Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, October 30, 1896, Image 7

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rj w.
nmwm nt T"i:;' c,""hth;THEBURGLAR,SSTOEY
Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the. sense ot
smell and cornpletuly derange the whole
system when entering It through the mu
cous surfaces, buch articles should neTer
bo used excopt on prescriptions trom repu
table physicians, as tho untnnRO they will
do Is ton fold tn tho good you can possibly
derive from them. Hairs Catarrh (Jure,
manufactured by V. 3. Cheney .V Co, Toledo,
O.i contains no mercury, a mils taken lntor
nally, actinc (lirucllr upon the blood and
mucous stirfiirot of tho hystcm In buying
Hnll'R Catarrh euro bo suro you cut the
fenulno. ltU takou internally and made
n Toledo, a, by K. J, Cheney 4: Co. Testi
monials free.
Bold by all Druggists, price 75c per bottle.
Her Inspiration.
A. writer in an English paper asserts
that: "It was my good fortune, to
lunch in the company of Bovcral poets
of fame and repute. Thero was pres
ent nt this delcctablo nnd memorable
banquet one of the most charming and
witty American women that tho world
has ever known. Tho poots were re
cording vnriouo good stories, and one
related a talo ho had heard of Words
worth, by one who had known him in
timately. It seems that this bard was
in tho habit of writing at night and in
the early morning, and that lie used to
rouse his wife about 4 o'clock and ex
claim: 'Maria, get tint I have thought
of a good word I' Whereupon his obe
dient hclpmcot arose and recorded it
on paper. About half an hour after
ward a now inspiration would seize up
on tho poet nnd ho would call out,
'Marin, pet up! I'vo thought of a better
word.' Wo listened to this story with
admiration, but thobright-eyed Ameri
can woman remarked, with a wavo of
red rose in her hand: Well, If he'd
been my husband, I should have Bind,
Wordsworth, get, upt I'vo thought of a
bad wordl"'
Mrs. IVIusltnv'a NoothliiR Syrup
f'orrhiliit-ntenilitnir, snitcnttheguins, reduces Inflam
mation, allaya pain, cures wind colic. S3 ceuti a bottle.
He Met nn Old Friend.
"I cannot but admit my condition,
your honor," said tho dignified old gen
tleman, who had been carried to tho
police station tho night boforo in a
state of collapse, "but tho circum
stances arose from my meeting an old
friend of my younger days an old
friend from Kentucky."
"I have the honor of being a Ken
tttckian,' said his honor, "and I will
lot you go. lly tho way, who was tho
old friend? lie may be a friend of my
Tho dignified old gentleman first got
Limsolf near the door and then said in
a soft voice:
"John Uarleycorn." Indianapolis
liegeman's Camphor lew with Glycerin-.
Cure Una ppU Hands and Kac Tender or Sore Kept,
Cbilblolna.rile. &c. CO. Clark Co., New Haven, Ct.
Tartar Medicine.
Formerly musk was used as a medi
cine in various. parts of tho world; but
doctors in civilized lands do not hold
musk in high repute. In China it is
still thought to be a very good medi
cine; but the Chinese have queer no
tions about cures and charms. Abbo
Hue, a distinguished traveler, says that
when a Tartar doctor finds himself
without his drugs and medicines, he is
not in the least cinbarrascd. Ho writes
the names of the needed drugs on Blips
of paper, and these being rolled up in
little balls arc swallowed by tho pati
ent. "To swallow tho name of a rem
edy, or tho remedy itself, amounts to
tho same thing," bays tho Tartars.
October St. Nicholas.
When bilious or costive.catacascarot
candy cathartic, cure guaranteed. 10c,
Deliberate African Natives.
The natives are very deliberate in
their formalities. One who brings you
a message docs not rush up and deliver
it, and bolt away, no first puts tho
weapons in a plnce of safety, then
Beats himself comfortably near j'ou on
the ground, and after a breathing spell
tells what lie has to say. He does not
understand hurry. If you reach a vil
lage at noon today, no matter how im
portant it may bo to keep moving, the
chief will feel very much disappointed
if you do not spend the whole of tho
next day in camp in or near his village.
