Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, June 11, 1897, Image 4

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    Tho Box Hullo County TcncliorA
Jnstitntu will In- hold ih Uoniiii:
oixl this Pt'fiHon, beginning Juno
28th fiiul eont inning in 60811)11 two
wooke. '
Supt, J. A. Collins of Fremont,
nBsMpri hy Mra. iJl. D. Flotelior,
of "Viiym Vr'ill comluQt U10 insti
'tuk Both iiiBtnictot's ' nro woll
and fnvornbly Unowiwn llio oaat-
orn jJiu'l TiCtlio stiite hiuVVo fool
'out-solved' to bo vory fortuntyb in
hcenring thoir fotvicos.
Thoso iutondinjr to tonch in tho
ronnty (Hiring tho coming iicfioo
"year are rccuVirecHo attend tlitS?Iii-
utituio. TI16 nnnouiiconionts will
bo out next v'flok.
Examiuntions for professional
life cpi-tilicntog yill Ijo hold Juno J)
find 10, simultaneously, at the of-
lice of state Sup't Tjineoln; in the
'county Sup't ollico, North Platto,
and nndut thehiyh school building
in each of the following places:
Oitmhn, Fremont, Hustings, Nor
folk ami Grand Island.
Jcmingford.Nob., May 19, J897.
'"Notice is hereby givon that tho
County Commissioners of Box
JJutte county will incut at the
Cleric's ofilco iii tho court house at
Hemingfo'rd,Nohraska, on tho luth
day of Juno I8i)7 as a hoard of
'Equalization, the session to hold
notJuse than three days, at which
time and placo any objection' of
'complaint, of tho assessment for
taxes for the year 1897 should bo
By order of tho Bonvd of Coun
ty Commissioners.
F. M. Piiklps, Co., Clerk.
of that JW itatti' Hank, ClmrliT No. SM, at
llt-mtiiKford, lit the Ntatnof Nebraska, at tlm
close nt busixiitia May 2 1, IbUT.
Loan and discounts S3,607.n.t
Over draftti.M'Ciirrtl ami unnccnrcl 151
.'Furniture and fixture..... ,. MM.u)
Other real estate T.IO.OU
J) m frnm National, Htaui ami l'rivato
lljuiksand Hanker , ,.,, M. 00
Cash , Willi
f 'Xti.-I 3,fK.tO
"- I.IAIIlMTIta.
Capital stork pniiliu 8,000.00
rintmidual deposits subject to check.. UC9 ID
Time ccrtinratoR u( deposit , 4.00
Totu , ts,(aio
Btato of Nebraska, County nt Hoi ltntte, kh:
1,'3.A. llnrlew, president of thu nhovo
Miiml bank, do solemnly swear tliat tlio abovo
MnliBcilt In truota thftlicnt nf my knowledge
and UUef. C. A. IIUKLUW, President.
' Bupwrlhnd and awurn to bffnro inn tills lid
" day ijf Jane iati7. fj- W. Mi loncMox,
4 lurl-l Notary Public.
.Special Sale...
Of Dress Goods.
. .
Original price "70 els,, "now 00 cts.
." :-n
10 cts., now !10 cts.
!0 cts., now 20 cts.
and other goods accordingly.
Boys and Men's Overcoats at
less than cost.
"Woolen Ovorshirts,
Original prico fci.SO, now 81.00.
'TJndorwcar at same discount.
Blankets, former pvieo 11.50,
now 82.60."' "' u" r-
..W. K. ligriicall.
The talk of of tho town
tho new and wontlerful Australian
"Dry Air" trcatmer.t of Asthma,
!JfJqnchitis, Catarrh,' Coughs, colds
fi 'Cures Ly iiilialation"
' By mail or at druggistsj 81.00
Send for free pamphlet.
C23.24-25 Teutonic lMdg.,
Itnpprtabt to 'Settter
I am now prepared to transact
?ny and all business settlors may
"jiavo with tho U. S. Land Oflice.
