Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, December 18, 1896, Image 1
M Itminofrfd VOL. 2. HEMINGFORD, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, EJRIDAY, DEC, 18 1896. NO- 43 tieMiX mt I I m The Herald: OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. Pablitfipd Tory Friday nnd entered at the Dost-ottice In Hemlnsrf ord, Nebraska, aa second elasa mall matter. Tub HiCRALDldevotl to the intereita ut Hemingford and Uox Ilatta county. THOS. O'KEEFG, Publl.her. snnscniPTioM hatxb: ONEYEAU $f0 1X MONTHS 75 COUNTY 0FF1CEB8. F. H. PniLrs Clerk. A. M. Miller . TreMurer. Jab. II. H. Hkwitt i"drv2- K.P. HWMMr. Sheriff. U. F. Oilman Attorney. Miss A. E. Nkilahd Saporlntondent. ruAfl.nnANN Bnrreyor, De. W. K. MlLl.tU Coroner. l)B. L.W. UoWMAN Physician. Jamcb Babbt Commissioner 1st Ditt. Jab. HoLLINnAKX.... Commissioner 2nd Dist. O. W. DUNCAit Commissioner 3rd Diet. MAIL DIUECTOUY. JIxxiiiaroBD postoOico. On week days door m. and closes at 8 p.m. Upon Buudaja 0 to opens BV I a. m., twunil ugurruug am. 10 a.m. IlKMixoroBO AND Box Hcttk gUgeriaily exoept Sunday. IIcxiNdronD and Lcnlaf ttaee, Monday Wednesday and Friday. New Short Lino to Helena, Butte Bpokano, Seattle and Tacoma. OK X. & "W. O. Time Card. No. 43, PfiBsntiKOr arrives til EAST BOUND. 11:30 p. tn, 5:37 p.m. 10:25 u. m. itr fralcht ta freight nrrlvos at 401 Mo, 41 pasRenger arrives at 4:(6 a. tn. " tsfrolcht " 11:30 p. m. " 4T frnlRht arrives at 3.00 p. m All regular trains carry passenger. W. M. CorcLAND, A gen WKST BOUND. TUTTLE & TASJI Ik Attorneys - at - Law, HFMINGF0RD. NEBRASKA. L. W. BOWilAN Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Office rooms and residence in Draver block, up stairs. Special attention givn to dis eases of children . F. E. HOLSTEN, Watchmaker -ANfl- Jeweler, ALLIANCE NEB. (B. & M. Watch Examiner.) Charges reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. Orders left at the erald office will reco;ve prompt attention. EVERYTHING... "That a Woman'S Heart Can Desire to be Found in my Stock c f Goods. Call and see the immense variety of Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods Shoes, Notions, Groceries, Brand New and CHEAP. C A BURLEW. I have four full blooded mas tiff pups for sale. H. N. Earnest. NETW GOODS set the 4U llneny Store. The finest dis play of all kinds of Holiday Goods t Bean's Drug Store. Little Nollio Tosh was quito ill lust wouk. Mis? Kutio Buine wont to Chad ron last week. Rev. and Mrs. Hazolton visited Alliance Tuesday. Co. Treasurer Miller made u trip to Omaha this week. H. N. Earnest spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Crawford. C. J. Wildy spent a few days this week at hid ranch near Malinda. Bernard Pitz Bub3cri!ed for the Herald and J. F. Whelan renewed this week A marriage license was issued Tuesday to Win. 0. Dickinson and Miss Mabel Gaddis, both of Sioux county. MV nnrl Afro. TV TV KVmnnr f uuvt) reiUIUVU IUIOI I WO nuUKH I visit at Chadron. They report a very pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. Huot desire to thank their many Hemingford friends for sympathy extended them in their late bereavement. At their meeting next Tuesday vovenin2:, the Modern Woodraon will elect officers for the ensuing year. All members should be pres ent. Rev. Preston departed for To peka, Kans., Sunday night and will Bpond Christmas with his family. Ho expocts to return about the 1st. James McLennan was up from Alliance Tuesday and Wednesday. He has secured a position in Dr. Lewis' drug store during the Holi days. Miss Georgia Miller and E. S. Wildy attended the literary at Box Uuita Friday evening. Mis Nel lie Goodenough accompanied them homo. Woaro informed that Mrs. Irion, who recently moved to Alliance for the purpose of sending her familv to school, did not like it there and moved back to Sioux county. Word reached here this week that Truo Miller had died from the effects of the gun shot wound he received a few weeks ago but we understand the report is not cor rect and that Truo is getting along nicely. If an editor didn't have two or three folio as all the time with tho mullygrubs about something ho hits