Glave in the Heart of Africa" in tho
October Century.
You can pud out the thin sleeves of
fancy cotton nnd shirt waists by using
a separate slcevo of stifftpapcr cambric
or crinoline, white, made very full,
half way to tho elbow and gathered to
a narrow band at tho top. This, if
basted inside of the thin dress sleeve,
will answer every purpose. One yard
of material will make a pair of extend
ers Ladies' Home Journal.
Gladness Comes
With a. better understanding of the
transient nature of tho many phys
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed. There is comfort in
tho knowledge, that so many forms of
olekness are not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system, which the pleasant
family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millionsof families, and is
ever-where esteemed so highly by all
who'valucgood health. Its beneficial
effects arc due to tho fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanlluess without debilitating the
organs on which it ucts. It is therefore
nil important, in order to get its bene
ficial effect:, to uote when you pur
cha.se, that you have the genuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
nil rcpuUblo druggists.
If in tho enjoyment of good health,
and tho system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may ho commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
nnc should huvo the best, and with the
vreli-inforxnod everywhere, Syrup of
Figs stands highest and la most largely
tueditndgivesraoit general SHthacilop
WAS of nod nnrt
rcBpcctnblo parent
age," began the
I burglar, "nnd was
of tho principal
safe manufactories
of tho United
States. I had al
ways n natural tnsto for working in
metals, nnd was now in n position to
gratify my ambition to become an ex
port in tho business. At tho ago of 24
I was selected from tho forco of thir
ty hands to expend all my time and tal
ent in ono particular branch of tho
work, namoly, tlio locks and doors.
This was mnny years ago and the mod
ern improvements had not been dream
ed of. But several kinds ot combina
tion and permutation locks had been
patented and ono of tho best of theso
I was placing upon our hardened steel
doors. No ordinary burglar, however,
would havo thought of wasting his
timo nnd taking tho risks with such
a lock; consequently, our sale of safes
was largo and profitable.
"I was receiving a good salary for
my special work nnd Imagined, llko
many others In life, that I was a favor
ite of fortune and that it would always
"From the position I occupied It was
easy to fall into tho companionship of
tho sons of the wealthy classes, ami
to drift with them into expensive if
not objectionable habits. Tho allur
ing games of chanco soon fascinated
mo with their golden favors. Intem
perate habits In everything, together
with loss of sleep, soon unfitted mo for
a fair day's work and I was discharg
ed. Going from bad to worse I soon
kmnd myself tho welcome companion
If thlovea and gamblers, and often not
knowing where my next meal was to
come from.
"Wandering aimlessly about the city
with a favorite companion ono day, wo
wero passing the shop of an under
taker. My chum called my nttentlon
to a safe," which stood near a desk
aud fronted tho open door ot the office,
and suggested that It might contain
money, of which we wero both In great
" 'That lock and door are both my
own make,' said I, as wo halted a mo
ment to glanco at it, 'and I can open
it in flvo minutes.'
" 'You don't say that you can open
that safe door in five minutes without
knowinir tho combination ot the lock?'
said my friend, with astonishment.
"T certainly can,' I answered, 'al
though tho gamo might bo too smalt
for the risk. If we could get into the
room, it's possible 'twould pay to look
Into it, on account ot this smallpox
epidemic. Notice that the back door
Is open, I continued. 'That door opens
into an alley. In passing here before
when that door was closed, I've noticed
a heavy lock on it and there's an Iron
bar across It on tho Inside.'
" 'Let's wander around to the alley
and look over the situation,' said my
companion, 'and maybe we can get in
"The alley seemed deserted. Collins
md their rough cases and rich burial
baskets, finished and unfinished, stood
it an incline against the wall, and on
low tables tho entire length of the
room wero long lines of those finished
tor Immediate use, silently waiting
their occupants.
