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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1897)
V , Jv '-; Wt 0 l we I i. s5 . k r ' I & A 1 1 VOL. iriiiinjiiiijiiiiuwjuiuiiijjuiwwi-iii'jjiuu MMjjiJiaMwiJwjljjui'jagMMmo The Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. l'llMlnhwl nvorj li ili ami "iitil'il t tlie ttuH-uHirn in llomlmiforil, Nohinilm. riH noooml 'linmnait matter. TUB llF.nLl Uilwviitril to tvo IiiUtmIh of IIi'iuitiKfonl nml Hox llutto cvtmt. THUS. O'KEnPn, Publisher. RimsrniiT: hvtk-w oNi! Yinn v.. ::: si? tax months .:.?r.t....rt...,....v.'.........7r. COUNTY OKKIOHUS. r. m. rnsi.vH A. M. M11.1.KU ,T vh. 11. 11. Hk.whtt II.l. Swr.csiKT dork. TtMimiPT. , .,..1i4k ....SlicrilT. 11. r. oiLMts. .Aiturwy. 11 iris A. 12. N-ctAND. . . . .Sii)i'rint'niliHit. Survejup, t'llXK. IIHWN I)u. V.K. MIM.MI .' Coroner. Jlli. li. W. lloWMA.N rllH(rlKn. Jimes Dvuitv CoiiiiniBHioni'r lnt liist. Ji. lIoi.r.TNU.iKE ('oinmUHloiior'-'iiil DIM. li. V. Duncan CominicBioin'rlinl Dist. MAlli DIUKITOHY. HKMtSoroitl) jiololl!on. On witk ilnjR ilonr oixMid at 7 a. m., wiierul iMlvorj ohii ,it H . 111 an4 c1oh"h nt Up. m. Ol'i'ii bumlfiiB !) to ID i. Mi. lltniiNm'O'.il) ami Hox Hutti: staco'lailj- except iSiindJ. IlKMtKuronD ndDcnlap Htnxe. ilailr oxoi'pt Kuiiilny. 1 Time Tabic FOR Hemingford Lincoln, Omaha, Ouiuyuo, Br .losunr. Dcnvj'.k, 1 i LULKNA, IjUTTK, Salt Lakc City, Kansas City, roHTLAND, St. Louis and oILSak Fuanoisco, points east nnd and all points jouth, west. Tiuimi Lvm: ah Kom.oivh: lWoiKi'r, ililly Deailwnoil, 41. IlillinuH ami till puuilM nortli ami wvhI., 1:10 n. m. No. 15. No. 47. Ho. 43. rrelitlit, daily. llllliiiKH nml hlatl'jUH .... Dfailwooil, ll:3Ti p. 111. KicIkIiI, ilally. New Cttstlo nml inl(tnieli.ito Matloim.., l'awiwr, diily, for, Omiklia, l liii'iutii nuu nil IMiinUiait... (OiWp.m. fi'o. 40. Krniulit. ilnily. for liin-'olil nuil intonn"iUn!' N'.it'oiiB !:t7 p. in. IIo. 40. I'Vi'luhl, daily for Lincoln, nml intoriniiliai" xlalluiiN lO.i'i n. ni. KlwpliiR. ilitiini; nml ri'diiiiiiw ulmir mm s'.'ntii frfo 011 llirotiKli trailiB Tii'ki'U sold and hBucaui'olii'i.'liivl to any point in tlie United btntrw or CnnaiU ... I'nr information. mipH. limn tnlilfs and tiok rti rail on or vil( to V. M. Copelnml, 4nnt. ir.1. Pit.YNClS, (Ji-u'l l'aMU'iiKerAKi'iit.Omnlui .JMiwjKh. DR. 0. A. IIOLBROOK, (pH YS1CIAJ1 and S'JRG20S?, Ke.sidoiH'0 and OHico in Hox JJutto Hank Bldg. ffemiugford, -:- Nebraska. TUTTLB & TAS3I Attorneys - at - Law, IIFM1NGF0R0. NEBRASKA. F. B. H0LSTEN, Watchmaker -AND- Jeweler ALLTAKCE NEH. (B. &AI. AVatch Examiner.) Charges rcn.-ionable; satintnetiou punranttn'd. Orders left at the Hehald oilier v.-ill reco:vo prompt nltontiou. No extra charges. NEW GOODS, ffl NEW STYLES, IQJ t LOW PRICES. We are located one door north of C. J. Wildy's, -and will bo ' pleased to ahow you our goods; give us 1 call and see what wo have that you need. Thanking you for past favors and soliciting a continuance of tlis sams. Yours Respectful ly,. - - Miss L. Adams. - C. J. Wildy wants your trado. 0. J. Wildy wants your potatoes, New clothing just arrived at AVilclyV. mmmm hhn Latest styles of hoes at lowest lf rlK., ius at w iiu s, , prices j HEMINGFORD. BOX BUTTE COUNTY '1 nDTKi'MU iw rw-unB t ! Rememfber June 26th will be our last day lit Homing ford this season and those who wish to avoid U10 big rush that generally crowds our gallery, will do well to come early. BAILLIE & KODSTROM. Local and Personal. , M. D. Atkiu of Box Butte, was in tho city Monday. liev. "Wundorlieli is attending Conferoncc at Lyons. Mrs. E. E, Ford of Lawn was : in tho city Monday. John Kuhn is assistiug Dick Bovan in the blacksmith shop. Mrs. Ole Gilbert of Box Butte made this ofiiico a pleasant call Saturday. Miss Mary Zimmcr visited Hemingford friends Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Snow and daughter, Ar villa, of Alliance, spent Monday in Hemingford. Mrs. Silk came up from Alii ance Saturday and will spend a few days visiting friends. Mrs. Thompson, sister of Mrs. Jos. Mauion, departed Sunday, night for her homo in Kansas. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Cibson, Thursday, J uno 10th, a boy. Mother and child doing well. Tho work of tho new artists, Baillie & Kodstrom is certainly the finest over, made , in . this county. Miss Dora Uohdor went to Big Red, "Wyo., Saturday whore she cxp"cts to visit her brother for a few weeks. "W. L. Jewell who loft Liberty precinct two years ago is report ed to be on his way back to Box Butto county. Kov. "YV.- C. Pkipps arrived, from Custer county Saturday and will have charge of the Congre gational church. Kov. E. S. Muenich departed Sunday night for Cincinnati, Ohio. IIo expects to bo gone about six weeks. Eli Gerber and family started overland Saturday for' Kearney where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. L, B. Fennor. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Michael, Friday, June 11th, a tsn pound boy. All parties re ported doing well. There was a social hop at tho resilience of Commissioner Hol linrako Friday . evening. A ploasant time is reported. Miss Anna Ward returned from Chadrou Friday, She has baen attending tho Chadron academy for the past year. Mrs. Melvin returned to her homo near Seneca Sunday night. She has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Book. Mrs. Frank Martin and Mrs. Fred Smith and children droyo up from Alliance Friday and Avoro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Price. Those popular photographers, Baillie & Rodstrom are doing an onormous big business and every body is well pleased with their comt hougQ tonihl fol, UlQ AVOr" purpose of mooting Donald Mo- J. W. Pierce, J, F. Nooland. Le(Uli tlie wen itnown railroad pro Mrs.' G. W. Hatch and Miss Ek- ' motol jlr. McLean in a brief tella Taylor wont to Alliance lmt luci( mnnnel. explained tho Saturday to matte luml prool on their claims. Alias In clue uoouonoujrn re- 1 turned from Hot Spines, H. D., !r-11.v ShWhnn nilmnA. Saturday She has boon attend ! , ' ' . "-,.., 1 Ing Uie Jilwk HiUi C0"ge for iteM) nmnmncunniiiniM i The Congregational ladies wiil servo ice cream in tho llrithaway bank building tomorrow. Tho county oominKsionors arc in session as a board of equali zation. Tho proceedings Avill bo published next week. Father Harrington, Mrs. M. Elmore and childron, Mis. Frod Hillior and (laughter, Nellie, of Alliance, wore Homingford visit ors Wednesday. Baillio & Rodstrom, photo graphers, arrived in town Friday ami will remain until Juno tili. Tlioy have a iirst-clans photo graphic paraphernalia and do excellent work. Mrs. Baumgardnor was thrown down by a calf which she was picketing out and had her ankle sprained quito badly. Dr. Rich ards attended her and says she will bo able to get around soon. Tho Hkualu has six now sub scribers this week aiuV'suvra'til dollars wore received on sub scription. This is tho only paper in tho county ot'iicially recog nized by tho state and county of ficers. W. L. Convis and family ar rived in Hemingford Tuesday for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood after which they will start for Los Angeles, Cal., where the5r expect to make their future home. S. B. Harrison and family who left this county a short time ago for Montana have reached Sher idan and write, back, that, so far they have got along nicely al though there had been lots of rain and traveling through tho gumbo country was not very pleasant. They expect to leave for Montana soon and their ad dross for U10 present will be Bil lings. Children's day observances fil led tho hours of tho morning services at tho M". E. ami Con-' gregational churches Sunday. Flowers and birds, bright music and brighter faces of young peo ple, made a scone of rare beauty and an occasion of joy. Quito a full programme had been pre pared including recitations inter sporsed with singing by the school and congregation. Anirato father from Wright precinct came to town early Mon day morning on the hunt for a couple of young girls who had loft homo tho night before ac companied by two young men from Homingford. Tho girls were found and returned to the parental roof. Some practical joker started tho rumor that a warrant was out for tho boys ar rest, on tho charge of abduction, and tho boys aforementioned very quickly made up their minds that the balmy breezes of tho Pino Ridgo or Black Hills woro more pleasant than tho atmos phere of Hemingford and they accordingly hit tho high places on the road leading in that direc tion and never stopped until tho county line was safely passed