Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, June 11, 1897, Image 3

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fhen Women Writer Write.
Conon Doylo sayii ho has always ob
Bcrved that whether a woman's stylo
of writing be plain or florid, It Is always
clear and comprehensible. "No woman
that I ian recollect," ho says, "has
ever been tempted Into the heresy of
preciosity. Tho word style, which In
France has always been synonymous
with lucidity, has In England becomo
more and more Identified with obscur
ity, so that If you learn a new writer
Is a Btyllst you nearly always And a
difficulty In understanding what ho
means. Tho best style, like the beat
glass, Is that which Is bo clear that
you do not observo It. Some of our
critics are fond of talking of purple
patches, but purple patches were never
n Blgn of health. Now, In this respect,
I think tho Indies havo always been on
tho Bide of sanity and I do not think
that any ono could have a better model
of prose romance than such writers as
Ollvo Schreiner or Miss Wllklns."
New York Commercial Advertiser.
Uy using tho King Drnnri Chicory, manu
factured by tho Americun Chicory Com
pany, of Oninhn, Nebraskn, you cau cut
down your coffoo hill 25 per cent, boiidc
Improving tho drink. You will find it
economical, wholosome nnd urreonble.
Ask your grocor for Flng Urnntl Chicory
nut uii in pound pnekages. If ho docs not
keep it, writo tho factory. HnmpIcH mulled
1 reo on application.
"Ho is mad!"
Tho new footman heard the words
nnd trembled in his shoes.
Into what kind of a family had tho
fates at last thrust him? ho thought.
Upstanra ho heard a loud voice re
sounding through tho hall ,and occa
sionally a tremendous bang, as If Bomo
article of furniture were being hurled
from one end of tho room to another.
"He Is mad!"
The servants clustered together and
the expression on their faces showed
that they were decidedly uncomfort
able. Harllngton Route Only 823.C0 to Sun
Juno. 20 to July 3, account notional
convention Christian Kndenvorers.
Special trains. Through tourist and
palace bleepcra. Stop-overs allowed at
and west of Denver. Return via Port
lond, Yellowstone Park and Ulack
Hills if desired.
Endeavorers and their friends who
take the liurlington Koutc are guar
anteed a quick, cool and comfortable
journey, flnu bcenery (by daylight) and
tlrst class equipment.
Uerths are reserved and descriptive
literature furnished on request. See
neareht 11. & M. It. It. ticket agent or
write to J. Francis, (). P. A., Hurling
ton Itoute, Omaha, Neb.
Or All Sorts nnd Conditions.
English papers report a phenomenal
marriage .vhicli took place at South
Shields. The bridegroom was six feot
two inches tall; tho bride three feet
two and one half inches. Tho three
witnesses woro n man without arms
who signed the marriage contract with
u pen the stock of which he held be
tween his teeth, a woman who weighed
350 pounds and a man beven feet six
inches tall.
I Loliovo ray prompt uso ot 1'iso's Curo
prevented quick consumption. Sir. Lucy
Wallace, Marquot, Kan., Dec. 1, "J5.
Apples to llurn.
Five hundred and eighty barrels of
tipples havo been washed ashore at Co
chester, on Lake Michigan, and as tho
fruit Is on a sand beach many miles
from a railroad tho underwriters of
Chicago telegraphed the Cochester peo
ple to cat the apples.
The licit; all ttroorrs will refund join money If
) ou nre uot natlaf)cd with It.
The firht thing a man does when he
gets drunk is to bay that he is a gentle
man. Ertucato Vonr ISowcla With Caicareta.
Candy Cathartic, curo constipation forever.
lOo. it a c. C. fall. Urusclsts refund money.
A girl should never marry a man
whose mother was a good cook.
