s K : rzr- I ' t r-"tr &s Good Farm and Fruit Lands. Hark! All Yo Inveatorn and Homo loss Fooplo. Would roii llko to buy a farm when tho land would incrcoso hi rnluota.OO per aero each year for tho next flvo ycarst Or, If You nro renting, where tho pnyments would bo less than tho yearly rent that you nra now paying: where you will bo only 50 miles from Houston, a city with 10 railroads; IXi1? croP9 w,u not J"011 f"in $15.00 to 123.00 per aero u year; near, whero 13 acres of pears havo netted a farmer over 15,000 nor annum; whero you can In Docember ro Into your garden and got for your dinner fresh lettuce, radishes, peas, beans, cab bage, beets, celery, onions, now Irish and sweet potatocsj and on your way lnt tho houso gather crysanthemums, roses and other varieties of flowers for your tablet where tho cllnmto is mild and delightful j where frosts rarely over coino ; whore your stock can maintain itself on tho prairie nearly tho year nround; where you don't havo to spend In tho winter all that you mako In tho summer; but, instead, can ralso something almost every month in tho year. .All this and more can bo hadntCHES Tervillb, Texas, where wo havo a tract of land 8 by 12 miles, with two railroads run ning through it nnd two towns on it. Writo for our pamphlet, Fertllo Farm Lands," price, terms, etc. Also as to cheap excur sions via tho Hock Island to Ft. Worth and from there over tho Santa Fo to Wallls, ucxas, nnd San Antonio & Aransas Pass to Chcstcrvillo, as well as how to secure FREE FARE TO TEXAS. SocTHEn.v Texas Colonization- Co., John Limuehholm, Mgr., 110 Rlalto Building, Chicago. Christmits tilfta of Money. "If, after thinking- for a long- Umo, you cannot deehlo what sho (my poor ffirl friend) would like best," writes Ruth Ashmoro, in advising pirls ns to their Christmas-giving in the Decem ber Ladies' Home Journal, "and you ltnow well enough to leavo to her tho choice of tho gift, then send her the money that sho may spend it for her self. Hut make this money look more like a chosen gift, und less liko that which is so hardly earned by her; trouble yourself to go to tho bank and put it in gold.or at least in :i now bank note, and inclose it in a tiny little purse. " Merchants Hotel, Omaha. COnNIilt FIFTEENTH AND FAKXAM STS. Street cars pass tho door to and from both depots; in business center of city. Headquarters for state and local trade. Kates 52 and S3 per day. l'AXTON & DAVENPORT, Prop's. To C linn co Cotton. A new method has been devised for "animalizing" cotton that is for giv ing it the character of animal fiber, so that it can bo dyed by tho processes that aro used for wool. Heretofore this has been accomplished by im pregnating the material with albumin or casein; but in tho new process tho cotton fiber receiver a thin coating of WooL In preparing tho bath for this purpose a small quantity of wool is first dissolved by boiling with barium liydrntc. The barium is then removed by carbonic acid pas, and a littlo form aldehyde is added. Tho cotton cloth Is wetted with tho solution so prepared after which it is dried, steamed and washed. It can then be dried directly with any acid or basic dye, although the colors obtained arc not so fast as on wool. Ilopn for the Dull One. Dullness is not always an evidence Of a lack of brains. Parents should not bo discouraged because their child ren aro not always as bright as those of their neighbors. When Isaac Har row was a boy he nppeared so stupid that his father said, if God took away any of his children ho hoped it would be Isaac. Yet that boy lived to be one of tho greatest divines of the Church of England. Douglas Jerrould wns also n dull boy, and Napoleon's teacher said ho would need a gimlet to put learning into the head of tho future conqueror of Europe. . Sir Walter Scott, Chatter ton and many others were notably dull boys. Xlecemnn'n 4'umphnr Icn with Glyrcrlne. Curr a Chapped Hamls and Face, Tenih'r or Sore I'tet, Chilblalni, l'llei, ice, O. (I. Claik Co., New Haven, Ct, To Purify tlio Cittern. If you suspect that tho cistern water Is foul, suspend in it by a ropo a mus lin bag containing three or four pounds of charcoal, und it will become pure in a few days. Rake the charcoal nnd you can use it the 4ame way again. Tq keep out the charcoal, toss into tho cis tern one ounce of permanganate of potasso. All tho refuse will settlo to tho bottom nnd the water become clear and odorless. Washington Evening Star. Mi'. Wlniluiv'n Soothing; Njrup For chlldrmieetliinK,of lent tlioeumf.rrilutriiiiflitn. malign, allays pain, cures w Ind colic. 