"As my eye took in the situation, I
conceived a bright idea. Taking the
arm of my pard, I hurried him away
ind, when by ourselves, told him my
plan and the ease with which that safo
might bo examined.
" I shall put on my rubber shoes,'
said I, 'and sneak In that back door
some time before it is closed for the
aight. Then I'll crawl under ono of
those low wide tables, where nobody'll
notice me. If I'm discovered, I'll piny
the dead-drunk dodge. At precisely
midnight, I'll enter the front office and
open tho safe. At that hour exactly
shall expect you to be on the watch
in the alley or hallway on the other
side ot the street. You shall give me
i certain signal that you are there,
and we'll agree on another should any
person pass tho building when I'll get
mt o' sight. Another whistle shall
signify that the coast 1j clear. We may
get only a little Jag, and then again we
way get a good big pull.'"
"I bad quietly crawled under the
table. Soon afterward, the rear door
of tho building was closed, barred and
locked for tho night. Customers and
others wero coming and going, and
coffins were selected nnd removed
within a few feet of mo until after 11
a'clock. I began to think J was to bo
a prisoner for tho night.
"Just as I could hear talk of closing
up tho establishment, an elderly man
hastily entered and In. low tonea con
versed with' one I imagined to he the
proprietor. I caught a few words, 'It
was Impossible for me to get here ear
lier,' be m .aylng, but here's the
fflnff'fivwr WAB 0I nooa nn
''Pi! ' iP'fhA rcBpcctnblo paron
irvliii! I'HJnW0" bcgnn u
SFT" ()' burglar, "nnd wr
krAW 8,U,U a m0r0 thB
SOTrdlnary cdticatloi
-r' W ordinary cducatloi
ifijl fr7r was at work In or
1111,1"'' of tho prlnclpi
iiHiif 1
33p I s III. IJto'"""''!! i
money I collected this afternoon;' and,
from my hiding place, I looked toward
tho desk and saw a roll of bank note?
pass to tho hand of tho funeral direc
tor, who quietly deposited it in tho
safe. Tho knob clicked as it fastened
tho bars In placo nnd then all parties
passed out of tho building, leaving tho
ono gas full blazo in tho office
"The Instant all was quiet on th
street. I crawled out from under my
coflln tabic. Quickly turning oft tho
gas, I waited for the low whistle of
my pal, hearing which, I went to work,
"With my dark lantern In ono hand,
Insldo of my flvo minutes I had nil tho
vnluablo contents of that Bafo In my
pocket, had relockcd it and was cau
tiously unbarring tho rear door. That
done, and tho key withdrawn, I dodged
back into tho office, listened an instant
nnd heard tho Blgnal from my pnl that
tho street was desorted. Then I quickly
relighted tho gaB Jet, glided through
the rear room nnd stepped Into tho al
loy. I was careful to closo tho doer
after me, and plainly heard tho iron
bar fall Into Its place In tho bracket ae
I did so I had placed It In such a po
sition that I know It would when tho
door closed. Then I locked It and
plnced tho key In my pocket.
"Everything was absolutely as when
the proprietor left the building, eave
the fact that tho key to tho rear door
was missing also tho small matter of
tho contents of thnt safe.
"That small roll of bank notes con
tained $350, and I found ?45 moro in
another drawer a fair night's work
for two penniless thieves.
t, yc gods and little fishes! what
an inextricable rumpus it kicked up
In that firm. Thero wero three part
ners, and, aB everything was found in
such good condition tho following
morning, with the single exception
thnt tho man who locked tho alley door
In tho evening must have placed the
key in his pocket and should account
for Its loss, it was supposed nnd talk-,
ed of openly that, for some unknown
reason, tho firm had robbed Itself, as
no outside party could havo entered,
worked at tho safo with tho kob burn
ing tho police on duty testified that
it was burning constantly that night
and left the building with tho safG
locked on the same combination nnd
with every door locked or barred. De
tectives employed laughed at the idea
of any outside parties being impli
cated and winked significantly at each
"Tho business has since changed
hands and the newcomers nro moro
careful with tho premises.
