Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, December 25, 1896, Image 4
vtjnr-iMM aBJMBii.jaUirMWJ M.$-. .iw-b :1 n. i iff IV A - I: 4 I ! i.Mrttm MatMuawluifiwiiri,T,fimBi Final Proof-Notices llox. J. V. Wrn"..In.. Iteftlefr. Mutt, f'. M. liirffOMB. 11co1yt. Turtle Tinvlntf notice tn thl erJnnrt aro re-' quMtftl a rinil tli winiBOirflfiillRJllniimrtto tills olilr fur currPTtioti ony cflrorn in may (xlft Thl vrjll tiretonj iKMtlblo delay In ninKiiiK lriMii. Jmixiiiiyiiyw ihwf bim mirn ytt n""s f iff ADOUT CATTLE, , ii r v - On eo the Law Kitrlindo tlm Hllltiir of j Cow In Thl Cmiiitry. ' ' " Tito llrat cattle that were toanglit Into the Anu;rcaacolonloNworolniuiu"d hi the JtiineBlWr plantation, in Vii felnia, Hj thb year IM17. Thuy uumo mwii wiu w km . . - - - , d 0nco t A11Wllcc, Hc,, toM. ,7, isod. fironiumta of the citttlu tnUen to those ' j,0tiw t imrotiy Klwn Unit islands by Uoluinlnts on hlasocond voy- John "W Plci'CO njro.lnthcyfrU03. in '"'""at ulVmAnlmAmt .hn,r,.d ..ot'tcoof In.- cows were landed, and iiynln, In Hill, Uon to rank lUial Kwit baforo liwd'ti'r or Ito- nbout 10A ticail tnoro otw Ttrotiirhi to rprI"i,!?,:'V."",H"L,1.?L,..jRJ): tho plantation. This, therefore was rortlipultUHPoHMpawn, rww. tho genohis of tho cattle mislneas In America. ' In ordor to encourage tho Industry to tho fullest possiblo'Vxtont ah order "vnH pawned forbidding tho slaughter of tin tmtnitM nil nltttrMHi: Julin P. Nflantl. James A lliiiitor. William 1). I'rous, Hamilton Hull, all ol Hcmliisfonl, Nun. .' ' J. 1Y WUIN, Jll., "''XISHT. I .unit flflinn nt Alliance Nol) . Dm. 7. I MM. NntJi lit lfrihv L'lxoti tlikt the following nam I .l Wt.... I. - It i v.l Hkllrfn if l.ta (hUliliilli any nntm.il of tho hoVInc hind under niaituilnal 'iroorinjinniiort or liU rialra ami tliia rcBtrle- tliamalil.proor vrin i inane uriorc iiiiriau-rw Closing Out Sale!... iKMlalty of death. L'titler tloti tho number of eattlo Increased to Tto.00!) In Virginia ttlono Lufore tho end cl tho year Kill). Tito first cattle brought into tho Jiow England coloule arrived tit J'lyiuouth in 1031, tnd wero imported fivm England byOnornor Winalow. 'J'hrcs heifersf)ml a Inrtl made up tho cargo; "in color," the old record wiyft, "they wore black, blnelc and white and brlndlo." hi 1020 twelve cows wero Lent to Cupc Ann, und in 1021) thirty f1nora. In 4030aout lt)0 wero Imported ."for tho excluKivo Viso of tho colony of Massachusetts bay." During the sam'c year 103 vfre fcent from Holland to Xow York,so hat by the year 1(130 thero were a good many head of ."horned cattle" in the different 'col 'tmias. ' ,' The reader naturally thlulcs of tljcvs animals uk Hupcrb HpocimciiH of the "Vovlno race, but they wcto not. His tory, that is, tho curious and in tores f Ing part of history, tcllti us that tho nverngo weight of fat cuttle in tho litvcrpool market as lute as 1710 wni only 370 pounds. AVltat an evolution ,iu 18D ywrs? OLD LONDON CHUCHpS. Tho l'eitllentlut Atrit WltU Which They ' nro rilloi!. Tho Church of St. M ry Woilnoth, which stands out conspicuously at tho 'King William street comer of Lombard frtroet, Loudon, was closed ton months hgo. and It is tJlellr from tho statement of tho reotor that tho step was not premature It has been his unhap iy lot to bo often stirtled h the uour&t! of his services by a loud yet mufljod tound, evidently issuing froms tho faults under tho 'church. As theso ivou aro now "hermetically sealed," thophenomennn may well have cx- sncitotMlie imaginations of timid mem- Ar t$iO:e