55 rrnti u bottle. An average bized coconuut produces a pint of milk. The Inrgoit kitchen in tho world i that pf the lion Moreno, in l'nris. ft'ltllMIIHIMmtHMIIIInQ II Suffering Women, il Alas ! women do suffer. 'Why. we often cannot tell, but we know there is one great cause, and that is weakness. The headaches, the depressed feelings, the pains, the discouragements, indeed, almost all the misery has a common cause weakness. At such times a woman always needs a friend that can be relied- upon, and such a friend, for more than twenty years, has been that greatest of all t remedies, By its purity and its power it '. '. furnishes a prompt relief for ;: women in their hours of need, and if the grateful expressions ;; which come up from the homes of the land about Tvhat SAFE : : CURE Jus done were printed, :: they would fill volumes. If you, ; ; reader, are a sufferer, cart you -not take hope from this tug' '' La;c totils'er w. itv!.. t saUtr pat, it yftr ar-f"1 MMMtMMHtMim.y 0JVW, ymttmtknm mmokikihmmnmm fft jti "ex. i i i ( ( i A Itittle IHistake. 1 nr w w ww w wwiww m v That doctors commit mistakes Is not generally known, although case from time to time find their way Into the newspaper. Dr. Cnrpenter, who tnaj bo said to have Introduced the scien tific study of human physiology Into Kiiglund, burned himself to death while attempting lo lako n. Turkish bath in his own room by enveloping himself In a blanket nlul sitting over a spirit lamp. However, wlieit it man poisons himself It Is his own peculiar business which Is Involved, ut when he takes to poisoning others, not with malicious Intent, but simply In error, a natural apprehension m.iy well per vade the public mind. Protection in the matter is extremely simple, as the following narrative will show: About eight o'clock on a June even ing a victoria, drawn by a pair of high stepping bay horses, drove up to a cel ebrated chemist's shop In Hond street, and an elegantly-dressed lady of about 2." years of age descended from tho carriage. .She walked hurriedly through the shop Into the dispensing department nud, throwing n piece of paper on the counter, said: "Please make up Mils prescript Ion, and send It at Ohee. I would watt nud take it myself, but I um Just going out to dinner. It Is very Important." Tho assistant bowed, took tip the prescription, and then seemed to hesi tate. "Well," said the lady, who seemed of a highly nervous, irrltablu dispo sition, "Well, what Is tho matter?" "I am afraid, madam," said the as sistant, "that I cannot dispense this prescription." "Oh, nonsense," replied the lady. "That Is what they said at In Mayfnlr, so I brought It on here. I suppose Dr. Blank knows what he prescribes." "Doubtless, madam! but; although Dr. Blank Is one of the most eminent in his profession, T dare not make up this prescription, as the strength at which the drug Is here ordered is not allowed by the British pharmaco poeia." "Oh, nonsense!" repeated the lady, commencing to patter oil the floor with her mnall fool. "This Is monstrous. Here is my husband waiting for mod icine of the utmost importance to his condition, nnd two chemists' assist ants think they know better what Is good for him than one of the leading men of the College of Physicians. C,xq me the prescription and I will get It prepared elsewhere." "If you will allow me, madam," he said, "I will take n cab to Dr. Blank's and If he confirms the prescription I will then prepare It." "No, I will not," returned the lady, who was now In a stnte of