Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, January 22, 1897, Image 4
I HWSRMffift" WroflB' 'if1 twtfsft2S?53SSJt M,K,tAi6Wrf.nv lmisifSii-m iUwfiuiatri -ii- -mil .--.ti.. -ifimfriffitrtin'" firm I III llV-ir.r.ll I . aAdMHKMWWKMa--, tS3p. & Duplttp choio s the best oil the marliot Try it. II. I!, Plcrco has n brf.y fov tula cllortp. Say -don't you over buy c rot ten sholl worn gopd when whi i you can buy oloiin-Irofih goods for ' Jussnta J. AVilcly's. If you Imvebflpn somling "nwny" for your goods, got prices tit the doublo store nnd boo how yoU foul. The big double fetoro is the place to do your trading the whylo your , round if you "Want your monoy'fi , worth. If you have n pigr, ho, chick duck jrooo or turkey to sell 0. .1 Wildy pays the highest nmrkot price. Educational. A meeting of the Box Butto county Teachers' Association wil bo held in Alliance High' school 'buildirg.lan. :JG. (it J:iK) p. m. Every teachcrin iho county n expected to bo presont and take p rutin the meeting. l'HOCMAM. Song by (ho association. Pnpor Elementary Science in the schools. Miss Ilattio Burlh: ganio. ' Discussion. Prin. D. K. Spaeir Recitation, Miss Carrio Bisscll. Paper How can coun -y teachers use Source Method oT touching History? Prin. F. J. Uenscoter. Discussion, Miss Susie Frazier Instrumental music, Miss J?ssio Frew. '' Paper "Practical Benefits of ' Child Study"-Supt Sidors, Discussion. Mi's. 10. E. Ford. Exeoutlvo Committeo. Program for Ilemingford Head ing eirelo meetiing to bo held Feb. 13, 1897, at 1 o'clock p.m., in thu oflicoof tho county superintendent. Opening, Music. Mrs. Blanchard, New York. Miss' Ncoland, English Liter ature. Mies Goodeuough, Fronch and Indian War. Mr. Curtis, Indian Wars. Mr. Bank'F, Colonial Governing. Jlistory Questions, Pages 75 to 131", Sheldon, Barnes Ilistorv. 1 Kollio Goodeuough,"! Loo Llustin, i H. F. Fillmore, I Com. D. K. Spacht, J ' NOTICE. Hemingford, Nob., Jan. 14, 1807. Sonled bids will bo received by the commissioners of Box Butte county on or before tho 25th day February, 1897, for the services '.County Physician of Box Butte ' county for tho year 1897,lrieluclnii? ' pie furnishing of such medicines ..is ure iecesary with such services jiiie sHia bids must be hied with 'the county vjerk of Box Butte county on or before February 25, 1897, and the board reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. By order of the couutv pomniis sioncrs: ' F. M. TlIKl- ! ;.. w Cj.u Llerl.. ESTIMATE of Ivcnn'ises of Box Butto couni v or t.he -ar 1S97. .The following is tho annual osti mnt xf expenses of Box Butte county, Nebraska, for the year .1807, as matin nnd adopted by' the hojrd'of couuty commissioners of Box Butto county at their regular iheoting Jan. 12,' 1897, Lid ordered published, viz: Vor Comity Otlieers ealarlf" f.l.OoOOo Kor Vr. inct Of ficora iilarlo 2,m On Tor Klection jwriiosvs 1,00000 jVjr'BUpiiort of tho poor 1,500 'M For Iwmil tax for nchonl iUirict . . ZJ9V IX) 'ordIstr i court foas niul .pn l.WJOO I'or incidentals, nuppliea.otc . ... lij oft J'or lfihtault, tow ' Total.... r. . tzttz: ?1.,U,)UUU DatM at Hiiuinafrcl. Neb., January II, lRU'i. I -iw V. yV 1'iii,ph, County Cleric. j " NOTICE. Hmingford, Neb. , Jan. 11, 1897. Sealed bids for tho rent aud use of tho poor farm of Box Butto county, and tho care of pauper.