I T 1 " k Y i A Cnnntra Die l'rom Kitting Fnngai. From London Dally News. The Countess Riccardi died on Sun day, havlnjr "fnllen In a rlgo;" on par taking of fungus, and never showing tlie slightest sign of consciousness dur ing the forty-oight hours thnt sho con tlnucd to breathe, although her teeth were broken to feed her, and great force was othcrwlso applied to open her locked jaws. No quiver of an eye lid gave proof of the sensation. Tho children of tho family were pronounced out of danger on Sunday. Tho fungus cooked by mistake for mushrooms was of tho most doadly sort that grows, A Tenacious Clntcti Ts tliatof dyspepsia. Tow remodte do nior than palliate this obsttnato complaint. Trj Iioitctter'a Stomach Hitters however, and you will And that It ts conquoruWe. alonp Willi lis sympujnm. ucui auuiu, .......... ...... net''ouHne and lo of flesh nnd vigor HlllcMi-.no--. urid constipation frequently c company It. Tlieue. besides malurltil. rheu matic nnd kidney compluluts, uro ulio sub duablo with tho Hitters. One of tho serla'ls which St Nicholas will publish during tho coming year has an unusually uniquo plot. It is a talo of three Union soldiers, members of a signal corps, who got nows that tho cntiro Union arinyhassurrcndcred, "whereupon they decide to hold out to the end. They cut a bridge across a gorge nnd become 6oldier-Crusocs, ox ilcl from civilization, and for many months they believe themselves to be tho only loyal Union soldiers who have TQfct been obliged to surrender. Tho author, William II. Sheldon, is a sol dier and artist as well as a writer. Can't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your LI Is Awiy If you vnnt to quit tobacco using easily and forever, rejrnln lost manhood, bo made well, strong, macuotic, lull of now life and vigor, take No-To-Ba-, tho wonder workor that makes weak nioii strong. Many gain ten rounds in ten dnyB. Over 400.1XX) cured. 31uy No-To-lia- from your drug gist, who will guarantee a cure. Booldot nnd sntnplo mal'ed iree. Address Sterling Rotnedy Co., Chi cago or New York. Mr. Duncan Hose, tho son of a Con federate otllccr, will contribute n brief paper to the November Century on -Why tho Confederacy Failed." lie believes that the failure was duo to three things: the excessive issue of pa per money; the policy of dispersion, tho frontiers of the Confederacy being extended for many thousands of miles; and tho neglect of the cavalry. Con's Cotigti lint (am It the oldest and best. It will break up n Cold quick, cr man anything else. It Is always reliable. Try IU Ituln Wrought by tlm Wheel. 4,Ilicyclo hnrts your business, too, I 'suppose?" asked the man who wanted to bo funny. "Not the bicycle, itself," answered the living skeleton, "but some of thoso bloomer girls is puttin' up exhibitions that has led the public to gut the idea that I ain't so much of a freak as they used to think." Cincinnati Enquirer. Just try a 10c box of Cascarets, tho finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. McClure's Magazine for November -will contain the first installment of a five or six part story by lludyard Kip ling. It is Kipling's first long story of American life, bcinir a talo of Btlrring .adventure among tho Gloucester fish ermen on the tlratul Banks. It will be illustrated with drawings from life by L W. Tabojr. ?Io. Wliulim's Soothing Syrup rorclutiiru tillihiir, soflani Miliums. rrlu r Inflam mation, allays uln, euro wind colic. li cents a bottle. Almost every married woman Is abused ' .by her roiatives because she don't e)ioy -tuoro "spunk." IN WOMAN'S CORNER. INTERUSTINQ READINO FOR DAMES AND DAMSELS. Bom Current Notes or tli Moil Oowiii for llall-Hoom Weir Dress ing tho I.lttln UlrM Vno of til !) balantss ytttottt Itrititnenr. email velvet woolen puffs. cuITb and largo draped II E tllustratton shows ono of tho now long rcdlng otCR. It is of iron gray cloth and Is tight-fitting, cIob ing in tho middle of the front. The top of the cido senmB at tho back