Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, November 06, 1896, Image 8

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1 . i , f
Lite tn th Center of f Infamous (lold
' .Mliilite nfRlohJ
Johnnncobiii-g, tho London of South
Africa, nine years ago n Barren . dt
nnd eight ypara ago a minora i,
is now the' center of Bomo lOO.Ouw In
habitants aj inci casing about ns fast
n brick nrfd mortnr can bo obtained,
Bava a writer In Chamber Journal. It
Is situated directly on top of tho cold,
directly on top of tho cold,'
'!. dn lFom
and on loo
cround ab&Vo It looks to ari'JSngllsh
oyo like a'hugo drawn-out mats of tin -res qrcamy In tint and ijpft with age
'sheds with Jhclr painted mlno chlm- iclrlooms from tho days of her Salooi
neys mrfnlng In n straight "lino all mtestors, when spinning, though a
along tho quartz gold reef as far as you ueodful art, wbb tho occupation of foml
can see In either direction. The larg nine leisure, hp employment of the
est, or main rocf, runs for thirty miles rich and tho poor, in tho Intervals of
' uninterruptedly, gold-bearing and hon- moro Important business and In the
eycombed with mines throughout, long nights of winter. The dlatnff was
This, oven werojtalono, could speak then, llkotho cmbrqlilorlngofjaoft cush
for the stability land continuous pros- Ions, table centers and dollies, of our
perlty or thf Transvaal gold trade. On day, a remedy ngal&sjt idleness. A
a small jrtfeamor arriving only ft few freah charming fashion Is thd gift of a
days ajg from tho capo was cald to bo quaint chest o'f drawers, called a "trous
botweon 300,000 and 400,(WO worth of aeau chest," "from tho mother'to hor en
gold,' and tho ncwopapers show that gaged daughter oon after the ring has
usually about 100,TO0 worth Is con- . boon given by her flanco. It serves Its
signed by each 'mall jioat. J earliest duty as tho reiosltory of the
" As wo enter tho town wo find fine congratulatory offerings from girl
and well-planned strots, crossed nt friends tho tcaclotho and chocolate
placos with deep gutters gulllea. I napkins which havo run to earth the
tathor to cary off tho ..water, which li overworked "engagement teacup." Tho
often, In the hoayy summer ralnB, doop; j chests, mado of black old Dutch oak,
or than your knees. Crossing theao at ( aro riOBt suggestive of the Hollander's
a fast trot, tho drive? never drawing i0vo of table linen, and aro supposed to
rein, tho novice is shjjt about In hie
white-covered, two-whoelea cap, wun
Its large springs, AUco ra pea In a blad
der. Indeed, one marvels at tho dain
tily dreesod .habltti f tho place bolnn
Iswung thjough si- y. quito uncon
cerned and with. ' impllng a frill.
We pass fine pubi c buildings, very
,,hlgh houses and shops, somewhat Jerry-built,
it Is true, and goodness help
them In caso of a largo street flro
but now being added to or replacod
by larger and mpro 3ajid Aiuildlngo. In
doctl, bricks cannot be mado fast
''enough to supply the demand, both
hero and In some of the outlying
Transval towns whero tho gold boom
Is on. Thoro uro lofty and handsome
shops with moat costly contents which
fan vip wjth London or Paris.
tnterentlnz Operation fr Kractnra Pr
formed on tfie t'tr of a Canary.
To Mrs. Charles E. M. Keldin of thl3
city must be given tho credit for a dol-
'lcato piece of surgery that should awak
en the admiration of professionals,
'pays tho Now York Journal. A cago
'containing a favorite crfnary foil to
the floor, and In the crash poor Uttlo
Dick suffered a broken leg.
Mr. Keldln summoned his wlfo and
Installed bar as chief surgoon. Roach
'ing into tho cage ho quickly seUod the
little sufferer and eecured him firmly
in tho palm of hla left hand, with both
tiny logs turned upward.
A tiny splint was then cut from a
match and a lint of cotton one-half an
Inch wide and about three Jnches ion1;
was well saturated with liatorlne. Mrs.
Keldln then, with a dollcato touch
straightened tho leg, applied the Bpl nt
'and wound, the llinti, which was held In
placo by thread.
