Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, June 11, 1897, Image 1
)&? xt T K IRv b U ! ''JV XZ7 wjij V - --- . ; i .- I ii fcn ll-l II I iO I K . I u m R IS i I ft V- 1! J- ' m h p f i f T ( I . - ... .. JLLL J'lim-L The Herald OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. Puliltlil every Friday nnd entered at tlio Imt-itu In llenilnKford, Nebraska, ai wvemd cn matl hotter. ,,'i'HK llKiut.it la " ." tlm inUtsM of Jlemlmiford and llox llutto omul). v , TJIOS. O'KfiBPE, Publlsjtsr. Hun.HCiuiTiwN nvrKs: ONlSYKMt 1M hix Morftya yqW'Ttf officeiw. F.M. Piunr . ..... Clerk. A.M.MttLih Treasurer. .1AH.II. ll.TlltWRTT :'n,llf . K. P. Hwtkney Sheriff. II. K. HtI.Ms . Attorney. Mlfis A. K. Neklanu Bnperlni'mdent. iiah. Uiunk Sim eyor. Dm W. K. Miixm .. Coroner. J)lt. 1,. W. HoWJIAN I'hyrtlcian. JamkhHamiy CommUnloner int. DIM. Jak. IIou.lMtKK (omiaifHloucr'JnJ I)ist. :U. W. DunOxji ConimlHHlonerllrdDUt. m7l diukctohy. .Hkmisofoiiii 'iMistolllop. On week, days door .' fiMa at 7 n. in., Koneral delivery tuiens at H a. in. and clones at. V m. Oou Hifndayn II to 10 a. in. .lirMINOXOM) AND Itox Hutte litaRO dally except 1 Huniluy. .HrMiscivonDAnDo.Ni.Ap stnRp. daily except Sunday. Time Table FOR Hemingford Lincoln, Omaha, ClIJCACO, St. Joseph, Kansas City, Desvek, IIklkka, Butte,' Salt Lake City, PoilTLANl), St. Louis unci all San Fiianoisco, points east unci, aim an .south. I west. . . . .i -i i. points Tiuins I.ewb as Follows: Patmeuucr, dally. Deadwood, llilliUKH mid all polntH north anil vytmt .... .1:4(5 a. m. IrulKlit, dally. Dcailwixjd, IlillluKH and inU'rinwlialo Rtatloijs..- . 11:35 p. in. Frnlulit, dally, New Civile Htiil inlpfiiiiHlIato titatlnuH.. ;i:00r. m. Mo. 41. No.f. No. 47. Ho. 42; -I'liiifcMMrw, dally, fur Lincoln, ' Onialin, Cliicaiio nnd all point Meant was p. m. Frelulit. dally, for Lincoln ' and intermediate HtattouM.. S:37 p. m. Freight, dally, for Lincoln, and Intermediate nUilionn. .. 10,'i") n. m. Jo. 10 JJo. 48, BIcVpiiiK. diuinir and nvllniu rlmlr earn MAtH frcol on tliroiich trniim. Ticket mild iml Imikkakc cliorUeil to any point In tlio United rKtatcti or Canaila. Kor Information, map- tlraotalilPM and tlck Ptrfcall onor wrltoto V. M. t'opoatid, Awnt, or J. FlLVNlUS.tU-n'l PaHwiiKerAicPUt.Ouialut 'JVl)rai)li?i. il. C. A. HGLBROOK, fPH YSICIjW and SlHRGEOJt, Kesitlonee nnd Olljco in Box lJutto Bank B.y,'. Hemingfovdy -:- Nebraska. TUTTLE $, TAS3I Attorjieys - at - Law, HFMINGF0RP. NEBRASKA. F. E. HOLSTEH, Watchmaker - -AND- Jeweler ALLIANCE, NKIJ. (B. fc M. "Vntch Examiner.) Clmrges rensnnnblo; .satisfaction f:unvantoi!(l. Orders left Ai the lEitALO oilice will reeo'vo prompt attention. No extra charges. NEW GpODS, Q NEW STYLES, Q LOW PAIGES. AYo ni'e located ono door north pt C. J. Wildy nnd will yf pleased to ahoy you our goods; give us a call and see what we have that you ueed. Thanking you for past favors and soliciting a Vinuauco of pie sanu. Yours Respoctfujly, Miss L. Adams. C. J. Wildy wants your trside. C. J. Wildy wants your potatoes. New clothing just arrived at WUdyV. Latest etyhw of uljpps gt Ipwost njiciNS it W'ildy'tj. HEMINGFORD. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, Local and Personal. O. L. Taylor and wife visited Alliance Friday. A now sidewalk was laid on Box Butte and Niobrara avenues this week. Kov. John 13. Moore, Omaha, canvassed the town Monday for Webster's dictionaryiind tho In ,tornatiQnnJ encyclopedia. R. D. Owens is again holding down his old position in Anton Uhrjg'.s. hardware store Robert is a good steady hand and is never out of employment Z. T. Cunningham of Box Butto received the sad intelligence last week of tho death of his father who resided at Rutledge, Mo. Owing to tho hologram being de layed Mr. Cunningham could not getjthere in tyno for tho funeral hence he did not go at alj. Patrick Collins of Box Butte pi'ecinct was in the city Wednes day. He reports crops in his vicinity doing nicoly. Dr. Blanchard went to Lusk, Wyo., Monday morning to do some dental Work. He will be gone a weok or ten days. Tom Killeen brought his blood ed horses 'Cyclone" and "Grey E vgle" down from Ardmore last week and is now putting in his ,sparo moments breaking them to eat hay. Lewis Morgan and J. H. Bro shar wont to Alliance Tuesday for tho purpose of appearing be fore the pension.cxamj.ning board but were disappointed as only one member of the board was in vt9wn. - . Miss Estonia Taylor returned from Hot Springs Friday. She has been attending tho Black Hills college for the pst year. Geo. E. Zimmerman, a success ful farmer and stockman, of Lib erty precinct, was trading Avilh our merchant Fridaj Mrs.