nervous. hiitatlon. "I will not. My husband is in a serious condition, nnd I shall bo late for dinner. I have already lost half an hour and I cannot have further delay." With that slit? snatched up the prescription and hurried out. The assistant was seriously per turbed. The mistake in the proscrip tion was a grave one so grave, Indeed, that the administration of a single dose would probably prove fatal in two hours. It was possible that some young or inexperienced assistant at sonic small chemist's, overawed by the great name of the physician and by the lady's imperious manner and elegant attire and equipage, yould be found to dispense it. Then trouble would en sue which might be utopped now. Thinking thus, the assistant told bis fellow worker In the dispensary that he would go to Dr. Blank s, and, hur rying Into Bond stret,e Jumped into the first imssliu: hnnsom. and In five min utes was ringing the bell of the doc- J tors house In Hurley street. Hie foot man who opened the door said Dr. Blank was out. "Where was he?" Iteally, the footman did uot know. "Very important, was It?" Ah! Well, then, he (the footman) must Inquire. This he leisurely pro ceeded to do. And the chemist's as- j sistnut, who was of an Imaginative , turn, nmuseu mmseii uy picturing inennwlille the death of the patient; the professional rolu of himself, the Mnyfalr chemist nud the great physl flan; the grief and self-reproach of the lady, who, despite her wayward, irri table and careless demeanor, was evi dently fond of her husband. And he had already arrived at the coroner's Jury verdict of manslaughter when the footman returned with the intelligence that his master was (lining with MnldA Vale. The cab soon whirled the er rant knight of the pestle and mortar Into the Edgewnre road and drew tin at one of the large houses which lie i at the right hand side of Mald.i Vale Immediately after passing the canal. Dinner was evidently in full progress, and the footman showed the assistant Into nn ante-room with no very good grace. Here another wait occurred, which preyed on the already irritated ucrves of our friend even more than the previous one at Hnrley street. At last the door opened, and the doctor entered. He was a dapper little inan, about . feet " In height, with a pale, thin face, and hair and mustache the color of tow. Ills clear, steel' blue gray eyes saved' ids appearance from being insignificant. He looked lu qutriiigly at the assistant, who, bow ing, bald: "1 am a dispenser, sir, at Messrs. . At about .1 o'clock this evening a lady, Mrs. , presented -n pro-4 MHlption, signed by you, in which pot- iv iir&i'uicu wns orcicveu in tnree dram doses." .. "Cood (.od-" cried the plijslclnn. "!s It possible?" "There tan be no doubt of if," re-; piled the assistant, 'as the prescription was refused by another chemist." Tho doctor walked himledly up and ' down the room. "Cnn It hnvc been altered?" he mut-' teii-d. "1 looked carefully for thai; but J there was not the slightest sign of an ' ernsuie. Xo, sir." continued the assist- , nut. "I am afraid it Is a little mlstakit ' on your part. .J ouly fear that It may i be made up and administered, and I therefore went at once to your house, ' and. learuJug whore you were, camo oa ' Ueie." 1 Quite rlsbt. quite tight' raid the' dortoi "Havn vru p cab waiting) Tbnt's well. I'll go vlh you at once to tho patient." 11 look but a few irlnr.les for llie doc tor to hmke his excuses nnd return ready for dcpaiturc, and the cab, once more In motion, turned toward tho neighborhood of Eton Square. Tho house at which It now pulled Up be tokened far greater wealth than either of the other two at which It had stopped sltice chattered In Bond street but 1111 air of quietude peculiar to resi dences In which lie Invalids In n Very critical condition, pervaded the plnco. Tho street door wns opei ed liolpelessly by a fotmnti befiro the ornipuhtft of the cab were fairly on the doorstep, and llie doctor wns shown Into n room on the ground floor which answered tho purposes of a library, as