Tho bird moped for a day or two,
hut gradually grew chcorful, and at In
tervals would cautiously put down hh
lamo leg. On tho fifty day he kept the
leg down and sung as cheerfully as
On the tenth .day tho bandages were
removed, aa he was discovered pocking
at them. Barring a slight enlargement
'at the point of tho fracture the llttlo
songster la as good a bird as over,
I,.rn to t.Utn Ifit!IUintlyf
"Learn, after you have learned tq
epeak, to listen and to listen lntelll
fgently," writes Ruth Ashmoro in La
dles' Homo Journal. "Express your In
terest through your eyes, and when it
is needed say the' encouraging word
that, lllto hot yatsr on tho toa brings
out the strength.' Jt a speaker men
tions a wrong daie do not correct her.
Tbo. world cares for the lntorestlng
talk, not for whether tho affair de
scribed happened on Thursday or Fri
day, nor whothcr tho bopmot was horn
at 9 or 1 o'clock. The effect on thq
speaker la belittling, and you have nq
'right to underrate any pne. Chatter
about anything you will 'but personal
ities. But do not feel that you must
raise the tone of society by ringing in,
when everybody Is laughing nt .somo
funny little story about a child or nil
are smiling at an amusing descrlpt
lion of how tho orange bloesorna r.row
down south, your opinion of somo reavy
'history that has lately been published.
Society Is not a school; It is a pleasure
"Havo you written your graduation
esoay?" aeked Maud
' "Yea," roplled Mamie.
"Wasn't jt a lot of work?"
"Just dreadful. First I had to hunt
pp words tnat wero Dig enough and "" v" u',tu" uuua uc ' " "
then I had to keep Jpoktng In th die- B,n8a wh,le buying-one. , I have an un
tlonary to aeo what they mean, and. usually uni repossessing customer who
honestly, I began to think I never would ebaust the patlenco of Job. He
would get It finlahed."-Exchange. , "SJP nto the ctoro tho AW afr the
' PPi-tER styles arrived nnd coasuma-l two
"' j hours aud ten minutes In gottlnc a fcnt
I'r.fty inch. that pieaBC(i him. The next day re-
Onee upon a Umq a goat, who was urcod the hat and had one m .
about to partake of a poster, bethought ,rdor. The man Is so ugly that no. fkit.g
Tilm to observe" the trend of tho Jest. .ouid JmDrove his looks hut a maei."
which It woe designed to depict'
"Ha, ha," he laughed, "ha. Ua. That's
Jretty rich. I guoss' I'd better not oat!
t, with this touch of Indigestion Vn
avlng."- Detroit Tribune.
Ponnnn Kt WnterBi"i)n.
PosBuma are destroying watermelons
at AVhltff Cfty, Fla., and glrlng mora
trouble than tho razor back hog, since
they cannot be fenced out "Ne'mlne,"
saya Samto. "Ppssum ho b fat hisw'f
Wxneby. .'
-fUs Eidlcotfs IllRliIjl'rlseil Chests of
When MIns Endlcott mnrrled Mr. J,o
ph Chamberlain shr carried with her
.o her Kijgltflh home many chests pt
Household linen, saya Dembrcst Mnga-
Inn Tlionn nrnrn fur mnrn nroplnim In
'er eyes thnn her boxes of Paris gotfne.
a.M. .... uW - . ...,. ,.....- - .
nd well thoy might be, for, besides lbt? '
uiutim) products off modern looms cm-
:;?cl,!itil,nnt:ic" e a"n!!S??JL
klllful French fingers, ho had trcas
Inspire most enthusiasm In making the
collection. And no table linen can be
better of Its 'kind than the old, heavy,
Dutch .linen, with odd figures worked In
a shade of white that shows only in cer
tain lights. This is still manufactured,
but It Is difficult to find In this country,
as importers seem to prefer tjje ex
tremely fine, Bllky French or Ir&h pro
ductions. '
A. Partial List of the Artlolei Kpt In
Iter Heik, '
Should tho X rays bo thrown upon
the desk of the averago pretty stenog
rapher it would revcnl a condition of
things quite In kcoplng with tho smnll
boys's jocket, only for variety and
uniqueness know that the desk would
far outrival tho pockc3t, oays the Now
York World.
I didn't have X rays, but I got a
gllmpso, nevertheless, inside of ono ot
theso desks tho other day. The owner
Is young and fair and daintily formed,
'with big, saucy, bluo-gray eyes that
took coquettjehly over tho rim of a pair
of extremely becoming eyeglasses.
