T t ' HEMINGFORD. BQX BUTTE OOUNTYISBRASKA. FRIDAY, 1)EC, 26. 1896. , tfa, . . - i I. i NO- 44 , ,V0L. 2, v , " 4 Lv ' fW , , . E -i" .- I fc. NiMT r ?:: v ' r, xnrnALD. OFFICE PAPbK ur BOXJE CQUNTY. UnMUUeirFOT Friday and entered t tho J&TltSSuol'llSSitA and liox Hutto ioonnty. THOS. O'KEEPB, Publisher. HUBflcntPitoN hates: ONEYRAIl ,tIXMONWS ...?1M 75 COUNTY F.M.Pufxvh.. A. U. MiM.ru Js. H. It. Hkwett... K. 1. Bwfekm Jl. I'. Qimijh MtHsA.E.NtEIAND.. ritW.HRNK Dn. W.K. Miiaku ... Dm. Ij.W.Uowman... James CauUt Jab. JIolmnrake.... U. W. Un.vCN OFFICERS. ,...u... .....ork. ., Treasurer, " Jndsm '..... - Sheriff. , Attornny. ' Buportntuadent. , Biijvdiar, Coroner. , l'liysiainn. '.CommiPBlotoer 1st DUt. Commlil)uer anil ni. .Commissioner drd Dist. t mail DinarroRY. IlEJtisoronn portollieo. On week dap door oneoa at 7 a. rn.. Reneral delivery op"ns at Ha. Tand closes at 8 p.m. Open Sundays 0 to 10 a. in. , , JfeuiNoroBD and Hox Uotte atafio dally except HuiuUv. ,, , IlTMiNorrtno and l.a.viAr staso, Monday Wodnmday and Friday. BPgHBKHI New Short Lino to Helena, Butte ' Spokano, Seattle and Tacoma. GK X. 4c "W. O. Time Card KABT BOUND. No. M. pnflsnncer urrlvos ul " 4R fruiRtit , " ' ' 18 froteht urrlvos nt WK.8T BOUND. Ko.41 pft"fienj?ernrrlvoB nt froli-'ht . " 47 freiKlit arrives in. 11:30 p.m. 5:37 p.m. 10:25 u. m. 4:lfi a. m. 11:30 p. in. 3-.0U p. m It -1 - tnu navrv r aftAnfTPTR. A.i nvur .. VkEm. A(rl. - BUTTLE & TA3I Attorneys - at - Law, Rev. Wundorlich held services at Hough Sunday. Mrs. M. H. Goodonough was oiftho sick list last week. The Herald wishes all its readers a Merry Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Gerber visited j Alliance friends Saturday aud j Sunday. Miss Rosa Parkin closed a suc cessful term of school in tho Green district Friday. D. F. Miller of Canlou trans acted business ' at "tho county capital Saturday. Tho Congregational ladies net ted something over $12, at their fair Friday evening." Miss Rosa Parkin closed a suc cessful term of school in .the Green district last Friday. Thero will be Christmas trees at tho Congregational and Meth odist churches this evening. E. E. Thompson, an attorney of Grand Island, transacted legal business in He miugford Monday. D. A. Paul, who is agent for tho celebrated Aoi;motor wind mill," has a now rtd'in"this issuo. A. H. Workman, traveling agont for tho Remington typo- writer, was in tho city Wcdnes- , day. Raffling is all tho go in Hem ingford now. Messrs. Pierce, Tash and Michael seom to .hold the lucky numbers. All parties who have not yet ro coived their road receipts from this district, may have tho same by calling at this oflice. ,v In pursuance to au order of tho Postmaster Gouoral, tho mail service fron) Hemingford to Dunliip will bo increased from threo to six times a week, tho order to take effect next Monday, Dec. 28. Henry Lichto will con tinue as carrier. G. "VV. Nation was in town Sat urday and had some circulars printed which he will sond to all wool-growers in western Nebras ka, calling their attention to a meeting to bo hold at Alliance, Tan. 7. 1897. at which thoy are , s requested to be present. E. Boycr, who has been af flicted with some sort of brain affection for several months, was taken to the poor farm Tuesday whore ho will bo treated by Dr. Bowman. It is feared that Mr. Boyer's mind has become unbal anced and ho may be taken to tho asylum. WANTS TUB POSTOPP1CB. Ltclite Make HFMINGFORD. NEBRASKA. L W. BOWHAN - i V ' Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Office rooms and residence in Praver block, up stairs. Special attention given to dis eases of children . EVERYTHING... That a Woman's Hf art Can Degire to be Found in rny Stock c f Qoodsl Call and see the immense variety of Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods Shoes, Notions, Groceries, Brand New and CHEAP. ' C A BUgLEf. $AC "Wil Buy &,J an ApRMOTOR, The Best and Strongest Wind-mill wade. D. A. PAUL, Agent HEMINGFOHD, NEB A Narrow Escape. W. M. Copeland and John O'Keefo hired one of. Harry Pierce's excellent teams Tuesday and drove to Dunlap and theroby hanss a talo. According to tho roport of 'in eye witness it is only through the hand of Divine Prov idence that theOQ.l&M. have an airent; hero and Hemingford a postmaster. When they started homo, it