Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, November 27, 1896, Image 2

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SttOi. T OUCEKFrK, l'nMUhr.
Always stand up f6r Nobrnslcn,
Norfolk hns now enough for good
BeAtrlco is trying to sccuro a curfsw
Thcro Is talk of starling a poultry
paper nt Ponca.
Got ready for a cold vmvo. Tho sign
is in that direction.
Considerable bIcUuoss now prevails
throughout tho stato.
Tho Presbyterians of Randolph art
going to build a church.
A telegraph lino has been construct
ed from South Omaha to Ft. Crook.
An nntl-clgarctlo crusado Is being
waged in tho Omaha public schools.
M. IT. Baker has leased tho Fullorton
Journal to his foroinau, William Tot-'
Dr. J. A. Pollard has boon appointed,
special examining surgeon at Weeping
Corn is being marketed slowly as
most everybody is holding for a hotter
Beatrice has an ordlnanco prohibiting
sidewalk or crosswulk riding by bicyclists.
Mrs. Fannlo B. Freeman of May wood,
Frontlor county, has been granted a
Farmers near 'Weeping Wntor nro
unable to got euough hands to husk
their corn.
W. 8. Cornult of Nebraska City isn't
rightnnd has boon placed in tho asyl
um at Lincoln.
Knox county now has n haunted
house and pooplo driving nt night now
take tho other road.
Tho Omaha poltco have commonccd
to clean out tho vajjs In order to stop
tho frequent burglaries.
Prominent Omaha citizens nrc taking
stops to havo tho city charter revised
by tho coming legislature.
Tho farm mortgages released In
Otoo county last month amounted to
about 92,000 more than thoso filed.
Tho fifth annual mooting of tho
northwest Nebraska teachers' associa
tion will bo held in Pender November
37 and 88.
Flro destroyed tho residence of Mr.
Ilarrlgon of Dixon county, and a largo
family is loft destitute because- of no
E. P. Worcester, one of Tckamah's
oldest merchants, has been closed up
on a mortgage held by tho First Na
tional bank.
3, W. Hoover of Nichols was thrown
from his wagon In a runaway and
landed on a barbed wire. Tho doctor
1ms him in tow.
John Cone, living a few miles south
of Hartington, lost his barn, five head
of horses, and a lot of farm machinery
and grain by fire.
A number of Dodge county farmers
were late In getting their beets tinder
shelter, and as a coiiBcqucnco will lose
a considerable sum.
W. L. Duckcr aud Verno TIcdgo, uni
versity students, nro out their over
coats, some ono having purloined them
from tho mam bulldiug.
The residence of Senator Stuofcr at
West Point burned to tho ground Sat
urday night, lie carried $5,500 insur
ance on house and contents.
Sneak thieves looted tho residence
of Dr. Lattu in Lincoln and took
everything in tho nature of winter
wraps they could got their hands on.
An unusually large number of stock
cattle aro bolng shipped into Gage
county for feeding purposes, tho big
yield of corn being an added Incentive
An emigrant wagon passed through
Fremont tho other day, on tho sldo of
which was painted, 'Sneaking back to
Nebraska, our wife's folks wouldn't
keep us."
Now the election is over wo wonder
if wo wont get a little rest and not be
awakened at all times of tho night by
the hideous campaign horn and tho
hurrah by the small boy.
J. J. Martin of Sewnrd county is In
hard luck. Ills barn was lately de
stroyed by flro and with it seven head
of horses and a lot of hay and gralu,
and not a dollar of Insurance to cover
tho loss.
A. I. Rlsher, a farmer of Gage coun
ty, while husking corn struck ono of
his horses to induce it to move forward
and received a rcsponsivo kick in tho
mouth by which he lost his temper and
three teeth.
Mike McCann and Billy Klnncar,
two Lincoln toughs, got into a squab
ble with ono of tho madames in tho
tenderloin district of the capital city,
and in lieu of raoro deadly weapons
they used beer bottles to bombard the
house until frightened away by u shot
from tho woman's revolver.