"I never made such an easy haul be
fore, nor havo I since," concluded Mr.
Burglnr, laughing heartily.
Quarter Acre Lot In Clilvucu.
Tho history of a quarter aero lot in
Chicago reads like a romance. In 1S30,
when tho population of tho city num
bered fifty souls, this quarter ncre of
raw pralrlo was worth $20. At $1.50
per day a man could havo earned In
13 1-i dnys enough to buy It outright.
To-day It Is worth $1,250,000. As the
report of the Illinois Bureau of Sta
tistics puts it: Six hundred average
Illinois farms would not now exchange
for that quarter aero of rare prairie
land, and nearly 3,000 years of the labor
of one man would bo required to buy
it. If COO years before tho Christian
era some man had obtained employ
ment at the equivalent ot ono dollar
and fifty cents a day, had, llko some
wandering Jew, been preserved through
all tho vicissitudes of tho centuries,
had been miraculously sustained with
out expense for any of tho necessaries
or luxuries of life, had done his work
regularly from that day to this 300
days in tho year without losing a day,
and had hoarded all his wages, his sav
ings would not yet bo enough to buy
this quarter aero of prairie land at the
mouth of the Chicago River.
t'onimrtUr Mortality of the World.
An eminent Italian statistician has
been making inquiries Into tho compa
rative mortality of the countries of tho
world, and ho has arrived at some In
teresting conclusions. The death rato
per 1,000 inhabitants In 1892-91 was as
follows: Australia, 13.2; Sweden, 17.2;
England, 1S.3; Scotland, 18.1; Ireland,
18.5; Holland, 19.C; Switzerland, 20.1;
Belgium, 20.2; France, 22.3; Germany,
23.7; Italy, 25.7; Austria, 27.9; Hun
gary, 33.3. All thes countries except
Franco nnd Ireland hnvc reduced their
death rate during tho last twenty years.
In Ireland It has Increased, and In
France It has remained stationary. In
France, too, tho death rate of persons
in the prime of life Is higher than in
most other countriec, and shows no
tendency to decrease. In England the
mortality Is fceblo in childhood nnd
youth, relatively strong in the prime
of life and old age, but is gradually
I'roni I'aildy'a Mniiitpolnt.
An Irishman whose chief occupation
In life has been rock blasting obtnlncd
a position on a farm, and was one day
seated outside vigorously churning
butter with nn old fashioned churn.
Two former companions passing by
caught sight of him, and, after stopping
to contemplate tho situation a moment,
one of them suddenly exclaimed:
"Pon me cnnshlnse, Terrence, but
thete's McManus. and he's gone crazy,
sure enough! He's slttln' dhere wld a
wooden dhriJI, pieparin' to put a bl.Mht
face." Indianapolis Journal.
'I lm llmul of it On mi.
A delicate piece of sculpture is a
model of Queen Victoria's hand, wujdi
is still a very handsome ono, and is
said to have signed more impottant
state papers and been kisecd by more
important men than the hand of any
other queen that eer lived.
The brooch continue to be u popu
lar article of Jewelry.
She l'iants Her Heel nn the llrart of
Cobra anil t'rnalins It tn tlimttt. '
From tho Goltjen Penny! A few
years ago my hUBbnnd, then stationed
in India, was struck down by fovor,
mid on mo dovclopcd tho duty ot wntch
Ing him. Our bungalow lay at somo
llttlo dleliiico from tho barracks, and
on tho morning of tho day on which
wo expected tho crisis to occur I was
anxiously awaiting tho doctor's visit.
