Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, March 18, 1898, Image 4

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    The Herald.
T. J. O'k'nai'R, Publisher.
I'utilinlml ewr VrUlnr nmt entered l Iho
l-l-nlllc" in llftniiif"ni, Npbransft. a fecund-
Uf iiikII tnnltcr, 'Ijir )li:n.i.t) I demled (hi
i in' Iiumi-ih of llPniliiKforil Mid Ilox Itntto i
HniiiMi'H.s nnui:
MX MONfltH 75
A M.Mn.i.rit ;
' . II. II. llnwi.it
Vf M. ltlllttNl r .. . . ..
...... .. Tromiirw
. ....Illtlirri.
l'imimlfsliti"r JH IK.r
Cumtilloicr'JtHl lllst,
C(imiiiii.i(iir.lril Out.
lis A i:. Ntn.Ni
t IMF. llllWN .. .
IilYV.K. .Mii.i.mi
lift. f V. lllll.UIUIOK
tAMM ltHht .
Jan. IIiii. M.MiM,K
V Dl'VUtN ..
Certificate of Pub
lication. OFFICE OP
Il is hereby certitiod, that the
,"PANY. o" Pittsburg. Pennsyl
vanuuian complied with tho In
surance Law of this State and is
authorized to transact the bus
iness of Fire Insurance in this
state for tho current year.
Witness my hand and tho seal
of tho Audi tor of Public Accounts
the day and year above written.
Auditor P. A.,
.Samuel Lichty,
f Seal Insurance Deputy.
1 will oiler at public Halo in
lloiuiniford on
Satukdav, Maiicii 10, 1W)3 at
l '1 o'clock v .i
All my furniture and hou.sohold
goods, consisting of parlor furni
ture, beds, bedding, sloven, book
ciiho, cupboard, ftiiuu!t, commodes
tables, chairs, carpets, pictures,
mirrors, dishes, lamps, cooking
utensils, eto Also onu mare, 10
,yeij.r.s x)ld, two ftyoar-joldcots; one
yearlmr colt; one cow, tfiflky plow,
14-inch disk pulverizer, Acme pul
verizer, cart, single- harness, culti
vator, mower, bob sleds and othor
Terras of sale: On uiub of $10.
and over a credit of six months
will ho given, purchaser to give
o6d security and pny interest at
10 per cent per annum On all
sums over $10 a discount of 10 per
cent per annum will bo given for
ccftsh Sam Switzer
Ji the grtatttt neicspaper tceat
of (he Miitouri Jtiuor.
It advocate's FREE SILVER
Mlho. present ratio of sixteen
io one. '
Ite nevra Borrica i the bat to
be obtained.
Paily, $& 00 par year; B0 cent
per month Woelily, 11.00 par
J Subscriptions for th
J-ccelved at this office
Tor Infants ami Children.
,tTo bur St'A LRS, cutrDterd "AM :ul AS"
J'AIIIIIAMIS',1 rl'ii ui'inpyi tbey nut be
unlr llmi't bn, uu!'n Jul ft lli Ul A
ctar&p Kl It the nfat ciDle lnfltiint
you cub intket tt tt unrrlltuir. suJ ir.mni tliu
uourr orlatrr you n.ii.t buy tea'n. Iluy only
nsrnulne. I.llr.t li.iyiok i"J VAl It HAN KS
vrb cli tr'll U.t yi a lifi-Hnu-, u4 prove lh
fliriiir.l In ttivrurt. Kunn en lli-n ilKnut
J-ujrw.iuUt. Bl.nAlttun'lHlTATluMil
vrAin3AriKS, MORSE 6t CO.,
'02 parnam St., Omaha, Nob.
.Mid riMlk lli-ialied.)
It lit It Onrnnl "tlii" Irilr of Hlcrpjr
Lecturer In henruli "f llcut,
"1 have Inug nuido it a practlco to
sleop whomever 1 net n opportunity,"
Gfllil a man who leotutoH, "but it rocont
oxpurlencd in llultinioro linn niailu mo
shy of opporttinitiu!. Yon boo, I fipuud n
(,rent tli-nl of tiniu on railroad trainn,
tmd frequently, in order to heepcnpiBO
meilts, I nut forced to travel nt hifrht.
Now, 1 hno jrtmt difikntlty in nutting
nsleep on a ilcuplng car, nud isoniotiinei
I toss nruuud nil nflit.
"Liihl week I lectured in Bnltimoro,
nnd lifter tliu locturo I found a Klcnpini;
car in tbu railroad yard u-hlali sm to
bo nddod to tho train bound for Now
York That wna my opportunity. I
bought n section, hunted vj tho portur
aud asl;od liint if 1 milt rtiro with
tho expectation of not Ixinj aroused bo
foro nioriiiiiK.
" 'Tliat'H wlmt tho enr in hero for,
colonpl,' ho uitHWored. 'Wo don't pull
out till I .UO in tho morning, und you
can jut go right to Bleep.'
