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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1896)
( j-" ; frr -y r-7' t-X" t . w.irfmwT ,,,--.i.-Wi)Wf' Ibmingfirfb VOL. 2; HEMINGEOED, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOV. 6. 1896. NO- 37 ilefiUd, A" r n if fc The herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. Published ovory Friday and (mtcrod nt Uio rwict-oUico iu Hrmlnuford. Ni-bmnka, ah upcoml- dasmnall tnaUr. Title IIkrild Isdnvotcd to ;tlio Interests ut HomlnKford and llox llntto 'county. TUOS. p'KCnFE, Publisher. sunscaiirrios jiatis: ONKYEATl .' 1M 'BIX MONTHS 75 COUNTY OFFICERS. F. M., '. Clerk. A. M.Millkr TrraHnrer. Jah. If. H. Hewktt JudltB. E.r. Hwkbnet rjjieriff. Ml. F. Oilman ... .. Attorney. Miss A. K. N (eland ..... Superintendent. CiiAB.UtUNN Bimeyor, J)R. W. K. Uilleu..... Coroner. 1)ti. L. W. Bowman Physician. 1 AMEi IMnur Commissioner 1st DUt. Jak. Hoi.LlNnAKC... Commissioner 2nd Uist. O. V. Duncan... , Commissioner 3rd l)ist. MAIL DUIECTOKY. HrwNOFonD postoflioe. On wook day door ' .pens at 7 a. nv, general dellrery opens at 6 a. hi. and closes at tip. tn. Upon Hunuais 0 to 10 a.m. SIemiwofohd akd Box Bctte tUge dally except '' tkinday. JlrMinaronD Atn Los lap staffs M.iday .Weattdayaad1 Friday. New Short Lino to Helena, jButto .Spokane, Seattle and Taconm. O. I. fia "W. O. Itraie Octrd.. kabt notrar. if o. a, pnssenRor arrives' nl " 4 freight " " 48 freight nrrlvos nt 152 a.m. 5:40 p. in. 10:25 u. m. WEST boukd. ,ti'n,4l passenKflr arrives, at 4:23 a. m. " isfrolirht " 11:52 p. m. " 47 frnlKht arrives nt 3:IO-p. m .All regular trains carry psasenRors. W. il. Copeland, Agynt TTJTTLE & TASJI attorneys - at - Law, HFHINGFORD. NEBRASKA. L. W. BOWriAN Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Office rooms and residence in jDraver block, up stairs. .Special attention given to dj,s ases of children . 10 Reward will be paid to ,anyone furnishing information tliat will lead to the conviction of ihe party or parties who recently stole the top off of house and ..stable belonging to W. D. Mar shall's farm formerly known as the Eckel place near Berea. W. T. Johnson. Bring in potatoes and wood on subscription. Taken up by the undersigned on section 2428-48, Box Butte county, Nob., on Oct. 21, 1890. Onobay mare, about 3 or 4 years old, strip in faco, left front foot .white and right hind foot white, had bailor on. One light bay horse colt, white spot in face ?.nd loft hind foot white; over 1 year old. Ono black horse colt, white spot in face and right hind foot white; over one year old. Owner can have same by pay ing for this notice and damages. jNTON Jelinek. Estrayed. Qrt Sept. 28, 1890, from sec. 29-28-48, one black steer calf $ ono pno black heifer calf; both spring calves; both mulies. Liberal ro ward will be paid for Information Reading to their recovery, Albert Nelson, Hemingford, Neb. TO RENT. The undersigned will rent his form in Sec. 12-80-48, at Wanatah postoflice, Dawes county, for the year 1897. Will furnish seed, 'eams and machinery if required. Tugo. Gibbins, WanaUh, Nob.' 1 I CROW FOR NEBRASKA! Bryjm has carried the stato by over 12,000. Yes, wo haye all the state offic ers and four Congressmen out of six. What's the matter with Ne braska and Box Butte county? They're all right. If it had not been for the hard work of Chairman I. E. Tasli and a fow others, there would not have;been enqugh Mc Kinley votes in Box Butto county to "shake a stick at." Following are the majorities or pluralities in this county of the successful candidates, all of whom ore Democrat and Peoples' Inde pendent. Presidential Electors 125 Governor, Holcomb 147 Lieut. Gov'., Harris 130 Soc'y of State. Porter 134 Auditor, Cornell 110 Treasurer, Meservo 110 Sup't Schools, Jackson . 140 Attorney General, Smyth. ; '. 130 Com'r Lands & B, Wolfe. .'. 130 Regent, Rawlins Ill Judge Supremo court, Neville 155 j Congressman, Greeno ; 118 Senator, Mutz ; . 76 Representative, Sheldon... 