Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, October 23, 1896, Image 8

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    t J. .t-i. ,...V
amwiinmii w
n .mi MT-innTfiurr
- .. i"f-- iWllK-'i'l
" The IJerald.
p?jpiarPAP5R OF
Folillnhed envy Frii1ny and entered ftt the
ruHiakin Itanlmrforil. NMwMki.. a incqtHl
ass mail matter. Tub Jlr.KAi.tt is vlfitotwl to
tlio Interests vt
JlemlUKlonl nnd Ilox Jiuuo
TIIOS. J. O'KI'.nPU, PidilUlier.
w' '
" 1 I "
BonscrtfrTHWi iiatks:
F.M.PnBLrs .' ,'. w: .A7.''
A.M.Miu.Kn """"r"
UOl Ji.llrwrrr .-'''(IfH
, Jl. K. (It I.M X: y fV'JOW-
' Mies A. li. Nkkiand Surwrfntfiidsnt.
(-.ian.II.mm Surveyor.
J)r.V.K. Mtu.tJM . Coroner.
Jn. i,.W,ljrWKAN.... .. .... ....Physic an.
.UMr.slUw.Y k CnmiidMlonrr 1st Hist.
Jab. HiH.MX1i-.kb ('ommiMnncr St.d I) st.
O. V. Duncan ('omiiiiluncr.irii DIM.
' i ii i
.. . , . ' '"If mJm ' ' "
X ' Democratic Ticket, ''
For Prpstdnnt,
j WM, .1. 1HIYAK, of vbraakiK
v'or rlce Pawldotit,
PllKU ME TZ, -Sit., of Dmiijliis.
h. W. l'ALM, or Liit.gitEdctv '
''. J. I1ALR or Miu1loli.''
X. i'lASUrJKI, of lluwurd.
N, O.-.ALKEKTM, of Olnyi
S. L. KOSTHYZE, of Haliiio.
M. P. IIAUIUKG'rON, of Holt.
J. N. CAMPUELL, of Nan'iic
For Governor,
"f SILAS A. HOLCOn, or Cuitor.
For Llcul0tiatit Govornor,
i JOlIjMfr.'nAUlUS, of IJcmalia.
For Secretary or State,
WM, F. POIirEU. or Merrick.
For Auditor,
! J. PP.0RNELL, or Riclinrdsoii.
For Treasurer. ' '
? J. H. MESEHY, or Hcd Willow.
For Sup't Public lu.itntotlon,
j' WM. H. JACKSON, or HoU..
For Coi'u'r J'tto U'ands atnl Dulldlngs,
f J. V. WOLFE, or Lancaster.
For Attorney General,
f ' 0. J. SMYTH, or Douglas.
For Supreme .Tudr (1 vears),
' WM. SEVILLE, or Lincoln.
For Supremo Judge, (2 years),
J. KlUKPATUlUK,of Lancaster.
For Iljgcnt State University,
.y A, AV MtlN ROE, of Douglits.
!J''or Congressman. Slxtli SiHtrlct,
r AVM. L. GREENE, oi Ruffulo.
For County Attoi noy,
W. M. IODENCE, of Dorsey.
For Commissioner Second District.
What England Things About It.
Tho following is an editorial
from tho London
i'limnciol JNows
of April yoth, (leading
Uiino of tlio world.)
' 'JSiero is n plain moral in the
Tainn'rk that if the United States
would vonturoto out herself ndritt
from Europe and tnUo outright to
silver bho would have all America
ttnd Abia at her back and the com
"Inand of tlio markets of the world
f both count ri. Thn hnrriM' !'
rnlit tvinll A inniM furnl tlnlii nnv
jV... .JV....V. MW ...V.W A...... ... ...
uarrier of a custom house. Tho
bond of silver would lio stronger
than any bond of free trade. Thoro
jban he no doubt it that if the Uni
ted States were to adopt a silver
Jnisis tomorrow British trncje would
)o ruined beforo the year "was uut.
