Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, June 18, 1897, Image 4

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Box Butte Ntws, ' HOW TO FIND OUT.
lutJawuMMU wwww ti in nw iiiitiMvriwpwawMJMM QMiffTfr aWHBWfWI
(IWM - .,...- 4. ....,... HI
r !VTrtf ..
i Ul.llt
Mrs. llowland is building m
tw11ili,iii In Imr lnilim. M
i,.,.. .-.. ... ..v. ...... y,
Mr. Ci'im). Gmlsby in lmlliijtg fp
ji new posto'ttioe huilding.
Tho imrontH of Mr Heath lmv6
remained with Mrs. Ifriith since
tho funerul uf thoir BOll.
M. D. Atkin, our unlorprining
merchant, has renawed hia Htoel:
oF gootU tfud Ib dohlg a flourishing
Qn Friday ovo, tho 4th tho
friends of Mbs Lina Taylor gave
lior a mirpri&e. Music und danc
ing were indulged in and ico croiim
and jajf served. A lino time is
reported. .
It is worth while visiting the
bhoop rnnch of Mr. Gove, 700
frisky lambs in ono flock is some
thing not often soon.
Geo. "Willcorson living on tho
crook starts Mondnv to N. Dakota,
with quite a drove of horses? for
'tmlo. , i - . . ..-. ,
Dan "Watson arrived horo Thura
dny from Texas on a visit to his
family. Ho is an offioial of the
Texas Pacific R. R.
Mrs. Nettie Culver and children,
of Joliet, 111., arrivc"d Wednesday
intending to spend the Bum
mer with-' her parents. Mr. and
fJSlta. Goo. Gadsby.
r ..j
Tho Box Bulle County Teachers
Institute will bo held in Ifeming
ford this season, beginning June
ilSth and continuing in session two
weeks. . .
Bu)t, .1. A. Collins of Fremont,
assisted by Mrs. M. D. Fletcher,
of Wayne, will conduct tho insti-
-tulc. Both instructors aro well
und favorably known in tho east
ern part of tho state and we fool
ourselves to bo very fortunate in
securing their services.
Thoso intending to toach in the
county during the coining .Hehoo
-year aro required to attend the In
stiluie. Tho announcements will
be out next week.
Examinations for professional
lifo certificates will bo hold Juno 9
and 10, simultaneously, at the of-
.lice of state Sup't Lincoln; in the
county Sup't office, North Pintle,
-and and at the high school builditir
,-iu each of the following places:
Om aha. Fremont, Hastings, Nor
folk anil Grand Island.
I'illn bottle or common glass
with urine and let it stand twonty
fouv hour; n pediment or scttlitiK
intliontes a diseased condition of
thfkidnuyfl. Wheii urine liiin
linen it ib jiostive evidence of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire
to urinate Or pain in 'the back, is
rilno convincing proof that tho
kidneys and bladder aro out of
WHJAT to no.
Thcro is comfort in the knowl-
ediro so' often ox pruned, that Dr.
JCilmer's Swamp Root, tho great
kidney remedy fulfills every winh
in roliovolng pain in tho back
kidneys liver, bladder and ovary
part of ho urinary passages. It
i corrects inability to hold urine
and scalding pain in passing it, or
bad elects following uso of liquor
wine or boor nnd overcomes that
unpleasant necessity of being com
pelled to gel up many times dur
ing tho night to Urinate. The mild
and the 'eSlraordhmry ofl'cct of
Swamp-Root is soon roali.od . ft
stands the highest for its wonder-,
ful cures of tho most distressing
cases. If you need any medicine
you should have tho best. Sold by
druggists prico fifty cents and one
dollar. For a sample bottle and
pamphlet, both went frou by mail,
mention the 11 Kit a ld and send
your full post-office address lo Dr.
Kilmer & Co,, Binglmmton, N. Y.
Tho propiictor of this paper guar
antee thogonuineness of this oiler.
t,!vti .
H-. .7. W. XtKnx.JA.. ltAKlftter.
Ho. P. U. flHoumc. M'WiUii.
PnttifliiTifH! notloMln lhlelafnn ftn r-
I'MttifniKTifH! IHltlflWIln thlHHlomil ftfp T- ".
