Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, November 13, 1896, Image 6
t -vMiSrj! ? JM i hi ! ! J DAIliY AND POULTRY. INTERESTING CHAPTERS FOR OtR RURAL READERS. How Successful farmer Operate This Department ot tlio farm A Vtr lllnta.ui-to llio Cnro of lAxo Stock nnd roultry. ROM tho Dairy World, London, wo reprint tho follow ing report of tho mnrkot for Austral Ian butter during tho past year: Tho past butter season has wit nessed tho flrflt check to that ex traordinary dc- rclopmont which Iibb characterized tho importation of Australian butter Into tho United Kingdom slnco its com mencement In 1887. For tho prevIouH ,flvo scasonB tho Import had gono on with mnrvolotis rapidity until It reach ed tho large total of 29,000,000 pounds. Tho eovcro drouth, however, which .lately nffllctod several of tho Australian Volonlos, Iibb temporarily retarded this development, and for tho season lately closed only 17,000,000 pounda wcro re solved. This shortngo was foreseen In Uuropo early last AiigiiBt and produced two Important results. Tho Danes, who hovo boon watching with great anxiety (the growth of the Colonial butter trado, woro advised from Australia of tho po sition of affairs, and bollovlng that jthey had tho wlntor'8 trado very much ,in their own hands, In October rushed jup tho wholesalo price of Dan Ink butter ,In Copenhagen to 133s, which was high er tljan it had boon for years, whllo In London It rose to 142s. The Copen hagen committee overreached itself, for 'he rlso in values speedily brought In largor Imports from other sources, no tably from tho States and Cannda, which togethor in October and Novem ber sent 3,310 tous against C2C for tho corresponding month of tho previous 'year, tho Bhortagc from Australasia for jthoso two month3 being only 3S)C tons. 'Thin great Influx of American and Ca nadian butter reduced values rapidly, land Danish fell 25s per cwt. in Copen hagen In fourteen days, but not before tho rlso had done great harm to tire SUFFOLK STALLION gcnulno butter trado by giving an lm pctuu to the salo of pure margarlno and murgnrino mixtures. Thus, owing to the uctlon of tho Copenhagen commit tee, tho deficiency of tho Australasian supply, instead of benefiting tho Danes by raising tho valuo of tholr product all through the season, did thorn irrep arable harm. Colonial butter rpn Danish very close In values, tho differ ence for tho wholo ot last season aver aging only Gs id per cwt. The quality ot Colonial butter, on tho whole, has shown an improvement on previous (seasons, moro especially In the choicest grades. IlulUUiitr I'onltry llnuac It 13 very difficult to give a design of oatisfactory poultry-houso, as so much depends on how much ono de sires to invest, says American Poultry Keeper. Of course, tho "best" may cost too much, and thcro is a disposi tion to economize. Then again, a win ter houso may not serve for tho sum mer. It Is as difficult to suggest a plan of n poultry-house as It Is to attempt to please all with a plan ot a dwelling, owing to individual preference being a factor. Thero should bo plenty of room on tho floor, to enable tho hens to work and scratch In winter, and also because tho hens detest a dark poultry-house. For 100 lions a houso fifty feet long and slxteon feet wldo would not be too large. It should bo built on a founda tion, which need not extend more than six laches or a foot above tho ground. On this lay a cement floor to keep tho rats out. Make tho houso eight feet high In Tront and soven feet in the rear, of rough boards, placed perpendicular ly. On theso boards place tarred paper, with strips on the paper, the roof to bo of tarred paper also. Have four win dows, the larger tho better, and divide tho house Into four apartments, with twonty-flie hens In each. Mako the partitions of boards, running to tho celling, and hsvc all boards abovo four feet movable, so that wire netting may ."be used In summer. Place two roosts at yc rca--, with