Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, December 04, 1896, Image 3

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. .
ER. Mrg. (Jrnv Amtrrw, of I'nrtrlilRf. Knnai
Kprnk AVonU of. I'ralaa for Dr. VTU
Hum' l'lnk rilU.
From the News. Hutchinson, Knns.
Mrs. Grace Andrew,, of Partridge,
Knnpnp, Is well known, having lived in
I'artrldRo for innny years. In former
years bIio wns a nreneher In this lo
cality. She is also well versed In medi
cine, and her advlco has been soucht
In preference to that of the regular
practitioner. Mis. Andrew recently
pave a reporter the following lnterest
Itiff lntcnlew: .
"Four yeais ago I began suffering
from lumbago and muscular rheuma
tism, nnd for two years grow continu
ally worse despite the best efforts of
the leading physicians of the locality.
I finally tried n box of Dr. Williams
Pink Pills for Pale People, and from the
first began to Improve, and before I
had taken two boxes was entirely
cured. 1 havo never been bothered
since, but am enjoying the best of
"I am always ready to speak a good
word for rink Pills, nnd havo recom
mended them to many of my mulcted
friends, who havo, without a single ex
ception, been grently benefited or en
tirely cured.
"In one Instance a lady friend had
suffered from remale weakness for
many years, during which time she was
practically helpess. I recommended
Pink Pills to her; she secured a box
nnd Is now doing nit her own house
work nnd Is strong and healthy, at
tributing all to Plnlc Pills."
Dr. Williams' Pink Tills for Pale Peo
ple are a specific for troubles peculiar
to females, such as suppressions, Irreg
ularities and all forms of weakness.
They build up the blood, and lestoro
the glow of health to pale nnd sallow
cheeks. In men they effect a radical
cure In all cases arising from mental
worry, overwork or excesses of what
ever nature. They are manufactured
bv the Dr. Williams' Medicine Com
pany, Schenectady, N. Y and nre Fold
by all druggists at CO cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50.
Tho total population of the German
empire is returned at 51,770,284. .
Gun canes form a prominent part of
tho passengers on the Malno trnlns.
A, Memphis man Is in jail with pen
alties aggregating 1,425 years hanging
over him.
Scotchmen have almost entlro con
trol of tho etone-cuttlng industries of
New York
Mr. Iabouchero Is by no means an
epicure; broad beans and bacon is his
favorite dish.
In pnrts of Oxford county, Maine,
bears nro said to bo more numerous
than partridges.
Six thousand provincial mayors havo
been invited to tho marriage of tho
Prlnco of Naples.
'Tho gold fields in Paulding county,
Georgia, are being developed, and havo
proved quite productive.
Joseph D. Jones, who is nlnety-nlno
years of age, is said to be the oldest Re
publican voter in Boston.
The marble production in Vermont is
decreasing, while the granite industry
shows a decided Increase.
It was a mighty mean individual that
stolo a Guilford (Me.) farmer's prizo
squash the night before the fair. Ex
change. From Bologna and Berne, as well as
from fictitious universities in tho
United States, fraudulent medical de
grees arc being issued.
Miss Mary Taylor, who is said to
havo been the heioino of the poem,
"Mary Had a Little Lamb," died re
cently at Somerville, Mass.
Ohio's production of coal laBt year
amounted to tho great quantity of 13,
(583,879 tons, an increase- of 1,773,060
tons over tho preceding year.
If a pall of water is placed at night
In tho room where gentlemen have
been smoking, all smell will bo gone in
tho morning. Pittsburg Dispatch.
An educated English girl was mar
ried recently to a rich Cingalese mer
chant in Ceylon, according tb Hindoo
rites. Her family raised no objections.
Tho London Spectator says a thou
sand of tho Irish constabulary with
rifles would restore tho worst mob of
Constantinople to comparative sanity
In ten minutes.
"Gramlpap, what makes your nose so
red? Did the witches pinch it when
you wero a Utile baby?" "No, sis; but
er the spirits have since."- New
York Recorder.
Grace Did Isabel show the sketches
she made in tho mountains? Cella
Yee. Still, from what I havo heard, I
think the place must bo quite pic
turesque. Puck.
The Empress of Russia has present
ed, tho Second Prussian Dragon
Guards, tho regiment of which she la
honorary colonel, with a splendid set
of silver kettledrums.
