Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, March 25, 1898, Image 1
The Hemingford Herald. VOLUME IV. HEMINGFORD, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, KBRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1898. NUMBER 6. B V. J ? ! ' $$ DONS WANT HELP EUROPEAN MONARCHIES VS. AGGRESSIVE AMERICA LOGICAL LINE OF BATTLE PEACE OF EUROPE'S CROWNED HEADS AT STAKE. Emperor Francis Joseph Writes Letters In Behalf of Spain Other Monarchlal Rulers Non committal. Berlin, March 22. In spite of denials, the queen regent of Spain has recently strongly appealed to Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria to exert his Influence with the monarchs of Europe, particu larly Emperor William, to secure their efforts to restore amicable relations be tween the United States and Spain. The queen laid special stress on the necessity of maintaining the peace nt Europe and of securing an entente of the European monarchs against repub lican, aggressive America, and on the affinity of her dynasty with the Haps burgs. It is understood that Emperor Francis Joseph, while replying to the queen cau tiously and conservatively, has actually written to Emperor William, endeavor ing to elicit a reply pledging the latter to promise to tender his good services In trying to maintain peace. More recently Spain approached Ger. many and Austria with the view of ob taining assurance that they, In the event of war, would assist Spain In some way or the other. The Spanish ambassador, Senor Men dose de Vigo, father-in-law of Senor Polo y Bernabe, the Spanish minister at Washington, had a conference on Wednesday last with the minister for foreign affairs, Bnron von Bulow, when the latter assured him that, while Ger many earnestly desired the mainten ance of peace, it certainly would not pledge itself to anything but the strict est neutrality. Spain is believed to have received the same answer from Vienna and Paris Senor Sandoval, the Spanish agent, has thus far failed In his efforts as a purchaser of torpedo boats and other warships. CHANGE IN PARTY POLITICS. A remarkable change In party politics Is believed to be Imminent. It assure the adoption of the most important measures pending In the reichstag and diet, while It furnishes the leaders with definite issues for the coming election. The main lbsue will be the commercial treaties now ending, which ore largely In favor of Industrial Interests and detrimental to agrlcultuial Interests. They formerly met with the emperor's approval and brought honors to Gen eral Count von Caprivl, the former chancelloi, their frnmer. The new treaties, according to the government, promise to be more favorable to agri culture. The agrarian election manifesto, Just Issued, is signed by the leaders of the different conservative factions, and by part of the national liberal and cen trist parties, the new amalgamation .thus comprising about half the present 'representation in the riechstag and over half the diet. In opposition to this combination all the liberal and radical factions have pooled their Issues, and they will be supported by the socialists in upholding the main lines of the present treaties The campaign has been opened throughout Germany. The commercial convention, sitting this week in Berlin, reprebentlng all the chambers of commerce and large Industrial firms of the country, unani mously passed a resolution in favor of the present treaties. The centrists, having 100 votes In the reichstag, and, consequently, the balance of power, are strenuously op posed to forcing a new Issue as likely to disrupt the party, which is already split up on the naval bill nnd military reform bill, part supporting them and others, mostly the South Germans, op possing them. A counter demonstration of socialists and liberals was made In honor of the revolution, the officers of the Gard du Corps decorated the monument over the graves of the soldiers killed In the street fights, the emperor causing a wreath with his initials to be de posited at the foot of the memorial column. SLIGHTS THE EMPEROR. The strained relations between the prince regent of Bavaria and the em peror were strikingly Illustrated by the former's Invitation asking his majesty to attend the unveiling of a bust of Em peror William I. in the Walhalla at Ratlsbon, although it was known to everybody that the emperor had ay ranged to unveil the same day three statues In honor of his ancestors on the Siegos Allee. The regent's Invitation was evidently intentionally sent too late so that it was impossible to change the plans. The emperor replied to the slight char acteristically by deputing Prince Fred erick Henry, the youngest and least im portant of the Prussian princes, to nt tend the ceremony at Ratlsbon in his behalf. In court circles it is said Emperor William still most unpleasantly re members his reception at Ntiremburg last