The Pill
"Tho pill that will," implies the pills that
won't. Their name is legion. Tho name of "the
pill that will" is Ayer's Cathartic Pill. It is a
pill to rely on. Properly used it will cure con
stipation, biliousness, sick headache, and tho
other ills that result from torpid liver. Ayer's
pills nro not designed to spur tho liver into a
momentary activity, leaving it in yet more
incapable condition after tho immediate effect
is past. They are compounded with tho pur
pose of toning up tho entire system, removing
the obstructing conditions, nnd putting the
liver into proper relations with the rest of tho
organs for natural co-operation. Tho record of
Ayer's Pills during the half century they havo
been in public use establishes their great and
permanent value in all liver affections.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
but uinco taking Dr. Kay'b Renovator I can sleep like a child and am
not troubled in the least with the above named diseases. our
Dr. Kay's Renovator
IS WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN COLD. I am an old lady 07
y rsold." Yours, M US. 1) A. MtCOY, 711 So. J7th St., Omaha.
uR. rcrt"V"S RE NOV TOR has cured so many of the worst cases
of DYSPEPSIA that wu tonslrirr It a hpeiillc for tbls disease and for prcof wo
refer auto the teMliunoials of wonderful euros reported in our hook It nan cured
n.uuy uail iute of HEADACHE, and ncn caiiKcd hv constipation or Uyspep
HlaitlMKUre to euro eery case, in fact. no bellnu It has no equal for headache
from wlmirtrrrnuto IlalwajH euro BILIOUSNESS and all forms of liver and
kldnoy complainlv nervoUMirs ucuruluiu impure nlood, urofuln. ftkin disease.,
pimples. I'Olls. blotches, irlandular enlargement drnpsr, RHEUMATISM and
piles. HIh bold Pv driiKKlatH or vent ly mail at . and II. t-nu Hiamp for Dr.lt.
J Kay'w Home Treatment and uluabla Itcrlne. ' a e paje book treating all dl
eaaei .Addicts lr II. J Kay Medlial Co., Western Office, Omaha, Nebraska.
A Prediction About Hallways.
The following prodlction, mado by
tho Royal College of Physicians of Ba
varia In 1835, (ls now on record in tho
archives of the Nuremberg and Furth
Railway, In that country. When it was
proposed to build this lino, the phy
Blclans of the country met and for
mally protected against It. "Locomo
tion, by tho aid of any kind ot steam
machines whatever," the Bavarian
physicians declared, "should be pro
hibited In tho Interest of tho public
health. Tho rapid movements cannot
fall to produce In the passengers the
montal ailment called delirium furlos
um. Even admitting," the protest went
on, "that travelers will consent to run
the risk, the state can do no less than
protect tho bystanders. Tho sight nlono
of a locomotive passing at full Bpccd
sunices to produce thlB frightful malady
of the brain. It Is, at any rate, Indls
pensablo that a barrier at least six
feot high, should be erected on both
sides of tho track."
A Veil of Mist
Itlslnp nt mornliiR or pvphIiik from somo low
lund. often carries In Its folds tlic seeds of
malaria. Where malarial fever prevail no
ono Is safe, unless protected by hoiiio efllclent
medicinal safeguard, liostcttcr's Stomach
lllttor.s Is lx)th a protection nnd u remedy.
No person who Inhabits, or sojourns In a
miasmatic region of country, should omit to
procure this fortifying agent, which Is also
the finest known remedy for dysptpsla, con
stipation, kidney trouble nnd rheumatism.
A I'uritdox.
"Man," said the corner evangelist,
"Is made of clay."
"Aw, git out," retorted Mr. Perry
Patettlc, who choso to assume that tho
remark was directed to hlsnself. "Ef
man is made ot dirt, why is It that tho
dryer ho Is the more his name is
Summer Excursions via tbe Wabash nail
road. Vacation tonrs for the summer will
soon be placed on sale. Half Rates to
Toronto In July. Half Rates to Buf
falo In August. Reduced Rates to
Nashville Exposition now on sale.
Special rates for tours of tho Great
Lakes. General western agency for
all Trans-Atlantic stcnmshlp lines.
Send 4 cents in stamps for handsome
book, "To the Lake Resorts und Be
yond." For rates, time-tables, sailing
lists and cabin plans for steamers or
other information, call at Wabash
Ticket oflicc. 1415 Fnrnam street (Pax
ton Hotel Block) or write Geo. N.