Tho czarina is studying the laws of
Russia, "How can I bo expected to as
sist in tho government of my people,"
she is said to havo declared, "when I
know nothing about their laws?"
As ono testimony to tho rapid
growth of Palestine's population, It te
stated on good authority that while ten
years ago there wero only 15,000 resi
dents in Jaffa, to-day there are 42,000.
In 1801 thero were only 280,000 per
sons in tho limits of tho United State
who spoko German as a mother tonguo
now over 7,000,000 of our people, Ger
mans or descendants of Germans, read
arid speak that language.
x ' - - .-
In tho Hebrew Union College, Cin
cinnati, 73 students are enrolled.
Tho cornerstone of the hall of his
tory of tho American University,
Washnigton, D. C, was laid October 21
Pierson Hall, tho now Yale dormi
tory, was finished September 18, and
occupied Immediately, and cost noniv
)76 000
Western Jierme I'liivereit), ol
C k ,. and, ipen with -75 iuw btudeut
iWiiiiTiii i mi i ii ii i iMin6V, 7Ti mi. mm nwitn
(By Drnliocl.)
There was no doubt that they wero
very much in lovo with each other;
otherwise they would not have dreamed
of marrying.
Sadlo Fremont was ii- pretty, fair
haired, inconsequential morsel of hu
manity. Tho ioast said about hcr par
ents the bettor; they still niado their
home in the wondering, tumble down
cottage, which had been n trlm.'cc-By
enough little box when they went into
It as brldo nnd groom. Tho aero of
land was now clovotetl principally to
weeds, nnd old Fremont was devoted
especially to nothing which accounted
for many things. Mrs. Fremont was
in a plitcid state of contentment so long
a hevas not bothered. Sadlo made
fitful p'ln money during busy times In
(ho little millinery store on the main
(Jus Bradley whs unattached as fnr
.is family went and intermittently so
in the business line. Principally ho
drove fine horses which belonged to
other men who paid him for risking
his neck behind their fractious colts;
at other times lie admired Sadie. Their
united capital was too umall to be con
sidered save as a fund for an ico cream
festival or n Fourth of July celebra
tion. Therefore there was not the slight
est excuse for their marrying unci sev
eral forcible reasons for an opposite
stale of affairs. In tho face of all this
they chose the, In tho eyes of the com
munity, path to ruin nnd returned from
one of their drives, Gus with n mar
riage certificate in his' pocket, Sadlo
with a brand new gold band on her
left hand. Her father graw'lcd petu
lantly for a day. her mo'ther 'after a
helpless shrug pf her shoulders went
on rocking, and Sadlo and Gus' set to
The house was a one story white
affair, which had numerous broken
window panes and a duplicate array of
the Fremont weeds in the front yard.
Gus explained that ho was going to
clear them out, but time slipped by
without the accomplishment of the act."-"
Not that Sadie was conscious of mind
ingit dimly reminded her of home.
In all her careless life Sadie had nev
er been troubled with Introspective
muslngs.unoxplalnable things wero cast
asldo indignantly, nnd this life long
practice added to her bewilderment
the first time n rift appeared. She
had been married six months.
"I wish I might buy those curtains,"
she said one morning at breakfast.
Her glaring windows were a constant
horror to her, not from their ugly ef
fect, but because her soul longed to
outrival the lace before the windows' of
an old school friend.
"Can't. No money," her husband
answered, laconically reaching for
more bacon.
"I thought Wilderman wanted ypu
to break his bay colt," she objected,
a trifle indignantly. "Aren't you go
ing to do It?"
Her husband fi owned. "I don't know
as I am and I don't know as It makes
any diffeiencc. I s'pose you think it'3
nothing for me to risk my neck be
hind those kicking brutes? Women
have no souls It's money, money,
money, all tho tinio and tho devil they
care for a man without it!" His knife
and fork fell with a. bang and ho left
the room.
Presently Sadie heard his heavy
shoes clattering over the bare little
hallway and he slouched past the win
dow carrying Ills llshpole. He was
most evidently not going to break
horses. She sat stricken for u few
minutes with a lemorseful feeling su
perinduced by his accusation, then an
indefinable reaction crept In which sent
a bitter sparkle to her eyes nnd set her
mouth n bit shrewiahly. ltwas the,
first, time in her remembrance sho had
paused to think nnd thqj process was
so painfully new it left her at s-ea.