summer when the people shouted insulting epithets at him. It Is believed In parliamentary circles that an Important resolution will be In troduced In the diet by the agrarian leaders Von Mendel and Ring, asking for a uniform and rigorous Inspection of meats at frontier stations, nnd urg ing the government to exert Influence to secure a similar decree from the bundesrath. If It be passed the meas ure will be a hit nt all foreign meats, Including American meats, and the United States consuls fear it may be construed unfairly and seriously injure American Imports. The sugar manufacturers of the Rhine, at a special meeting Just held, have requested the government to In form them definitely whether the pro posed conference on the sugar bounty question Is to meet at Brussels. There is widespread complaint at the delay nnd uncertainty. The belief that the conference would meet In February had largely affected sales and purchases and Its failure to meet would have a disastrous effect upon prices. GAGE THE GUEST OF HONOR. Plttsburger's Hnvo n Brilliant En tertainment. rittsburg, Pa., March 22. The nn naul banquet of the chamber of com merce of Pittsburg, given at the Du quosne club Saturday evening, nt which Lyman J. Gage, secretary of the treas ury of the United States, was the prin clpal guest of honor and speaker, proved the most pretentious and Im portant nffair of the kind ever at tempted by this organization. Other banquets given by tnc ennmuer of commerce have been of n purely locnl character. That of Saturday night was of a national character and tai- poi tnnce. The decorations were the finest and most artistic ever seen In the Duquesno club, and the menu was elaborate and unique. The banquet began promptly at 7 o'clock, with 225 guests seated at time long tables extending the entire length of the banqueting hall. Tha speakers were seated at the center of the llrst tnhle. facing the entrance. PanUer Wil liam" R Thompson was the tonstmaster. President John Bindley of the chamber of commeice delivered the address of welcome, responding to tne toast "The Chamber of Commerce Its Duties and Responsibilities." Secretary Gage spoke of "American Entei pris.es; Some of Its Trials nnd Achievements." The speech was listened to with the closest attention and the speaker was enthusiastically applauded. FIGHTING OVER CHINA. France and Russia TrylnK to Got England's Loan. Pekln, March 22. The recent innctlv--ity of the Russlnns nt Pekln Is ex plained by the fact that the negotia tions have again been transferred to St. Petersburg, owing to the difficul ties encountered here. The coincidence of the French demands being presented on the eve of the emission of the Chinese loan in London Is much com mented upon, and it Is asserted that France and Russia are trying their best to wreck the loan. Upon the oc casion of the last visit of the French ambassador to the Chinese foreign of fice, the Chinese refused to accede to the French proposals, and the am bassador said that when he next visited the foreign office he would present stronger arguments and would even threaten active operations from Ton quln and the forcible seizure of a coal ing station. The general opinion here Is that Is is impossible to disregard the persistent rumors, circulating in well informed circles, that Russia has abandoned Its attempts to lease Port Arthur, but has not ceased its negotla- 'NO WAR" SAYS GAGE. Secretary of the Treasury Says War Talk Moans Nothing. Cleveland. O., March 22. Secretary Gage frankly declares that he does not believe present complications with Spain will lead to war. He snys the peo ple of this country are getting used to this war talk and they understand that It means little or nothing There is, nt course, a possibility of war, and if It comes to any emergency which mav confront us, "President McKlnley will doubtless ask for, and get, an appro priation he wants. Our credit abroad Is the best, as evidenced by the stand ing of our bonds. The price quotations of government securities is the best sign of tlie excellent condition of the government. Buslners Interests have not as yet been seriously aftected by the possibilities of war." People Think It An Accident. PIttsbuig, Pa., March 22. Secretaiy of the Treasury Gage arrived in Pitts burg Saturday afternoon from Cleve land to attend the annual banquet of the chamber of cbmmerce at the Du quesno club tonight. He said that if it was known conclusively that the Span ish government was responsible for the blowing up of the Maine, the United States would declare war within fif teen minutes. So far as the people are concerned, he was of the opinion that 90 per cent believed the explosion was an accident. GENERAL NEWS. Six negro convicts were killed by an explosion In a mine at Pratt City. Ala. The bill prohibiting the entry Into Canada of nurtery stock is now in ef fect. Trains passing