AVill bo at Crawford, Nebr,, on
Mondays of eneh weak. If noti
jiuil that any settler desires to do
pu&iness at Mavslandor Belmont,
'will meet them there on Titos
days or Wednesdays. Will be
"prepared to do business at Ilem
ingford, all other days in the
week. Non-resident holders of
tree claims, can oompleto thoir
final proofs without cornmg to
the county, by corresponding
Kjth mv T. J.. O'Kebpk, '
' ' ' 17. S. Cotjr't Com'r.
nll', if
Miiwiitnawix i
.Fill a bottle or coinnioi glass
wth orino and let it stand tyvonty
four hours; n sediment or sc'ttling
indioato3 a diseased condition of
tlti" kidneys. AVligii urine stains
linen it is postivo evideneo of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent dosiro
to urinate qr pain in the back, Is
also 'Convincing proof that tho
kidneys and bladder aro oijt of
There is comfort in the ktjowl
etliro so often oxpressed, that Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp E(?ot, tho rreat
kidney remedy fulfills every wish
in rQlievnltig pain in tho hack
kidneys liver, bladder and every
part of the urinary passages. It
corrects inability to hold urine
and scalding pain in passing it, or
bad eirects following use of liquor
wine or beer nnd overcomes that
unpleasant necessity of boing com
pelled to get up many times dur
ing tho night loWrinjitn. Tho mild
and the extraordinary oiled of
Swamp-Root is soon reali.od . It
stands the highest for ihi wonder
ful cures of tho most distressing
cases. If you need any medicine
you shoiild have tho best. Sold by
druggists price fifty cents and ono
dollar. For a sample bottle and
pamphlet, both sent froo by mail,
mention the IIkiiald and send
your full posl-ollice address to Dr.
Kilmer it Co., Dinghnmton, !jjf. Y.
Tlio proprietor of this paper guar
antee tho genuineness of this oiler.
Ilntlcci Ir licrcliy p-Ivcn tlint tlio lutprrt and
rrntal upon tlm coulractH of liaw and nnlo to
tlio following: ilwerilA'd Kdurntiou.il indn Hit
tintwl in llox llutto ctmnty. Nrbrakii, ivh Hct op
pnnitntlniiniii('i Of tliPU'HncotHulioldftrfl tliorn
of, in doliuquunt nnd, if nuch tloUminciicy in
not raid witliiu ninety diij'H from tlm ilaUiuf
tliln tiDtlcc, nalil cimtrartu will lolpclr.rod for
flti by tlm board of ICducittinual ljiiirt and
I'uud.i and uaid farfultuio will bo cntoml of
record In tho iimtmcr providnl by law.
Part of Hoc. K. Tp. It. Name.
all 10 'U..M..J. H. lukMtor.
all 80. .'Jl .W..J.1I. AnderHon.
mi4 1H..W. &U..1J.U. Picrc-f.
kw'4... l..-.'8..0 .W.T.HtPvenR.
wji IB..27..fil. Mulliu l.ydmtt.
nn .vi...i...ii . iiocepn illlld.
)rt.CT,.4T. JoM-ph A. t-'miltn.
I0..S5..4H ClirirloHA.IIitrUfy
:.1. &2.. Frank Hakid.
M..27. 47.Mk'H. Hill.
3tl 37..4T..HiirhiU Jj. Katon
111. .at M..A.J .TiilUit.
w' ,
apqrnw ur...
noiir nv )r...
nil., j.... St)., 'SI. Tit. M. YoupKf-todt
nil ?.... ltl. 21. RLjilMdl-olT-ry
.). no AiiH-rn Kinjj
:. 21. 17.. Ww J. lielfrnac
Hi. .a). T.0..W. K. Itroadtli'lil
W..-JI .Ml. Tliomas (Mllrk
ia..'Jl..l..H. f. HoNculaMin
ltl.."l..ri) A V. HoMMibauni
10 .S .17. KhiI K. Porter
ltl. ai..t" Krpst Hartinann
10. SI..47..olin Stemiucr
liunnn. 10. LHi.,47 .JulluH Hnrtmnnn
1(1 "J7..7..llf.rry li. WIIkoii
V .211.. 17.. U A Trney,
i0..i"0..46. t-liriHtoplierMau-IwvtliT
J .ai..4". .Tac(d) Mauwciler
:!..ai..4J .Davtd lAMinard
J'tl .20. 4S. MMtlirwIjwinanl
,W, 211 IM...Innat ljiimm
ltl..'J7..iH. .loi. A.JofiMiu
111. 27 .48 Miclinel McCann
W1..27..4H..H. 1,, Wiloii
M..'. 19..Joha Stenimer
Iniaun SO. 2.1..40. Ororco MeUtpr
nwf.neH,U ol4
n bf..,...,
flit iViiwijr......
n or
lie or ........I,
Hi' ii r
s ur
unijr no ir,.
uuqr t
n nr
h bt
iihf.upqr.f bf Hwqriai. U7..50.
hrr.nlc Ilrcnuan
n or noiir
ID. jr. 1U ..liHm 11. John
:i0..2H M . ltolTl (iivill
1U..2II..4U. ltlllMirt (iivill
1..28..r.l John Willanl
Itrt. 27..47..(,!ins.A.Vai:n.'y
ai..S7..18. U.-A. Matbera
nwqrnwqr, olif
nwur. ti or
hour, h lit noqr.
a in
by qr.
