it r ' : r r y 6-. i . jliLrz "i f K . $ f1' 1 1 ft VOL. 2. HEMINGFOJID. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA. FRIDAY JAN. 22. lii)7. iNO. 48 " s L ; ; zc o s J3 i Sin I LllI LI L fiJ Jwf&& vJilv C J '; t :j V i v. Vi it It k h t If lib L.' , The Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. 1'nhllshed ee.-y Kriday and entered nt tho Iitint-nHIro in lleminsfonl, NehraBkn, an Hpciind ciaes mall matter. TllK Heum.d indovoted to tho intercuts of Hemins'ord ami Hox llutto county. THOS. O'KUEPE, Publisher. HUDSCKirTION katks: ONE YEAH flM BIX MONTHS W COUNTY OKt'lCEltd. F.M. PnBM'B .. (,prk' A.M. MlbLiin litntmrr-r. ,Tq. H. 11. Hewett :,,,.,,JK '.. V. HWKKMFV Sheriff. U. V. Oumks .Attoriiy. Mibs A. E. Neui.vnd Superintendent. Cs.UnNN Surveyor. J)n. W. K. MlLi.EU Coroner. l)n. b.V. Uowmas ..lMiiicln. James IUituv... ComniiHHioner 1st liNt. J R. HnM.iXRAKK.... CommUnioner 2nd Dist. U. W. JJOKCAN CoinnihiHionerllrdDitit. MAIL DIUECTOUY. IlEMlNoronD pogtoflico. On week days door openw nt 7 a. m., general delivery opim at S a. in. and closes at 8 p. in. Open Sundays ft to 10 a. in. IlSMIKoFOBD AND llOX IlUTTE ataROdnlly Ojeept Sunday. Ueminofoiid and Lo.vt.AP stage, Monday Wednesday and Friday. Now Short Line to Helena, Butto Spokane, Scuttle and Tneoma. G. X. & "W. O. Tlmo Card. HAST BOUNIJ. So. 44, pnsonKor arrives ut " 4 freight " 48 freight arrives nt WF.ST MOUND. :fo,4i pnRficnKoriirrivi;s nt 45rn)ljlit ' 4: fruliiht iirrlvo nt 11:30 p.m. r.::i7 p. in. 10:25 n. in. 4:1(5 a. m. ll:3'J p. ni. 3:uo p. ni All regular trains carry paBnonRPrs v. M. C'01'CI.tXD, Akpii" HID YOU EVUR MAKE MONEY EASY? Mr. Editor. I have nad how Mr. C. E. It. mado o ranch money in the DihIi Washer Ims iuens and think 1 have lent him: lam very younir jet and havo hail littlo oxtn'rieucd in hoII iriR coodd, but have ron'Jo ovp olsht hundred ituilara in ten wu.Us ?elini? Diehw-iBhprh. It Is imply wonderttfl lfbw eaHy ivh ti Veil them. All yon havo to do Is to miow tho ladieH how thpy work anil they cannot help hut buy one. For the benefit on other 1 will etato that 1 t?ot my ntart from the Mound City Dichwn'dipr Co., Ht Lout. Mo. Writo to them and they will tend you full dartictilar. I think I can clear over $J,000 the coming ye'rr and I am not (joins to let tho oppoltonity pas. Try it and publish your BueepAs for tho Ijcnrtit of others. J. V. O. Tako Notice. I -will not be responsible for nnj' debts contracted by my vife, Fidelia Colvii. Theodore Colvin. Hi3y the Dipper Sui t-J e Farm. Fiithor was sick ami lliu niDrtgagp ou tho fnn.i was comlnir. (hie. 1 saw in thu Cliri.xtlan Advocate where JIIbs A. Al Fritz, or Station A. St. Louis, Alo., would send a sample combina tion dipper for IS two cent stamps, mid I ordered one. I saw the dipper could be uspd aa it fruit Jar filler; a plain dipper u fllne strainer; a funnel; a sick room warming pan and a pint inetiMirc. These e!f,'ht different uses makes the dipper such a nccesv.iry mtlclc that I went, to work with jt niiD it sella at very near evTy house. And In four months i paid off the mortgage, l think I can clear as much as $200 a month, if you need work voti can do well by givlna this a triul iliss A. M. Fritz. Station A, St. Louis Mo., will send you a sample for 18 two cent stamps write tit once. Jons G. N. TUTTLE & TAS3I Attorneys - at - Lav?, HFHINGF0RD. NEBRASKA. L. W. 3POWHAN Physician and Surgeon ALLIxVNOE, NEB. Office rooms and residence in JPraver block, up shiirs. Special nttontion givan to dis eases of children . Will Buy an AERMOTOR, Tho and Strongest "Witid-mill made. D. A. PAUL, Agent IIEMINGFOKD, NED , Local and Pergonal. Kov. Golden mado the Heualij a pleasant call today. W. G. Simonson, of Alliance, Yaa in tho city yesterday. Miss Rosa L'nrkin is teaching school in tl.u Vaughn district. W.J Bean has place I an ele gant new eigur caso in his drug store. Mrs. L. 13. Fonncr went lo Lincoln Saturday to visit her husband. James Mrachek returned to Edgemont this week to resume work with the bridge gang. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin and Mrs Golden, of Alliance, are attending tho Biblo Institute. J. W, Baumgardnor and D. C. Norris dropped a few "cart wheels1' into the Hekald excheq uer this week. Co. Treasurer Miller wont to Lincoln tho first of tho week to make settlement with tho state treasurer. A social hop was given at tho homo of Frank Book Friday evening aud an onjoyablo lime is reported. G. S. Raymond, of Omaha, the oldest and best known jowlor in tho state, failed Wednesday Liabilities $70,000. IT. R. Nissley departed for Lin coln Monday night. Ho shipped his dry soods and sold his grocery stock to C. A. llurlow. Oliver F. Crocker, of Stanton county, and Miss A una Rissoll, ofDunlap, wore united in mar- riagp by Judge HewjattTuosdajLJ Six head ofcattlo belonging to Theodore Johnson wore killed on the railroad about sayon miles southeast of Homingford Satur day night. Twenty-fivo farmers may se cure that many yearly subsciv tion, free, to tho "Western Soil Culture" by applying to the B & M. agent. Rev. Funk informs us tb- : Dr. C. A. Ilolbrook, of Bayard, has decided to locate in Hcmingford and intends to move here this month. We welcome tho Scotts Bluff county people to our thriv ing city. ''If the party that oak the pair of Indies' fine shoes last week from omi of the Alliance business houses does not return them or send raoii cy for same inside of ton days, they will bo arrested, for they are well known." The year 1890 has been a most i nvnsnm'fsiiK nnn fm 1lin Mfirlrnn Woodmen of America. A total of T1, 700 new certificates wore writton during tho year against 52,005 in 1893. Tho benefit fund has never bec3n in a more satis factory condition. Modorr Woodman. I,ov. J. N. Funk, accompanied by his family and Mrs. Funk's sister, arrived from Goring Sat urday and will make Ilemingford their future homo. They are oc cupying tho Brandser residence, corner of Wyoming avon ic and Custer street. Mr. Funk will i have charge of the Baptist church aud for tho present services will be held every other Sunday. Donald McLoan says that tho Short Lino will surely be built and that contracts will bo let next summor. There is no doubt but what tho road will follow its old survey and Ilemingford will bo the division town. There are lots of good things in store for Ilem ingford and tho day is not far distant when she wil bo one of tho loading cities of Nebraska. Eyorything is QQiniujj her way. Messrs. Emory, Cliff aud Amos Abloy camo" down from Dead wood Wodprvlj, for a short visit at homo. Tonigh . Mr. aud Mrs. Abloy will givu a social danco in honor of their sons and no doubt it will bo a pleasant affair as Mr. and Mrs. Abloy are exceptional entortuinors. According to the World Herald. Prof. L. B. Fennor was appoint ed as teacher in the reform school at Kearney, and will tako lis place at tho timo tho now super' intendent in, Fob. 1st. While "wo havo not heaid of His appointment being officially an nounced, we beliovo ho is suroof the place. J. S. Anderson, tho Veterinar ian, of Seward, spont three days in Ilemingford this week and was kept very busy. Ho performed some difficult surgical opera tions and convinced everyone that ho thoroughly understands his business. Mr. Anderson is an old friend of Harry Piorc.c, who, with