much ne such rooms usually do In London houses. "Send me Nurse Moore," said tho doctor. "Nurse Moore is out for txerclse," re plied the footman. "Nurse NorrW Is on duty; I happen to know, for she took the new medicine which I carried up not five minutes ngo." Dr. Blank was a little man, and littlo men are usually quick In their mo tions. But never did ninn, little or big. fly up the stnlrs at the same rnte as he did before the last words were out of the footman's mouth. The as sistant followed, but had only reached the first floor when the doctor entered tho bed room 011 the second. Nurse Norrls was standing by tho bed meas uring a dose of medicine from a bot tle. She was a tall, dark young wo man of twenty-five, very pleasant-looking, and apparently pursuing her voca tion with care, as she did not even look up when the doctor entered. "None of that, nurse!" exclaimed Iho doctor. "1 beg pardon, sir," snld the nurse, now tiroused at the sense of some in congltilty In the physician's manner, which became Intensified when a strange young man very much out of breath, almest fell Into the room from the passage. "I should say. How Is the patient? A very warm night, and likely to ren der him very uncomfortable," contin ued the doctor, with his soul lu his eyes and his eyes en thp bottle. "1 think I am a little belter, doctor.1' Bald it weak Voice from the bed, on which lay a man of about thirty, with the peculiarly emaciated and drawn look which invariably follows a pro longed or very severe lllLcts; "a little easier." "That's right." Hitia"lhe doctor, feel ing the invalid's pulse, "that's right. Yds, a marked Improvement.' Then, having completed n rather lengthy ex amination, 1k turned to the nurse. "A decided Improvement, nurse. For to night we will discontinue all drugs. Olve nothing except his tisunl nourish ment until I come again. Dr. W will return to-morrow, und when wc have a local practitioner once more In attendance you will talce your instruc tions from him. In th meantime, glvo no medicine. Indeed, I will take it with me." And, without noticing the hurt and resentful loek of the nurse, the doctor pounred on the bottle and transferred it to bis coat pocket. On that particular .Tune evening tho nsslstnlil at Messrs. had been gravely cogitating whether ho would Do justified in wedding the girl of IiIb choice, who was too dejlcate to be nble to adtl to the common" purse, on n sal ary of J500 it year, rnd had decided In the negative. Blx months after a quiet but very happy wedding paity re turned to a very flourishing chemist's shop In the neighborhood of Cavendish Square, which bore the name of the assistant over its front ns Its proprie tor. And if you have ever occasion to cousult the great physician, you may be Riue that, whatsoever his opinion of your case may be, he will add, s ho hands you your prescription: "Bo sure you have It made up at a good chem ist's, Mr. Is an extrenielv cnieful dispenser, and lu addition, personally nnnlyzes every drug which goes Into his place. Thank" you. Good morn ing.!'' Chambers' Journal, Electricity In the Xin y. Lieut. Emlle Duboc tells nn amusing story of an event which, ho says, cr tainly led to the downfall of hydraulic machinery in tho French service. A few years ngo tho authorities of a great ship building firm were very inucli perturbed when the trials for turning the turrets of it new battle ship, In the presence of the committee appointed to take over the ship, weie failures. A day or two befoie every thing had gone satisfactorily. But now the turret, after some slight movements, stuck fust. The gauges indicated the normal pressure; -there was nothing wrong with tho turret or with the racks for rotating It; thore was no perceptible leak In any of the pipes; and Jt was so Impossible to as sign any reason for the behavior of the turret that the committee had to go home without seeing It revolve. That evening and the following day a com plete overhaul was niado of the svstem of piping, and it was then disco'u.tu that one small but