Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, December 11, 1896, Image 2

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    --au i IIM' (JIMIIUW1
TH03. J. O'KEKFFK, ruulUlwr.
Fonca now Iirb ti broom factory.
Exeter has n local dramntla club.
The B, A M. litis reopened Us station
tX Cheney.
Tho Elsie Leader now takes any old
tiling on subscription.
Fonca has but ono vacant house, and
rents nro tolerably high.
Ranchmen in Hall county nro fatten
Ing their sheep on beet pulp.
Forties arc boring for coal in thu
northern part of Dixon c6unly.
Ono implement firm at Alma has
Bold 52,500 worth of cornshellcrs.
Two feet of snow is reported from
tho neighborhood of Long Pino.
Sarpy county needs anew court houso
and is abundantly able to build one.
A farmer living near Tekamah raised
nearly 40,000 bushels of corn this sea
son. Grain men at Superior recently pur
chased 0,785 bushels of corn in ono
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Fuller of Decatur
recently celebrated their golden wed
ding. Look out for snow storms, blizzards,
etc., in December, commencing about
tho 6th.
A farmer near Fonca recently killed
a wild cat which weighed fourteen
Tho Norfolk factory has turned out
15,000 barrels of sugar up to dato this
Twcivo or fifteen deer nro roported
having been killed in Keya Paha county
last week.
Tho young people of Blair oro being
taught to danco by a professional who
knows how.
Totcr Ryan of Holt county lost
thlrty-flvo head of steors from eating
corn Btalks.
South Omaha pcoplo aro wondering
when work will begin on flio new
A number of teams aro now at work
on tho big reservoir for tho Crawford
citizens' ditch,
Thirty-ono cars of Oregon hogs liavo
been shipped into the stato to bo fed on
Nebraska corn.
John Loboff of Boone county has
been pronounced crazy by tho county
Quito a bit of corn is being marketed
this week, notwithstanding the low
prico per bushel. " r- -
A depot has boon put iu at Bracken,
a new station about half way between
Nemaha and Auburn.
Tho United States is after a lot of
Boyd county farmers for stealing wood
from the reservation.
A saw mill which is being oporated
near YVllbor is turning out a lot of
cribbing from native timber.
James Armstrong of Burwell is in re
ceipt of enough back pension to keep
him in comfort till grass grows.
Thanksgiving day was very stormy
and cold, but most of tho people either
ato turkcv at homo or with uoitrhbors
Valley county is entitled under tho
statutes to a clerk of the district court
scparato from tho oflluo of county
It takes tho entire timo of ono crow
to do tho switching for tho sugar fac
tory and stockyards company nt Grand
Scott's Bluff, Bannor, McPherson,
Logan, Keya aud Paha countios nro
tho only counties in tho state without
a railroad.
Dr. E. G. Watson, cleqted to repre
sent Saliuo county in tho next legisla
ture, wears a diamond pin said to bo
worth 8700.
W. F. Cody of North Platto owns
60,000 acres of land in tho Big Horn
valley and has nearly all of it undor
The Smithflold Farm News says now
is the timo for farmers to select seed
corn and put it in tho nttio where it
will keep dry.
A considerable portion of our big
corn crop is still in tho fields, but it is
being gotten out as fast as teams and
men can do it.
Sparks from a passing cngino set fire
to the barn of William Lambert near
Blue Springs and barn and contents
went up in smoke.
Tho fifth anniversary of tho estab
lishment of tho Wavno Normnl rollerm
was celebrated at Wayno Saturday
evening, November 28.
The llttlo stations on tho various
railroads that havo been abandoned
and boarded up during tho thrco years'
drouth are being opened.
W. F. Archer, living near nildrcth,
went to sleep tho other might after
eating a hearty supper, aud never
awoke. Heart failure was tho trouble.
Twenty double-deck cars loaded
with sheep passed through Siduey re
cently for tho eastern markets. This
one lot of sheep was valued at over
Phil Armour of Chicago owned sever
al corn cribs in Furnas county but tho
treasurer caused them to be sold to
satisfy personal taxes which Mr. Ar
mour had neglected to pay.
Thursday, November 19, was tho
twentieth anniversary of Dr. Hull
horst's residence iu Yutan. Ho still
occupies the same residence ho had
Vullt ml moved into twenty ears ago,
Chairman of YTnya and Mentu Commit-
too Dlngley to I'ormnlly Mnlco Such
Ait Announcement nt thn. Proper
Timo -Will Convene. Shortly
Alter March 4 Senator
Thurston Tnlki.