Clayton, N. W. Pass. Act., Omaha, Neb.
A Uooil Uuess.
"Tommy, who was Joan ot Arc?"
asked the teacher. "Noah's wife," said
Tommy, who Is considered great at
guessing. Philadelphia American.
Shake Into Your Shoes.
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the
feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart
ing feet and Instantly takes tho ating
out of corns and bunions. It Is the
greatest comfort discovery of tho ago.
Allcn'B Foot-Easo makes tight-fitting
or now shoes feel easy. It is a certain
curo for sweating, callous and hot,
tirod, aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold
by nil druggists and shoe stores. By
mall for 2Gc in stamps. Trial package
FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted. La
Roy, N. Y.
Some people like a bad thing so Well
that they make shortcake out of goose
What you need is something to euro you.
Got Dr. Kay's Renovator. See ad.
Our idea of u good base ball game is
where the home team wins.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, bo mng
netle, full of lire, ncrvo and vigor, take No-To-Oac
the wonder-worker, that makes weak
men strong. All druggists, COc or $1. Curo
guaranteed. Booklet and samplo free. Address
Sterling Itetnedy Co , Chicago or New York.
nuns of Long ltangr.
Twenty-seven foreign Bhips carry
guns having a range ot ten miles each.
Mrs. Window's Mootlilne Sjrup
For children tret blng.sof tenx the tnims. reduces Inflam
mation, allays rain, cures vlud colic. tt ttnu a bottle.
Engaged people always think every
one is talking about them.
that Will.
"I have been troubled for tho
past twenty years with CON"
Attend Boston Store,
OMAHA. -" 5be
Half-Rate Excursion
JUNE 8, 9, 10 and II.
A nyndicnto of eastern clothlnz mnuufnc
hirer, organized to raise rnsh on tliulr
combined (docks of mens' boy' nnd child's
Have shipped to Oninhn over n hundred
thousand dollar' (M00.O00) worth of tho
best clothing, all of which has been com
trincd to
Hixtecnth and Douglas streets,
To turn into immediate cnl.
Tho very fact of Boston Htoro innnngliiR
the Kale rivos it nil importance which can
not bo too highly estimated.
This Immense iunntity of high grade, ar
tlstic clothing, made from the best of
American nnd imported woolens, will bo
literally sacrificed nt ouc-hnlf ot its rcnl
lis Halo Ik tho opportunity of n llfetlmo,
nnd wo urgently ndvihe you to tnko advan
tage of wlint In renlly and truly the great
est loss over incurred by any number of
linns ever engaged in the clothing business.
Nothing but the immedintn nnd pressing
need of spot cash to avoid u total ruin
would Imvo induced tlie.o mniiufncturerH
to take thix ntep.
To give you n better Idpn of the way this
clothing will bo sacrificed, wo will iissuro
you tlint vou can tnko your choice of it,
most of it for ouc-hnlf of wiint it .old for in
New York, and in a grent many ensas it
wi'l cost you only one-third of tho New
York prico.
Wo do not know how to Knfllclently im
prcsH you with the Importance ot thlx nalo
ot clothing. All wo can say ks that it will
pay you over anil over again to como to
Umnlia to lioston Storo nnd invest nil you
can in clothing. Clothing is bouiuthing
tuat you must ueeu at somo time or otner,
nnd When you can buy It at from one-half
to ono third of tho regulnr prico, and now,
btylltih goods nt thnt, it is your duty to
j-ournelves to do bo.
In addition to tills clothing sale, wo nre
now having two great sales which it is also
to your interest to attend, one is a very
largo stock of Dry (Joods and tho other is a
well known Mioe stock, both of which wo
nro selling at very much reduced prices.
Remember tho half rnto excursion to
OmnhaJuno 8,0,10 nud 11, so that you
cnu save money in railroad fare as well as
iu buying goods. Remember thnt this bale
takes place only nt Ronton store, northwest
corner of Sixteenth and Douglas streets,
If it is so that you cannot como your
self, write to us for our catalogue and sam
ples, Onco more lot us remind you tho snle is
at Uoston Btoro, nnd nowhere olbe.