Next morning she closed tho greon
shutters on the, front whitlows, "Tho
light Is too strong, it fades tfio carpet,",
sho said gravely to Gus, who looked
first at the bare floor, then tentative!
nt her and then frownod when he per
ceived rihe did not smile at her own
evident joke.
When the inevitable baby came Gus
made spasmodic attempts at working
and Sadie relaxed into a wan cheer
fulness, though novcr again did their
brief honejmoon happiness descend on
them. Tho shabby little house showod
no improvement and bolrayod the rush
of time. Mechanically the round of
work was done; tho bab cried or
laughed In its boiled little garments
as it chose, and nioic and more thero
rose in Sadie's mind a dark imago tie
hor eyes would fall on Gus ljinjj on
tho steps half asleep or fchuflllng past
the kitchen window in a purposeloau
way, and the Image was her father,
of whom ehe Had never thought but
nlth contempt. Sometimes thfro war
enough m the hoiw to ei an I qui i
as ofieu thou- was not At tlie-e later
' ''' Jij2pZ -lit VS,VNV
moments Gus swore In n tense fnRbton
with an air or considering Sadie nnd
the child to blamo nnd behncd as an
Injured nnd nlmectl man. Ho was so
rlghtoouel) unapproachable on those
occasions thnt Sncllo agnlntt her will
wns Invested with apologetic atmos
phere. Llfo lind begun to branch oft , in
strange palhwnys that biufced hor un
willing feet, Wrinkled her ffcrfiljtytd and
dragged down tho corners of hqrnch
curving mouth. When liei1 boy was l
nnd tho twins came, her eyoa had In
them tho sullen, hopeless look which
domes to pretty, flighty creatures unfit
ted for tho buffeting they Invariably
receive. Her gowns woid df callvo
lotitf faded; her hnir straggled; she
was 25 and looked a bent 10. Exist
ence was but endurance, tmcOniplaln
lug becatiHe unavailing. The dark im
age which had disturbed her mind be
came a reality; nt times, when sho
looked nt her husband, stripped of 10
mance, churlish, lazy, rough, nnimnl,
lounging, and thought of herself brok
en spirited, mechanical, old, thero wns
a bewlldeied feeling in her heart that
her llfo and her husband's wero but the
continuance of her life In her shiftless
childhood's home. Her girlhood.whlch
lind been bright In Its thoughtless way,
appealed to her now ns a story long ago
dead and nearly forgotten.
Then thero dawned a day when Gus
came homo with a darkly flushed face
nnd sodden eyes. In spite of IiIb worth
less life, drunkenness had never been
numbered among his sins, and today
he was not drunk. He blumblcd up
tho steps where sut tho oldest boy.
"Clear out!" ho growled, pushing the
child aside with his foot. He sunk
moodily Into n chair and stared Into a
'earner, glaring if Sadlo or the child! en
crossed the room.
"Whnt Is it, Gus?" his wife finally
naked, roused from her absorption by
his unusual mannor. Ho did not nn-
iswcr, for at tho moment there enmo
Into his eyes a gleam of fear; he bent
forward, ready to spring, nnd listened;
on the gravel Walk could be hoard ad
vancing steps, nnd with an inartic
ulate cry he gathered his forces and
sprang for tho hack door.
On tho sill Bat tho twins at play, bab
bling in meaningless baby fashion, but
the man, mnci with terror, was instinct
only with self-preaervatlon, nnd with
heavy feet he thrust them violently
apart against tho unyielding door.
A half-hour later ho was led buck
across tho green meadows nnd between
the rustling stalks of green corn, past
his house by tho three men who had
startled him Into flight. Ho was white
now and his lip was bitten between
his teeth. Ho did not once glance at
his home. In the door stood Sadlo,
with drawn face nnd piteous, ftarlng
eyes, with nrms, tight against hor
breast, she closped tho cold, stiffening
form of one of the twins tho one that
had been nearest tho hard door. Her
white lips moved dryly; she could not
speak, for these moments of terror nnd
suspense had paralyzed her throat.
The sheriff paused a moment in dls
treri. "He he hit a man. Mrs Brad
ley," lie explained, uncomfortably.
"And .the man is dead. It wns about
some horses."
,'Chen tho glim lHtIq,proccsslon moved
on. .