)Bvery A'-ncrican would be protect
ed, not only at homo, but iu oyory
other market. Of courBo tho Uni
;ed States would suffer to a cor
jtain extent through having to pay
her obligations abroad in gold; hut
fho loss ,oil exchange under' thit.
Jiead would bo a mere drop in the
Juokct compared with the proiit
tp'bo reaped from the markets of
South America and Asia, to say
nothing of JCurope. The marvel
is that tho United States has not
long ago soized the opportunity,
and but for the belief that tho wj
of England is necessarily thu wa
to commercial success unci pros
penty, undoubtedly it would haw
uoen dono long ago. Now, Anieri
cans are awakening to tho fact that
"so long as they narrow their am
"bitipn to bocoming a larger Eng
land" they cannot boat us. It ha,
been a piece of luck for us that it
litis never boforo occurred to the
Ameripans to scoop ns out of the
wourld's markets by going on a
siller lwie; and it might sorvo m
right if, irritated by fho contempt
u6us upath of our Government to
Hio gravity of tho silver problem,
the Americans retaliate by frcqz
png out gold. It could easily be
pone." '
V TPVE"' ' ' W"!-
HonTA L. Jp.gleit
One oX tho loading Jreo silver'
of tho state,
wiHspeak in the court liouso
Monday, Oct. 26,
Mr. Tinglo is ono of tho
many republicans who has
$ho co'urago to dxpross his
convictions, and all should
hear him.
"Kov. J. E. Thoonand wife aro
Lincoln visitors this week.
MissMiniiiQWohlers, of Alli
ance visited hor sister u few days
this week.
Born, on Oct. ,20th, to Air. and
Mrs. T. J. Hnzeltoit, a girl. All
parlies doing nicely.
Win, Diesscl, brother of Robt.
Basso and Mrs. A. Unrig, arrived
from Mexico. Mo., Wednesday,
and will visit until noxt weok.
Tho M. E. Missionary dinner
at tho homo ol Mr. and Mrs.
Abloy Tuosday was well attonded
and adolicotjs dinuor was served.
Piorro, the' eight-year-old son
of Mr. and' Mrs. G. C. Alexander
has been seriously ill for several
days and is not yet out of danger.
Anton Hoffman,- who, has ro
sidod soven miles east' of Horn
ingford for tho past ten years,
doparled with his family for
Iova Wednesday whoro ho will
TOSido in tho future.
Tho Ma'rsland public school
will givo a campaign social on
Saturday ovoning, Oct. 21. Re-
tioshmonts, pie and couep, will
ho served. Proceeds will bo used
to purchaso books for tho school
G. W. Waisnor arrived in town
Wednesday morning from Key
stone, S. D., and will look after
his interests in this vicinity for a
owdays. Air, Waisnor says that
nearly ovoryono in tho Hills
country is for silver and that
South Dakota is solitl for Bryan.
Box Butte Items.
A -
Mr& Hancock and sop
of Lakeside, woro visiting
at this place last weok.
Motors. Sheldon and Mutz uinde
a speech hero last Wednesday
oveningtoau enthusiastic crowd.
Jason Sholdon and Miss Dora
Rohdor of Hemingford woro the
guests of Mrs. Joel Sheldon last
Thoro will bo a political mooting
at Box Butto Saturday evening
and everyone that is interested in
free silver jhould atjond
Messrs. Dorrington, Gilman
and Montgomery were ho gontlo
men who made a political speech
from a republican standpoint to a
small cowd at Box Butto last Fri
day ovoning.
Adopted by thuTetichors' As&oc-
iation of Marsland, Noli., Oct. 0,
WiiKitEAS,-. God in
has taken from us
his infinite,
orr beloved
teacher and
co-worker Mary Col-
lins, and whereas, in hor departure
wo havo lost a tnu friend and a
most efficient laborer in tho field
of education. Thorofoio, bo it
Resolved, That wo express our
hearty appreciation of the work
done by her in this county (Dawos)
And be it further Itesolvod, Tha.t
weex(end our sympathy to her be
reaved parents and friends Bo it
Resolved, That a copy of those
resolutions bo presented to tlio
on, papers tor puniication ana a
i-opy sent to tho oillicted family.