WAsnrxflTOjr, Dec. 7. Friends and
confidantes of Mr. McKinloy who have
come direct from Canton, Ohio, bring
tho posiilvo announcement that a call
for a special session of Congrcsi, to bo
convened a few days after March 4,
has been decided upon. It is stated
that Mr. Dingloy, chairman of tho
House eommittoo on wavs tmd means,
Will tnnl.'n (Ilia llltntltlnn V...... 1 1 ..
- - w ...... ..a.ii fciu.t IUI M1U1A V
known at tho proper time.
oennior xiwrston sttld: "1 nm con
vinced a session of tho next Congress
Will bo r.lllml fni- nlmiif 41.n 1r.l.
March. That ought to bo satisfactory.
taiuioi nuoto anyone, but I do not
consider tlint tlmi U .. .1r,,lt .. i,
point. The complexion of tho Senate
will not bo allowed to influence tho
decision at all. Tho Republican ad
ministration lias been elected undor
a plcdgo to tho pcoplo to reform tho
lunii unu us amy to tins country is to
proceed about thnt business at tho
earliest 1nlHUiln innmnnf. nml nlfln.tn
keep its pledge or mako it manifest
uiubit is impossible to do so. 1 Hunk
wo ought to secure a turlfl which
could bn nut, Intn nft'r.i.f 1... 41m l.n,,i.,
uing of the next fiscal year."
Tho Outlaw Surprised nt Ho 1Vas I'rc
paring: to IlnWt n Hank lll l'nst.
Wichita, Kan., Dec. 7. Tho real
name of "Dvuamito Dick." tho lemler
of Oklahoma outlaws, who was killed
two miles east of Blackwoll yesterday
by a liveryman numed Lnng, ono of a
sheriff's pos&e, was Richard Clifton
and ho belonged to a respectable fam
ily oi txcwion, nan.
Tho outlaws had planned to rob tho
bank of Blaekwcll, but tho sheriff was
advised of it two weeks ago and had a
posse of seven men engaged to meet
them. Learning that tho outlaws
were at the homo of Fanner Hostler,
tho sheriff summoned his men and went
there. At clnvHcllt. thn nntlmva nr.
peared and shooting began at onco.
j.nu uunei. mat miieu "juick," niter
passing through his body killed n
jU Cnor uutUi -at il- txvnA
who was wounded and enptured, can
not live, and has mado n rambling
stntemant to tho effect that ho killed
tho man found murdered near Elgin a
week. ago. Tho body of "Dick" and
his wounded comrado havo been taken
to Nowkirk, tho county seat. Cravens
recently broke jalT in Guthrie to es
cape tho penalty of bank robbery.
A Wonum lldltor Cowhides a Competitor.
Attalta, Ala., Dec. 7.Tho Beacon,
of which Miss Emma Monroe, who
is not yet vrsut of her teens, Is as
sociate editor, published an ar
ticle yesterday that juvenile criminals
should bo sent to n reformatory,
and tho Herald, edited by H. Cathcr,
replied that some grown persons
should also bo in a reformatory, tho
allusion being to Miss Monroe's father,
who, while treasurer of DoKalb
county, was accused of embezzlement.
Yesterday Miss Monroo attacked
Cather with a cowhldo and ho was
forced to run up u flight of stairs.
Two Now (lunbonU Launched.
Batu, Me., Dec. 7. Tho new gun
Doats, "Vicksburg and Newport, were
launched from tho yards of tho Bath
Iron works this afternoon, before a
great crowd. Both oro of composito
construction, all of tho framing
being of steel, with plunks of Geor
gia pino worked on tho frames below
the water lino, bocurod by composition
bolts. Another feature will bo tho
uso of full sail power in addition to
steam, for they will bo rigged as bark
entities. They are sister ships, of 1,000
tons displacement, drawing twelve feet
of water, 103 feet long by thirty-six
feet beam, and will cost S2,.'S,-100 each.
General Merrltt's nail.
Chicago, Dec. 7. Tho hall given by
Major General Wesley Mcrrltt at,tho
Auditorium hotel was ono of tho most
distinct social successes of years.