Nlngara Falls at this time stop to allow passengers to see the ice bridge. T. II. Puryear, tobacco dealer and banker, and a prominent man of Paducah, Ky., has shot himself. Mrs. Hunter shot and killed one of two men trying to enter her lesort at Chippewa Falls, Wis., and was fatally wounded herself. The tournament of the Interstate as sociation for the American handicap at live pigeon shooting opens at Elwood Park, N. J., Tuesday. The mangled body of William Bros, a 10-year-old clerk for the W. A. Olm stead Scientific company, was dragged from the ruins of the Emerson building at Chicago, making the death list twelve. Fresno county, California, stockgrow ers will petition the president to allow stock to graze on portions of Yosemlte Part reservation, owing to the drouth. The Pacific Mall Steamship company and the Panama have reduced frleght rates 50 per cent, on an average, on enstbound shipments from California to New York via the Isthmus. Mary Van Arsdell, aged 14 years, and Claude Baker, ager 12 years, were killed by a train while playing on a bridge at Danville, Ky. Burglars entered the Franklin bank of Franklin, 111., Friday night, and blew open the safe, securing between $5,000 and $8,000. They stole a hand car and escaped. Admiral Popoff. ald-de-camp of the czar. Is dead at St. Petersburg. Colonel Fred W. Coffin, brother of the historian and novelist, Charles Collin Is dead at Chicago, aged 82 years. It is stated that the most crowded spot on earth's surface is the "Man deraglo," in the city of Valetta. In Milan. Upon a spot in this place, about two and a halt acres In extent, no fewer that 2,574 live. Tills Is at the rate of C3C.000 per square miles, of 1,017 to an acre. Deputy United States Marshal BUI Arnold was shot dead at Claremore, I. T by a man amed Arnold, whom he nttempted to arrest. Deputy Bussey shot Arnold. SPAIN'S LASTCARD WHOLESALE BRIBERY OF IN- SURGENTS ATTEMPTED. CUBAN PATRIOTS ARE FIRM INSURGENT GENERAL GOMEZ A "STONE WALL." The Brlbors of Spain nro Sooklnff nn Interview with InsurRent Lenders and tho Prosldont of tho Cuban Republic. Havana (via Key West), March 22. The autonomist government, backed by the mllltnry authorities here, and the government of Mndrld, Is now plnying Its Inst enrd to secuie peace In Cuba and prevent Intervention on the part of the United States. Near Polo Prloto, province of Santa Clara, on the west side of the trocha, are gathered several thousand Insur gents under command of General Calixo Garcia and other prominent chiefs, ac companied by Senor Mnsso, president of the Cuban republic, with several mem bers of his cabinet. Also on the west side of the trocha, less than thirty miles distant, are sta tioned 2,000 Insurgents under Pancho, Carrlllo, Monteagudo, Larollez, Legion and Gonzales. The Spnnish commander. General Pnndo, is within a few miles of General Garcia, while Gomez Is on the west of tho trochn, within easy reach. All of the Insurgent generals and of ficers got through Pando's lines some time ago and the latter gave up the campaign, which was to be a grand military coup de grace In the province of Santiago de Cuba or Puerto Principe. But the passing of the trocha by the insurgents turned Pando's flank. It Is possible that this was winked at by Pando, for the purpose of attempting to carry out his ulterior political pur poses. Such was the position of nil concerned when Inst advices were re ceived In Havana, Pando's purpose, to further which, ho ordered a practical armistice in the eastern part of Cuba, is stated as follows: To have a personal conference with Callxto Garcia, President Masso and the other Insurgents, nnd even with Gomez, If possible, and make a formal offer of autonomy according to the pro gram drawn up by the radical wing of that party. This offer Includes, In re turn for ending the insurrection, the disarmament nnd disbanding of all volunteers; commercial treaties to be concluded without Spanish Interference; a maximum sum of $2,000,000 annually to be paid to Spain by Cuba, as the latter's nominal suzcrnin; no insurgents to be shot or imprisoned on account of the existing Insurrection, and no In surgents to be sent ns prisoners out of Cuba for future political offenses. The Spanish olllclals believe the pro position to be the best ever offered and assuring practical independence will be accepted. CUBANS WILL NEVER ACCEPT. Such views are not held by those ac quainted with Gome, und the chiefs nor by the best class of business men In Havana, In support of the latter view It Is officially announced that after all the efforts near Manznnlllo only two Insurgents surrendered. It Is known besides that Pando, In order to advance his plans for the proposed campaign at Santlngo de Cuba, greatly weakened all the trochas, taking from them several thousand men and much artillery. It Is regnrded ns certain that Gomez and Garcia, after refusing