Hipwd twnwl tho MtMntrpf ally anil ijort h nfi , T , , v
UiIm (.flc; fur oorrwtHin any wmf tttattti.y . ,ufa id to July H, ttCCOUIll r
cxlft. Tll will HTut MMMm J tin r Im 1 , ,, ,, -,, , . . t,
inatimf pHif. Jul Convention ChriHtinn E
lAml OtT.ro t iUUnnoe. Nm., ttaf St. IMtT,
Nrtlr i lieri-hy tirn thnt
Elliot Drew,
of immhrnt, low. ! fltnl ntUif Intntitlrui
Mm 0, to xn li. r Ht w
ttmknflnnl iinmt l)fiirrHriKfrqjitl l-lvw
AlimilOf. KMi.. on I 16 QUI ilHf of .IIr iwq. im
llmher .'iihofp npuUfAttuii no IlM, fur tli Hir
m uAtncw itc wltn"M .1 . 1'. Wrtrtimn, Mor-
A. Mtuwrti. flfurKf 1L jliiokn, Jobft P. Tfcfi
i, Ail ut Muu.naw. nmi
, .1 . Vf . Wn.v. J h.. ltnrfr.
ijftnit OUlco nt A!lliim N1., May 35, Kft)'.
Ntl(X' Ik luT'tlijr Kiveii thftt
Edward P. Churchill,
of Jfljrrlft. Olidi. .ft filial nlrm if "JiitutlUB to
jtmiwiiimi iirmii irttri t. ..irmm, u. r.
('. Ciitiimltwiiinar, nt 1lf)Wi In Heinlnfittl,
Nell., mi UioM ilar ut July 1897. on MimIm eul
tuitntti)!!rtlm Kit. isai fir lio k U. wwS.tp
. r 4tt V
Hummwi an wttncMM: l'ter K. nirlAtMivm.
Ictlfi UliristrnWM, limmafil iitfl), JotlM
v ivKin1, an hi iiPmiBurnrii. nmt.
J. W. Vi'enx, jr., lltilr.
I.iimlOmrcnt AUImipo, Nrfi.. Miif3tim7.
NiiIIpp li lifii'lij- Kltmi thnl tli Miuvpit
iittinml hpiiIit hnti tidil jmtie ot intpnliolro
inhke llnl liroiif in frnpiwrt of Ills olnlm. nwl
Hint mid oriMif wilt ! jntiil.- li-fort- lliplcr
iiil ItiMWlvrr nt Allinuce, mb., on July U, li7.
: Waclav Bruna,
of I,nvn '.. vlio rtil L s 2001, for tlio sw H
n-oHO, t(i 27n,rlitw. ,
H nnmee Oi fullowinif wIUiphph to prove hl6
(oiitrftuAtiA H'kIiPih npAti nri,l rttlttTiittim of
mil Inwl. W: l'rnnk Krnjioefc, of AHinnif,
Ni'li , Dmiil McTiitouli, Cnnton, neU, Joliu Beil
lncelc, 1). h. rMillor, t.swu. Nt4)
.T. W. Wftllit, Jn, ltesiatcr.
" I nml OUlro nt AlHtnpe, Nob., April 7. lW.
lJotli'olH lieroliy tdwn tlmt tint followiiiK
!inm"l wttlor Iiur illiil iiutlcn of Mm li)liillim to
mnkn llnul nrimf in HUnnoit of liiH rlivml nml
thnt HiUi proor will I mii'lc lnjfon l'cmtM or
ltttvr ut Allimiw, Neb., on July 8, 1U7, viz:
Emit Greun.
of I.nxlln. Nfli., win) invlnll. li. No. M0 for the
cl4 nvvlt A. w", no w 81, Jp 27 n. r Uv.
liuiinnifM lln fvllowii.ic wIlniHtw to prom
liirti'olJiutiimM Ti-fiiil"i' l'pon nml iMlltivr.Muli
of Hniil Innil. viz: 'I'lominn Siwm, Cliarls Orr,
l'ym T. Joy, AlWt Kwl. ivll of Luulln, Meli.