HI. .M. .40.. A. P. rihoK-s
IH..20..MI..A. OavlMin
M..2.-. r.l..Stci.lion II UoIIk
n lit, kw qr
n wqr..;. .
M.jfi. M. Marshall K.,Jli.
noqr ,. Iii..27..4'J..Mary JJ. Joiu-B
oqr noqr, nonr
hoqr ...;... E0. .'.M..I7.. William Demp-
nwqrnwqr M.. 20. .47.. Otto YoroI
it 111 lioqr,HWqr
uoor 1C..25 .40 J.l'.Cooley
u hi noqr, Hwqr
noqr 10..2.1..49..H. H.Ivpb
all , 1H..2H 51.. Walter I. Hall
HWqrhwqr, ai..S9 41 . Chan li. Flower
all 10. .2S. .1(1 .li. li. lIlano
all... :ir...2l 1. H. I' (1. Moore
nit :m..2t..oi..c N Johnston
whf , I10..20..62. .James Hook
noqr .... 1(1. 27 .10. V. B. Tiffany
Hwqrwiqr :hi,.2A. Ml. Tliomai Itowan
(heirH mid axianH.
wlifnwqr 10 27..4I1. .JohuKivlto
tlcmiiiKford, llox llntte County. Neb.. April
15.1697. A. M. AlIt.ljKIt,
I'ouuty Treamircr.
"ir 'mi' -i
Tlio French coaoh stallion
"QUINAUIJT nml tlio Sliiro
stallion, "SAXON KING" Avill
nmko tlio season of 1SD7 nt my
farm six miles west and two north
of Honiingfonl.
Tonus: $5 to insure a mnro in
foal; money duo when fact is
ascertained or mnro parted with.
Mures herded during the season
for oQo a month. Ca'ro taken to
prevent accidents but I will not he
responsible should any occur. No
buBiueijs will be done on Sunday.
A. S. Enykaht.
The English Shire DUKE,'
known as tho Ringer horse, will
stund the season of 1897 ut my
farm one milo west of Borea every
day every day except Monday aut!
Tuesday when ho will staud'fp.
II. Dillou's plaeo milos cast' pf
1,...H "I .. - '
4H"U trAJ.ni:TT
Final Proof rNotices.
Jliiv. J. W. Wf.kn. Jit.. Itr:lnter.
llojj. V. M. tliiooMK. ltoorvir.
Jfartte linrlnK nollros InUdu rolnmn arc ro-
iiiickIwI to rrad tlm miiiio raf
tfefiillr ami rpmirL In
in oIBihi for corrnrtloti Bny error tliat mar
Mtit. Huh will prevent poMiible dylar in
nmkliKt proof.
LandOlnVoat Allianpo. Nob., May 28. 18ff7.
Notice U hereby iflvun that
Elliot Drew,
of Itambnnr. Iowa, linn filed notlcr of Intention
tomakdllnul liroot licfornlteKihtprand HiTeiver
at Allianm, Neb., on tlm (ltli day of July lW7.on
limber iMilturi-npplicatloii .so 1102, for tlio scqr
, tp 2H it, r 40 w,
1I nnmcM nn wltneKe! J K Wrlrmar), Mor
pan A. Ilriiwn, (iporf M. TJaiikR, John P. Wclr
man, all of Muomaw Neb.
.1 . W. Vru.v, Jru, ItelMer.
Irfind Ollicnat Allli.iire, Neb.,itay 2fi, 1897.
Notitt) in linmliy anon that
Edward P. Churchill,
of Klyria, Ohio, has fileil not ien of intention to
itiako final proof beforn T. J. O'Keefo, U. H. ('.
