJemingford.
March 28th to oth. Classen
prescribed and titled.
Herman Porlick has r turned
from Lincoln and is now at box
nutte whoro he can be found by
all persons owing him who desire
to settle. lie called at this oflice
Wednesday and made application
for final proof on his tree claim.
Tho Alliance lawyers have
maudainm-cd lbs county commis
sioners to appear before Judge
Westover at Itushvillo next Mon
day lo show cause why thoy
should not act upon tho county
seat petition at once. The com
missioners will appear as re
quested. Miss Alii i Bjwers closed a
very successful 4 months term of
school in the Caha district on the
litli., and has returned to Ilem
itigford. Miss Bowors has given
excellent satisfaction to the pa
trons of tho school and she is
considered one f the best teach
ers in tho county.
The taxes on a qtmrtor ,-oction
of land in Box Butte county runs
from 82 50 to 7.00 while just
across the line in Dawes couut
they pay from 15. to 20. liox
Butte county warrants are worth
10J cents while yen can buy
Dawes county warrants for oOcts.
Thoy have a 30,000 court house
in Daw s county and a nice ring
to career j for the c.umiy's welfare.
Farmers ami taxpayers can you
sou a "nigger in the wood pile"?
Olo Gilbert of Box Butte who
is one of the olde-l settlers in the
county was in town Thursday.
When approached by a IIkkald
reporter on the county seat ques
tion. Mr. Gilbert said: '"The f.'on
eral opinion of tho farmers in
my neighborhood is that the
county seat is till right where it
is. It is hard enough for most of
us farmers to pay our taxes now
and wo all know that if the coun
ty seat was romoved to Alliance
there would he a S"i0,0UD court
house and 23,000 j.iil and Box
Butte county would be lloatinj.
under S75.000 bonds and our tax
es would bo at least three times
what thoy now are. Tho fellow.-,
who are agitating county scat re
moval wouU got a rake off, un
load their Alliance property and
leave tho country unci tho farm- !uijt ' 2 o'clock p. m., as per ad
ors would have to foot tho bills." J1,"I.T1"!- . i',eful' H?u:5'
I I'uiiuiiij, ciiiiuuian, .Junius iiuilin
Crawford Tribune: ' ntke ami James Barry.
J.R.H'.ckox.tho civil engineer, Now come, S M Smyser -and
was down fiom Edgcmont Tues Win Miiche.l ami pioseniB the
day.Hosays that v.mong the stock- petition ot WE Patterson and G4t
holders in tho oast of tho varous tli--rp ..Kkiti t.iat a speca election
,, .... . hocalhdlor ilm removal ol thu
Grahle enterprises in this section COIJllty Seut. jit mu.io.i consider
the feeling is growing stronger atj011 of MllIll, wn, lJOntpiiiied to
everyday that I'rancis C. will tnkc up iuiliii.-.hcd Uwiioha. R,;-
ovuiiiuauy coiiiu ma m ms pros-
eni uiianciui emourrassment in
in first-chips .sliaie.
From my place on section 19-20-51
on Mutch 11, 189S, one
chestnut sorrel mare, three while
foot; weight about I,0U0 lbs ; six
years old. IIiiNity Winten,
Lawn, Neb.
to cjR a old is osB d vy I torH ni( Biat thoy bo allowed to
TULvat!o llronio Quinine Tablets. AU ' UniUtld Uieil' romOUjtrnc4 by ad
Drvgc ktts rbtuiid the imwoj If it MUlaQirft.3k i
Miss Poarl Snow has a lino new
Mrs. Irion returned to her homo
iu Alliance Wednesday.
K B Gregg went to Ilomingf .id
and Alliancn Wednesday.
Mr. Beach and family leave
Mailnnd soon for MiimeKoiii
whew they expect to make, thoir
honi' .
Nelson Richey is dangerously
sick with iiiilaininationot'thu bow
els. Dr. Hartwell of Crawford is
in alto .dance.
Will Boll mid George Gregg
came homo Sunday evening. Thoy
went as hr as New Cantlo but be
coming disgusted with the pros
pKMs,drc.idfd to "try the old farm
a while longer."
Mrs Androws and dnnr-lifuiMvlin
an- visiting at the homo of John
Sullenlierger, will remain two
weeks mid if tho climate neoniH
bcdrfiieinl lo Miss Andrews health
she will probably spend tho sum
mer here.
CANTON culmngs
Mrs Geo Zimmerman is on tho
sick list at this writing.