-; for one year, from March 1, 1807, to March' 1, 18U3, vho rout to bo paid .September 1, 18U7, will bo received by tho hoard of county commis sioners on or before Fob. 25, 1897. r All bids must be accompanied by , good and sufficient bond in tho tilllD of SL,(ji).00. ooiHlifl'oncil for Mm -faithful compliance with the torws of the lease ,tud contract The boar t of commi.s,ioner.s ro- '?rve the r'ht to reject any and all bids, Hiul haul bids must bo filed in tho Office of the clerk of Box Butto roiuity on or boforo Fob. 25, 1S07. By order of th'e Commissionar's. li.. ..! e .i. -i ..; tiiwt'r oi uiu u(iunuioiiur3. 8. L Phelps. County Oierlr. ' Final -Pronf Notices Hon. .!. W. Wr.iiv. .In.. lUwi.tor, Has, V. M. UllOOME, HncnUrr. 1'nttlM ItAvlnif notiowi In tiiU roliutiM nro le- rtttitAfMl 1 lotwul tlic whim rarwuny aim rapnriui till" olltw for oiirrwtioti any ftrrnra Mint mar wtioti any Brriirn iimn lirerpnt (lOscilils dflay hzlat. Iliin will tirerpnt iiotciiii uwajr in lttitklnK irfi(if. Lati'l Olllrc nt AlUnncd. M . Jail 18. 1817. N.iilnnla ln.ioliv utnm llutt Die followlll- nmii-il i"ttl(T lmf IllMl imllcoof III tntnnt Inn tn rnnUniliml nof In tupiort f liln olnlm ami UmtfAtil )rof will l rnado lieforn ItouUtor or llwclTor .t Alllnqiw, No))., on Pabruary So. m: l ' . . . - - Jumolpli Mnrlz, of V 'Watlnc bnva.whontvlfl T. 0. entry 0P fo- l MiCiw si, tp 'jnu.ru is H-tintncw llio follciwlliit vUticws to prnvi hi i lni tomlillnnil, lti William .1. Itrltton. Tlmntu U HupktnR. Or.nnt Alexander, A. ftl?uu nil or ni'imnarcirn.Nwi. J. v. wr.iiK, d., iioaiMcr. Land Olllcoat All nii. Hell., Deo. 1' iNia ISotko in liuroli)' Klvm ti.l John W. Pierco, ot HrnilnRforil, Noli., Im-i filtil notico of Inten tion to inaku dual proof Iwtoro UlHtpr or ltu rHernt .Mllani'.i, Hil., mi thoiclil day of Jan- nary I MI7, on tiinlior cultunl niipltration no vi fur Urn h n h ho 3V tp'Jiiii, r Mi w. Ilo naiuHN an wltncwMM: .liiliii F. Nrolniiil. J nines A llimtor, William I). (;ruM, Hamlllou I. HI. all ot iiMiiliiKiorii, WhIi. , J, W. Wkiim , jn., nnalster. ltni'OItT OF THR CONDITION r ilm tlnx Hutto Dank. Charter No. I'd. nt Hrmlnufuril, In tlio Slntoof N'obrnska, at tho ClOrlroI 1JHBICC8H Uf-C.31, 1MW. lipsiounuEH l.oniiRfl.nil illpriinntH i ',B7I.1H tltoi ilruflH.WHM'rul ami inixwiriHl. ... lllJ ltniiklni; limw mltuivnud llxtitrra.. IKIMW Olliir rt.il cla . TTill.Ul Clicoksnnd otlur rnRh lleina VV"Q Cash 1M.71 Dim from Nat dual. Slalo anil l'riMito 1,'niikeand Unukure '.12 yT. I.. . f 0,532 ' MUUMIIKI. Capital Block piildlii... Tnillviilnul (I'ihikIIh mibji'rt to ohi'ck lirniand cHrtinrnt" of dcnoult Timo cvrtiflcatt's of dcj)olt fl.imiKi ''m'-'e? " J TOT.i J0.M2W Slai 'of Noliranka, County of llnx UtitU., ns! 1. C. A. H'lilow, priililpnt of tho above nanivil bank, do t-olornnly swear that tho ntne Btatein'-nl in Iruotn tho bent of my knowli-dgu and belief. C. A. IIU1 iUW. 1'renlileiit. SupKcrllMil iiimI vorn to lforo mo thin 7t!i day of .lam.air IVj W. M. Idiikncp, Iskl Notor) l'ublic. Notico of Sale Under Offspring. Lien on State of Nebraska, Count v of Bo . Butto, ss. Notico is hereby given that virtue of a lien tiled by John iU Trout on the 18th day of Sopteni her, A. 1). 