('. CoramiPNionxr, utlilHolHcii In UiMiilim-rord,
Noli., on Hi" ?,d day of .Inly 18H7. on tiinijerciii
tuitMipiiliration no. 1221 for ho no i mtP, tp
J. r l-j w. '
Ho namen nt wltnuRKeB! Pflter K. ('Iirlnteiidrri,
.lenn hrUtn.icn, 1-onard Kampy, Jolm
O'Keoffo, all ot llemiimford, Neb,
J. W. Weiin. in., KoKltder.
Land Ollicnat Alliance. Neb., MaySTi. IHflT.
Notleo Ih hereby ien that the following
named wttler has fihtl imtiee of intention to
niako final proof In Hiipport of hin claim, and
that Fa'd proof xill bo mado iM-rorn Itr-intnr
mid llect'iver at Alllauce, Xeb., on July a, lfcHT,
"Waclav Bruna,
ot I.awn Neb., who mado h o 2M'. for tlio sw U
WAl, tp 27n. rttiw. ' Y
lie namex tlm following witneidc-s to prove bin
COlltlnilOttH renillPtlce llllllll mill nitlllrutiiin i.f
'feaiil land, viz: Frank Kraiicek. of Allianca.
itili,Uavid AtoIntoHli, Canton, Neb, JolmBwl-
Jarek. I). 1j. Miller, Lawn. Neb
r ' J. W. Wkh.v, jk, HesciBter.
Land Olilce at Alliance, Neb ', April 7.1w!
IlotiroiB l.oroby Riven thut tlm followlns
named net tier hun fileil notico of hi Intention to
makotlnal proof in Htipport of ids claim and
thfjtwiid iiroot will he mado befcro HBliter or
llocblver ut Alllanco, Neb., on July 8, ltwT, vizr
Emit Green,
of I.nella. Neb., who made II. U. No. 300 for tho
Prtniv'i x wvj lie' si ;u, tp 27 u, r 4:iw.
lie names tlm fnllmvtiiir wltm.uua i.
Ids coiitlmimiH reHldenco upon nnd cultUatlt
or said land, viz: Thoinaa S'-arn,- ('harlen Or
Uyrua V. Joy, AllH'rt Hp-r. all of l.uella, Nob.
noio iiiiuri) (H ncrooy Klvcn ;iiai
Emit Green,
of Lnella. sob., has filed rotlcn nf intention to
maJit Html proof at namo timo anil place on
timfier culture application .No. lilOl for tho hw'4
neo S J, t p 27 n , r 4.1 w. .
Jin names a witncfne: ThomaR Bears,
i .harlea Orr.'CyriiH O. Joy, Albert Sprer, all of
Luella, Nob.
J. W. Wel'n, Jn. HctflHtor.
U. 8. hand Ollico. Alliance, Neb., May 8, 1697.
Notico Ih lieioby ivni that
Perry A. Wilson,
of Alllanco, Neb., hns filed notico or intention
to mnkn final proof liofore lti'iHter and itoseiver
nt AlliancM veb on Jlino2l, 1WI7, on limber
culture application M), DOl, for tho uu U io 29,
tp 2-ni. rttw.
lln unities na wilneasoa: Bamncl Hollinralces
'anion liolllnrake. JaipeH Piukortoii, Jaincn
Wliele.n.all of,lioinlnfonl. No.).
; J. W. Weiiv, Jll., ItcRiMer.
Isanti Ollico at Alllanco. Neb.. May 0. 1HI7.
Notice Ih hereby kIcii that tlio folloipi;
nameil cettler has filed notice) of itit''iitiili'tn
tnako titial proof in Htipport pf bin claim and
that caid proof will Im madrf lioforOHihKlMer
and lteceivor at Alliance, Neb,, on Juuo'12 1 BUT,
viz, '
F. Maud Hatch, npe Way,
of He minirford, Nob., who mado II, K. No. !!('00
for tho L.ot 1. 2, a and 4. turn 111, tp 29 n, r III w.
bhe namen the following wltni-Ksus to provo
her continnoiiH reuidenco upon rind cultUatioii
of Mild land, viz: John W. Pierce. John V.
Ni-oiaml.WilliamllollinraUo, YIUIam U.Cross,
all of hcmliiKford, Nob. Also
Estella Taylor,
of HemlnRford. Neb , on brhalf ot heira of
Sarah V. Taylor, deeeaRod. lio made II, 10. :j.Vi(
for the nw '4 nw ti sen 2(1, 11 Vt no ! it no Ji uw
' niv 27, tp 2u n, r M w.