"That Bounded inviting, nud I rctir
ed. 1 fell iiHlecp promptly. Tho move
ment of tho car aroused juo, and, think
iug that wo had been coupled on to tho
Now York train, I closed my oyim again.
At that moment tho car. ran into homo
thing on tho track with a crash and
(topped m suddenly that my head was
hum pod against tho odd of tho berth.
Undoubtedly n Miiand up, I thought, und
I proceeded to get out.nf my berth Tha
porter was Kitting in too seat opposite,
"Tor heaven'B kitlio, whut in tho
trouble.?' 1 ahkod.
"'Nothin,' horoplied; 'jutt switch
"Buck I crawled, fading very cheap.
Agoin 1 felt drowhy, and ouco moro tho
car wuh bumped violently, then hhoved
along tho trachu nt ft rupid rate and
fchunted into tho cud of another train,
starting n turies of crasheu that hounded
ono after another clear away up tho
track. Tho quiet that followed lasted m
long that i ')t'guu to do.-.o Another
bump harder than tho previous ones
aroused mo, nud for tho noxt live min
titcH it bccmed as if two engines must ho
engaged in shunting my car hack and
forth for tho fun of it. I would feci tho
car slide nloilg only to como to au abrupt
etop with a lot of noise. Thou it would
Hilda back to another track and stand
6tiy. For tho nest hour I wan tossed
und bruiscii in my berth, and I could
htand it no longer. I crawled out aud
droned us best I could undor tho oir
cuuihtuuccs, inudo it Hying jump from
the cur on one of its shunting trips past
tho station and went to a hotel and
spent tho night. Tho memory of that
experience has mndo mo cautious about
entering Hlcopiug cars that nro loaliug
around tho yard waiting to bo coupled
to n train, even if it does hoem to offer
an opportunity to make up sloop. The
amount of .shaking up that one man ro
ceivo.s in n car that is 'just switchin' is
surprising." Now York Sun.
The Locality of DUease.
In an interesting artiolo on tho areas
sf discaso the London Saturday KoViow
remarks upon the consensus of medical
opinion that diseases in general have
thoir local habitations eoiuo, like trop
loil animals dnd plants, living only in
tho tropics; pome, liko consumption,
gradually spreading over tho whole
Carth, wliilo others, liko leprosy and
smallpox, nra by degrees becoming lim
ited in their distribution, poasibly tend
ing, it may be, toward extinction. On
tho other hand, howovor, there uro re
gions to which diseasos havo novel
reached, for iiihtauoe, on the summits o!
high mountain ranges nud in the oir-
cumpolar snowfields tho earth aud nit
and water arc as barren of tho microbe!
of dibease as they are of animal hfo.
The writer in Tho Review admits thai
in it country liko Britain, thickly popu
lated for many centuries, und with the
freest circulation of population, it can
not bo doubted thut every yard of spr
faco contains tho germs of tho niort
common diseases, and tho native of
Bomo newer laud brought over to Brit
nin's shores falls n victim to its plague
fctricken soil, but by generations of o
destructive elimination Britous have
become highly resistant to their native
dUcunes, yet not fully eo, for cancer aud
consumption, two of the mont common !
scourges, etijl hold powerful sway.
"Thiuk of it I" exclaimed Jho some
what ptdiiutio citizen. "A generation
or bo ago boys wero supposed to have s
good kuowledge of Latin boioro they
wero 10 years of ago. "
"What of that?" inquired the mild
mannered friend.
"Doesn't that show that our pretend
ed advancement in refinement is a mis
"Not at nil. It proves that we nre
more considerate nud humane, nud
thureforo moro refined. Think of the
amount of corporal punishment it must
take to give r. boy n good kuowledge oi
Lntin before ho is 10 years oldl"
Washington Star.
Hemline Clmrncter.
Dribbler In my opinion, n man whe
writes an illegible hand doos it because
ho thinks people, nro willing to puzle
over it. lu other words, be is a chunk
of conceit.
ScribblerNot always. Sometimes tt
man writes illegibly not becuubo ho it
conceited, but because he ih modest.
Dribbler Modest What about?
Scribbler About his spelling. New
York Weekly.
A rieumnt Chance.
Softleij'h You must tsctue me,
Miss Cuttiug I'm uot (juite mjelf to
night ilit-.sCuttiug How delightful, how
dclightiull Introduce me to the other
fellow, will youV Chituf,o Kewa.
A Doubtful Itecoiniiieudiitlsu.
Huyer Ib thia dog uffectiounte?
Dealer 1 should cay bol I have sold
him four time, und every time he'd
como right back to me. Fliegoudo
rimr mviTt dim loofct-d J dlil not km
Tim glint (it rati uti chancing tteo.
Jljr cyi-n wiiro flxwl lljxm the kIow
On her fntr clivok I illil but knr.v
Tlmt hu wns hlBiuUnx nigh to iho.