An Idea of the benefit North Platte
laboring men received from tho icing
of refrigerator cars during the past
season, says tho Tribune, can bo ob
taincd when it is stated that over
51 2,000 was paid out for labor tho past
season. It is believed that the next
season thero will bo an increase in
this business and that a larger number
of workmen wlll.be required.
The suit Involving u recovery of
funds duo from Perkins ounty to
neuu county was tiled ip tho
Unilncts Not Any Heavier nt l'l-Montf
bat tho Tixt Ycnr KxocctcJ to llrlnj
Itcnorred Prosperity IW'nny Em
ploye Saved l'rom I'rencnr
Idleness 3,000 Carpet
Worker Idle.
CinoAao, Nov. 23.--Tho Hallway Age
publishes n summary of reports re
ceived from 200 railway companies and
manufacturers In all parts of tho coun
try regarding tho effect on business up
to tlato of Mr. MoKinley's election.
These show that though tho railroad
business has not picked up at nil," but
in parts of tho West and Southwest has
been evidently distinctly worso slnco
election than It was before, the railway
companies ns a whole havo very ma
tcrially Increased their expenditures,
especially in increases of shop forces
and a very general tendency to pur
chaso more freely. Tho last fact is
shown more conclusively by the re
ports from manufacturers than from
tho reports of tho companies thorn
selves. A number of companies report that
they had all plans mudo for a reduc
tion in forces in case tho election had
gono tho other way. The railway
companies generally have, during tho
hard times, been keeping up their
forces and expenses at a point In oxecsu
of what existing business would justi
fy, in the hope of n return of projper
ity, and they nro now in a position to
meet nny Increase of demands that
may bo mado upon them without
further expenditures.
Tho expectation of u revival in tho
near future is almost universal. Thcro
Is a curious unanimity in tho expres
sion of a belief that this revival will
really begin to bo felt after tho first of
January. There is also an evident be
lief In nil directions that this revival
will bo permanent, that it will last for
several years, at least.
Senator Morgan OocUrei That tho Fao
tlom VTUl llomatn Apart.
Washington, Nov. 23. Senator Mor
gan of Alabama Bald to-day that ho
did not expect any action on tho Ding
loy tariff bill or llio financial question
at tho coming tesslon of Congress.
To tho question, "Will tho National
Democrats be admitted to tho Demo'
cratlo caucuses In tho Scnato?" Mr.
Morgan replied: "Not at nil. Not at
least without ropentntico, and neither
of them have shown evidence of that.
Thcso gentlemen will not wish to ns
soclato with meu whom they havo de
nouncod ns anarchists, traitors and
dishonest people. It would bo expect
ing too much of them to suppose thoy
would do anything of that kind."
Evltlenco Secured In the
County Mnrdcr Cnso.
LinnnTV, Mo., Nov. 23. Tho coroner
expects to conclude tho Investigation
Into tho murders of Mrs. Foloy and her
daughter soma ttmo to-day and It is
general belief that William Foley, tho
Bon and brother of the murdered
women, will bo held for trial, though
fit Is confessed that the testimony
gainsthtm is fnr from sufllcicnt to
secure his conviction In court. All
sorts of rumors uro afloat, but none of
thoso inquired Into havo amounted to
UEBTED in ten rounds.
Xlclma Ilomnlne, n Jltch Now Jersey
Man, Kill Himself From Crlof.
Nkw Youk, Nov. 23. llclmas Ro
malno of Patterson, N. J., whoso
cbtato was estimated to amount to
about 81,000,000 In value, committed
suicide on his farm iu Rochclle park,
Bergen county, N. J., by shooting
himself. Threo months ago Romaino's
mother died. This had a depressing
effect on him and ho continually com
plained of being ill. ,'.,
tfore Than Throo Thousand Employe!
Out or Work.
YoNKEite,N. Y., Nov. 53. Tho big
tapestry mill of tho Alexander Smith
& Sons Carpet company closed to-day,
throwing from 3,000 to -1,000 hands out
of work. It Is rumored that Wednes
day next tho other mills of tho com
pany will shut down also, so that thero
will bo 7,000 peoplo out of work at tho
beginning of tho winter.