Months afterward Sadie Bradley
stolo up to the cemetery In tho dusk to
lay a few poor flowers on tho tiny
grave of tho dead twin.
It was very quiet and peaceful tliett.
with the sun setting behind tho dense
trees and the crickets chirping In tho
short, soft grasrf. The woman stood
upright on it little ridge looking down
tho valley; her thin figure showed pa
thetic agaiiiBt the crimson sky and her
flower laden hands hung listlessly.
There was a wordless, snd bitterness
in her soul, tho rebellion of nn un
tutored nature that bole emotion wns
all of which bho va-j conscious.
Up the winding road outside the ceni
ctery fenco sped a light buggy, and the
two persons seated thoreln wero smil
ing nt each other, tho man was n reck
less young fellow and the girl a pretty
Jiarum-scarum who worked In the same
shop that had been Sadie Bindley's
stay in the old days. Their marriage
license had been Issued the day be
fore. As the woman by the grave looked
after them her lips formed Into a slow
lino of anguish. "Poor girl!" the
bieathed, "poor girl!" and then sh
suddenly dropped down in the gra.s
and tore her heait out In sobs such as
had novcr before shaken her frame,
for theso were mingled with pity for
And in the birth of .that new- emotion
the old one of blind bitterness was
crowded somewhat aside and life was
made possible for her.
' IVu&ii 8
I 1.1 IVr 1'ouiiil.
Theid is a brand of Chinese tea worth
$175 a pound. It is the pickings of the
first tlps'of the blossoms. Tho great
cut caro must be tnkon in the pith
ing, and nothing but the "bright, gold-en-hued
tip tnken off tho blossoms. All
the picking of this grade Is carofullv
done by hand. The process of dry
ing these tips is as delicate as tho pick
ing. The annun! output is estimated
at 12.000 pounds, valued tit $2,100,000.
But fle pounds of this tea have ever
been known to have i cached tho Unit
ed States, excepting a few poundu
placed on exhibition at the World'b
He In, Trill; I.oh'k.
Some ono lias well wild that ho who
truly Iovok the church of God is '.i
who truly loveu the God of the chuiv i.
Churuh memborship U a holemn obliga
tion, and ho who neglects the house of
tile Lord does so at fearful rbk. On th'.
other lmiid, In- who becomes ft faithful
altendum upon the services or th banc
tuHiy will find & constant h increasing
delight In taking 1 i-, pl.t.- among tl
people of GoJ I). U.iit lit I'ji-ss
Murk of it (iittitlrinitn.
iiiuiiouj 1,uveu a ivucrs iu an iggn, mo i
f or mermontlonsThiK'kory's visit to Bos
ton, and snj'R that during tho meeting'
nf 'I'lmphot'v will, 'Plnbtmr. flirt Inltnp
said: "ono mnrlt of i (,'ciuioman into
bo well-looking for good blood shows
itself In good features." "A pretty
speech. ' replied Thaukery, "for ono
broken-nosed man to uinhc to another,"
nnd in tho letter Lowell luldods "All
lloslon has been hcurctly tickled about
1 (in lli lu'raon Tlrn lllnui tloHii.
Durintr tho storm recently a largo red
elm tree in Adnirvllle, Ky., was blown
down. This aim wns perhaps tho most
historic tieo In tho country, nnd was
known ns the "DioUer.sou tree." It was
Bltunted on tho grounds whereon tho
famed .Inoltson-Dicltoibon duel wus
fought, jenrsngo, and under Itssprcad
lug brnnches IHokerson reclined, await
ing medical attention, being piortnlly
wounded by Gen. .luck.son.
I'urty Vt'uiM a Ti-arlicr.
Pivfossor B. I ttlldersleove, of tho
John Hopkins t'nlversily. who recent
ly celebrated tho fortieth year of his
sen Ico us a teacher of Greek Litera
ture, lately returned from a long visit
to (iicece, nnd ho will contribute to tho
Atlantic Monthly during the coming
.season his impressions unci icflcctlons,
written in his exceedingly graceful way
and with his unfailing enthusiasm.
Locke, tho philosopher said! "If n
well could bo dug to tho depth of Hi
lnllcs, tho density nt tho air at tho bot
tom would bo ns great ns that of quick
silver. ' By the snmo law a cubic inch
of air tnken 1,000 feet nbovo tho earth's
bUrfaco would expand sufficiently to fill
a sp.ico nol lebs than 'J, 000, 000, 000
miles hi diameter.
