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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1896)
ft ; VOL. 2. HEMINGFORD. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOV, 20. am. NO- 39 1'Rf' Ecraggii.iujiJuiMiwii,iiiauiJUi,iluiiii5ii'iiJtWJiiw iimiiimu MBiwaiMnamiwiBniiiiiwiiin ,i n w V The Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. l'nMWiecl ivry Hriilny nrul cntrml nt tlio iidst-ntHco In HemhiKford, Nebraska, n spcond .i... n..u mittiir. Tim lh; in Li) tin uevutoil to Ilia Intercuts of lU'llllUKfurd OH(l UoX llUttO I county. TIIOS. O'KEEFE, Publisher. suBScmfTio.v iutcs: ONEYEAll ? 52 SIX MONTHS W COUNTY OKFICT.llS. F.5UIM1EU-H .....riorlc. A. M.MlM.Kn TrcaMurer. h. II. II. Hewett :.": .1. HwniNtfY ..hiicrni. II. 1 Oilman Attornny. TVIihb A. K. NeeIAND Smieriliti'liilQlit, Puis. tiniHN Surveyor. I)n. W.K. . (.'oronor. Hit. Ii. W. Howius l'lijMicfHn. .TOH'H IlAItnY. . rommmsitmpr m uit.T. ConimUoliiuPrSiiiI l)lst. .('oramiBsUiin'rllril Dlst, Jab. Holliniiake. u. W. Duncan MAIL DlKECTOllY. IIejiisoforo poslolllce. On weok tlnj-a door (ijicns nt 7 a. in., Kcnoral delivery oiwns nl S a. in ami oIo-jcb at 8 i. ra. Upon Sundayu 0 to 10 a. m. llEillsoroni) ahd Hox Hutte atagurially axn-pt ttimdny. HrviNOFonD nd L. ox lap rtaxc, Monday Wwlnesclay and I'Vldaj. New Short Lino to Helena, Butte Spokane, Seattle and Taeoma. G. I. Ss "w. o. TlWiO CCLya. KAST HOUND. No 12, nn'taonKorurrlvo.sftt 1:22 n.m. " id irelcht " MO p.m. ' is froJKlit nrrlvoa nt 10:V u. in, vi:ht mound. No, 41 pftPfcenKernrrlVRSftt :21 a. m. " 4.1 fruU'lit " 11:52 p. in. ' 47 froiclit arrives nt 3:10 p. m All regular trains rnrry pascenffrrn. V. , Coi'LLAM), AgOllf TTJTTLE & TAS1I 'Attorneys - at - Law, IIFMINGFORD. NEBRASKA. L. W. BOWHAN Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Ollice rooms unil residence in Praver block, tip stall's. ' Special attention given to dis eases of uliildren. $10 Rrwaud will bo paid to L anyone furnishing information that will lead to the conviction of the party or parties who recently stole the too off of house aud stable belonging to W. D. Mar shall's farm formerly known as the Eckel plcu'n near Berea. W. T. Johnson. Bring in potatoes and wood on subscription. " Taken up by tho undersigned on section 24-28-48, Box Butte county, Neb., on Oct. 21. 1890. One bay mare, about II or 4 ears old, strip in face, left front foot white and right hind foot vhilo, had halter on. One light bay horse colt, white spot in face and left hind foot white; over 1 year old. One black horse colt, white spot in face and right hind foot white; over one year old. Owner can have same by pay ing for this notice and dauiuges. Anton Jklinek. Estrayod. un &epi. -o, wuu, irom.soc KM. -x j- i ir rwir rr 1 28-48. one black steer calf; one one black heifer calf; both spring in1i'i? hntli tnuhos. Ldlwral vo- ward will be paid for information leadinir to their recovery, t ,, Alb but Nelson, Hemingford, Neb, TO RENT. Tho undersigned will renl his farm in Sec. 12-80-48, at Wanatah postolli.-v, Dawes county, for tho yoar Jo'.ii, will lurnieii soon, i teams and machinery if required. TllKO. UlllWlNK, Watiiatnh, ,Tl. Mrs. L. B. Fenner .s visiting at Dunjap. Miss Mabel Curtis wns an Alli ance visitor Saturday. Mrs. Unrig and daughter Net tie visited Alliance Saturday. Mrs. McFaddon is visiting at Custer City, S. D., this week. L. A. Robinson, of Chadron, orders the Herald sent to his address. Miss Anna Neeland visited in AUianco a couplo of days this week. Misses Mary ,and Josio Friel departed for Lead, S. D., Thurs day morning. W. C. Cavin, tho McCormick collector, was .in town Friday and Saturday. Revs. "VVunderlieh and Thoon attended Lutheran conference at Edgcmont this weok. J. T. McGrow did not stay long in Denver and is now at Champa, New Mexico. J.C. McCorkle has movod his family out to J. A. Hunter's ranch for tho winter. Mrs. Dr. H. II. Bellwood, of Alliance, was a pleasant caller at this otlice Thursday. Frank Book, section foreman at Girard, had his eye injured by a flying spike last week. Cards are out announcing the engagement of Rev. A. C. Wun derlichlo Miss Anna Wohlers. E. C. House, the genial rep resentative of