is closed by two short stitched straps of cloth held by buttons, nnd two similar straps nre placed at the waist in front. Tho cape is cut in Fec tions, each breadth being outlined by a steel cord. The ornamentation consists of short straps, like thoso on tho body of tho garment, the Btraps being edged with cord and fastened with steel buttons. her friends, and gave a personal tnvl tntlon to her wedding. TVhero Vaaca Arn to llr ttnuctit. Many offenses against beauty and art havo been perpetrated In recent years under the plea of decorating tho home. ?hun the big, shining gilt vases, usually In the shape of pitchers, which aro alwiye sold In pairs and which nre genera." ly found Incumbering tho man tels of tho newly rich. Ofttlmes these brass or gilded cast Iron ornaments represent enough money to have pur- I.nft Ills tie m llflilnd. It Is not long stneo thnt n stately nnd graceful girl entered a strcot car on one of the principal thoroughfares on tho west side. It was at nn hour when tho cars nro hut scantily patronized, and the onl other occupanto of tho car were two ladlca and a mnn. She was faultlessly attired, and tho women who bat opposite her eyed her tnllor mado coatumo admiringly perhaps n Uttlo cnvlouBly. Sho paid her fnre, ex hibiting as she did so n pretty llttlo purso exceedingly well filled. This fat purso sho returned to her pocket, nnd hnlf turned as she sat down to look out of tho window. Tho other Women, after carefully examining every detail of her charming blue cooturno from throat to hem and appraising its cost to tho remotest fraction of a dollar, turned and looked out of their own windows. Nobody noticed, tho man, who was well dressed, but otherwise insignificant In guise, save for a mag nificent diamond on his finger. Hut the mnn, who sat not far nway from tho stately girl, was not so ab sorbed in the passing show of tho sidewalk. Slowly he edged nearer to the flowing blue skirt with tho lino of the pocket just revealed by tho white tip of a handkerchief. The girl's mind had wandered from the sldownlk and was loBt In plnns of her own, but she was not too dreamy to bo conscious of a hand gently groping In her pocket. Nerved by Indignation, she turned and grasped through the cloth the hand of the well-dressed mnn which was taking the puree out of her pocket, and oven as she did so ho released his hold of For llU-ltonm Wnnr. The swrotest flower sllka that fairly send out frngrnnco from tho buds nro sold this year for hall gowns. Tho silk Is a tuffcta, and tho roses stand out In satin. Old-fashioned, you lay, but pretty, you nre bound to declare. One of these dresses depends entirely upon lnco and pink tnffctn ribbon for Hb rIcovcs. Tho ribbon winds in and out of tho lnco irregularly and' Is brought out and tied In knots and bows nt Intervals. Tho color of tho ribbon sets oft tho lnco admirably. Tho V w J mm ifi'M'v ilivMtWmf If ttnUtnc '"nil Htruwlierrln. James Allen of Covington a member of tho board of trustees of tholnstltuto for tho blind, vailed on Governor Mat thews the other morning and gavo him a box of struwbcrrles. He said that lleorgo W. Merrimnti, n tenant on his place, is raising hundreds of gallons of line berries and finds ti ready salo for them In tho Chicago market tit 91 a gallon not. Tho patch covers 1.x or levon ticrcs. Yhcn asked how such bcrricR can bo raised for fall market. ho Bttld: "After tho first crop Is picked tho ground is covered with straw and then set on fire. The vines nro ell burned to tho ground. Then, by fer tilizing the giound nnd irrigating it the vines come quickly and bear, not io much fruit as before, but just as fine In quality and halcnblc nt ti much high er price. There nre Bevcral farmers in northern Indiana who nro pursuing this modo of berry raising for tho Into market. We hnvo been having berries for three weeks at ihy house." Indian spoils News. lion's Thill Wo offer Ono llumlteil Dollar Hewnrri for liny eiin of intiirrli (lint cannot bo cured by