1i-i fnt-BM tntiiinl Ho Cured,
by li-.il apiillruttoiis nsthoy ciitmnt icncb
llio flloiiM'd portion of tint our. Tlioro It
onI ono way loouie deafness nnd tliulls
llV COnsttllltlOlllll lCIlH'llluH. Ut'UflK'KX Is
caii'-eil bv nn liillninril condition of the
nitk'uiiH lining of the Kustiu-hlan 'I ill"'
When this liilie N liillium'cl ,ou hnen
intnbllii sound, or Imi.erfccl hem In?, nuil
ulien It Is entliely elided deafness N the
icsull, nnd unlvfs the Inllnnmttun em) bn
tnlion out nuil this tulc icstoreil to II
unrjniil condition, homing will lui do
Miojed fuioxer; nlnocutos nut of ten lire
ctiti-itl by euliirrli, which Is nothing hut
mi lnlltiinmt condition of the mucous sur
fui'es We ulll give One lliindicd Dollars for
miy cii'-e of Jieuritcss (caused liv cntiirihi
thnt ccininil be cured bv Hull's Cntnrrli
Cine t-uixl for I'lrciilnri), flee.
I' J. Ciir.NI.V V CO., Toledo, O.
Kilit lij li ii'ktH, 7e.
Hull's family 1'llls aiu the best.
Absnit Olifs lt'iiirltilirril.
A well known young lawyer Is cred
ited with making n harmless bull nt a
banquet given by a local organization
not lonir niro. Toasts were called for.
and to the young man fell tho honor of
suitably remembering tho nbsent ones.
This is tho way ho announced it;
"Our absent friends how soon we
would show them the depth of our re
gret nt their absence if they were onlj
here with us tonight."
And the funniest purt of it was that
no one caught onto it until soino time
afterward. Cleveland I'lnindcalcr.
Why Don't 'I hey limit; Mini'.'
It is more than two years binco two
young women wero found to have been
foully murdered in n church in ban
Francisco, and a young man named
Durrant, who wus an oflicer in the Sun
day school, wus convicted of tho mur
ders more tlinu a year ago. And yet
be has i.ot paid tho penalty of his crime,
and tho execution of tho sentence has
been repeatedly postponed on techni
cal grounds. There was a time when a
vigilance committee would havo at
tended to tho case before this. Boston
JIo&A-iunn' Camphor Ire tltli CJIyrrilno.
Tim original and onl) Rrnulnx Curat l'taiM ltaml
ami Koko, LuMhvrtw. v. O O.tlirk&ro ,N.!lavcn,Ct.
To l'rcarno Kcrs.
Tuko one pound of fresh unslackcd
lime, ono pound of coarse rock halt and
three gallons of hot water. I 'ill
the vessel it) which tho eggs tiro to
bo stored and btir tho liquid dully for a
fortnight. It this is not done, the heat
caused by tho slacking of the litiio will
harden the yolks of the oggs. When
properly prepared, there should bo a
thin criibt on the top of tho lime. But
the eggs into the jars as newly laid us
possible. Tic the jars over with blad
der and the eggs will keep perfectly.
No coughs bo bad that Dr. Kay's Lung
Balm will not cure it. Fee tulvt.
(It'iitci'l SiiilucnjUm lii Ihmtiiii.
This reminds us of the) existence in
Bobton of genteel Saducccisiu. Go to
tiny club where the talk ever drifts
from horses, cards or women, whero
thero is at least a brave show of inter
change of tnought. and seven out of
ten pretend to disbelieve or really dis
believe in the immortality of tho soul,
They nro apparently content to "walk
pleabuntly and well-anted toward anni
hilation Boston .laiitipu.
or some trouble of the kidney?, urinary
or female organs.
In such a serious condition you must
secure the best remedy you can find in
the market
Tiierc is only one absolutely sure
cute for these troubles, and that is
B "It ha-, 'tocf! the test of tinic."
