ippwiwww - if 1 t f .! IU The Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF box Burrp county; Published CTPtr Friday and entered at iho post-olliec-in llfmlnufnrd. Nebraska, as second class mail matter. THE JlznALUiRdovoteti to 'Dm Interests of llrmtngfcrd and liox Untto county. THOS. J. O'KnEPG, Publisher. BOnscniFTJON iutksi ONBYKAR fl0 YllX MONfllS 75 ; " .: : - '"., : COUNTY OFFICERS. F. M. Piisr.ru Clerk. A. A1.Mim.eH . Treasurer. J A. It. II. Hbwktt Judge. '). 1. Hwvesey Klierlir. II. F. (llt.MXN Attorney. Miss A. E. Nkeland Superintendent. Ciia. HiUNN....: Surveyor, Dit,V.K, MitXEn Coroner. J)n. L. W. Iiowma.h 1'hyslcian. Jamen lUnnr Commissioner 1st DIM.. Jah. Hoixiniuke.... Commissioner and Dlst. H. W. Duncan Commissioner Urd Dlst. .' I Democratic Ticket, iTor Prcsldnnt, WM. .1. HttYAN, or Nebraska. iPav Vice President, AllTHUll SEWALL, of Malno. FOlt l'ltlCBIDKNTIAIi ELECTORS! FRED ME TZ, SK., of Douglas. .0. W. PALM, of Lancaster. V. J. HALE, of Minion. X. PIABQEKI, of Howard. N. (). ALUEUTS. or Clay. JS. L. KOSTHY52E, or Saline M. P. II ARLINGTON, of Holt. J. N. C.U1PHELL, of Nutioo. For Governor, SILAS A. IIOLCOMR, of Custer. For Lieutenant Governor, JOHN E. HARMS, or Nemaha. iFor Secretary of State, WM. P. POIl TElt, of Morrlok. For Auditor, J. P. CORNELL, of Richardson. Por Treasurer. J. H. MESERYE, if Itcd Willow. Por Stip't Public Instruction, WM. 11. JACKSON, or Holt. Por Com'r Put). Lands and Buildings, J. Y. WOLFE, of Lancaster. Por Attorney General, C.J.SMYTH, or Douglas. Por Supreme .fudge, (4 years), WM. NEVILLE, of Lincoln. For Supreme Judge, (2 years), J, KIRKlATRICIt,of Lancaster. -Por Regent State University, A. A. M UN ROE, of Douglas. Por Congressman. Sixth District, WM. L. GREENE, ot Buffalo. For County Attorney, W. M. IODENOE, of Dorsey. For Commissioner Second District. JAMES HOLL1NRAKE. What England Thinks About It. Tho following i'b an editorial from tho London Financial News of April 30th, Heading linanoial paper of tho world.) ''There, is a plain moral in tho remark that if tho United States would venture- to cut herself adritt from Europe and take outright to .silver she would have all America jftud Asia at hor back and the com mand of tho markets of tho world of both countries The barrier of '"old would bo mora fatal than any barrier of n custom house. Tho "bond of silver would ho stronger thau any bond of free Undo. Thuro can be no doubt it that if tho Uni 'tod States were to odopt a silver basis tomorrow British trade would Jo ruined beforo tho year was nut. Every American would bo protect ed, not only at homo, but in every other market. Of course tho Uni ted States would suffer to a cor tain extent through having to pay hor obligations, abroad in gold; but the loss on exchange under this head would bo a mere drop in the bucket compared with tho profits to bo reaped from tho markets of South America and Asia, to say nothing of Europe. The marvel s that the United States haa not long ago soized tho opportunity, .and but for the belief that tho way of Englaud is necessarily the way to commercial supcess and pros perity, undoubtedly it would have been done long ago. Now, Ameri cans aro awakening to tho fact that "so long as they narrow their mil "bition to becoming a larger Eng lond" they cannot beat us. It has been a piece of luck for us that it has nover before occurred to tho Americans to scoop ub out of tho wourld'a markets by going on a filler basis, and it might servo us right if, irritated by the contempt uous apath of our Government to the gravity of the silver problem, the Araericous retaliate by