Slxtoonth and Douglas Sts.
Arctic overshoes will be cheaper next
winter. Our readers have all heard
omethinj about the Rubber Trust,
and have known that since tho forma
tion of tho United States Rubber Co.,
rubber boots and shoes have been
nuuh higher than they used to be.
Several now companies, however, have
commenced tho manufacture of rubber
tjoods within the past year or two, and
the usual result of competition has
followed. Prices are down, and tho
public will pet the benellt. The
first new concern to enter the field
was the Providence Rubber Company,
of Providence, R. I. The head of tho
concern was the lion. A. O. Ilourn,
who had been In Europe as Conhul
Oeneral to Rome. Tho first western
house to put these goods on the mar
ket was Bentley & Olmsted, of Des
Moines, who last year had tho exclus
ive agency for the northwest, for
the above Rubber Compauy. Thes"
goods were sold at considerably lower
prices than tho Trust goods, and
i'cntley & Olmsted were warned by
the Trust that if they continued to
handle outside brands they would dis
criminate against thorn. They, how-
ver, were not to be intimidated, and
have tills year secured tho exclusive
agency for Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska,
the Dakotas. and all west of these
stntes. of another new concern, Geo.
Wntkinson & Co. Thero has been
great reason for complaint because
rubber goods have not worn well. Mr.
Watkinson, who Is ono of the oldest
manufacturers of rubber goods, when
starting his new factory nt Philadel
phia, realized tiiat a big business
could be built up ou a better grado of
gootU. He is therforc making his
goods of pure Para rubber instead of
using part African, which is much
cheaper, and has also added several
new Improvements, such as heavier
soles and heels, -and tips on heavy
goods, with the intention of making
the best wearing goods ever produced.
Another new line of rubber goods
mado outside of the Trust, is made by
the Hood Rubber Company, of Roston,
who make a second quality line under
t he brand of the Old Colony. It re
mains to bo seen whether the trust
will be abh in crush out these new
Where Will Vou ( llin Moiwj
A pleasant "guess" is to name how
many dollar bills would be required to
weigh as- much as a $20 gold piece.
Answeirt fluctuate between .'!00 as tho
lowest and 1,000; tho correct number
being thirty-four.
Ilia Onrk Mi'ilgii,
"Wonder why that mnn next door
.akes lila wife's poll parrot out on his
wheel every day?"
"He probably hopes that he will fall
oft on lt."--Chicngo Record.
Trnelty ITIinrntrr round.
Tim hoeioty for tho Prevention of
Cruelty to Animal-. doo not hosltnto
to htop, through it agents, hi tho
btreots of Philadelphia Unitod StnttM
mail wagons wlion they am being
drawn by nick or maimed Iioi'ms ami
to take tho animal away, whethnr
tlm Cuitcd .states mail MiftVrx dotnn
tion or not M least this is tho story
told b tho looal pro-. Tho agonU
protcxt that tho law again I inhu-ir,-nlty
hhall not lx iruoi'od through
tho greod of oontraetai'h, ovon If tho
wai'iuu are conveying thf malhv
A Mplit of linen nnd Terror In n ijnlnl
Ohio Town Victim of tlio Mnli
Klrkril to llMith llrforn Hrlng
llntiged Interne lVnllng
Acalnu tlm Mllltlii.
Hung lij- n Mob.
UniiAffA, Ohio, Juno 1. "Chick"
Mitchell, n negro, yesterday plonded
guilty to, and was sentenced to twenty
yoars In the stato pcnltontlary for a
criminal assault on Mrs. Eliza Uuu'
mcr, tho widow of tho late publisher
of tho Urbana Democrat. Tho town
pcoplo were groatly Incensed at the
sentence, which they declared to bo
too light.
At 2:;ui o'clock this morning a mob
of citizens attacked tho jail to tnko
and hang Mitchell, nnd wan fired upon
by tho militia. Two of tho mob, Har
ry Roll and a man of the namo of Hlg
gins, wero killed and uight others
At :30 o'clock this morning tho fur
ther enraged mob broke Into tho jail,
took Mitchell out and hanged him ton
treo In the court houso yard in tho
prcsenco of hundreds of women and
thousands of men and boys.