144 County Atty., Iodencu. . . . ',, 109 County Cosa'r 2d dist., Hollinrake re-elected, no opposition. The returns show that Major MoKinley has been elected Presi dent over Wm. J. Bryan by a good majority. The American people have spokon for tho present njoney standard nearly a million strong. The Herald is not so narrow minded as to think there is but one sido to a question and is a ( firm believer in the will of tho j American people being law. The i republicans havo tho President together with a safe majority in , both tho Senate and tho House. I ' If tho cause for which wo have contended is wrong then the i Republican party must give tho tt.:,,j qj - -:... t :i umiuu otuiua piuapuiny lor il naturally follows that they aro right. If perchance our cause is just it will rise again with such a power that no human force oan stay or avert it, for no righteous , causo can bo buried. The Her l ald beliovos that bimotalism is not vanquished but simply ovpr come, and is only too glad to again commence a fight that wo believe to bo in tho Interest of the common people in tho event pt continued business stagnation tha most assuredly will follow if tho principles for which wo j stand are restjpg upqn a sqjid foundation. Prank Bovan is in town "this weak. R. H. Blanchard came up from Omaha to cast lm voto. John Sampy spent a couple of dp,ys with(iiis parents this week. R. McLood spont a couplo of days this week with his family in Omaha. Irs. Conoy, of Nobraska City, is visiting her daughter Mrs. Killeen. Mr. and Mrs. Tash and Miss Neeland wore AHiunco visitors this week. There will bo services at the Catholic church on Sunday, Nov, 29jsh instead of tho 22nd as pre viously announced. Harry Nelson tho cattle rustler whom sheriff Sweeney took to Grand Island, broke jail there and is at largo again. Miss Pease accompanied tho party from Edgomont Saturday and made a brief visit with her many friends ;n Hemingford. . Miss Anna Wohlers, the effici ent sales lady who has prpsidqd in C. J. Wildy's store for tho past year, has resigned her position. Those of our citizens who at tended tho rallies at Allianco Saturday ovening w,firo royally entertained by tho Alliancoites. Tho band boys wore taken caro of by Miko Elmoro and they speak very highly of tho treat ment accorded them. B. S. Reynolds arrived in town Monday and will spend a fow days with friends. Ho has been travelling in the coast country and throught B. C. for several months past. Bion says that people in Box Butte aio just as well off as tloy aro through tho northwest. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hollinrake met with what might havo been a serious accident Monday night on their return from Snake Creole. While crossing the can on one mile south of town some part of the buggy gavo way, throwing the occupants to the ground. Mrs. Hollinrake was unconscious forsome time butnot seriously injured while Mr. Hol linrake escaped with a slight cut on his head. Tho buggy was completely demolished. Tho following is the program of tho Reading Circle which meets on Saturday, Nov. 2, Crusado Mabel Curtis, History, to pogo 62. Child study, to page 42. Gunpowjdor. Printing. Mariner's Compass. Nellie GoodenouglO Leo Rnstin, I H. F. Fillmore, f Com. D. K. Spacht, J ox Butte Items. Mrs. Tracy, of Omaha, is visit ing with her sister, Mrs,. Snede ker for a fow weeks. Mrs. Carter and daughter who havo been tho guests of Mrs. Tay.or for the past two months returned to their homo las Sat urday. Mrs. Ruggles spent several days in Rushvillo last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nye's baby has been hick for the past week and roported no botfer at fhis writing. Frank Darling was visiting "friends" in this vicinity Sunday. Mr. Conncll will preach at this place Sunday. Bushnoll & Shorwoqd will pay tljo highest market price for hogs. NOW OOOD3 at til 211 linery tore," MR. BRYAN'S VIEWS. Sayp That Nebraska's Silver Victory Will Work Needed