i,x.a as PilTTlHMa k --v- . .'If.- .."Tf.f")7t' - -3'E..Z?-iSl-,i.' aO"5CTg-' lhW . TB u? I BMP BBajSH "'Jt .W -A TAP TJUj--HB DIED. Dr. WtlllnM Curry yfavs ,ld tir.Irqa V-wen ta Death. Yllh -hla hood tightly sqilceyodtyj iwecn'two barn of mi Iron grating1, unable to pull it o orpmh H, body trough tyllev It, WHUiun Curry of tier- inantown, Pa., wa slo Vly frozou to "death, Tho death trap Into which tho Mti forlutinte Itnn entered U nt tho on trance to tho basement of J. A. Mc fccou'it harness estnhMshmem, on Main trcct, below Chellen nvonuo. Curry had been drinking ljeavlly. It Is mip posed that on his way homu )o trtod to cntor the Iwsonvnt of tho faotory. Thruittu? hlBhoad between thffvbars of the grating, ho crldently din overod that thonporturb wat not large on ugh to admit hW ho,ly. Then, lo hW fright, ho either bscitno Imcnslltfo or twisted JiU head in Bitch a way as to bo unable to cxtrlcato it. In thli position tho doomed man lowly frozit to duath. Tlieru win no evidence of a struggle, and tho bitter winds mi have done their work quickly When found Currv'B eyes were opou and scorned, atartlng from their sockets although h s features wore not drawn atil displayed no evi dence of Buffering. Several boys, while playing in tho rear of tho citabllshrajnt whore tho "grating wai located, canw faco to face, with the horrlblo spectacle. They ran. 9 'reaming from tho spot, and moating an officer, ono of them exclaimed " breathlessly: "Thorq'aa dead man fastened in tho grate!" Tho ofltecr immssiliatMy proaoedod to the spot, and Btiejo.'dad in extricating tho stiffened eorp30.x The body was ecut to the morguo. County Commissioners Proceedings. Homtngford, Nob., ecomber3, 1866. Hoard met as po adjournment, all members present. Tho fo lowing bonds were examined ilnd upprovotl. W l JLSrHlOli, JUHUCO Ol ino puucu, xvuuiuugwuiur jiruuiuub. Finals-Proof Notices "fSWf Hon? J. W. Wenjf , Jn., ItoUtcr, Ho.f. F. M- IlitpoMx, Hecolrer assessor, tt t L A Borry. James Plnnanaky, cqnstnblo, A F Pay no Henry fchimck T M Lawlor Lorenzo Scott W A Bissoll Edgar Sweezoy Potor JenBon Jas V Christy Iddo Joder Jno N Clark John Jelinek u - 0 J Johnsoa " Carl Roborts, overseer road Louis Horarighouson Anthpny Morava Chaa Posvar JohufAV Broshar Isaac Rickoll Jos Manion Wm O'Mara Aug Schuurnborg -, ' - E Mabin , ' W A Hood CnrlWoitz W G Zediker. G W Erb - Jno A Iloiat Elmer Hoskins 2d ward Lawn 2d ward . , Lawn Boyd Snako Crook Box Butto Jjibwty 'NOnpM'U 2d wsixl ' 1st ward ' " Runningwatoi Doisoy district No, 0 Partle hsTlnn notices In iHipnlnmn , rk- niieeteri to read the itmo caruf ally unit report to this olllon for correction any errors Miatrnay prorent possible delfcjr 'in PxIrU ThU wW uiBKinx prpfli, Land qnipo at Allianro, neb , Dm 7. 189fl. Notice la hereby Kiven that the following nam ed Keillor has fiiml notlr o( hla intention to nti' ft"' I kj. in k "Pimrt of hla Uaiin ami that alil proot will U miiti before fWister ot lUxwlrcr at Alliance, Not), on Jan, 1(5, 1MO. vi Vojtocli Ohladok, if D m'ap NM who mlA II K. No. 2S1 for l,f i i, i o fl is it n r s " ir f f ., t - t HMO, in r ' a' .iiSPrF? . t - iSE&&j W x.xw WW.WW-H- SVED BY A An. SLIPKNOT, Kncounter H U tt S t t( j (( n K it t i (, ( 5 n 7 a 10 u 12 18 10 18 23 23 