Mrs. (laumcr was too ill to bo In
court yesterday, and tho man wns,
therefore taken to her homo for Iden
tification. As he entered the door alio
raised herself on her elbow nnd ex
claimed: "Tho brutel Hang himl How dare
you faco mc,,you brute?"
In default of 81,000 ball Mitchell
was looko.l up In the city prison, but
on account of tho feeling was removed
to the county jail for safo kcoplng.
Last night a mob gathered and de
manded Mitchell. Governor llushncll
wns called on for assistance by the
sheriff, but ho refused to order tho
militia Irom any other place.
Tho crowds would not disperse. The
excitement grew moro and moro in
tense. Night inflnmcd the excitement
and the streets wero thronged. Yella
wero heard all around tho jail.
Finally, at 2:30 o'clock this morning,
the mob attacked tho jail. The militia
tired on tlio attacking party nud struck
moro innocent spectators than active
law breakers. After the firing of tho
militia into the crowd Oovcrnor Rush
nell was wired for more troops nnd
ordered Company R of tho Third In
fantry, at Springfield, to proceed at
onco to Urbana. At 7:10 o'clock the
Bpringfield soldiers arrived, thirty-six
strong and wero marched to tho jail.
Angry citizens, incensed over the
killing of their townsmen by the mili
tia at 2:30 o'clock a. m., were further
irritated by the nppcaranco of more
troops. Crowds gathered along the
streets and greeted the soldiers with
hootings and all sorts of insulting re
marks. Tho excitement was grow Ing so fast
that another clash between troops nud
citizens seemed inevitable. Mavor
Ganson thereupon took the responsi
bility of urging the Springfield com
pany to return to tho depot. The or
der was obeyed.
No sooner did tho crowd pcrcelvo
this apparent retreat by the soldiers
than their fierce demand for the blood
of Mitchell grew stronger.
The local military cpmpany had pre
viously refused to bt c longer and
went to the second story of the sher
iff's residence and tried to sleep.
With no resistance offered, the crowd
at once made a rush for tho sido door
of the jail. Two strong and deter
mined men kicked it down in short
order nnd gained admission to the cor
ridor, the crowd following. There
wore plenty of sledge hammers,
chisels and other tools In tho crowd
and the men went to work.
The crowd got into tho jail quickly.
It did not wait to unlock tho door to
Mitchell's cell, but burst the lock with
a blcdge hammer and the door soon
flew open. Mitchell was standing in
his cell and offered no resistance and
did not utter n word. Some one in
the crowd liad a rope and it was
placed over the brute's neck nnd the
crowd made for the door, Mitchell fol
lowing at the end.
In going down tho steps on the out
side of tho jail Mitchell fell down and
the rope slipped off his neck. Tho
crowd surrounded him and jumped on
him like n thousand hungry dogs after
ono bone.
The negro was kicked, beaten nnd
almost killed. The rope was again
slipped over ills head and a rush made
for a tree in the southeastern corner
of tho courtyanl in front of tho court
house. The end was thrown over a
good strong limb and willing hands
pulled the wretch up. Tho end was
tied to the iron fence nnd Mitchell
vwas left hanging there in full view of
"several thousand people.
The men who took part In the lynch
ing mndo no attempt to disguise them
selves, but It i,s not known who did
tluwork. Tho person who attempts
to llnd out, it is freely stated, will get
into serious trouble.
It is doubtful if Mitchell died from
the effects of tin; hanging. His llfo
had been almost kicked out of him
when he fell down. It Is tho general
opinion that he was unconscious when
strung up. His body was luft hang
ing for an hour or more, and tho peo
ple of the city flocked to sec It,
The feeling tu Urbana against tho
militia is- intense. Public opinion is to
the effect that there was no occasion
for the general shooting Into the
-rovd. and that a little firmness on the
part of the sheriff and other officers
was only necessary in order to arrest
the ringleadurs and pacify the inob
when It made its first attack on the
limiui tanner AJurdxrul.