Important pipe waa completely choked by a "quid" of chewed tobacco which o workman had doubtless let full into it Inadvertantly. When this waa removed the turret workod ns well as ever; but the dis quietude caused by the want of suc cess of the day heforo was only In creased when It was discovered how inslgnlllcant the cause bad been. From that day the naval authorities decided 'that in future wherever practicable the power for battleship operations should be carried by a wire Instead of a steam pipe. A Dmarrt, like preserved giuger Is made from gel atine, dates, almonds and ginger. Put " A delicious dessert for those who n fouth of a box of gelatine In a cup half fuH of milk, nnd soak twenty-five or thirty minutes; then dissolve by standing over the teakettle. Add to It fourfour ounces of powdered sugar. Have ready a pint of cream that has been whipped, and mix with It care fully and lightly two tablespoonfiil of preserved ginger, chopped fine, and two tnlilespoonfuls of the ginger syr up. Chop half a dozen dates as line ns possible nnd add to the cream; then add the strained Jelly. Stir the mix ture uutll It begins to thicken; then pour luto a mold. Serve on a low, lint d'sh, and powder tho top with almonds chopped very line If you wish tin dlsb to look pretty garu'sh wtn swa)l flowers or grren -avr- VKXBTIAN ut.Ass-nLrnvtxo, An Ancient Science Hcvtvcrt nt the Itoml l'rllialnn Mtmcttm of Art, Tho art of glass-blowing before tho lamp Is now carried on lu the lloyal Prussian Museum of Mechanical Arts lu the same ninnuor lu which It was practiced by the old Venetians during the most flourishing period of their glass Industry. The famous glass art ist, Kr. Zltzinatill of Wiesbaden occu 1 pies it room lu the museum In which he produces from his stock of glass tubes of different strength nnd color, by blowing, those fine and delicate drinking vessels, citrafes, vases, etc., lis are seeli In the numerous collect Ions of old Venetian glass. Similar prod ucts of more io:ent due are le tig man ufactured ngaln In Venice and Mum no since 18(10, when the Industry was revived by Salvlatl, nnd by the Itheii Ish (J lass company of Cologne Khrcn fold. These factories are opcratlug on a large scale and with the assistance of all the appliances that modern technol ogy cnn furnish. Zltznmun, 011 the other hand, works without any molds or patterns, using nothing but a few absolutely necessary tools. Otherwise, he relies absolutely on bis sense of form, which Is developed to extraor dinary keenness. It Is extremely Inter esting to wntch him nt his work, nnd observe how fnst and suro the numer ous articles, so dlffeient In shape, sire and decoration, nre created by him. A large number of his products nre on exhibition In the museum. While the drinking glasses destined for use show forms Just ns delicate and elegant as pure, the nrtlst has been tempted by his great virtuosity lu overcoming all technical difficulties, to overload some or the larger ornamental Vessels exhib ited with too much by-work. This ought to be a voided. If the article shall not use Its practical value. The de mand for such fnnv glarswaro In Eu rope Is very fnlr at present. Legal Ad viser. A Und Plncc to tip Horn In. There arc a great many advantages Iti being born an American citizen. One cnn hope to become president of the United States and various other high nnd mighty things; but after all, tho greatest privilege Is In being born among a people who arc free from fool ish superstitions. Suppose you had been born on the Congo river, for In stance. HoW would you like that when you consider some of their beliefs? It Is told by persons supposed to be well informed that the people luhabltlng the district around the Congo river share with the Ashantces, of whom we have recently heard such a lot, tho belief that if their high priest, the Chltonie, were to die a natural death the whole world would follow suit at once, and would dissolve Into air, for it Is, according to them, only held to gether by his personal will. Accordingly, when