Tho 1'nln In Ills Side to Sovoro That Opl
ntes Aro Constantly Necessary.
Washington, Nov. 23. Thero has
been a sudden chango for the worse in
tho condition of George R. Peck. The
pain in his right sido has been so severe
the last two days that he has been kept
under the influence of opiates for the
last twentv-four hours. Tho location
of tho pain indicates serious internal
Jlrnuiy Carroll Done fln lr McAullfr,
Light Weight Champion.
Sajt Fr.ANci8co, Nov. S3. Jack
McAuliffe, tho lightweight champion
pugilist of the world, and Jimmy Car
roll, his old-time rival, and threo tlmo3
bin antagonist In tho ring for that
honor, met last n'ght before St.
George's club in a ten-round bout to
forevev settle tho question of superior
ity. In all their previous battles Mc
Auliffe has been tho victor, though
never without u hard fight.
Although Carroll has pas-icd his 10th
year, he Is a well preserved man, and
has trained long and faithfully for
this, pcrhnns his last fight, and was In
firimo condition. McAullfTo "was also
n good condition. Five thousand peo
ple wltifessed tho fight.
Betting on tho fight hns been quito
brisk, with McAullffo ruling slightly
favorite ut odds of 9 to S10, though
considerable money changed hands at
At tho beginning oi the fight Mc
Auliffe adopted rushing tactics, forc
ing his opponent to the ropes repeated
ly, but tho paco was too hot to last,
and at the end of the third round he
had bellows to mend. From that time
on until the last round his blows
lacked steam, nnd it was noticeable
that whenever ho got Carroll In a tight
place, after one of thcso rushes, he
dropped his hands and retreated to the
center of the ring. The men frequent
ly Indulged hi conversation during tho
last few rounds, but in such low tones
as to bo Inaudible to those at the rlng
blde. The consensus of opinion was
that both men had outlived their repu
tation as fighters, and that they had
agreed to make it appear a genuine
fight, but to avoid a knockout.
Tho last round was a series of
clinches, neither striking an effective
blow, although frequent openings oc
curred. Referee Armstrong gave tho
decision to McAuliffe. The audience
was not entirely satisfied with the
manner in which' the men fought tho
last round, but the doclsionseemed to
meet tho approval of tho majority.
Ilusslan Thistles Doing Sown Good.
Atwood, Kan., Nov. 23. Russian
thistles havo been blown into the creek
beds and packed so closely that they
retard the progress of tho water, caus
ing it to rise nearly to a level with the
banks of tho streams and allowing it
to seep out, sub-irrigating the land ad
jacent to tho stream. It is thought
that this will prove of much benefit to
the farmers along tho creeks and
The Greatest Clothing Sale Omaha Has
Tho Hello stock U no doubt tho ducat
goods told uudor curb clrcutnstan.-o as
forcing tho goods on tho ninrfcet. Wo havo
still 00 xults which class up to S3 and $fi
nulls at 82.0). Men's Ovorcoats at $2.60.
You cnu only appreciate this by calling
nnd rcohifr tho Roods nt 1410 Douglas, Lot.
10th nnd Kith strecto, Omaha.
ItEccnnn's Svi.c.
Detlelotis Olnccr AVnfrr.
Ginger wafers may bo made by
earning n quarter of a pound of but
ter, add half a pound of brown sugar,
one dessertspoonful of ground iflnger.
Tho grated peel and julco of ono lemon.
Beat thoroughly, then add half a pound
of flour and a pint of golden syrup;
beat thoroughly anl vigorously, butter
your pan and spread tho mlxturo ns
thin as poslblo aud yet perfectly even
and smooth. Bake In a rather brisk
oven. When they aro partly dono
draw tho pan to tho oven door and roll
eacli wafer Into a tiny cylinder. This
must bo dono very expeditiously. Then
return them to the oven until they be
come crisp and brown. Ladles' Homo
An Important Difference.
To make It apparent to thousands,
who think themselves 111, that they are
not nflllcted with any disease, but that
the system simply needs cleansing, Is
to bring comfort home to their licartn,
as a costive condition Is easily cured by
uslnK Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup Company only,
and sold by all druggets.