dropplns-boardg under tho j-oost, nnd ncstB under tho boards. It Is bettor to bavo no passageway, allowing doors to open into each apart mont, thus securing moro room. Cover tho floor with cut straw, and scattor all grain In tho straw. A water-trough may bo of wood and kopt In tho sun light. A dust bath should bo near tho window. In summer, vcntllato by leav ing tho windows open, covered with wlro nottlng. Such a houso will cost from $50 to $100, according to labor, location and prlco of materials. Thcro should bo a yard in front of each parti tion, 12 by 100 feet, and ono at tho rear, changing tho hens from ono to tho other, no necessity demands, which will perm't of growing something In tho un occupied yard, and will assist in keep ing them clean by turning under tho top soil. A ventilator may bo placed at tho peak over each partition, but It should never bo opened unless in sum mer. Tho object In suggesting board partitions is to prevent tho possibility of drafts on tho fowls nt night. Tho south or southeast 1b tho proper di rection for tho houso to face. A flat roof Is tho cheapest, nnd where tarred paper la used, tho boards need not bo Btnooth. But for tho expense wo would advise plantcrlng also, as It better pro tects against lice. If tho tarred paper Is placed on tho outside, instead of on tho inside, It provents the boards from becoming wet and kcops tho house dry. Cover tho paper with coal-tar and Band two or thrco tlmos, and It will last for years. It may also bo whitewashed whenever it la dcslrnblo to do so. Hnrnlnir nnil Swelled IInl. Doth these are symptoms of roup, but not roup in themselves, says a writer In Poultry Monthly. Sneezing more properly belongs to dlBlempcr, or a cold In tho head, and In Itself Is only a slight ailment, nnd common among young chickens when exposed to sud den changes of tho atmosphere. In qulto young chlck3 tho trouble is best treated by putting four drops of tinc turo ot aconlto In a half pint of drink ing water. Uso tho homeopathic acon ite. For older chickens, tlo a picco of nsatoctlda in a picco of muslin and fast en it in tho drinking fountain or vessel. Uso a piece about tho sizo ot a hazlc nut. Swelled head very often comes from a draft at night whllo tho birds aro roosting, ouch as a crack in tho wall. It also accompanies roup when, In treating the disease, tho face and ECLIPSE (2010), PRIZE WINNER AT head Is not daily washed with warm water nnd castllo soap suds, so as to removo tho matter. When neglected, tho virus of tho matter poisons tho face, causing lumps. Da tho tho head and faco with strong castllo soap suds. After wiping dry bathe with a lotion mndo of ono part splrltB of turpentine to six parts of glycerine, and well rubbed upon tho head and face. Also take a tablcspoonful of clean lard, half a tablcspoonful each of ginger, cayenne pepper and mustard. Mix well to gethor and then add flour till the wholo has tho consistency of dough. Itoll Into slugs about the size of tho top joint of the llttlo linger, and put ono down tho bird's throat. Repeat tho do3o In twelve or twonty-four hours, ns tho case may require. Shredding Corn fodder. Nowspaper bulletin 35, Indiana ex periment station: During tho past few years unusual interest has beon taken by farmers in tho subject of shredding fodder. Many have hesitated to ehred, thinking that tho shredded corn would not keop well In tho mow or stack. When shredding was first practiced, mora or less fodder was shroddod in a somewhat damp condition. When such corn was need It invariably heat ed In the mow, becamo musty and gave unsatisfactory results. A knowl edge of such unsatisfactory preserva tion has restrained some people from shredding their fodder, although had the crop been properly handled thcro Is llttlo doubt but what theso same per sons would havo becomo lndorsers of tho process. Fodder that Is shvedded should not be run through tho machine until It Is entirely dry and well cured. It would be hotter ovordry