When ho arrived, after taking my hus
band's temperature, ho would not, ho
Bald, uttorly forbid mo to hope, tor it
was still barely posBlblo that tho vlo- ,
lence of tho fever might yot glvo way
to natural sleep, and recovery might
ensuo, provided his slumber roniained
unlrokcn. For somo hours my hus
band continued to toss nnd moan plt
eously. By nnd by ho passed into a
disturbed sleep. Seating myself nt tho
foot of tho bed, I prepared to watch till
he woke. An hour passed, when, oppo
Blto mo, through tho veranda, I saw a
largo hooded cobra gliding into tho
room. On it came, olovntlng its hid
eous head and omitting a hissing sound.
As the venomous creaturo pnBsed mo,
tho glnro ot its oyes niado my blood t
run coiu, it urow nearer nnu nenrcr i
to tho bed; then, rearing up, appeared
to bo about to insinuate itsolf in tho i
pillows among the folds of a shawl that
lay beside tho bed. I advanced softly
anil, raising my right foot, ground tho
heel of my slipper down upon Us vi
cious head. I felt it writhe and tho tnll
twist violently round my anklo, but
not until it rclnxed Its folda did I re
move my foot. There, thank God, lay
tho cobra, dead. Tho doctor found mo
lying unconscious soon after. My hus
band mndo a rapid recovery, and treas
ures ob his most eacrcd possession a
blue silk sllppor.
Tho Mnyor Met the liullcnunt Com
mitted nnd Dennett Ills Own ICIghl.
From the Detroit Free Press: A man
who had been mayor of a smnll town,
largely through nn nccldent of politics,
was waited upon by a commlttco ot
more or Icsb indignant citizens, who
desired to protest against his arbitrary
method of conducting affairs.
"Wo represent tho pcoplo," said tho
spokesman, "and wo think wo ought to
have moro say In running this place.
You're only tho mayor, you know. We
didn't deed tho town to you."
"Of course," assented tho official, "I
realize that tho people havo a right to
somo say; but at tho Bamo timo when a
thing's dono I'm the ono that must go
ahead and do It. Tho pcoplo could get
together and hold mass meetings and
holler till doomsday, but that wouldn't
transact any business. What do you
wa:t, anyhow?"
"What wo principally want," said
tho spokesman, "is to know who is run
ning this town."
"Well," tho mnyor answered thought
fully, "it's a hard thing to say exactly.
You know my wife, don't you?"
"Well, my wlfo Is a woman that has
her own way now and then. When It
ccmen to figuring out whero tho su
preme authority In thin community lice
you're liable to run up agalnBt a good
deal of confusion. You see, my wlfo
bosses mo and tho baby bosses my wife.
But I havo a legal right to spank tho
baby, so it does seem kind o' hard to
tell exactly whero tho highest power
1103. But thoro's ono thing you'll bo
entirely safe in making a few friendly
bets on, nnd that is that it :ever gelo
outside of tho family for a minute."
Unprevarldited lroverlis.
From the Boston Home Journal.
People quoto most from tho authors
they read least.
A broken heart you may heal, but a
crushed object is never of any further
Few men Beem to realize that a well
dressed woman is an advertisement of
her husband's goodness.
A beautiful soul might rest in any
sort of a body, but it doesn't.
Nowadays three objects are neces
sary to a marriage a million dollars,
another million dollars and a minister.
When a man shows enough interest
in a woman's actions to scold her for
thoBe that do not please him, ho may
safely be set down as in lovo with her.
Dr. Omanza, of Vienna, has invented
a method of photographically register
ing the pulse beats.
Tho physiologists say that the right
sldo of the brain Is of moro Importance
to organic life than tho left.
Sun spots aro bolleved to bo open
ings In tho sun's photlsphero, or lumin
ous envelope, through which tho ort
is seen.
Ben Jones, a negro who went through
the wars of 1812 and 1S1G as a body
servant, died a ffcw days ago at San
Antonio, Tex., aged ninety-nine years.
A Mitigating Feature. "It's pretty
hot here, isn't it?" said a new arrival
to Lucifer. "Yes," replied his satanlc
majesty. "Tho heat is what you might
call excessive, but then there is no hu
midity about it." Puck.