Mrs. McKlnley's I'rescntH.
Mrs. McKinlcy has an immense col
lection of badges, given to her by tho
various organizations that have visited
her. The hist one to bo added to It
was that of tho byraousc Woman's Re
publican club, whoso president. Mis.
Frost, with two oilier members, joined
a recent pilgrimage to Canton.
Mr, Edward Wood, I'rlmahnr, lown,
write: "I havo tnLeu Vr. Kay's Reno
valor nnd it has cured mo of dyspepsia of
about ten years htmidiuz. I wns no tnd oil'
that everything I ato soured on my iitom
nch. I can now oat most overythin-r.'' So'd
I iy druggists, or bent by mail, 23 cts. nnd
Si.00. Bcondv,
A Statoment ns to How Iowa Htato Chair1
Minn Cnrry Met His ncatli.
Des Moines, Iowa, Nov. 23. Tho
body of Democratlo Stato Central Com
xnltteo Chairman Kdward W. Curry,
who was killed nt an Elks' initiation a
week ago, was taken in his homo at
Leon in charge of Masons and Elks.
Tho Elks havo Issued a statement as to
how ho met his death, from which it
appears that ho eat on a thin sheet
of cast Iron over a small gas jot, ac
cording to an Initiation custom of tho
order, but that Instead of jumping up
on feeling tho heat, ns most candidates
do, ho retained his scat, probably to
snow his stoicism. When It was seen
that ho would not rise of his own ac
cord ho was led away and It was found
that his clothing hud been burned
away and his flesh slightly blistered.
Nevertheless ho mado a good speech
nnd lunched as merrily as anyone.
The next day ho went about his busi
ness as usual and that night attended
a-performance by Joseph Jefferson and
it was not till tho day after that ho
felt any 111 effects from his experience.
According to tho statement, Mr. Curry's
system was in such condition from tho
excitement of tho campaign that any
small hurt would havo caused blood
The St. Louis Congressman Charged 'With
Infraction of tho Law.
St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 23. Tho Post
Dispatch says: "On tho basis of his
statement of campaign expenses filed
with Recorder Lewis, Charles F. Joy Is
not ontltlcd to his seat as Representa
tive from tho Eleventh Congressional
district of Missouri. Though elected
by nearly 4,000 majority, ho Is liablo
to bo ousted under sections G
nnd 10 of tho corrupt practices act.
Under this act Mr. Joy was entitled to
spend S539 on the voters In his district,
lie went over this by 8201.50. Hls,llb
erallty will co3t him his seat In con
gress. Congressman-elect Joy said:
'I don't know how much I was en
titled to spend under tho law, but I
hardly think my extravagance will
keep me out of my scat In congress."
No Colordo Sympathy Strike.
Lbadviixu, Col., Nov. 23. Tho re
ports of a probable sympathetic strike
of miners In other camps in aid of tho
Lcadville strikers Is declared to bo un
founded. Union officers declare no
such move Is contemplated nt present
by tho Western Federathu of Miners
or any of Its brunches.
I'oatmastur Under au Assnuie.1 rtiuue.
PKimv, Ok., Nov. 23. It is said thnt
IT. W. Thomas, postmaster at Senuett,
Ok., who committed suicide n week
ogo, was really Thomas W. liogan,
once a law student under General John
M. Palmor, nnd later postmaster at
Williamsburg, Kan., where he became
a defaulter.
Tho Inventor and Builder of tho Famous
Wheel Incurably Sick.
PiTTsnuno, Pa., Nov. 23. Gcorgo W.
Ferris, who originated and built the
great Ferris wheel at tho World's fair,
is lying nt tho Mercy hospital in this
city with n disease of the liver and his
death is expected at any moment.
Itnsslau Thistles Doing Sntuo Good.
Atwood, Kan., Nov. 23. Russian
thistles have been blown Into tho creek
beds and packed so closely that they
retard tho progress of tho water, caus
ing it to rise nearly to u level with tho
banks of tho streams and allowing it
to seep out, sub-Irrigating the land ad
jacent to tho stream. It is thought
that tills will provo of much benefit to
tho farmers along tho creeks and
Bryan'a Hunting Trip Ended.