Also niitica i hereby f?iven tlmt
Emit Green,
of I .nulla, kcii., Iisb Bli-il rotire of int')tioii to
limit" liiml tiroof nt Hiiiiw (lm nml u!uw on
timber onltiironpplii'aliim o. KKil ror the sw.:
m.ic '", t p 27n, r W w.
Ji iMiaitm nd vItiB'"'"ics! TliomRi Honrc,
Clinrli'ri l)r,,CrrnH('. Joy, AltMrl Hier, till of
l.tiL'Ihi, ;fou.
.T.W. Wbpn.Ju. HiKlstcr.
Via the Burlington Eoute.
orers. Siecinl trains. Through
tourist swid palace si ffopeis, Stpp
qji?r.4dlovd at mul went of Dtfi
er. lletnrn via L'ortland, Yellow
stone Park and Black Hills if de
sired. Endoavorors and their freinds
who tiiko tho Burlington ltouto
aro gunrantdOd a quick, cool, com
fortable journey, fine scenery (by
dnylighl) and first class equip
ment. Berths roacrrved and do scrip
five literature furnished on request.
See nearest B. & M. li. 11. ticket
agout or writs to J. Francis. Ct. P.
A., Burlington lloute, Omaha,
'Less than ' half rato-s to San
Francisco, Juno 21) to July ,, via
tho Burlington Route. See neares)
I3.'& 1. 11. IM tifikot agent. ' '
1 na
pQ "
im- ijn U.4 UM.-W
S2 rsiR. rtf
iBWOHTTff-fnH vnrxr
rcnnMTii.l.T it i .i iidnf,i rf il-.Tioor.iPV. with no Im line towirl ,ioiiIti or tlts i
A. i In Urn. T.n t.-luiriiM of thivim"i in 3nr In Pie rwjnv prel leni l eeltlon.rs nretaU
t tti LsruritlOii or lJ JJiii urdti. dj ' nin 1 1 mtt r tli ilu'v oi refon Unllon nn ror
tuninii mi 'jii th llw of tl.4 r own n'll not ein oiliw pnrty n f.i t' T.V prumut Roiiulna
dim I'l-v. 1 1-1 h'oi ii-i-i.' )i,u . .i inO hp'.Ui tu mon looiitlp j "l Imi or rHpiili'lcsn
lelll vl , t'.i , iDliiK'rtl mliH'Ot ' ""H 'Tl.t JMCK it nn fmu itl li n-m I, f 1 1 ,1 Iht, pm.
An iimvupm-r TIIK O'l.; jNI U? :u o mil uia to iw a "H'i Mil mveln vJ nntiriirimtir,
nvtrincnoltlier "tour oir rt ... t t. uiViJ Iti r sijrts o' nil not.w .1 1 ly . v it I of inp Tior f)i.'rfi
ltui'. md onvrln ex.inmiti.-jij tin entlidiy nml ot n-iws. oinoorjry, luveittlo.i. niuiutr itnJ
Por'oi ent n I'm evr 'urn 1" -vitilti 11 tvuUrat mlleiof Cileita mw. Uivo on t'-o itir
of it nniUoill mi n cm of a irrj. ill n (wMpwr. onu.uf tUouaiiU ol aJlinrj w prociuo-
h mlrjjlu of 'ii.i.ipiunM noil vilu -o .luiiieJ
Dr.lly only, Ono Yoar
Olx Months ..
Thfto ltionlh.1
i ti On) ffionth. .. .
Dnlly and Sunday, SS.Odpor year.
1. no
Gunduy onfy, Ono Ypnr $2.03
3x Maltha.... 1.00
Throo alontho. ' .50
On a Mi'ntM 23
Purls of a year, SOobar month.
AM Hiiborlpluiii-i in iv unni vw'l - ilwen'i U.mitli ni'.V or-T-nn'mo,inyon. r.
