Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, November 13, 1896, Image 7

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Deafness Cannot lie Cared,
by local application ns thoy cannot reach
tbe diseased portion of the cur. There Is
only ono way to euro deafness, and thatli
oy constitutional remedies, nearness is
caused by an Inflamed condition of tho
mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tubo.
When this tubo ROM Inflamed you have a
rumbling sound, or Imperfect hearing, aifd
when It Is entirely closed deafness Is tlio
result, and unlass tho Inllnmatlon can bo
takon out and this tuba restored to Us
normal condition, hearing will bo do
ctroyed forovor: ninocncs out of ten are
caused by catarrh, which la nothing but
an Inflamed condition of tho mucous sur
faces. Wo will plvo Ono Hundred Dollars for
any caso of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that rannot bo cured by Hull's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
I." J. CUKNkY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c
In an articlo on "Why the Confeder
acy Failed," contributed to tho Novcm
ber Century, by tho son of a Confeder
ate officer, the first causo is laid to tho
excessive issno of paper money. Ho
says: 4,Tho government nctcd on tha
theory that all it had to do to rais
money was to priut it They did not
Bccm to realize, that, being tho largest
purchaser in tho market, it was ncc
csnary for tho government to keep
down prices as much as possible; that
every issuo of bills must inevitably
raise prices and render a new issuo
necessary; that every riso in prices
must be followed by a now issue, until
tho bublo must collapso of its own ex
pansion and redundancy. "
' Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoko Your Lila Amy.
If yon want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, rejenin lost manhood, bo made
'well, strong, magnotic, lull of new Ufa nnd
Igor, tako No-To-Bac, tho wonder worker
tbnt makes woak men strong. Many gain
ten pounds in ton days. Over 400,01)0 cured.
Buy No-To-Bn Iromyourdruggist.whowlll
guarantee ucure. Booldot nnd sample, mated
tree. Address Btening Remedy Co., Chi
caj;o or New York.
New Idea of Telegraphy.
From San Francisco Examiner.
Col. liellon of the French artillery
observed not long ago that if a tele
phone was in sufficient proximity to,
although not in actual contact with, n
telegraph line, it would bo influenced
by tho current of tho latter. Certain
Bounds wcro produced in tho telephone
whenever a message passed along tho
telegraph line.
Ho has now succeeded by long con
tinued experiments in perfecting a sys
tem showing tho phonotio impression
produced by each letter of tho Morse
alphabet, thus enabling anyone with
some practico to read by the sound of
the telephone any message circulating
in a neighboring line. It will bo read
ily understood that this discovery may
be of great importance in war time, as
in this way a telegraph line might be
tapped without in any way interfering
with tho current circulating in it, and
licnco without the slightest indication
to tho stations connected by tho line.
Tho Butter and Calico liatlo.
Cost determines price. When the
two metals wero at a parity boforo at
ISJ to 1, Germany and Austria wcro
on a silver basis, and tho mints of In
dia vrdre open and tho Latin Union and
the United States wero bimetallic. By
nnd by tho silver began to bo mined at
less cost, better processes, struck rich
er veins of ore and tho price of silver
We cannot keep butter in tho rela
tion to calico which it bore fifty years
ago. Wo remember when butter was
at S to 1 as compared to calico; but to
day calico is at 5 to 1 as compared to
butter. The changed ratio of butter
to calico is duo to tho fact that tho la
bor of man now has moro to do with
producing a pound of butter than with
producing a yard of calico. Steam and
water power now weave cloth, but
they can't weavo cows. Lewiston
When bilious or costive, eat a cascaret
candy cathartic, euro guaranteed. 10c,
In Choosing Green.
Though palo olive and other shades
of green are much used for wall cover
ings of paper and in woven stuffs, ns
well as for drapories.thcy should never
be decided upon until they aro seen by
artificial light, as some of the shades
of olive that aro rich and beautiful by
light of day, have a gloomy brown
shade that no amount of artificial light
will change.
Helpful to the Eyes.
A simple and excellent plan to
strengthen and preservo tho eyes is to
to follow this rule: Every morning
pour some cold water into a bowl, at
tho bottom of the bowl place a silver
coin or Fftrno othor bright object, and
then put your faco in tho water with
the eyes open and move your head
gently from side to side. This will
make tho eyes brighter and stronger.
'Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed. There is comfort ia
tho knowledge, that so many forms of
aickness aro not 'duo to uny uctual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the syhtem, which tho pleasunt
family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of families, and ft
everywhere esteemed so highly by ull
who valuo good health. Its beneficial
effects aro duo to the fact, that itis the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
dll important, in order to get its bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists.
