Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, November 13, 1896, Image 1
n t -B .-. ..,- -srrrrr.-: VOL. 2. HEMINGrFOllD, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, NOV. 18..JL96. NO- 38 ""7 tY I n, s-- y vi f V. 'Jti 1 The Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. Published nwry Friday and entered nt the. poitt-oillce in llrmllmfonl, Nobrmka, an necnnd claa mail matter. Tin: IIkuai.k in Unvoted to the interests of lleiuingfurd nml Dux Jlutto .county. THOS. O'KEEPn, I'ublUiicr. BuuBomiTioN hates: ONE YHAll 51 ro NIX MONTHS 75 I - 1, I .1 II II II .... . - COUNTY OFKIOEHS. F. M. I'mst.vtt Clerk. A. M. MiM.rn Trcasttrer. J as. H. II. Hewictt Imliro. J',. 1'. Hwkesey Sheriff. It. l Oilman Attorney. Misk A. E. NEEt.XNU , Superintendent. 'IMS. lllUN Surveyor, Dr. W. K. Mim.eu Coroner. T)n. li. W. HowMAlf l'hiclan. 3Air.n HuntY CommiHsloncr lt DUt. Jam. HolM.niuke.... CiMiimiHPioncr'Jiid Dist. (i. V. Duncan (.'oinmiKHiunerUrd DIst. MAIL DllUXTOUY. IlEMloronn postottice. On week days door opens nt 7 a. m., Keneral delivery opens nt 8 n. m. ami closes at 8 p. m. Open HiiikIkjh 0 to 10 a. m. JltillNClFOUD AND Ilox IlBTTE Macodnlly except Sunday. HrMixiiKOtiD Asn LoxLAr stage, Monday WodueHdny and Friday. Now Short Lino to Helena, Butte Spokane, Seattle and Tacomn. G. X. &t "W. C. Time Oard. EA8T HOUND. No. 12. pimonncor arrives ill 1:22 n. ra. " id frclcht ' " r:4np.m. " 8froii;lit nrrlvoH tit lO.'JSii. in, WK8T BOUND. No, ll pnnperiKorurrivcfl ilt 4:23 a. m. " 4 freight ' " 11:52 v. m. " 7 freight, nrrlves nt u:10 p. hi All resolar trains carry pasRenKera, W. M. Coi-ELA.ND, Atfenr TUTTLE & TAS1I Attorneys - at - Law, HFMINGFORD. NEBRASKA. L. W. BOWHAN Physician and Surgeon ALLIANCE, NER. Office rooms ami residence in Praver block, up stiiirs. Special attention Riven to dis eased of children . 10 Reward will bo paid to anyone furnishing information j that will lead to the conviction of the party or parties who recently ! stole tho top oif of house and stable belonging to W. D. Mar shall's farm formerly known as the Eckel place near Berea. W. T. Johnson. Bring in potatoes and wood on subscription. Taken up by tho undersigned on section 2-l-2d-18, Box Butte county, Neb., on Oct. 21, 1890. One bay mare, about 3 or 4 years old, strip in face, left front footiwhite and right hind foot white, had halter on. One light bay horse colt, white spot in face and left hind foot white; over 1 .year old. One black horse colt, white spot in face and right hind 4- tflttrti . i.f miia - Sll rl foot white; over one year old. . (Junior nsui iimvo srnnn hv unv. ing for this notice and damages, Anton Jelinek. 1 Estrnyed. On Snnr. 28. lfiDfi. .from son. 90, 28-48, one black steer calf; one ono black heifer calf; both spring 'calves; both mulies. Liberal re- ward will be paid for information leading to their recovery. , f Albekt Nelson, j Ilennngtord, Nob. ! TO RENT. , Tho undersigned will rent, his farm in Sec. 12-30-18, at Wtumtah ppatollice, Dawej county, for tho your 1897. Will furnish seed, teams and machinery if required. f ' TlIKO. G-IIIMKS, v Wyjiutah, Neb. 13. F. Gilman is on the sink list. District court convenes next Tuesday. Deputy Sheriff Martin was in the city Monday. Mrs. Iodenco was numbered with tho sick last wool:. Rev. E. S. Muenich is visiting at his former homo in "Wisconsin. Loo Prankhouser of Loland, Oregon, is u Into subscriber for tho IIekald. Attorneys L. A. Berry and Wm. Mitchell were upfrom Alli ance yesterday. J. T. McGrow departed for Denver yesterday morning whore ho will spend the winter. Born on Saturday Nov. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reed, a boy. All parties doing well. Rev. Preston held services at Reno Sunday and will hold ser vices hero next Sabbath at tho usual hour. F. W. Wheatloy, formerly station agent at this place, ar rived in town Wednesday morn from Minnesota. President Cleveland has issued a proclamation desijrnatincr ! Thursday, Nov. 26th as a day of thanksgiving and prayer. Snow commenced falling Mon day afternoon and by Tuesday morning there wore about eight inches of the "beautiful white" on the ground. Johu Hollinrake made final proof on his homestead before the land office at Alliance Mon day. Leo Fronapfel and M. R. Murphy wero his witnesses. Cal Wildy drove- out in tho country Monday afternoon and was "snowed under" which ac counted for hjui not returning till Wednesday morning. L. B. Fennor is assisting in the county treasurer's office. Treasurer Miller is exerting him self to collect delinquent taxes and is deserving of much credit. Mrs. W. J. Bean wont to Broken Bow Monday night in answer to a telegram stating that her father, Mr. Tuttle, was dan- gerously ill. Later Mr. Tuttle died yester- y morning. J. D. Lonz, of Iowa, traded a farm in California for tho Dan Gerber farm cast of town. Mr. Lenz was hear Monday and ox pressed himself as well pleased with this country and will prob ably move here next summer. Johnny, the six -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Aamstrong "Was thrown from a horse last Thursday breaking his right arm above tho elbow. Dr. Bowman reduced the fracture and tho lit tle fellow is getting along nicely. Among the old soldiers from out of town who attended Mike Shindler's funeral were; Ezra Popper, Al Wiker, A. Froshla, H J, , R Mont J ery, A. F. Payne, J R. Watson, J- i- Denton of Alliance: L. R. antl " Loroin or uanton. A ton-year-old son of John I Kroesing. who resides ton miles rthoast of Hemmgford, was lost m the storm Monday night on hi way homo from school and as ho has not boon found yet it is feared ho hius porishod. Tho whoi0 neighborhood is searching foi. jliin Report of school in District No. 60: No. Pupils enrolled 8 No. days absent 83 No. tardy 20 Geo. II. Lee, Toachor. IIP Mhib 1MB imam IWWBOMa i'ia.wMHII. in , mi BushuQll A: Sherwood will pay the highest market, in'iuu for hogs SH1NDLKU. Died, on Friday. Nov. 0, 1800, Michael Shindler, aged lifty eight yoai'r). Deceased was born in Pennsyl vania; enlisted in the flh Iowa Infantry on July 10. 1801; was discharged on Jan. l',, 18613, for disability. For the past two years he has been suffering with rheumatism, which was the oauso of his death. Tho funeral services wero con ducted by the Grand Arnryt5fwtlfo Republic, General Day Ion Post No. 321, dopartmontof Nobwska, of which he was a member, and prayer was offered by Rev. Wor nom. Mr. Shindler has resided in this county for tho past ton years and was well known. IIo leaves a widow, ono son and two daughters to mourn his death. CARD OF THANKS. I desire to extend my heartfelt thanks to tho G. A. R. and all who so kindly assisted during the sickness and death of my beloved husband. Mus. M. Shindi.ek. 3STE3W GOODS txt X.I.Q Iwdlt-Unet-y Store. New Photographic Studio. I have just moved into a now brick building especially built and fitted up for high claaa photog raphy north of opera house block Alliance. My work needs no introduction to the Hemingford people. With my improved facilities I expect to continue to do the high-grade pho tography of the Northwest to do it at popular prices and to turn out work more uniform than ovor and with less delay. Cabinet Photos. $2.50 per doz. Card 81.50; otfier sizes from locket to 8 x 10 in proportion. No extra charges for groups. W. T. Caldwell, PhologrupiiM. CURE CONSUMPTION. T. A. Slocuni. M. C, the Great Chem ist and Scientist, Oilers to Send Free, to the Afflicted, Three Hot ties of Ills Newly Discovered Ituiiiedies to Cure Consump tion and AllLonTionbles. Nothing nuuld ho fairer, more phil anthropic or carry more joy In its wake than the offer of T. A. Sloctim, M. C, of 183 Pearl street, New Yurk City. Confident that he has discovered an absolute cure for consumption and all pulmonary complaints, and ,0 to make its great merits Known, he will send, free, three bottles (the Slocmn new system of nietllqine) to any reader of the Herald who Is suf fering from chest, tiiro.it ami lung troubles or consumption. He invites those desirous of ob taining the remedies to simply send him tliolr express and postofiieo ad dress, and receive in return the three free bottles. . Already this "new scientific course of medicine" lias permanently cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases. He considers it his religious duty a duty which