Loka Snow,
MllSt K. G'LliBTTK,
M. A. Lute.
Bring in potatoes and wood on
Tho undersigned will rent his
farm in Sec. 12-80-48, at VYanatah
ostoilice, Dawes county, fqr tho
your WJJ. AViumurubU seoil,
year 1897. fWiIlgfurnWi seoil,
teams ami macliinery if required.
.;."'. TiiEO. Giubins., V
rx... v... ..A. . . k i '
Wunatoh, Neb.
mil i'llfLl t 1 ti '.,iii,iii
Titou up by .tho jndcrsiir.id
at Ins farm nt ar Box'Bntto. ' '
Ono bay iiaro, nb6jt 3 or 4
year's old, strip in faop , left font
foot, white mitt right hmd foot
while, had halter on. One light
bny liorso colt, while spot in face
and left hind foot white;' over 1
year old. Ono black1" horse colt,
white spot in face and right hind
foot Whito; OVQr OnO VOar old.
- . ?' .
' uwnor can nave same oy pay-
iMf'-Tnv tltiQ tint un 'n nil niiiiinrnci
ing-JOl U11S 110UCO UUU damages.
Anton .Telini
3ME3W OOODS txt tlao lulll
litler.v Storo,
DoiVt Forget
That Dr, AV. I. Sovmour, of tho
Aloo&PenfoldCoinpany, Omaha. I
tho loading scientific opticians of ,
tlio stato, will bo at Alliance, Oct.
28 and 29. Dr. Seymour has
recommendations from tho most
prominent pcoplo of his city,
Omaha, and while- horo a few
weeks ngo fitted glasses for
several of our citizens and has
given universal satisfaction and
you may safely rely upon Dr.
Seymour to do whatever, ho
claims. Anyone who wishes to
consult tho Doctor may leave
word at this oflico.
Tho ladies of Hemingford and
vicinity will give a McKinloy
and Uryan social at tho court
houso Friday evening, Oct. 23.
McKiuluy and Bryan will be pres
ent and address us by proxy. A
very onlorlaining program will
be rendered by which tho now
woman will bo represented in
different phases of life. Refresh
ments will bo served by tho
ladies. Come everyone and wo
will guarantee that yon got more
than your jnonoy's worth.
By order of committee
H . - n in
On Sopt. 28, 189(3, from sec. 29-23-4S,
one black steer calf; one
ono black hoifer cult; both spring
calves; both mulies. Liberal ro
ward Avill be paid for information
loading to thoir recovery. '
Albert Nelson,
Iloiuingford, Nob.
U. S. I,and OIUco Alliance, Nob.. Oct. ill. PfW
Nottci it. hcr.iby (riven tl.at ilUlll) MOUTH,
of Dtiiilap, tub., Ii.is filed notice of intentio i to
maketmal moot neioro Homier or iiweiverat
Alliance, M'Ji.. on Mitem'ier 'i lKM, on timlxr
cniturouppliiatioti no. 3.0, (or the w ',, nw 'i .V
w ?i hiv ! h6e -I, tp 2f n, in IS v.
ltoiinincH an silii("iK": lh-rnuril I'endricii,
Krcd Ortrann'ii, Iteuricli Koch, Hoiicich l.iehti,
all of Dun.np, Neb. ' ' aIho
HEMIY LIl'HTH.of Dnnlap n)., hasfi.el
notice of intention to make final p'oof it Ha no
time and iriaco mi limber culture application
No. 5'J1 for the t-yt h M?c 1, tp 'J9 n. rfl I i w.
lie immett as witnesMv: llernard K'udrich,
Fred Ortman, llonry Korli, . I lad '!c ad of
Dunlap, Neb. J. VI. WtUK. .In., ti sister.