the pontiff fulls HI and his Illness Is serious enough to mako a fatal termination probable, a successor Is nominated, and he, so soon its he Is consecrated, enters the high priest's hut nnd clubs him or strangles him to death. A somewhat similar custom obtains lu Unyore when the .king falls seriously 111 and seems likely to die, for his wives to kill him. The same rule Is followed If ho gets beyond a certnln age, for an old Un yore prophecy states that the throne will pass away from the family in the event of the king dying n natural death. Harper's Bound Table. A l'erfect Identincntlon. Slgnor Arditl, the well known musi cal conductor, has recently published his memoirs lu London. Among the many anecdotes he tells Is the follow ing adventure he had with r, bank cashier. He was In an American city nnd wished to have a check cashed, but as the cashier did not know Slgnor Arditl, he told him he must get him self identified before he could receive any money. "But I do not know any one here," protested the musical director.. "I am very sorry," said the cashier. Slgnor Arditl thought for a few mo ments, nnd presently wild: "Do you attend the opera, young man?" "Frequently," said the enshicr. "1 am very fond of music." "Then you must know me," contin ued Slgnor Arditl, and taking oft his hat he turned his back upon the cash ier and beat vigorously to an imaginary orchestra. "Oh, yes!" exclaimed the cashier at once. "I know the back of your head well. You nre Slgnor Arditl." And bo handed out the money to the musician without further ceremony. Harper's Bound Table. Machine Tlint Wcldm TIioUKht. Now that scientists havo learned how to photograph a song as It comes from the singer's throat, It Is hardly, sur prising to hear that they can weigh a man's thoughts. Think of it! A spectacled man Btoop Ing over nnd telling by the delicate movements of nn Indicator whether you nro studying bard on your next history lesson or only thinking calmly of what you will have for dinner. Surprising as it may seem, a ma chine has been luvented by nn Italian scientist named Prof. Mosso, which will actually weigh thoughts. So deli cnte is It In Its construction that It will measure the difference of exertion needed to read Greek from that requir ed for Latin. The rush of the blood to tho head for various kinds of men tal operations Is what turns the scales, the bruin requiring more blood for a difficult subject than for an easy one. For Fun nt n l'nrtr. When the fun at fie party lugs, tttart up and tell those present, quite confi dentially, that you cau place a glass of water on tho table so that uo one can remove It without upsettlug It. O. course everyone will say that you can't dn It. Without waiting for explana tions, fill n ghii-s to the brlnj and cov r It ulih a piece of paper which comes well over the edges. Leave the paper flal. Place tho palm of the hand over it, nud. by a tpilck moveraeut. turn it upside down upon tho tnbl-j. Withdraw the paper gently. The water will re main In tho glass, but r.c one can vv move the tumbler without spilling jr. With a little praetire anv boy or fill ma I 'b tr"k 'erv aMlv Artntntngh of fileii. In reply to tho eiubstlon. is it wlso for a man to deny himself n fow hours' sleep a dny to do more work, Tesln, the great electrician, Bnld: "That is a great mlstnko, I am convinced. A man hn3 just so many hours to bo nwako nnd tho fnwer of theso ho uses up each day, tho moro days ho will Inst; that is, tho longer ho will live. I bcllovo that a man might live 300 years If ho j would sleep most of tho time. That ts , why negroes often livo to advanced old age, because they sleep so much. It Is snld that Gladstone bleeps seventeen hours each day; that is why his facul ties are still unimpaired in spite of his great ajre. The proper way to econo mize lifo is to sleep every momont that It is not necessary or desirable that I'mi Hlinntfl l,n ntvnlrA Color lii llniinn rttrnlntiliiR. . Kvcn tho Iron bedsteads have turned tfrccn. When combined with brass j knobs and rails they