Otis Bass was in Alliance
Thursday on a trading expedition.
Mr M Bass sold Arthur Ivouedy
of Snake Creole eleven steer calves
lor 4'20 pur head,
H J WinUMiandtho Butler nros
sold a lot of steers a fow days ago
to some Allianc parties.
Gorge Lakin and family of
Pine Ridge were the guests of
Mr and Mrs W A Hood the iirst
of tho Week.
Good times arc coming. Lund
is changing hands. Nolson
Bear.ss sold one of his 1G0 acre)
farms to D. F. Miller and got
the cash. "See!"
S M Naugle bought a 100 acre
lot of G W Nation of Snake Creek,
three miles west of his homestead
known as the James uruna place.
A good price was paid,
Ore of D V Miller's best short
horn Durham cows gave birth to
twin bull c-.Ivcson Saint Patrick's
day and Dave has named them
"Suint" and "Pat." Ho thinks
his stock is increasing so rapid
ly that ho may abandon carry
ing tho mail for Uncle Sam tho
next four years.
J M Wanok has wheat sowed.
Leo Brandlu is breaking horses
those days.
Peic Watson, tho wolf catcher
of Sioux county, was in Lawn,
M. Posvar says should Alliance
get the county seat he will move
to Sioux county.
Justice Broshar thinks some
young fellow's time must be duo
to get married soon.
C A Posvar, one of our leading
stockmen, has two wells and wind
mills on his farm now.
Mr. James Barry tits in his old
arm cliair at home resting himself
now-a days after tho hard light is
Mrs. Ford, our most experienc
ed leaehor. is teaching the lu.un
school with an enrollment ot lb
W C Phill.ps, one of the most
popular young men of Lib.rt.
vmis taking in tho sights at Lnwn
(' Ivlemke was at Ileui'ngrord
last we-k helping to hold down
the county seat. Jon Plaiian.-ky
act i as hi- body guard.
Fred Nikant is h. rising "Joliim,
get your gun" ami is cleaning tin
'1 "Blundtirbust" to bo r.ady for
I0"0.1' fc'am'8 11,st cul1 l :l,t
! Spain.
March 13, 189a.
Boat. I of county commissioner.-.
m,.t t- vomiXy treasurer was then
Rxamiiieii ami appr.ived. .u I p. in,
Board on motion took up the ex
amination of tho petition asking
for the ending of a bpceial ehction
for removal of ihe ecunty Bi'.tt. Al
1:1") p. m. remoiislraiiee against
the county seat p-titiou. signed bv
Alouzo Sherwood and -1(5 others
was presented and filed. 4:50 p.m.
S P Tattle in behalf of remon-tra-
ding the words "al-o to iilo a tlefi
nito answer and specific objections j
to petition." Tho board wan ad ;
l(lrc.B iub.ihalfof remointratoia by
S M Tattle, W M loihmco ami A v
Sherwood, and in behalf of peti
tions by S M Stnysor and Win
Mitchell. At 5:1:1 p. in.il was !
moved, second and carried that re-'
motist inters be allowed to amend
their remonstrance as a-ked. '
On motion hoard adjourned to!
nieei in .) a. m. Aiarcn in.
Geo. W. Duncan, Chairman.
Attest: l M Phelps, Co. Clerk.
March 10, 18J)S.
Board met at 0:15 a. m. as per
adjournment, nil members present
Board took up the matter of ox
an iuation of count v seat petition.
At 11:20 a. in. Mitchell and Smy
ser attorneys for petitioners filed n
motion for an order calling a
special election for tho relocation
of tho county seat. t At 11:21 a. m.
on motion hoard adjourned to meet
at I p. m.
Board met at 2 p. in., all mem
bers present. Board listened to
arguments by attorneys for peti
tioner.., and renionstrators, on tho
motion for an order calling a spec
ial election. At JJ:!S0 p. m. Board
heard argument by Judge Hanier
in behalf of reuioustratorB in sup
port of their request to allow (50
days time, also arguments of S
M Stnysor in opposition lo rn
que-t for (50 duv- time. At D p. in.
...in i i i
hoard adjourned until ) a. in.
March 17.
Geo. W. Duncan, Chairman.
Attest: F. M. Phelps, Co. Clerk.
March 17, 18iW.
Board met at. 10 a. in. v.s per
adjournment. All members pres
ent. Forenoon spent in consid
eration of matter of lixivg a date
for tins honrinirrif t.hi eomil.v sour
petition, also iii hearing remarks
of various parties. ll:ao a. m.