KluiiiAmcs tho following witnefOR to proo
lier rontinuous rejidoiicu 1111011 and Cultivation
of tdml land, viz: John W. Pierro, F. Maud
Hatoii, John F. Neobuid, Willhun D. Cross, all
ot lIonil:i;;fon!, Nob. ' AUu
.John F. Neoland,
of l.'oiiiiimford, :.'eb, who mado h.o. 31 j9 for tho
nw tjr nee 21, 1 p 111) n. r 4(1 sv.
Holiamei the foltowini; wltnesscH to provo
hi contiuuo is rwideuc upon mid cultivation
df Find lau'i. ir deoruo '. bnto.i. JiS.n V
Pierco. William Hollinralto. L. II. Powell, all
of uemiuKford, Neb. ' Also
John AV. Pierco,
of emim;foril, Nob., who made li, e. r'.VX& for
tho n hf tie qr, iw qr no qr A: ue qr bw qr fted 20,
tp 29 11, rrlw.
He naineti tho following witnefsHon to provo
Iuh continuouB renidHiico upiin and cultiviitlou
ol naid land, viz: F. Maud Hatch, John F.
N'vland, William tlullinrakc, William I). Crost,
all of HcmlnKford. Neb.
J. W. Wkun, Jn., Ueinty,..
W. F. II. Ooorlleh. on are herf.bv notlfind
tliat on the first day of July IFO'i, Michael Sim
moiiB purchHtHl ut tax nalo tho Boutlieant quar
Uir of Bittioh 10, muimliip 2.' n, r range f0 w.1 in
Uos llutto i-ounty, Htato of NVIiranka. That
Raid land is tinted in tho iiinm of W. F. H. (loer
liuli and tho raid purchao of, tax Halo wan mado
for the taxes of years lS'.U, uhil that thetitxcHon
wiid land for thu jraiH Ibid, IKOauil 1K90, havo
lKoupaid by tald Michael HimuiouH an subso
quent taxoi,. That tlio timo for tho redemption
oHhealorenald laud, will expire 0:1 tholirHtday
of July 1KD7-'
UaPl at uemiuKford. Neb. tiiii- 23th day of
March lb'JT, Michki. Himmonh.
Ily W. M. Iodeiico, his aKeiit.
All parties desiring to make
final proof can Imye their papers
made out at ThkHehai.d oflico,
freo of charge, and prompt l
iransniuieu to uie lann oiuci'.
To Calllornlu, Comfortably.
Every Thuiwlay afternoon a
tourist sleeping car for Salt L;ll;e
City, San, Francisco and lios
Angeleso loaves Onuiliu and Lin
coln via tho Biirlint'ton Route. .
It is carpeted upholsiretl in rat
tan'; has spring soatn and b.iv
and is provided with curtains. I.
ding, towels, snap, ete. An -.
ionc'cd excursion t-oiidn.-t'ii-
uniformed Pullman porter luni
pany it
the P..erti
Yhile neither
lier ap-'.wp' iiivrf.
4i:uT tt 1. 1 ik at a
tiinished nor tm'
it ia jiift as yWi
ride in. jy5cond cl-js t'oktts
neceptur' for passnyii uml th-- .-'i
of ajfjerth, witlo o ii 'i
opimgh for two, ir n, t
For folder 4jviug m - .
ulars, call at noartwt Kur i
ticket ollico, or writtu J.
G. P. A., Burlimtou Kuuie,
OiiiiuVi. Neb. '
ggrjBgWBCTTOVgJMCTirr-lmii-i nr-T.... yjnTrim
-" uiiimqTiiiii.nBum
Laud Ofllecat Alliance, Nob.,
May l, lbil".
Notice Is hereby Riven tlint the
following named settler has Hied no
lieu or intention to innku Hn'ill proor
In fiupport or his claim, unit that faltl
proor will be Hindu before Jteglstcr
and Ueceivor at Alliance, ifeb., on
.7 uno 14, 1807, VI?.:
John Custok, or Estlier, Neb.,
husbuntl or Ann Cnstek.iico Pottneail,
deceased, who iniitle IT E. No. 2380,
ror the srt swl sec 30, nj n'tv 1 sec
81. tp 20, r47. '
He tiutnos tho following witnesses
to prove his continuous! residfiice up
on u n J cultivation of said land, viz:
Joseph Lnmplot, V. ttliinduk, Henry
Llulite, L. John Potmesil, all of Dun
lap, iN'ub. ' Alo
Charles S. Olson, of Dunlap, 'eb.,
who mitdo T. U. entry No. 0-10 for the
sol sec 20, tp2(, r47.