If in tho enjoymeut of good health,
and tho system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be commended to the most tikiilful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should uaro tho best, and with the
well-informed every where. Syrup of
Figs stands highest aad ia most largely
ased aad gives uot gaeeral satkfactlwa.
At tho sound of a football in tho cor
ridor ho laid down IiIr pen nnd leaned
wearily back in his big nrm-chair.
Presently a hand thrust back tho
curtain from tho doorwny nnd his wlfo
entered. She was gowned for tho even
ing In her favorite color dull yellow.
Thero were diamonds nt hor throat and
in her gold-brown hnlr. Sho looked
radiant with pleasure.
"Shall I do?" Bho asked, coming for
ward nnd lenning upon tho desk with
her hands, palms downward.
Ho inspected her deliberately criti
cally, sho thought.
"You will do very well," ho said at
last. "What is It lo-nlght, Arabor?"
" 'Faust' I nm going with tho Ken
dalls. Lawrence "
He took up his pen with a slight
gesture of impatience that effectually
silenced her. Half tho Joy died out
of her face. She stood a moment watch
ing him as ho wrote; then sho went
round and laid her hand timidly on his
"John ' wistfully.
Sho hesitated, hoping ho would look
up or say something more; but ho did
"I I nm going now. Good-by."
It was tho tone, not tho words, that
brought a sudden dimness into her
eyeB. Sho lingered still with her hand
on his Bhoulder. Then sho slowly re
moved it and stolo out of tho room.
As tho curtain ceased swaying behind
her tho pen dropped and John Sarles
covered his faco with his hands. He
heard a carrlnge stop at the curoing
and tho front door close with a hang.
Ho heard a man's voice and a man's
gay laugh both Lawrcnco Kendall's;
then thero was a rumble of wheels and
he lifted his head with a jerk. Some
thing like a sob escaped him.
"Lawrence," she had said. It had
come to that, then! Lawrence! John
Sarles knew him well knew how his
handsome face and winning smilo en
deared him to tho hearts of women
how ho was sought after, petted, ad
mired. Ah, well, it was something, after all,
to bo born with a handsome faco and
straight, strong limbs. John Sarles
looked bitterly at the crutch leaning
against tho chair and thought that be
cause of it life had withhold much of
its sweetness for him. Wealth and
even a powerful intellect which put
him In touch with the brightest think
ers f the day failed to iuako up to him
for that.
Ho had been on tho point of sinking
Into tho self-imposed isolation of n
proud, morose nnturo when Amber
came Amber, the little daughter of
his only intimate friend, who, dying,
had intrusted her to his care.
I Soon tho music of her laughter had
'chased away tho ghostly echoes from
the lonely old house and tho light of
her happy eyes brightened every room.
Her books strewed the tables, her flow
ers filled the long-unused vases, her
gowns mado bits of color ngnlnst the
dark walls as she flitted up stairs and
i Gradually all became changed be
cause of her. New furniture replaced
the old, new carpets covered the floors,
tho conservatory blossomed with rare
plants and a grand piano lit up a dark
recess of the library with its polished
ivory and rosewood.
By and by the little girl became a
maiden to whom every door was open
and whoso smile was a favor which
men considered as well-nigh precious,
and all the time that Amber was grow
ing winsome and sweet and graceful
John Sarles was growing old and wrin
kled nnd gray. But his heart was
young as ever and he loved Amber
with all tho pent-up force of his nature
and he suffered agonies becauso of that
love, feeling that she could nover, never
be his.
One day a handsome boy of good fam
ily came to ask him for Amber's hand.
Poor John! He gave his consent and
his blessing as well. What else could
he do, not knowing but that Amber
loved him? And while the boy was
pleading his cause John sat in his study
with cs bitter u heartache as ever man
Presently the door opened, but ho
didn't look up. And then came a sweet,
sobbing voice and the pressure of two
soft arms about his neck from behind.
"Oh, guardy, guardy, are you tired of
me that you try to get rid of me so?"
He was suffocating with surprise and
Joy aud terror, but ho managed to draw
her around where he could see her face,
which was rosy with blushed and per
sistently averted.
"Amber!" be cried. "Tired of you!
Want to get rid of you, Amber!"
And then, reassured by his tout, she
burst out passionately:
"Yes, you must be, else ycu'd never
have sent him to inc, when you Icuow
I hate him hale them all but you!"