HifioiCt!'co or A .. Vor . ir ri:iii"l i.i Otrrm 11 I". j w i.i (irJiiiudly aa.n
8(iju.-u. tuuiulwjjru OJ n ai.ilv 5 rn ; uai.e -oa Jiiii.f-i'Ji.ini'i! ji
UntlcolH hi-rol'-jilvi'p tlmt thn inlnroot nml
ti'Utnl upon tlim-outtcuxof lcuo mill oslc to
thi fiillowini; iliwrilxHl 1-MurntUintl l.niul it
unliil in lln. lliittociiuiil). NiOintHka. nn mt ni
PohUu ilu namwj nf tlio ri"iMvUvo!iitltrn tliPitv.
uf, In (U'linnwiit nml, 1 hiu'Ii ilrHiuiui'tiry Ih
not nlil within iiinvty cliij'H from th ilalii.f
tliln notlcii. fnlil contnii'tn will let ilerlnt"l for-
fnUnl liy tln ronnl ot llncni tonal l.iinun r.1111
1 nml
l'u ml 1
nid forfeiture will ho enteral of
riTonl in llmnianncr proviJl liy Inw
JC4-IC6 Washington at., Chicago, 111.
m inTZtTsxWKirerJsrnYKXzxxa'MikVJJcr&MX
-i - C "T . -t
- - ' T
I'.irt of Sec.
cxir nv iir......
tipur n w iir......
iiwt.n?J,H vv
hlif Anwur
n qr
ni ir
nil... ,
U. S. r.nmUnii'p, Mlinmip, Ntb., May MW7.
Nolii'i) U lii'ioiiy Klvcn tiiut
Perry A. Wilson,
of AllintiFi', Si'b., lin RJinI notire of intention
toninUi' dual proof IfO'ora Itwinlnr nml l!rrni-tr
til llinnr" '(!., on Jtinoi!, 1W7, on t.inlgr
(Miltnri- npiilioitton lu. Ml, for tlife uv, i i-l-o SO,
tp2 11. r 4v.
Jli" namcmnti ritneH: Sntaiwl H(Hlnrnlw.
.TnuifH lliilhnrak". Jump Vlnkorton, Jitines
Wliulau, nil oljlouiimrtiml. Ne!t. , .
J. 1. VlIlV, .IK., 1K-K1RIW.
Special Sale...
"jOf Dr9 Goods.
Original price TO cts., now 50 cts.
" " 40 ets., now.'lO.cls.
' " JiOcts., now 20 cts.
and other goods accordingly.
Dovs and Mon's Overcoats at
Joss than cost.
"Woolen Overshirls,
Priginnl price &1.G0, now !?1.00.
' Underwear at same discount.
Blankets, fonnor prico $!).50,
now S2.no.
..W. K. Herncall.
H Tp. It. Nnmo.
1(1. 34 r.J .,1. It. lnk-tir.
Ht .'il Ttt .1.15. Amlirwu.
1(1 .:M. :a li. Jl. 1'ion-o.
Ill 'JH. fU..W.T. StU'IIH.
II). 27..B1. Molllf l.jillHtt.
IWi. 'U. il. .losxpli hnro.
111. Ti. .4. JovFph A. li.mlti.
10 .2.V.ljl..nr.rl A. I'nmsy
Ui. -SI. ifi .I'riikIInkt:.
.W..8T. 17. LijizinlJ. 11 -II.
:(i U7. 47..KuhpU I., liuton
111 ttl. r.l .A.J.TiUliot.
J4..27..M..M. loiiiishtoilt
HI. 2S &1 IM Mit'otl'cry
;;rt. L'...iV)..Al!)it I . liiru;
:ol.. St. .47.. Win .1. llHlfrftffn
10 .27 .M1..W. 1'. Itrixtilliolil
ld..Vt .BU..,l'litmi.iM t'. Kirk
ID. .VI. .5(1. 13. C llunnilinniii
10. .XL. 60.. A V. lto"nl'niim
10 .,.. 47. .Frtsl K. Viirltr
1(1 .Sil. 47..l''.iinst Hnrtiitnnii
It". HA 47 .John Stfi'iipcr
Innuni. jr.,. 'Jii. 47. .ItllliiH llsitniiiim
PI 27.. !.. Harry h. Wiiwui
i(i..tf-,.i7..ii. A Trary.