You may see hor tripping demurely
ilong any day during lunch hour In the
neighborhood of Cedar street and
This la what I saw:
A Jackknifo, a cake of vlolet-scentcd
fpap, a bag of kisses (candy ones), a box
of camphor pills, a box ot (face) pow
der, a safety revolver (unloaded), a
package of lovo letters, a bottle of
pickles, a pair of goloshes, a little porce
lain teapot, a package ol tea,, a box or
pepsin tablets, a bottle of plives, a Jar
of jam, a box ot charcoal tablets, a copy
of "Carmen," wit.h a nowspapor criti
cism of a well-known actress' kiss as a
book-marker, a French grammar, a dic
tionary, a halr-crlmper, an old shoe, a
jar of cold cream, a box of scented writ
ing paper, a pair of skates, a pair of
stockings, an opera bonnet, a bottlo ol
tonic, a hundred other things and o
bottlo of whisky.
The Evolution of Revolution.
Mr. D, H. Perry, In writing tho story
of Waterloo for Cassell's "Battles ot
the Nineteenth Century," gives an ln
torestlng series of quotations from the
Monlteur, announcing the escape of
Napoleon from his first exile In Elba,
and his advance on Paris. The evolu
tion of phrases is amusing from "can
nibal" to "usurper," from "usurper" to
VhlB Imperial majesty:"
Tho cannibal has left his den.
Tho Corslcan wolf has landed in tho
Bay of San Juan.
The 'Iger has arrjved at Gay.
Tho wretch spent the nlgjit at Qre-i
The tyrant has arrived at Lyons.
Tho usurper his been seen within
fifty miles ot Paris.
Buonaparte Is advancing with great
rapidity, but he will not set his foot
Inside the walls of Paris.
To-paorrow Napoleon will be at our
Tho empepr has arrived at Foun-
Hfi Imperial Mnjcaty Napoleon en
tere(' Paris yesterday, sururounded by
his loyal subjects.
Men and Their Hats.
"Well, well," remarked a leading
hatter the other day; "everybody has
smllod at tho vanity of women as they
ta,te lonS and taaA 8lanc.es at their rp-
cciiona in uie store winnows, out
woman Is not a marker for the ordinary
Tho uglier a man Is the longer
l takes h,ra to 8U,t himself with a hat
ntl1 Vinrf'Annf1NnnV(AlnnlFlk.4l.A
Phlladeli hla Record,
Itellg nil Icnorunce.
I have no patience with the Chris
tian Ignoramus. A man has no ex
cuse for being ignorant of tho Bible.
Tf ho can read he c-n know the BUlo
'1 not be h'.mb"arr.t,fl by ovory son
Illy doHrli" 'in- ',ny to pw)&r,ne'l
e1 t:-" tl.L. i-.'ry d'".'Hne tf
ijira, and al)
,-.! fie it,ciii,i.e o'f Its (llsclpleB
Kev. PpcI Whitehead. '
Office of Western Ncbni8ka,Stocl
'Growers bocmuoii, J. It. Van
J3(iUirk, $ecretary-Treafuror.
Alliance, Neb., Oct. 7, 'OG.
To Mi'lilbcrs of Western Nebraska
ftock-G rowers' Association :
f ho Scrpi-Annunl meeting will
l6,iielU ill Alliance on ISoveniDor
nin iMirni.atlv rlnuii-iwl
IS nriie8liy UC8U CU
iiu next.
lluit 0Vurv lll0111ber , present, as
very important matters are to bo I
,. ' . i i i l
uiuuuNsuu nun uuumcu.
The Olfoits of VOUl officers hflVO
, J
resulted 111 a IlUinber Of aireBts of
llion SUSpeOted U Stealmp, from
, ., rA. I
our members and others, and thero
aro nowthreomen lioiuid over for
tfinl. rw nf flni.!,,,, , . i
trial, O110 lit UOtinj; llIUl UVO nt
TTimittwtfr.tvl "VVn lion., n,. iiimi't,
iienimyioru. Wo near on eveiy
bide praise qf th a good effect of the
i '. .. , , . , . ,. ,
organization. It is being realized
., , , . , ,,
that WO mean business, nilCl there.
, '. . . . i . .1 .
IS no one but Claims that there IS
less stealing going tm than over
before known. In view of this, it
is the duty of every member to
induce his neighbours, who aro
not nOW members, to lOin US 111 Our
, ,
attempts to put our cattle industry
on a secure basis.