seems.' that the team which had become chilly, wanted to go faster than on a walk which greatly alarmed the' occupants of the buggy who concluded they had a genuine runaway on their ll.nru I lolif Mtr AnnllMtlan for John V niL.f. ft1mm Ttl tltn ttrnM Ahnllt lilt Visit to McKlnlty. T ilmmlif fUn nountrv vash free unt I h'af to tlioiyo'schtonice yuscht t. ! . I.. 1T..IT so goooi a riuo an uh. puvj . uuii doujrht vat dom puopjes say, "Do nrly vnrm ketch do pii''? mt I tjiko my clirpot pag vot I l)ringVon Yannany, liiit pig ret posies on nut vat makes fast like dem loedlo I ifif.lt nt. ixmks on ton mil a 'ftuhnun. Yell, van I camo on McKmloy's house daro vash alroaty uucuu Hnalis Btlmudm oh" do dqor before. Jnt van I como up doy say", "I vonder vat dat Dutchman vantsr' Ay vor I say nodmg, 1 ynacht go do holiso around unt knock on do door behint. " Do garl say "vat you want?'? I say "you donk you vash abrcs- idunt, too, Jiuli? I vantMcKiuloy Bcenn." Sho say, "go on do door before." T Miy, "no 1 go behint in." film null a innns unt sho nav: "I donk do Dutchman ish crazy in del; headt." Ativof ho brine mo rido avay on McKinloy, unt van ho seo mo ho vuscht schmilo his face all outer, unt say "vot I can fof you doen?" I say, "gif mo do posohtoffice on Homiiigford." He bay, "sot you a loedlo here down. Unt ho say, "know you dor Doctor Millor?" I say, "I hut ten poys unt von garl, unt TpaV Doctor Miller for dom bchildron oifory von fifteen tollars, von huntrcd unt sixty-five fillnvA fnr flom familv bv collies. I dink I forgot him not so quick aireaty." Den ho say, "Know yon aor oi. Tash?" I say, l,vot ish all de tnno bor rowing to dom peoples money on Cajyin J. Wildy NEW STORE! ,: NEW GOODS 1 New Prices! :: New Everything! Always Leads and Never FoIIws ! ANTON UHRIG, PIONEER- Hardware and Saddlery The finest dis play of all kifids of Holiday Goods at Bean's Drug Store. I now own the Reynolds reai-. danco property in West Uoming foSl, includiug four lots, which I , will rant xfter May 1st. John EisLEn. John Kinsley arrived in town yesterday from Early, -Iowa, and will remain for a few weeks. His many frionds are glad to seo hill. 'J'.W.C. Gross of Box Butte will have a public sale on Tues day, Jan. 19, 1897, when ho will dispose of seventeen head of cat tle, hounohold goods and other articles. Tho Herald will receive gold, silver, wood, potatoes in fact most anything except "confi dence" on subscription. The first of the year is a good time to straighten up your account with tho poor printer. At then1 meeting Tuesday night tho Modern Woodmen elected tho following officers for tho ensuing year: S. Swifzor, V. C, W. J. Bean, W. A., W. M. Iodence, C, Clark Olds, B, J. M. Trout, E, II. H. Pierce, S, Ira Reed, W. T. H. Minor and Miss Carrie Gaff were married at the Metro politan Hotel by Co. Judge How- ett, Saturday, and a license has been issued to Hairy Hagol and Miss Blanch Tattle. All the par ties reside in Deuel county. t ''J ' . Mr. Sherwood received a letter from Dr. Smith, his son-in-law, of Los Angeles, Cal., yesterday, stating that their baby hoy was dangerously ill with inflammation nf tho bowels, and littlo hones of liis recovery were entertained. The New Castle Democrat says jhat D. R. Bullock was killed by the caving in of a coal mine near Buffalo, Wyo., lst week. Mr. Bullock was ongaged in tho hotel business at Nonpareil in early days'aud is well known to all old settlers. L. B. Fenuor, tho versatile cor respondent of tho "World-Herald is working up quite a reputation us a prophet. We understand he has i boeh 'offered a ncsition on the ed itorial staff of tho bundiiy bun, a i lianas. Copeland gave a yell that would have done credit to a Siouxjndiiy) and leaped, lighting on that part of his anatomy where he-thinks, andlay sprawl ing on the grouud'in'a semi-comatose condition. O'Keefo quickly followed his example and lit in a more elegant fashion i. q'. tho way he rests when ho reads fhe morning paper. Tho lines how ever were around his neck. Ho looked at Copeland and asked, "are you kilt entoirely?" Copo land having'como to, said, "do you think it was a 4head-onder' John?" After picking up several pieces of"" themselves they got in and drove home, breathing a sigh of relief as thoy drove in the barn at Hemingford. Program for Teachers