Fully 300 of tho leading society peoplo
were present, as were all tho military
ofllcers from Fort Sheridan, and thoso
attached to the headquarters of tho
department of tho Missouri. General
Merritt was assisted in receiving by
Mrs. Potter Pnlmer and other society
John It. Fellow Very Sick.
Nkw Yohk, Dec 7. District Attor
ney John It. Fellows lies nt the point
of death from an attack of gastritis at
his home in this city. His family have
given up hope. He is very weak. At
ono timo during Iho night Ins friends
thought that the end was very near.
John R. Fellows, jr., who is in tho
South traveling for his health, has
Veu summoned home.
Tho llayurofdlft l'roject.
Loxijon, Dec. 7. Tho Daily Tele
graph this morning devotes thrco col
unms to its project for a subscription
for a farewell Christmas gift to United
States Ambassador Bayard. Tho list
of subscriber for tho day includes Sir
Henry Irving unci Dean Hole. Tho
total amount subscribed, including the
S500 with which tho Telegraph opens
tho list, is SS10.
Gold Victory In Alabama.
Montgomery, Ala., Dec 7. In tht
senate tho bill which prohibits the
making of any contract payable
specifically in gold was defeatcdr the
nine Populists alone voting for it
Operations of tho tat ri.cAl Year-
Total Coinage stl,iB8,lfl?i.
,, WA"n,!ttti Dc 7,-Tuo report of
It. b. Preston, the director of the mint,
shows tho operations of the mints and
assay unices during the flseai year
1800, together with statistics of foreign
Countries relative to tho production,
coinago and monetary condition of
The original gold bullion deported
ttt tho hiints ittld assay oflicos during
Iho year was valued at 5153,7051,393.
The original silver bullion deposited
represented coinage value of $11,073..
Tho coinage executed at tho mints
Uuring tho fiscal year was as follows:
Gold, 858,878,100; silver dollars, 57,500,
882; subsidiary silver. 83,t).VJ,810; minor
coins, 5800,337; total, 871,l89,45d.
Thoro was a total coinage Uiidof tho
net of July H, 1800, tip to November 1,
1800, of 850,30(1, 87(5, with ti slgnlorago
of 813,304,031; leaving oil hand nt tho
mints a balance of 125,001,302 fine
ounces, costing Slt2,80r,01l.
Tho average London price of silver
bullion during tho fiscal year was
cntitvnlmit, tn Svr.ann7t lin v.,.., -v-i.
prico Was 80 091111, utld tho average
lru.-u nt mo par oi cxciiungc was
0.07688. The highest quotation duf
ing tho year was equivalent to SO, 70204;
tho lowest quotation, 50.00081. Tho
commercial ratio of cold to silver was
1 to 30.68, and tho bullion valito of a
United States silver dollar, at tho
yearly average prlcu, was 80.52202.
Thn tint irnlil nvnni-tu tny H fli..n1
year wero 878,004,013 as against 330,-
ii,jio xor tne previous year. The net
Rllvor nvrinrtn wnwt Sill orto.nKD k
against 827,031,780 for tho previous
Tho employment of precious metals
in tho industrial nvU In 11m tTr,H,1
States during tho calendar year 1805
wivs; vioiu, oio,iu,UBi; suvcr. S12.277,
Tho metallic stock in the United
States on .Tnlv 1. IRdrt. wna rir.11 ennn
507,054; silver, 8028,728,071, a totnl of
Pip .0,J.'l),UJi).
precious inctals in tho United States
during tho calendar year, 1805, was:
Fine Commercial Coining
Metals ounces. value. value.
Jold ,2,254.700 110,010,000 $40,010,000
Silver. ...55,727,000 30,445,000 72,051,000
Tho estimated production of gold
and silver in tlio tvmOil tiw tlm mitnn.
dar year, 1805, was as follows!
Pine Commercial Coining
Metals ounces. value. valuer
Hold... 0,001,040 $200,400,000 1200,406,000
Silver, 108,308,853 110,073,700 217,010,800
Tho total coinago of gold and silver
by tho various countries of tho world
was as follows:
Gold. 8231.087.438: silvor. S131.fiin..
210; total, 8352,007,057.
'llio total metallic stock and uncov
ered nanor in tho rnrll win ncHmnn.l
on January 1, 1800, ns follows: Gold.
&i,j.-j,j, iuu.uuu; nut icgui tender silver,
53,010,700,000; "limited tender silver;
8020,200,000; total metallic stock,
$8,380,000,000; uncovered paper, 2,558,
000,000; grand totnl, 810,038,000,000.