to confer with Pando, will take sulllclent cattle and provisions from the plantations nnd in augurate a raid upon the provinces of MatanzaB, Havana, and probably Pinar del Rio, appearing near here within ilfteen or eighteen days. WILL END IN INTERVENTION. Tho general opinion Is that the Pando conference will be the end of autonomy and make intervention by the United States Imperative, which It Is asserted will be necessary to prevent outrages which will disgrace civilization and also to protect American citizens In Cuba. Under the clroumstances news from tho scene of the conference Is awaited here with the gieatest anxiety. In spite of ofllcial denials It Is be lieved that serious troubles for Spain In Porto Rico are Imminent, and It Is asserted that the Spanish cruiser VIz caya, when she leaves Havana, will go to Porto Rico, In order to strengthen the hands of the government officials .there. LABOR NOTES. The Klncald Manufacturing company of Griffin, Ga., will probably double Its cnpaclty and a new factory to cost $150,000 may be built. A ton of American flax straw raised In Wisconsin was recently sent to Ire land and was found to be worth $130 more per ton than the Irish article. Tho Carnegie Steel company has re ceived from an English shipbuilding Arm an order for 5,000 tons of ship plates for the hulls of the vessels they build. The Pittsburg & Lake Erie Railroad company has given an order to the Shoen Manufacturing company of Pitts burg, Pa., for the building of fifty steel cars. The Missouri Pacific Railway com pany has placed an additional order with tho Missouri Car and Foundry company of St. Louis, Mo., for the building of 500 box cars. After a suspension of four months the Deleware Iron Works at Newcastle. Del, will start tomorrow with a force of 500 men. The output of precious stones In the United States, though still small, la picking up. They were vnlued at $130, 75 in 1807. compared with $07,850 in 1S9C. Turquoise worth $55,000 were taken out by the professional turquolsers. The latest fad In halrdresslng Is to lower tho pompadour directly In fiont nnd pull the tresses out very full and fluffy nt the sides where they cover the ears. Tho miners of Mercer, Butler and Lawrence counties, Pennsylvania, will go on a strike in April unless operators put in force the Chicago agreement. II. C. Pettlt, on arriving at Tacoma from the Alaskan gold fields, stated that prospectors are dissatisfied, and a large number will make a hasty retreat. NEBRASKA NEWS. Glen Carson, tho 14-year-old son of W. I. Caraon of Goncva, loaded his little gun heavily. It bursted and carried way about halt of his right hand. Tho curfew ordlnanco hns passed tho Falls City council nnd wont Into effect Frldny night. Herenfter no child undor 15 years of age will be allowed on the streets after 0 o'clock. Tho Evening Herald is York's latest paper. It Is issued every evening nnd Sunday morning. LRoy L. Smith, formerly city editor of tho York Times, Is nt tho head of tho now venture. A young 1inn nnmed Cnnnon was held up and robbed by two men at Omaha. Glaring down tho muzzle of a glisten ing revolver, Cannon obeyed promptly tho order to hold up nis annus, uniy v pntita ivnpn nlitnlnmf list ftn1r rt T fnlU l tin Vfta f 1 - rested a few weeks ago on a warrant sworn out by one of his nelghbois charging him with lncoBt with his two dnughteis, pleaded guilty before Judge Baker Tuesday and was sentenced to beventeen years nt hard labor. Fire early Sunday morning consumed a giannry belonging to II. II. Couch nmn of Calhoun, containing liOOO bush els of whent, 700 bushels of corn, wag ons, buggies and farm machinery. Loss $3,000, with $1,500 Insurance. The fire Is supposed to have been of Incendlniy or igin. Friday morning lightning struck the chimney on the residence of W. N. Allerton of Central City and passed Into a bedroom where two small boys were Bleeping, breaking one of the legs off from tho bedstead. The boys 1IVIL UUUI H. JJUIIDi l H "" were uninjurcu. wo uamago was uone to tho house. While attending a dance at the LyonB opera house Friday evening tho Neary hoys, who live west of town, tied their team and saddlo pony under a shed nearby and when they came to go home they found their harness and saddle gone. The next day tho harness was found In the Logan creek, cut in small pieces. The announcement that tho special exposition postage stamps will bo 1b Bucd about May 15 Is a source of great gratification to the exposition manage ment and especially to tho department of publicity nnd promotion. Orders have been received for several hundred thousand of these stamps from large mercantile establishments and the de partment has received many inquiries regarding the probable time of issue. Judge Scott of Omaha has issued an order permitting D. T. Stubs, as an ex pert accountant, to examine the books and recordB of the defunct German Sav