If ovory man who has stock in
our territory would join with us,
wo wonhl have meaps enough to
drivo out every thief in this part
of the country and to carry out
other measures beneficial to tho
Block industry.
What wo have dorjp so fur . has
exhausted cash on hand, and there
fore, at last mooting of directors,
a levy of two arid-half cents per
head of stock was orderd, and is
payable on or hpfore November
You will pleaso report tho num
ber of head of cattle and horses
you havo on hand, and forward
this with your cheek for amount
due. Trusting you will bo present
at meeting and bring your friends
wjth yotj, T am,
J. 11. VanBoskirk,
To tho stock growers of Box
Butto counties:
Allow mo to call your attention
to a meeting of stockmen on No
vember 11th. It is certain that if
ovory man owning stock has liis
bpmd on our bookstand used the
book, no theif could get out of tho
county with livo cattle. Come to
the meeting, and you will join tho
association. Thero aro several
things pertaining to cattle industry
which will be discussed, and tliqre
..-, s.nvt.lll'. 41 ln n Inl'm, tiilirl lllinn
id i,uuiin "- " .'b' ..nw....... ,
J. It. VanBoskirk.
Tho following-named gentle
men havo been selected ta servo
as jurymen during ttye coming
term of tho district court which
convenes on Wednesday, Novem
ber 18th:
A. M. Drake, H. M. Anderson,
finn HfilHi.'ipk Cllins MfVTCirmfW
VJLO. XlUUUl u..vi oi.iih.il(.LN.iiinuy,
Albei't JNelson, John Kaufman,
L. F. Leavitt,
W.A. Hood,
G. W, Jones,
p. A. Curtis,
Wm. Ivlatzat,
J. J. Lyon,
G. H. Clayton,
JaS, iOlinolCy,
- ' , , . ,
Wm. Randolph,
.n --a
rooms urqvn,
James Robinson, Fred Pahlo
4 N.Clark, Ed C. Reck,
Tt-, . t -1 -r t 1
Om Beck, D. C. MelntyrO,
F. W. Adams, Z. I .uunmnham,
v ur bciiu in liuut;, u Buuu atuuau
and 3 lots, in David City ono of
Til a. TkaA j at 1 aTh - 4" & l --a Mm J - 9 1 1 1 aFV aT,
tho best towns in eastern No-
, , , .. o ruM-. I i leniennne a. aicninney ueienuani, win lane
braska; population 3,000, electric notice that on the lUth day of August. lHtm.An
,. , , . , . mi .naG Heed plaintiff herein filed her petition in
light, WatOl'WOrkS, etc. ThlS t he dUtrlrt court of Iloxllutte county. Nobras
.,.,,.., . ., ka, against you tho said defendant, the object
IS desirable inSldO property, WOU anofprairr of which is U foreclose a certain
located, On COrilOr, east front,
, , . iir-ii 11
nice lawn and trOUS. Will sqll
, iji-'r ti ,,
Cheap Or trildQ for BOX ButtO
,. a i 4. m.. it.... ...
realty. Apply at TlJK HEHALD
Tlnnlnn nlmnai. So (ha lino! v
lmiUap ClieesO IS tllO OpSt Oil
llia mnvlrat 'Pi.ir?f
tllO mar HOI iry ll.
(B-. it M. Wnteh Examiner.)
(Thnrg.-i, r--tmably; Miti-fiu-tivw
t -Kumntiul. Orders left m tie
HiiHALu oliicp will receive proiqpt
I attpution.
Pinal Proof Notices
Hon. J. W. Wern. Jn., lighter.
Hon. P. M. Bhoomk, Kcoelver.
Portion having notices In thin colnmn are re
quested to read the same carefully ami report to
OiJh ollim for correction any error that, may
exist. Thin will prevent posslblo delay In
making proof.
Lund Ofilcnat Alliance, Neb., Sept. 28, 1MW.
named ivU.er has iiled nottcofif hla Intention
to mtfo finRi ,,r(mf support of hi claim, and
nonce i nereoy Riven, ui&i mo lollowinif
James c. wood.
of Marsiend, Nob., who mado HE No. XOMfor
the i lib'U, n w 4 o U & ue J, v U sea .7, tp
"Q n. r M) w.