189(5, in tho count) clerk's office of Box Butto count), State of Nebraska, against one dark bay stud colt, born from mare which was the property -II. Robinson at the time .said coli was sired, for tho sum of Eight Dollars, upon which thero is now duo tho sum of ?S.50. I will on tho 80th day of January A. D. 1S97, at tho hour of two o'clock p. m., of said day, in front ? the west front door of tho coin utilise in Ilemingford, oiler said colt for sale for cash to tho highest bidder to satisfy said lien, interest and coats. ' John M. Tiiout, f p 1-S Holder of Lion . CURE CONSUMPTION. T. A. Slocum. M. C, UieGieatCliem- ist aacl Scientist, OlTcrs to Send Pico, to the Aftllctetl, Tluv Uot- llcs of Ills Nuwly Dbcoveied Ilcmotlics to t.'ure Censsump- tlou and All Limj: Tioubles. Niitll!M4?i)l(l bo falrerinnre plill iiritliinpic or curry inoio joy in its wake tliiin thu offer of T. A. Slocirn, M. C, of 1811 Peijrl street, New York City. Confitlont that he has discovered an absolute euro for cniruunpt'oii and all nidiinnurv coiinilalaU. and to lo make its great merits Known, he will send, free, tlneo bottles (the Slocum now system of ineillcine) to liny reader of the Herald who lssuf- leri at,' from chest, tliroit nnd lung troubles of consumption. Ilo invites tlmso desirous of ob taining the remedies to simply senn him their express nnd pmUoulce a dress, and receive in return the three free bottles. Already this "new sclent illc coiiibe of medicine" hn permanently cured thousands of apparently ho-pelc-' cases. lie considers it-his religions duty a duty whxh he owes to humanity to donate Uls.lnlalUblo cine. Offered freely, apart from its ad horent strength, is enough to com mend it, and more ko is tho periVi-i confidence of the reat chemist, mak ing the offer. He has proved const. mption to be a curable disease beyond any doubt Tlicru will bu no inUtake in Bend ing the inistaKo will lie in overlook ing the Doctor's generous invitation. Ho lias on We in his American and European lihniutorle thousands of testimonials of experience from those cured, in all pints of the world. . DcIbvs are dangerous; mail your address to T A. Slivjiun. M. C, 183 ' 1carl 8t,ei,t' Now Vork iUld w,,e" writia the Doctor, please niontion j reading this nrtlcle in Tint Hichaud. i Tho now improved Aermotor. it, , lf fp,i:nir .rftr,, .:, fe.b! c"p., b, tQ? c,lmg' Zef . V", wi leeuiu tno comest weutu- a,ul m'111 will run for a month (with ouooiung. 8, 1Q, 12 nnu 10 ft. wheels. T. A. Paul, Agpnt. ii m . f 1 1 rt Ask for fbitr cent prilife'tfl' Iff bij; double store. " - ' "Vo imve a new Kimball organ for sale nt u bargum. . , i , pi A New Year A New Deal. Another year is rolling by. But our mill keeps rolling on, Our brands of Hour for quality, You may depend upon, Wo do no credit business, But a good exchange wo moot, "We'll give you 31 11)3; of flour and bran, For a bushel of your wheal. Farmers, wo w'd bo pleased to have Of your patronago a sharo, And you'll liudin dealing with you, We'll treat you fair and square. Hemingford Milling Co.-- Ccmfoit to Catlfarnla. Evory Thursday afternoon a tourist sleeping car for Salt Lake City, San Francisco and;, Los An gelese leaves Omaha aud Lincoln via tho Burlington Routo. It is carpeted; upholstered in ":tt an; has spring seats and backs oicl is provided with curtains, oeddings, towels, soap and etc. An experienced excursion oou- ductor aud ;i uniformed Pullman porter accompany it through to tho Pucitie coast. While neither as expensively furnished nor as fine to look at as a palace sleeper, it Is just as good to rido.in. Second class tickets arc honored and the price of a berth, wido enough and big enough for two, is only $j. For a lolcler giving full par iVK11'?