Reforms Lincoln, Nov. 5. Mr. Bryan gavo out today tho following inter view on the situation in Nebraska. "Tho result in Nebraska is very gratifying. Wo havo had groat obstacles to overcomo and yet in spite of all those obstacles wo se cured a majority of 10,000 or 15,- 000 for our electoral ticket and have elected the entiro state ticket and also at Umst four nnd probably five members of congress out of six, and have olected a good work ing majority in both branches of the legislature. "The democrats, populists and silver republicans have worked to gether in perfect harmony and they share tho victory tpgothor. Tho gold standard democrats, by collusion with republican officiate, secured a place on tho ballot as tho 'Democrats,' and deceived a fow voters, but the attempted fraud was called to tho attention of the voters, and the evil effects were re duced to a minimum. It iB safo to say that almost tho entiro Palmor voto was cast because tho gold' democrats hero, as olsowhoro voted almost unanimously for the repub lican candidate. "I am proud of Nebraska and grateful to tho friends in this stato for their loyalty. No causo ever had more devoted supporters than the silver cause in Nebraska. Hav ing control of tho legislative mach inery in this state, wa Bhould bo able to so reform our ballot law so as to prevent tho frauds which havo been perpetrated under it, and wo shall also be able to secure legislation which will protect the voters from coercion aud intimida tion. "Tho people of Nebraska have cause for rejoicing. Tho good ef fect of our victory in this state will bo felt for years to come." ELEGANT LINIJ OF NEW CLOAKS AND NEWMARK ETS, CHEAP AT C. A. BURLEWS. omfori to California, Every Thursday morping, a tourist sleeping car for Salt Lako City, San Francisco and Los An geleso leaves Omaha and Lincoln via tho Burlington Route. It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan; has spring seatB and backs and is provided with curtains, beddings, towels, soap and etc. Ap experienced excursion con ductor and a pniformed Pullman portor accompany it through to the Pacific coast. While neither as expensively furi)shed nor as fine to look at as a palace sleeper, it is just as good to ride in. Second class tickets are honored and the price of a berth, wide enough and big enough, for two, is only $5. For a folder giving full par- ticulars. call at tho nearest B. & M. R. It, ticket office. Qr, writo to J. Francis, Gen'l. Pass'r Agent Burlington Route. Omaha, Neb. EVERYTHING... That a Woman's Heart Can Desire to be Found in my Stock ( f Goods. Call and seo tho immense variety of Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods Shoes, Notions, Groceries, Brand Now and CHEAP, C A BURLAW. Qalvin J, Wildy NEW STORE I :-: NEW GOODS I New Prices! :: New Everything! Always Leads and Never Follows ! ANTON UHRIG, PIONEER Hardware and Saddlery. TlIK OLDKST Ji'STAnMslWENT IN THK COUNT . . . . . . Charter Oak Cook StOYes, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoyes, Paints, Oils, Glass, tn Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT -Barb Wir.s tije Best on Earth Fred Krug Brewing Company CABINET BOTTLED BEER A High Grade Lager Beer, Purest in the Market. PATKOiNIZE HOME INDUSTRY Offico 1007 Jacka.on Street, Ooajha, Nob. Three Opinions: "The CHICAGO RgCQRD Is a model newspaper in every sense pf the word."-' ffarrisbtifg KPa.) Call, 'There is no paper published in America that so nearly approaches the true journal istic ideal as The CHICAGO RECORD."- From t'Newspaperdom" (New York). "I have come to the firm conclusion, after a long test and after a wide comparison with the journals of many cities and coun tries, that The CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the ideal dally journal as we are for some time likely to find on these mortal shores." Prof. J. T. Hatfield in The Eva'nston (111.) Index. Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE QEU CAQ0 RECORD, 1S1 MadiscnsL