24 25 29 80 ot Anli'. u to inal.H 1'iva JuiJU L O nt in noiftt, rltT' -J Etplorvr'a llHlr-tlrrliijr W't" Conn. M. Thouar, in his diary hopt during hla explorations in tho IMlcomnyo Doli ta undor a commission from t'io Argen tine government, dossrlhes an experi ence which prompted him to eternal Vlgilan-o in regard ta s -alcttS, Ho was, lying in his huin.no jU; tho sorgeant of hla guard was asleep unJer a trco claso hy. Huddenty - ho notljcd an immonso aorp'ont colled bout tha sergeant's 1 g a,nd ox 1 tending hi head toward his bare client, AVhat should he do? 'To wako tho rain nieaut certain death to him, but how o kill tho creature or attract it away "without waking him? Ho recalled n nuthod of capturing tho cobra of India. Ho prepared a lip-knot, lly stealthy, almost imper ceptible iuovomants he attracted tho serpent's attention. It turnod its head. Uo cast tlo nooso over it, and drew It tight around thoroptllo's nek;. It wart not a moment too soon. Tho sergeant nwoko. Ho falntod with f.right,but the danger was passed. Tho Blip-knot had suved him, and tho stroko of tho Babcr. cut offi tho scrpont's head. 4 A-fltrnnse Ezperlouas. In the coursoof his long tight against slavery Ooneral Hawley and his oM friend, John Hooker, had on cxporit " ence which Is probably unlquo among Vow England citizens. Hawley bought and Hooker owned a doctor of, divinity. A scholarly colored man, James Pi n nlngton, who had nvt'lved at Hcidoli berg the degree of D. D., was settled pver the TalcottStreetchurch In Hnrt tort, Conn. It came out that ho ran away from slavery wlon a boy. lie was "owned" at the South, and when tho fugitivo slave law was passed there was danger of his capture and servitude. 8q Lawyer Jqj Hawley went to his owners, for Mr. Hookor, bought this doctor of divinity and brought Mr. Hooker back tho bill of fcalo. Mr. Hooker tried for a day tho Reeling of owning n, minister and than put on record in tho town clerk's ofllce deed giving tho Itev. Dr. James Pen nington tho ownorshlp of himself. ' t The Dos and tlia Watch. A youngjady had a beautiful gold. watih of which, she was unduly proud. Tlio time-piece was exhibited on vari- xous occasions, and a fow days agc Vhen toino admiring friends ver ox- jtminlng it, tho watch accidentally flipped from their fingers. A cry of -dkmay went up whon tho party saw rho watch disappear with a gulp in the yawning mouth of a dog which sat pt their foot, looking expectantly up--vard and good-naturedly Wgging its, stall. Toor doggie imagined that he iud nvcived a choice morsel, and "looked pleased with his feat of catch- irg it ou he fly, but prveH to b(, 'h us death warrant. Uo was summarily Upat.!hed, and at the post-mortem the watch was recovered, none the worse from tho mishap. Treating 8naka llltet. Sir Joseph Fayror, who is the great est living authority on the subject of i snake bites, holds that a person suffer- i 'ns from snake poison is practically 4ying "uexvous exhaustion," an4 Consequently when" tha victim, is forced o tako violent exercise 'in oriler td throw off by perspiration the poison that has been absorbed in his system, his end s in reality being hastened;, perspiration &huld be induced by a rrapor bath so as to draw the poison out of the system. Sir