:i(..)..4K. ('hrlHtophw.Mnu
(wellfr :ul. 3B..H..Jivcol) MaiiwTllw
Sis. .Vis. .4o. . Dm id 1 jcounril
."j'.,'Ji".. 4.H. JlnUlicwl'im.-inl
SB....lii .JoiinM Uirnuii
l'..27..H..Jiw. A. JoIimhi
1(1. .Srt . A. . l irliiiol Met 'nun
:m..sM ..h. t; WUwiu
Ul..U3..4l)..JuUn Stuiim'T-nmnn
M..2. 4tl..Oorae MvUttr
ti hf , w ijr, v li 1 1 qr l. .!. .W).. 1'rnnU llrMiuuu
u lif iifiir HI. .2c. ftO. .lolm I), wolm
plif : .'J. M. Itulwit (iltin
whf in..ai..4ii..KniiiTtoiviii
all , ....M. Jnliu Wlilnril
awiirnwnr, olf W 2"..47..riin.A. Vhiiiiij
nw nr. w or ;w..si. is..ii. .. .uatneiit
iHMir..,. ...
lioor no cjt
n In
ut. nr
Stath (iF"r,nnASK,;
( s .
Ilox IlurrE t'ou.vry. )
W. K. II. fionrllcli, you nro lieroliy notiRpil
tl.nl on tin." flutd.iy ot July !'..), Alirluivl Slm
moiis p.ircl.nciHl at tix hkIpUio Mint ht-UBt iiti--ti-r
of kU'tion In, unvnulilp 'i.'i n, r inni.VI w. in
Kox Hntt ronuty. Stnto of Nobrnka. That
Haiti Int.il Ih inx.sl in tho n.inn of W. 1''. if. Oow
lioli nml tho Aiil pirchnw' of tnr wiIh was niailo
Tur tJui tiiVMri or tnrK 1SIU. mill that tlii'tuxi'R on
wml ltuul for tho yiurn 1NII, ih'CmuuI 1 still, linto
Ixsm pulil liy Kahl Mirli('l SimiiioiiH iw nltp
nuPUt texes. Tlmt tlm ttiim for tho nlloniptiop
in tin' lUorrn.-iiil litrul, will p.nplrp on thofiretUny
of J illy IBOJ. , ,
l)nltl at )U'inhi(,-fonl. Nel). tills 25th ilay of
Alnroh lb'JT. Micir.i:i. Kimnonp.
Hy W. m. loiti'nco, Ills tuti'lit.
All parties desiring1 to make
final proof can haye their papers
made out at Tiik Hehai.d office,
free of charge, and promptly
transmitted to the laud oflloe.
i" Impprtant to Settlers.
1 am now prepared to transact
any and all business settlers may
shave -with the U. S. Land Office.
HVill bo at 'Crawford, Nebr., on
Mondays of each week. If noti
tied that any settlor desires to do
business at Mtvrslandov Belmont,
Vill meet thorn thero on Tues
days or Wednesdays. "Will bo
prepared to do business at Hcm
Jngford, all olhor days in the
veel. Non-resident holders of
tree claims, oan coinpoto their
iinal proofs without coming to
the county, by corresponding
vvith me. T. J. O'Kkkefb,
U. S. Court Com'r.
tMMir.it lit noiir,
m lifnwir.j
olif, hw (jr.... ....
n vnir
rolirmttjr, iiuqr
hWir nwijr
n lif nii)r, Hviir
lie iir... .,
ti hf innr. swiir
all.. '.
s.vor vw qr ,.
hW qr nnr
XV lit HIT qr....
HV .'.'4.. IS.. Anton Dulxvih
HI..,. III. .A. I' bhoK'n
III .!. atl.. A Davli-oii
:v.i..vi) fii..Kti'p;in ll tiollH
yc...'Jf). 51. Mnri.lmll K. H
lB..27..l!...Miiry 13. Jones
tej. 33..28..47..0ttoVu:i'!
lil..S5 .4U..J.K. Coolry
lrt..ar,..4!i..u n.lrw
IIS... .r.l. WnltKr I. Hull
!..-J(t .47 '!". K I-'iowHr
...'4..!S0..1j. I'.. LoIIhiib
lt..l..4s..(j. 1. (i.JKmiri
:!rt,.j..W..r. N Johmituu
.i..S..5,.,..Jnmi rion!:
Irt..U7..ifl K. S. Tlffnny
'M. .'. .:) .ThotuitK lion u u
i.lii'iri i. ml muiIkuh
1(5 .37...I..JliiiK(i4fv
Kumiliu'furil, llo: lluttti County, Neb..