lluU'n Cnturrh (,'utc. I' .1 ()IU:NKV CO.. I'torn , Toledo, Ohio, We, the iiiuIimkIriil'iI. 1iiiu known 1'. .1, Cheney for tlm lust It yetun, and bollux o til ni perfectly honorable la nil huslnnvi transactions nnd flmuiolully utile, to curry out any oblhriitlou iinidi' by tliolr llr in. Wnldlnp. Klnnuu & MurWii, Wholesale DriutKlMs Toledo, Ohio Hull's Outnrrli time Is taken Internally, acting directly upon tlio blood nnd mucous Mirraccs or tnu xyiitem, 1'rlce vou per bottle. Hold by all druggists. Tvstlnio ululs free. groundwork of tho dress Is cream with lady slipper pink roses. Tho belt la n crush of velvet of n peculiar crimson known ns crimson lnko and the rib bons repeat thlB color. As this dress is for n very cercmon- Somo roop'o enn't being oily. be ploasant without MBiprrrrr. i,.nninimg ! sob I i '. .1J JULair1 4.'V4i'.iv?. i uiMwn9W The papers are full of deaths from Heart Failure t eeea Of course the heart fails to act when a man dies, but "Heart Failure," so called, nine times out of ten is caused by Uric Acid in the blood which the Kidneys fail to resiovc, and which corrodes the heart until it becomes unable to perform its functions. Health Officers in many cities very properly refuse to accept "Heart Fail ure," as a cause of death. It fa fre quently a sign of ignorance in the physician, or may bt given to cover up the real cause. A Medicine with 20 Years of . . Success behind it . . will remove the poisonous Uric Acid by putting the Kidneys in a healthy condition so that they will naturally eliminate it. e PATENTS, TRADE MARKS Rumination and.AdTloe ti ratentablllty of In vention. Sand for "InTtutori' Outdr, ir How to Oct fc 1-aUnt." O'FAllIUCLL. A SOX, Washington, D. C. STEADY WORK OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS EUv KepfcJra Uw ay Iti aS07 DOUGLAS T lESHOYSTERS WK PAT CASH WEKKLY and ant mm rTtrywhrro to NM.I. CT1DI TDCCC mlUloni te t OlAriN InCLOrd. proTeu 'absolutely bet "Snprhnutnt, oswayatrm. KTARKIIKOTliritS, lxivisiixa. Mo., llocaroKT, IU. EUf Itrpalra for aay VXmi at alava Matt. DOUGLAS ST., OMAHA. EB. Klne Cole Antl-JIo-nopoly Gutter ltuute tlluatia, Sti. PATENTS. 20 i nn' "inrli'nre. Snd akrlcli for ad. tie lllleane.lalri trill. examiner U.- l-it.Ottlk.'o) Utanex VVeater, Mi.dillUldc.lWiuu.UU bal.Ua rr. twl l OOUKT, ITLliTl, bA nDiiiy " whisky W. N. U., OMAHA 14-1800 AVhen writing to advertisers, kindly mention this rmper. nilRTK WHfHfr AIL HSF FAILS. I Sot Cong b 8rup. TaittsOood. CM I in lime. rua vj aruiKiau. HKsaauMduieiii M 0?, r. at . 1wXf,i W'i.- vzQur sm$. . . . 0V V UUK 'lill ' ' ! Ww i' .",,. .V Wjr ,4 ffi&E- .7 . . , J A ';, "JIM ' ji .;4i vwj.i1! mtsi xmwm W '''STTMiM SOCIETY'S DARLINGS DRESSED IN THEIR NEW FALL Woman's Writes St Believe In Woman's Wqtca? Of course wo do. Who could help it when women write mtch. convincing word as these: "For seven years I suffered with scrofula. I hod a good physician. Every means of cure was tried In vain. At last I was told to try Ayer's Santa parilla, which entirely cured me after uolng seven bottlea." Mrs. John A. Gkntui, I'ott Fairfield, Mc., Jan. 26, 1896. Ayer's Sarsaparilla ..cures.. Comfort to California. Orttlnc tlm llettrr of rattier Time. Miss Elderly of Dallas litis consider able trouble in hiding tho ravages of time. A fow days uo her mother said Impatiently: "You havo been boforo that plnss for tho last hour, Aren't you ever point; to pet through fixing yourself up'."' "Hnvo patience, mother, dear. In half nn hour more I'll bo S!0 years younger." Texas Sifter. When bilious or costlvo.ctitncascaret candy cathartic, euro guaranteed. 10c, lie Wlmt n hlosiieil tliltiK thnt ereu those ot an who aro roliablo don t have to prove all n o ny. WNory may lovo touitnny hut inwplo do not. Y. cry Tliurs(ly fflornlnr, tourist slcinilnp car for Uen ver.Hult l.ntcoOity.Han Kran clsco.uutl t.osAnxololeaT Uuialm mill Lincoln via lb liurllintton Itoulo. It Is rarpotoU, upliotaU)re In ruttun, liat surliitt auats ami lincktt and Is urovlited with curtnius, beddinu. tow cls.souii,()lu. AnospiwMhced) excursion conductor and n uniformed 1 ullnian porter ucciunpnny It Uiroueh to tb l'uclllp Coast. While neither as expen sively flnlstiod nor an tine to iook at ns a paiacanmapgr.i Is just nucnodtorldeln fceo ond class ticket aro honored nnd tlio prlcooratxsrth.