congregation. Mr. llrookc, !i8wcK"T0Cognipd tho noises only ,toa well. They were catfwd by thjO "falling of leaden eolllns, som'etlmefi from tho height of ten or twelve feet, in consequence of tho mouldering away of tho coffins of oak and olni on which they had been piled. It would bxfweH if theovlLiof this relic of the barbarous systoni of intramural inter jnent had ended here. Uufnrtun vtoly th ptoce'ss of "hermetically scaling," according to Mr. Urookos ovideuco bforo tho eonaibtory court of St. 1ViYW Cuthedral, has lifccn nuVthmg but "hermetlcnl." Mr. Jlrooko de clares that for years nearly ov -ry otHoial had died from tho clients, .tllrcbt- ot indirect, of tho unendurable Bmcll. J !- jt Arthur Sttlham, tho counsel rep resenting tho parish, stated tlmt 1,081 adults and 122 ch ldrcn had been dc positsd in this horVlblo" receptacle between 1700 and 183'.'. In tho latter year accoidlng to Mr. Stathnm, tho ,v.tulth wero closed for burials; but theso burials in St. Mary Woolnoth, if burials thoy can bo called, wero con tinued for ut lest twolve jcaraaiter tho latter date. ' - i ' Wanted, Two Ctooil 3Iurderer. Somo curious letters passed between flarrick and a man named Stone. The iJaitQr was employed to, gc,t rccruit-t for tho lower parts of tlio drama, and one night he wrote to Oarriek; "Sir: ,'4'ho Ittshop of Winchester is getting rcfng at th,o Ilcar and swears ho will ,hot piny to-night." At first sight tlis seems peculiar conduct for a bishop,' but it thould bo explained that tho foinnuifiK'atlon only r.fcra to the man ingaged'to take tlmt character In tho; play of "Henry III." On another occasion Garrlck wrote to Stone: "If you can get ma two good murderers I will pay you handsomely, particularly tlm .spouting fallow who keeps tho fipple ht'ull'Ah Tower Hill; tho cut in the face is just tho 'thing. 'ick mo tip an aldoiiiuiu or two for Uleluml if you can, nndkrravo no objections to roat with you for a comely mayor." A 1'oJcock't Uttlo roller Mother. lliyclverotAllIncp,Nob. on Jan. 10, ISU0, ltt Vcntcch Cliladolf, tt Dnnliip, JVK. who mnilo II. E. No. 2S1 for Urn n M fpo 33. 1 1) 2 n, r 48. , Jlo namea the following wllnoioi to jiroro liUciinUniinns rpa!(lfncoui)ii anil cultivation lf until Iniul. vi7: Jlrnry l.iclih John I'ntnip- SlhChrintotiliLlclite, llriiard IVnilrlcli, allot hinlan, NeU. J. W. WtiiN, Jit., lUfflter. Land Oinre. Alllanco, Kob., Doc. 2, 1800. Notlco U hereby Riven that John C. Alexander, of Anlmoro, U 1)., 1ms filed notlcn of tntontlon to nmko iinal proof licforo M. J Hhiwctt, clprk illHtrictrotirt, aililnotllreln Harrison, Nub., on January t', 1W, on liinlKT rnltnrn apiillratlou No I1H, for tho v'i of nou U, tp 2rt n, r 4(U , xWluirrtdWVrill Klititafttltnony beforrt rtiijtor or retf'lvurftt-AIJiuncis Neb. Ho iiamuit nu'wlt ii'Ajrn! TIiiiniBH it. llupkinH, Win J. Dritton, John Jolinex, Wm. 1). Juhnnon, all of hemlnt; fold, Neb, J.W Www, JH., HeRlBtcr. I.ano Olllco at Alliance, Neb., Nov. 23, 18W. NotUto in hercb) Kiven tust Ileslor A. Fnlloiu, 1100 Harlcor, him filed notlcn of Intention to nmko final proof boforo ltrlf tcr or iloculvcr nt Alliance, Neb., on January -I, ltW, on tlniln-r cnlturn application JJo. m. for the n w mo 21, ti 20 n, iv IU w. Bho name an vdtneHHPs: K. Yntiitlin, J. II .Towitt. W. ll.Jowett of Dona. Null., O. W. YomiK, ot Alliance, Neb J W WcitN, Jn., Uolatcr. Lnnd Olllui at Atllanci-, Neb . Nov. 18, Ih'.M. Notice in hereby Riven that tho followlnc named settler lias filed notice, of bin liiteutinn lo iiinkn final proof in flnpport of