look well In rooms of white and green, or pink und green, but uot as well as thosoof white and gold or all of brass. A pretty bed room furnished In green has wicker chairs of lght olive, tho bedstead brass and grcon, nnd a green dressing table with brass trimmings. Tho wall pa per Is a chintz pattern showing green leaves nnd pink roses on a white back ground. The chnir cushions aro cov ered with ere. ton no that matches the wall paper. New York I'ost Knrnirr Wanted In Every township, three days a week, luring winter, to distribute snmp!ts, col lect names of sick poop 0 and work up trade for thoir druggists on tho 8 pruat family remedies: Br. Kay's Renovator, Dr. Kay's Lung Halm, nud Klduovkurn. Good pay to mnu or womnn. Send for booklet nnd terms. Dr. B. J. Kay Jlodlcnl Co., Western olllcc, Omnhn, Nob. Monument to n rig. Until within the past fow months no monuments had ever been erected to tho momorry of a pig. Tho town of Lunoborg, Hanover, wished to fill up tho blank and at the Hotel do Ville in that town, there is to bo seen a kind of mausoleum to tho memory of tho porcine race, In tho interior of the commcmoratlvo structure is a costly glass caso inclosing n ham still in good preservation. A slab of black marblu attracts tho oyo of tho visitor, who finds thereon tho following inscription in Latin, engraved in letters of gold: "Passerby, contcibplate hero tho mor tal remains of tho pig which acquired for itself impcrishablo glory by the discovery of tho salt springs of Lunc berg. Nasal Catarrh for Years. SO-CALLED CATARRH CURES FAILED TO CURE. Tlio True Way Is to Tnlto the One True Illooil I'urlilcr. Catarrh is caused by impure blood. The best physicians say so. Tho only wuy to cure catarrh is to rurlfy the blood. Hood's BnrsnpariiJa euros catarrh whon all other medicines fall, Localise Hood's Sareaparilla islheUno Iruo blood Purifier. TIiIh is logical, and that it is true is proved by thousands of testimonials lUo this; "1 was troubled with nnal catarrh for many years. 1 doctored for it, and at one time tool a dozcu bottles of a so-called catarrh cure, but without t.onoflclal effect. 1 had read or case. where others flail Hern Cured by Mood's Barsnparllla, and I determined to try it. 1 took flvo Lotties Inst vear, and was high ly p:caced with the relief oitalned. I havo had no particular trouble lrom ca tarrh lnce that time except a slight in flammation when I catch cold. I have .l.r.ovd. In my own-rp, that Hood's Sar ear arllla will cure catarrh, and I also de rived boneflt in a general way from its use It is an excel'cut remedy, and I am g ad to give my exrericnro with it for ca tarrh for the benefit of those who may to siml arly afllicted." 51 its. John Leiimax, 103 Wilkinson St,, Goshen, Indiana.. Ha Dili Nat Obey. When they told her that tho young man whose suit alio had rejected tho prcylous evening had hanged himself to the gato post directly ho loft her, tho beautiful girl shrugged her shoul ders. "It isn't my fault," sho said, coldly, "I specifically told him ho mustn't think of hanging around hero any more." Plso's euro for Consumptiou has been a family medfeino with us since 1865.-J.lt. Madison, VMOtl 42d Ave., Chicago. Ills. Ihe first year of a p-esldcnt's adminis tration is one of appointments and disap pointments. MADAUt LllllAN NORCHCA, who hat written a practical article, "How to Train the Voice." for The Companion lor 1007. Twr BBd r. ' !Kaf for the SClbolc family. Thk Companion also announces for 1S97, Four Absorbinr Serials, Adventure Stories on Land and Sea, Stofies for Boys, Stories i;r Girls, Keixuters Stories, Doctors' Stories, Lawyers Stories, Stories for Every 1)0iiy all profusely illustrated by popular artists. Six Double Holiday Numbers. More than two thousand Articles of Miscellany Anecdote, Humor, Travel. Timely Editorials, "Current Events," "Current Topics' and "Nature and Science" Departments every week, etc. One of the most beautiful CALENDARS issued this year will be given to each New Subscriber to The Companion. It U made up of four Charming