-niUo enoueh nnd big onousli for Iwo, Is only it. l'or n folder giving full particulars write to J, Fn AXCIS, Oou'l I'nss'r A cent. Omaha. Neb. pifJfiP HI AVCQ' BUSINESS AN0SH0BIHNC8UEBE DLntxCo Actuaii Iiusinehs From Tii Icaclics buslnesH by dOInir iiuslneas. instruetion in ail nrancuea Ktaut AIhii tlioroui! by in n II . Life HCliularshlp fl, bU months L'uttrsofju. corner ioiu auuuapiioivvouuo, Omuhn, obrnska. "xiS,'i.iwlJi,Tliiiipsi,sEt Wtw. ,ANDY CATIIARTIG raca?l 10 y JMiU L.im, JiiiillkfD; all 2S 50 IB ittimiinll" DRUGGISTS f XncrtT TirntJr V rnXDHWrrUH to tore snyciieorronatlpstlon. ratrsrrts sr thvldnl Lis tnDDUhUlUhl UUAnAnifiClU lira, nfrrr irrlnor crlnt.hnt -anerotTtitnilnilUV tm I pie and lionfcUt fry. Ail. gTEjlMNfl LlMJ:PX --"-C?'lr50J Syt'!; -' yJl'LVLH mlt'l COSTUMES. chased real treasures In way of clois onne, Dottltan, Benares, Whltefriars crystal or Sevres. The woman who wants vases, but who has not the vase fund of tho mi kado, will do well to line her purse with a fow dollars and visit a flrat class Japanese art store, not the sort, however, where all tho Japanese goods are of American manufacture. If the art emporium is visited, let her ask to see some banko ware, commonly a grayish pollety with nights of storks, sprays of chrysanthemums or a maple leaf decoration, and an additional charm tho numerous Imprints of tho potter's thumb. Vases of this ware ate to be found in all sizes and shapes and at all prices, many of those costing but a few cents being veritable works of art. Vases of the Tokonabo ware, with the scaly sun snake and fierce war dragon winding about them, are to bo had in all sizes and forms. A large and handsome specimen ot this ware can be had for S3. For the hearth or for corners on the floor where a mass of bloom 1b desired, and where a non upsetablo vase Is required, these are admirable. An frock I.lttle Girl', (innn. illustration Is given of a girl's of tuede wool goods having a '?il the purse, wrenched the hand from her grasp and fled from tho car, leav ing three astonished women to stare and exclaim. So far this Is not a remarkable or unusual story, but one can't say tho Fame of Its conclusion. The stately girl went home and to her dresdlng toom to prepare for dinner. As sho pulled from her pocket the purse and handkerchief something fell out of the folds of the latter nnd tinkled on the floor. It was the would-be thief's dia mond ring a very beautiful one, which the girl afterward had reset and occasionally wears for a whim's sake. Tho ring was too loose for Its owacr, and as ho wrenched his hand from the girl's hold It had slipped off. Natur ally he failed to claim It and for that matter it had probably cost him noth ing save the exercise of a llttlo In genuity. Chicago Chronicle. Ions occasion It has a long train, hut for the receptions of the winter and for ball gowns trains will be shorter. This dress Is suitable for a court function and Is elegantly lined throughout with pale pink taffeta. A touch of green to give It tono is found In tho tiny vino panel which is of delicate touches of green nnd pink. Emeralds nre tho Jew els worn. And this combination of pink and green Is the prettiest seen in years upon evening gowns. Tho popu lar pink and blue fudes beside it. Absolutely Pure-Delieious-Nutritious- The Breakfast Cocoa MADE. BY Walter Baker & Co. DORCHESTER, MASS. COSTS LESS THAN ONC CENT AtUP, NO CHEMICALS. ALWAYS ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Walter Baker &Co's.Breakfast Cocoa MADE AT DORCHESTER.MASS.it BEARS THEIR TRADE MARK LA BELIE CtrOttHAltflE ON EVERY CAN. AVOID IMITATIONS- printed design in two shades of