Uut tJio In nllimt i-rotn?
Drank In tlio wilor nnil tho cv?
Of tlmt fair Rcrne, nor wiiii I to kuotT
Tliut tnll lt Ixutity luxt on m',
1 i;azcl on her and could but wm
Huw mvcut xlie luultcd.
"In rtd nnd gold," fho hIkI'ChI "Iiow fair
TIib cnlurlin of tlno muptori therol"
Hut still my tiyiM did but behold
Tho iKimty that did hor enfold.
Tor, with tlmt vision htiindlni- thrro,
In dull red kowii nnd pildon hiilr,
BiiihII cure hnd I what bt-nutibit rare,
Whit othor nrnllli tlmt wood lulght hold
In ri-d and Kold. L
Julln Funshuwo Uriialicrlioft In Now York
A Flerre llnttlr, In Which the Tlser Wm
Iludly Uoatcn.
Tho Paris letttr of tho London Po?t
gives dotnils of uu extraordinary enter
tainment given at tho I'lttza do Madrid
in tho presence of I, iJUO spectators. This
was a combat between a royal Bengal
tiger nud nil AudttltiBiati fighting buil
The tiger, Cesar, wus n full grown
bruto belonging to Bpcssardi, tho train
er, who hud never been able to do nuy
thing with it nud had, indeed, quco
nearly fallen u victim to its ferocity
Ho sold it for 0,000 francs to tho director
of tho plaza.
A cage 17 yards squnro by-t in height
had bet a erected in tho middlo of tho
arena, und tho animals wero brought on
in vans, tho bull being' tho first to be
released into tho iuclosuro. Tho brute
immediately began to run round und
round his prison, bellowing nud throw
ing up sand nud gravel with his hoofs.
The instant tho tiger cntcrod the cage
ho gnvo a maraud bounded on tho bull,
avoiding tho horns, und fixed on hie
flanks and belly with both teeth and
claws. Tho bull remained still for n
few seconds, nud then seemed to be sink
ing backward to tho ground. Tho spec
tators thought thut nil was ovor, but
tho tiger let go for n second to take uu
other hold, nud in the brief interval
was kicked over by tho wild plunges of
tho bull. Beforo tho tiger had timo to
recover tho bull wus on him, nnd, sink
ing his horns into tho striped hide, it
tossed tho tiger into tho air. ThitJ wns
repeated four or llvo times, tho bull
varying his tactics occasionally by bang
ing his adversary against tho bars.
When tho bull stopped, the tiger lny
limp on tho ground, and tho crowd,
thinking he wus dead, cried, "Bravo,
torn I"
Tho bull stood stamping for n mo
ment in tho middle of tho cugo, und
then, seeing tho tiger did not movo, ap
proached nud mnelled him. But Ccsai
wns only shamming death and seized
the bull's muzzle in his powerful jnwi
so tho nnimnl could not move. Eventu
ally, however, he was released, nnd aft
er stamping furiously on tho tiger again
caught him on his horns. This time the
tossing, stamping aud banging appar
ently really ended in Cesar's death.
Tho cago was then cpeucd and tho bull
rushed out and bnok; to his stable Foi
precaution's sake tho tiger's van wai
brought Up, nnd, to tho general sur
prise, Cgsar rose to his feet, glnucik!
rouud as if afraid tho bull was etill
there, nud then bounded into the van.
Tho tiger wns found to havo flvo ribi
broken, besides having n number 61
wounds from the bull's boms. It is said
that all wild animals bears, lions,
pauthors and tigers faro badly iu com
bat with tho Spanish fighting bull.
Man and the elephant aro tho only sure
victors over these aotivo and ferocioui
Eually IZnoach.
Here is a Sioux City (la.) Sundnj
school story:
They wore studying in tho catoohism
about tho wonderful greatness aud pow
er of (Jod. "Can God do everything?"
asked tho tcachor. It was generally ad
mitted that ho could. Then tho teaehei
rather mibchiovoutly propounded a stic
kler perhaps as it test of fuith. "Could
God make two Hnd two oqunl fivo?" hi
asked. Tho query rather btartled trie
littlo girls in tho class, nud thoir fucei
took on a worried, puzzled expression.
They had never thought of such thing
as that, and it looked as if thoir faitb
was wavering. Tho teacher waited with
a ruther amused smiln on his face. Then
up shot a littlo hand. "Well," askod
tho teacher, "what do you think about
it:" "Yes, hir, ho can," was tho prompt
nnd certain response. Now it wns the
teacher's turn to look surprised. "Well,
how can God make two and two equal
flvo?" "By adding ono," was tho tri
umphant answer, and tho mischiovoui
teacher couldn't dispute it. Sioux City
IIow It Happened.
"Look hero, young mau," eaid the
Tho clerk did not havo to be told thai
ho had mndo n mibttike. Ho know il
long beforo. Indeed ho had figured il
out for himself and waa nolo to tell jUbt
how it hapnened.