lie o.ves to humanity to donate Ins infallible cure. Offered freely, apart from its ad herent strength, is enough to com mend it, nud.inoru so Is tho perfect coulidence of the great chemist, mak ng the offer. He has proved cunsiiUiplion to he a curable disetsu beyond any doubt. Tiiert) will bo no mistake in send ing tho iniataKO will bo In overlook ing the Doctor's generous invitation. He has on tile In Ids American and European laboratories thousands of testimonials of experience from those cured, in all paitsof the world. Delyt are dangerous; mail y0i address to T A. .SJocmn. M. (.!., 18IJ l'ourl Btieet, New York, and hen writing tlte Doctor, pluaau mention i reading this article In Tim IIukakd. w - ' ; Tho following is tho program of the Reading Circlo which meats on Saturday, Nov. 21. Crusade Mabol Curtis, History, to page 02. Child study, to page -12. Gunpowder. Printing. Mariner's Compass. Nollio Goodouough," Leo Kustin, I 11. V. Fillmore, f Com. D. K. Spauht, ELEGANT LINE OF NEW CEOAKS AND NEWMARK ETS, CHEAP AT C. A. BURLEWS. Photos. Whilo your family is all at homo and in health why not have their picture taken together maybe you would not part with such a picture at any price in a few yours. Vt . T. Caldwllk. Photographer, Alliance Comfort to California. Every Thursday morning, a tourist sleeping car for Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Los An gel pso leaves Omaha and Lincoln via tho Burlington Route.' It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan; has spring seats and backs and is provided with curtains, beddings, towels, soap and etc. An experienced excursion con ductor and a uniformed Pullman porter accompany it through to the Pacific coast. Whilo neither as expensively furnished nor as fine to look at as a palaco sleeper, it is just as good to ride in. Second class tickots are honored and the price of a berth, wide enough and big enough for two, is only $i. For a folder giving full par ticulars, cp.ll ut tho nearest B. & M. R. R. ticket office. Or, write to J. Francis. Gen'l.Pnss'r Agent Burlington Route. Omaha, Neb. That a Woman's Heart Can Desire to be Found in my Stock c f Goods. Call and see the immonso variety of Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods Shoes, Notions, Groceries, Brand Now and CHEAP. C A BURLEW. U. 8. Lund Of fie. AMpinm, Nol., Hov. B, 189tJ. Notleo in hereby (ihen timt John C. Lammers, of ItnMivillc, Nb., linn filed notice of intention to make final ptout beforo lWtfUter or Heomer nt Allinneo, Neli., on DcvHmlw gs, lbM, on tim-Ix-r onltnre application No. WS, for tho uot era 22, tp 27 n, r 47 w. He unmet n witnesses: Chrintoplier l Itn Kle, Allxirt Marundy. O. it. YMixter, of Hx ilutto, Neb., l'cter '. Borem-en. of Hunlivillt, Neb. J, V. Wkun, JR.. lUsUtfr. THE OMAHA WORLD -HERALD XsT7. mYAM Is the greatest newspaper vest of the Missouri Jiiwr. It advocates FREE SILVER at tho present ratio of sixteen to ono. Its nows sorvico is the best to be obtained. Daily, ?Q 00 per yoar; 50 cents per montli. Weekly, $100 per year. Subscriptions for the WORLD-HERALD received at this office Calvin J. Wildy NEW STORE! :: NEW GOODS! t New Prices! :: New Everything! Always Leads and Never Follows ! A TON PIONEER Hard ware am TlllC ULD1CST JSSTAUMSIiMliN-r IN Ttne fViirvrv Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, et. Special Agent for BAKER FEBFEGT'-Barb Wire the Best on Earth ' - HEMINGFORD .MANCKACTUHEItS LOU r 2 y u We Guarantee Our Flour Equal to Any Other. Try It. Al-hO DEALEIl IN XjTTOsCiSEJK NEW CASTLE, .... SHERIDAN -.AND .... FELIX, GLENROOK, .... CANON CITY. H, H. pierce; .Proprietor of. Livery AND Wo have lirst-class stock nnd double and sinclp rigs, Which wo nrnish at reasonahle rates. Our facilities for accommodating hoarder are unexcelled in tho city. Givofus,a call. BST Stahlo Corner Box Bntto Avcnno and Sheridan Srcoi. r ' Fred Knur CABINET BOTTLED EEER A High Grade Lager Beer, Purest in the Market. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTBI Office 1C07 Jackson Street, Omaha. Nob. UHRIG, Saddler?. MILLING CO., OP. CTA hum I KSm osanao ion Ksa n AND ALL KINDS OF 00-A.-31I, Feed Stibk Brewing Company