freez ing out gold. It could easily be done." 12 ma nfcwwwu3P ftiwif Local News. It. M. Hampton was in town Thursday. Albert Puradis, of Alliance, was in tho city Saturday. Mrs. Jas. Ilollinrako is spend ing n few days in Alliance. H. L. Bushnoll will servo fresh oysters ou election day, There will bo mass at tho Catholic church Monday, Nov. 2. Parties who ordered bookB of Thco. Blaud muy secure them at this office Hon. I. N. Harbaugh, of Chad ron. will speak at tho court house this evening. Mr. and Mrs.W. C. Mounts, of Alliance visited Hemingford friends Sunday and Monday. Congregational services at M. E. church Sunday morning and Methodist sorvices in tho evening Mrs. J. 0. McCorklo who has been at Columbia, Iowa, during tho summer came home Tuesday. Born, on Oct. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Koistor, a 10 pound boy. All parties roported doing nicely. Attomoy Sullivan and Prod Smith of Alliance wore welcome callers at this office Monday evening. Tho dance at James Ilollin rako's Friday evening was a de cided success. Several from town attended. F. 0. Anderson, Volga City, Iowa, and Fred Oldag and Miss Rosa Parkin aro now subscribers to this family journal. Dan Mauk and J. A. Smith with their families left for Col lego Viow, Neb., last week and will remain during tho winter. Mrs. Walter Akin, of "Waterloo, Iowa, arrived Friday morning and will visit a couple of months with her daughtor Mrs. Hazolton. A. C. Wundorlich who has been visiting his parents in Mis souri came home Sunday morn ing accompanied by his brother, who will probably locate in this vicinity. The campaign social at tho court house Friday evening was well attended and a pleasant time roported. Tho proceeds will bo expended in repairing tho Con gregational church. C. B. Smith ,was found dead near his house last Friday after noon by Thos. Green. Mr. Smith has lived alone forsomo timo and the cause of his death is unknown. Tho funeral took place Sunday. A. L Tingle, of Butte. Nob., was advertised, to spcaic noro Monday but failed to put in an appearanco and the timo was oc cupied by a joint debate between G. M. Sullivan of Alliance and Smith P. Tuttle. A bouncing boy arrived at the homo of Mr. and Mr. John Kcefo last Saturday Oct. 21, under vory favorablo circumstances. Unlike Cleveland, John had a sign out "Girl wanted," which may ex plain why wo didn't got oven a cigarette. Alliance Guide. A. D. Alexander camo in from Illinois recently. Ho stated that ho camo home from Chicago on a "McKinloy pass" and that ho be lieved it was proper to take all ho could got out of them because they rob tho farmers enough anyway. No doubt A. D. will put in a good old soldier vote for W. J. Bryan Ho was accompani ed by his son Carl from Blair. Library Day was observed in tho Hemingford schools Friday, Oct. 23, with appropriated oxor cises. Tho pupils had committed a number of mottoes in favor and praiso of good books and reading. Tho blackboards were also decorated with mottoes in colored crayon showing tasto and neatness in design and execution. Tho oxercises were interspersed with patriotic songs, reading and recitations. Tho primary room acted a number of charades rep resenting titles of books which gave amusement as well as use- ful information. The pupils imjmumvrmtnm0i,ittwninfrwmmMiimm Imvn ciinnnrwlnrl in collecting .... .v, U..V.II.V .i v ... vw.ivuv.wn about six dollars which will bo expended for books to form a nucleus around which wo expect to build a valuable library. Taken as a wholo our first Library Day was a success. Tho ladies of tho Congrega tional church extend