I onuty 'Xi-Ui,tiri
To Cnlllornlu, Comfortably.
Everv Thmvday aftornoon, a
tourist sleeping car for Salt Lake
City, San Francisco and Los
AngoleM) leaves Omaha and Lin
coln via tho Burlington Kouto.
It is carpeted; upholstred in rat
tan; litis pring seats and backs
and is provided with curtains, beti
ding, towels, soap, etc. An exper
ienced excursion conductor and a
uniformed Pullman porter accoin-'
pany it through to the Pacific
Coast. :
"While neither- so expensively
tiinished nor uo iine to look at as a
palace sleeper, it is just as good to
ride in. Second chss tickets art
accepted for passage and the price
of a berth, wide enough and big
enough for two, is only $5.
For folder giving full partic
ulars, call al nearest Burlington
tiekot oftjoc, or write to .1. Francis,
II. P." A.,' Burlington" Route,
Omaha, Noli.
T. A. Slocuni. M. C, tlioGicat Chem
ist, nnd SciiMilisb, Offers lo fifiul
Pico, to tlio Afflicted, '1 liver, 15ot-
Uo.s of Ills Nowly Discovered
lieiiiedieH to t.'urc CJensump-
ittm and A II Liui"; Troubles.
Nottlliif? (iould lie fairer. ""in'ire phll
antlimpicor carry more joy in its
wake than tlio oflVr or T. A. Blocmn,
M. C. of 181! Pearl street, Sow York
Coiiiidcnb Mint lie has discovered
an ab.iolutc cure for cousuinnb'ou and
all ptilin.iiiiiry coiuplaintH. and lo
to iniinO Its groat merits Known, la
will send, free, three bottlea (the
hlitctim new ostein of inedieine) to
any reader of ilie Herald who is sur
ferintr lroai chest, tlsro.it and lung
troubles or consumption.
lie invites those desirous of ob
taining the rom cdies lo simply s-end
him their express and pr slollice ad
dress, and receive in return the throe
free bottles.
Already this "new ecientilic cour.se
of medicine'' has permanently cured
thousands of apparently hopeless
IIo considers it his religious duty
a duty ",hieh he o'ves to huinaiiity
to diinalo his infallible euro.
Offered freely, apart, from its ad
herent, strength, is enough to com
mend it, and iiiiuo so is the perfect
conlhlance of the great chemist, mak
ing the offer.
He has proved coustiinpticm to be
a curable disease beyond any doubt.
There Will be" no mistake hi swid-
ing tho mistake will be in overlook
ing the Doctor's generoiH invitation,
lie has on (Ho In his American and
European Istbonitories thousands of
testimonials of experience from Uiomj
eiirotl, in all parts of the world.
Delays are dangerous nriil your
nddiess to T A. Shifiiin. M. C, lS.'J
l'earl street, New 'York, and when
writing tho Doctor, pious . mention
reaching this article in Tut: IIkkai,d.
4Rea.bajsa;Fip8 Violin,
tiJUt ami flomiiloto Ontnt. fjr
r w Kuily nuuiautiwd.
(JJC 00 buys a Mandoline,
2 J)li Birdseyc Maple, Mahogany or Rose
wood Finish. Fully guaranteed.
R 00 buys An American Guitar,
guaranteed to stand. Steel
strings, in Mahogany or Rose
wood finish.
f II III"? - ,'l . 11
iG; ivu
buys a $100 Organ.
Kimball Pianos 1 Organs
w' "' JySMK
PiauoB, littlo used, for 530, $i,0, $80 to 9100. hw
Vrite fur CataloKUOs anU onr term!. FACTOHY THICES.
A HOSPE, Je?-3 1513 Douglas Street, OMAHA, HEB.
A' High Grade Lager Beer.
rest in the Market.-
OiHcu 1007 JueUsim Street, Omaha, Neb.
one, their
tnarvolcuc euro.