"You have charged only 75 cents foi
tliis nrescrintiou," asserted tho drug
gibt, "aud tho regular nnco is $1."
"1 admit it," said tho clerk. "Thf
fact is I was rattled. You see, 1 made
a hast " calculation as to the cost of thi
ingredients, aud the rosult was 3 centi
instead of 4 as it should havo heeu.
That is bow it lianiicuod." Chicagc
Wclconm Wordi.
"Yes, his Fornions aro tiresouielj
long, hut ho always says something ,tc
the point. "
"Well, what did ho ray to tho point
last hunday?"
" 'In conclusion. ' " Cluvolaud Plain
Tho name Culiforniu, derived from
niu i u ojuiuiMi v.unid ctiuuiiio inriiniii
1. e., "hot furnnoo" wns uivon bj
Cortes in the ycur 15H5 to tliu Miiiusulu
now known uts Lower California, ol
which ho was the difceoverer, ob no
count of its hot climate. -. ,
TPiiial Proof- Notices.
lluS.M. V. WuiN. Ju.. Ib-giHpr.
Hon V, M. JIltooMK. Itecelvrr.
I'nrtipR hivlm? nutlroa In tlilo rolninti arc n
inn xtl tnjVd tin-fnnii'rHri'fiillj-anil ri-poft In
tliic otliro or correction any error tlmt inn)
oxlet. Thin will
(iroK-ut pi(M i ih-mj
iiiBkitiK proof.
V. S. Lttnil onirn. Alllnnce, Neb. Inr. T, I8W.
Notion In hotebv idon tlmt the fiillin-lnif
nniinil M'tlorhHH Hleil hit Intention to inttki
flnnl nroof In MiiiiHrt nf his rlfilm. nnd that
wild proof will be umde lirfme T. J. O'Kwifo. U
wild prtKif m i.c lie ot ' "' . ,'""T' -ii fioin tl.li. .Int... I will fill Mild well n rciiulr
S. (Vnnuilwlonor, at llemlnRroru, Nul..onAprn .. ,.,. i,- ,,,l n.... ,i ...r -in i.. i'..ui
mm ,UIU .! .
u, hot, .....
Vnclav VejrasKti,
or Hrmlnufnrd. Nfb., vsho made II I. no. 4210,
soiircer W.tp'J8n. r4S.V
Ilo names tlio followlnij wltncscs toprovo his
contlnuons residence utnin and cnltltutlon of,
said land, viz: Henry 1'olu. Albert NcUon,
John Jellnck, (I rant Alexander, nil of HeinlnK
ford, Neb. J . W. Wriin. Jr.. Ki-Klster
Ainnce, Nob.. March 17, 1833,
Notice Is hereby ghen that
Thomas C
of Pnnnnm. Nob., hfis filed notice
of Intention
in mnUi Html liitinf linforii T .1. O'Keefo. IT. S.
CotnmlfcMoncr. nt llttnlncford. Neb., on Aorll
W, IMW, on tlmberriilturo niipllcntlon No. t2.0
for tho no nr M'O 10. tp27 n, r fO.
Ho nniiiosaK wltllesel Clnr'nsT. Dutlson,
Joseph HchulTcr, Fred W Huckcot llemltiirford,
NeK Charles Olson Ilnnltp, Neb., Also
Nollco Is hciuhy Kit en that
Charles T. Davison,
of Ilemlnitiif1, Neb..lms fled notice of Inten
tion to ninko Hnal proof ntsnnie tlmo nnd plneo
on TO nppllruilon to. IU0U, (or tho sw H sec
IS. tp Hi ii. r 47 w.
He lianies ns witnesses: Fcnrv Mcbto.
ChiirlestlNon, Duiilaji. Neh . liortuird 1 cndilck
John Lemon, of liomliiKford. eb ,
J. W. Wfciirt', Jit., KcKlstcr.
I.und"onu-o nt Alllnnre. cb.. Mnrrh 10. IKfl.
Motli-c Is horeby Riven that tho following
nntned fCttlor hits filed notice of her Intention
to i-nke Until proof In Kiipport of her eb.lm und
that Willi proof will bo muilu before T. J.
O ICet'fe. U. S. Commissioner, nt HcmliiKford.
Neb. on April 10. lb'.8.U:
Elizabeth Keane,
widow-of ndwnrd Kennr, of J emlngford. Nrb.,
who inudo ho 4381 for Hose Vi.scc IS, tp 'n, r
Sle. numesthu following wltnosVes to prote
JierionllnuoiiH rushlenco uivm mid ciiltlvutlnn
of Ntiid luiid, viz. Frank Hook, Oconto I Tay
lor, GeorKO W. lVniso, Mm Ucaumont, nil of
lIcmlugfoHl, Neb.