Mr. Gerber, is re sponsible for his visit to this city. A certain farmer of this county recently wont ii .o tho Alliance Grocery store at Alliance to en quire the pico of produce. After being told that eggs wore worth 10 cents per dozen and butter 12 cents per pound, looked upon the wall and inquired who that pic ture represented. Mr. Stewart with much emphasis informed (,'m that it was tho picture of William McKinloy tho advanced agent of prosperity, when thp farmer remarked that with-such prices it would seem that this ad vanced agent was a h 1 of a long way u ii-ad of his show. Tho Biblo Institute which is in session hero no 'V and conducted by Rev. Frady is well attended, there being an enrollment of fifty. Those assisting Rev. Frady in work of Institute are, Riv. Rominger, of Crawford; Rev. Golden, of Alliance, and Rev. Preston of Ilemingford. Rev. Funk acts as chairman and Mr. E. F, Woodruff of Chadron adds a great deal of e nisinii to tho Institute. Tho lectures given by Rev. Rominger both Wednesday and Thursday evening on Palis tine were interesting. A n plete report of tho proceedings will appear in our next issu -. The Edgemont Express of last week conta 't a very interes. ing eight page writo up of that enterprising and rapidly growing city and the Black II 'Is in gen eral. Thirty half tone cuts dec- .orate its pages and typographic ally it is a beauty. When II. Goddard, the present editor, as sumed charge of tho Express two years ago if was of small dimen sions as was also tho town; but Mr. Goddard Avho has been a resident of the Black Hills for twenty years, foresaw Edge mont's future and .sot to work to build up the town and now every one ctiu see what has been ac complished. Hon. A. L. Shar rock, the hustling mayor of V o city and Mr. Goddard make a very strong te.un. Elgomont, with her irrigation canal, which furnishes water for irrigating 10,000 acres of land; a large woolen mill, ono of tho lineal grind-stone factories in tho world and a 8300,000 smelter, iron works, electric light ph :ir, water works, etc., which are tube put in at once, js destined to become the lending city of tho Northwest. Tfioro will bo services at the Catholic church on Sunday Jan. 24th, also qii Sunday, Hist. Editoii Heuald: Birthday sin priso parties aro getting to be th? social pasl'mo here in Box Butto. On tho evening of January Mth about forty of the frioiuls of Mrs. Ole Gilbert gathered at lor res idence to colobrato the 40th anni versary of her birth. It was in the form of a surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert hud gone to spend tho n ght with a sick neighbor., but wore told they wero provided for. On returning home they found their house illuminated and filled with their friends and to say that Mrs. Gilbert was surprised would but mildly express it. An el egant supper was partaken of (as tho Box Butto ladies know so well how lo provide and servo) and a very nico birthday basket was pre sented lo Mrs. Gilbort. All went home feeling that they had spent a very enjoyable evening and bear ing with them expressions of pleas ure from Mr. and Mrs. Gilbort in being thus kindly remembered. One who was there. Harry Till Olrl Quick. I saw In your paper that a 13 year old boy made $1.25 tho llrnt hour he worked Bolllnf? the Porfoclion Metal Tip Lampwiek. 1 ordered a .sample and went to work and the llrat week 1 cleared 810, the second week I clear ed $15. 