-John O'Koefeanc) children came up from Allianco Tuesday for a yisit .jvith relatives and friends. llorncall wants chickens of all kinds. Miss Lena Jay visited Homing ford friends. Sunday and Monday Mrs. Fenner and daughter, Miss Alma, of Dunlap, were Hemingford visitors Saturday. Phe Hemingford Cornet JJand will give a grand ball in the court house hall, Hemingford, on tho evening of July 2. Grand march at 8 q'clock. This will bo tho social event of the season. Tho proceeds will bo for the benefit of tho bard and everyone is cordially invited. Rpv. Hazleton hitched up his bronchos Monday and in company with his wife and baby and Miss Delia Reed started to drive to Mr. Reed's place southeast of town. When crossing tho rail road track one of tho horses sip ped and fell, breaking tho tongue of tho buggy and tho other horse hnmonced to kick. Mr Hazel- 'ton who was sitting on tho edge ef t)io seat was thrown out on the double trees and tho buggy was. turned on jf-s, sido wjth Mrs. Hazleton and tho baby boneath it, fqrtuuatoly tho horses broke looso entirely from the vohiclo otherwise the accident would prqbably havo resulted seriously if not fatally to Mrs. Hazolton and baby. As it was, no one but. Mr. Hazleton received any in juries 'and his are not serious, Tho townsito company will make soma improvements in Hemingford in tho near future. Homingfoi'd is all right uud al ways will be. Mr. E. Mabiu brought us a lot of lottuco and pio plant today for which ho has our thanks. John Macok, tho tailor, is turn ing out tho best work and at reasonable prices. If you want a hico suit call and seo him and got prices. Mrs. Gilman is much impoved in health and returned from Al lianco today. Mrs. Earnest was bo much worse lasi Saturday that hor condition was considered dan gorous and her children fvoro telegraphed for. She is improv ing at this writing and thcro is hopes for hor recovery. Clyde arrived from Now Castlo Monday and her daughter Mrs. Smith, of Washington, camo Tuesday night. William AVillmot, an old sot tier living six miles west of town was brought beforo tho commis sioners of insanity on Thursday and was examined relativo to .his mental condition. Several wit nesses had been summoned and after listening to all the evidence and making an exhaustive inyos ttgation, tho board determined that while Mr. Wilmott's mental condition was not exactly normal, and there was good grounds for tiling the complaint, yot his con dition was not such as would warrant his comtyitment to ,an asylum and he was discharged from custody. Sioux City, Iowa, Juno 7. Ponca, Neb., to-day submitted a definite proposition to Donald McLean, organizer of the ti'ans continental railway to bo built between the' Missouri and-Los Angeles, for tho location of the eastern terminals. It agrees to vote a tax of JO por cent of itfi assessed valuation, furnish right of way to tho river, and $i bridge franchise, give land for the location of shops and yards and use its iniluouco to secure a ta: frouj. noighborjuia: townships, It will probably get tho ter minals. Jt was tho pleasure of the writer to spend Thursday in Edgomont, ono of tho best and liveliest towns in South Dakota. In company with Mr. E. C. Eddie, superintendent of construction work on tho smelter, wo visited tho smelter site which is ono and a half miles south of the city, where the work is being rapidly pushed by Mike Elmore who has forty teams at work grading and excavating. Tho railroad bed q the grounds is graded and ready for the iron and the machinery for the smelter has been ordered, Mayor Sharrock was busily on gaged in the "pleasant" work of moving intq his handsome new residence. Mr. Sharrock is as hearty and joyial as ever and no doubt is good for a hundred years yot if ho holds on to his present appetite. Wo found Mes srs God dard and Stewart work ing likp trojans on tho Express, which by tho way, is tho leading newspaper of tho Hills country. Mr. Goddard, tho editor, spends a portion of his tinje in the