Eclonr o of the ttli Cm ttiry
IwiIeh on with inniireaiL'iiC
ut the mm t re in art ii bio rea
orrt of cures ovor l;noya lu
tho Woslcl'a hbtory.
ru b t
"a a tua
Write for free bor k on r--t f nt. with Vrtu. ?'
tnJ litt of Inveniii.m ''fciiWu-.to AbSfKIAXJO.
AUUUUAN IN VrMTOlU. I'hIldafJp'itB, !
IF Till' Kfcvc lin IVt
Tho talk of o tho town-'BoOth'S
ho new and wonderful Australian
f 'Dry Air" treatment of Asthma,
3romihilis, ( atarrh, Coughs, colds
etc. "Curori'by Inhalation"
, Bv muil or nt druggists, S1.00
tpi-nd for fro pamphlet.
hg23-24 ii5 Teutonic Blclg.,
i'a Chicago.
Tho rroiK-h coaoli Ktallion
'QUIXAULT'' and tho Shire
stallion. "SAXOX KING" will
mnVo the Beaon of 1807 at, my
farm uix miles west and two north
of Ilomingford.
Terms: S5 to insure n mare in
foal; money due when fact i
ascertained or mare parted with.
Mare hordod during the season
for fsOe a month. Cam taken to
prevent nccidwnls hut I will not be
responsible, .should any occur. No
business wijl by done on Sunday.
A. B. Exykaht.
The English Shu-o "DUKE,'
lcnqwn as thu Kingar hofio, will
stRlld the reason of 1807 at my
farm one mile west of Beroa every
day every day except Monday and
Tuesday when he will stand at P.
H. Dillon's plauo 'fy milw omit ot
Bevea. Kotrr. Garubtt.
Buy IDu.n.lV2? Cli98-
Don't throw your money away
for poor or rilled cheeso made
from slummed milk ami rotten
but tor anil grease.
Dunlnp cheebC is the only pure
article, made from the finest and !
richest sweet milk, it is the best
and wholesomejjt food in the world.
This cheese was awarded the
tirst premium ami silver medal at
tho Omaha State Fair.
KSTBAYED from my farm
7 miles oast of Hemingford, about
April 8, 1897, a two-yaar-oWKbay
stallion, ono white hind foot, fctarj
in forehead and snip on ii')e. A
liberal reward will ha paid for in
formation leading to recovery i of
same. Leave word at the- Herald
office. S. li. Burnt.
! I HlHi
& f 'i M S3 M W. EN
iS3 2SJigy H2E2.Ea3
jvg llundrsis ot tboi:2and3 ot Sufferers cured v;!t!sout a sin;! feilcre
'&& by PSV2 DUOI'S."
Tboucli bo unlvorgally iu cl nnJ tttl Uil you oyer henr nnyono
i.eflk lllol this Kreiit rwiwrty .' Nu.you i.etir da mul never wUt lor
if tak2u iislirectt'l tttitl in tneprojr tiiiwiituy - fi lnP tatnnot 1,11
to euro Hiiy of the tllfctiw.0 for which it Is r-roniroemlwl. Wlist
It liaanlrcVay lno to rellKYO tho tuffeiiuK Is toM lu thoueands of
lettera of urate"' Palw.
.a . mvi
Mr. 7, '.
t?10 .tH.llll UN,
falUnvim: Ittttr for -piJilicat.OK,
mthnrntr, wuUly lUumni for many years as the sfccij! representative ef
" t'rti Sih-er Press of the United States, us AtnMy oiwjraed the
tv&y 15oS! ks fee aixj iaj
ii i rs rwi van mm i
Jan. . lew.
Pear Sins -I r.m naxlous for the wikg of the rulTerliis end lotsl .of K""''" " i"
ctve mv tiormal cwlorimout of our oiuIfrful luau-ily On tbe rth of .laiiuM). IW7.
I mis lii WiiM iKttm it-id ivttb Midueiiiy led 11U ua msicravuicit c,o of nlUmmnt. ry
I w ni.ll.ni "Jo tovete I nJ palutul va. , Uio atuclc tlmt uiiinii s:s li.)uM...y lett "in w-s
i.ml toot: atltMW thot iiltfht. iii'ibln uimo ou wcierrMllr n. airwieil liO foliowinvt
S"l h" vCTew frl-i'l. "ho ta l..n cured br It of Ncur t k. C- rrh Mid A.thrj..