He drew her down on his knee at
that acd held her clcje in his trem
bling nrms. His fnee was near hers,
hut ho did not kiss her. He c6uld only
look nt tho sweet, wot eyes, nnd chlld
liko mouth, tho round, ooft check, and
gold-brown hnlr, wondering, doubting,
hoping all at once ho could not havo
told which tho most of tho three.
That was two years ago two blcBsed
years of ouch happiness thnt they
seemed to him like n long delightful
dream. Amber loved him nnd Amber
was his wife.
But of lato a shadow had fallen be
tween them tho shadow of Lawrenco
Kendall. Tho fear that had numbed
John's heart when ho first boheld tho
young man's ndmirlng gazo upon his
wlfo had ripened Into fierce Jealousy.
Ho had grown cold and austere in his
manner, causing Amber many tears nnd
much worrimont. Onco ho had been
positively harsh toward her. What clso
hnd ho been to-night? And all tho
time his proud, sensitive naturo was
Buffering to its utmost capacity.
Dear littlo Amber! Ho could feel tho
tears in her eyes nnd tho quiver of her
mouth though he could not sco them.
The wistful pleading in her voice had
touched him to tho quick.
How ho longed to snatch her in his
arms crumpling tho dull yellow Bilk,
if ho must, and ruining tho shiny hair,
for sho used never to complain nnd
kiss her over and over and toll her
how much ho loved her, and how sorry
ho was to hurt her by word or look.
But no his pride, his indomltnblo
pride, restrained him, and ho had let
her go with her whole evening spoiled
because of it.
Ah, Just wait till she camo in, tired
and cold and slecpyl Then ho would
mako it all right. Sho would forglvo
him of course Bho would, tho darling!
And they would bo hnppy again as
they had not been for weeks, sitting
by tho flro together, sho in the big
crimson chnlr and ho on an ottoman at
her side, just where ho could touch hor
hand or cheek and kiss her when ho
The firelight would danco on her hair
and bring out tho soft color in her face,
and sho would laugh and Bmllo in tho
old Joyous way. What a fool ho had
been how cowardly and unreasonable,
to doubt his Innocent darling even for
ono moment.
It was 2 o'clock nnd Amber ought to
havo been homo an hour ago. What
was it made John Btnrt and tremblo
and pale as ho glanced at tho clock?
Were his fears confirmed? Had his
doubts becomo truths?
Hark! Was not that tho sound of n
carriage pausing at the curbing? Whnt
occasioned this unusual confusion in
tho hall below?
John Sarles seized his crutch and
limped a few paces toward tho door,
but stopped as It was flung open and
tho figure of an old serving man ap
peared ou tho threshold.
"Master " he began.
John Sarles' lips moved, but no sound
passed them.
"Master, I havo come with sad news
for you. Thero has been an accident
the horses ran away and Miss Am
ber "
He caught John ns he reeled and fell,
and answering the mute, awful appeal
of those agonized eyes, ho concluded
"Is hurt seriously, but not fatally.
The havo Just brought her home."
Three months afterward, when burst
ing buds and freshly-sprouting grass
proclaimed that spring waB at hand,
Amber was carried into her husband's
study and propped up by pillows nnd
cushions on the sofa there. Her face
had lost Its roundness and Its dainty
color and tho beautiful brown-gold hair
was cut close to her head.
There was a great bunch of yellow
roses on the table at her sido nnd Bhe
touched them lovingly, knowing that
John was watching her and that he
had placed them there.
Presently he camo and sat down on
the edgo of the sofa all their differ
ences had long since been mado up
and took her hands in his nnd held
them tenderly against his mouth.
There were tears in his eyes, though
Amber's were clear enough,
"You dear old John," she said, smil
ing. "I believe you feel worse about it
than I do."
He sobbed.
"Well, you needn't, you silly boy."
She was silent a moment, and then she
said, musingly: "Do you know, I be
lieve I'm half glad "
"Oh, my darling, to be lame all your
"Yes, for don't you see, we shall sym
pathize with ono another moro than
wc ever havev Anu, on, jonn "
"Yes, Amber."
"I never realized before how patient
and dear you were until I was hurt.
I think I lovo you better than ever, if
that can be, and I am sure quite, quite
sure, that this has been a blessed les
son for both of us, aren't you?"
And John, in his newer and clearer
wisdom, dared not deny it.
Hjgleulu Writing Taper.