north ern hills and is a groat hustler. It is evident that Edgemont's population will be dpubled with in the nox,t yoar and s,ho is des tined to becomo a great city. Tho ladies aid extend thoir thanks to tho gentlemen who so kindly assisted in . building the storm door on the M. E. church. Storm. Door Committee. C. J. Wildy has just received from Chicago a now lino of uico Dry Goods. Sco him bofore bond - nig away. &uvo money and pat - vonizr homo mtluslry. NEBRASKA. EMMY, JVM) II. 17. FREE EMPLOYMENT. Stajo Labor Bureau at Lincoln Now Ready to Receive Ap plications for Help or Employment. i i i 1 1 Lincoln, Nob., Juno 5. All per sons desiring help and all out of employment should write at once tt the State Labor Boroau and lot thoir wants known. The late leg islature passed a law making Hub a free oinplbyment bureau for the ontireslaTti. T" " Those who want help should state in their applications exactly what kind of help is wanted, in what brunch of lahor, etc. Thos-P who want .situations should state sex, age. height weight, t rutin or branch of labor, length of sorvico or experience references, etc. All information received by the bureau will bo hold strictly con lidential and-oU services rendered will bo free. Absolutely no fee will bo charged in any case. TIub is a freo employment bureau ami is designed to do away ,wUh tho private employment agoncy nui sance in the cities, by which so many worthy peoplo are victim- i.ed. All desiring help of any kind carpenters, briokmakers, mill men, farm hands, city labors, cooks, servant girls, or holp of any kind, should immediately apply to this offico and they will be put m com munication with thooc in the lino of service desired. Persons out of employment should also writo without delay. All untitled applications should bo renewed after thirty days. Communications should bo ad ,ilro?se()t to Stale Labor Buieau, Lincoln, Nob. LESS THAN HALF RATES TO BAN rnANGISCQ. Via the Burlington Route. Juno 29 to July 3, account Nation al Convention Christian Endeav orers. Special trains. Through tourist ami palacofneepcr.s. Stop overs allowed at and west of Den ver. Return via Portland, Yellow stone Park and Black Hills if de sired. Endeavorers and their froinds who take tho Burlington Route are guaranteed a quick, cool, com fortable journey, fmo scenery (by daylight) and first class equip ment. Bortljs. rosorved and do script tivo literature furnished on request. Soo nearest B. & M. R. R. ticket agent or writo to J. Francis. G. P, A., Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. Less than half rates to San Francisco, June 20 to July 3, via the Burlington Route. Seo neares) B. & M. R. R. ticket agent. Buy DunlDLp Ohoaso. Don't throw your money away for poor or filled cheese made from skimmed milk ,md rotten butter and grease. Dunlap cheese is tho only pure article, made from tho finest and richest sweet milk, it is tho best and wholesomest food in tho world. This cheese was awarded the first premium and silver medal at t,ho Omaha State Fair. ESTRAYED from my farm 7 miles east of Hemingford, about April 8, 1807, a two-year-old bay stallion, one whito hind foot, star in forehead and snip on no-e. A liberal reward will bo paid for in formation leading to recovery of same. Leave word at tho Herald ofiico. S. R. Buiik. c. J. Wildy has just received a ' llcw Hno of Clothing of latest stylo 1 anj superior fabrics, The Tft Dig Is Chuck Full of 'V ' BARGAIN GOODSs5S ..,lf),Call and see. . .CALVIN' J. WILDY; aa t ' -fe mi e&Z "."ft 1,-J-r A MIMIwriwMMi. TON jf PIONEER- Hardware and TlllC U1.DKST .KbTAnLISIIJJKNT IN TUB COUNTY Charier Oak Cook Stoves, Genuine Round Oak -Hating-Stays . Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. . Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb Wire the Best' on Earth H. H. PIERCE, , .Proprietor of. Livery AiD Wo have first-class stock a,nd doublo and single rigs, which wo urnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boarders unexcelled in tlio city. Give us a call. ftSy Stable Cornor Box Butte Avonuo and Sheridan Street. ras .'. atuui.;jitaijr m Vrt ;i&ted!2&& DMtf ! fdZtZ: W. K HERNCALL, NO- 16 3 - '. -: UHRSG, Double Store Saddlery. Feed Stables kmmme- U J4,1 ..u xt Mji WSw" , ; 1. 11. r.r. ..vkw iwriit. iSAtikiMriE:L . !?" &2fc AH ESS? Agenfc X 'Tll SH -jftja