Ijiml Olllce nt Alliance. Neb . Oct. 21. l"-0o.
Notice i hereby Kien that tlinfollowine nam
ed pettier Ii
make final
thnt paid proi
Edward G. Hahn,
of Moomaiv, Neb., who mndo urj no. "J017 for tho
no' ueo a, tp - n, r 45 w.
Ho names tho following witnesses to proio
his contilieotiH reHidence upon and culthuvinn
o' p.-iiil Inn 1. vir.: John Lewellcn, intirnso II.
liewellen, William r.eely ot Moiuaw,'Nob., K, F.
Johanseii, of t.rnv hoii, Neb. Also
John Lowollen,
of Moomaw, Neb., who mado li E no. 213.1 for tho
w ' s H sec lf. tp "S n, r Ci v.
tin i.ami'ii tl.n Inllowin wlIni'HHeH to ororo
his contin-'ous renidenco upon and rnlthat ou
of said land, vin Mnbroso it. I.ew!len, l-,d-
vard 0. Hahn, I'eter liahn, of Moomaw, Neb.,
F. r. JohaiiBcn, of Urajson, ell.
J. W. WeilN, Jn., llcutster.
That a Woman's
Heart Can Desire
to be Found in
my Stock cf
Call and. soq tho immense varietj:
of Dry Goods, Ladies and
Gents' Furnishing Goods
Shoes, Notions,
Brand Now and UHEAP.
Physician and Surgeon
Office rooms anil residence
Drtivor block, up stairs.
Special' nttuntion givm to dr
ea&os of cldldron.
, . , ,
ALl0ril6VS " 31 L3.W
las tiletl notice or ills intention to '',.,":""'., ,.",,, . '",'"""" -" """ "'
proof in s -r-nort of his da m and the n o V s-..). tp .10 u. r 4lMv.
,r will lw iiH, In luMn,, l!,vl.i.i..ir ne iiaii..-SBH wunepH's: iniir.es t. jjowbii,
l will tie inane ii.i ,i"W r ,,.,,,, ,,,,. A,,.i,i, ,,!,., w. Kn. .Ti-vv
AlllaiK-o.rtoti. (inn.., .'iiwT n M,,, v i "" " "
- -i -- rJr
. . ,, " - (
Fifal Prgof Notices
Hon. J. W. Wkii.x, Jn., ltiUtr.
Hon. F.lt. HiioostE.KpcplTcr.
I'artlon fi(iTin ni)lliitn tlitucoltiiiiii aro rc
qiipntptl titrrnd lilt. ptiittf rarettilljr ami ri'iHirt to
tiiiii olllrf (or correction any errors Uiattnay
exist. 'Dili) will iroenl posolblo delay in
makinc proof. -
Lnfiil Olliro at AUIanco, Nob.. Sept. U. I89i).
Notice Ifi lioruby Klen Unit tlio rollowltiK
nninnl nHler lion filed notico of IiIh intention to
make lino) proof m Hiiiport cir iiia nlaiiii ami
Hint KRlil'proof will lx mado Ix-fjro ltotfifler or
Iteceirer i.t Allianre, Nob., on t)ctolxr i, 1H1V),
of Hemlnitford, Neb., who mado T. O. entry No,
102 for the s w i see HI. tii '20. rir 50.
He iinmes the following witncwa to provo
ins niaim to saiu mini, vus Bainuoi is Harrison,
FtHj Ablcy, James Curry, i.. K. Hosenbcrtfer,
.ill at Uenuiiuioril. Nell.
J. W. WEIIN,n.slteKltr.
Ijiu1 Olliro t AlltiM'-e, Nfli., Bept. 28. WM.