Board adjourned to meet at L p.m.
2 p. m. Board met as peradjourn- '
mont. All members present.
Afternoon spent in consideration
of fixing a date for hearing the
county scat petition but Board
was unable to agree. Atop. m.
Board adjourned until 9 a. in.
March 18.
Geo. W. Duncan, Chairman.
Attest: F. M. Phelps, Co. Clerk.
March 18 1808.
Boaid met at 10 a. in. as per
adjournment; all members pres
ent. At 10:10 a. m. it was moved
by James llolliurake and second
d by James Barry that May 9,
e898, bo set as the day for hear
ug and settlement by tho board
of tho petition and remonstranco
in tho matter of relocating tho
countv s.-at, and that renionstra
tors tile their answer to said peti
tion by that date. Motion put by
Chairman Duncan and carried.
Duncan voting no.
State of Nebraska, Box Butte
county, ss;
Comes now D W Butler and ex
cepts to the action of tho Board
of county commissioners in this
action, granting until May 9,
1H98. to the objectors of tho peti
tion filed with the Board of coun
ty commissioners for a vote on
the relocation of tho county seat
of the aforesaid county, in which
to filo thoir objections to said
petition. 1). W. Butler,
Agent and Attorney for. Peti
tioners. The Board tluvi ' vp !.
tl.ii.-d.cu bu.ii.cs.-i.
It iippearilig lo Uiu i'jo.iul i',.n
In. re is in tho lY..'..sur -rN (i.tiuU
to ei dit of various road (ii.i'icts.
certain sums of money in exe s
of the needs and u.dcLiodl.OisS of
thedislrict.s. (In county treasurer
was instruct, d to transfer to the
eounlv j'enerfl fund, from the
road district funds tho following
Kind disir.ct No !. $11010
15. 9(5 S2
8 01
27 07
Total $30110
county licsuter was in.strucl
ed to traiisler ihe sum ot $752.87
from tho Bridge fund to iho
county general fund. Bids Were
then open for the fjirni-hing of
medical services, including medi
cines to the county poor for year
ending Jan. 1, 1M)'J. and bit of
Dr. C A Holbrook was accepted,
hebeing tho lowest bidder. Jn
accordance with-aid b d. contract
was nude with Dr Holbrook- for
such services and medicines, for
the s.im of 13 per mouth p .yiible
quarterly. The county- trmsuror
was instructed not to accept from
any persons, agninst whom poll
tax is assessed, any afiidnvit m
Ben of payment of poll t.x, when
overseer's record and rein in
shows that Mich persons was le
gally warned out County troa--urer
was his'rtieted to transfer
the sum of $PH 74 from the county
(Continued on lust page)
Will soon be replenished
wsth bran new goods from
the East at fabulous low
prices, for high grade goods
of latest styles and patterns.,
-&&&- P fi ON
ware and
Tii k Omhcst 1(:.staumsu.mknt in this Colntv
Charter Oak Cook Stoves,
Genuine Round Oak" Heating StOYe
Pflillfc HHq frlflQQ fltP
. A CU1110, vlID, UlttOO, CIO.
Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb
TXTiiir 4-l- r Onof nit 11i - .
v - i Manufacturers of ,-
Flour, Graliam, Meal and Feed,
-And Dealers
Paper, Sash
Afcgc.ab!cPrcparafionfor As
similating mcrooafltuiHcg
ling tlic Stomachs and Bowel
Promotes Digcslion.Chccrful
ncssandRcsl.Contains neither
Opiutu.Morphtne nor Mineral.
Xttvxi cTOldnrSLVWELPimiW
JunfJaa Std
Jimnnint .
tn CartanaitS
ftiirvfSteti -ClfrtfwJ
Sumr .
liialuyn" tUnw.
Ancrfcct Ilcmcilv forConslioa
tioa, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea.
Worms .Convulsions.tcvcnsli
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
exact copr OP VRAPPEO.
!W-7rmeWIUtW'Mttltl.lt'rHr1tWIt'llMllHlllrft M 11 ! '"iP fToi fS'J &K
rSTrf?w W h 0 Sum ppi
1J? -Ty
Double Store
E E t?' -.-rcassSrn,
- ii1
in All Kinds of-
and Doors.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought,
Bears the Fao-simile
tmc ctMTMin coani Hw vok eir
-i. -r
L- !!: