REPLIES TO HIS TRADUGER GOV, ROLCOMB DENOUNCES A FILTHY POLITICIAN. Undo Silas Uses Vigorous Lan gunsa In Giving to tho foul Mouth Healers a Merited Re buke. Lincoln, Neb., March 15.-J. W. John ton, who cnJoyB about tho moat un savory reputation of any professional republican trickster In tho state, and who Is now filling the bill of political tcavangcr for the republican clique which has disgraced Nebraska, has re ceived tho following dressing down by Governor Holcomb. Tho following has been given out to the press: "On tho editorial page today's Journ nal appears an article over tho name of tho notorious liar, J. W. Johnson, so full of malicious falsehoods that It ought not to go unchallenged. The truth regarding the matters spoken of Is familiar to all. To give the article sanction and a prominent place In the columns of a newspaper that pretends to rcspectn bllty, borders on the disreputable In Journalism. It Is quite apparent that the author of tho article and probably the paper also, Is over-anxlouB that the taxpayers of tho state be defrauded and tho bolndsmcn of Mr. Bartley escapo thplr lust, moral and lerral responsibil ity. Moreover, It would doubtless be a oause of great rejoicing among these defenders and apologists of the plunder ing of the public treasury If Mr. Bart ley himself were given another trial on his application now pending and another opporunlty given them to roll under their tongue as a Bwcct morsel the false cry that the attorney generul was In competent to discharge his duties and that the governor was to blame because ho did not at the time of approving Mr. Hartley's bond prcsumo that he was a defaulter and a dlBhoneBt public oill clal whom the republicans hod elected to a second term as state treasurer. "These men have not a word to say About an outrageous verdict that was neither supported by law or evidence, and can only be accounted for as n whim or freak of a Jury which misunderstood its duty or was actuated through cor rupt motives. "Tho attorney general Is to be damned by these some men if he resorts to every remedy open to him under the law to re cover th money stolon from the tax payers, and he would likewise have been damned had ho resorted to but one remedy. Not one word of encourage ment, not one act of asBlBtance, can ho expect from this large number of In fluential politicians who are bene ficiaries Indirectly and perhaps directly st the frauds and plundering perpetrated upon tho taxpaxers of the state and who, I doubt not, though they may not ay It, ore desirous that these bonds men be released of their responsibility for fear of tho exposure that would fol low If the truth regarding these defalca tions and tho cause of them should bo known by tho whole people of tho state. SPECIFIES THE FALSEHOODS. "It in hut natural to exnect that such willful and wicked falsehoods may find a person depraved enough to become their sponsor and a paper disreputable enough to publish them. The article o far as it concerns mo speaks of three matters In connection with the Bartley eult, all of which are willful lies and Which comprise the principal part of It. "Lie No. 1: That the treasurer's books have not been thoroughly examined, and if they were It would be shown whero and when the shortage of Mr. Bartley occurred. The fact 1b the treas urer's books have been most thoroughly and carefully investigated. Every well Informed person knows this. The cor rectness of tho books have been Bhown beyond controversy. These books havo been examined most painstakingly from beeinnlne to end and from them not a dollar Is shown to have been lost during Bartley's first term of onice, except that lost in depository banks and perhaps some interest because the depository law was not faithfully enforced, but neither of these matters, as questions of fact, are In dispute in this suit. "Lie No. 2: That the evidence of the governor in the suit was uncertain and unwilling. That Is an absolue false hood and tho writer knew It. Whatever may be said as to the method I adopted in requiring Mr. Bartley to account for the funds In his possession at the be ginning of his second term of ofllce there is no dlsputo and no uncertainty about what waB actually done. The only testi mony on the Bubject being by myself and Mr. Bartlett, tho deputy state treas urer, and our evidence in this respect was In substantial accord, and the peo ple of the state are perfectly familiar with it. "Lie No. 3: And this Is the most In famous and villainous falsehood In the entire article and one that an honorable man would not utter In the face of my specific, denial heretofore made. There Is not a circumstance, not a suinuuu ui evidence, not the slightest fact to base the falsehood and none but a dishonor able and disreputable creature un worthy to be called a man would make it. The writer says, In substance, that I secured from the state treasurer money for favorite banks and favors in the way of free passes. The state ment Is a lie made out of whole cloth. It Is only a reiteration of Rlmllar false