Among the latest things in station
ery is a writing paper which is spe
cially manufactured for the prevention
of the spreading by letters of various
forms of Infectious diseases. Everyone
Is aware that in receiving letters from
disease-Btrlcken places, at home or
abroad, they run a certain nmount ol
risk. This stationery is said to bo ren
dered contagion-proof. Tho paper is
so impregnated with antiseptics that
all deleterious organisms adhering to
It aro rendered inert, even though a
fever-stricken person write or touch
the letter. invention.
To Locate a I'uncturc.
Tho cuatomary method of locating a
bicycle puncture Is to immerse the
wheel in a tub of water, and wherever
tho bubbles show there will be found
a puncture. On occasions, however,
the air pressure is not sufficient to
create bubbles. In such cases smear
some thin soap lather over tho tire and
a soap bubble will form over the punc
ture, no matter how small it is.
The fiolmtclicn is an Important l'erioq
In n New York Colony,
In wandering through tho cast side
recently, I lenrned thnt tho "schatchen"
Is an important nnd busy functionary
In thnt quarter. Tho sago who a long
tlmo ngo obaerved thnt marriages wero
mado In henven evidently know noth
ing about this match-making individu
al who exercises his wIIob by day nnd
by night In tho teeming Hebrow colo
ny here. Tho schatchen is a man of
mlddlo ago, Bunvo and well dressed,
who promotes marriages. Ho works on
strictly business principles and don't
bother his head about Cupid or that
peculiar sentiment called love. Ho !b
a diplomat with a visiting list longor
than tho most popular woman of tho
Four Hundred. Ho bolongs to no end
of lodges nnd orders, nnd speedily
makes it his business to know nil about
tho families of his married friends. Ho
nlBo acqunlntB himself with tho mone
tary worth of paterfamilias, and it tho
latter haB any mnrrlnscablo Bona or
daughters ho gets In his work, first by
delicate insinuation and soon moro
oponly. Tho Bchntchon has a neatly
engraved card which nnnounccB his
business, and this ho distributes lib
erally. Ho also believes in advertis
ing, nnd his enrd 1b conspicuously dis
played in nil tho YlddlBh newspapers.
Ho brings young couples together, nnd
if n mnrrlngo ensues ho pocketa com
missions from both sides. If tho
bride's father gives her n dot of ?500,
tho Bchatchcn pocketB $50. Ho nlso
strikes tho bridegroom for 10 per cent,
but Is ftequently compelled to com
promise on ? 1-2. Ho often haB a doz
en irons in tho flro nt ono time, and
in tho vernacular of sport, plays off
ono against tho othor. Sometimes ho
burns his fingers, as ho not infrequent
ly plnys n leading rolo In tho civil
courts; but he fills a unique placo la
polyglot Gotham, nnd has been tho
means of making any number of bash
ful young pcoplo happy for spot cash.
Hero's another queer phnso of tho fhar
riagn business. A strnngo society has
Just been organized in this city, com
posed of young men and women who
havo decided to subordinate sentiment
to Bcience. In other words, they be
lieve It to bo a crlmo against society
nnd futuro generations for certain per
sons to marry. So they havo pledged
themselves not to enter into any mat
rimonial nlllanco with any person
whoso family is subject to hereditary
diseases that can be transmitted. This
new order is called tho Society for tho
Prevention of Hereditary Diseases, and
its officers aro In tho Stewart studio
building in Fifty-ninth street. The
president is a young woman, and tho
vice-president is a young man. Tho
former says that tho organization has
started off with twenty members, but
sho hopes to lengthen tho list rapidly,
as tho S. P. H. D. doesn't propose to
hide its light under a bushel. As any
thing which tends to Improve tho pon
dltion of humanity In general will ben
efit tho world at lnrgc, this now fad
should live long and prosper. New
York Correspondent Pittsburg Dis
patch. A Itold Policeman.
"I wonder," said tho policeman who
knows moro about tho local regulations
than about biblical history, "why it
was that Joshua mado tho sun stop."
And the member of tho bicycle squad
expanded his chest and looked learned
and answered:
"That's easy; ho probably arrested it
for scorching."
ClRiirctto Smoker Turns Cirrrn.
A young man living in Breedvlllo,
Mich., is turning green from the use of
cigarettes. Most cigarette smokers
aro more or less green when they begin
tho practice.
An effort 1b to bo made this year to
raise tho minimum salary received by
tho ministers of the United Methodist
churches of England.
Bluff City, Tenn., boasts of a pump
kin sixty-five inches In diameter which
is still growing on a vine belonging
to Mrs. William Berry.
Tho French Academy of Sciencea has
appointed n specinl committee to inves
tigate the new treatment for consump
tion advocated by Dr. Crotto of Paris.