Ho nanie.s the following witnesses
to prove his continuous resilience
upon and cultivation of said lat'd,
viz: L. John Potmesil, Thomas L.
Hopkins. Alois Ccrmak.' '.Joseph
Liimplot, nil of Dunhip, Nreb. Also
L. John l'otmesil, of Diinap, Nob.,
Who made T. C. entry No.' 1231 for
the nel see 30, tp 29, r 47.
He naiiiH.s the following witnesses
to prove lijs-chiitii. to;.ruid ,land, viz:
AlfT CVrmak. I'lunn.is L. Hupkins.
Oharles S. ONon, Joseph Lunpl .t, nil
of Utinl.tp, TS't'h.
J. W. Wisnv, J it., Register.
T. A. Slocnni. M. C, theGient Cllein
ist and Scientist, Oll'ers to Send
Free, to the Attlleteil, Three Mot
tles of Ills Newly Discovered
Iti'iuedjqs to Cute Onsiunp
tlon apd All Lung Tumbles.
Nothing eijiiltlbc fail or, more phll
antliioplc or gavry inoro joy in its
wake than the pITcr of T. A. Slocitsji,
M. C, of 183 Pearl street, New York
City. Confident that he has discovered
an absolute etuu for consumption and
all pulni inary complaints, and to
to make its great merits Known, lie
Will scud, free, tluee bottles (the
Sloeiun new system of medicine) to
any reader or the Herald who is suf
fering from chest, tliro.it und lung
troubles or consumption.
He invites those desirous of ob
taining thp remedies to simply send
ill in their express and postolllce ad
dress, and receive in return the three
rrco bottles.
Already tills "new scientilic course
of medicine" has jicrniiinently cured
thousands of apparently hopeless
He considers it his religions duty
a duty which he owes to humanity
to donate his infallible cure.
Offered freely, apart fiom its ad
herent strength.' is enough to com
mand it, and nmre so is the perfect
confidence of the great chemist, mak
ing the offer.
He has proved consumption to lie
a curable disease beyond any doubt.
There will bo no mistake in send
ingthe mistake will bo In overlook
ing the Doctor's generous invitation.
He bason lllo in ids American and
European laboratories 'thousands of
testimonials of experience! "from those
cured, In, all parts of the world.
Delays are dangerous; mail your
address to' T A. Slosurn. M. C, 183
I'earl street, New York, jind when
writing thq Doctor, please mention
rending thi article in Tun IIkuam).
Write for free book on Potent, with rrlte ofTor KBflO
ond Hit nf Inventions u anted, to ASSOCXATl0f
AMEHICAN INVKN'IXJHH, I'blladelpSila, l'a.
a I HE!
A strtotlv hleli-crade Vamlly Sewing
Ciuchine, posiuHslui; all uiodcra
Guaranteed Equal to the Best
l'rlcei Tery reaionable. Obtain them
from your local ilfiiltr and make
comparUoiK. '
IS Flf?3T
JrlCinJTAUr Itlsan adTOcatnof dmocracr. with no leviln lonr oontillam or atatoo
cla Htn Tn.i triumpti of tho MPiioliein party In tlio rejonl preslrtentlal ete tlon, rt a ratl
?iM.0,.?.!?.rllr.ll?.no'lJ"'aeln.'J.0';-4"- UJ,""? "uc" Utlertlm amy ol rocotioillatlon'anl rwr-
............... v,,. , ,., ,,,,, ui uwir unu. una uui nuuiu uuior party s. rami. To Droinotn 'cmiulna
cemocraar. tpfllHffoifiUBn-iii'Wnop.11,,.,1. a to reli tlis inonopollntlo teiUeiiclof renihl oin.
Urn will oo thu n Htlo.il ml,io i ,. "'IB OUltJ.Viar.R tn ni futiiM a it T.,, uie" In i the i fn"L
.. i..-... r.' :- .
i.miBii mii.ir laiur noresnsnirf u in mo m ropons of alt Uoioworiliy rronti of iiparlorixcrfi-
BrbBrM Ai.niirw u vuuiaijr unu ui iijwn; uiaourjry, inroiitioii. linltiatry uuj
of It P'ibllu.illon a etmy of a a-t tt XU nappar. aitUnt thoo33ja of Ujlla.-j to prudujA
u inlrAc'io of AtitM)ia mid valiu ro lulnjJ ' ""u
Dally only, OnoYonr S3.00
SixWlo'n;h3 i.so
14 Throo rrtonthi... .73
Qn.1 Mnnlh .on
Dolly ontl Sunday, $0.00 or yiar.