- cil iltlh "carest B. & M. U. R. ticket office. Or, write to J. Francis. Gen'l.Pass'r Aront Turlington Routo. Omaha, Neb. There will bo held in lleming- il, Nebraska, a Hililu institute, i. nl acted by Rev. Frady, begin ning Jan. 20, 1S97 and continuing in sess- on four days, The work of the institute will be a study of four Ciospols the life of Christ. Circulars concerning the institute may bo had from Rev, Ila.jllon. ;.- Preston, C. J. Wild. or Mr. Sin wood. Everyone is invited to attend. A largo JjOlass is desired. A meeting concerning the in stiluto will behold at M.E. church next Tuesday evening Nov. 21, ' 7:30 p. m. Everyone cnnii!. Anna Ncoland, Sec. All parties desiring to make tinal proof can hayn their papers made out at Tiie Heuai.d office, frpo of charge, and promptly transmitted to the land office. F. E. HOLSTEN, Watchmaker " - Jeweler ALLIANCE, NEB. (B. &M. AVatch Examiner.) Charges reasonable; .uti-.foction iruaran'teod. Orders left at the If khalo olllce will roce;vo prompt mtention. CO YCARS CXPERIENCe. TRADE MAHKC, DESIGNS, OOPYRICMTO to. Anyone sending a rkttch aiul (tererlptlon may rjutcklT nJCortulQ, free, whether an imc:itln:i IB (irubably patentable Canimunlcntlnna strlctlr contlUcutlal. OMtut mtcuc; fnrpcurlneiatputs n Aiuorica. V hnre n Waililni;ton oftlcn. ratcnts taken th touch Muun & Co. rucclvs tpeciul notico in tlio SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, larceet circulation of pay ffciimuui H.Vlnlx mo on tclontlflo journal, weekly, terms 3.00 a year i lJuoic on 1'aients sent free. r..vjBtA uiirimin. riecimu conies uniiujkJfu AilJrces MUNH & CO., 3(51 Urourfwuv.' Kej York. THE OMAHA WORLD -HERALD W A- WWSUA It the grtattst ntupapr xetU of the Missouri Jtiver. It advocates FREE SILVER at tho present ratio of sixteen to one. Its news sorvioe is tba bast to be obtainocl" Daily, ?0 00 per year; 50cent por month. Weekly, 1 00 par year. Subscriptions for tHc WORLD-HERALD V recalvad at this office " JiSk "EMlffiXFii'! )': vfeiS& 'WW Closing Out I have made up my mind to go out of business, so I will sell all my Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Cloth ing and Gents' Furnishing Goods at greatly reduced prices for spot cash. Produce will be taken at top prices. Your faithful servant, . . , W. K. HERNCALL. i r reel KM CVHIKT nOTPIiKI) PKER gh Grade Purest in the Market, MUM II ! 111 1H 1 l'Tl,lTyTfT'T"g ZZS-V fc PATRONIZE HOME LMl;U Oilii e 1007 Jaoksiu Street, On al n 2s'tI. T Ii E STYLE 201 Is sold by agents as high aa $195 You can buy It at tho factory price from ua for $88 nelffht 75 Inches, Trench Tlato Mirror, Patent Fall Hoard. Mouso Proof, SOLID WALNUT or OAKsuGu'irantecil or. &y pits by jnanufiw.tu-r and by us, Yopay freight-1 a any point In Nebraska. Wo furnish stool, book and chart. Write, for terms. ORGANS from $20 aud Up. P. S, Our 22d jror. Mention ..' ,.; ."f ';m. Mr, 'ir. f, '..v ,. , a? !. .'i 4C$ mABia iJ .','.'jv,",'l,-jVS. - v"'-;"' ',,." M:.t .4.,v;;p i.f.w': U'v- -Zr THE gn no BJ 3 , x . . c a h t.A x Vj - - Jji Hu GUQSCniDE FO.T THE T3"rO The gil 1 standard nic.ius low prices, low wages, hard times 1 r. bi.nflf.l'i standard mcjtis jood prices, good wagc3, permanent pro penty for tLc prouuc.uj clashes. The Farm, Field and Fireside, A 32 to 0 Page W.tokly Farm antl Family P.Dr. Price. SI oo a Ya Whi'e not rigHcti'fi its .superb AricuUitra', Ilortii u'.tural. Live Stock " I-'.i'in'v IV").' in.' . eic , h.n at th sa-nc tun?, for niiiuy yeji-s, np-i-irf ' Std-.d ; .1 of ,jc fi - " ,i;unst trust-, and in lopni.cs, more r.pcc 1 hj; i th a tno... i j I'ti.us .! .) 