SriiiNGFiKLD, Mo., Nov. 23. Mr.
Bryan nnd party arrived hero this
morning from tho Tanoy county garao
preservos and will scatter to their
homes. All enjoyed tho outing, but
nono broke records for shooting. Yes
terday scores of peoplo heard Bryan
speak at tho park and at Tuneyville.
fittmnrt for Don Cameron.
Washington, Nov.23. Senator Stew
art of Nevada to-day came out for
Senator Don Cameron for tho fallvor
?arty's Presidential candldato in 1000.
Ic believes that with such a platform
as Cameron suggested two years ago
"Irco sliver and protection the 1'enn
Bylvnnian can win.
Tho Officer's Shot Held Justifiable.
Skdalia, Mo. , Nov. 23. In tho caso
of ex-Officer William Ralffelssen,
charged with the murder of Henry
Rosse, colored, while trying to escape
arrest, January 30, the jury returned a
verdict of acquittal after being out
two hours.
A Child Killed 'With a Knitting Needle.
Quincv, 111., Nov. 23 Lorena, tho
3-year-old daughter of George Rogers,
while playing with her C-year-old
cousin, Nellie Reddleh, was struck by
a knitting needle, which penetrated
the base of tho brain. She died this
An Earl "Will Uo Paid for Ills Name.
London, Nov. 23. A dispute between
brokors, which was considered by tho
committee of the stock exchange dur
ing tho week, disclosed that n commis
sion of 87,500 was paid for securing an
carl as a company director.
llryun Invited to William Jewell.
Liukuty, Ma, Nov. 23. At a joint
mcutlng of tho Philomathlc nnd Excel
sior Literary societies of William
Jewell college, William J. Bryan wus
Invited to deliver tho annual uddress
during commencement week next June.
Iowa I'atent Onlco Ileport.
A correspondent at Brlstow, Iowa,
asks: "Can an Improvement bo pat
ented without tho consent of the own
er of the patent?" Wo answer, yes,
improvements aro always in order and
sometimes more valuablo than the or
iginals. And ono at Lorimcr asks, "is
a patent taxable?" We answer, yes, in
somo foreign countries, but not in
the United States.
Patents have been allowed, but not
yet issued, as follows:
To C. C. Calhoun, of Windsor, Mo.,
for an automatic brako for wagons; to
L. Avery, of Montcur, Iowa, (recently
deceased) for a hay-rako and loader; to
Win. Morley, of Fontanolle, for a band
cutter and feeder; to J. A. Drake, of
Brooklyn, for an anti-friction stock
vvatercr; to W. J. Beuning, of Boone,
for a current motor; to A. T. Dowden
of Prario City, (2) for a potato cutter
and a sprocket chain especially adapt
ed for his potato harvester.
Valuablo Information about obtain
ing, valuing nnd selling patents sent
free to any address.
Printed copies of tho drawings and
specifications of any U. S. Patent sent
upon receipt of 23 cents.
Our practice Is not confined to Iowa.
Inventors In other states can have our
services upon tho same terms as Hawk
eyes. Thomas G. & J. Ralph Onwia,
Solicitors of Patents.
Des Moines. Iowa. Nov. 20, 1800.
i i .vj
3 00 Op J 23
lijfi 7
10 & U
0 10
4 50 5 0)
11 (iB 111
S.1 6ft 40
$4 M
5 25
Ut ! 30
Quotations From Now York, Chicago,
l.oul , Omulia and I'.UoivHcro,
Hultcr Crenmcry soparator.. 13 JB
Hutter Cholco fancy country 11 32
Ej?Rfc-l''rosh 17', 18
I rulrlo chickens, per doz. ..... 5 10 6ft f W
Quail, usr doz .... 1 2S (
lted heuil nnd Mallard Dticlcs
Pprlnjr Chlckcns-drossod....,
Occso and l)ucls..