Persons you meet every day,
In tho agricultural line. Texas leuds
all other stales in the variety of its
product. Cotton, corn, nnd tho eorcnls
grow and nre raised In every section of
tho state and In tho central nnd south
ern portions sugar eano and horgltum
enne are profitably cultivated. On the
Gulf Const two or tlireo crops of veg
etables tire talscd cacli year. Berries
nro shipped six weeks in advance of
tho homo crop lit tho north, l'cnrs,
punches, plums, oranges, figs, olives,
unci nuts till grow abundantly and can
be marketed from two lo throe weeks
In ndrnuco of tho California (Tops
Largo quantities of rlconrenowgrown
If tho land beeker, tho homo booker,
and the bottler desires to secure n
faun larger than tho ono ho occupies,
on vastly more reasonable terms; if he
wants more land to cultivate, a greater
varloty of crops to harvest, with pro
portionately Increased lemuiicrnt'.on,
at a less outlay for cot of production;
If ho wants tin earlier season, with
correspondingly higher prices; if ho
wants milder winter, till the year pas
turago for his slock, Improved health,
Increased bodily comforts nnd wealth
and prosperity ho should go to Te.as.
Send for pamphlet dcscrlptivu of Hit
resources or tins great state untitled
free! Low ralo homo seekers' excur
sions via tho Missouri, Kansas A Texas
railway on December Ifith, t"tm. II.
A.Cherrier, Northern Passenger agent,
IS'.'O Marquette Building, I lilcago, ill.
Tun Ninet riirii'liiitrn.
An Itullan noronnut, named Cain
pan.a, has invented two buloon at
tachments which at o nro snid to have
fully realised tho expectations formed
of thorn. Tho one is tin enormous par
achute, stretched over n baloon, and
tho otiier a folded, tmorted parachute,
which immediately acts as a lingo air
brake and offcclunlly retards progress
On tho other hand, should tho air
vessel explode through expansion, fire,
or other cause, tho top parachute comes
into action nnd n descent mtiy bo niado
without the slightest inconvenience.
1,1 U! Mull WiiiiIimI I
To assist local druggists in working up j
trade on the three great family remedies:-t)r.
Kay's Renovator, Br. Kuy'ii!
Lung Balm und Kldnoykura Anc.NCop-j
tlonnl chunco for the right man, Ad
dress Dr. B. J. Kay .Med. Co.. Omaha, Xeb. '
Itojiiltj'n TnAlr III 'I jpnurlteis.
The queen objects to typewritten
documents, und none nro to bo sent out
tvpewrltten which arc supposed to cm-
iinnte from tho sovorcign, Iho c.ar
inn, on the other hand, is huving Hindu
u machine with typobnrs of gold and
frame bet with pearls.- Lady's Pie
lorial. '
Pico's ('nro for Consumption litis I ecu n
(tod scud to nie. Win li. Mtnellnu. Uu-s-tor,
Fin , Hont.jr,JKi.
I)rri Miu'l,lii;.
Dress stockings nro such dainty ne-i-csborics
of the win drobe of tho woman
of to-day thnt they have reached tho
dignity of a feachet. Mocking sachets
tuo quilted, perfumed, laco-trimmccl af
fairs, tied sunt wtui uows not dissimi
lar to those in which long gloves are
kept J
rvlr- AVInlov' MnnlliliiK Hji"P
HirrlillilriiitcelliliiKwifltMiiitlii'iriiiii" riliiirluttm
iiiulluii alb pain (Urrnwlml otlli- ;3tin'aliAttle.
"VUieh n ninti -dips, ho n'.wnjs stojs nnd
IooVh nt the ilore where bo slip) ed.
OVER 200.O0O
in til ust jvftr without a
pain, now pjlnlrxt nml liappv
(i linns, mi I'mii nff lln'mi lli Cllutuu N. V . rlii "I lii- l"--u u.lnif " linipt" fr niiu.
iiinil'in furiMrp rrl.ii Imiliiif brrii truulilrj nvr rni Tinliy I kiiim nrl rrrrlti mjr llfr, ami fllir
li". niir.ii.l It to nil ,u(Ttrrr fu m thnt trrilWe ilimr, fur II l ..i.tl rmr."