Jle names thfollowInwltpeM to prove hi
continuous rculdenco upon ami cultivation of
!Bldi '""i1,', ! tf'delia L. IJonc-yman. Emma
l'nrdpy, Albert Palmor of Marnlnud, Nob., Mi
mon U. Wrujht. of Uelmont, HeU. Also,
ot Mriami, Nob., who made 11 E o. 3007 for
ih&& fflhe foiSwIaWtaww to proye
her fontinnoiig rod idpno up and cultivation ot
M1U lauil, vli: Fldolial,. Honfyman.JamriO.
Wwal, Albert Palmer of Marlanil, Nob., Ulmon
Ilt wrlht,of neimont. Nob. aio
fidelia l. honevman. noo Kendrick,
of Maralaml. Neb., who mado timber culture
entry No. aa. for tho o y, uw u. &. lot i &2,boo
!W, tpAtn, rEOw.
Bhe name tho followlnnto prove hrreontln-
nous resilience upon ana cultivation of. ald
land, viz: Emma Puriloy. James C. Wood. Al-
mrl l'aimcr ot Alarsianu, nvu , bliuon a.
Wrieht, of Hjlmont, Neb. '
'' "J. W. Www. Jr., Register.
U. 8. Land Olllce, Alltanco, Neb., Sept. 25, IBM.
Notice is hereby Riven that
o mako llnal proof lforo lteaistpr or lleceivpr
nt tholr olhce in Alliance, Neb.. November 11
181)0. on timber cnltureaDUlication No. CM. for
tho w H sou 12, tp 'Hi a, rrf 4Tw.
lie name a wltnnssofl: Jacob Lamcrlck,
James McCabe. Alexander G. Ross, Datiiel Mey
ers, all of Hox Uutto, Neb.
J. W Weiin. Jl... Register.
TJ. 8. Land Office, Alliance. Nob , Sept. 25, 1800
Notivo 1b hereby given that
JACOll MORAVA, of Marsland, Nob.,
ha filed notice of intention to make final proof
lieforo County Judgeof llox Butto Co., Nob., at
hisollice in lleinlnford, Neb., on November 7.
IB'. , on timber culture implication. No. 4.fi, for
n i se U, no U w U it lot 0, hoo 0 tp SSn, rg h'iir
lio names as witnesses: Augnstus H. Mc
Laughlin. Edward Crlgler. of Marslnnd, Neb.,
Anton Zajic, John Zaile, ot Hnmingtord, Nob.
J. V. Weun, Jn, UegiBter.
U. 8. Land OHIc e, Alliance, Neb., Hcpt. 23. 189(1
Notico Ir hereby that FOhil'KI. NORTH, of
Kewanm, 111 , has filed notico of intention to
mako tiual proof lieforo Clork Circuit Court,
htarkCo.. III., and witnesses will give testimony
betoro Hegister and lloceiver at Alliance, Neb.,
on November 0, 1HW, on timher culturo applica
tion no. 241, for the s w U boo 20, tp2Un, rSOw.
He nrmes as witnesses: Edgar Svvoezey, Henry
Bweezey, 'David A. Paul, of llemingford, Neb.,
Robert 8. Shipley, of Alliance, Neb.
J. W. Weun, Jn., Hegister.
Land Oiilco at Alliance. Neh . 8ept. 30, 169(1.
.Notico ts liereuy given mat, tno following
named settler has tiled notice 'of hit- intention
io mako final proof in mipport of his claim and
thst "aid proof will bo made before Register
and Receiver at Alliance, Neb., oa Nov. V, 18'J0,
of Hemingford, Neh., who mado H E No. 30W
for tho s w hoc V, tp .W n, r 40 w.
Renames thn following witnesses to provo
his continuous residence upon anl cultivation
of said laud, viz: 'Michael H. Murphy. Leo
Fronapfel. .lames F. Whclan. William tfriel, all
ot Hoiuingford, Neb.
J. W.WEfv.Jn., Register.
U.a Land OIHce. Alliance, ' eb.. Oct, 12, 1600.
Notice is herepy given that AH HAM A.
WILLET.'ot Anselmo. Nob., has fileil notico of
intention to mako final proof before Hegister or
ltecoiverat Alliance. Neb., on tlio 2.MU day of
November, lhU0,on timber culture appMcatiuu
no 15., for the nw U sec 20. tp 27 n, rg 52 w.
Ho names as witnesses: John Sediacek, James
Rrona,' harles 1'osvar, Martin l'oavar, all of
Lawn. Neb. Also
Notico Is hsroby given that THOMAH E.