Tho director iu his report states
there Is no tloubt that tho nllvor coins
of tho United States aro now being!
counterfeited, exactly similar to the
Crenuino in Rizn. Wnlrrlit. nnil ilnvlnAO
Somo of these coins cannot bo distin
guished from tho genuine, even by ox-
nerts. A verv flnnrrm-mis pmmtnf fnlt.
silver half dollar has mado its appear-
anuo iu mo .nasi ana vcst, the weight
Df which is 192 grains, with a fineness
Of .8G7. while thn wolc-lit. nt thn n.
ulne is 102.0, of tho fineness of .900.
xno prom to tho counterfeiter is now
about 100 tier cenL So fnv. tlm Imut.
known protection against tho counter-
luiunir oi coins nas ueen louna to bo
tho lettering placed on tho edges sim
ilar to that on tho first coinnges of tho
United States, or of tho 5-frono piece of
JelTcraon Barracks May bo Abandoned.
St. Louis, Mo., Dec 7. Tho prob
ability that Jefferson Barracks will bo
abandoned by the government as
a military post is not remote.
Tliis prediction is based on known
facts supplemented by official com
plaints as to tho bad sanitary condition
of tho post by tho various commanding
ofllcers in charge. An order has been
received from General Wesley Merritt
directing n board of ofllcers to meet at
Jofferson barracks Deeombcr 10 to in
quire into tho sanitary condition of
tho post.
A law to License. Murder.
Montgomery, Aln., Dec. 7. Repre
sentative Pitts, one of tho foremost
lawyers in the assembly, lias introduced
a bill which in effect will license n man
to kill tho dcspoiler of his female rela
tive. It is urged that tho law making
such homicide murder is a dead letter
on tho statute books and that the pro
posed law would enublo tho juries of
Alabama to cease ignoring the written
law in order to meet tho cuds of
A Ituxter Springs Hank Closed.
Baxteii Sr-mxos, Kan., Dec. 7. Tho
Baxter Springs bank was closed this
morning and is now in tho hands of
tho bank commissioner. It will proba
bly not reopen, as it is reported to bo
in very bad shape. Colonel Alexander
Warner is president. .
Clinton, Mo., itunk Clowe.
Clixtox, Mo., Dec. 7. Tho neury
County bank assigned at 10 o'clock last
night to Calvird & Lewis, attorneys.
The deposits nro about 8125,000, and
bills payable about S20.000. It is
heavy holders of commercial paper in
business institutions that have been
suffering from the hard times. The
assignees havo been the 'mnk's counsel
in legal matters, Mr. Lewis being tho
luto Uepublicnn candidate for governor.
Child Murder and Suicide.
Newauk, Ohio, Dec. 7. Mrs. A. F.
Gleisner, wife of a ginssblower, shot
her infnnt child in the head this morn
ing, killing it instantly. She then
shot herself in tho mouth and is now
lying in a precarious condition.
Norada'n Total Vote.
Cuisox, Nov., Dec. 7. Complete
election returns of Nevada wero re
ceived by tho secretary of stato this
morning. The total vote of tho stato
was 10.315. Bryan Sowall received
7.K0J; Bryan tnd Watsou. 575; Mo
Kinley ami Hoburt. 1 9
hEsouncE'9 of Alabama.
hecltcd la the inaugural Addrras of
Governor Johnstoni
Governor Joseph F. Johnston was in
augurated governor of Alabama Dec. i.