I.NDKi'itNDEXCK, Kan.. June 5 Last
night JamcK Pennington, a farmer
living about three miles west of hero,
went fishing and did not return. A
search was made this morning und his
uooy was joumi in tlio stream Ills .
bend had been crushed, A neighbor,
who had made threuts ngainst tlio
murdered man, is suspclv.d, and will ,
be arrested. I
If tho landed hiirfuce of tin. r-lnlw.
were divided und allotted In equal
shares to each of its human inhabi
tants, it would ln found that each
would get a plot of 23)i acres.
Too Mueli Ico In flpots Interfere With
IU (Iron-Ill,
Wh.it killed the ulfnlfa lust win tor:
This N tlio question that is- being vari
ously answered, but by no means In u
satisfactory manner, savs tlio Ord
Julz. Rut oven n moro difficult quor.
Hon tj why it should bo killed In spots.
Fields and portions of fields npparently
subject to tho tuitiu ondltloiiH nro In
one instance Imre and In another grow
ing to luxuriant nlfalfa. While tho
answer to tho latter question must bo
made after tin examination of each in
dividual case, It must bo remembered
that there la an unswor, for there Is no
effect without n cause. The Quiz,
clings to tho belief that the largo
amount of moisture last winter, freez
ing in some cases a heavy coating of
ieo over tho ground, Is fruitful cause
for much of the dead alfalfa. It is ti
fact well proven that a heavy coating
of Ice will kill well-rooted grasses.
Even the hardy bluegrass cannot stnud
such an ordeal". Many proofs of this
can bo found in this vicinity. Mr. E.
J. Clement killed a patch of his blue
grass law n by allowing tho wntor to
flow onto It from his water tank lust
v inter, forming a heavy coat of lee.
And there are other Instnnce.s that may
be cited. That such a condition Is
fatnl to alfalfa Is shown lit tho case of
the writer's alfalfa. He has two
patches on slightly sloping ground, so
that the water cannot stand uny where
except in the dead-furrow. The
strongest grass last year was In this
furrow, but this spring the alfalfa is
dead there, while olsowhero the stand
is bettor than last year. It may be that
tho appearance of ban spots In your
field may bo explained by the forma
tion of ilriftH last winter which had
luter partially thawed, thus forming
lee spots.
Pasturing the field is undoubtedly
Injurious or dangerous at tho least.
Cutting nt Improper times may also
prove injurious. One or all of these
conditions may have conspired to kill
your alfalfa. And the varying combi
nation of them may explain the un
sightly spots in your field.
It must bo remembered that last
winter was a severe one on other crops
that havo to withstand the rigora of
winter. Winter wheat looked well till
March, then It Was found to be dead.
Our farmers should not, therefore, bo
too hnsty In condemning the growing
alfalfa. It is too valuable a crop to be
experimented with Indifferently or
meagerly. We believe It is the hay
crop for Nebraska, and that when we
understand it bettor wo will have no
special dlillculty in raising It success
fully. Happily the first reports of failures
seem to have been exaggerated. Fields
that looked at first to havo been badly
damaged have come out all right after
Invltlnc Immigration.
The passenger department of the
liurlington has been moving to secure
immigration into Nebraska, and will
have an exhibit of Nebraska products
under the care of an experienced Ne
braskan at tho county fairs next fall
in Illinois. In speaking of tho matter,
Assistant General Passenger Agent
Smith said:
"Wo linllcvc that the wim of Inimlitrwtlon
Is beginning and that Nebraska was never In
iMdterNhapo touttraet settlers tliuu at pres
ent. What Is wanted Is nil Interested to nusli
on tho wheel at mice. Wo think thnt by ex
hibiting our products ut tho stato and county
fairs In Illinois we shall be able in interest
thousands of renters who are anxious loeotnu
wt st. and that wu can nrovt that Nohrusl.n Is
the best agricultural state In the Trans-Mis-slsslppl
country. They want to como west
where they can own their own homes and bo
Independent of tho landlords, and no stato
olTti-j better Inducements than Nebraska,"
No Tnillle Agretitnent Mndr.