-- -r--'. ...... -
tfrar.oiiciilr.imi o- .... o-k, u- n.'i itsr.il tsitir. oirrii"t,i i-m.-i w nt.j orjto.t.-llr Hdli
cuuucli.muii always 4 at j.WjI- irlu Sin.iM .'o,ui nuf.-ji ji .j.mhiiii. ord,a,'ur "'.r
IC4-IGG Washington St., Chicago, III.
UR 00 buys a Fine Violin
a l ' .....ii ii. ,,.
ft I Vtitlu .innn.i.1 I
I'uily (joarantotd.
Uin rf ,
; w uu ouys a mandoline,
IpJi Birdscye Maple, Mahogany or Rose
wood iMmsn. Fully guaranteed.
Cjfl 00 bays An American
wJiJt guaranteed to stand.
btrinjjs, in Lrahogany
wood iinisu.
SEN'I) FOR CATAI,(MJTTP OP cmvvt utiTcrn
j )SO buys a $ioo
Kimball Pianos m Organs
A T'liltlfW. lilfln iiand Tn CIO
- ""J -.-..v. ..w... u. .'uu,
A W rlf fl f IIP f 1fllrt'nr.i nml nn
j A. H03PEVJR.5
A gh Grade Lagr Beer:,
Purest in the Market.
9uee 1007 Jackson Street, Omaha, Nob.
Head carrlullv this
who have ucen cured of other diseases ana
tail to (inichiy relieve and nermanemiy cure. ,,,.", , . vv"'' n". -
Ueah tlm: Your bottlt of ft Drops" received. It wty for an old friund, Mt.Wm.
Edward, of Miirtliiaowii Vis. Ho ha-i hud Nourulgla In his chest, culferlng a Great dcnl uf
pnln, yo much io tht It a(T6(:tcd his heart nud he cuuld not sleep m accoiltil of a stuollirt-.l
icellne. lie lias been under the care of thu mosi einlnctit phyaiclanB, but tound nq relief
until Igavo hlin adoeeof "5 Utops." Tho very iti niKht ho re-tet well, end hu evo tltiee.
ami Is KiiluInK dully. I rnvself ani 7 yenrs old and begun tntli.g your wcdielne !qt Alir"
for UhoninatlHin, which 1 havo had for -it) yeiiM, ulso lor u weai heart. Since" tKn
"5 Drops" tue Uhouraiitlhia has ail dhappuaied, tliCntltVnets la koub from my joints, and ny
heart nevrr misses ulie.it I am today a well. btfon woman, and I owe It to -S Drops." I
only wish I could moiiikI my bunle of prl.Q 1qu4 enotieh to bo heard all over tho world, and
could convince every one tliat "6 Drops" la All ou claim it to bo and moro.
lire. D. T. Carver, Winslow, Stevenson Co., 111.
Dear Sir.: JAMtunr a, 1H97.
OverSlyctkro ago, I bud Typhoid Fever,
ani barely rcr.ped with my life, it IfcH my
SVBI"!U M viiMierca lunv i uuve uuu ti i
slna. Itheumaliwu and Throat Trouble,
wlilrti ituve me a terrible C-'iiuh I had been
upaVje to find any rylle- for thefo disease
until I lemifd ot your ' ft DltOl'S '. which
I commenced tabfiiK onl two tuyuhs nso,
and my euro has boen Indeed wiffltmitpui.
Already uiy cough has entirely dliitppenretl.
and tho l.heiimiitlsim which for a lew years
pa& has threatened to inane a cripple of rue
is c'ired, and I am freo from pafn. TIiIb Ik
the hifwt wonderful mid the chcaped remedy
ever dleeovered. I am more thankful to you
than words can tell mid 1 want everybody to
tnow whHt "SDHOes" has rionvfor me.
AlthoiiKh I am ovan 70 ydaks old, I am feel
lui; lienor than I ImviM'i years.
lhhall bo glad to ansifer any questions re
KftrdhiK my case from anyone enelosluii a
two rent stamp. (.ratefnlly youw,
M KS. SAMUEL RIBLUr. Litchfield, Mich.