hiii clnlm anil thntdahl proof will bo maile lKforo ltcitiHter urJtweixer at Alliance, licb., on Dec. 0, 1MW, Joseph Duhon, of IlemlnKford, Nob., who mailo II E No. SC57 for tho ao't sec IM, tp 'M n, tn SI w. Ilonamca the ftillinvinR wilnenncH to proo hla conlinuoiiH renhlence upon ami rulthatlou of until land, viz: Anton ( hjtka, JamcR Torek, KolKrt Anilercon, Henry Hliimck, all of Lawn Neb.. J. W. WErv. Jn , IleBlster. I have made up my mind to g out of business, so I will sell all my Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Cloth ing and Gents Furnishing Goods at greatly reduced prices for spot cash. Produce will be taken at top pricey Your faithful servant, . . . W. K. herncaLl. : 5 S!& ttl 'i Aim win svt jiiyi riy 1 The Indies of tho. Congregational clniroii will hold n fitlr next Friduv iifternoon'und cvcnVng Dec. 18th at the church. Everyone come and buy it Christmas prifeont, for frl'oinls. Yoli can' Und nitlcles both useful and ortiamctitul mom beautiful and cheaper than you can make them. Come, and boo tho display. Refresh ments will be served from U o'clock to 10 p. nr V. H. Land Offie, Alltanre. Nob., Nov. 1BU0. Notice 1h hereby Kitn that John C. Lamraers, of llnhhvllle, Neb., ban fileil notice of Intention to inako final proof lierore. IteRlntor or Hcconer at Alliance, Nub., on December 'li, 1MW, on tlm Iier onlture application No. 008, tor tho n U bco 22, Ip 27 n, r 47 w, . Ho names n- witheNAon! Chrlstophor tMltiR i?le. Allicrt Mnrtuiilv. (). It. Vnlmtrr. of HoX Tlntte, Nob., Peter t BtrcnHcn, of itiixhville, Neb. J. W. Wkhn.jk.. HelBtr. Duultip cheese is tho best on thp market Try it. Uushnoll & Sherwood vtl pay tho highest market price for hogs. mxisHutamail tWMlgJjBgg"rl''''"!'''3 $193 "ST ...FOR $88' Oae-TMi-d Cask, AND BALANCE $5.0 per Month. 5 .ft. W 1 insaa j id S4 HJ 6TYLE 201 Is sold by agont3 as high as SIS S Toucan buy it at tho factory price from us for 5815 nclght 75 Inches, Froncli Plato Mirror, Tatcnt Pall Bcrd, WOU30 Proof, SOLID WALNU2 or OAK OuiirantccJ for 5 ycara by manufacturer &ud by u.3. Wo pay fVoIsl.t V atiy point In Nebraska. Wo furnish stool, book and chart. Write for tcrmV ORGANS from $20 and up. : PIANOS frotu $40 and up. P.e.-OurJdyear. . HOSPE, Jr. (Mantlcn thUnancr.) Omh, pjefc. All parties desiring to make final proof can haye their papers mado out at The Herald offico, freo of charge, and promptly Itansihilted to tho land oftico. 1 1 There will bo held in Ilcming ford, Nobi'aska, a Biblo institute, conducted by Rev. Frady, begin ning Jan, 20, 189V and vJdiitiuWihg in session four days. The, work of the institute will bo a study of four Gospels tho life of Christ. Circulars concerning the in8titu,to may be had from Row Hazulton. Row Preston, U. J. Wildy or Mr. Sherwood. Everyone ib iuvited to attend.' A large class is desired. a4 -, ,, i niuuiiug uoucermiig iuo in stitute will be heM at M'. E. church next Tuesday evening Nov. 2i, 7:30 p. in. Everyono come. Anna Ncoland, Sec. Photos. While yoilr family is all at homo and in'henlt) why not have their picture t'alccn together maybo yoii would no't p'art 'illi Ucli U picturo at any price in a few years. W . T. Oaldwlle, Photographer, Alliance. Combri to California. r. Every Thursday afternoon a tourist si coping car for Salt Lake CURE CONSUMPTION. T. A. Sloctim, M. C, the Great Chem ist and Scientist, Offers to Scrul Pice, to the Afflicted, 'lhrcu Mot tles of II,is NoV"ly Discovered llumcdics tti i.'urc Ctmsump tlfin and All Lung Troubles. Nothing fioujtl be fairer, more