Joseph Foyrer's experience leads to the conclusion that jit tho present tlnje tltere is no known fcure for the bite of eithen the cobra o -Iie Dabolo. I The combinations of the figures 1S93, which are evenly divided by 3, are ab most endless. Here are a few of them. 603 by transposition -become?, 1839, il'Jj.l. 1389, 3981, 3891, 3108, 8J03, alj divslble by 3, and there are plenty, hore The figures 18, 9, 3, 189, 981 and ' 3 also have 3 as if factor. Then by uu Hion I'&nd 8 give 9, 18 bud 9 give t i anc aglve 21, 18 and Oand 3 give lad S'atj'd 0 gjve ISj 1 and 8 and 0 nd 3 pive H, tfu ' I 4 i ' V- '- J Joseph Nerud W M Jodonfco, county attorney. Board, with tho consent of P H Zobel, applied 875 which was deducted from claim No. 3470, allowed Oct. 7. 1896, on rent of poor farm. James Hollinrake, Chairman. Board thon adjourned until 0 a m., Dec. 4, 1896. Dec. 4. Board mot as per adjournmont, all mombers present. Road ovorsoers annual reports were received for districts Nos. 9. Jl. R. 12. 18. iiS. and wero Avn.ni hied and annroved. The following claims were then audited and after having ob tanned from tho county treasurer a cortiiicate of delinquent personal taxas, warrants wore ordered drawn on general fund, levy of 1886, for such amouut as romains after deducting said taes, viz (limkttOtm av iln oIlK'fln llarrimin.Nnli , on January u,i u, on umuer culture appun No lillJ, for tlm a w U Of aoe 14, tp n, r 43 IT iincnn'S win uito tmilin or nx-clvcr at Alliance. Neb. hn nnmwi nawlt- ''BBOa Tliomnn b. lloiiklnn. Wm J. lirltlon. li. jonnnnn. nil or r-pm 11 ford; Nvb. J. V. Wkun, Jit,, lteUtr. John. loll nek, Win. 1) Land Olfioo at Alllanco, Neb., Nor. 2S, 1858. Notion la hnrouy si von tuat Hester A. Fuller, nee Harker, haa filtxl notico of Intention to mnkn final proof befurfl It Riater or Kneel ver at Alliance, Neb., on January 4, 18OT, on timber culture application No. IMS, for the n vr U boo S4, tp 26 n, ru 49 w. She names as witnetiBcs: L. VauKlin, J. H Jewctt. W. H.JewHtt, pC Horca, Neb., Q. W. Young, ot Alliance. Neb. J, W. Wkijn, Jn., IlegUter. No. Claimant. Acct. Amt. 3029 Clark Bros, supplies for poor, 7 51 4002 W K Millor, acct Ford, insane 12 4003 H H Pierce, G 50 4004 W A Bissoll, judge eleotiou, 7 70 4005 Chas Brann, 8 clerk judge- clerk it 6 8 0 4 6 10 5 90 7 70 4 4 3 60 4 4000 Jno N Clark, 4007 G W Erb, 4008 A L Field, 4009 J P Hazard 4010 lddo Jodor, judge 4011 Robt. Marlor, " " 4012 Edgar gweezoy " 4014 Jesso Wright, " 4015 LRCorbin, canvassjngboard 4016 M E Gooch, elk election 4017 J D Workman, serv ' 4018 Jas E Whaley.judgo 4019 L W Bowman, Co. physician 4020 H Nolson, judgo election, 4021 Clark Olds, elk 4022 Ii A Borry " 4028 F M Bushoy; judgo " 4U24 Tiiosisecic 4025 Fred H Smith " 4020 Omaha Printing Co., stationery 4027 F E Reddish, elk election 4028 John Mehrkons, acct " -29 Wm O'Mara, overseer 80 Samuel Holliurake, judgo election 61 aos Ualia, 82 J W Broshar " 83 R B Grogg elk 85 H M Anderspnj juror 80 FW Adams 37 John Baumgardnor, elk election 38 Thos Bock, juror 39 T Brown 40 Frank Caha, elk election 41 Jno N Clark, juror 42 Jas Connelly " 43 S A Curtis 44 Z T Cunningham, juror and elk elec 45 G H Clayton, juror, 46 A M Dake, 47 W A Hood, overseer, (Concluded next week.) ESTIMATE of Books, Blanks and stationery needed for Box Butto county for the year 1897. Sealed bids will be received and filed on pr before the tirtt day of January 1897, for tho fol lowing books, blanks and station ery, for the use of Box Butto county, during tho year 1897: 66 25 8 70 4 9 G 6 6 57 CO 4 1 27 4 4 7 4 4 4 4 4 4 60 4 4 5 3 9 70 4 4 50 3 81 All'd 7 51 12 0 50 7 70 8 4 8 4 4 4 8 5.