Notico in .liorotiy Klvcn that tlnw lollowliitf
naniiHl ltler Iij.r tileil notiro of Ms intention
to make final proof iu nnpport of IiIh ciaim anil
t'at Mild proof will Im nmiln before itivlxter
and Hwuhor at Alliance, Neli., oil Nov. M, ItiVK)
of Mandnnd, Neli.. who mndo HIS No. 3022 for
Uikh ', lie 5i, nw h W 4 no J w ivneo 27, tp
s u, r 50 w -
lie nam"the follo'viiiff witnemosto prore htn
coutiniioua renidcnco npou and cultivation of
mitl Intnl. vU: L'iiMiu li. lloii-ymn.n, l'nima
l'ntuey, AIlK'tt 1'nimnr of MatHlund, rieli., Si
mon 1) Wright, of Uelmont, Neli. . Also,
of WarBland, Neb., whomadoH ISso. 3507 for
Uion w U cecirj, tpSJn.rSu w.
She iianieHtho foltowinjr witneiBeu to provo
her continuoiiH residenco no mid ciltivntlnn of
raid land, z: Fidelin l.. Ilont'jiii.iii, JamesC.
Wood, AIlMrt l'lmar of Maroland, Neb., Simon
IS. WriKht. of llulmont. Neli. Also
FIDKMA L. HOHliYMAN.neeKendricl:,
of MarRland. Neb., who mado tfmlter Culture
entry No. il.' for tho o ',, nw " & loto 1 &2, nto
V), tpSUn, rW vt.
She iiami-H tlm followini: to provo her contin
lioim renideiiro uimn ami cultivation of said
laud, viw Kmnm l'untey, Jnuiea C. Wood, Al
bert I'almor of MarHland. Neb., Simon B.
Wright, of Uelmont, Neli.
J. W. Vi:hv, Jr.. lteaiBtor.
U. H. IJind Olllce. Alliance. Hoi.. 8i-pt.23, 1M1S.
Nolici is horotiy ieu that
of ('larkron, Nol., has filed notico of intention
to make final ptuof before. Il"iter or iteoeher
nt their offlroin Allinnoe, N"lt November Mb,
lsttl, on timljerutiltiireuppticatioii No. 005, for
tho nw vi nv VI, tp in ii. rtt V.w.
tlo mimes us witu"twH: onco't I.nmcrick,
Jamc Mel all". Alexander ('. Uoss, Dainul Jley-
errt, f.U ot llux liutte, .Mo.
J. W WnitN, jr., Heeler.
U. 8. lind Olllce, Alliauce. Nob , Sept. U5, 1MW
Notii'olu hereby (ivoit that
baa filed notice of intentinK to ra.i'te final proof
iK'fo o County .IuiIkooF Ilox ili.ttot o Neb., nt
hlHotlice in llemliuford. Neb., on November 7
1KMI, oil timber o-.llttiro application. No. 18 for
i ", so H, uu ii U & lot !, nee II tp An. rjr 32w
llo iiiuneH as witnoowM; AiikuhUir H Mc
LaiiKhlix, Kdward Cr icier, of Mur!nnd. .seb.,
Anton Ziijiu, John Zajio, of llnmiiuford, Nob.
J. W. Wchn. in., Iteif(ter
U. H. Land Olhe c, Alliimce, Nib., Sept. Si. 180tl
' Notice is hereby that fOSI'lill MJKI'Ji, ot
Keunnce, 111 , has lilfd notice of intention to
make filial proof before .I'lerlc (MrcuiU'onrt,
btarlcCo.. 111., and Wtncs-e willclxe testimony
bel'ttm Urcisterand li-ceiver nt Alliance, Mb .
on November it. IRKS, on timber cultoro applica
tion No. 'Jll. for tho b vt ' sen 21), tp W li, r 50 w.
Ho tinni'H ns witnesses: I'Mirar Sw7y, henry
Swwzey. David A. J'aul, Of llemliu;ford, sen.,
lioljcrt S. Shiilcy, of vllln.ice, Neb.
J. W. WnilN. J ii., HeKlstor.
I.pnd Olliro nt Alliance, Nob . Sopt. TO, lS'Jfl.