I find tho bottle of "6 DROPS " to bo very
good and Just what you claim. My wife has
been Buffering with Catarrh and lmy I'ever
i ver 16 years. Sno hRS trlej even thin and
doctored much, but no euro until she tried
"t, DROI'h" which completely cured bef.
YourH truly liv. L. VON W Al.D.
MarcJi 31, 1K. MilbanV, S. D.
For twenty lon years my WIfo Buff ered un
told tortures from Sciatica and Keuralffl
ami I thank God for the day that your heav-en-tent
remedy fell Into my hands, for It
completely curod her I am a lnlnUter.of
thoUpspel. and when I find any who aufter,
cannot heln but recommend "6 DHOl'S ', for
. ----..
If you havo not sulliucnt contaence nner tcuuiuk i kuch " "" " X, ,7'a:
tlo.scn.1 for a sample battle, which couta ns sufUcient medicine to vln you of 1U merit.
This wonderful curative gives almost Instant relief, and Is a rnnJincnt euro roriuiou
laatHiu. Nournlela, Sclutlca, Cr.Mrrli, AstUitm, l)yifpl. ""cl-oclr e, II ay
Ilonrt SVeakness. T5othacUe. Enraclii. Croup, -ha Orlppe," Malaria,
Creon In ir Xiimbness. llronchltl-and Wndred diseases.
"PlVK DROPS" Is the name and dose. Large bottles (300 doses), fi.oo. b DOtties ioj
16.00. simple bottle, prepaid b malU 5c. Not eold by druggists, but only by uand ou
.gents. Agents appointed In new territory.
' SWANSOH RHEUMATIC CURE CO , 1 67 Dearborn Street,
......... vu .'.,. ..-..,..i .','. rriii-r ir.R
Sunday only, Ono Yon $2.0
six Months.... i.op
Throa Mlontha.
Ono Month.
Part3 of'o yoar, 3Do per month. '
Steel '
or Rose
ffPA toon. i iMn
.iiuu, sou lO inillll.
,...- TX k rTii nntnnn
1513 Douglas Stat, OMAHA, NEB.
testimonial found below.nlsolctters from thpse
remember that "o Drops" has. and cart never
1 know It will do more thsu you claim for It.
ltliV. V. ii. COOl'EIt.WashlnijtGn Center. Mo.
Dear Hir.s; NovEanr.n 9, icW.
It Ik with pleasure I ppeak of your price
Insn roiuedy nnd of llio Kuod It hatt done me.
For llio Ia-i eli;ht yeata I have been mi Inciu
abln crhi.lo (roin paraljtln and rhcuuia;jini.
Ju..uhl..u inr elybt years a total crlnpltf not
able to earn li penny norable to walk ot Mep
nn llui irmiiml V.Uhout the aid of tonil'tillli!
to lean on Heaven blets the man wlid!tU
covcred this remedy, for, thanks to hlfti and
to Gul, l'im able to walk and ablo to 'work,
I bave'ouly taken two-thirds of a boVUe, but
have not nnd anr pain In my back since I
took the Hrst dose, and after tho seofaid I
walked across tho lloor, which I hl.enot
done In enr. 1 have thrown away tdy cane
and shall never need It again. To anyone
sending me a two-cent stamp I will and mv
aUldavit. I havq another bottle of "S
DROPS' and vnltio Hat fl 00 erdriDp.
Tlmnkfullyyours, EDWARD UASTLK.
100S Wall Street. bloux CHy. Iowa.
Dcak Sins: SrrTEJinBn 24, 1893.
I with to tell you and suffering humanity
how much good '-6 DROPS" has doue me.
On the beeluiiuiK of this year I took down
Un.lA ifltti Inri.nnmnlnrir l!hoiitnariji unit
UUliinPt nUU IUI1UUIIUUVU1J iimviihimjsm
J was doctored by as good nhy8tciaiyai this
country lias, but they could not enra me. On
Auguist i, I began to take " DROIS5-," At
that time every Joint In my body and my
limbs were stiff, to that I could not be
moved. Uven my toncue was Kiting so
that I could hardly speak so any ote could
understand me, but today, only sereu weeks
from that time. I am aiitolutcly etued, and
thank you and God for mj recovery,
Oratefully vours.
HORACE F. ANUIiUSO. McCraclyjn. Kans.
it Ai.nnA intixM eand fAf n lprA tint.
w MiiiKiimii
uivQiBSlMi! 4ii H