and they had learned that their scare was unfounded. O'Neil, Nob-, Juno 1 1 . A rous ing and enthusiastic mooting of flio nili'.ens of O'Neill was hold in vmt ndvnnljiges to ho derivwl from tho construction of an in dependent lino from Ponoa to O'Neill via Crcightoii them west t0 th. 1c!ll :-.. b,rr, lecbea m favor at tu now on- torpriso wisre made by Mayor 011- j j fciukj,td awl ' 0Uir NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, J cgwBirtgmjniMt leudittb eitizaiiB. A communica tion from Geo. E. Chounoy, of Creighton, staling that thecitwiis of that place woro fully alive to tho now enterprise, was road. A committee consisting of Mayor Gillospio, 0. O. Snyder, M. F. Harrington, J. J. Meddlm-ty, J, P. Muuu and John Mcllugh, was apponipd to act jointly with liliq committees selected by other towns along tho now routo in promoting tho now entorpriso. The follow--ing resolution was unanimously adopod: Resolved, That tho city of O'Noilfand surrounding country are in full sympathy with tho pro posed now routo and oro willing to rondcriny assistance within thu range Nof their ability to aid tho enterprise. Preaching at the Congregational church, Sunday, Juno 2dlh. Morning theme: Tho Divinity of .CHrist. Evening theme: A portrait of .Jesus. Professor Word en, who is well known by our citizens,- has tho following to say about the ,new photographers: To the ladies and gentlemen of Box Butte county: I am purson ally acquainted with Mr. and Mrs. Kodstrom and have seen much of their work during the past leu years and I talco pleas ure in saying they are among tho very finest and skilled photo graphers in the slate. All per sons wishing true pictures, and life like, now have an opportunity never f before offered in lh? coiuUav..:Vei;y rospaotfully.. . . W. S. Woiidkn. 2 per Dozen ....FOR.... CABINET Photogra is Wo are in Hemingford and will remain until dune 26th, only. Wo do the highest grade work known to tho art at extremely low prices and guarantee every picture wo make to ploaso any and all who wish our service. Can you afford to misa this op' portunity of securing a perfect photograph in tho very latest styles, neat and tasty in finish and overy detail showing tho su perior skill of men grown up in the business, and surrounded by tho latest improvements and be ing thoroughly familiar with tho European as well as American methods employed for producing tho finest results. Touching our integrity as bus iness men wo refer you to the First National Bank, Holdroge; First National Bank, McCook, and State Bank of Red Cloud. Grand Ball! The Hemingford Cornet Band will give a grand ball in the court house hall, Hemingford, on tho evening of July 2. Grand march at H o'clock. This will be tho social event of the season. Tho proceeds will bo for tho benefit of the band and everyone is cordially invited. C. J. Wildy 1ms just racaivnd from Chicago a new line of nice Dry Goods. Seo him lief ore Bond ing away. Snvo money and pat ronize homo industry. Dr. B lanelmrd ieturnxl this morning and will remain a few duys. If you wih work (ipno you houW ttU at ottco. ' , pr UNK 18, UM7. ---fc'wiwii.BJiJl'l,tMKU'Hi'gAlMn Wmm Tie Is Chuck Full of -' BARGAIN QOODS-t Cal! and see. , CALVIN. J. WiLDYJt' ' Ilfcljll'l 11,1)11111111 EC ANTON PIONEER- Hardware 'ilin (JM)KST KhTAIIMxflMKNT IN TI'.K I'oiMV Ghaitef Oak Cook Stoves, N" Genuine Round Oak Hating Stovs Paints, Oils, Glass, etc.. Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb Wire tlie Best on Earth H. H. PIERCE .Proprietor of. Tf 1 Livery Wo have first-class stock and double and sinirlo rigs, which wo urnifah at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boarders unexcelled in tho city. CJivo us a call. JS" Stable Corner Box Butte Avenue and Sheridan Street. ll'l' ' -w ;r- wvjft?-v t. - ;s - - T??T3r.far Zjs& :wg?,'&&w- ViViaJtc- v v ,aWia8i"ffJiicl Tiit Trar ibAjh mp -05-TPK-.,w . ,':il'V.7-T2fci.rflB3 ."if.. Jr-iftsBt-iJfe ' .. . '7AX&eWMKrMft: :.. &t&&3J&2mBS&2sr W. K. HERNCALL, -, Agent - -j. NO-IT MMMNMWMMMMMiM V ' 4r i "- 1 t.': ! Mi , '(t, i j fK UH i.J jpw y- t a l Vk, b f&PA q mfXUSSBSlm T Wvit VL ' nH-MfttJ tffSW .ftJ'',. ., ' fc. Doable Store SaflrtlfiPV Stables 9 sueif t wlU re oq I bf- li- '1 rv-t2f .j -jf smima--srtimKC -rv.MrivVeHiMBr-. 'FTHyri SsmtTfSLs-.' r"Bar: -t-B(fc'MW