1 expect to run up lo $25 a week in the near future, aa the Per fection Metal Tip Lampwiek makes such a beautiful white lltfht mid does away with smokey chimneys mid had odor and saves oil, it is easy to sell. If you wish to try It send 13 i'-cent stamps to Mis A, M. Frilz, Station A, St. Louis, Mo., hiuI she will send you a sample outfit, this U u (rood way to make money around home. . Miss Tina V. Cal Wildy says Sweeney is tho shoriil and if you don't pay upyou will know him better. . ... 4 Your butter, eggs, cheeso and potnti 4 should always go to the big d j ilo h i Cal Wildy wants dressed ) uiltry evoiy week huro. Tit: New Hick Sp oi r . to AH. I read iii thu ChrisLaiu Standard that Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A, ,3t. Louis, Mo., would give an elegant plated hook spoon to anyone sending lier ton'2-cent stamps. r-srnL for one and found It so useful that I snowed it to my friends, und made SIS. 00 i. two ileum, taking orders for the spoon. The hook spoon Is i house hold necessity. It cannot slip into the dish or cooking vessel, being held ti the place by a hook ou tho baok. The spoon is something that liousc keeprs have needed ever since spoons were first Invented. Anyone can get a sample spoon by sending ten 2-cont stamps to Miss Frilz. This is a splendid w.iy to make money around homo. Very truly, JKr . '. S. Make Your Own Lantern. Your home is incomplct without it, and the pi ice is within rca 'i of all. 1 ordered one for my own ho and it wa o handy and cr iveniont I Aent to work taking orders for tlwin and sold 51 in ono day miking over S5 clear. It gives a beautiful whit, light, chimneys never break from heut. it Is always clean and ready. Francis Gasoy, St. Louis, Mo , will send sample for 13 two cent stamps, write for one. I got my s tart with him. Geoiiok H. To whom it may conckun: All parties who-aro owing me on i note or account are requested to ; call on mo at their earliest con i vonience and sotllo. C. A. Buiilkw. For Sale I havo soino choice, well bred young sows for breeding purposos, for sale; also one lino boar. E. Mahin. If you want an elegant bed room set, or only a chair bottom, cheap, per Dad nt Cal Wildy's. If you havo and old kine, steer or calf lo sell, C. J. Wildy will buy it. Ask the clerk for a ton of 5c gingham at the big double storo The big double store sell their dress goods at 50 cunts on tho dollar. $$&- at the BIG DOUBLE STORE ililliiiwill begin Jan 2nd and continue o dvfelpiis TO OUR PATKONS AND FRIENDS: Wo will iu,.iiii olf.'r on enta-o stock of goods consisting pf Dry Goods, Cloth ig, Mn's Furnishing goods. Hut-, and caps, hosiory, notions, novelties, dress goods, trim mings, boots, shoes, ladies i na'w, grocorios, quccu and glassware, nt such reduced ice mat will absolutely dofy all competition. Oar tonus aro cash or in ex change of produce. Thank ! you most cordially for your past patronage, and wisliii-g you a happy and prosperous xNew ienr, i i;enuun your humble sorvaut, HHICaivin .J. Wildypl ANTON PIONEER Mfaroi The uldkst ifisTAnnisiiMEXT in tub County. Charter Oak Caok Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating-Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb Wire the Best on Earth H EMINGF0RB MANUKACTUUEIIS OI FLOUR,FEED, ETC. We Guarantee Out Flour Equal to Any Other. Try It. Al.fcO DEALEK IN '2LlJ3ivdLlEbjJ.ii KINDS OF COHiXIi NEW CASTLE, .... SHER DAN AND .... FELIX, GLENROOK, .... CANON CI T f mmmmmmmm l if i in J ' t -nwUw.. -..- H. H, PIERCE, Propietor of Livery AND Wo havo first-class stock and double and singlo rigs, which wo urnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boarder arc unexcelled in tho city. Give us a call. BS Stable Cornor Box Butto Avenue- and horidan Street. THE GREAT CLpARING SALE- UHRIG w k r MILLING! CO., 8 pt -.. ;ti4- KM eri. Feed tabes i ,1 Jt" &.; 'M II K -a yjMSMhWtlM' .asr: TV! -J2..f-