1 .ii j lopaiies. tin til i is o!d standard. All who re. it agree th n it is the bsi paper of iu clasi on e.uih. A GREAT C0M3INATI0M OFF We will scud the above jjreat journal arZHEE! 23IE5I6uXX both one year, posiipaui, at tne txtir iu advance, and will ve to each ten cculsadditiau.il f jr postage an I , TWEr-iTY PAC I These s - rc tl. i c. in t'?e mar ket. Tit. v co t of lii:u. Vtvt-Mble and Flower .s t tion lroni a it to: packets are as, lare as sculmcn's mail J packets Tho Reedi nlono at retnll prloa nro worth $1 Op. Call and s U3 about this irreat VUIIU I6II1HVHI1UV3 WW Villa UIIW iRi as tr. Isal dull s A .' Lager Beer, m Sale . . . Brewing $195 LIST rUI jjoo One-Third Cash, AND BALANCE $5.00 per Month, Kimball PIANOS from $40 aud up, A. HOSPE, Jr. thlssapsrJ Omaha, Nefe, .v,,1". yj. ;y. . ?. '!'!ti'"iv-' -,''-.'JV?:."?'if wv,,- v, tSf -Si ..; ,.- VtkVVV, ft i s Sis .tV."fV . 'a .;" GOLD TANDHD .Ii. U y Llij 4 S R! in. coiritclinn with fcB. 50 ... cc of $ ... c -i uj t..:s combination offer who paya - -.;. K:T5i CF SEEDS of your v?i, s. ec- A$tf 20a varit'i.is. rue fT.-f7. offer at; okoj. or f' iX I x&sm&m rAVvcn W$-$m2 ABOUT CATTLE. Once tlif L-UT rorluuln tha Killing of Co it In TliU Country. Tho first crtttlo that were brujht Into the America n colonies were landed nt the Jnines river plantation, In Vir ginia, In Iho year 1607. Thoy came from the West Indies and werj tho dc Kcendants of the cattle talten to thosu islands by Columbus on his second voy age, in tho year 1103, In 1010 several cows were landed, and again, In 1C11, about 100 head mora were brought to the plantation. Tills, therefore, vrna tho genesis of the cattlo business in America. In order to encourage tho industry to the fullest poshiblo extent an order was passed forbidding tho slaughter of any animal of the bovine hind under penalty of death. Under this restric tion the number of cattle increased to Oi'.GQD in Virginia alone before the end tl theyor.r 1019. The first cattle brought into tho Iicw England colonics arrived at J tymouth in 1(521, and wore Imported fr m England by Governor Wlnslow. Throe heifers and a bull mndo up the cargo; "in color," the old record soya, "they were black, black and rvhito and brindlo." In lfl'JU twelve cows were sent to Cape Ann, and in 1035) thirty more In 1030 about 100 wero Imported "lor the exclusive use of the colony of Massachusetts bay." During thesam? year 103 were sent from Holland to New York, so that by the year 1030 there were a good many head ot 'lrirnod cattlo" in tho different col onic. The reader naturally thinks of the?? nnlmals as superb specimens of thr bovine race, but they were not. His tory, that is, the curious and interest ing part of history, tells us tliat the average weight of fat cattle in th Liverpool market as Jate ns 1710 wa on y 370 pounds. What an evnlutioii in 182 years? OLD LONDON CHURCHES. The Pestilential Alr Wlt'a WlUeU Tliy tiro FUloi!. The Church of St. Miry Woolnoth, which stands out conspicuously at thu King William street corner of Lombard street, London,. '.afrelflReritSTrniDaHTit - ago,-anU it is clear from thtf statoment 'of the rector that the step was not premature. It has been Iris unhappy lot to be often startled in the course of his services by a loud ynt muffled s.mnd, ovidently issuing from thv vaults under the church. As these vaults aro now "hermetically sealed," i',A phenomenon may well have ex- '. the imaginations of timid meny - f tho congregation. Mr. ltrook. wvor lecognized the notsca on1 . "ii. Th -y were caued "by the . n:' of leaden coftlns, sometime jri. the height of ton or twolve feet. .'i .j .oquenco of the mouldering , . i the cofflns of oak and olm ou i i ey had been piled. It would ' if tho evils of this relic of the .t i a system of intramural itit.-V- '. denied here. Unfortunately -5S of "hermetically sealing,'', ing to Mr. Brooke's evidence tho consistory court of St. v. C ithedral, has been anything hermctical.'' Mr. lhooke dc- tint for ycara nearly evry had died from tho effect, or indircat, of the unendurable . i bur Stitham, the counstd rep ting the parish, stated that J,ri8l aii'l 4'.'2 ch ldren had been du in thi horrible jeceptaeU . 170) and 1832. In the latter f fdmg to Mr. Stnthim, tho jre closed for burials; but the1, .'i In St. Mury Woolnoth, if th 'y can be called, were con d for at least twelve ycara after r.o .alter date. Wanted, Two (iooil 3lurdcrr4. Rome curious letters passed between Oarrlck and a man named Stone. Tbfr latter was employed to get rc.cruU for the lower parts of tho drama, and one nitfht he wrote to Garrlek: "Sir: The llishop of Winchester is getting drung-nt the Bear and swears he will not p. ay to-night." At first sight thW Beoiiis peculiar conduct for n bishop, but it thonld bt; explained that thu communication only refers to the mau engaged to take that character lu th play of "Henry III." On anothur occasion fiarrlek wrote to Stou: "If you can get me two good murderers I will pay you han laornely. particularly tho spouting fellow who keeps th'a applu btall on Tower IIH1; the cut in the face is just the thing. Tick mn up an alderman or two for Richard if you can, and have no objections to treat with yon for a comely mayor." A reicui'h't Little i'cutcr Motlirr. A buatum hen at Norwich, donn., has jidopted a young peacock, "newly hatched from an ordinary looking egg, to the greatest disgust of another hen. who did the hatching. There were three pea chicks first, but the latter hen killed one and the other died. 'L'ht? bantam soon manifested a warm interest in the peacock and the poi eock became attached to his foster mother. Although the peacock is three times tho size of the bantam hen he does not like to be left alone, and when his littlo mother get out of his sight it lb amusing to hoar him set up U car-pteK'ing yawp fo'r her to return o him. The little hen is very faithful to him. and devotes her whalo timo to the plumnged giant. IuiirerntM nt Such Times. Som ladies never, uevar can nndr. ftnrtd that u man of letters should fomtimea bo left olono in his den. Hyron himself says that, however much in love he might be any moment, hu always felt, even when with the fair, a hankering to be back a his untidy libiary. There is a story of Lady Ily ron's entering the den nnd uokln -'Do 1 disturb you, Hyron?" "Y- , damnably," unhwered Childo Ilir; in an int-lligible, if not a pardonab a I ivrltutioii. ", f .fl 1 mi-.y. M'UM iKI'lllli Ii HPPf wl