J. W. Wkhn. Ju.. Itet-lstor.
U. S. I.niid Offlco, Alllnnce. Neb., March S, 11:98.
Notice Is heieby Bit en thnt
Mats O. Noreen,
of Idaho Fulls, Idaho, has filed notice of Inten
tion to unikc html proof beforo T. J. O'Keefe,
V. S. ( ommtssloiier. at llcmliiKforil, Neb., on
April 0. lbt. on T. C. application mo. 1318. for
tho nw (r sec SS, tp'Jlt n, r 4S v.
He names ns witnesses, Chris II. Modlno
I'uto O. Sodorbcnr. of Dunlup, Neb.. Johud
llnrnstciid, Ktul Forslrom, of iicmlntrford,
Neb J. W. Wuliu. Jr.,ItPisiur.
Und Olllro nt Alllanrn. Neb., Feb. 10. lb'..
Notice Ih liercbj Kiien tlmt
Amil P. Miller,
of IlemlnKford. Nub., ban lihil uotice of inten
tion to iimko final proof licfore T J. O'Keefe,
U. H. Conimimioner, nt his oltiie in HetnliiK
ford. Neb , on April -, lS'Jtf, on timber cul
ture application mi 1.150, for tlio HiihO U.-si
ntl see 1. twp :i n, Hit w.
Mn imini'H ns uitnesacH: Wllllnm Dotsin,
Clmtles W. bmlih, Jolinll.irnsted, of llenilin,'
ford Nob., ChriM offer Aloilluu, of On n lap,
Neb J. W. Wl.ll.N.JU., HckIh er.
Land Offlco at Alliance. Neb., Feb. 1, 1M.
Notiio in nercny (fieo tiuit
John Eelcman,
of HeinltiKfoid, mcIi., lu.s tiled notice of Inten
tion to make final pioot befoto I.J O'Kcdfe,
U. S. Cotuinlksloiinr, ut llcmliiRfnrd, Neb . rtu
March lit. lfPH, on timber culturo application
Mi 1W3 for the sw qr see 'J7, tp iOn. r I8w
Ho numu4 as w ltiiCKsen: John Htssell. Henrv
l.lchte, of Dunlup, r.eb.. Albert Nelson, Kail
Fonsstrom, of Ilemli'Kfonl, noIi
J. W. Wclin. jr.. Kcclster.
The Assessors 'of Bos liuttb
eoimt' will meet nt the office of
tho couuty clerk at the court house
ii Hemingford on March lo, lit
1 o'clock p. in., for the purpoBo o
consultation in regard to thje value
of the various kinds and classes of
property to lie by them iisse&ed for
the year 1808. P. Al. Phlu's,
County Clerk.
"how-to find oUt
Fill a bottle or common ,'la.b
with urine and let it stand twenty
four hours; a sediment or seltlin'
intl etttes a dieused condition of
the kidneys. Whon urine stains
linen it ih postive evideinc of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire
to urinate or pain in the ii.ick, i-
ulbo conviuc-iim pniof thai the
kidneys and bladder are out of
There is comfort in the knowl
edge .-o often expressed, that Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp Hoot, the jrreat
kidney reim-dy fullill.s every wish
in lelieveine pain in the unek
kidneys lier, bladder tiiul ever
part of the miliary passages. Il
corrects inability lo hold urine
and Healding pain in passing it, or
bad olleets ftillowing u&e of liquor
wine or beer and overcomes that
unpleabaut necessity of boinjr com
pelled to gel up many times dur
ing the nitrht to urinate. The mild
and the extraordinary oileet of
Swamp-Root Is soon realized . It
stands the hi:heM for its wonder
ful cures of the most distressing
eases. If ou need anv medicine
I yoe should liavo the hest
Sold by
druggists prico nuy cents ami line
dollar. l'r a Kttmpln bottle and
pamphlet, both sent free by mail,
mention the Ilr.HAU) and send
your lull post-ollice address to Dr.
Kilmer it Co. Uinghamton, N. Y.
The prop'ietoi of this paper unr
antee 'he genuineness of this offer.
Tli fit
It ca
. a II .uh A 1 ,
sell - ui onier.s foi
it. i i,
,10 hi'hest price for tl in
them to iior.
Tit fS-
It e
f- 1. A... -. jr;:,-- -- ""
Konti Overseer s Notico to Nou
j rc-itlenl Laiul Owner.
t-'IMi ii lilmMn 1 u 1 1 tt in ulr is:
To .1 I'.h I . lnc-raoll non ic-ltlent 'nnd
Yum ti- 'nrt
) ii'itli'iMl tlmt I'ninp.H nt
UlllDiH nt
lia '-t.,i mud- to ni" tl at tlicif
inon the
Notitliw t-t 11 a tr of n-n-tioti 4. ;
n towiiK.ill)
"."n, liorl Ii of rnilirn IB. went.
jot t tt nty. Lit- or ( raka. an
Id ini'uiril vV whirl- l dniucnnii to
ilm'k. nid mil t nii'-n. and n cominnn,
niiljoi imi iii.lllii'd Mat If sail uill Ih tint
niiiu it wci relj I'oie.iil. in tuentr ilatu
'hm ii 'iiaitaitiri n anovn pncriipi land
.. .... r...... ..... inAt-..
nrovldiil In hn-tlnii 4M.. Artiolo I. t hnntur
4. of tin conilillrd Mntuf" of 1417.
ltorid OtfrNW Dlntrlrt iNo. 14,
I'ox imttct County. NpIiirhKr.