hoods heretofore uttered by him and which I have branded as utterly false and without foundation In fact. DENIAL FOB ALL TIME. "I wish to say once more and I hope it may be the last time that I may be required to Bay It: That any statement, elghter by an individual or a newspaper, that I have directly or Indirectly had the use of one dollar of state money, or have profited to the extent of one dollar of Btate money, wrongfully taken from the state treasury, of that Mr. Bartley favored me with ial'road trnrnportatlon, or that there were any other relations or deallnffB between us that were not perfectly proper or consistent with my duties as governor, is absolutely and unqualifiedly false, made without cause or Justification, and I brand the author of such a statement as a malicious fal sifier and devoid of truth or character. "The language I have used herein may seem harsh, but the attack Is so outrageous and villainous that I feel justified In using It." Chicago. 111., March 15. Mrs. Lizzie K. Spauldlng, wife of former Bank President Spauldlng, now under sen tence for embezzlement, was granted a divorce in less than live minutes after he had filed a cross bill to her husband's application for a divorce. The divorce was granted on the charge that Spauld lng had been convicted of a felony. Neither Mr. nor Mis. Spauldlng were present In court, and It Is said the pro ceedings were by agreement. Washington, D. C, March 15. Sec retary Alger Saturday received a dis. patch informing him of tht death of his sister, Mrs. A. K. Piatt of Detroit, at New London, Conn., Saturday morn ing. Mrs. Alger will leave nt once for Norwich, but the secretary is unable to accompany her on account of his health. Mrs. Piatt has been HI for a long time. FOnTIFYINQ HAVANA. Blanoo Is Preparing Havana For War. New Tork, March 14. A dispatch to tho Tribune from Havana says: Many soldiers were among the people on the water front, who watched tho Mont gomery entering tho Iiarbvr. The feel ing was rather sullen, and an cccaslon al utterance was heard against tho Americans. This waa especially tho case when the salutes were fired. How ever, there were no open demonstra tions. The officials havo complied with all of Captain Slgsbce'a requests re garding anchorage. He stated vigor ously but courteously that the placo originally selected was not satisfactory. Tho Montgomery Is now anchored within a few hundred feet of tho wreck of the Maine. The naval board has substantially completed Its Investigation. Everything now Ib In the nature of cumulative tes timony, strengthening the evldenco that the Maine was blown up by an ex ternal explosion. The divers this week have been able to add little to what haa previously been learned. In effect, the proof, from the condition of the hull and the keel, as well as tho magazines, makes what might be called a completo case of structural evidence of external cause. How far tho board can determlno tho agency of the explosion, is very un certain. Many accountH of conspira cies are sifted by It, without result. A digest and unalyslB of tho testimony haa been made. It Is understood that this is on the way to Washington. Spanish divers work. The SpanlBh dlvcrB are continuing their work intermediately and in a perfunctory manner. The super structuro of wrecknge Is now fairly well cleured away. Nothing definite can be learned regarding the Spanish admiralty board's intention to close Its investigation. The Spanish authorities will do nothing until the American in quiry is closed. Little publicity has been permitted for either tho Lee episode or the talk of warships as a menns of bringing provisions. The papers have published more frbm Mudrid than from the United States on that BubJecC. They have consisted of denials from Sagastu that the recall of Consul General Leo was demanded. At the samo time, President McKlnlcy's declaration, that Lee's course had been satisfactory to tho government, and that under no cir cumstances would he be relieved, was published. This, with the statement that the consul general had been eulo gized In congress, has had a good effect, and strengthens Leo'B official Influence. The ultra-Spanish now know It would be useless to make any further objec tions. General Blanco had no part in the movement against the consul gen eral, but other official representatives of Spain did, uh well as members of tho autonomist cabinet. General Lee was not Informed of what had taken place, until the Inci dent wob closed. The commercial classes, who are yet hopeful of peace ful Intervention of mediation by the United States, are pleased to have Gen eral Lee remain. They assure him that no outbreak against Americans will oc cur. Tho authorities apparently think a crisis In the relations with the United States Is close, but do not bellcvo tho time is quite ripe for them to meet It. HAVANA BEING FORTIFIED. They are receiving information of tho coming of American war vessels, and ure pushing their own preparations for the defense of Havana harbor. Thin is in the face of semi-official statements from the captain geuerui'a confidential advisers that the diplomats will settle the questions growing out of the Maine disaster, and nil other matters of dis pute which may arise between the two governments. Nevertheless, every sug gestion of intervention by the United States to end the present conditions In Cuba Is resented with bitterness. The Army Gazette publishes n mnp , of the American coast, and points out where Spain's navy will strike effect- I lvely when war begins. The action of congress In voting J50.00O.00O credit Is published without a comment. Neither the ofllolals nor the army olllccrs Beem to understand Its meaning. Coincident with this action, many commercial houses have news further weakening credit, to the effect that the Spanish bank In Madrid Is refusing government bills of exchange from Cuba The autonomist, or colonial, govern ment, Is in a state of collapse. The claims that the Cubans who have been arrested on charges of conspiracy are implicated in dynamite or similar plots, Is false. They aro held on political charges. No assurance can be had that they will have a trial before deporta tion. This is an Illustration of the pan icky feeling of the authorities. The nutonomlst cabinet Is made to bear the odium of these urrests. Nobody heeds Madrid's proposals for modifying and broadening autonomy, or pays any at tention to the long manifestos issued by the autonomist factions In Cuba. The Bole topic now is the relations with the United States. The authori ties cite the quiet prevailing this week, during the exciting reports, but this Is not conclusive. Tho Havana popula tion has been engaged In admiring tho Spanish warships, and has known little of what was going on elsewhere. BOILED DOWN. Myrtle Storrer, a 16-year-old girl, re siding near Fayettevllle, Ark., has been arrested, charged with the murder of her father. Mr. Storrer objected to an admirer of Myrtle. A dispatch from St. Johns, N. F., says that startling revelations have been made in the legislative assembly, show ing alleged corruption and extrava gance by the liberal government I. G. Reed, a prominent Philadelphia newspaper man, while visiting at New York city, became violently Insane. Ho Is 45 years of age and a brother of Rev, J. S. Reed of San Francisco. Mr. W. A. Piatt of Colorado Springs, Colo., has been appointed receiver of the Commercial bank of Denver, In the place of Frank Adams, resigned, and also of the German National bank of Denver, In place of Z. T. Hill. Ex-Chief of Police J. H. Jacks of Muskegon, Mich., has been held to die criminal court by a coroner's Jury on the charge of killing Andy McGee. A desperate battle was fought be tween United States marshals and moonshiners near Fayettevllle. Ark., In which G. Phillips was killed unu two others wounded. Fire destroyed the town of Whltte more, la., causing a loss of $25,000. Ike Warren, a Joint keeper of Guten--vllle, Kan,, has been convicted of the murder of Sheriff Lard; John Dougherty, a life prisoner In jail at Newcastle, Del., for killing a Swede,, escaped from his cell Saturday. President Andrew Freedman of tho New York base ball dug has signed the Brush blacklisting and suspension law. President Schurman of Cornell unl ut 'snouuoua uaoq sm 'puuiaj oqj through the west and will visit the Uni versity Is now on a two weeks' tour pered with. WAR IS ALMOST CERTAIN PRESIDENT ADMITS THE GRAV ITY OF THE SITUATION Malno Inquiry Portends 8Grloua Termination-Consul Genorat Leo Favors the Aasemblngo of Sever al Warships In Havana. Washington, D. C, March 14. Thero Is not an Intelligent man In Washington, In or out of congress, who docs not believe that a war between tho United States and Spain Is almost certain to begin before the expiration of two weeks So clear Is it now to all that sharp work must come soon that the presi dent himself, in a private conversa tion, throws aside the mask he has been wearing for the last two weeks. He said to an intimate friend that the situation Is one of gravity, and that in his opinion the prospect of settling tho controversy with Spain without war was "very remote." He said ho has had In hla possession for nearly a week full Information of the causes wnicn lea to me uiBastcr ui Havana, and the circumstances are such as to render peaceful negotiations "exceedingly difficult." He admitted that war and navy departments are engaged on work intended to anticipate the direct result, and this result he saw little hope of escaping. Tho president informed this gentle man that he would send to congress within the next few days a message which will convey to tho public the findings of the "Sampson court of in quiry." Tho president told his visitor that the Maine was blown up by a sub marine mlno under such conditions as Burrounded the disaster with all that M-.iMn.i Un irrdvnol nnnftpmtpnrpR. ... He also explained that careful plans1 for war had been mappeu out, uui uiey would be manifestly Improper subjects for discussion. A plan of campaign Btrongly favored is this: The sending of the president's message to congress declaring that the blowing up of the Maine was an act cf war, and the submitting of the re port of the court of Inquiry as a reaBon fnr thin declaration. This Is to bo followed by the move ment of the fleet at Dry Tortugas upon Havana and the Immediate bombard ment of that city and the Spanish war ships in Its harbor. This Is not given as the probable method the president will pursue, but In the opinion of eight out of every ten Intelligent men It Is an entirely possible one. The situation should crystallize when Senator Proctor, who has been In Cuba as a quasi agent of me uammis trntlon, arrlveB here. It 1b suggested that the senator, who Is accompanied by the second stenog rapher of the court of Inquiry, may bear a copy of the court's report, which Judge Advocate Marlx 1b to present to the secretary of the navy In person. Consul General Lee favors the as semblage of Beveral warships In Ha vana harbor a an object lesson to tho Spaniards. This will not be done If the present Intention Is carried out. When the warships appear before Havana they will be there for the pur pose of demanding the surrender of that town and the evacuation of Cuba by the Spanish troops, to be followed by cannonading If refusal Is made. There was a state dinner at the White house Friday night. The president and vice president were there greeting for eign ambassadors wun smiies unu handshakes, while the young Belgian prince, In whose honor the dinner was being given, was the Hon of this Joyous occasion. And such are the necessities of diplomatic usage. Contrast the scene nt the White House with ones that occur each day tho grave president receiving reports from his cabinet officers, Issuing orders to mobilize all the artillery regiments on the Atlantic seaboard, hurry oraera De lng constantly given to manufacturers having ammunition contracts to com plete the work at tho earliest moment possible. GENERAL NEWS. The Empire Transportation company will operate steamers this summer be tween Seattle and Dawson, via St. Mi chaels. John Daly, the pugilist, who has been on trial at St. Louis for the murder of Lulu Falles, was acquitted today. He cried aloud for Joy. Jack McClelland and "Yock" Hennl ger, lightweight pugilists, fought thlr-tv-flve rounds on a boat In the Ohio river, near Shannopin. Pa to a draw. Josef Hoffman, the young pianist, gave his second recital In Carnegie hall, New York. 5,000 being In at tendance. No pianist ever captured a public more completely. He was re called fifteen times. Emll Devan has tried to kill himself and his four children by laudanum, at English, Ind. All are In a precarious condition. Mrs. Devan died nearly a year ago, and it is thought Devan's mind became unbalanced. There is much dissatisfaction at San Francisco over Referee Green's decision In the Sharkey-Choynskl fight. Captain George Evans, Tenth cavalry, has been placed on the retired list, on account if disabilities incident to tho service. Ex-Postmoster James A. Aldoman of Newport, Neb., who died Tuesday, was buried by union comrades of 1SG1. Mrs. L. K. Snauldlng. wife of ex-Bank President Spauldlng at Chicago, who Is undergoing a sentence for embezzle ment, has been granted a dtvorce. The Southwestern Smelting and Re fining company, which has Just been Incorporated, Is about to commence the erection of a smelter In Los Angeles, Cal. United States authorities are greatly excited over the discovery of a large number of counterfeit sliver dollars. It Is estimated that there J20.000.000 spuri ous coins in circulation. The discovery was made In Denver. The Grand Pacific hotel, Chicago, noted until It was closed In the spring Df 1M)5 for its nnnual game dinner, and is the stopping place of politicians of national reputations, was reopened un der the management of ex-Alderman William R. Kerr and Albert E. Glennle. The departure of Queen Victoria for Riviera, south of France, Is regarded as Indicative of a clearer foreign hori zon. The Pioneer Klondike Transportation company of St. Louis, Mo., proposes to grubstake 500 men to prospect In Alaskan gold fields. George W, McCoy of Portland. Ore., hns been arrested by the United States luthoritles, charged with using the malls for fraudulent purposes. The directors of the Crete Chautauqua issembly have decided not to hold nn issembly this year on account of the Trans-MIsslsslppl exposition at Omaha. The result of tho parliamentary bye toctton Wednesday In the Stepney dl rlslon, London, when the liberals were rlotorious, is charged to Salisbury's un favorable fortlgn policy. TALMAGES' SERMON. Washington, D. C, March 13. Dr. T&lmage preached today from Acts 7:65-60: "Behold 1 see the heavens opened," etc. Stephen had been preaching a rous ing Barman, and the people could not stand it They resolved to do as men somttimes would like to do In this day, if they dared, with some plain preach er of righteousness kill him. The only way to silence this man was to knock the breath out of him. So they rushed Stephen out of the gates of the city, and with curse, and whoop, and bellow they brought htm to the cliff, as was tho cus tom when they wanted to take away life by stoning. Having brought him to the edge of the cliff, they pushed him off. After he had fallen they came and looked down, and seeing that he was not yet dead, they began to drop stones upon him, Btone after Btone. Amid this horrible rain of missiles, Stephens clambers up on his knees and folds his hands, whilo the blood drips from his temples to his cheeks, from his checks to his garments, from hlB garments to tho ground; and then, looking up, he makes two prayers one for himself and one for his mur derers: "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit;" that was for himself. "Lord, lay not this Bin to their charge;" that was for hla assailants. Then, from pain and loss of blood, he swooned away and fell asleep. I want to show you today five pic tures. Stephen gazing into heaven. Ste phen looking at Christ. Stephen stoned. Stephen In his dying prayor. Stephen asleep. GAZING INTO HEAVEN. First, look at Stephen gazing Into heaven. Before you take a leap you want to know where you are going to land. Before you climb a ladder you want to know to what point me laauer readies. And It was right that Stephen, within a few moments of heaven, should bo gaz ing into it. We would all do well to ba found In the same posture. There Is enough In heaven to keep us cazlnrr. A man of wealth may have tatatuary In the hall, and paintings In the sitting room, und worKs or art in an parte of the house, but he has the chief pictures in the art gallery, and there hour after hour you walk with cata logue and giuBS and ever increasing ad miration. Well, heaven Is the gallery where God has gathered the chief treas ures of his realm. The whole universe is his palace. In this lower room where we Btop there aro many adornments; tessellated floor and amethyst, and on the winding cloud stairs are stretched out canvases on which commingle azure, and purple, and saffron, and gold. But heaven Is the gallery In which the chief glories are gathered. There are the brightest robes. There are the richest gowns. There are the highest exhila rations. John says of it: "The kings of the earth shall bring their honor and glory Into it." There la not a man In this house today bo isolated in life but there is some one In heaven with whom he once shook hands. As a man gets older, the number of his celestial acquaintances very rap Idly multiplies. We have not had one glimpse of them since the night we kissed them good by, and they went away; but still we stand gazing at heaven. While you long to Join their com panionship, and the years and the days go with such tedium that they break your heart, and the viper of pain und sorrow and bereavement keeps gnawing nt your vitals, you Btand still, like Stephen, gazing into heaven. You won der If they would recognize your face now, so changed has it been with trouble. You wonder if, amid the mvrlud delictus they have, they care as much for you ns they used to when they gave you a helping nana nnu put their shoulders under your burdens. You wonder if they look any older; and aometlmes In the eventide, when the house is all quiet, you wonder If you should call them by their first name if they would not answer; and perhaps aometlmes you do make the experiment, and when no one but God and yourself are there you distinctly call their names and listen, and sit gazing into heaven. WONDERFUL INVITATION. Pass on now, and see Stephen look ing upon Christ. My text says he saw the son of man at the right hand of God. Just how Christ looked in this world, Just how he looks in heaven, we cannot say. I have to tell you that unless you see and hear Christ on earth you will never see and hear him In heaven. Look I There he Is. Behold the lamb of God. Can you not see him? They pray to God to take the scales off your eyes. Look that way try to look that way. His voice comes down to you this day comes down to the blindest, to the deafest soul, bay ing: "Look unto me, all ye ends of the earth, and be ye saved, for I am God, and there Is none else." Oh, wonderful invitation! You can take it today, and stand at the heaa of the darkest alley In any city, and say: "Come! Clothes for your rags, salve for your sores, a throne for your eternal reigning!" A Christ that talks like that, and acts like that, and par dons like that do you wonder that Stephen stood looking at hlmf I hope to spend eternity doing the same thing. I must see him; I must look upon that face once clouded with my sin, hut now radiant with my pardon. I want to touch that hand that knocked off my shackles. I want to hear that voice which pronounced my deliver ance. Behold him, little children, for if you live to three score years and ten, you will see none so fair. Behold him, ye aged ones, for he only can shine through the dimness of your falling eyesight. Behold him, earth. Behold him, heaven. What a moment when all the nations of the saved shall gather around Christ! AH faces that way. All thrones that way, gazing on Jesus. His worth if nil the nations knew, Sure the whole earth would love him, too. STEPHEN STONED. I pass on now and look at Stephen Btoned. The world has always wanted to get rid of good men. Their very life Is nn assault upon wickedness. Out with Stephen through the gates of the city. Down with him over the precipices. Let every man come up and drop a Btone upon his head. But these men did not so much kill Stephen as they killed themselves. Every stone re bounded upon them. While these mur derers were transfixed by the scorn of all good men, Stephen lives In the ad miration of all Christendom. Stephen stoned, but Stephen alive. So all good men must be pelted. All who will live godly In Christ Jesus must suffer per secution. It Is no eulogy of a man to say that everybody likes him. Show me anyone who Is doing all his duty to state or church and I will show you men who utterly abhor him. When I see a man In some great moral or religious reform battling against grog shops, exposing wicked ness in high places, by active means trying to purify the church and better the world's estate, and I find that some of the newspapers anathematize him, and men, even good men, oppose him and denounce him, because, though he does good, he does not do it In their way, I say: "Stephen stoned." The world, with fcflnlte spite, took after John Frederick Oberlln, and Paul, and Btephen of tho text. But you notice, my friends, that while they assaulted him they did not suc ceed really In killing him. You may assault a good man, but you cannot kill him. HIS FIRST CONCERN. Pans on now and see Stephen In his dying praysr. His first thought waa not how the stones hurt his nead, nor what would become of his body. His first thought waa about his spirit. "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Tho murderer standing on the trap door, the black cap being drawn over his head before the execution may grim ace about the future, but you and I have no Hhamc in confessing some anx iety about where we are going to come out You are not all body. There Is with in you n soul. I see It gleam from your eyes, and I Bee It Irradiating your coun tenance. Sometimes I am abashed be fore nn audience, not brnnse 1 come under their physical eyesight, but be cause I realize the truth that I stand before bo many Immortal spirits. The probability is that your body will at last And a sepulchre In some of the cemeteries that surround your town or city. There Is no doubt but that your obsequies will be decent and respect ful, and you will be able to pillow your head under the maple, or the Norway spruce, or the cypress or the blossom ing fir; but this spirit nbout which Stephen prayed, what direction will that take? What guide will escort It? What gate will open to receive It? What cloud will be cleft for ltB path way? After It has got beyond the light of our sun, will there be torches lighted for It the rest of the way? "Will the soul have to travel throuch long deserts before It reaches the good land? If we should lose our pathway, will there be a castle at whose gate we may ask for the way to the city? I do not care what you do with my body when my soul Is gone, or whether you believe In cremation or Inhumation. I shall sleep Just as well In a wrapping of sackcloth as In sntln lined with en gle's down. But my soul before this day passes, I will find out where It will land. Thank God for the Intimation of my text, that when we die Jesus takes us. That answers all questions for me. What though there were massive bars between here and the city of light, Je sus could remove them. What though there were great Saharas of darkness, Jesus could Illumine them. What tho' I get weary on the way, Jeeus could lift me on his omnipotent shoulder. What though there were chasms to cross, his hand could transport me. Then let Stephen's prnyer be my dying litany: "Locd, Jesus, receive my spirit." WOULD BE SWEET TO DIE. We may be too feeble to employ either of these familiar forms; but this prayer of Stephen is so short. Is so con cise, Is bo earnest, is so comprehensive, we surely will be able to say that: "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Oh, If that prayer is answered, how sweet it will be to die! This world is clever enough to us. Porhnps It haa treated us a great deal better that we deserve to be treated: but If on the dying pil low there should break the light of that better world, we shall have no more re gret nbout leaving a small, dark, damp house for one large, beautiful and ca pacious. That dying minister In Phila delphia, some years ago, beautifully de pleted It, when In the last moment, he threw up his hands and cried out: "1 move Into the light!" Pass on now, and I will show you one more picture, and that Is Stephen asleep. With a pathos and simplicity peculiar to the scriptures, the text says of Stephen: "He fell asleep." "Oh," you say, "what a place that was to Bleep! A hard rock under him, stones falling down upon him, the blood Btreamlng, the mob howling. What a nlace It waa to