3 J M i.rt,il. Kmi'x. fiijii "lmi linn tliu ln-.t nrru- ifliii-.! on IW fi bt Ciwl'i
riirlli I AHt Ilir mk?ih j wlllio it Ull
LlUMl Hii or Uiillmrl Ir lint . IU. Jly wlfr InUwl U iimntli. Willi mutr iirnrlifl St
trliliir kind ur iiu-.II.hif tnJrirrnildiirlnni. It M In luvltrrt ri.ank ill iur .111 Jarful '1 Hro"
1 uriil lirr. for in tlirrv w,-LnrnM flu oiuuirninl iitiiH, lii' it uf Iml na uIiik nlmut. -
1-t.TCR l.iimriii nf 1.IiiiIiiuiii III1111 , imI(h "Wllliln tUHiiittiI hnr tolil mrr l"9lM,itlr. wlii.h
wci mist liirwi) klnlof il'n-iw Iml lifnrrc,lii'l no-oiililliil tl U Ihc riTnt Imi-li.il.l lfinr.tr 111
tin Mi.rtit mil lit.rn woiiitrifm nailufni llmi "
If ou hino not coulliloniu uuoukU Hftt-r rcailluiC thouljoiolottpr to fccml for a .00 hot
tip honit for a nuniplv 1I0I1 uutit ilnt ntnplo tneillPliio to com luce you of Its merit
"6 rrcp"Ukenliutonceadaytsti!eiKicof IhH ureal ri'tiK-dy, aiiJ to more quickly Intro
duce II, wi- lll hPiul. for a) Us prppa'd bv mall, n-ar in-ent mmnln bottlt- for It) crntn.
lfMitft-rnj dot) t delay m writ" tola) f.arjo buttle (."WI do.eh 1 J I.W), 0 boltlci for 15.00.
Not old iytlriXKo'N otilv b' us and o ir aenti Aents wanted
SWAHiOH RHEUMATIC CURE CO., 167-169 Dnarborn-st., Chicap. III.
n towo. & W i Bi
to waaafflULjJMi-iiilf.d; all
XRQAl 1ITP1 V nilinAIITPPn r luy
aDDULU 1 Ulj I U Uftltlin 1 UUU u,t, nff fr
pleaau Baoktrlirrr. Ail. mi iu.i.mi ut.jiMii
FOR THE NEXT 10 DAYS " will he ml by mull, orc-puld. ono" box
I)r Kay's r.iiny Ifalin i .'fte. sizoiml u valuable rt-coint book for SIX 2
CENT STAMPS. Wo Know It to In- tlio best ineilielno yet discovered for
coughs, colds, hoarsened utul la
fact. TIk- folloAiiig testimonial
IJIU' II II il'lltl.
Dr. Kav's
M s i IH 1. lioyi-i rtWi-o TcutHM niutlia Sf.r r,'t Jluvi used VOUr Jlr
I.i t, Li.utr tl.i.ui f.i . M'vn iii of f, ijripIM- l ilu k'av- ipllif M lutnfii
v. it pry m ri lal In t .. .' tui 1. U l.unu ltlm t ... ltd ttui it imiK-1 any dp
n 'uimgii a' ninti 'Hit himc s ,m in lim aud lutnvlipail iwu iilsapiH-JWit It
in M - nik-.ui amli- In tal e an I r. it '!.'i i.ot i-hi.k ..Vnf s nl tlio toaiocb,
ill. c ir.a-0 iu ijb i-im.!ti f li n ip nul 1 er thin nn. I li.iv ei i i iet
II cures every kind ol cough. Nold by druKibts en- sunt b mail for-. 'Cts
li i in reith tale fur al.a ! an 1 jr eure fur nil lam trouoli-s und acUrrm for
luoktr-t li Uj many vaiuaLli- eitv'aii m -vuiuiimia im.i iuhiiuOiiI fur ufur.v
an uitaees kcil wi.r li.. ra'ii ii- v mid i i.oi lukr ( ii fur n If tmv .ti la ttui get
i'... Irr A' r V. .m ofB. I'l l J lv.Y Mltili AL (.'u III:. aim NVU
1 o
skAA.. lim n ev
'r,ir i w . ;r XT 'juusj u
Ktiullnpr Woinnnkltul.
MUsdoOrnfTcnrcid, who ns the agent
of the t'ntted States Deportment of
Labor has nindo investigations into tho
work of women in all tho principal Kit
rnpoan manufacturing centres nn well
ns in our own country, will write for
tho Atlantic Monthly about tho results
of her special studies. F.von twenty
five years ago women ployed ti coinpar
ntlvely small part in industry. Since
then the most notabla and significant
social fact hns been tho Incredibly rap
id Increase In their number as wage
earners. The social significance of this
change Is one of tho remarkable phe
nomena of our time. It is tills im
portant chtulgo which will be explained
and Interpreted by MissdoGrnfrcurcld.