ings bank, for the purpose of obtain ing testimony to be used In the trlnl now In progress of Theodoro Wollstoln against tho directors of the bank. This Irflhe first tlmo that such an order has been Issued, requests to other Judges for such permission having been re fused. A domestic employed In the hotel at Salem suffered a hard fall a day or two ago. In descending a stairway she slipped and fell down five or six steps. She was picked up unconscious nnd the physician reported a sovcro Injury to the spine. The victim had several spasms and at times It required two personB to hold her on the bed. The victim is the daughter of John Frle burghouse, living fifteen miles south west of Humboldt. A boy 10 years old, tho son. of Ben Reams, met with a horrible accident, which took his life. Ho had been cut ting cornstalkB all day and waB Just finishing up cutting a large field when In some way the horses becoming un manageable, he was thrown to the ground in front of the stalk cutter, which passed over his entire body. He was dead In a few minutes and horri bly mangled. Mr. Reams lives about five miles southeast of Franklin. A smooth confidence game upon the farmers of Saunders county, In the vicinity of Ashland, has been worked recently by men claiming to represent Omnha wholesale grocery houses. The plan was to offer double the market price for farm produce that tho local dealers pay, but always requiring cash for the first purchase. When tho time came for the first purchase, the con fidence men would be miles away work ing the first purchase racket on the un suspecting farmers. Prof. II. M. Brayton, principal of the Pawnee City schools, was called up on the carpet a short tlmo since by the board and discharged from his position because of certain actions toward a fe male pupil. He not only left school, but it is ascertained he also left the city rather suddenly, as the feeling ran pretty high against him for a time. He was known to a number of Pawnee people, who were shocked to learn of the circumstances, as he was held by them to have been a most honorable and upright man. B. Donovltz, a feed man at C04 South Thirteenth street, Omaha, ruBhed to the police station with the story that L. Moneack's grocery at Thirt eenth and Pacific streets had Just been held up. and that a great crowd was surrounding the place. The police rushed to the rescue to find that Moneack'B runaway horse had been re turned to him half an hour before by some boys who asked for half ji dollar. This enormous amount was regarded as a hold up and sc much turmoil re sulted that the boys came down to n quarter. After another parley, a com promise of 10 cents and a plug of to bacco was effected, and the crowd dispersed A man who says his name Is A. A. Klncald. and who claims to be a farmer near Whitman. Neb., Is under arrest at Milan, Mo., charged with selling count erfeit money nnd with using the malls to defraud. He hays he Is a brother of D. L. Klncald, a preacher of that city, who, it Is said, will also bo arrested as soon as he can be found, on a similar charge. Klncald had $870 In currency. $200 of it In crisp new bills of the Mer chants National bank of Omaha, all ap parently good, In a belt, when he was arrested, and letters from scores of persons in Kansas. Nebraska, Missouri and other neighboring and enstorn statos, indicating that he had sold his customers green gooOH A man and a woman at Klrksvllle, Mo., and a man i at Fremont, Neb., are slated for arrest In connection with the K' ileal d deal. WOBBLING WILLIE HE WILL DEAL WITH SPAIN "DIPLOMATICALLY." A HOT AND GOLD POLIGY. MAY DEMAND SOME FROM SPAIN. MONEY Prosldont MoKlnloy TrylnK to Shift His Responsibilities Around In any Kind of Shnpo to Onln Tlmo A Show of Wonkness. New York, March 22. Tho Maine dis aster Is Insepaiably linked with tho general Cuban question, says the Wash ington coricspondent of the Herald. "I wns assutcd by a member of the cabinet that the president would deal with tho former diplomatically, before making lcpicsentntlonB to Spain con cerning the Independence of Cuba, The blowing up of tho Maine Is to bo used us an additional argument, as to why a speedy end should he brought to the war In Cuba. "President McKlnley In anticipating a decision which will show the main cause of the disaster to have been duo to an outside explosion, nnd that the court will bo unuble to show who com mitted tho ct lme. A cabinet member told mo that, while the president was preparing to make diplomatic repre sentations to Spain, on nn Indemnity basis, lie was not unmindful of tho possibilities of a finding which would made war unavoidable. "This official told mo that only a decision, showing positively direct con nection of Spanish officials with the Maine disaster, would prevent the presi dent from carrying out his determina tion to deal with the Maine disaster In a strictly lcgnl and diplomatic way. The president hopes nnd expects that this mtter can be adjusted diplomatic ally. "It Is now the nurnose of tho presi dent to make congress Jointly responsi ble for any action which may result In war. He believes that the blowing up of tho Maine makes It Imperative upon this country to do something at the earliest possible date to end the war In Cuba, but ho Is not convinced an to tho best means of doing this, without bringing on war. He hns said that he will not be responsible for nn 'unholy war.' "If tho United States Is to be made responsible for precipitating a war, ho desires that congress shall share tho responsibility with him. Instead of Issuing a proclamation recognizing the Independence of Cuba, President Mc Klnley Is now of the opinion that congress should tnkc the Initiative. It Is for that reason that the administra tion ha changed Its program In favor of an enrly adjournment. I nm now as sured that tho president wants congress to stay here, until the Cubnn question Is In a fair way to settlement. "There Is no further doubt that the holding of the Spanish torpedo flotilla at the Canaries and the withdrawal of the battleships from the vicinity of Cuba was the result of an agreement reached by tho Washington nnd Madrid governments. "The fact that Rear Admiral Slcard has lemnlnlng with him at Key West a formidable squndron, Is due to the de sire of the authorities to have a strong fleet there, when the report of the court of inquiry is made, nnd tho re sult of the policy to be inaugurated by the president has made itself appar ent. "It has been determined by the offi cials to continue the sharp watch which has been kept on thp torpedo boat flotilla, and, should they attempt to move to Porto Rico, to make a vlrogous protest to Spain, looking towards orders for their Immediate return to the Can aries; and. If Spain should refuse to comply with these representations, the plan prepared by the officials contem plates not only the formation of a flying squadron, hut the dispatch of a number of cruisers to Intercept the torpedo flotilla and destroy It." THE NEW BIG WHISKEY TRUST. Its Promoters Declare itWIIIGobblo Up Everything. Peoria, III., March 22. Joseph B. Greenhut, former president of the American Distillery and Cattle Feeding company, the old whisky trust, has re turned from Cincinnati, where he has been In consultation with a number of distillers relative to forming a new combine. The houses outside the present or ganization, It Is said, contemplate com bining, and have asked Greenhut to head the concern. If the deal goes through on the lines now projected, it will be the greatest combination of whisky distillers ever contemplated. Omaha, Neb., March 22. President Her of the Willow Springs dis tillery when shown the above dispatch fully confirmed It. The new organi zation, if formed, and there was a good propeetB that it would be, would be larger than any of Its precessors it would not only take In the "outsid ers" hut all others, it would In fact take In everything, which no other whisky trust had ever been able to do. In answer to n direct question aB to whether the Willow Springs distillery hnd entered the new trust Mr. Uor snld that he did not care to speak speci fically of It, but repeated his statement that If organized the now association would take In all the plants In the coun try. "No. the Willow Springs wjll not be closed," continued Mr, Her In answer to another question. "You can say that, positively, We would not enter Into any agreement or trust which might Involve the closing of tho Willow Springs. If it does go in. that will bo In the contract; and whether It does or does not go In the Willow Springs will keep on run; nlng Just the same as at present." County Teasurer Goes to Prison. Goshon, Ind., March 22. Ex-County Treasurer William H. Holdemnn was convicted In the Elkhart circuit court of embazzllng $22,000 of county funds and ha wns committed to the penlton tlnry under tho lndotermlnnte sentence law. UNION PACIFIC PROSPERING. Tho Powor BIr Corporations Hnvo to Fonthor Tholr Own Nost. Omaha, Neb., March 22. General Manager Dickinson of the Union Pacific went west ngaln Friday night. His object 1b one that has been under discussion for soiiic tlmo and which will lead to further economy in tho management of the road. Just what this object Is he did not himself state but It was learned that tho Union Pa ct lie had decided to abandon Sldnoy, Neb., and Laratnte, Wyo as division stations. Tialn crews will not be stationed at these points to man freight trains after May 1. Instead the crows will bo all located at North Platte and Cheyenne, ThlB means that the services of a great many men will bo dltpensed with, for It will not bo merely a transfer of sta tluns from ono point to another, as North Platto and Cheyenne havo al ways been division stations. Laramie and