their hearty thanks to all those assisting in tho entertainment last Fridny evening and also to those who so liberally patronized it. Tho pro ceeds amounting to $10.60 which will bo applied on repairing of tho church. By order of committee. The Congregational Missionary society will give their monthly dinner with Mrs. Ward at tho homo of Mrs. Wheeler, Wed nesday Nov. 4. All are cordially invited. Mus.Wakd, Sec'y Resolutions Tho following resolutisns were adopted by tho Ohtidron Equal Suff rago society : Rksolved. That wo as a body do all in our power to urge ovory voter, regardless of politics, to do all they can to prevent the election of Henry 11. Corbett, tho republi can nominee for Stato Superintend ent of Public Instruction. Our reasons for urging this matter are these. The said Henry R. Corbett promised to appoint Mrs. Notson his deputy if she would help to elect him two years ago. Mrs. Notson, anxious to better her con dition as sho had two small chil dren to support, entered heartily into the work of canvassing tho stato for Mr. Corbett, ovon com ing us far as Chadrou and borrow mouoy to pay hor traveling ex penses. Mr. Corbett was elected but did not keep his promise to Mrs. Notson. No, ho ignored her claims with the most flimsy excuse that could be afforded, viz; that it was not proper to have a lady in his ollico. This woman, thrown upon charity just in the beginning of winter with no prospects of work, 'became despondent, and tying her two babes to her person, throw herself and babes into tho Missouri river. Do wo want a man who caused tho death of one of our best teachers and two inno cent babes to stand at tho head of education and bo a model for our toachers, our boys and our girls of tho great state of Nebraska? Be foro drowning herself Mrs. Notson gav hor friends letters written in Corbott'sown hand in which ho promised her the doputyship if elected. She guvo these letters to j friends exacting tho promise that they would try to defoat him if ho over ran for office tho second time. By order of Committee, two thirds of whom aro republicans. Mary-Smith Ha.yw.uid, Pres. Piiehe Mason, Secretary. KrHW GOODS at. the 24.11 linery Store. Bushnoll & Sherwood will pay tho highest market price for hogs. Bring in potatoes and wood on subscription. Taken up by the undorsignod on section 21-28-48, Box Butte county, Neb., on Oct. 21, 1890. One bay mare, about 8 or 4 years old, strip in face, left front foot white and right hind foot whito, had halter on. One light bay horso colt, white spot in face and left hind foot whito; over 1 year old. Ono black horso colt, whito spot in faco and right hind foot whito; over ono year old. Owner can havo same by pay ing for this notice and damages. Anton Jelinek. Estrayed. On Sept. 28", 1890, from sec. 29-28-48, one black steer calf; ono one black heifer calf; both spring calvos; both mulies. Liberal ro ward will be paid for information leading to their recovory. Albert Nelson, Hemingford, Neb. TO RENT. -Tho undersigned will rent his farm in Sec. 12-00-48, at Wanatah postotlice, Dawes county, for the year 1897. "Will furnish seed, teams and machinery if required. TUEO. GlIllHNS,' Wanntalj, Nety. RflBCMl Final '-Proof Notices Hon. J. V. Wkujj, Jn., ItoRlttor. Hon. F. M. fiitoonE, llocelvcr. 