Blood poisoning, the result of the
prick of a hat pin several months ago,
has eo enfeebled a young woman of
New Albany, Ind., that it is feared she
will not recover.
Princess Dhuleep Singh was fined
12 shillings In tho Burton-Upon-Trent,
England, police court for taking her
lapdog to drive in her carriage with
out having it muzzled.
In HJcksville, Ohio, recently, n wed
ding party was stormed by tramps,
who locked tho groom In tho smoke
house, ate the wedding supper ami
fctolo the marriage llcenso.
The prizes won by tho Prince of
Wales' yacht Britannia during tho past
season amount to $8,000. Some of tho
crow of the Britannia havo returned to
their homes at Wivenhoe.
Typhoid fevers and other diseases are
so prevalent In Daviess County, Ken
tucky, that the deputy sheriff who
served the notices for tho last petit
Jury panel found only one man able to
go to court.
During the past two years Douglas
County, Oregon, has paid as bounty on
wild animals killed tho sum of $8,8-77,
as follows: Bear 262, bounty $517; co
yote 912, $6,300; panther 070. $2,010;
total scalps 1,844, bounty $S,857.
Smelts arc running in such numbers
In Belllngham Bay, Wash., that (man
titles of them are taken dally by means
of garden rakes and scoop nets Just ns
(he tide turnB to the ebb. They run
to the very borders of the high water.
The Fall Mlltnery.
Tho early fall hats hnvo a rather so
voro aspect when compared with tho
Huffy, bcflowered hats of summer, but
thero is u stylish air about them and
they give tho wearer u distinguished
appearance. Bonnets for elaborate oc
casions nre airy, indeed, being mado
almost entlroly of gathered tullo or
laco and jet and trimmed with dark
velvet, sprays of flowers and feathers.
Soma of theso tiny affairs havo n full
osprcy perched upright at tho back.
Sprays of green oats nnd bunches of
green wheat aro showing themselves
among tho trimmings of tho fall mill
ncry, in opposition to tho bright red
cherries and currants that havo been
introduced for tho decoration of fall
hats. -Now York Sun.
Mind Ilraillng.
You can rend a happy m ud In a happy
countonnnco without much penetration.
This Is tho sort of countenance that tho
quondam bilious aurroror or uyspoptic ro
llovcil by Hosteller's tomnch Hitters wears.
You will meet mnny such. Tho grout stom
achic and nltaratlve also provides happl
mHfnr tlin tnnliirlntis. tho rhoumntlc. Inn
weak and those troubled with lnaotlon of
tho kidneys nnd bladder.
Tho following stories will bo pub
lished in Harper's Round Table on Oct
2?th. Mr. Parks' Obstreperous Sign,"
by Hnyden Cnrruth (this Is a Hal
lowe'en story and Is full of humor);
"Texas," a talo of tho early war troub
les with Mexico, by A. G. Canfield;
"My Adventure with Dacolts," by Dav
id Gllmoro; "Tho Boy in War." by GE.
Scars; instalments of Mollio Elliot Sea
well's serial story entitled "A Virginia
Cavallor," and of Hnyden Cnrruth's bo
rial story entitled "Tho Voyage of tho
Rattletrap." Thero will bo tho usual
department of Intcrscholastic sport,
photography, bicycling, Stamps, etc
Piso's Cure for Consumption is tho only
couch mcdlclno used in my house D. 0.
Albright, Millliutmrg, l'a., Dec. 11, '05.
A Hint or tho Millennium.
If over tho happy timo should arrlvo
when wo are moro interested to dis
cover tho excellencies of our neighbors
and frlonds thnn their defects, nnd
moro anxious to study their ideals than
to Insist upon our own, a great impe
tus will bo given to moral progress anu
to tho true and cordial brotherhood of
man. Now York Ledger.
IIegemnnsCnmpnnr Ice with fJlycerlnci.
The original and only Kcnulne. Cure. Chapped Hand
and face, Cold Sore, Ac. O-ll.C'Inrli ACo.(N.llTei,L't.
The Carpenter lire.
Thero Is an English insect something
liko our bee, except thnt it is a rich
violet in color, which deserves its nnmo
of carpenter bee. By the aid of a chisel
provided by nature, this bee oxenvntesa
homo in any piece of timber that suits
its purpose. This houso consists of ten
or twclvo rooms, nnd in them are
reared tho bee's young.