Notice is het(by kHoii that tho following
nanud settlor lias tiled notico of hit- intention
o malie final proof iu support of his clnin mid
thi'l said proof will bo made boioio Usist'T
r.nd llLceierat Allinuco, Neb., on Nov. U, lsSHi.
(f Hemingford, Neb , who mndo H K No. .'1020
for tlio s .w s"c '.). tp 16 n, r Vi w.
He names tho lollowintc witnesses to provo
his continuous i csltfcnce upon and onlthatlon
ot snid lfiii'1. 'l Michai'l H Murphy, J,eo
Kronapfel. .Uuu'm V. Vt helan. William Friol, all
of lie. idnfoid, Neb.
J. W. Wcrv. Jn , UoBister.
- - - ',
U. S. lJin.l Olllce, Alliance, oil., O.-t. IL'. lfclKi.
Notin is hereby Klten thnt AliltAM A.
WIM.iyr, of Anselnio, Milt., I.iih fdtHl notice of
inU iitioii to m ike final proof bfort lhvjinter or
Keconer at lliauco. iveb.. on the 'i"tU day of
Mnenilr, ihlt'i, on timlr culture app'irittioa
M l!K lor the nw t, stc ill. tpJ7 n, rr W w.
Hounni' s ns n itni'H"ii) .hihiiSfl as-k. .Tsiies
Br.ilm. Iinrl.n 1'um Jr .' A. k. t.n l'uhtar. ail of
j liwn. Nob. Also
Notice is hereby ijiven toRt THOMAlJ K.
ItllYAN of bounh.Neb . I ns filed notion of in
tention to mnku final p'oof at same time and
J. W.
Wxiim, Jn.. agistor.
In thu District Co ul of iiox Hjtt Co.inty.
ANNA (i.'ltEEU l'jlili'df,
vs: m
Clemiintinu A.
McKisn'ev, Defemlutit.
("lomentiiio A. MeKinuey dnfeiidiiiit, will take
notice that ou the lOtlr day of AulmhI. lk!k'., An
na (J lleid plaintiff herein filed her Ktitton in
the district court of Box llutto cuutity, Nubins
ka. acainst you the said defendant, the object
and prayer ot which is to foreclo'.o n cortain
morti-aKQ executeii by the defendant to tho
American ijoan anil Trust i ompany upon tlio
jU)tthwet quarter of section !, In
, north. rnnaoW wet of the Uth n,
township .'.1
in., in liox
liutte county. Nebraska, to secure the onvment
orouotiromisMiry note dated Slay -M, iWHJ, for
tho sum ot t-.;el. and due nii.l nainble on tlio 1st
day of May lfeto, IxariiiK' interei-t at the rate of
7 per cent per annum from date, t-'aid uotonud
rr.artsaso wa-- tor.i valuable consideration, t,o- '
fore lhosam, hecrmic it ie. ilolv sold. nn(utiiil
nnddeliMTid tolho p.amtilT, who is now the
, iiiiuw thereof ami ot the inon-y duo tl.oreou
I ...l l.nn Id ... .1.... .!.. ..l.l.l .r ...... .1... .1..
111,11 inn,. 11. lit,,, ,i,,ii ii... JMlWUllJI ,11,111 ,1H ,!'-
temlant upon said nolo aud mnrtuairt, the sum
oi c iai, wiui lineicM. iiicriMiu, iroiu me 1st tiuy
of .May 1 US. at the rate of ten per cent per an
num. and the further sum of $41.01 for taxes
paid on i-a.d premices to protect her curity
villi in'eresl inerenn al t"ii p t cut p -i Aiiii'Mi
fioill the p.'th day of July IWU, for unioli sums
with the interest tlierifiu, plaintilT prus furai
iltcroo, that the defendant Isi lequirja to pay 1
tho same, or that Mini mortiMua may bo fou- i
cIohihI and said premises may be sold aeci,idin'
to law to satisfy thenmou.it foin 1 duo. '
Y'ou aro i-eijuirwl to answer said Htitlou on
or ixuoro tlio sun , lay oi notemor imu.