General Passenger Agent Lomax of
the U.- P. contradicts the.d5s;tttch from
San Francisco that the Union Paelfio
nnd Southern Pacific have inado n new
traffic, agreement whereby the two will
do the Portland business independent
of the Short Line and Oregon railway
and navigation. Mr. Lomax says
that the Portland sleepers will con
tinue to run as heretofore and the old
agreements In effect foi San Francisco
will remain In effect.
A Nebrxiku Woman Kndu Her Trouble.
Word was received at Litchfield that
Mrs. Esther Helsner, widow of the Into
Henry J. IlcUncr, had committed sui
cide ut her home, eight miles southeast
of Rloody Run, by cutting her throat
witli a razor. She had been sick for
several days. Tho deed was done when
tho family was away, and she wasr
found dying, with her 0 months' old
babe at her side. All evidence pointed
toward suicide, and a verdict wns so
rendered by the jury.
l.oiFD 111m Trouaors unit Monrjr.
Rushvllle dispatch: W. II. Disney
was robbed of 885 early one morning
last week. He had come In from Terry
at midnight, nnd bays that when lfe
went to bed he placed his clothing on n
ehuir near a window, and that the
thief reached In the window from the
outside and grabbed his trousers, con
taining the money. Disney made u
grab for the thief, but his grip not be
ing very good, failed to get him.
Prod A. Archurd, state examiner, has
just completed cheeking up the looks
of the county treasurer of Stanton
county and his report shows every
thing to be In excellent condi
tion. Mr. Archrrd found not the
slightest proof upon which to found
such u report as seems to have gone
abroad that the treasurer is short in
his accounts, and is at a loss to know
where it originated.
Knut-mtt dispatch: A family of the
name of Frost was forcibly ejected
from Indian laud that lies within the
Farley lease u few days ago by Indian
police. Quito u few people censure
Capt. Reek for his actions in this mat
ter, as Mrs. Frost came of Indian par
entage and claimed the land as ono of
the tribe.
Otl on it I.ecturo Tour.
Lincoln dispatch: Mr. Rryan left
for tne east on the 31st, to bo absent
until the last of June. During his ab
sence he will run over into Canada and
will lecture at a number of cities. He
begins at Indianapolis. Among other
cities to bo visited are Cleveland, Buf
falo, Toronto. Montreal and Ottawa,
Canada; liurlington und Rutlund, Vt ;
Troy. N. Y.; ChnrlotUville, Va.; Carth
age, Mo., Ottawa, Kan., and Beatrice.
Neb. He will arrive home Juno 20,
and will leave at once for Hastings,
where he will participate iu the Mc
KcSghan memorial services.
Arlttocritlle WorUlngnien.
Tho dlpcovcrj Unit u French noble
man hns been working on n "docker"
in London recalto other cauos of aristo
crats of long lineage who hnvo been ro
ducod to similar straits. Tho Marquis
do Ilonumnnolr la a laborer In a flour
mill near Nantes, tho Comto do BL
Pol Is a gaa-blll collector, and tho VI
comto de St. Mnglln driven a cab in
Mo-To-1Ibo for Fifty Cent.
Guaranteed tobacco habit euro, tnaltca tek
meu ilroDjr, blood pure. 60c.ll, All Urucslsu.
Fewer potatoes are now raised In
New England than fifty years ago.
pjpiiiiii.... iimTirma
: 091381
The papers are full
of deaths from
Of course
the heart falls to act
when a man dies,
but " Heart Failure," so called, nine
times out of ten fo caused by Uric
Acid in the blood which the Kidneys
fall to remove, and which corrodes
the heart until it becomes unable to
perform Its functions.
Health Officers in many cities very
properly refuse to accept " Heart Fail
ure," as a cause of death. It is fre
quently a sign of ignorance in the
physician, or may be given to cover
up the real cause.
A Medicine with 20 Years of
. . Success behind it . .
will remove the poisonous Uric Acid
by putting the Kidneys in a healthy
condition to that they will naturally
eliminate it.