than not dry onough. Last season at tho Indi ana experiment station we shroddod all of our corn fodder (stover) and with the most satisfactory results. It kept well In tho mow, and wno froo from muetlnosti. The cattlo and sheep ate It freely, and It was used wall Into tho spring with tho stook. This fall we will shred nearly till of our 189G crop. Shredded fodder presents sovcral Im portant points in its favor: FirstIt Is more economical to feed thun tho uncut corn. Second It Is oaten Up cleaner by tho stock than most cut fodder is, thcro being less waste, duo to tho absence of tho hard, sharp-edged, short butt pieces of stalks usually found In cut fodder. Third Tho rofuco makes better -nalerlnl for bedding thnn docs wholo stalks or cut pieces, being finer and softer. Fourth It handles far better in the manuro pilo than does tho cntlro ntalk. Fifth It does not mako tho mouths ot cattlo soro, while that of coarsely cut fodder oftontlmea docs. Sixth It packs more economically In tho mow than docs un cut fodder. Tho feeding valuo of shredded nnd cut fodder 1b practically tho same. Shredding is coming moro nnd moro into practice, and many farmers aro making uso of tho process. Shredders nnd buskers combined aro made, or the shrcddcrB may bo bought 6epnrately. Baled Bhredded corn hay may now bo found In tho hay markets, and It furnishes n valuable class ot coarso food for horses, cattle, and sheep. A ton of shredded fodder con tains over three-fourths of a ton of dlgcstlblo food for tho animal body. In theso times ot low prices, tho farmers of tho country cannot afford to allow tholr fodder corn crop to go to waste, so long as It can bo used Instead ot other rough stuff. Shredded, it may bo handled and fed to tho greatest advan tage. C. S. Plumb, Director. llxlliK tho Toultry House. In tho winter your poultry In com pelled to bo under shelter much of tho time, nnd you should Bee to It that tho poultry house Is put in proper condi tion for them before sovero weather seta in, sayB an exchange. Put on the whitewash wherever it will atl-k, wnlls, roof, nests and all; see that tho perches aro in good condition, freo from sharp edges, nails or any othor thing that might injure tho fowl, llavo your perches all on the same level to avoid crowding at tho top. Don't have them too high, ono and a half or two feet la sufficient. Where perches are too high, fowls, especially the larger va rieties aro apt to mjuro mcrascivcs in flying up or down lown. See that tho nest . right, easy ot access and boxes nro all clean, with good fresh straw In them ENGLISH SHOWS. occasionally. It Is a good Idea to place nest boxes In the darkest part of the houso, aa it Is a hen's nature to hido her nest, and tho more seclusion you ' can glvo her at the laying hour, the better she likes it. 3111k l'remrratlvea ll.inserom. Dr. M. K. Robinson of East Kent, England, was recently requested to In vestigate ti sudden serious outbreak of Illnes3 in a religious house containing five sisters, a cook and a housemaid, says Hoard's Dairyman. Although no fatal results had accrued, tho symp toms wero sovero and convalesenco pro tracted. Five out of the seven inmates wore attacked within a short period of each othor, thus indicating somo com mon origin as tho sourco of tho mis chief. Suspicion was attached to the milk supplied to tho household, which had been taken alone, blended with tea, and In tho form of blanc mange. To tho morning and afternoon supply the cook had added a preservative which was found to contain, as its basis, boraclc acid. A sample as de livered by tho dnirymnn was analyzed and found also to contain u similar substance. Thus, for tho same purpose, a preservative had been added both be foro and after Its arrival at tho house, by which treatment an overdose had been administered. Permission was obtained to give the portion of uncon suraed blanc mango to nine fowls. Five devoured tho food 'with avidity, and thus Bccurcd a larger portion