Before taking the oath of ofllco ho da
Jlvercd A long address, sounding the
keynote df his administratis, which
la tb promote tho development of Ala
bama's resources and litiprdvo tho con
dition bt her people. Speaking of the
resources of tho ntnto ho said:
"With an area of but llttlo moro lhaii
fifty thousand squaro miles, thcro Is no
tcrrlldry or like size in tho known
world so prolific in tho variety of Its
resources; wero n wall erected around
our state, cutting off all access, wo
could produco within our borders
everything necessary for tho comfort
or convenience of man. Great veins
of iron oro nnd scams of coal put at
our command almost boundless re
sources hi fuel, iron, and steel. Splen
did forests of yellow pino hero stand
ready to build homes for millions of
people. Building stono nnd marble,
fire clay, knolln and limo exist In great
abundance; walnut, mnpte, oak, cherry,
nsh and other hard woods awnlf tho
hand of man for manufacture or tho
ndornment of our homes. In the pro
duction of pig iron we tako rank as
the fourth Btato Ih the union; 111 Iron
ore, third; in coal wo stand fifth; in
tho production of cotton, fourth, and
Ih Ita manufacture, fourth. In lumber
wo aro near tho head of the list. It
would ho unjust should I fall to in
cludo in our minerals copper, lead,
graphite, marl and gold; Indeed, tho
only mineral that wo seem to be with
out and to want most is silver. Leav
ing forest and mine nnd coming to our
fields wo find that they produce gen
erously cotton, corn, wheat, rye, oats,
tobacco, rlco and tho grasses and hero
is tho home of tho pear, tho peach, tho
grape and all small fruits. Vegetables
arc grown with great success, and this
Industry is steadily developing. Our
splendid rivers, tho Alabama, Coosa,
Tallapoosa, Wurrlor, Cahaba, Bigbeo
and tho Tennessee, aro tho liquid ar
teries of tho commonwealth, fed by in
numerable creeks, all fruitful in power
to convert our raw products into arti
cles of merchandise. Over 3,000 miles
of railroads traverse our stato from
north to south, and east to west, fur
nishing quick transportation to market
for our products. When we come to
our climate wo find that tho Giver of
all good things has not stayed His
hand, and that Ho haB blessed us with
opportunity to labor twelve months In
the year without detriment to health or
comfort. Indeed, wo can scarcely ap
preciate the blessings we enjoy in this
respect when compared with less fa
vored regions, for even now wo aro
seemingly unconscious that roses nre
blooming in our gardans, and tho fra
grant air is swcot with their perfume.
With a profound gratitude to
tho God of our fathers, thnt our lots
havo been cast in this sunny land, lot
us bosnoch Him to send wnrmth and
vitality and enduring growth into
every field of endeavor, that will make
us strong to accomplish tho things that
mako a state loved at homo and ro
vercd abroad."
i-'Itzglminona In Court.
Sax Fiiancisco, Dec. 5. Bob Fitz
simmons, through his attorney, com
menced suit in tho Superior court to
restrain the Anglo -California bank
from paying Sharkey the 810,000 purso
awarded tho sailor by Bcfereo Earp.
Fitzsimmons charges conspiracy be
tween Shnrkoy, tho National Athletic
club and others, whose names are not
given, to award Sharkey tho purso
under any circumstances. Fitzsimmons
alleges that before Earp was selected
as referee this agreement was made
and thnt had lie known of it ho would
have refused to enter tho ring. Judge
Sanderson granted tho injunction
prayed for and tho case will soon bo
tried in court.
Another l'oitiuastcr to Go,
Wasiiinotox, Dec. 5. Charges havo
been filed in tho postofllco department
against Jacob D. Allen, postmaster nt
Butler, Bates county, Mo., nnd editor
of the Butler Times, and they nre now
being considered by tho department.
Tho impression is general that there is
enough in the chnrges to effect Allen's
promot removal. In connection with
tho charges of pernicious activity in
politics, it is claimed that Mr. Allen,
us editor of his paper, has allowed no
opportunity to pass for roasting Presi
dent Cleveland and nil of his friends.
A Nebrashan of Note T.oso. Ills Home.
Neijiiaska Citv, Neb., Dec. 5. Tho
homo of John C. Watson, ex-speaker
of the houso of representatives of Ne
braska, was entirely destroyed by flro
early this morning. It is not known
how tho firo originated, as Wutson and
his family were away from home. The
loss on the bouse, furniture and li
brary is estimated at 515,000, which is
fully covered by insurance.
Gold Contracts In Georgia.
Atlanta, Ga., Dec 5. -Tho state
Senate, by a vote of 21 to 15, rejected a
bill Introduced by Senator Culver to
declare null and void nil obligations
and contracts which may be mado pay
ablo in any specific character of money.
So far as the general assembly is con
cerned therefore, gold contracts may
still bo made in Georgia.
On Nov. 30th tho John A. Salzer
Seed Co, La Crosse, Wis., tho largest
seed potato growers in tho world re
ceived an order for threo thousand
bushels of seed potatoes from one firm
in Texas.
Inaugural Hall.