Datl .Mnr. . isHs.
,Kirt piibllcntlon Mnr, II. 1896.
Koad Overseer's Notice to Non
resident Land Owner.
State of Mobranka. Dot llutte oounty, rr.
fl'i (t It If ,in ,fin.rlifltl lat.,1 ,w tnr
V.... .. 1.....1... ....t!t:...l .I.k. . ....!-!.. I
Ix-eti nimle lo tliu that Micro In on thn Hiuth- will nil -aid well h re.iuired by law. ana
oust irjter of i-ect on ti, in tiiwrimlnp , ' '" r'."' "f"' ' fifed s a Ueu acalnt
Sit. niirtli. oT rai 4S. wept. in nnx ""' '" (lewrilved Und, ar. provided in aoe
mitfeeotintj, t-tnln ot NebratKu, an old uti-l1"'1 - Artloto 1,4 of thn compiled tl-
coirrnl well wblch la diiui:! iium to ntock ,
notiliiil that if oaid well in not tdlfcl or eaure
covered In twi nty iliijn from thlinlatii I will
fill Mild well as reiiiirod by law cud the cobt
thoreof will lo faxid a a lien nuahiM the
nboie (Ii periled land, ax prorldetl in neetton
IMiie aitli'le l.d apter4 nf tbe eimiplbsl ftiit
ntenif IW W P V MTKItSON.
Itoad OwiNeer DiKtnC No 14,
tins nutte (utility. Nut raka.
rated ' ar r. lfi'.w.
Firnt publication Mur. tl. 1?SH
liond OverseerV Noties lo Non
rehidenl Land Owner.
State of Nebraska, Uov llutte County, ss:
Suite of Nebraska. Ilox Hutto County, ss:
To Chester County Ouaruntoe Trust and
Safo n poslt Oo non-ro-Idont bind owner:
You uio huioby notified that conplaint ha
been nmde to mo tlmt there lh on the nerthwes
quarter of see. Ill, In township 2tln. of nmse47
st. in Itox llutto eotinty. 'wiu -n .u
isln. nn old uncovered well will b Is tl.in-
iiliis to stock. Said bunt Is open it.ii rl i
miniiii. and vou urn notlttod t Kit If sild
ell Is not filled or sueittely eoven d within
enty days from this date. I will (111 siild
''I us rciulrod by law, and the cost tlitireo'
I be liixod ns u lieu m;.ilii-,t the a iovo
rlbed l-ind, ns described In So -tliiii 1 iVi.
lo 1. chapter 4, of the eomplllod itututos
noad Ovetcer Illst. No. 13,
Ilox Uutte Countj, Nebraska.
Dated Feb. IS, 1M.
First publication Feb. Is, ifcps.
Road Overseer's Notice to Non
resident Land Owner
State of llehrnnKa. Hox Uutte county, f,r.
'I . Job Iiiitimuuy & Co.. Wllllain Farrott
nndT. I', C'nimoii, uon-resnlent land onner.
Vou lire beieii) uotthid tlmt comp nmt
b8 in en inndii to mo tbi't tbere is mi thn nortli
ueBt iiiinrtci ut peetiou ltd. in towm-lnp
tuentj mi, nui lli of raiiKK 4", wvvi. in
Hox i ntte county, Stnte of I.pbraiKn. mi old
ii in o ci nl well mIiii-Ii ih itatiKi"ouH to hlmk.
bnld laud ih open, nud a common, and sou me
liotilied llial il Mild well iMiot filhd or iH-ure-1
eo ml, in tut ul) du)H from tliiK ilute. 1 will
(ill mid well as itiiiucil Uy Jaw and tlieeont
thereof will ' e lnxid us a lien u'niliKl tin' nhoie
lUxeiihed laud, us piniided in M-etion lura,
article 1, chapter i, ol tlio eomiulrd Htatutes of
isar. EVON I.KWIs,
ltoad Oiers"er l)iitriet No. Ill,
Hox lli.tto County, elir.isl:a
Ilatisl Fell IS, ls'JS
hirst l'uliliiatinn l'eh 18. Mi
Komi OveihCt'i's Niti:e lo Noii
U'sMeut, L.tud Owner.