than tho remaining four and, although vigorous pullets, thoy all died. 1 ho remaining four suffered budly, but ultimately re- nv,i nr Tinhinsn,, nnto , L.! covered. Dr. Robinson quotes tho opin- I Ions of Fere, bir Andrew Clark, Sir Henry Thompson and Dr. Landor Brunton ns to the poisonous character of the admixture and urges that the presenco of tho drug should be recog nized as an Injurious adulteration. If such resultr, ho says, can b produced In the caso ot adults It Is not unrea sonable to presumo that Infants can not tafco with Impunity long continued doses in tholr stoplo food. ACCOMMODATING. fl Landlord In Knnsas Who Took the Slrrint for IH-lnc Obliging. "I stopped at a very small town In Kansas a fow weeks ago," said L. M. ' Martinez at tho Rnlolgh. "I had boon In tho town onco before, and knew whoro tho hotol was. It was lato at night when I got off tho train and went to tin hote.. After repeatedly knock lug and shaking tho door tho landlord let mo in. The next morning breakfast was not roady when I got up, but tho landlord was In good humor about it, saying: 'Everybody Is sick about tho houso. You aro tho only guest, so I didn't got breakfaat ready.' Ho wont I found that my customer was out of hour terved a very good meal for me. I found that my tfuctomer was out of town, bo had nothing to do but to stay around tho hotel all day. Tho landlord got dinner nnd supper for mo and I asked, 'Who Is elck?' "'My wife, two children, tho cook, tho waiter and tho porter.' " 'I should think you would get somo ono else.' " 'Can't. They won't come.' " 'Why?' " 'They aro all afraid of tho small pox. I'm tho only one who hasn't got It, and I feel tho symptomB. I'll bo in bed to-morrow, but I think tho porter will bo well enough to run tho hotel by that time. Ho Is sitting up to-day.' "I paid my bill very suddenly, and put myself under medical treatment when I reached tho next town." San Francisco Chronicle. Tho Wandorlng I'lsh. Tho Baltimore Sun printa tho follow ing: "A flkeleton of a fish Is prized vory highly as a curiosity by Mr. Au gustus Bonolt of the llttlo two-masted schooner Ernest Dacasta of Halifax, which arrived yesterday from the West Indies. "That is," said Mr. Be nolt, whllo Bhowlng his prize, "tho skeleton of what is known ns tho wan dering fish, and thcro arc not half a dozen other specimens in tho world. Tho name has been applied to it be cause co fow have been captured. Its wonderful featuro is that on tho front ! of tho skeleton there 1b a perfect out line of tho sceno on Cavalry, Tho Sa vior, with outstretched arms and with His head slightly Inclined to the left nhouldcr, 3 plainly marked. Near tho left sldo of the head is a clearly de- j fined heart. Abovo tho head of the fig ure the vertebrae forms a crown of thorns. Striking also," continued Mr. Benolt, "Is the reverse sido of tho flsh'o skeleton. With arms extended, as If Invoking benediction, the figure of a bishop is presented. Tho ornamenta tion of tho vestments Is delicately traced in tho bone, tho cross being rep resented by seams running up and down and across the back of tho chasu ble. The bishop is bareheaded, but hla mitro 13 supplied by a part of the okele-1 ton which la fitted over tho head of tho figure. Another bone makes the cro zler. Holding the skeleton up to the light It appears transparent, with tho human form outlined within it." When the skeleton had been exposed, Mr. Bonolt shook it, and from It camo a bcll-llkc sound. The fish is sixteen and cno-half Inches long. New Stylo of Canranscrg. The up-to-date canvasser now travels In a bunch. Under the direction of managers, and chaperons, companies of lady agenta will soon ho touring tho country, judging from tho advent of such an organization here. They hold rehearsals, just like their theatrical sis ters, and each girl Is thoroughly coached as to what to say and how to say It. Early In the morning they receive their assignments and scatter over tho city or town, Watched