Cleveland, Ohio, Dec 5. Chairman
M. A. Hunna said yesterday: "I think
tho inaugural ball will he held us
usual. It has become a time-honored
custom iu connection with tho inau
gural ceremonies, and there is no rea
son why it should bo omitted now."
Two Killed In n Hnoivslldo.
Logan, Utah, Dec 5. Hiram Jcppe
feou, James Christlanson, Sr., and his
bon, James, were burled in a snowslldo
yesterday afternoon in Logan canon,
Jeppesou finally extricated himself,
but tho father and son were botli
Et Joseph rtecrnlU for Cuba.
St. JoSBl'U, Mo.. Dec. 3. It has de
veloped that there has been an enlist
ment of 150 men for tho Cuban army
and that others aro expected to join
them when menus of transportation
havo been properly nrrnnged for by
tho Cuban jttnta 111 New York. The
mnn who lias bceil active in securing
tliis number for the cause of Cuba is
David Bercnsberg, nt ono timoa lieu
tenant in tho regular United States
army, atld prior to that a soldier in
tho Germnn army during tho Franco
Prussian war. At tho present time he
holds n commission as captain of n
compnny of stato militia here. Ho is
a member of tho police forco of this
city nnd the drill master of the force.
A number of his old associates in the
regular nrmy nre down on the list, nnd
ali of them expect soon to bo serving
under tho Cuban flag.
An Act of Charily by tho President,
Boston, Mass., Dec 3. A few weeki
ago fire destroyed the cabin of "Dnddy
Brun, a hermit fisherman in tho Gray
Gables neighborhood. His lenso ox
plred With tho destruction of the
dwelling, and though friends raised
mone3 for him to rebuild ho could nol
find a site, so ho wroto to President
Cleveland and was given leavo to erect
a cabin on tho Gray Gables estate, all
rights to revert at his death.
Tho Vlro Nntl Trust Dissolved.
New Yohk, Dec. 3. At a meeting ol
the Wire Nail Manufacturers' associa
tion it was voted to dissolve the organ
ization. John II. Parks, treasurer oi
the association, said its affairs would
bo wound up at once. A new card oi
"extras" was adopted by the manufac
turers in order to conform, so far at
possible, to tho desires of the retail
Mrs. needier Suffering From a Fall.
New YonK, Dec 3. Mrs. Henry
Ward Bcocher went to her daughter's
homo at Stamford, Conn., for a Thanks
giving visit, and a few days ago fell,
on rising from bed, her,head violently
striking the floor. She is improving,
but some time must olapso beforo she
can return to her home In Brooklyn.
An Iqira Shcrln") Fatal Fall.
Li-.jiahs, Iowa, Dec 3. W. E. Hcr
ron, sheriff of Flymouth county, was
found dead by the side of the railroad
track between Moreill and Lemars to
day. Marks in tho snow show that he
fell or was knocked from n train. The
body was cut and bruised by sliding
on the ground and was frozen.
Iowa Patent Ofllco Report.
S. P. Lcland of Iowa asks: "Is there
uny law or decision to prevent nny per
son from making and using a patented
article for himself only, although he
have not got permission of the owner?"
Yes. A patent gives tho owner the
oxclusive right to make, vend and use
tho invention for seventeen years. No
person has a right to mako and uso a
patented invention for his own use
without a license If one person could
do so every other person would havo
the same privilege, and a patent for an
invention that can be easily rande
would go Into general use without
profit to tho patentee.
A patent has been allowed to F. C.
Stevens of Sac City, Iowa, for a hose
nozzlo adapted for throwing n straight
solid stream, a radiating spray or sheet
all around, a spray and solid stream at
the same time, or a spray only half way
around, at the pleasure of tho operator.
Valuable information about obtain
ing, valuing and selling patents sent
free to any address.
Printed copies of tho drawings and
specifications of any U. S. Patent sent
upon receipt of 25 cents.
Our practice is not confined to Iowa.
Inventors in other states can havo our
services upon tho same terms as Hawk
eyes. Thomas G. fc J. Ralph Orwig,
Solicitors of Patents.
Des Moines, Iowa, Dec. 1, 1830.
Quotations From New York, Chicago, St
l.cul', Omaha ami hUowhcro.