Baid or something he has not said ho would be liable to forget thut he was running a paper. York Times. Hon. J. C. Dahlman will receive ' tlio nnnointmonfc an sQcrolnrv of the state board of transportation. As 1 chairman of the democratic state central committeo Mr. Dahlman did efficient service. His many friends throughout tho stale extend congratulations. Mrs. Z. T. C"nningham of Box Butte was in town Monday. She informed us that the reports pub lished in the Alliance papers con cerning tho Kroesings wero abso lutely untrue, that they were both kind to their children and that Mrs. Kroesing was almost crazed with grief over the death of her ! son and that those false newspaper reports gave Mr. and Mrs. Kroos- . ing little consolation in their sor- Jrow. Mrs. Cunningham's report is corroborated by all tho neighs bora. The executive committee have de elded to pospone the meeting of liie Uox Butte County Tlicucers associa tion, which wus to he held in Alllancu December 12, 1890, until the last Suturduy in January, 1807, Ika I. Mausiiall, Sec, We have a now Kimball for sale at a bargain. organ Edgmnont is to have a smeltor, the capital stock of $300,000 hav ing been subscribed and work will commence at once. This means employment for probably 600 more men in that thriving city and the farmers of this county will reap a benefit by finding a closo market for their farm products. Edgcraont has secured tho prizo through tho efforts of that inde fatigable worker, Mr. Francis 0. Grable, who always accomplishes everything he undertakes. Hon. Willnrd M. Evans, of Mursland, was in town Wednesday Mr. Evans has announced himself as a candidate for the office of com missioner of pensions under President-elect McKinlcv and ho is now buBily ongaged in securing en dorsements. His application iB already on file and he has some vary, strong letters from his old friend and comrade, Major Mo Kinloy, and prominent politicians in this state. Mr. Evans has held tho office of school Treasurer and other offices and has always given universal satisfaction and never been found short one cent in his accounts. Ho is a life-long repub lican who has always worked in front ranks and it was through his Herculean efforts that Lawn pre cinct went republican this fall for the first tiino in its history. Ne braska is certainly entitled to recognition by Major McKiploy and Mr. Evans should havo tho place. Mr. Evans also informed us that he has secured the endorse ment of every old soldior whom ho has seen and now if ho succeeds in getting Chairman Tush's in dorsement there is little doubt as to his appointment. Died, at Bozeman, Montana December, 6, 189G, Maud Sophitu (aged 14. years, 10 months, 1 day) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huot. Funeral took place from the Baptist church Tuesday afternoon, December 8th. Maudio Huot was born in Montevideo, Minn., February, 5, 1882. Sho lived a consistent life as a followor of the Savior, being baptized in OakdaIo,Neb., in 1893. Sno had been a sufferer for the past year, but had alwuys been patient and cheerful in Buffering. Sho passed quietly away about 5 o'olock Sunday afternoon, leaving a father, mother, two brothers and a sister to mourn their loss, but Heaven's gain. Bozeman Courier. Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father to remove from earth our beloved friend Maudie Huot, and promote her to a higher and better homo. Tho church and Sunday school havo lost a faithful worker for tho Master; therefore bo it Resolved, While we humbly bow to the will of our Lord, tho Supt, teachers and pupils of the M. E. Sunday school of Hemingford do remember and cherish her and re joice that sho has been counted worthy to enter that have of rost where sorrow and sickness are un known. Resolved', That we will continue to cherish th memory of her pleas ant ways, her willing sorvice, show ing tho one desire of her heart was to be a faithful child of tho King. Resolved, That we unito in ex tending our sympathy to the be reaved family in this their dark hour of sorrow and trial. Resolved, That we extend oar heartfelt sympathy to tho family in their later