sleep!" And yet my text takes that Bymbol of slumber to describe his departure, so sweet was It, so contented was It, so peaceful was It. Stephen had lived a very laborious life, his chief work had been to care for the poor. How many loaves of bread he distributed, how many bare feet he had sandaled, how many cots of sickness nnd distress he blessed with ministries of kindness and love, I do not know; but from the way he lived, and the way he preached, and the way he died, I know he was a la borious Christian. HIS LABORS ENDED. But that Is all over now. He has pressed the cup to the last fainting lip. He has taken the last Insult from his enemies. The last Btone to whose crushing weight he Is susceptible has been hurled, Stephen Is dead! The disciples comes. They take him up. They wash away the blood from the wounds. They straighten out the bruised limbs. They brush back the tangled hair from the brow, and then they pass around to look upon the calm countenance of him who had lived for the poor and died for the truth. Stephen asleep! I have Been the sea driven with the hurricane until the tangled foam caught In the rigging, and wave rlolng above wave seemed as If about to storm tho heavens, and then I have seen the tempest drop, and the waves crouch, and everything become smooth and burnished as though a camping place for the glories of heaven. So I havo seen a man, whose life has been tossed and driven, coming down at last to an Infinite calm, In which there was the hush of heaven's lullaby. Stephen asleep! I saw such an one. He fought all his days against poverty and against abuse. They tradwed his name. They rattled at the door knob while '' wns dying, with duns for debts he coull not pay; yet the peace of God uiouuiu uer ins piuow. and when the world faded, heaven dawned, and the deepening twilight of earth's night was only the opening twilight of heaven's morn. Not a sigh. Not a tear. Not a struggle. Hush! Stephen asleep. THE BLESSED SLEEP. I have not the faculty to tell the weather. I can never tell by the Bet ting sun whether there will be a drouth or not. I cannot tell by the blowing of the wind whether It will be fair weather or foul on the morrow. But I can prophesy, and I will prophesy what weather it will be when you, the Christian, come to die. You may have It very rouhg now. It may be this week one annoyance, the next another annoyance. It may be this year one bereavement, the next another bereavement. Before this year has passed you may have to beg for bread, or ask for a scuttle of coal or a pair of shoes; but at the last Christ will come in and darkness will go out. And though there may bo no hand to close your eyes, and no breast on which to rest your dying heau, anu no candle to lift the night, the odors of God's hanging garden will regale your soul, and at your bedside will halt the chariots of the king. No more rents to pay, no more agony because flour has gone up, no more Btruggle with "the world, the flesh and the devil;" but peace long, deep, everlasting peace. Btephen asleep! Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep. From which none ever wake to weep; A calm and undisturbed repose. Uninjured by the last of foes. Asleep In Jesus, far from thee Thy kindred and their graves may bt But there Is a blessed sleep, From which none ever wake to weep. You havo seen enough for one morn ing. No one can successfully examine more than five pictures In a day. There fore we stop, having seen this clunUr of divine Raphaels Stephen gaxlng Into heaven; Stephen looking at Christ; Btephen Btoned; Stephen In his dying prayer; Stephen asleep! , OUR AUXILIARY WARSHIPS. In addition to the fifty regular cruisers of the United States navy there are some thirty odd vessels now employed in the merchant service which could be rapidly converted Into cruisers and which should be taken Into account In estimat ing the naval strength of the country. These ships woulo. ! unarmored and would carry a comparatively light com plements of guns. It would be impossi ble for them to fight even a small war ship, and they would not be expected to do bo. Their special mission would be to prey on the enemy's commerce and to capture unarmed merchant vessels. For this they would be admirably ad apted by their high speed and light armament. In the navy department,- where an exact list of these vessels is filed, they are officially known as auxiliaryor cas ual cruisers. Last year, when congress was considering the bill appropriating $850,000 for providing an armament for this auxiliary fleet, the chief of the bureau of ordnance reported thirty-three vessels as available for this kind of service. Of these twenty-four are on the At lantic coast and nine on the Pacific. To gether they call for forty-six six-Inch, twenty-seven llfty-four slx-poundere, eight one-pounders nnd 112 machine guns, or a total armament of 351 guns of all clases. The largest and best known of theso arc flve-lnch and 104 four-Inch rapid-fire rifles, the four American line steam shipsthe New York, Paris, St. Louis