Lemons Oholco Mcsslnus....
llonoy 1 uncy Whlto
Unions, por bu
Pntfitnpft . .......
hw cot Potatoes por hbl 1 63
OranRos Per box 4 00
lluy Upland, por ton 4 50
Axfiloa Pprhlil 1 M
ivilTrnil rtl .11 A fc.''rwtl ftf 4 I,rf L"p
lloza-Ll8utMIcu J 13 0 :i 20
Hoes Heavy Weights a 03 6fi 3 11
Hcef-Stcors :t 21
Hulls 2 00
Milkers and springers 23 01
hint's... , 2 43
Calves. 3 23
Cons , 173
llelfera 2 ri
Ftookursand Feeders. 2 70
Micop-Natlvo I 10
Hhcop Lumlis. U 21
Wheat No. SHprlng 7i5
Corn l'cr tiu 21
(Jatb-1'cr bu 18
Pork 6 03
Lnrd 4 30
Cattle Natho steers 3 n
Calves 300
Among the distinctively literary fea
tures of the announcements of tho At
lantic monthly for tho coininir year is
a scries of papers on "Masteisof Amer
ican Literature," Irving, Cooper, Bry
ant, Hawthorne, Emerson and Long
fellow, in which tho writings of each
will bo studied from tho point of view
of tho present by our most capable
younger critics, with the effort to In
form readers who come to thcso au
thors for the first time what parts of
their writings aro of present interest,
and what relative values should lie
placed upon each; thcro will bo also
reviews of the work of our younger
authors, such for Instance as Mr. Hen
ry B. Fuller, Mr. James Lane Allen,
Mr. Harold Frederick, Mr. Woodrow
Wilson, and others.
Merchants Hotel, Omaha,
Street cars pass tho door to und from
both depots; in business center of city.
Headquarters for stato and local trade.
Rates S2 and S3 per day.
1 roubles of tho Preacher.
To tho perplexities ever incident to
tho study of the human heart a Meth
odist clergyman of Toronto, tho Rev.
J. Odery, found an addition In his mall
box recently when ho received a letter
in which tho writer said, "I Incloso to
you a plant leaf from my dead wife s
grave nnd for Mrs. Odery a samplo of
tho bridal dress of tho lady I am about
to wed." New York Sun.
lion's This!
Voolfer Ono Hundred Hollar'- Howard
or any caso of ntnrrh that can hot bo
surcd iy Hall's Catarrh Curo.
I. J UII:NI;Y& CO., Toledo, Ohio,
We, tho uudoifclKnod, havo I; noun 1". J.
Phoney for tho ln-t II years, and bcllovo
him perfectly honorable In nil business
transactions and financially nhlo to carry
out nny obliKUtlons mado by tbolr firm.
Wo.t as Truu, Wholosalo DrUBKlsu, To
ledo, O.
Wahllnsf. Klnnnn & Marvin, Wholesato
DriiL'KlstN Toledo. Ohio
llall'b Catarrh ihuo Is taken ititornnlly,
actltiK directly upon tho blood nnd mu
cous surfaces of tho system. Testimoni
als unit frco. Prlco 75c per bottle. Sold
by all druggists.
Telegraphing Through Sps.ce.
Tho possibility of telegraphing
through space has been turned to ac
count in a most cffcctlvo way for main
tainlng communication between tho
mainland and Fastnct lighthouse, on
tho southwest c-ast of Ireland. For
merly tho difficulties of carrying a tel
egraph cable up an exposed rock,
where it was exposed to constant chaf
ing, were almost insuperable. Tho
non-continuous system Is now used,
and Is said to work admirably. The
cable terminates in tho water sixty
yards off, and the clectrie currents
sent from tho shore find their way
through this distanco to two bare ,
wires that dip into tho sea from tho
Phyalclnns VIlo In Their flenoratlons.
Tho above class of scientists rccoj-nlre,
nnd havo rcticntedlv borne testimony, to
the cfilcury of Hosteller's btomach HIttors
as n remedy and provontlvo of feror nnd
npue, rhouinatUni, wnnt of vlcor, llvur com
plaint, and somo other allmonls nnd infirm
conditions of tho system. Kxporlcnco and
obsnrvntlou lnio laupht them Its valuo.