pull anthioplcor carry more joy In its wako than tin- offer or T. A. Slocam, M. C. of 183 Pearl street, New York City.' Confident Miat he lias discovered n absolute uure for consumption and till pulmonary complaints, and to to make its great merlto Known, lie will bend, free, Un-cM feottles (the Sloctim new system of medicine) to imy reader of the Herald who is suf fering from chest, throat and lung troubles or consumption. Hu invites those desirous of ob taining the remedies to simply scud lilm their cvptcss and pnatofUcc ad dress, and rc"c6lve in return the tbtce free bottles. " Already this "new scientific course of medicine" has permanently- cn(l thousands of appaiently hopeless cases. ' lie considers it Ijis rqllglous duty a duty -.vliicli he o ves to hjuuanity to donate his infallible cure. Offered frcel.i, 'ipart ftom its ad heic'ht "jtiength. fs enough to com mend It, and moie so ts the perfect confidence of the gteat chemist, mak ing the offer. ' r He has proved consumption to be a curable disease beyond any doubt. There will bo no mlsiaktf in seiili ingthe iiiiBinue will bo in overlook ing the Doctor's generous invitation, lie has on file in his American and European labouitorie thousands of testimonials of'experlence from those uured, In all pails of the world. Delays arc dangerous; mall your artUrcss tp T A Slncuni. M. C, 183 l'earl stteet, ' Now York, and when writing tho Doctor, please mention i ending this article in Tub IIkuaJcd Photographic Viws. Photographer W. T. Caldwe)l of Alliance has made nrrngemotits with Mi. W. T. Androws, a pho tographer having years of exper ience, who will take viVB of the country within n radius of fifty miles in all directions from Alli ance f6r the next few months. lie is equipped with a tirat-class outfit and all the work will bo fur nished at tho popular Caldwell Studio, and will be furnished the haine as t)io best grade of portrait work. Parties wanting work of this kind done, by dropping a card to either of the nbovo ptutios at Alliance will bo notified when Mr. Andrews is expected to bo in this vicinity The cxecutire zntmnittcc have de elded to pospone the meeting of the Uox Butte County Thcacera associa tion, which was to be held in Alliance Diccmber 12, 1890, until the last Saturday In January, 1897, Ina I. MausiiallScc. We have a now ipball organ for salo at a bargain . THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE THE GREAT DEMOCRATIC DAILY of the Northwest. Will be sent poctpald to any address six days a wook for one- year for FOUR DOLLAR Tho Chronicle Is the most conspicuous newapopor auo ooss of tho day, the dally olr oulatlon exooedlns 75,000 eoplos and tho Sunday circu lation oxooedlns IOO,000 obp lea. It Is a first-class news eaporof 12 and IQ pasos (Sun day 40 to 48 pagda) and Is a stanoh supporter " of sound domocratlo prlnclploa. TERR.1S. 3STETW GOODS cU, tlio 211- A'hpntnm hen at Norwieh.Citnn ,hM n?t,r 'San Francisco nnd Los An- linszw Store. ..li.....l . tt-l. J vi " .''. . I ' m-.f i"K. l3w, .-'.V !- inVnR rt,l,n nml TJnnnlii VV..'V V- , ,- -. ..-. ..v ...wv'B.. i i tho Burlington Route. from an ordinary looking cgfj, to tho greatest disgust of nnothur hen. 'who did tho hatching. There were mrcu pcu cniciiN urai, uuv uie laiuir .. , . . , t . i .... ... . hen killed one nnd tho other died, ruiuiu, iraaapiuiauuvu unuuuuua oi anil mill Will run tor ft montli with glass cups, solf feeding, Zero Saturday, 1 year..., Bally (except Sunday) 1 year $4.00 Dally and Sunday, 1 year 6.00 Dally, 6 months (campaign cdlllon). . . . 