HHYAN of Hon(h, Neb , has iilml notico of in
tention to mako final proof at eamo time and
placo on timber culturo application No. C93 for
tho n e U, seo 20, tp 30 n, rg 49 w.
Ho namep as witnesses: Charles F. Dorgan,
William Smith, William W.Tjreo, James W.
Tyree, ,U qf Hough, Neb
J. W. Weun, Jn., Register.
U. B Laud Oflico Alliance, Nob.. Oct, 10, 1MH.
Notico U hereby given that HUUO LICllTE.
of Ounlap, Neb., lias filed notion of intention to
make final proof before Hegister or lloceiver at
Alliance, Neb., on Novomlwr 'H, 1S.W, on timber
culture application no. 510, for the w H uw li t
w M sw ! sec -., tp 29 n, ig IB w.
no namrs as utii"fs ": Ilemard Vrndrioli.
j Fred Ortmann, ifiiric1! Kou.i. ltenriih l.)i'l(t,
all of D.IIl.al). No'l.
j,K Ky L,"aTK.of Dunlap Wi., Im I'uM
nonco ol lnfntiou to m&xu liuut proot Hi m n i
.time and ptao on tiimr ri'lt'iri' app iraV mi
No. a'.ii tor tne sw 4 ee ai. tp i'.i n. rg 4t r
lie natm-a as witnosses: ilcrtia.'il lndr!e!i,
Fred Hitman, uenry Koch, V. "tlk li.l of
Dunlap, Neb. J. W. Yf'tif, n..' U .'inter
Land Ollice nt Alliance, Neb , Out. 21. IBM.
Notice is hereby given that the following nam
ed settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final nroof In sunimrt of his claim, and
that sald'proot will Ixi made before Hegister or
Receiver at Alliance, Neb", on Nov. 30, lS'JO, viz:
Edward G. Hahn,
of Moomaw, Neb., who mado he No. 2017 for the
no't sea 2.1, tp 2t n, r 45 w.
He names the following witnosw to pro
his cuntlmioiiB icsideuco upon and cultUatioi.
of snid land, viz: John Lowellen, Ambrose 11.
iwoUen( William Neely of Momaw. Neb., K. 1',
Juhauscn, of Ota) son, Nob. Also
Ambrose II. Lowellon,
of Moomaw, Neb., who mado ui no. 2367 for the'
n o j nee 22, tp as n, rg 4J w. I
1I(k mt A. . I. (a aal I aa .. ... .a aa( , aaaa. a. a.aa fn nanan I.I.
continuous resideuco upoti aiui cultUationof
said land, viz: John Leuellen, Kdward O.
nahn, Peter liahn. pf Moomaw, Neb , F, V. Jo-
i hanlien, of Grayson, Neb. Also
John Lowellon.
0i Moomaw, Nob., who made k no. 213:1 ror tho
wiYoruantTti?o,nowlnR4neres to prore
his continuous residenro upon and cnlthation
of said land, viz: Ambros!, ii. laevtrMen. Kd-
'nal.it. 1 1 li ri I'itfp Itfilm nf Miutmnw Vnh
.F.FTjohanseu.of Grayson. .nW '
, lfl tl, Di8tricj, C:olJtt r Ilos Rufo County,
anna g. heed Plaintiff.
Clementine A. McRinnet, Rofendant.
American Loan ai)i Trnst Company upon tho
northwest qtartorof section 0, in township 25
north, ramiiiW west of tho Uth p. m.. in llox
Hutte county, Nebraska, to secure tho payment
of one promissory noU lifted .May -IMbiK). for
tlinmof hi, and due aud payable on thaHt
dnyotMaylba5.lcarinintere(.tat the rate of
i 7 per cent iwr aunum from date fald note and
mortgage was for a aluable consideration, be-
lore tho same became due, duly sold, assigned
and delivered to the plaintiff, who is now the
owner thereof aud of the mony due thereon
and there is now duo the plaintiff from the do-
leiidant upon said note and mortgage, tho sum
of MOO, with interest thereon, from tho 1st day
of May 1SKJ. at the rate of ten iwr centner an
num, and the further sum of 14.01 for taxes
Iaid on said pifiiiUc-i to p otect her security
emUrrt to p otect Iter ht-curity
reou at tn r tvnt pr annum
witn lu'erest, tnereou at in p r tvnt ir annum
fiom the U'th day of July Ib'.U, for which sums
with the interest thereon, plaintiff jirays for a
decree, that Hie defendant lm roq-ure.! to pay
the mini-, or that said mo-tgag" may I"' fore
olosiUaud eaid piemit-s n.ay UHoldaecirdln
to law to rati!' the Biip-i at io mi d io.