Thoy but echo tho erdlrt Ions since pro
nounced by tho pilblli-und tho press. Only
tho honliHitcd now are Ignorant of Americas
tonic mid alterative.
Why Ho Cnrrlcil Llfo Preserver.
It is said on account of their depth
and coldness the waters of Lake Supe
rior do not pive up their dead. A re
cent traveller there asked tho captain
of a Lalo Superior steamer why ho
carried life-preservers, tho water be
ing so cold that ono could not long
survive immersion. "Oh," was the
nonchalant reply, "wo carry tho corks
so that it will bo easier to recover tho
Take. Laxative Ilrorao Qulnlno Tnblots. AU
Druggists refund tho money If it falls to cure. 25c
A Itusslan lteuilnlseence.
Arditi prints in his reminiscences' a
pleasant little mot of Rossini. When
Mine. Arditi was first poescnted to him,
the great eompo-er bowed and said:
"Now, I know why Arditi composed 'II
Bacio' (The Kiss)." .Again, when Arditi
had done Rossini some trilling service,
tho composer was profuse in thanksr
and cordially offered him us a souvenir
"one of my wigs," which wcro arranged
on stands on the chiffonier.
Cascarcts stimulate livor, kidneys and
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe.
A joor mnn with asunny spirit will get
more out of life than a wealthy grumbler.
Is a constitutional disease and requires a const!
tutionnlicinodyliUolIoaVsSarsaparilln. This
medicino purifies tho blood and cures catarrh.
m F" xsLJ? &mf vLM 49
31 IS s$&r 30r Wi
Isthobcst-lnfactthoOno True Blood Purifier,
(A &
The Acme Lamp Stove
Will warm your room at a cost
of 3 cents ptr day and not affect
the light. Delivered on receipt of $1.
33 Wendell St. Boston, Mass.
0 4 31
a 2 in
(27 H)
&Z 80
5 a no
a a a
a a 2
5 203
e 1 35
jl 70S
6 2U,
Qh 0 K
a 4 40
OLHIVbo acti'ai. Hi'fiiNESs Thou Tub
Start Tenches business by doing business.
Also thorough instruction In all branches
by mall. Llfo scholarship Ml, six months
course 530. Corner ltith andC apltol Avenue,
umaun, .-icunibKu.
Exoiulnatlon nJ,AdYlce t" rtciUblllty of In
vention. Benil for "Inventora Oulrtf , vr How to Oct K
ratBiit." O FAKUELI. & SON, Wa.Unston, D. O.
Showing our rest hido to others willcnuse
them to hliow their beat hide to us.
ron't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Awiy.
If you want to tiuit tobacco using easily
nnd forever, return lost manhood, bo madu
wolf, strong, niav nolle, till of now llio und
vigor, tako No-To-Ha-, tho wonder workor
that ma cs weak meu sirous. JIauy pain
ten founds In teu days. Over 400.0JO cured.
Buy No-'Io-Bn fromyoiirdruzgfst.whow-lll
Ruarautcoarure. Uooiklct aud sample mat oJ
free. .Address Kter.ing Remedy Co., Chi
cago or Now York.
Where there is uo soif-culturo thero is no
knowledge of true llfo.
Stftte Rrptlrt for ny kind ef Ut n&dr
IlnlUt Cured. j:.t. In 1S7I. Thouunili
cured. Cheaiieet nnd best cure. Tuxr. Trial.
Htate cajc. I)n. Marsh, Qulncy, Mich.
Klni; Cole Anil-Monopoly
Oytter Home
Onmtia. Net).
J0j rai-s exixrlcnce. Send tkctcli for ad.
vie" (I, iHi,np,i..iiMirin.Pxniuinir ii.h.
, J1LU11I um., wiun.if.u
l'.it.Oltlcu) DeanctWumer,
CURED OR 1.0 PAY. Mrs. B.
M. ROWAN, Mi.waukee. Wil.
bftfetlt rurrd. Dk arai
SSW I Thompson's Eye Water.
W. N. U -OMAHA-48-1890
When writing to ndvertisers, kindly
mention this pnnei.
2 fiO
i 90
Dn Muurlcr toft n Fortune.