-90 7 70 4 4 5 50 4 56 5 8 70 4 7 4 4 4 57 60 4 1 27 4 4 7 4 4 4 4 4 4 60 4 4 5 3 9 70 4 3 50 3 81 Tax 7 70 3 27 2 10 i a 90 W'nt. 7 51 12 6 50 8 4 8 73 190 4 8 5 90 4 4 2 60 4 6 25 8 70 Land Office, at Alliance, Nob . Nov. IS, 1600. Notico ia hereby glron that tho following named settler has filed notice ot his Intention to make final prooi in support ol hla claim, and that said proof will tu made before K'-siStor or llecelver at Alliance, Neb., on Doc. SO, 1MK), via: Joseph Duhon,' ot ITemlnKford, Nob., who mado n E ko. 3657 for the a e H see. XI, tp 24 n, r Rl w. Hennmea tho followinR witnesses to prove his continuous residence npon anil cultivation or aald land, viz: Anton Chytlca, James Torek, ltoliert Anderson, Henry Shimek, all of Lawn Nob. J. W. Wkph. Jn., Iterator. Closing Oat Sale!... I have made tip my mind to go cut of business, so I will sell all my Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Cloth? ing and Gents' Furnishing Goods at irreatlv reduced orices for soot cash. Produce will be taken at top prices. Your faithful servant, , . . W. K. HERNCALL. U. 8. Land Offio. Alliance. Neb.. Not. 1S9B. Notice ia hereby uiven that John C. Lammors, of llnfthvllle. Neb., haa filed notico of Intention vu inaiie itiroof before It'ister or Ileceirer at Alliance, Neb., on December 22, 1800. on tim bor culturo application No. WW, for tho n e i aeoi, tp27 n, r 47 w. lie names a witnef-ses: Christopher C. Rng Itlca, Albert. Marundy, O. H. VYobHter, ot liox lintte, Nob., Peter C. Bcrcnsen, of Iluslirillo, Neb. J. W. Wjkn.jii.. UeRlster. Dunhip chee&o is the best on the market Try it. 125 2 7q .... 57 60 K '.'.'.'. 7 .... 4 7 TC 4 4 ..:. 4 2 15 185 Bushnell fe SherwQod will pay tho highest market price for hogs. 4 60 U0 9.70 4 3 50 90 3 81 All parties desiring ta malce final proof can haye tltoir papers mado out at The Heuald office, free of charge, and promptly transmitted to the land, office. There will be hold in Heming ford, Nebraska, a Bible institute, conducted by Rev. Frudy, begin ning Jan. 20, 1897 and continuing in session four das. The work of the instituto will be a stud' of four Gospels tho life of Christ. Circulars concerning the institute muy bo had from Rev, Hazclion. Rev. Preston, C. J. Wildy or Mr. Shorwood. Everyoue is Invited to attend. A largo class, is desired. A meeting concerning tho in stitute will behold at M.E. chu,reh next Tuesday evening Nov. 24, 7:30 p. m. Eyeryone come. Anna Neelnnd, Sec. BOOKS. Two blank Complete liccordi. Ono blank Mortgage ltuconl. . . .