the Now York life insurance company, lias bean in town siuco Saturday. A social dance was givon at the home of Jas. Hunter Friday evening aud a pleasant lime is reported. Gso. J. S'dr.irff returned from Iowo Monday. He spent a few weeks at Norfolk on his return, working in tho sugar beet factory. The Kroesing boy who was lojst in tho storm Monday night of last week was found dead near Diinlap Friday. Funeral services wore held Sunday. Jos. Carey came down from Deadwood Wednesday where he has been holding down a good job for lho past nin0 monU,6. Ho will return in a few weeks. James T. Byrne, one of the old settlers of this county, enmo down from Hill City last night and will remain a few days. Ho called and deposited $1.50 for the Herald. True Miller, son of Co. Coroner V. K. Miller accidentally blurt himself in the leg last Wednesday. Dr. H. II. Bellwood, of Alliance, was called to the ranch and has made tho young man as comfort able as possible. Tho publisher acknowledges receipt of an invitation to attend tho sixth annual ball given by the Crawford Firo Department in Syndicate opera house, Craw ford, Thanksgiving evening. Prof. Gungl's orchestra will furnish tho music and no doubt it will bo an enjoyable affair. The great comedian, John Dillo nnd Sl cauable company, , wU1 bo at Alliunco Friday even- jcr Dec. -It hi Mr. Dillon's fame . .. . 7 . . . , js wovw-wiae. soon or heanl Everybody has of him, and his t visit to any city is an event of un- usuai iiHerest. It is more than lilcely that a goodly number will attend form here. j r0 i,ftvo a new Kimball ' for sale at a bargain. ELEGANT LINK OF NEW CLOAK'S AND NEWMARK- I5TS. fcniSP'AT X- A, BUR LEWS. District Court. Judgo W. II Westovor cot on. ed tho adjourned September term of court here last Tuesday, There 1ms nover been a judgo in this district that has so expedited court matters as does Judgo Wes tovor and under him tins court expenses are kept at a minimum. Tho jury Was called up Wednes day morning but there being no jury cases it was discharged at once. The caso of tho Slate of Ne braska vs James Brantner w a dismissed at the cost of defend ant. Stato of Nebraska vs Grant 0. Alexander continued upon a showing that a material witness for the defense could not bo ob tained this term. A bill of exceptions was grant' ed in tho Bank of Hemingford cases and they will be appealed to tho supreme court. Huston vs Huston, decree granted and costs taxed to de fendant Tho mother to have the custody of the child. Pearson vs Pearson, divorc, decree granted plaintiff. COURT NOTES. Reporter Maher is on hand and spreads a "halo of glory about himself as ho pictures the late political struggle in the stato and Douglas county. John narrowly escaped having his oyes scratch ed out when he suggested to one of tho lady witnesses that she would have to talk so ho could hear her. Among the attorneys present from out of town we noticed Messrs. Hamilton, Sullivan, Smysor, Mitchell. Berry, Nolo man, Siinonson, of AUianco, Fanning and Dnley of Crawford, Habegger of Chadron, Kaley of Omaha, Pettis of Lincoln, and Swahury of Wahoo. Tho lawyers aro a jolly set of fellows and seem to have all en joyed tho term of work. Kaley of Omaha Mild Maher are con ceeded to bo the story tellers and some of their yarns would come very nearly having the desired effect on Engineer McDermott. Iko Marshall came up Thurs day with a very sober face but his complete exoneration of the charge against him sent him home with a smile like a half moon. Tho divorce caso of Mrs. Fan nie Huston vs Dean R. Huston drew the only crowd during tho term. The evidence only proved an incompatibility of temper and it seems that these young people should have been happy together. Neither one of them had a caso against tho other. The caso oc cupied all of Thursday afternoon and evening. Co. Treasurer Miller and Mr. Sherwood were in attendance at court Thursday. Engineer "Pete" McDermott made an everlasting "stand in" at tho county seat. If Pete would run for a county office next fall we will guarantee him the vote of every man, woman and child in Hemingford. John Sexton ontertained tho boys Thursday with a compiicat- ed key. John says its the key to the whole situation, lie is a pleasant gentleman aud is always a welcome caller at the county sear. Many stringent criticisms were hoard relative to the escape of the cattlo rustler, Ira Nelson. It is reported that Reporter Mahor is thinking serious' y- of engaging in thb brewery business at Omaha. John you ought to 1 got maruied and stop your " foot I UihueiiK. : I rho "liars" i. e. tho Wo"ld- Tt" l.1-st I--1.1 .1.