London, Nov. 33. The e&tate of tho
lato Georgo DuMaulrer is valued at
5230,000 It is all left to his widow,
with u reservation to their children.
01 ft
Ex-Senator lllsgla Brother r Solcldo.
Pmi.ADSLriiu, Nor, 23. Penning
ton Iligglns, n brother of cx-Scnator
TTIr..!,, ..nmiillttc.d SUieidO Iftbt night
conn recently 3? ST" ntalto 'to his t a hoard-
Jtcslcns After Sixteen Ytinn.
Toi'KK.v, Kan., Nov. 23. A. M. F.
Randolph yesterday resigned his po
bition as Supremo court reporter and
the court elected T. K. Dewy of Abi
lene to ho his successor. Mr. Randolph
held tho position sixteen years. Ho
will engage In other business,
1 loirs Medium ml.cd
hheep I.amlis
Shcup l-'ccdliu;
.NKW VUlllv.
YVheut-Xo. J, hard
Outs No. 2
l'ork- 8
Wheat Ko. 2 red, cash HI
Corn l'orhu 2'
Oats Per hu 19
lloc Mixed pnt'klm: 3W
Cuttle Nntl o Hiip'iiK Steers, a JO
kAiN&Aa 1.1 iV.
heat No. 2 hard
torn No.2
Outs No. 2
L'atth Mockers nnd feedort.
Iloizh Mlxod
fchucp I.uinbs ...,,
fcheep- Muttons
(3 3 .0
MS 75
a3 3J
(ft 4 73
m 3oi
Just try a 10c
II nest liver and
box of Cascarots, tho
bowel regulator ever
If n man hns uofrlendsltgenornllymenns
that ho I'lbcrves m.110.
UMS WHtfl!
Intltno. Sola by clnijrclnn.
d. TJsofJB
16 31
15 I 25
& I'ij
a :i:r,
71 & 7Ii
2) $ 2 ,
IS & 1",
2 CO $3KJ
3 if. $ U -0
3 W) & 1 H)
2 00 3 10
.IPjiiJ It ijMiiiyuiipTrjTjinMjr
10 4
25 50
MkL 4
t XDOfUIITtPf V nTTXniTflPntocnroanyrasoofconvtItloii. wstirrti re We IiImi mm.
fADoULUlEiLI UUfluriIUrjDUiff.nfTPrrlp or (rrlpe.lmt rinse mit natural riult. bam- 1
f Die ami bonVU t frf f . A1. STEP.UXfl KKHKIIV CO.. Chlraeo, Montreal. Can., orNtir Vork. sn.i 1
tJ-Hiiu ti.t)ani'trftitiT' ..mn -.
Rout to Tot X Rayt.
Nkw Youk, Nov. 53. Charles Broad
way Rouss, the blind millionaire. Is ar
ranging with Thomas, A. UdUon for
treatment w Ith Kocntgon rays, In tho
hope that his sight may be restored.
l'oituiaitrr ITndur nit Ausuuied Nuiut.
Pkkhv, Ok., Nov, 23. It is said that
II, W. Thomas, postmastor at Sennett,
Ok., who committed suicide a week
uffo. was reallv Thomas V. IIo?an,
once a law student under General Jolin
M. l'ulmor, and later postmaster at
Williamsburg, Ivan , where ho became
a defaulter.
Ex-Seuntor Illffgluj IJrother a Suicide.
rmi.AU'aiA. Nor. 23 Penning
ton llgjus. u brother of ex-Senator
llijfismv I'owinlttcil kuUlde Ui'-tnlgl.t
by Inhaling gu
lug house.
iu his room at a board-
i a
A flf y r
X HI l
-(Hftfr8''5qClO fr3fo t
Important Notice!
The only genuine "Baker's Chocolate,"
f!rn ffc-t-eivihrfitea lor more man a ceiuurv as a uu- jl
ri licious, nutritious, and flesh-forming bever-
vk iXc is Put UP in B'ue Wrappers and Yel
W low Labels. Be sure that the Yellow
Label and our Trade-Mark are on every
WALTERBAKER & CO. Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. J