Reading circle of Hemingford for Jap. 2nd. Oponiug'at 1 o'clock p. ra. Music. History, pages 02 to 125. English Litoraturo, fo Queen Anne's age. . . .MUs Neeland. Colonial Government, .7 '. . .'Mr. Banks. History of New York, Mrs. Blanchard. Missions, Miss Parkin Indian Wars Mr. Curtis. French and Indian War, ' ; Mies Goodenough. Nellie Goodenough, Leo Rustin, H. P. Fillmore, D. K. Spacht, Com. A New Year A New Deal. Another year is rolling by. But our mill keeps rolling on, Our brands of flour for quality, ,r I . i-A -, iou amy uupeiiu uijuu. Wo do no credit business, But a good exchange wo meet, We'll irive vou 84 lbs. of flour and bran. For a bnshel of your wheat. j Farmors, wo w'd bb ploa&ud to have sensational paper published in ; of voiiv mitroiiaco a share. Chicago, and if ho accept, it will . Aml yollu ,jnj i dealing' w no a groat reiiur to tno pmco seai org and "deputies' hereabouts, Horn ninrtfTiitres ves?" Ho say, "I denk." Don ho riuy, "know vou dor Major Gilman?" I say", "vot ish sittin oifory day oii do county attorney's office ycsV" Ho say, "unt Carl Roberts?" I "soy, "(le feller who owns fifty head of cattle yes?" ITnf lm sav. "Charlio Johnson?" T riiv "dot nice lectio fellow dot iBh headt clerk at Wildy 's unt gets $75 a month yes." He say, 4,unt you know Mrs. Rnliii?" I Hav. "dat cute leetle Kohulo maara dat gets S70 a month yes." TTnr lin tmv. "vail. vail. Veil. dem peoples vant do posohtoffice, too." I say, "veil dem is all goodt fel lers auver doy haf no poyB. Ven doy got dem oflico dey haf all hired mans unt dem fellers maby ish sot tin all do time half down, vilo dem peoples vash vaitin for dom mails. Auver mo unt niy poys vo Bthribit all dem mails unt carry dem on de houses rido avay. Dom poys can so quick go like do vint. Unt van a ledder in it money comes I yuscht hold it to de candlo poforo unt van I seo dot pluck Pthreek I know ride avay vot dot ish, unt I gif dot in mv Otto. I Visll VOU SCO dot poy; lush leggs come avay dup liis sholters between. Auver, ho can run like jf'tologi'aph so soon uut bring dot ledder to de'tn peoples, I b6t you. Unt dem bostal carts, l reat dem effery von, unt van von vash in a hurry sent I gif dot to my liddlo Hiney; ho can, by gollies, yuscht so quick run like a teor. Unt dem pension fodders i. git yuscht to dem fellers vot vote for McKinloy and McCall, unt dem oners 1 send otiory von riuo away to do govforment back, unt dot vay ye make pooty soon dom ox- phenses vot Ulevoiana ran uo gov ferment bnhint up. Unt all dem leaders vot come for dem dravoling -fnans unt for peoples vot moyo avay, unt dun ledders I gif to; dem peoples vot vnarf i(Torv dav lookin' on do posohtoffice for mails auver neifer cot noding. Unt dot vay I bleaso dom peoples unt noffor haf some deat leddors layin' arount making dom hat sclimolls. "Unt all dem ledders vot dom mans ride to dom garls vauliu dem tn moot dom on de candy sthoro ul tor do opra house, pejmuso dor vivos vasn avay a gu uoiii u TTnrrv PluiVfi. dfl COllcllstablo. UUt I haf him meet dom fellers' mit . hUh i-lim. bv rollios. I donk dot Till! OLDEST JiSTAn&lslIMKNT IN THE COUN'TT Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Gennine Round M Heating Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc Special Agent for BAKER PEREECT Barb Wire the B9St on Earth " - " . & HElflNflFOED MILLING CO., .MANUraCTUnEKS OP. FLOUR,FEED, ETC. We Guarantee Our Flour Equal to Any Other. -Try It. ALnO o -tl .i .. i i pEALKfj llf J - -i-V-"--"" AND ALt KINDS OF COu3i J. .. NEW CASTLE, . . . .SHERIDAN, AND . . . .FELIX, GLENROCK, .... CANON CITY. H. H, PIERCE Proprietor of Livery AND Feed StaWes. Wo havo first-class stock and double and simile rigs, which we urnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boatdor are unexcelled in the city. Givo us a call. BST Stable Corner Box Butte Avenuo and Shoridan StreoJ:. Company it h you, Weill treat you fair jind square. -Hemingford Milling oo,- mv e make domfamliosof nights -., t-i . I......A- i i.i- puny soonuiggiu- nt in unn lv Ri-liiiifOHs I ma posaht master vot offer you hat." Fred Krng Brewing PABINET BOTTLED BEER A High Grade Lager Beer, Purest in the Market. ?fuffi PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY lake de bescht , t ' v ., , Cfficc 1C07 Jackson Street, Omnhn, Neb. l