rictures in color, beautifully executed, lit alie It 10 by 34 Inches. The subjects arc delightfully attractive. This Calendar Is published exclusively by tub Yoirru's Companion and could not be sold in Att btores for less than Ono Dollar. Subscription Price of The Companion $,75 a Year. 12-Color Calendar FREE. The Youth's Companion, 201 "Pretty Pill" says Pretty Poll 5) She's just "poll parroting." There's no prcttlness in pills, except on tho theory of "pretty, is that pretty docs." In that' caso she's right. Ayer's Pills do cure biliousness, constipation, and all liver troubles. IIU Turn. Wllllo (crying) For goodness sake, papa, don't go In tho house. Mamma's Just thrashed me, and you'll bo nextl 49 YEARS A SUFFERER. spt. tih, tin, IlriR Sir Am (7 jrraia old and bfitan taklnit jour mnllclno lat April forllhtiimatlnn, hlcblha?t had for Tram, alto for iv wrak hciU Since taklnf'S Iroi." thf IthtiimalUm hai all dliapprartrf, the allir urn It none from my jnlnta, and nir heart ntr inli.ri a lirat, I am loiUr a wr II, trone woman, and I ovrs II In "i Drop..' I only wl.h I could loand my bnvloor prnlir loudrnoiieh to tHihrant all ovrr th world, and rould routine rrrryona that " Drr-pa" l 'I you claim It to and more. Mm. n. T. CiLTia. Wlnflow,stTcnon Co., 111. Krcry one knowa that " Drops" It a quick and rirrmtntnt rnra for Rrtcn mutlain, Kcumlcln, Catarrh. llynpcpala, JVelToaaiirai, Lit fjrlniir. and klndrrtl dtiafa. I1.M ltr nouir. ramiue, prrpaiu, iy man, u rcnia. Svtnion Rhiomitio Cart &., It7 Nirkora St, Ck!u, UU Comfort to California. Every Thursday moraines tourlut Blccnlnc car far Don ver.Salt I.akodhy.ban Fran rlico.and l.oj AnRelos leaves Omaha and Lincoln via the Ilurllnston ltouto. , It la carpeted, upholstered In rattuti, lias sprint seats and backs and Is provided wuii curtains, ueuami. tow els.Boan.otc. An experienced excursion conductor and uniformed ullman porter accompany It through to the Pacific Coast. Wlillo neither as expsn- look at as a palace sleeper.lt Is just as Knod to rlrio In. Sec ond clans ticket aro honored and tho price of a berth. wide enough and big onough for two, In only ft. For a folder Blvlne full particulars write, to J. Fhancib, Gen'l I'ass'r Agent, Omaha.NeU usTrH MISSOURI, Tbe best fruit nectlon la the West. No drouths. A fallura of crops never known. Mild oilman I'roductlTe soil. Abundance ot good pure r r. For Maps i :d Circulars giving full descrip tion of the H.ch Mineral. Fnilt and Agricultu ral Lands In South West Missouri, writs to JOHN M. I'UHDY. Manager of the Missouri Land and Lire Stock Companj, Neosho, Nw ton Co., Missouri. OMAHASTOVE REPAIR WORKS Stat Bpilrrf.r aay alal ttxim atfe. 1207 BOCGUS ST., OMAHA, REB. flPIfilMDMNKENNES! wa wnivifMiiiauHvtri, ! Card.DR.J.U8TEPHBM8IJiilHrfi I ABfcV AQEHT8. We furnish every LaMLtv I thing, you invc.t nothing. Work with ladles, pleasant, and verv profitable. Book Free a C. Shtmer, Omaha Net). FRESH OYSTERS King Cols Antl-M nopoly Oyiter Iloaia Omaha, Neb. Den WETTIUR CURED on N0 PAr- Mrt-fti DEu-TTCI I inU M. ROWAN. Milwaukee, Mfff. K I'lulljlTdfiTil siv Celebrating in 1897 its seventy-first birth day Tub Companion offers its readers many exceptionally brilliant features. The two hemispheres have been explored in search of attractive matter. AnTCM le 71IUI (ompanion In addition to the 25 staff writers Tub Companion Contributors number fully 200 of I he most famous men and women of both continents, including the most popular writers ol fiction and some of the most eminent statesmen, scientists, travellers and musicians. Kt BibMrtb.ri wb will cat eat tUi ilia aaa ml It at rate vita aunt as4 aarM aaa lt.1t wUt racalT: fKIE - Ta YMta't Cwopaalaa t.ry weak rras tb tUM aatcrtcUoa U rl4 till Juury 1, lilt; f BEE .. catutmu, H Ytar'a aaa CuUr Detkla Naakart; rCXE Tat Campaalta'a t-r-ait C.Unatr for lltt. a taaatl. raUy colar4 laaruur- Taa Beat cattly (tft et Its klat Tat Coasuloa ku attr 3rt4! ST JLol Ta Crapuloa f Uty-twe Wtiai, a fall year, tt Jaa. 1,1111. Columbus Ave, Boston, Mu. - K -T. B I