1'nrtlM bavins notices In thta oolnmn aro ro oupstrd to read tho amn carefully and report to tliis otlieo for correction any errora that may oxljt, Tliia will prevent poetllilo delay In making proof. Land Olilco at Alllaneo, Nob., Sept. 2S. 1896. ftotiefl I hereby iriren that thn followlnc named snttler has tiled notico of his intention to mako final proof in support of 1i1b claim, and tiat said proof will ls made heTore lleItor and ltocoivur at Alliance, Nvb., on Not. It), &M JAMES U. WOOD, ot Marsland, Neb., who made It 13 No. 3032 for tho nHiioHi nvr U so )t fc no H sw W sec 27, tp SO n, r SO w. llo names tho following witnesses to proto his continuous resldonro npon and cultivation of said land, viz: Fidelia 1j. lloneyman, Emma 1'urdey, Albert l'almer of Marsland, Neb., Hi mon H. Wright, of Mclmnnt, Heb. Also, EMMA I'UUDKY, of Marsland, Neb., who mado H E no. 3G07 for the u w H sec 32, tp 29 n, r 6U w. She names the following witnesses tn prove her continuous resldonro up and cultivation ot said land, viz: Fidelia Ij. Honeyman. James O, Wood, Albert Palmer of Marsland, Nob., Bimon li. WrlRht, of llclmont. Neb. Also FIDELIA L. HONEYMAN. nee Kondrlck, ot Marsland, Nob., who mado timber culture entry No. U.V! tor tho o !i hw !4 & lots 1 & 1. sec 1U), tpSTJn, rWw. She names tho following to provo her conttn nous residence, upon and cultivation ot said land, viz: Emma 1'urdey, Jamns U. Wood. Al lien l'almer ot Marsland, Neb., Blmon B. Wright, ot Belmont, Nob. J. V. WKHtr, Jr., Itegistor. U. S. Land Olllcp, Alllnnco, Nob.. Sept. , 1806. Notico is hereby gien that ANTON ZAI1KA, JR, ot Clarksnn, Nob., has filed notico ot intention to make final proof before lteglster or Uocelver at their otlleeln Alliancu, Neb., November Dth, 1KM, on timberculturo application No. UH.", for tho aw H se) 12, tp 2H n, rg 47w. llo names as witnesses: Jacob Lamcrick, James McCabe, Alnxandur O. lloss, Daniel Mey ers, all of Hoi iiutto, Nob. J. W. Weiin, n., Hegister. TJ. 8. Land OihYe, Alliance, Nob , Sept. 25, 1898. Notico is hereby glvtm that JACOU MOllAVA, of Marsland, Nob., has filed notico of intention to mike final proof befol-o County Judgoot Mux llutto Co., Neb., at his olllce in Ilemiimford, Neb., on November 7. lfftO, on timl)er outturn implication. No. 15, for n '4 so U, no U sw 'i & lot 0, see 0 tp 'JMn, rg f2w llo names as wltnesROs: Augustus H. Mc-l-aughliu. Edward Crlgler. of Marsland, Nob., Anton Z:ijic, John Zailc, ot llomingford, Neb. J. W. Weiin, Jn., Iteglster. U. 8. Land Ollic e, Alliance. Neb.. Sept. 20, 1890 Notice is hereby that FOSl'EH NORTH, of Kewaneo, 111 , has lilid notice of intention to mnko final proof beforo Clerk Circuit Court, HtarkCo.. 111., and witnesses will givo testimony boforo Register and Receiver at Alliance, Neb., on November 9, 1KWI, on timlmr culture applica tion No. 21, for tho s w i see 20. tp 20 n, r fiO w. He nrm-s as witnesses: Edgar SwMiey, Henry Hweezey, Da id A. Paul, of liomingtord, heb., Itobort S. Shipley, ot Alliance, Neb. J. W. Wkiin. Jn., Register. Ijind OUlco at Alliance, Nob . Sept. 80, 18'.W. Notico is hereby given that tho following named Bet tier has filed notico of hit. intention lo mako-tinal proof in support ot his claim and that said proof will bu made beforo Register mid Receiver at Alliance, Neb., ou Nov. 9, ls9t), viz: JOHN F. HOLLINRAKE, of Hemingford, Neb., who mado H E No. 3029 for the s w s?c U, tp '1H n. r 49 w. He names tho following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon an1 cultivation of said land, viz: Michael It. Murphy, l'o Fronapfel, .lames F. Whcluu. William tricl, ull of Hemingford, Nob. J. W. Wki'v. Jn., Register. U. 8. Land OIHce, Alliance, ,eb., Oct. 12, 1E00. Notico is hereby given that AI1RAM A. W1LLET, of Anselmo, Neb.. ha filed notice of intention to make nnal proof IWori. Resistor or Receiver at Alliance. Neb., on the 23th day of November, lMHi.on timber culture app'ication No. 15S, for