State of NnArnnkn, nx nutte County, hs:
'In Charles A. li.Ubluc, iiOii-ieident land
mi are hereby notified thnt complaint ban
lieen made to mo tlmt there is on the n'iuf n o
(iiatter of sect'ou 4. in towualiip twenty
hix. north of rniimi fiftj-otie. west, lu i;ox
antto counti . St.to of NeliriiHka, 1 old un
covered well which in itnnifrmiH to utock
fenid land in iiih'ii. and a column. l. and jo.i ure
notified tlmt if Kiiid will in not filled, or be.
curely covensl. in twentj dajH from tli in dal",
l.will fill Nttil well an required lo law, and
tliecot thereof will lie taxed nn a lieu nmiinat
tho almvo deMerilh-iI land, as midtsl in-un-tlon
IdSa Arficlti 1, Chapter 4, of the coiupihsl
tdatiitesof IMU. M. l"KTKIt0.s.
ltoad OiiTMsorDistrlLt Mi. 17,
Ilox Hutli', ( ounty, Nebraska.
DatedF eb.l'-', IW'h
Firit publication t'eU 18, 1608.
ltoad ()et seer's Notice to Non-
lesident Land Owner.
State of Nebraska. ox Uutte County, ss:
ToO, 3. Smith, non-resident laud owner:
You nro horeby notified that complaint has
been tnnde to me that there is on tho wmtUeast
Quarter of ,ee IG. In towuvhip Mn, of ninuo It,
nest. In ilux Uutte county. Mute .,1 .No
hrnsUn an old uneovered well whl -h is dun-p-runs
to stncU. Said land Is open, nnd n
common, and von are tux ,1od tUnt if s.itil
well Is nut lilleo or HUL-urely cover d within
twenty diiys "r nil this ilnto. I will 'III -uild
n'l us ri"iiiri ! by bur, nud the "-o-.t t'e-reuf
will tio tixe is a lieu njiliiit the a nnr
les rlncil 1 ui 1 h- detor I In "u -thin "i
ur''-le 1, ehuptur t. of thecoiuiillud taliite
w i r iTEi:-f k
K'ndOvoi ie Iililct No 14,
l!ox llutto County, NebrabUa
D.ited Mnr. 5 IS'.H,
First publication Mar. 11. 1B93.
Road Overseer's Notice to
resident Land Ownor.
To Itobort 1). RuEMtll. Kccclior Security
t-'avliiKs A Loan Astoclatiou non resident land
You an hc-cbv notified unit c impiulnt has
been ui.'i s to mv t .at tuoie i m t o i h- ,
n.U4lt I. uf Sl'l'tl"!! ', In toW I ...ipi 1, ,'U i
west, lu llnv I tul I e -iiiiili I. He Nc
' In.isl.ii .in oh! ii'i oiernl I ,vhl b N l:m-
Kermis t" sttx'U. s 1 1 l,ol Is o hoi Hid -l
riiminou ,inl vim lire noilue.l tin f -, ilil
I well Is not lllli il or sii'iirel ,- i d within
I twi-nt v il i4 frniii JbK late. I will ml -.ih!
well ns rcijtilrod by I iw, nn I the 111.1 Cicrenf
win lie liixen its a ueu a iinsi uio umivo
dcs -rlbed I mil. ns ilescrliiod lu tm'tlon IjIii,
nrlh'lf 1. 1'lii.pti-r i, ol the coinulllud stututoi
of Ih'JT.
G. W. K Hit
Hoad Overseer District No 'H,
Hox llutto Couuty, Nebraska.
Dated Mar. ft. IMiS
First publication Marll. IK.
Ko. ill OverM'ers iSoilct lo iSdii
resident Land Ovwitir.
State of Nebraska, Ilox Uutte County, ss:
To O. II. Hamsdfll.nou-resldent land owner
Yon ure horebj notified that complaint has
been madoto me tnit tnero t oi the .juthwast
quaiier of section as. in lownsnip sun. rnngo-i
west, n, ltn llutt county, "tulii in-
'i -An no old nn -niereil well will -Ii U d.iu-
is t A u-U. s.ild laud U (i ten. in I u
on, ii a, id vou ure unttMvd toi i m1i
i i Is n .1 llln-d nr svurely cover d .vltliln
iw nty il tys fro n this date. 1 will Mil iald
veil us niiilrod by law. and the, -ml tin roof
vill be lived .is a lieu at ilu.t I in hh-ivo
liwllml ii, (lo.cn ""I in v, Cm I hi.
O I lllr)UI I. Of I n- 11 il, 'II. 11 I. l 11
v.' V9iitV .uu miups.