ISultcr Creamery separator.. 10
Hutter C holec fancy country 1 j
KftPi Fresh "I
I ralrlu chickens, pur doz f .',0
Quail, per ilox 1 5J
ltcd head and Mallard Ducks. 3 0
rnrlns Chickens dressed 0
fiocso and Uuclis 7
Lemons Chuico Mcsslnas 4 50
Honey lancy Whlto Ji
Onions per liu..., :t3
Potatoes , 30
Mveot Potatoes porhbl 2 03
Oranges Per box 4 00
lluy Upland, porton 4 SO
Apples -Per ubl 1 SO
TA 13
$3 7.1
fci 10
9 40
?4 35
2 5J
4 75
2 50
Ilofb Mchtillxcd J 20 3 33
uops noavy iveiKius 3 is
licet Steers 3 23
Milkers and bpringcrs
Calves. ,
Hockors and l'codots
Hicop Native
Sheen Limits
Wheat No. 2&prlng 60
Corn Per bu 21
Oats Per bu 18
Pork 0 SO
l.ard 3 iVS
Cuttle Prime steers 4 50
Calves 4 25
Hops Medium mUcd... ...... :i :o
Sheep Lambs 3 00
theop Yearlings.. 3 CI
ci son
& 234
01 0 83
5 50
3 as
A 35
4 3)
V,'hout-No. l, hard .....
Com No. 2,
Outs No. 2,.., ,
23 y
8 75
5 00
S 21
l.ard 4 15
Wheat No. 2 red, cosh
Corn Per bu
Oats Per bu
Hogs Mixed packing 3
t ultlo Native rhip'ng Steers. 4
Wheat No. 2 hard
Corn No. 2.. ... ,,...
Oats No. 2
Caul- Mockers and feeders
.'logb Mixed ,
IJhccp Lambs
fiJicop Muttons
Tell Into Holing Grouse.
Sr. Louis, Mo., Dec, 3. John Abel,
a workman at tho Nelson Morris
dressed beef works, was horribly
burned while nt work yesterday. Tho
flesh on tho right leg was par-boiled.
Abel tripped on the greasy floor iu the
rendering room and fell into a vat ol
Viling grease.
The Hanks of Kansas.
TorEKA, Kan,, Dec. 3. The blcnnia.
report of tho stato bank commlssionei
will be delivered to Governor Morril!
to-day. According to it, tho banks ol
Kansas are in better condition to-daj
than at any time before -Muce the boom.
a 4 7o
2 40 04 2 tO
.23 00 27 fiO
. a 00 5S 3 V,
. U 5j fo 5 3
. 2 21 :i so
i 03 Co a oo
2 W5 Q 4 00
. 2 73 3 R
. 2 23 3 0)
.3 2) tt 6 03
III (12
21 21 )
11 S)
io 3 as
73 4 73
k a. ta
itc a ij
21 23
2 75 4 05
3 15 3 3.H
3 CO 4 50
1 73 3 25
The notorious Lon Ilnwk, of Ander
son, Ind., who escaped from the Ohio
penitentiary, lias been located. Hawk
is well known over tho entlro central
states as ono of the smoothest men who
ever operated in Indiana, Ohio nnd
Illinois Ho was sentenced in Ohio,
but escaped from tho penitentiary. Ho
always had tho South African fever
and lost no timo in putting tho ocean
between him and Ohio ofllcers.
fortune. Seeking Immigrants.
MatlV ft poor family tlmtseoks tho weslr rn
wilds Ih the hop" of winning a fortune, n
preserved f om that InsldloiK too of t'.rt
emigrant and frontiersman ohllls and fo
vur -by llosicttor'u r-tomarh HHter. 8o ef
fectually dees thnt Incomparablo medicinal
defense for Ify the system against the com
bined Inlhionco of ii malarious iitmosphern
and mlasmii-talntnil wnter, that protected
by It thn pioneer, the minor nnd tho tout tat
provided with It, may safely encounter tho
Valuable Discovery for Ln-Urlppe, tc.
Mrs. C. A. Adams, 0th and Martha
Sts., Omaha, Neb., writes: "I had la
grippe and then malaria, indigestion, a
scvero headache aud blind and dizzy
spells. Your Dr. Kny's Renovator has
cured me." Sold by druggists at 25 cts.
and 81.00. A valuable pamphlet witli
many receipts for tho asking. Your
orders will be promptly filled for goods
'on receipt of price. Send at onco, you
will never regret it Address Dr. II.
J. Kay Medical Co.. (Western ofllco)
Omaha, Neb.