tho nw H sec 20. tp 27 n. rg .12 w. Ho names as witnesses: John Sedlacek, James Rruna, i harles Posvur, Martin Posvar, all of Lawn, no I). Also Notico Is hsreby gtvon that THOMAS E. Rll YAN of Hough, Nob , has tiled notico of in tention to make final proof at vamo time and pluca on timber culture application no. C9j for tho noli seo 29, tp ao n, rrf 4!) w. Me names as witnesses: Charles F. Dorgan, William Smith, William W.Tjreo, James W. Tyreo, all of Hough, Neb. J. W. Wehn, jn., Register. IJ. 8. Land Oiliro Alllaneo, Neb.. Oct. 10. 1MW. Notico la heroby given that HUGO HCHTE, of Dunlap, Neb., lias filed not leu of intention to make final proof beforo Register or Receiver at Alliance, Neb., on November '!, lfc'.W, on timb -r culture application no. 69Ti, tor tho w !i nw U & w 4 sw it soo -.!, tp 29 n, tg 48 w. no names as witnesses: Rernard Fendrich, Fred Ortmaun, nencich Koch, uenrich Liohtc, all of Dunlap, Neb. aIho HEMtY LICHTE.ot Dunlap. Nob., has fiiol notico of intention to mako final proof at hvuo time and p!ni-o on timber culture application No. 591 for tho sw H M-c 20, tp 29 n. rg in w. ho names as wltnessbs: Kernard tVndrioh, Fred Ortman, Heary Koch, V. I'ladk ad of Dunlap, Neb. J. W. Wehn. Jn.. Roister Land Ollico iitAllianco, Neb . Oct. 21, lb90. Notice is hereby given that the following nam ed rcttler has tiled notice of his intention to mako final proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will lo mado beforo Register or Receiver at Alliance, Neb. on Nov. 30, ltUt), viz: Edward G. Halm, of Moomaw, Nob., who mado he no. 201" for tho n o ) sec 29. tp 28 n, r 45 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Lewellen, Ambroso 11. IOYvellen, William Noely of Momaw, Nob., F. F. Johituseu, of (jravson.Nob. Also Ambrose II. Lowellen, of Moomaw. Neb., who mado u E no. 2307 for the n o U sec 22, tp M u, rg 45 w. lie names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: John Lowollen. Edward O. Hahn, Peter liahn. ot Moomaw, Neb., F. F. Jo hanscn, ot Grayson, Nob. Also John Lewellen, of Moomaw, Neb., who mado H E no. 2433 for the w M so 4 soo 15, tp 2d n, r ft w. llo names tho following witnesses to-provo his continuous roaidenco upon and cultivation ot caul land, viz: Ainbroso II. lewellen, Ed ward (1. Uahn, Peter liahn, of Moomaw, Nob., F. F. Johausen, of Gravson, Nob. J. W. WMI.V. Jn., Register. In the District Court of Rox Iiutto County. ANNA O. RfcED, Plaintiff. vs: Clementine A. McKinnev, Defendant. Clementine A. McKinney defendant, will tako iintiofi lii i.n thn Kith ilav of Ausust. lxflil. An na U Reed plaintltf heri-iu filed her petition in tho district, court of llox llutto county. Nebras ka, against you the ta!d defendant, tho object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by tho defendant to the American Loan and Trust Comany upon the northwest quarter of section!!, in township 25 north, range 19 west ot tho IHh p. ro., in Uox IJuito county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of ono promissory nolo dated May SW, Imh), for the. sum of J3H), nnd due and pajableontlio 1st day of May lh93, bearing interest at the ratfl of 7 por cent per annum from data. Kaid noloand mortgage wui foe a valuable uousldoration, bo furo tho same bocamu due, duly sold, assigned and delivered to tho plalutilf. who is now tho owner thereof and of tho money duo thereon and there Is now due tho plaintiff from tho de fendant upon said nolo and mortgage, ths sura nfkym Htm, tntnrnkt t hereon, from tho 1st dar ' of May 1MKJ, at the rato of ten per cent tier an- num. and tho furUier sum ot f 11.01 for taxes ' paid