"I suppose you batho at the seashore
every day?" "Yea. I sit on the sand
and take n sun-bath." "But you miss
the surf, don't you?" "Not at all. Mj
little brother can bring me as much ai
1 want in a pall." Harper's Bazar.
The Arabs have a superstition that
the stork has a human heart. When
one of these birds builds its nest on a
housetop they believe tho happiness of
that household Ib Insured for a year.
The city of l'oitlaud, Ore., which
owns Its water system, sprinkles lu
streets through the street car company,
the work being done after 5 p. m. The
arrangerce.it is said to be very satis-lactoiy.
Annuls Fond.
Tho secret in making angels' food
lira in tho bukimr of it. Sift one cup
of flour utid one teaspoon ful of cream
of tartar several limes through n fine
liove. Beat the whites of nine eggs to
n stiff froth nnd to them ndd ono nnd
one-halt cups of granlated supar; mix
carefully into this stirring constantly,
tho Bitted flour, nnd add one teaspoon
ful of vnnilln. Pour this batter into
an ungrcascd pan nnd bnko in a slow
oven for forty-flvo minutes. When
baked, turn tho nan bottom up on
something that will admit of tho nlr
passing under it, and allow it to stnnu
until tho cake falls from tho tin. Ice
with whito icing. Bo careful in malt
ing this cako to havo all tho ingredi
ents as light as possible.
, Ileforms Krml More tlinn n DAT
To brlntr thorn about, nntl nro always mor
cotnnloto nnd lnstlnit wlicn thoy proceed
vrithBtondy roRUlnrlty to n conauraimitl n
I'tMr of tlio ohsorvnnt among us can hnvt
fnllod to notlco thnt permanently henlthfu.
dinners In tho human system nro not
wroueht hy nbrttpt nnd violent in cutis, nuo
thnt those, nro tho most snlutnry meilleliioi
which nro projtrosivo llostuttor s Htomnet
lllttorslstho chlor of these. Dyspepsia. I
tllsonsont ohatluuto character, Is obliter
ated by It.
An important feature of Harpor's
Mngnzino for Bovernl months to come
will bo Poultncy Bigelow's scries of
papors on tho 'White Jinn's Africa,"
trcnting in tho author's original and
striking way tho now continent recent
ly opened up to European exploration.
Tho first paper in tho November num
ber, will glvo a novel view of Jame
son's raid from material placed in the
author's hand by nn English physician
nnd n Boer oillclal thus presenting
both sides of this remarkable episode.
The scries is tho result of a journey to
South Africa undertaken by Sir. Bigo
low for Harpor's Magazine, and Is to
bo Illustrated from photographs spec
ially made for tho purpose.
Coughs, Colils, I.aOrlppe and Throat
Trouble Speedily Cured.
Miss Nclllo Penoyer, 1C3C So. Tenth
St, Omaha, Nob., writes: Havo used
your Dr. Kay'B Lung Balm for a sovero
case of La Grippe. Two doses gavo
relief. My lungs wero very soro and
in taking tho Dr. Kay's Lung Balm I
found that it stopped my desire to
cough nt once. The soreness on my
lungs and in my hend soon disappeared.
It is very pleasant and etifcy to tuke utid
while it docs not causa sickness at the
stomach, llko mnny cough remedies, it
cures quicker than nny I havo ever
Niiit fiofa l'lllims.
Japanese is an admirable and inex
pensive material for covering pillows.
In dnrlc blue, with large white conven
tional flowers wandering over it, It is
most effective. Both chintz nntl cre
tonne mako pretty pillows, and tho
pillows covered with plain gingham
nro among tho favorites ot tho season.
Satin-covered pillows are still In use.
Thoy nro mado very beautiful as well
as costly by boing appliqucd with lace
Cascarcts stimulate llver.kldneys and
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe.
Men's clothes often look s'.ouehy but they
nro not llablo to fall off.
Kerosene- is good for keeping bright nny
wood varnished in oil.