Von are reijuirtil to auswr old li' til Ion on
or lfore thu -ud day of Nocmb4i' 1KH.
Dated Uept. 31, la.
AnnaU. H-)5U, Plaintiff,
fp Sept. 25.
All p.irtios desiring to make
fiMl pi-oof mi haye their papers
made out at TpE Heuald office,
- fceo of charge, and promptly
transmltted tQ the iau i 0ffl ,e.
'Max&a si
riW CC
ing 0ut
I have made up my mind to q
out of business, so I vwll sell all my
Dry QoofJs, Boots and Sfyoes, Cloth
ing and Gents' Furnishipg Goods at
greatly reduced prices for spot cash.
Produce will be taken at top
T? if
Proprietor of
Livery am Feed Stables,
Wo havo first-class stock and double and single rigs, which we
f urnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boarder
are unexcelled in the city. Give us a call.
USaF Stable Corner BoButte Avenue and Sheridan Sec.
STYLE 201 Is sold by agents as high as 3slil3
Toucan buy It at tho factory price from us for $88
,ht 73 Inches. Trench Plate Mirror, Patent Fall Board, Mouse Proof, 80LID WALNUT
r OA IC Guaranteed for C years by manufacturer, and by us. Wo pay freight U
any point In liobraika. Wo f urniih itool, book and chart. Write for terms
oKdANS from $20 and up.
P. P. Our S2d yoar.
.attorn ki
It the greatest newspaper wet
of the Missouri JRissr.
It advocates FREE SIIj VER
t tho present ratio of sixteen
, nna
FP one-
Tta news sorvlca la the best to
be obtalnod.
1 Dally, $8 00 per yoar; 50 conta
per month. Weplcly, $100 poc
Subscrlptlqns for th
received at this offlc
For a
lormatlon concernlwr.t'nteiit and now to i od
Uln them sent f ree. Alo a cmlogua of median-
- m.M .aImiIINii luViVa ssnt frflH.
Patents Uken throusb Munn A Co. tecJJ5
neclal notice In the KclenllSo Anicrlcnii. and
thus are brought widely before the publli .with
out cost to the Inventor This PlfntUtl PPer.
Issued weekly, eles ant ly ulunrateil. has by far the
larceat circulatlnn of any sclentWc work In the
woria. sj n Tur. caiiipio ..-.,
". . - .. - C b1. aflnlaa aant Vrai.
Building Kdltlon. monthly. M.Ma year.
copies, 'ta cents. Kvory nuroper coniauu """
L -" '--- -v '.. ...
tlful plates. In colors, and' nhotnirapbs of new
bouse, with plans, enabllniftjullder to show th
latest little
laaai. an,, .amrA rCTI
s inn secure tvw.'iV.?"
- 'if II
Ypur faithful servant,
. . . W. K. HERNCALL.
$195 LIST
...FOR $88,
One-Third. Cash,
$5.00 per Month.
PIANOS from $40 and up
A. HpSPE, Jr
Omaha, Nb,
of the Northwest.
Will be sept postpaid to any
address six days a week for
one. year ftpr
The Chronlole Is the most
conspicuous newspaper suo
oess of the day, the dally cir
culation exceeding 70,000
ooples and the Sunday circu
lation exceeding 100,000 oop
les. It Is a flrst-olass news
paper of ia and 16 pages (Sun
day 40 to 43 pages) and '
Is a stanoh supporter of
sound democratlo principles.
ally (tictpt Sunday) 1 year .0Q
Bally and Sunday. 1 year ' g.OQ
Dally, 6 months (campaign edUlon). . . . 2.00
D'lly and Sunday, 0 njonlhi 3.0d
Dc.ly, 2 monlh '....; UOOi
Dally and Sunday, 2 months 1.4Q
Dally, 1 month SO
Dally and Sunday, 1 month It
Sunday, 1 year...,'. 2.oq
Saturday, 1 year , i.oo
Sample ooplos free on appli
cation. Address
164-100 Washington St.,
Chloaae. IIL
v -.