by spot ters, who report to the manager any breach of contract on tho part of tho canvasser. Tho rules are of the carly- to-bed-and-early-to-rlse sort, the hotel bills nd traveling expenses aro paid by tho manager, and tho cntlro outfit is an object lcston of the benuflt to bo derived from discipline, drill and cr- ganlzatlon The female book agent neeun t uo lonely anu neipicss any longer unless she proposes to flock by herself. New York Letter. WORTH KNOWING. Two wealthy Hebrews of Bagdad now own all that remains of the an cient town of Babylon. Throe hundred thousand tons of vegetables, valued at $25,000,000, wero sold in tho city of Paris in 1S95. Six couples living within a circuit of ono mile at Milford, N. H havo cele brated tholr golden wedding anniver saries. A floral bicycle was the funeral trlb uto recontly made by a Lewlstou (Me.) hot-house for bereaved cyclomanlac friends of a young man who had lived there. A stranger In Manlstlque, Mich., re cently engaged eighty men to work on tho railroad. They wero grateful, and bought him drinks for a week before they found out it was a trick. Pralrio schooners bound East ax the spoctacles to which Nebraskans around Arapahoe are treated now. The peo plo aro being forced away from tho Southwestern country by drought. Seaweed, though not tho diet for an rplcuro, is, when dry, rlchor than oat- mii1 r lnfllnn rnrn In nlfrnwnnnna i constltuents. and takes rank among the m0Bl nutrlUous of vegetable foods, ,, T ,, The Japanese aro now getting used to glass. At first, gloss In a railway car riage window had to be smeared with stroaks ot white paint to keep passcn gors from poking tholr heads through it. Ilefislan graves at Bennington, Vt., woro decorated recontly by a 10-ycnr-old girl 'Whoso family Is summering there. It is paid to bo tho first timo that any Oawcrs have been strewn I orer thijux. Rov.P.J.ncrp.riwtor of tho Swedish M.EL ihnrcli.Dea Molnc,lown,on March 4th.l800, writes: "Lost yenr 1 wan tronb cd with a I nd couch for about five months. I got modlcino from my family physician una I tried other remedies without relief. "When I 1 flrtt raw Dr. Kay's I.uujc Palm advertised I thought I would try It nnd I am glad I did. I boneht a Lox and took a tablet now nnd then without any rou'arity, nnd alter a fow days to niy great surprise tho cough was gono. Ten "davs aio I had Roro thront. I was out or tho tablets aud could not pot them in Dps Moines, nnd I sonl to the Western Ofllro of Dr. 11. J. Kay Medical Co., Onmlia, Nob., for six loxos, and as soon ns I took it a fow times that soronos and hoarseness all passed away in ono nlcht I I ollovo it Is also good for soro throat" Dr. Kny'a Lunt Halm does not eauso sickness at tho stomach liko many remedies, and is moro effectual than any other wo know of. SoM by druggists at 25 cents or sent by mail. Napoleon's Army Itftfnrn Waterloo. On tho eve of hostilities Nnpolcon had 124,000 effectives, with 3.500 in his camp train; Wellington had 100,000, but of these 4,000 Hanoverians wcro left in garrison; Hluchcr had about 117,000. Neither of tho two allied gen erals dreamed that Nnpolcon would choose tho darintr form of attack upon which he decided, that of a wedgo driven into tlio scattered lino nearly a hundred miles in length upon which his enemies lay, for to do so ho must pass tho Ardennes. But ho did choose it and selected for tho purpose the val leys of tho Sambro and tho Mouse. Allowing for tho dlfforonco In typog raphy, tho idea was identical with that which, nineteen years before, he had executed splendidly in Picdmant. Oc tober Century. Gascarets stimulato llver.kldnoys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. lllrmlnglinin' Turks. Ono feature rather surprising to an American is that every park is made for use. thcro is no fear lest the grass may bo injured, but in every ground adapted for them aro cricket and foot ball fields, picnic grounds, croquet lawns, tennis-courts, bowling-greens, tho nso of which is permitted for a merely nominal payment. Every park, large or small, has ono or moro con certs each week during tho bummer, paid for by a neighborhood subscrip tion. Tho Centurv. rm Miffii 1 UHI As 1 Lsw fAD D am Mii " . vwmhiiij ,. -ir ifrsr"" ii n ihrwi ii u. lVV$SS0g i (Jill j I n 111 J Council Bluff., 1 "llr Ht 3 JMUUiU tiUltw' Iowa, 1 " itiuaas - pup.n IlRTnif bten ,n thp j m Gmi.