- ...- iiuriuwiiiuii lumi mo cnampion- ship over the "lawyers" in whist during tho term. Tho following Alliance people wore hero as witnesses in tho Huston case: Mr. and Mrs. Mc Whinnoy, Mr. ami Mrs. McDer mott, Mo blames Tillottand Van Court Misses Mao Slossand Til He Wilcox, J. R. Sexton, W. A. Payne. E. M. Todd, II. J. Ellis, Beck, John Ourmicle, L. E. Sickles and A. J. Sitnonson of AUianco at tended court. Rev. Father lirophy, tho first Catholic priost of Chadron, left last weok for Ponca, Nebraska. It is with' (loop regret that the members of Father Brophy's par ish part with their old pastor He came to northwestern Nebraska olovon years ago when the country was now and sparsely settled; the churchriwas without organization, Inu. ho went to work with enoigy and as'a result of oleveu years of ceaseless toil ho loaves a fino church property in this city and a flourishing congregation. Bo sides ho erected churches in Sheri dan, Box Butte and Sioux counties, nine in all. No one has b.enmoro closely identified with tho early history of this country than he, aud his kind heart and progressive spirit 'have endeared him to the hearts of his people. Chadron Sigiial-Rccord?r. Father Brophy has a host of fricfids in this county who wish him success in his now homo. - Thore will bo hem in Heming ford, Nebraska, a Bible institute, conducted by Rev. Frady, begin ning Jam 20, 1807 and continuing in session four days. The work of the institute will bo a study of four Gospels the life of Christ. Circulars concerning tho institute may bo had from Rov. Hazclton. Rov. Preston, C. J. Wildyor Mr. Sherwood. Everyono is invited to attend. A largo class is desired. A meeting concerning tho in stitute will bo hold at M. E. church noxt Tuesday evening Nov. 24, 7:30 p.m. Everyono como. Anna Neeland, Sec. Tho Northwestern Nebraska Educational Association will meet in Crawford in Crawford, Nob., Nov. 27. A good program has been prepared aud a inspiring meeting is anticipated. Every one interested in educational work is cordially invited and teachers are requested to attend. Anna Neeland, Sec'y. Photos. While your family is all at homo and in health why not have their picture taken together innybe you would not part with such a pioturo at any price in a few years. W. T. Caldwlle, Photographer, AUianco. EVERYTHING... That a Woman's Heart Can Desire to be Found in my Stock ( f Goods. Call and see the immenso variety of Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods Shoos, Notions, Groceries, Brand Now and CHEAP. C A BURLEW. I.havo four full blooded mas- 'iff' pups for salo. II. N. Earnest. :V NEW GOODS out tvxc& Mil; rl linory Stone, , Calvin J. Wildy NEW STORE! :-: NEW GOODS! New Prices! :: New Everything! lways Leads and Never Follows ! ANTON UHRIG, PIONEER - ardware and Saddlery. llll! OlDKST ISSTAHMSIIMKNT IN Till! COUNTY Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoyes, Paints, Oils, Glass, nto Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb Wire the Best on Earth -' HEMINGFORD . MANUFACTUUKHS OF. FLOUR,FEED, ETC We Guarantee Our Flour Equal to Any Other. -Try It. AI,eO DEAU'UI IN xjxjososs NEW CASTLE SHERIDAN, AND . . . .FELIX, GLENROOK,. . . .CANON CITY. H. H, PIERCE, Proprietor of Livery and We have first-class stock and double and sinijlo rigs, which we urnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boarder aro unoxcolled in tho city. Give us a call. CST" Stahlo Corner Box Butte Avcnuo and Sheridan Street. xaierrIrLgrford., nsfe"bra,s3sa., Fred Krug CABINET BOTTLED BEER A High Grade Lager Beer, Purest in the Market. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Oflice 1007 Jackson MILLING CO., AND ALr. KINDS OF oo-ajlj, Feed S Street, Omaha, Nb. tabes Brewing Company r . ft