2.00 D II y and Sunday, G months &0Q Dc Iy, 2 pionlhs i.rjO Dally and Sunday, 2 monlh J 1.40 Daily, l monlh 53 Dally and Sunday, 1 month 75 The new improved Aerinotor, Sunday, 1 year. . .' !".".".".'.'!!! 2! .00 1.00 It is carpeted;' MpliQlStorGd. in Oil, will feed in tho coldest weath- Sqmple copIqs froo on appli cation. Address" frho banw-fo boon manifested a warm und is provided with cuttaihs, with 0110 oiling. 8, 10, 12 and 10 THE CHICAR0 ftHROMIPI P Interest In the nc'achok and the nca- u,i.M i, t.o., ,,wi ,. . ... -,-T . ' ...... inu wmunuu onnuwiULC, interest in the pcacbou anauiepca. beddings, towels, soap and etc. Alr hAfnm,t ntt ilttl lev Wfc ,T,icitn v . another. Although tho peacobk h An oxponqneed oxcui'sion con- thrco times tho siso of tho bantam hen ductor und JV uniformed Pullman ho docs unlike to bo loft alone, and portor accompany it through to yhen lis-mtlo mutljor et out of hh the Pacific coast, sight U'ls amusing to Koar him set up While neither as expensively hl oar-piercing yawp for her to return furnished nor ns fino to look at Vhtm. Tho little hen h very faithful as a-pitfaCO sleeper, it is just as .Vohim. and devotes her whole tlmo to g00d to rido in. Second class tho uitnbagyj giant. tickets aro honoi od and tho price ' PanKrqm nt SucU TIiiim. of U btfl'tl, AVlde OllOUgll Ulld big Some ladlaa rjever, uover carr under- enough for two, is only a. stand that n 'nnqi of letters should For nfoldpr ffivine ' full nar. i;ntn.tt,niu l.. Iif 1. 1 ftlrtnn In 1,1 ilnti .. , . ,, 1 it u- Pyron iiimsclf eaystlrat, however much n love he might bo irny "tliomont, ho fil,fia fait nvnn wlinn itrtfrli ttii fnti- a hankerin? to bo back in his xintldy Burlington Routo. Om.aha, Nob, Jlhrary. Thero j btory ot Lady Ilyi j ,mVQ jQv full blOQtled mas ron's entorinar the den and askings JliLilCiAWT LLrl!i UIv ishiW' . , ' ,t I , J-Do I disturb you, Ilyron?" ' -Yes; nr.nAlfft AKli J!VMATMr,.iUK Pul "r u,u' ' tipulars, call at the nearest: ls& ' rru'nranteal. Orvlen I M. R. R. ticket office Or, write tlcitALi) oliice will re ,t to J. Francis, Gcn'l.Pass'r Ayont attention. ' v 1 Rnrliiu'ion Rnnto. Otmihn.. Noh.i ft. wheels. U. A. Paul, Agent. . ii ' i i' ' r ' F. E. HCLSTEN. . Watchmaker' -F Jeweler ALLIANCE,...,.. NEIS. (B.&M. Watch Examiner,) Charges reasonable; atiafaction (erf, lutt at tlm ece'Ve prompt IQ4-IG3 Voshlngton St., Chloptxo. III. tlSjA'PL EXPERIENCE. tltttui-ably," 'answered Chllde Harold -rpc, rirrn t rr'l In an int llifrible. if sot a nardonablo ii,it' -JJl!iAl Al Irritittoa. ... j C. A. BURLKW'B Hi- H. N. Earnest. TRADE MARKS DCSIQNS, COPYRICHTO &C. Anyone lending a fketrb and description mux Qulcklr lucertaln, free, wliettir au luroat on It proli-ibly patentable, (ommuulcatlona jtrktlr coalldcutlaU Oldest agency for securtnir patents tn America. We tiave a Washington oflico. i'atenta taken tUrouU Munn i Co reoutre special notice tn t bo. ' SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, nsautlfullr Illustrated, larseit elrcnlatlon o( oqr seloutlflo journal, weekly, terms MX0 a year) ll-'Osli months, fpcclmen ooplus und UAMU boon ON lUTEXTd aeut free. Address . r MUNN & CO., 301 Uroudwnr. w VerU. . liree Opinions "The CHICAGO RECORD is a rm newspaper in every sense of the wqj' -Halrrisburg Ra.)'CaII. " 'There is no paper published in Anil' ' that so nearly approaches the true jou? istic ideal as The CHICAGO RBCORp From "Ncwspaperdom" New ork) "I have come to the firtjti conclusion, a, a long test and after a wide compart with the journals of 'many cities and co. tries, that The CHICAGO RECORD con, as near being tlie ideal daily journal as are for some time likely to find on tin mortal shores." Prof . J. T. Hatfield, The Evanston III.) Index. Sold by newsdealers, everywhere and subscription received by all postmasters. Address THE CHI CAGO RECORD, 1S1 Madison-st. BstSSMU F J .' JJ " ?o. y.. .