bereavement in tho death of little Birdie wl)Q also at tended the M. E. Sunday school, and commend them to him who dooth all things well. Addio M. Miller, Rosa Parkins, Louisa Adams, VCom. Educational. Tho Hemingford schools will closo Thursday, Dec. 24th for one week's vacation, opening again Jan. 4, 1897. Some of tho pupila in tho secon dary room aro doing some nico map drawing and fino lntteritig. Miss Calkins of tho Alliance schools will spend tho Holiday vacation with Mrs. Blnnchard. The ladies tuught several years in tho Chndron schools and no doubt will enjoy their visit Tho pupils of tho High school having takon a thorough exam ination in all branches are now receiving thoir standing, which causes soma to wear long feces, while others seem to bo pleased. I think we havo no cowards who will suy "What uso to try" but rather i'Whvrp theio is u will there is a way" and after the next ex amination we expect all to woar smiling faces. It is suggested that homo study on the part of pupils will bo to their advantage and will materially aid in tho general work, aud to that end it is recommended and urged that parents see that their children do a certain amount of study at home in tho evening and morning. Also that their children spend some time in reading tho library books which aro distributed by tho teachers. The Herald heartily ondorBOS the following from last week's Chadron Signal-Recorder: The State theachors association moots in Lincoln tho last of this month: The importance of this meeting grows from year to year and tho "attendance now reaches over one thousand. To be pres ident of tho nsBociation is a high honor and responsibility. L. B. Fenner of Hemingford informs us that Northwest Nebr., will present a worthy candidate for tho honor this year in tho person of Supt. W. R. Sider8, of Alliance, Wo under stand there is a general movement on foot among the friends of Mr. a. Sidcrs in his region to secure for him tho place. This paper iB glad to join in the movement. A visit to the Alliance schools last fall gavo convincing proof of his force, ability nnd energy as an organizer. As a result of nis work studentB havo beon attracted to the Alliance hijrh school from all over the region. Our ticket is: For pres ident of tho State Teachers' Asso ciation Supt W. R. Siders. Program for Teachers Reading circte of Hemingford for Jan. 2nd. Opening at 1 o'clock p. m. Music. History, pages 62 to 125. English Literature, to Queen Anno's age .... Miss Neoland. Colonial Government, Mr. Banks. History of New York, Mrs. Blanchard. Missions, Miss Parkin Iudian Wars Mr. Curtis. French and Indian War, Miss Goodenough. Nollio Goodenough, Leo Rustin, H. F. Fillmoro, " Com. D. K. Spacht, A New Year A New Deal, Another year is rolling by. But our mill keeps rolling on, Our brands of flour for quulity, You may depend upon. We do no credit business, But a good exchange wo meet We'll give you 84 lbs. of flour and bran; For a bushel of yqur wheat. Farmers, we w'd lie pleased to have Of your patronage a share, And you'll find in dealing wth you, We'll treat you fair and square. "HtmjnKfond Milling Co,-. Calvin J. Wildy NEW STORE I :-: NEW GOODS I New Prices! :: New Everything! Always .Leads and Never Follows! ANTON PIONEER- Hardware and .The oldest iSsTADusniiKNT in wie County. Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc Specia.1 Agent for BAKER PERFECT BarJ Wire the Best on Earth HEMINGFORD , MANUFACTURERS OF. FLOUR,FEED, ETC, We Guarantee Our Flour Equal .to Any Other. Try It. ALwO DBALEit IN ZLiTT3:S!HSB NEW CA8TLE,.... SHERIDAN,....?. AND . . . .FELIX, GLENROCK CANON CITY, H. HL PI EL KG EL; Proprietor of Livery w Feed Stables, . We have first-class stock and double and single rigs, which we urnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommoduting,boardor aro unexcelled in the city. Give us a call. WS" Stablo Corner Box Butte Avenue and Sheridan Street . Frefl Kri CABINET BOTTLED BEEE A Hif h Grade Lager ,Beer? Purest in the Market. PATK0K1ZE HOME INBUSTRf Office 1007 Jackson Street, Omaka, N), UHRIG, Saddlery, jy "--"W- " MILLING CO., AND ALL KINDS OF COAL, Brewing Company ,.., -f