and St. Paul. It 1b Interesting to noto the tranformatlon which one of theBO big passenger steamers would have td undergo In order to fit It for the work of an auxiliary cruiser. Just what changes would probably be made in con verting one of theso peaceful ocean liners Into a warship was pointed out by Mr. G. C. Grlscom, Jr., of the Interna tional company In a talk with the corre spondent the other day. Most persona will probably be surprised to learn how much of the bluld and fittings of on un armored cruiser those big paBsenger boats now contain. RIGHTS OF THE GOVERNMENT. "There seems to be a general im pression," Bald Mr. Grlscom, "that some kind of contract or agreement exists between ths United States government nnd the International Navigation com pany by which the latter are to turn over Its boats to the service of tha United Statea whenever needed. There Is no such agreement because it Is un necessary. The United States has a perfect right to demand and take the property of the International Naviga tion company, Just as It has the right to demand the property or services of any other of Its citizens, and It would undoubtedly do so, with proper Indemni fication, should occasion arise." What was done by the government when the postal subsidy act for the en couragement of American shipping was passed was to demand that, In consider ation for the privileges granted by that net, certain plans should be followed in the construction of the vessels that were to benefit It. These requirements were, roughly, that the rudder and steering apparatus of the steamship should be under water, and that the vital parts of the ship should, so far as pcHaD below the water line, where they would be less liable to Injury from cannon shot. "The plans for the American line steamers were Inspected and approved by nn officer or the government wnen the boats were built, and they satisfy at the New York you will Bee four white marks at regular Intervals along each of her sides. Directly above these white marks, on the steamer's promen ade decks, are the places where the six Inch guns would be located were she to be armed. You will notice, too, that the deck supports at these points are strengthened by an additional column. On the deck at this point Is a round steel cap covering a manhole, Intended for the passage of ammunition from be iow. "These are the only marks Indicating to the uninitiated any preparation for the placing of cannon; but there nre other provisions. The deck platform and supports are strengthened at this point by additional gilders and crossbeams, so as to sustain the weight of guns and carriages. There are also arrangements for the mounting of the smaller ma chine guns. Practically the only thing necersary to equip these vessels for ubc .n war would be to run the gun carriages on board and mount the guns on them. There would probably be some alterna tions In their Internal arrangements to provide quarters for seamen and ma rines, but those could be made within a very few days. "Last year, when the English steam ship Majestic was detailed to attend the naval celebration of the queen's Jubilee, she nrrlved In Liverpool on Kednesday afternoon; on Saturday she sailed for Southampton, runy ntteu oui as an unarmored cruiser. The whole eulpment had been placed on board and put In position within three days. I see no reason why the New York or the Paris could not be fitted out within the same length of time, assuming that th guns were ready to be put on board. "The theory of an unarmed cruiser Is that she shall be fast enought to run away from any war ship and strong enough to overpower any merchant ves sel. I think that our boats fully satisfy these requirements. You remember that when the Columbia made the trip across the Atlantic at a speed of about eighteen knots for the whole voyage it was hailed as a remarkable achievement. It was for a warship. But our ships cross the ocean, year In and year out.v In the course of their regular business, at an ordinary speed of about twelve knots. No war vessel In existence, unless it was one of the small torpedo boats or torpedo boat catchers, could overhaul them. Of course n single shot from a modern battleship would go through their sides, but I think that It would take more than one to destroy them, be rnnun n i hnve said, they were laid flown on lines Intended to guard againBt lhat." Blasts From Ram's Horn. The contented mind has a continual feast. . A Wrongs never grow strong enough to right themselves. No grave Is deep enough to bury the good man's hopes. Don't waste today's strength fighting tomorrow's battles. Those who lean upon their dignity are In need of better support. If all great deeds got into print the world would not hold the books. Our "names are given to us, but our lives give them their meaning. There Is no pathway through life that Joes not have some roseB In It. The more heart we put Into a hard task the lighter our toll becomes. Suspicion Is a robber who conceals a lrawn dagger under his cloak. ? I v- f' 3.. rra-