- v.- vfc ', w -w -'.? ?j. .- v -y. 7,v vj- i '.rv v,? -j;r ,? is -w -i; & -.1 VO ?" 1 ktl UNDER THE GOLD STANDARD MEAiNG... fl PS f? . S o 1 Pair of Pan!f BU390PIBE FOHTHE ' The Rold standard means low prices, low wages, hard times. The hitnelnl standard means good prices, good wages, peiiuamut prospcxaj for the proilu classes. The Farm, Field and Fireside, A 32 to VO Paco Wookly Farm and Family Papar. Prlca, SI.OO a on While not neglecting its superh Agricultural, Iorticultural, Live Stock or Fa'nilv'Dep'iriments etc., has at tlu sanio time, for fjlany years, upheld tt BtJiuIi-d of the people against trusts and nvnopolles, more cKpccin.Iy ag,ii Ih it mott imenr'tous of all monopolies, the single gold standard. All who re,' it is-ttie best paper ot tt9 ciasi'on eariu. A GREAT COMBINATION OFFER We will send the above great journal in connection with o::e3::e e:ezbx-.d $1.50 ' both one year, postpaid, at the extremely low pricts-of J. .. -.J. i in advance, and will give to each subscriber to this combination offer who ps., ten cents additional for postage and packing, TWENTY PACKETS OF SEEDS These seeds ore the best in the mar- Vg lcet, -They consist ot Farm, Vegetable Siy and Flower beeds of your own seleo M tiou from & list of aco varieties. The .C-? na.l'.lc 'wt no larnft'nll Bfln.lmptl'fl ,tn,l piSrT packets. ir.wii The soedn aiona at retail prices yrvS55wp3 are worth S! O . Call nnd see us Haxgfg.'tfM about this sroat of rer at once, or genu romltcancoo to this offtca. BBHn fl , IS mm FIRST OF ALL A GREAT NEWSPAPER. XNCIDKNTAliLT It la nn ndvocita if ili-niercy. with no toiuln towtrl oODiiUam or r clallain. Vno trluma i of tlia rapti'-lican p irly In tho reaunt prealdenttal o!e 'tlon, a. ol tliu disruptlo.i o. t loittiiuo'tti UyvIv4 upjii tho lattur tli dtuv of rtfOoiid.lHtnii a ihiilia.loii on thi Unos ot lUi.r own. an4 not aonia other pnrly a. fintli To pruniil . Oem-j-nwy tjilmjon.ivo lansj pj-nuiin and to rotl v rao.i ipo tstla laid naloa or rept lim wiiiootiiipjt.tljitnvsioj ' "-l rUitOVUUttJc thi rmu- mHiih ia in m p Ah nowspitwr TUB OitiloKI l,S vil coutl-ina'to bo ojii,)"inraiJ 'i1 rpr rpirti ii3lllidrlioiiriiJrStnM4t-nniani roportao ait notswortiiy vjnti ot lupsnore UOJi. nloovarlus-oxaaiuiWuiy Wi uu-.U-Jly Ujd ot nswa, Ulsjovory. lareatlon. Indnslr Vrvro eMr f " I' wltVa .vt h-mlral miles of Cle-ro uiir hay 03 ' of lit p,)llrii)n a civ ' mi ilulv niwipisr. ojstlur thJU4iil of diua.-j to prod a miracle of 0lpap.u1.1i uni valua coiwlnil. PO p YEAR FOR THE OAILV TERR1S to SUBSCRIBERS Delly only, OnoYonr S3.O0 CIs months l.OO Thrao Wonlha.,, .73 Cno Month 23 Dally and Sunday, $5.00 por yaar. All ailbaerlpUontiu-nt ijoavimaTilt)y thaoai'i 11 "n ibpnul or jxsroututv draft ouOhlcis"i or Nu. Vo.-. or ritlitiMl laitir. U.irrmla Uf.i-i. wih omIuv eaou.'h. muatal.vjya twssu4jr rn'i SuiIj io.jI.ji .'ulrJiai aj uiUi rs4-J6S Wcshlngrton Stt., Chicago, UJ, Sunday only, On3 Year 1 Six Month:) ... Thros Months Ons Month ... Parts of rt yoar, 50o por mo M V'J nine- s . 1 Hi Ir ii. ,i4fifei. ,K f.f-Vtr," :.-S,ii. St 3 t '&& 0Ut I I MMOMMisasMMtMl sMsMMsakM " 1 " 1 iJsstssiassaSsssiswssWlljiwsslfflsiMl ' 1 -