on raid premises to protect her security with Interest thereon at ten per cent per Aiinnui t from the 12th day of J illy 1894, for which sums I with tho interest thereon, plaintiff prays for a ilivmi tliHt. tlm dnfondant Iki rooiiired to nay tho same, or that saul mortgage may ld fore closed and said premUea may Iw told accordiug to law to satisfy the amouat found due. Yon are required to answer aid petition on or l)eforo the 2nd day of November la). Dated Sept. 21, lc9d. ,,.,- Anna 0. Rked, Plaintiff, Ry W. M. Iodence, hor attorney. f p Sept. 25. All parties desiring to make final proof can haye their papers made out at The Hehald office, free of charge, and promptly transmitted to the land office. WBlTWUCSaWF! ,2& r?8 ?3BS? Out Closing I have made up my mind to go out of business, so I will sell all my Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Cloth ing and Gents' Furnishing Goods at greatly reduced prices for spot cash. Produce will be taken at top prices. Your faithful servant, . . . W. K. HERNCALU iftKsi'Si s" Wi 71 zms-m H. H. PIERCE, .Proprietor of. Livery ujd Wo have first-class stock and double and single rigs, which we f urnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boarder are unexcelled in tho city. Give us a call. fT Stable Corner Box Butte Avenue and Sheridan Street. nip STYLE 201 13 sold by agents as high as $195 You can buy 11 at tho factory price from us for $88 Height 75 Inches. Fronch Tlato Mirror, Tntent Fall Board. Mouse Proof, SOLID WAIiNOU or OA K Guaranteed for S years by manufacturer and by us. Wo pay freight V any point in Nebraska. vVo furnish stool, book nnd chart. Wrlto for tornvt. ORGANS from $20 and up. : PIANOS from $40 and np P.B.-Our2Mye. A. HOSPE, Jr. IMsntlcn this saner.) Omaha, Nell. Comfort to California. Every Thursday morning, a tourist sleeping car for Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Los An gelese leaves Omaha and Lincoln via tho Burlington Route. It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan; has spring seata and backs and is provided with curtains, beddings, towels, soap and etc. An experienced excursion con ductor and a uniformed Pullman porter accompany it through to the Pacific coast. While neither as expensively furnished nor as fine to look at as a palace sleeper, it is just as good to ride in. Second class tickets aro honored and the price of a berth, wide enough and big enough for two, is only S?o. For a folder giving full par ticulars, call at tho nearest B. & M. B. R. ticket office. Or, writo to J. Francis. Gen'l.Puss'r Aeent Burlington Route. Omaha, Neb. Now Short Lino to Holena, Butte Spokano, Seattle and Tacoina. 0. X. Ss W. a. Time Oarcl. KA8T J10UNH. S'o. 42. passoncor arrives tit 1:22 a. m. " tefrrlwlit " " Mil p.m. 48 freight nrrlvos nt 10:23 u. m. WEST HOUND. No, 41 passenger arrives ut 4:23 a. m. ' 45 frulght " H:S2 p. in. 4T frfllgbt arrlvaa at 3:10 p. w AU regular trains carry passengers, W. M.Coi-:tA.NU,Ager' WmatTm TiTiV iiii nvmoimNifliwyii ife Sale! iii '(2i ismsiK ay ho: Feed Stables. $195 LIST -..for $88- One-Third Cask, AND BALANCE $5.00 per Month. &f 5-w rBQSB EVERYTHING... That a Woman's Heart Can Desire to be Found in my Stock c f Goods. Call and see the immenso variety of Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods Shoes, Notions, Groceries, Brand New and CHEAP. C A BURLEW. L. W. BOWHAN Physician and Surgeon, ALLIANCE, NEB. Office rooms ami residence in Draver block, up stairs. Special attention given to dis eases of children . TUTTLE & TAS1I Attorneys - at - Law, HFUINGF0RD, ? NEBRASKA ball I n 1 t ri r A . hH