- . nnwu neaa ueou tiKora. rlnted form Oesi Itecora. One printed form Mortgage ttocord. una pnnteu neaa uttni hi Uner: One ADDearance Docket. Ono l'robato JudKe'a Ilerd, with index. One Conrt Journal. One General Index for Deeds. One ltecord ot Instrument Fled. One Trial DooUet Ono Fee Honk. District CWk. Each to be aix qdlres in oize, to I printed on HyriinWcaton's rbt lin n h"dir paier, full board ltasaia Extra ends, Immtsaud nonta. rent)-iour Tux lteceipt books, awj pagea per book, contalnlne original, duplicate and tripli cate rooeitits. ' ' , , STAriONEUY. One hundred liar Dockets, 50 for rach term ot court, u the page, therein Three reams of beet Legal faj paper, 14 lib itUBWMht Sealed bids will bo received and filed in this office on or before Jan. 1, 1897, for the printing of the proceedings of tho board of county commissioners and such other matter as they may wgh to pub lish. Hemingford, Neb., Dec. 3, 1896. F. M. PilELPS, Co. Clerk Qomfor to California. Every Thursday afternoon a tourist sleeping car for Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Los An- gelese leaves Omaha and Liucoln , via thp Burlington Routo. It is carpeted upholstered in Photos. While your family ib all at homo and in health why not have their picturo taken together maybe you would not part with such a picturo a.t any price in a fow years. W. T. Caldwlle, Photographer, Alliance. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. i!AkUi YRABE MARKS. DESIGNS, COPYRICHTS Ac- Anyone sending o sketch and description may quickly asoertaln, free, whether an Inrontlon Is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents (n America. We have a Wasulnntou office. Patents taken through Munn &. Co. reotitra SpVGUM uuuco in IUB SCIENTIFIC AMERIOAH, of ear; contain, thirty pages with five cumxi to Al " ualJ , with eojirt rule, and ipdex printed. rattan; has spring seatH and backs and is provided with curtains, tereroiKI&s-.No.ou. beddings, towels, soap and etc. Three gross uillott's pens No tot. An nxnnrinnnnd OYP.nvsinn i-nn- '1 wo gross bpcnrerlau tieus No. 1. uuroe gross tabor lead pencils, Pomeroy'a Urilliant Two dozen poll books with cntelopes. i wo uozeu election notices. Six dozen of Lest blotting pads. One dozen bottles tiiniord' Uulrersal yucll- AK1', Willi UUK) (Up. Tuo quart bottles ot Por Crimson ink Six thousand letter heads, 1? lb. Four thouud CVi inch envelopes, tour thoutiud 1U inch envelopog. UlANKS. llireo thnnsand halt aheet legal blanks, of atioaa Unds, an to 300 of each. 1'wo thousand quarter iliil legal blanks, of arious MmU, ato WO nt lach. Tho county commissioners ro rvo tho right to accept a iiart r all of any of tho bids tiled. ' ated at ili utingford, No bras a, this 4th day of Dec. lh'JG, ' F. M. Piiulps, County Clerk. ' o. a.rubhor diip.tnr nnil n. iinifurmnrl Pnllinnri Itip. it through to porter accompany tho Pacific coast. While neither as expensively furnished nor as fine to look- at as a palace sleeper, it is just as good to ride in. Second class tickots aro honored and tho price of a berth, wido enough and big enough for two, is. only $j. For a folder giving full par ticulars, call at the nearest B. & M. R. R. ticket office. Or, write to J. Francis, Gen'l.Pass'r Ajrent Burlington Route, Omaha, Nob. beautifully illustrated, largest circulation any sclentltlo Journal, weekly. terms 13.00 a yea 11.30 six mouths. Specimen copies and 11AD uuuk un i-ATZNTS sent iroe. Aaaress MUNN & CO., 90 B.radwav. Now York. Program lui luiuli. ra Rending circl; of Hemiugftird for Jau. 2nd. Opening at 1 o'clock p. m. Music. History, pages G2 to y5. Engli-h Literature, to Qieen AnneV nge Mis Neoland Colonial Government, Mr, Bunks. History of New York, ........ . .Mrs. Blnnchard. Missions, ,,,,.... Mi&s Parkin Indian Wins Mr. Curtis, French and Indian War, Miss Goodeuough. Nellie Goodonough, Li'o Ru4in, H. F. Fillmore, Com. D. K. Spachfj-: it m $19. ; lis FOR $88- One-Third Cash, AND BALANCE $5.00 per Month. !i SCirrgo3e.il STYLE Ib sold by agents as high aq $195 Toucan buy it at tho factory price from us for $88 riolght 75 inches, Trench Plato Mirror, Pntont Fall Board, Mouso Proof, SOLID WALNUT or OAIC Guaranteed for Ryenra by manufacturer and by us. Wo pay freight t auy point In Nebraska. Wo furnish Btool, book and ch.irt. Wrlto for term PIANOS from $40 and up HOSPE, Jr. Omaha, Neb, ORGANS from $20 and up. P. B. Our 22(1 year. A. (M?o,t1rn hlssauurJ iiree 'pinions: 'Tho CHICAGO RECORD Is a model newspaper in every sense of the word, Uarrisburg (Pa.) Call, 'There is no paper published in America that so nearly approaches the true journal' istic ideal as The CHICAGO RECORD. From "Newspaperdom' (New York). have come to the firm conclusion, after a long test and after a wide comparison with the journals of many cities and coun-, tries, that The CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the ideal daily journal as wq, are for some, time likely to find on these mortal shores. 'Prof. J. T. Hatfield in The Evanston (III.) Index. Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHI CAGO RECORD, 181 Madison-st. The Ju Icaio Chronicle 18 FIRST OF ALL A GREAT NEWSPAPER. XKCIDBKTA r.t.T itlaa'u ndYoentoof democracy, with no leantnr towvrt aonullsm er tatote ctalUm. Tho triumph of tlio repuolloin party In the rasant presidential election, as rasu ol tlio disruption o' the Uumua.Mtv darolra upon the lattor th duty ol reconciliation ant raor tanlrntlon ou tlm llnca of tUelr own. an I not so-ne other party's, faith. To promote fenuloe deuuvrasy, tjdUeouutanin'ja nipmnni and lo rall tus monopolistic t idmilei ot repjDUota Uai will os the militlcal mlsi'ono' "Hv. CHltOSK' LK In tin tcitU'J as It Ins boon lit tha put. ' Ah a nowspjpor TtIK ClIltONI 'UK vl oontluno to be ajinprjhsmlre a'ld eat irprlslr. DHrlur tiolthsrUOJr uorexpj iijIj'ihUo lit reports or all noteworthy rvjaW of superior exosl- Itn3. t corei-ltu exiiausttrjly thi vatlroiy nj.d ot news, dlscoxaxy, - - - - - - -. -. .- r . luvedtioa. industry an proerens. ror nnn trni a wr erjr; iaiu iy wu iih itiiihiijii, iuiibi ui v.aivv mr ac vu j ot Its piullcallon a oooy of a irron iiMr nj.Tipipjr, ojstm a miruoleoi cudapiua ana vaius coiuuua thousa U at djllara to prodais 13 Pie YEAR F03 THE DAILY. POSTPAID. TERMS TO SUBSCRIDE.RS: Doily only, OnoYoar S3.O0 t i Six Months I. SO " Throo Months... .75 Ono Month 23 .Dally and Sunday, S5.00 por yoar. Sunday orly, On,s Yoar- $2,03 s six iviontns.... i.oo Thftt3 Months. .53 t Ono Month 25 Part3 qf a yoar, 50o par month, , AUauhutlpttons m ist beu333mrailiJbrtb9aasi Rimltbr niti' oratress moi j onpr draft cuUiltiico or New Vorx. or rajlinnl lauir. Uurrujli tetti- will., ordlusrlly s4 ecou(t taustalvvayabat'.ssuJjr arise Hi njlejsp.it nji.r.'Ji 3 1.1.1.UUU1 !r IC4-I00 Washington St., Chlao, 111. ) i y-n n - "m I S Vi I tmo iwiaMMMsMMWIIW "-"rJlgS --x