$100 To Any Man.
Of Wcaluicii In Men Thjr Trent and
Fall to Cure.
An Omaha Company places for the first
time before tbe public a Maoicai. Theat
mkst for tho curo of Lost Vitality, Norvoii
and Koxual Weakness, nnd Restoration of
Llfo Force in old and young men No
worn-out French romedy: contains no
PlioRpliorouR or ottier harmful driign It W
a WoMiBiirui, Theatmbst magicul In IU
oirocts positive In Its euro. All roiulers,
who are sultorlug from a wenkuoss that
blights their llfo, causing that montal and
physical suffering peculiar to Lost Man
hood, should writo to tlio STATE MEDIOAL
COMPANY, Omaha, Nob, and they will
send you absolutely FRKK, n vaiuabla
paper ou thoso diseases, and positive proofs
of thoir truly M aiiicai. Tkuatmknt. Thoue
nnds of men, who have lost all hope of a
curo, arc being restored by thorn to a per-
ioci condition.
This Maoicai. Tiieatment may bo taken
at home under their directions, or thoy will
pay rnilroad fare nnd hotel hills to nil whu
prefer to go thoro for treatmont, if thoy
fail to cure. Thoy nro perfectly rolhtble;
havo no Free Proscriptions, Free Cure,
Freo Snraple, or O. O. D. fnke. Thoy hava
F.'SO.OOO capital, nnd guarantoo to curo
ovory case they treat or refund ovory dollar ;
or thoir charges may bo deposited in n
bank to be puid to thorn when a cure is
effected. Writo ti. today.
Shortest line
Omaha to Kanjus (JUy.
1025 miles,
1047 minutes-
the world's record for long
distance fast running held
by the Uurlinstou Route.
February l&Ui a fiiieclal
train over it lines made
the run from Chicago to
Denver a dlitancoot 1025
mtloa in tho unprecedent
ed time of lb hours and
6'J minutes. Allowing lor
stops, tbe actual runnlnr
time was 17 hours and 27
minutes, and the average
rate of speed A8U miles an
Write for booklet tlliiii?
how run was made. Write
also for Information about
rates and train service via
the Burlington Route to
Denver, Salt Lake City,
Deadwood, Helena, Butte,
Spokane, Seattle, Tncoina,
Portland, Eau Francisco,
or any other western city
J, FRANCIS, Oeneral Fatnenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
All irWanrtof
Cnml or 110 I'uy.
Priiate Coniu'lation Free.
Valuable arivli-o to Men
Free. A lrn.il-Hiili t too urn
every cum-or r fund every
dollar. 1 rcaiineiii ny man.
fall anil m us or writo be
foru It is too late.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
HomhwestCor, lOthnnd Dodtte M., Omaha.
Vw lllc Cl fur unnatunl
dUcUlU'rt, luOfciuinatloni,
irrllatioua or ulc.utiuat
ut uueom isrnibraoc.
i'uulen. mnl tiot utrlu-
THtErMlCrilUICAlCa -t or itonoi.
Kold by DrnrcUU,
or Mm In pulu vrtpiwr,
lT eir"". irpW. for
ClnuUr tvot ou tejaeit.
Ei4tnlntlon and.AJtlcr l l'truILlllly of la.
vrntlun. Btnd for'-lmeutorn tiuuie irllowtoOet
I'tttut." O'KAIUlELlr A MO.V. U (.sliiiiztuii. I). C.
BATCUTIJ 80yari'irlerir Rcud iielch ferii
rAICniui M.v lU liranr.Utr iirm. tiainuirO.S.
fnUOOlce) Dtaoe & Weaver. UcQiII l!Wc.,WnjUJ.a
'ilr Thompson's Eye Water.
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 24.-1897!
Wlieu writing to advertisers kindly men
tion this paper
f ft MtdtJI. I
f (wj tuUiur.
X Vcmcimo.fn
s u
Q llett I'ouuli ejruii. 'l win lii-'U." Le Nl
rFI la lime. Hold tr drui.-irlM. tgt
yxt:-l wBfWtK