Mrs. "Wlinloiv'a Nootlilnir f;rii
For children tcetlilng.nof tctin t littiruini. rducc Inflam
mation, allayi rain, curri wind colic. I'D ccnta a bottle.
Tho woman who marries a man to reform
him 1ms no tluio to tako rro"- a of hev
Just try a lOo box of Cascare'.s, tho
finest liver and bowel regulator ever
It is tho medicine prescribed by circtim
stauces that hurts.
Jan Tho plcasantcst, safest and most cfllciunt remedy known for evory kind
fcO of cout-h, lncrrlppc, influenza, etc. Safe for all acres. Docs not slckon
or disagree with tho stomach, lias been used very oxtenstvoly by tho
most noted physicians in tho hospitals of London, Paris and New York
with tho very best of success,
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
Mrs. Ilannah Sbepard. 301 N Ifith Street, Omaha. Neb , writes: "Four yf ars avo I bad
Lajrrlppe and coucbeil almost continuously evernlnue. I trlrd several doctors and various
couah medicines but could set no relief. Ono packaio l)r Kuy- I.unjc Utlm cured me
enttrrlv " ltlssoldby druggists or sent by mill for ctw, Srnd address for very
vuliiablo free booklot. (Wen torn 0c) Dn 11, J Kay M Knit.' At. Co , Omaha, Neb.
wpljim au ! n imai unnnai n ij: jhti .run wt.h;
y cmica.o, p3" fei
i mev "
xw'im h
AA.rvfK m
in ma l mi m .ilJi ii u mia
POPE MPG. CO., Hartford, Conn.
Branch Stores and Agencies in almost every city and town. If Columbiu ire
not properly represented in your vicinity, let us know.
A Little Child
With a Little Cold.
That's all ! '
What of it? '!
LUtle colds when neglected
grow to large diseases and
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Comfort to
Kvory Thursday morning,
tourlit sleoplnu cur for Den
Ti'r.Haltl.rtKiit'ity.ban tfran
clsco.und l.osAtiftolosteavei
Omaha unil Lincoln via th
HurllttRton ltouto.
It Is carpeted, upholstered
In rattan, has Httrlnic seat
nnd hacks und Is provided
with curtains, heUdiriK. tow
els.Honp.otc. Anoxporleucea
excursion conductor and a
uniformed i ullmau portei
accompany it through to th
1'arltle Coast.
Whllo nolthor an expen
sively finished nor & One u
look tit as a palaco Hlooper.lt
Is just as Rood to rldo In. Keo
ond class tickets aro honored
and tlio pricoof n north. wide
enough und UlR onoufh tot
two. Is only $1.
l'ur n folder glvlnt fall
particulars write to
J, FnAXCis, Gcn'l l'ass'r Agent. Omah,Neh.
The best frtitt section In tho Wont No
drouths. A falhiro of crops novcr known.
Mild climate, rroductlvo soil. Abundance of
good puro water.
Kor Maps and Circulars giving full descrip
tion or the nich Mlnurul, t'rult and Agricultu
ral Lands In South West Missouri, write W
JOHN M. I'UUDY. ManaRorof tboMhwouri
Land and I.tvo Stock Company, Neosho, New
ton Co., Missouri.
E, 8. MURRAY &. CO..
lt2, 123 tM 124 RUilo BgUhs?. Chiugn, IU,
Members ol the Chicago Board ol Trade In noesl
standing, who will furnish you with their Latest
Uookou statistics and retlubro Information re
KordltiR tho marlots Write lor It ond tbolrDall
Market Letter, both FREE. Itereroncoa- Am Kz-
Humiliation ouJ,A(lrloi At to rtfliiUMIItr of In
ventlon. Semi for"liiTiitor' '.'ul.le, or How to Oil
l'alent O'FAltHEM. AbO.S, Wublnictau, I). C.
want mn errrjmhe re to SEU
OTAQIr TPrCC; million, tv.
"atnolut.tr lwt."fluprboutau,
Loviiiuu, to., llocxroBT, lu.
INSTEAD of Mlllng your irraln at homo ixnd It to ca
aoi) wit. middleman'. jirtiUt. W. bars Buved
Other farmer. Thou.uud of Dollnr. Wbj
don't YOU try tt Addrea for full particulars,
-. !Zxi Ka2V.
nt sr7micvna
H CARR. 6c CO. S1 'SffSr
W ,iM mm mi i
Profit by your best judgment.
Profit by our -19 years' of bi
cycle experience. It is wise
economy to purchase the
If you cannot afford the Col
umbia, buy the HARTFORD
$60, $50, $45, $40.