KliU UIIH..tlb .. .w--
"i M'L.
iS-iSs- ssiJ
WMiinx jon overy miccjm
ISurtJu of PcfUist and Rrj m
t imii i p ivr
Cno lUU remedy ailtai.Wiiwlj J out- n p-dLsSnutUiw. C&Uteo. HI.
Mieti ywii and our fiuilly l'""!6,'?,' u ,,,u ',,,,, hf tor uslus "i DHOl'h" only
mid (Htarrli ere ''cu.rl,'Le; f,1.1,, :?, w e r or.oven yoftr. Tula lucdlolno .low
two moutli. 1 can ,lfr"1Vi,M!A. tllKtl ,iru?ataVrl! I uuli ltiur and I hv8 Mrtly
n:or. tlisn claimed for It At ' Id f ''" ;lJr " ,, an Bono Jly Iiwrlnit U now uo.xl
Hill inV WMMllt J mU ll ltr I "; '".'... l.a ...... r,..r whi. lm H voiiiir uhlld.
...h". r - -- -j .. . ....
ii lull ilny'R work It l tno i.et meuictuu .
for it Iih ll)t iwine ctieci on i
litesof the clilld and tuiiow
A strlotlv hlKli,j:niUo Tauilly SeirtDg
laotdnn pogaeautut; all modern
Guaranteed Equal to the Best
nicus vory raonnblo. Obtain tlieta
lruiu your local dealer and niuLo
?&" ?M7Zu 'IhuoVhSr Itni.otf omup an-d ens the
nc-ct and refiMldus Ueji to both J omit: and ..M
Your, wpeelf nlly. MJK tfc. U)
J t-V rteen-etl the folim wg h !ler
tet fur siJy Y'' a tviiut. ,iiu
A'efaini.iit&it if his tKJoneihiKt'
Jan. 89, lt96.
L!Urr,Mr:7, 7. Wilson V On&.lll.tAl.J
Hit rename re aimi r inter .wi'i t , t 1 U 'sf- r
genuine, avarccciv tuims rrrvr, .-. rj " """"
till I .1 U'll.MlN
iw.nsm:- Your letter of rcent
rri.n .u..,.uitiv uhn m&MllfiLGtUr HI
I nave It to tiicm aud oy wos-d of
imiiiy Un?' . 'l' '?"''" ' ." ", YZ.r .,;.. IneYi rt. X ai I one as. and ua you ,
.llf ITM' on ". ' wrt itVM wW cui? uu a- It l. emeu me. -
H.. ..- -- '-...,,. r. .... i ,. iu a ..'.mamia ifi ,n in HU4nri uit .. i.v " ...., - . ..
date at liand. tlietestlmouial yea gjcak of 1 psj;'""0-
id Mill ' 0 liroim ' imiuikiiru in C"-J""t" ' i, r;
U li.true.nud I count cur u " ""' .' .iVT. i,r.t
..... i. .!,. -..r ii. u lRiter. 1 Kent It t tUeni Ian
In his ute.?
L-WA !., EUWiE HAHBFABTilRliin 00.
mul suiierinr fabrics. BEl.VIUt.KS., UI
n. l tir Vaidtnc mt rrjkTTUr. lltit "A IflU IS
du4 l htowji uedy tie ; fr case lln T-J eJ JSgTO'. UKLLf MS
. . ,..",. ii-.h... i..nr. mund fore laruel-titli!
If you 1..W not .!hm .WT!P S3,X tartnei M oi H.-.nu-ril 1 hl
ut cure ior i'iicuiau'ii,
n, lnoliuciic, i,nuiti
I Kindred Ois'&iltk.
nsuts AgeHts -in-olnted i aew territory.
SWAK60W RHEU?i1AT!C GUKS GO., l67DeaibotaSfc.CUwso.Ill
Cl'll a. biiiwi t.-T.-. -'- ,T"J.j4i." iiri WcmW.ic
wiHu; j
wm -. m
mm mm j
Ll, IJk Vtj u JWiku. m. t '
rfcr' -?W 'ay glAgf'