Sidney, ns division stations, are tliercrore considereu superfluous. The train crowH which have hitherto been employed nt the stations to he aban doned will hardly be re-employed at North Platte and Cheyenne. At beBt the services of only a very few will be needed to complete tho forces in these cities. It Ih repotted that the Union Pacific" may find It necessnry to maintain pas senger crews at Sidney and Laramie, but If It Is feasible to remove tho pas senger, ns well as the freight crows, this will bo done. At all events, the freight crews must go. By tills Btep on the part of tho Union Pnclflc tho Importance of Sidney nnd Lnramla as railway towns will bo much reduced nnd, in a financial way, they will Buffer by the economies which are adopted to mako tho Union Pacific a bonanza for Us ih'w owners. WALL STREET'S PATRIOTS. Qamblors In Public and Industrial Soouritlea. New York, March 22. The movement of sfock prices during last Week seems to have been due to pro fessional maneuverB of board room traders, much as anything. The Cuban question Is still tho overshadowing In fluence In the stock market, but Its true index Is no"en In tho largo falling off In the value of dealings, rather thun in tho movement of prices. Large op erators and the general public are out of the market, for the time being, al though there are Indications of fur ther liquidation of long stock, at the high prices of tho week. With the Bupply of floating stock re duced, prices moved easily on light transactlono. Tha furious buying if Monday was evidently the covering of shorts, who had oversold the market Frldny nnd Snturday preceding, on the belief that there would he some alarm ing development In the Cuban question over Sunday. Wednesday's advance was helped by the. hopeful prospect of tho settlement of the Northwestern rate war and by the recovery of Spnnish 4s nbrond, wiilch wns due, however, to assurances tli nt the April coupons would be paid, rather than to improved pollcltlcal out look. The subsequent weakness wan duo to thu prevalent disposition to dis count the likelihood or dnngeroiiB de velopments In the Sunday interval, as the end of each week approaches. But rumors of a plan of compromise with Spain caused a sharp rally, late Friday, leaving prices substantially higher all around Saturday. WILL NOT COMPROMISE. Capital Can Starve Laborers Into Submission. New Bedford, Mass., Mnrch 22. The ninth week of the struggle between capital and labor In this city finds the situation practically unchanged, ex cept that the operatives have conceded that they might be willing to go back to work under a reduction of 6per cent Instead of 10. , A secret meeting of the officers of the labor unions was held Saturday night and It was agreed to meet the manufacturers on the question of the cut-down In wages, eliminating the lines question. The most Important meeting waB held and after discussion of the subject gen erally the manufacturers, In answer to the Inquiry what they would suggest, replied: "What we can say to you Is that when the condition of the market warrants nn Incrense of wnges, the New Bedford mills will give their em ployes the benefit of it with others." Have a Duty to Perform. Lincoln, Neb., March 21. Governor Holcomb received from the New York World a request for his opinion on the proposition to adjourn congress, leav ing the Cuban-Spanish question open. The governor sent this In answer: "The World, New York: In my Judg ment it is the duty of our representa tives In congress to remain in session until the Spanish question is definitely settled. They would be recreant to their truBt and unworthy of the confi dence reposed in them if they failed to do so. SILAS A. HOLCOMB." Governor Holcomb has wired the fol lowing to Senator Allen In regard to the proposition to name a battleship for Nebraska: "Hon. William V. Allen, Washing ton, D. C: The patriotism and loyalty of Nebraska's citizens In the present crisis would be very appropriately rec ognized by christening one of the re cently purchased battleships Nebraska. Hope this may be done. "SILAS A. HOLCOMB, Governor." Valentine has Just completed and the school moved Into a mw edifice. The building Is of brick and stone, seven rooms, was designed by C. F. Belndorff of Omaha, Is heated and ventilated by the Smeed hot air system and is a model In every particular. The building cost close to $15,000 and is an honest job throughout, Valentine has a corps of five- teachers, of whom Prof. . N. Wat-, eon, ex-county superintendent of Saun ders county. Is principal, the grade teachers being selected from the best A lady assistant at the boarding house of Miss Susie Chapman at Wy more was seriously burned while in tho act of lighting a gasoline stove. She had filled the cups too full with ol, and, when ignited, the flames burned her face, hands and clothing in a fright ful manner. - 0sk-Meer' ?-