- do. .. IIUUI I Ull 10 tuMme2yrri, am well ac- H LvfSEAS&Z OOES l30T $ Commission Mrr- qnalntrdwltu the nantsofttae U v chant Omaha. traitesronncqurntlycnuobuin . )S WASTJUU the highest prlre. Amprumpt nTAMD Ci"rn i B flutter. Vest, I'oiil- In innlni; returpn, undroiiioa " ' w"" ""''" E try, (lame. Veal, Rlble. lirfrrcnccs: Any bank Iff Hlclcn Ktc. In tho Mute. 1 JSrery ono 13 either growing hotter V nno ill a cwrwir nrnnn iimrtfn orvrorse. UEVIAHA 5 I UVt iitfAlll WUI1&5 m JToiV is it witlt vnn IK Bton Eplr for my kl4r iti mulr. 1 " r B. 120T SOCUJJkS ST., OMAHA. SB. I ou are sau-erine from 1 GAMlWANTEOr ilt 1 KIDNEY. LIVER Uutter.rBw, Poultry, ,.-,, ,h , I OR URINARY TROUBLES. I Highest l-rlcea. OMAHA. yr.llBASKA I navo tried doctors nnd medicine wltu- I ftoENSIONS, PATENTS, CLAIMS. I out avail, nnd havo becomo Utstfuateu. M fslOHN W. MORRIS, WAS!IINGT0N,D.C. 18 Hi 3tt.luUtwr, IS i)judkatia j claim,, ally, tiuca. DON'T CIVE UP I I II 1 I riDIIIM "oMtCurril. 1(- In 1571. Thon-snrt. .-v. Mtr' -. a. 1 ill llllfl curecl.Chcapcataixlbeatcuro.FaEBTaiAi. I mate (lire msh oysters iss 1 ( W. N. U., OMAHA 45 1006 I IVILL CURE YOU. t -; Q i Hhen wntmgto advertisers, kindly nl ThMHn?ui.nnw.n . .. it. ...... I mt.nr.imi r.1iii nntipiv w uuu4?w..u7 uvn unit uu.uum I1KU uut .-..-. v.. ....... ..v., say so. Glvo on lioucat inoUlclao au hon- J r5 1 Largo bottlo or new stylo emullcr ono t jffi rtoai'TKyls ff o "F at your drusrtrlst's. Writo for freo treat- G Et n ivVnhHin: ftJi-i n &SJ B3 h E.pAjKBjXlffP? ?i --v t . . X . X X C W V. 52sf e X V W Vh vA M M V A V V V (S3 m a &a x v m m a?K -MtmPHm: hi?hm?i m 8 $k&J T?tewrdB4fJSfflalS 1 msmmmmysi I g "The Old Soldier's Favorite " m A little bit of pension goes a long way if you chew " Battle Ax' The biggest piece of really high grade tobacco ever sold for 5 cents; almost twice as large as the other fellow's inferior brand Th TTar TJHh ITkzIco. Tho war with Mexico was n war of conquest, and of conquest chiefly it the interest of African slavery. It was al so an unjust attack made by a power ful peoplo on n fcoble one; but it lasted less than two years, and tho number of men engaged in it was at no tirao largo. Moreover, tho treaty which ended the war tho conquering nation agreed to pay to tho conquered S18, 000,000, in partial compensation for soma of tho territory wrested from it, instead of demanding a hugo war indemnity, ns tho European way is. This treaty also contains a remarkable clauso which undertook to impose a mutual obligation to submit futuro dif ferences to arbitration. Tho results of the war contradicted tho anticipations of both thoso who advocated and of those who opposed it. It was ono of the wrongs which prepared tho way for tho great rebellion; but its direct evils wero of modcrato extent. Octo ber Atlantic; to conn a cold in one day. Takb Laxative Dromo Qulnlno Tablets. Alt Druccists refund tho monoy 11 K falls to cure. EUd Us Was No root. "Are yon a single man?" asked a lawyer of a stolid-looking German on tho witness stand. "Now you look," was tho indignant reply, "bud don'd you try to make no shoko rait me shoost because I van green. Do I look liko I vas a double man? Do I look like I vs n Simeso dwin? Huh! lam no fool if I am not long in dis guntry.,' Harper's Bazar. Vruil tilnswl n4- !.! ..... l. ..1.1 . rr , barsaparllla and you will not need to fr pneumonia,, fbvers or tho grip. Remember SarsapaHlIa ts tho best In faotf ho Ono Trno Wood Purine. Hood's Pills ?,ct harmoniously with . i iuuu truia Hood-s Sarsjparllk S5c. 1,200 BU. ) v r y ViS -jr ii li