Ilie Itltitl Cyttn ltnrrrn.
Bald's defeat at Frodonlti, X. Y., wlillo
It may havo been duo to unfortunate
circumstances rather than lack of
speed, in tho minds of n good many
show that Inst year's hiug of tho cir
cuit is not yet in as fine fettle ns ho
should be. Cooper, apparently, Is In
rare form, nnd has demonstrated con
vincingly that ho deserves tho close
watching ho is receiving. Cooper,
fluid and hanger compose tpo trlum
viriito of speed merchants who, It is
thought, will furnish tho best sport
throughout the season, nnd, judging
from recent developments, they rantc,
up to tho present, In tiic order named.
Blood Pure?
Is it? Then take Aycr's Sar
saparilla and keep it so. Isn't
it? Then take Aycr's Sarsa
parilln and make it so. One
fact is positively established
and tltct is that Aycr's Sarsa
parilla will purify the blood
more perfectly, more economi
cally nnd more speedily than
nuy other rcnicdy in the mar
ket. There nre fifty years of
cures behind this statement; a
record no other remedy can
show. You wnste time nnd
money when you take anything
to purify the blood except
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
! International
Inv nimble In Office, 5cliool, enil Heme.
A thorouah revision of tho '
Unstirldnetl. u Mimm, r
wlilclilin. urmiiotiii.i'i.ir iior (
111 iirtiUnlmt nf mmrrl'il lore
Ibnisllt'lKiiittli'iny viIioUiif
nj'iil, lint tlii tine, JiulHIriim, ,
cli.ilnrljr, tliiiroi'uli vrfft '
liittof u wmV wlili Ii Irnllllw I
Hnftrf U film lli li.it ol, (
hitm-tll'l tin cniinl lirnrc tlrn
UrornintrKiinilt-miH fmlml .
itim acr itioEf ncr l prime.
The Choicest of Gifts
for Christmas
ti Vinton srrui im Ui-cium.
.Siieclnieti nai?r rrlt , tl s.mllratlim In
O. .& C, MliimrAM CO., VuliUnhera,
,iW,..4n.f.F irn rr i j
and their
marvelous cure.
Hi Unco of the JUtli
(fnurvlootn on with
atnaci itirot at the mot
rcinjrkxulc rccoro ii
turpi known In lh
Klnglti failure by '5 Drops
Ah a pisitlic cun-fi r UhoiiiiinlUm. Mi-liw-n, .-ur:llH. Iyi,ep.
mIh. IIiicUmuIk-, Am Ii ii ii. IIhj run-.Cntm-i- Ii, li-rplit,
i urn, n-Titi mill ruiBlli- Jlriulin-lirx, llrm-l W-akin.
I'oollinrtie Knrnrhv, 'i-ui m Hurlllnjr, 1 Ippr, Mnlarln,
licrplnir .Nn in burn. ,!., i-lr. 5lrui lia tieUT DtPIl PQUOltrt or
Mirpihtt.-ii unit Ih plu itfltit. prompt unit rrmniieni cute Though lrs
from op!iUi' and rprfeeth liurinlt-Mc 'T llror- fi Uic root cotuentratra
nnJ powerful spu I lie Uionn "B Oropj" can lall In no wny short ct what
w flaliii. fur noilisin-ip 1ft too duBply rrnti'il or pitlnful to yield to tnl
nonilciful uii'rtlclnp. and relief In usually fell Dm t rv flrt nlifht. tlit
It liiis niri'iuly tloiio to rclli'iv hufTcrlmr titiiuuniiv I" lolrt In letters of
itiatcful ir.ih9 ftoiri iIkiumjikIb of In-art inirc slchi-tifil anil rcavy with
1 .... Don't Let ....
Constipation Kill You!
rtteorcniitlntlon. Cisrirrtj ire Ihrlilral I.ti.
cri,, or eHp-.tut rau raij uatnral rrialli. Mm.
in., inirjju, jionircai, van.,or.irn ion.
will mnuI by jnull. int-puia. ono" box
grlppo anil wo want j on to know this
is a sample of what all sa of it who
Luns Balmi
8 - I
IlHIIflKiTK JbvflbAA
uwmiwiwi -v v w