Lung1 Balm advertised 1 thought I would try it and lam glad I did. I
bought a box and took a tablet now nnd then without any refrularity,
and after a few dnys, to my great surprise, the cough was gone. Ton
days ago I had sore throat, 1 was out of tho tablets and could not get
them in Dcs Moines, nnd I sent to tho Western Ofllco of Dr. B. J, Kay
Medical Co., Omnba, Neb., for six boxes nnd aa soon as I took it a few
times that soreness and hoarseness all passed away in one night. I be
lieve it is also good for sore throat."
Dr. Kay's Lung Ba!m
Tho pleasantcst, snfust aud most elliolent remedy known for every kind
of cough, lagrippo, influenza, etc. Safe for all ages. Does not blcken
or disagree with tho stomach. The formula has been used very ex
tensively by tho most noted phy&lclaus in tho hospitals of London,
Paris and Now York with tho very best of success. Sold by druggists
or sent by mail for 25cts. Send address for very valuable free booklet.
Dn. 11. J. Kay Mkuical Co., Omaha, Nob.
The buyer of a
bicycle may have
little experience ;
but nineteen years'
experience of the
Columbia manufacturers are at his service
POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn.
Branch Houses and Agencies in almost every city and town. If Columbia tr
not properly represented In your vicinity, let us know.
Beauty's bane Is'
the fading or falling of
tho hair. Luxuriant
tresses are far mora to the
matron than to tho maid whose casket
of charms is yet tin rifled by time.
Beautiful women will be glad to be
reminded that falling or fading hair
is unknown to these who uso
Ayer's Hair Vigor.
1eustth MISSOURI.
The best fruit section in tho West. Hm
drouths A failure of crops never Icnoira.
wllld ollmnie. Productive soU Abundance ot
Rood pure wnter.
l'or Maps and Circulars Riving full descrip
tion of the Itlch Mineral Frttltand Agricultu
ral I.nmls In houth West Missouri, writ t
.lOUN M. 1'UItDV. Mnnnporof tho Missouri
hand and Llvo Stock Company, Neosho, New
ton Co., Missouri.
E, 8. MURRAY & CO.,
122, 123 md 124 Rlilto Bolldlof , Ctueip, 111.
Members ol the Chlctao Board ot Trails In goo
standing, who will furnish you with tbelrLateH
Book on statistics and rollaliro information re
uiirdliiR tho marlcsts. Wrilo (or It and tholrDalh
Market Letter, both FREE. Hefcroncos: AM Iix.
National Hank, Chicago.
I'nsltlvcly Cured with Vegetable RcmadiM
Have cured thonunds ot canel. Cur cue sr
nounccd hoileta bj txic pbrilclsnii. From tint do
nymptoint dltappr r In Itn days at Wait two-third
all jrmntomt rttnored. Send tor frt book tcitlm
nlnliof mlrtoulomcurei. Ten day'i treatment tr
hr mall. If you order trial send IDs In taftpa to par
puiuge. Hit. II. II. Okiin A Koms Atlanta, Us. it
you order trial return tliti adterttiement to us.
1,200 BO.
Council BlutTs,
Coinmlitlon Mer
chant. Omaha.
Uuttcr, Kkcj, Poul
try, Uamr. Veal,
Hides Ktc.
Having besa la the prodae
uuilnvitVt rears, am well a
qiialntcdvrlth the wantiof tbt
the lilzheat prlcei. Am prompt
In making rcturni, and reiseV
alble. Itci erenceu Any banh
In the ttate,
Hint lltpitre fir 17 Ua1 f it" !.
IliililtCured. Kit in I j;t. Thuasanc
cured. Clieapent and beat euro. Fbk: Tajiu
Statecaie. l)n.JUnsii, Qulncr, Ulan.
Klnsc Cole Antl-Mo-nupoIr'Oyater
Omaha, Nob.
laaaT. TW aV !JaWnI'7M
to all alike.