1Kb .. .0 Wi;tHI
Kwiilin'( Wlai
- luilm. Irrirfi-
ll"Si. IlrlllUS.
lur. KI(tlC2.
i iilrtnni.j
te. 1'rliH
- Beoi Sen! for
tflft - f
-Pi4ni.ka no
x nullet-'Minnr. "i -
Tt f-inkL Loiiktahurn. noii.rcnlilMil iTii!
oiinr- li.-iflijriiotlfll tlmt cumtilalnl haft
iwn nili. ioin that there In on tho tonth
it 1'iart-r of wvtlon 8S. In lotro
lIp W. norlli of tnnm 61, wont, In
iiiKOMkm-mnty. Hlato of xebr&tkn, an old
iupii rpd vfll vlilrli I datn-Tnim to Rtock.
lil 'flllil 1M flt,nn. nnil n Ki.nimnn .ml vnn m
iilif hi! Hint IfMilil fll m nut. fllliwl. nr -
i i
-ir-lf omtrcil. in IWentv ili. from ihldl.
I nil nil niil will nnrpiiiilrwlbylaw, and tho
rol t'lircof will infixed jii n lion apalnft tho
above iI'rlbod land, us nmt hied In nclion
torn, art irlel. eliaptcr 4, of th eompllo.1 stat-iiti-Hor
Itoad Otnrm-r District No 17,
, . . "ox unit County, NabrasWa.
Dalml rh lit , IW
Urst pnblicntlon Mi. 'Jri.lsus,
. ,1.
Koail Overseer's Kotieo to Non
resident Land Owner.
ytatp of Nebraska. Ilox Dntto Count r,
lol.e Kranlvlioiipcr, non-resident land
Y .utro hereby notified tliat complaint ban
leon made to tne tlmt theru Is on tho north
west quarter of hpcSI. In tonblp27,n,r 18. w,
nox mute Count, Slato of Nobranka, nn old
uneoiered well Uiioli in (Uiik-erous to ntook.
Said I land Is oieu. and a common, and you aro
iPMretv InrnrrJ Ii, IwnhtV ilnr. f.nm Mil. .,
noiiueii inni u mm wen ik not nileil, or bk-
" "A i "'. . JUSi 1'tl AlnXlUN,
Head O veneer Dlntrlct No. 11.
noxnntle Connty, NobBanka.
Iht(vl Peh. 10. Mi,
Urst publication rob. 21, 1M8.
T. A. Sloctiin. M. O., the Great Chein
1st ami .Scientist, Offers to Send
Fiee, to the Afflicted, Tlireo Hot
ties of Ills Newly Discoveiecl
Ileniedies to Cure Coiisutnp
tion and All Luiik Troubles.
N ttliinj,' (timid lie fairer, more phll
niitliiopie or carry more joy In lt
w.ike than the offer of T. A. Slocuui,
.M. C, of 183 Pearl street, New York
Confident Miat. he has discovered
in absolute cure for consumption and
nil lnilnijiiary complaints, and (o
ft make its great merits known, be
will send, free, three bottles (the
slneum new sy.steni of medicine) to
tiny reader of t tie Herald who la buf
I'criiiK from chest, throat and lung
troubles or cmiMimptloii.
He invites those desirous of ob
taining tlie leinedies to simply bend
him tla-ir pxpiess and postolllce ad
dress, and receive in return the three
free bottles.
Aiicitily ibis "new scientific course
uf nii'ilk'ine" lias permanently cured
thousands of apparently hopeless
lie considers it ids religious duty
a duty which be owes to hiiinaiity
lo donate liis infallible cine. '
Offered freely, apart fiom Ha ad.
berent st!oltli. ih enough" to com
mend il, and moie so Is the perfectr
t'oriUdfiiu of the creat chemist niak
oK the offer
He has p.oved consumption to ba
a curable lliseuse beyond 'ny doubt.
Tiiorw V 111 be no mistake In send
iuj' tlie misiiiKe will bo iu overlook
ing the Jjoctor's generous invitation.
He litis m lite in his American and
European laboratories thousands of
testimonial of experience from thoso
cured, in all pints of the world.
Delays are dangerous; mail your
address to T A. Slocum. M. C, 183
l'earl stieet, New York, and when
writing tlie Doctor, please mention
rcitdiii"; tliis artiolo In Tnu Hkuald.
Machine, posieuinK U mouera
Guaranteed Equal to the Im
l'llces very reasonable. Obtain tba
from your local denier nnd rnikt
t Cu ea's, ard i . .r-5Iarks obtained and nil Pju
cntt . ..cs.ccnuuc-if ir MOOCRATC FCfB. i
r..-N.L ,n iTrii.t; .pirrNTOrr
. oon orrici. in Or
iti; u, s. pTCNTOrrie
r.t la les tuns than taotc
anaACCa-l ..!'-,
r.t ut lcs tuns than taotc
remote lrm v'm -ton. . ... , , i
c- . I .. i n. vsntA wit, r1.irrin.i '
i,n v. r j. if naLtntrMe or not. trco oil
. pimphlc! "Hot. to O'.B stents," with
tcoti bt urns m the U b. ana loreign couauiet;
(uot fiee. dJre,
i. iJUWJ'i;.!1 '.wjnt,
c nTnEn
) i0-i vy Tkmvn-ssizZZammk.
.c. i
8yvww wwwwwvwww