brown. The skirt Is plain. Tho bodlco has a plastron of white embroidered allk opening in a miuare oer a vest of blue velvet. A bertha of white lace out lines tho plastron, which is closed un der bows of blue velvet held by a buckle. The tight woolen slcees have HrliloinmliU anil Their Dutlra. In olden days the bridesmaids were supposed to look after the bride's pe cuniary Interest. Thus, at the church porch, when the bridegroom produced the ring and other articles relating to his marriage, tho chief bridesmaid took charge of tho "dow purse," which was publicly given to tho bride as an In stallment of her pin money. Horace Walpole, writing to Miss Berry, In the year 1791, speaks of the dow purse as a thing of the past, and writes as fol lows: "Our wedding Is over very properly, though wlfit little ceremony, and noth ing of ancient fashion, but two brides maids. The endowing purse, I believe, has been left off since the broad pieces were called In and melted down." It has been pointed out, however, that a survival of this usage Is revived In Cumberalud. The bridegroom pro vides himself with gold and crown plecea, and when the service reaches the point, "with all my worldly goods I thee endow," he takes the money, hands the cleigyman his fee, and pours tho rest Into a handkerchief which !he bridesmaid holds for tho bride. In Scotland the bridesmaid Is popularly known as tho "beBt moid," and one of her principal duties was to convey tl btide's presents on the wedding to ho futuro home. The first article gener ally taken Into the house was n vebsol of salt, a portion of which was sprinkled over tho floor, as a protection against tho "evil eye." She also at tended tho bride when Kite called on 1 CHICAGO. 'FaESElS Ti ,i i. 1' lM.ti HRMERS! t TKSTEAl) ot aell ' A X and a?e mid A NEW WAY TO r SHIP YOUR GfeAIN.lf aelllnir Tonr crata at hoiw anal It to in middleman's Droflt. W bra Have! 1 M Other Vurmcri'l'lioaiMdaafBlan. Wkjr 7 don't TOUtry lit AMra Nw liuipMUCMiir v-m -u. JJm cmcAce. 1'iinrlr In Ituilf f nr. Among the newest Imported models one's admiration is Immediately com manded by the beautiful Mario Louise bonnet. Lace, jewels, velvet roses and tulle aro seen on dress toques, and It Is said that piece velvets and moires will be In voguo before the winter sets In. A variety of French felt hats, hav ing a double brim, Is being made ready for the openings. Tho under brim, gen erally of a contrasting color, is some times bound to the upper at the edges or Is left free, the separate edges pro ducing a very pleasing effect. This season's millinery ribbons ure decidedly narrower than tho3e of last year, and a great number of novel de signs Is promised. Ono of the hand somest patterns has a center In solid moire, with half-Inch edges In chine figured effect. Satin and taffeta are popular In plain, plaid and figured de signs, and nt least six rosettes are used on larger shapes. The very latest boudoir arrange ment consists ot a long wire, which may he fitted in a second to any hand mirror, thereby lengthening the handle by eighteen Inces and permitting it tc bo attached to the bwk of my lady's toilet table chair. Prooerly eeated, she may then view her back hair without calling the assistance of nn awkward husband or an Ignorant maid. Columbia HCYCLES You will find the best material, the lat est, most graceful design, the soundest construction, and the finest finish in Columbias Standard of the World. WM cra Not m Itotrurr. The beautiful young woman was floundering about In six inches ol water. "fijivn mo!" nhi nrlpil 1 "Alas! I cannot," shouted bark the handEome young man on the shore. "J am already married." Shuddering, ho averted his face thai he might not sco her as cite crawlec out of the water and looked around foi ?nother victim. $ TO ALL ALIKE POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. .Branch Houtei and Agenclca In almost every city and town. If CotumVlu u properly represented tn your vicinity, tet ua know.