Palmists say that long fingers are a
sign of refinement. A short, stubby
hand argues n lack of sensibility; a
thin thumb, rather small, denotes
weakness. Strength of character is
shown by tho thumb exerting itself
over the other fingers. If tho thumb
curves back-ward tho owner is obsti
nate, Ladies' Homo Journal.
Iho scahon is rapidly approaching uhen
reoplo lio nbout doing better next yoar.
I t-now that my Hfo w as saved by Piso's
Cure for Consumption. John A. Miller,
Au Sable, Mich., Apr! 21, 1805.
The Mor'd has learned more from ita
roor than it has from its kings.
Tako Laxative llromo Quinine Tablets, AU
Druggists refund tho money If It falls to cure. 25o
Match lioxes nro now filled bymnchinery.
Most for your money and savo needless oxpen
set now. It is truo economy to build up your
system and prevent sickness, by taking
Tho Best-infact JheOnoTnio Blood Pnrlflcr.
Hood'; Pifl aro prompt, efficient anil
"uuu rilia easy in effect. S5 cents.
- --...., ..M ,. , , , i. . , m
Comfort to
Hvcry Thursday morning.
tourist sleeping car for Hon
ver.Salt LakoClty.Snn Fran
clsco.ond Los Angeles lea vci
Omaha and Lincoln via tho
liurlltigton Home.
It Is carpeted, upholslorcd
in rattan, has spring seats
and backs and Is provided
wun curtains, nodding, tow
els soap, o to. An experienced
excursion conductor and a
uniformed oilman portor
accompany It through to tho
Pacific Coast.
While neither ns oxpen-
a!rlV fiulalinrl nn no I., a . .
look at as a palace sloopcr.lt
Is Just ns good to ride In. fccc
ond class tickets arc honored
and tho price of a horth.wldo
enouuh and big enough for
two, is only ?'.
For a folder giving full
particulars write to
J. FnANCic, Cen'l Pass'r Agent, Omaha.NQU.
wve9n itiiiuvuyiiii
lixe test fruit section in the West. No
drouths A falluro of crops never known.
Mild climate. Productive soil. Abundance of
Good puro water.
For Maps nnd Circulars giving full descrip
tion of tho Itich Mineral, Fruit and Agricultu
ral Lands in South West Missouri, write to
JOHN M. I'lHIDY, Mnnagor of the Missouri
Land and Llvo Stock Company, Neosho, New
ton Co., Missouri.
The Acme Lamp Stove
Will warm your room at a cosl
q of 3 cents per day and not aifeel
the light. Delivered on receipt of $1.
33 Wendell St. Boston, Mass.
RflRT PURVIS "avlng been In the produce
IUUI runVIO bimlnrif!6yesri, am well m-
Commission Met- qualnted with the wanlaof the
chant, Omaha. trade; consequently can obtain
U'AXTKUI the highest prltcs. Am prompt
nutter. Kens, 1'oul- In making returns, and respon
try, flame, Veal, slide. Jicfcrcucci: Any bank
Hides Ktc. In mo matt.
ULill.O Actual Uusinerr i'ihim tub
Stakt Teaches business by doing business.
Also thorough instruction In all branches
by mall. Llfo scholarship $-n, six months
course fjo. Corner 10th and Capitol Avenue,
Omaha, Nobraika.
Examination andsdrlee as t Patentability of In.
ventlon. bend for "Inrentors' Uulde, or How to Get a,
1'atent." O'KAUUEU. & SON, Washington, D. a
8U Brptlr fur as? llad t midr.
King Cola Anti-Monopoly
ortter Houso
Omaha. S'eb.
PATFMTtJ 20 ears-experience. Bend sketch fernd.
iniLIHO. Mce (Ij.lR-une.lHiHnrin.exanunrrU.s.
I'iUOUIce) Dcauc & Wem er, lUUill Uld'.,Vttsh.U.U,
(iDIIIU "' WHISKY "" '""'
UrlUffl iarr. ur. b, n, mooluct, itusta, ct,
DrTRay's Lulipala?b0a
DlU-YYl llllU M. ROWAN. Milwaukee, Wis.
If afflicted with
'uWhompson's Eys Water.
W. N. U., OMAHA-50 1800
When writing to advertisers, kindly
mention this paper.
LURES WHIHF All flF Fills. m
Best Cough Syrup. Testes Good. UweS
in lime, poia or arncgista. m
booth aiictniini
A' n