DaUd Sept. al, MM.
ann O. nBD, PlaintilT,
By W. M. lodence, her attorney.
fp Sept. at
Notice to Non-resident Defendant.
In tho district court of Hox llutto county.
William it. A hi iey. plaintiff
Annie L. l'annin, W. II. Faiinimr and W. J.
Ilowden, dsteudauts.
Tlienbote named dependent W. J. Ilowden,
will take uotica that on the 0th day ot Aui;ul
JUIM. William II, Ablvy plaintiff l.erei i file.1 hli
(wtltlon iu the dlstrirt court of liox III tt
foiiiuy anaiiiHt theii'oto :miiinl ilpfeulaiit, the
iilOeclauil piajeror which are io inecioe
eeriain mnrtao oxiviiImI by the di'femlaut
I Annie U. l'r.imuut to the Aiusrican liivesinwnt
roniiHiny upon tho southeast quarter of section
I wliu township 27 north, ratine ifc st of tlm
' sixth principal meridian in HoX liutte county
Neluaska, to secure thepaymeut of un certain
promissory in ie lorine sum oi io".vu. oaieo
March Mb I Set. and due and i-ijable D v. 1st
lkUl with inti rest thereon paya.ile seiiiialinually
ami on which time of pajment was alteruards
pxteudeil lito.jrars from maturity thonxif.
Kal.l mile and iiiortunmi contains the condition
that if any iuterest on mid unto is not paid
! wlllun twent) dajs aJVr the same lierouies due.
i then the principal slialt I'liineiiiaieiy iaira
due and im) able nt the option of tho ho'dsr
thereof. .a;d note and niorUinRn was lfo o
the same becani" ib for n tab. aide rouide.u
lion duly unowned to the plaiutitf who is now t
the holdsr and own, r tiieieot
All of the inter, st which ls-aine duo on said ,
priucipai note on the first day of De(. lWk.aud i
sinoetiiat lime still remains unpaid and the
plaintui elect- to declare the priuuiiwi, and in-j
teret.1 thsreon dueami paja'de at onoe. Autl
thtttti U now du the pla.uiill on wild note and
rarti.-uuu the sum of luo.i). with interest there
on Iroiu the 1st day of June 1'tW, at ten per cent
pn annum. P.aiutilf prays for a dscrvo that
thdsuud.'iits U required to pay th- same or
.that saiu premises may bo sold to satisfy tho
amount lound due.
You ar required to answer said petition on
or before the Uth day ot September IbUO.
I Dated AUifUbt ti, 18.1. .
JWlUl.UM 11. AHUEY. Plaintiff.
By D. K, eiMCHT, hie attorney. U F-T Iw.
1 i n in nil tiln mi" if tI 1 1 tl rsu miii.iiMif ntn tt IMLJ fill
.,...,... .-.;..,. . . .. ....
r ..- i. i .. . -. T
-TJjl n r?
I have made up my mind to go
out of business, so I will sell all my
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Cloth
in and Gents' Furnishing; Goods at
greatly reduced prices for spot cash.
Produce will be taken at top
prices. Your faithful servant,
. . . W. K. HERNCALL.
5ii.i gB&i
?o M?
We havo llrst-ehiss stock and double and siiiOjlo rigs, which wo
furnish at reasonable rales. Our facilities for accommodating boarder
are unoXeelled in tho city. Givo us a call.
BST" Stable Corner Box Butto Avenue and .Slieridan Street.
KT- t V1fc.fV..1 -,"H
TK' ?-..TC ..
fi&firttirtffr'T'ii -:t
H -. i. rja .-v .Ji-j, , -ta i-iiTjr
T. zr . snr . . jr. .i . - -. i.'. r
-. s;J(-i3ryf'ir,CK"2r,
r ,".J..""r "InT.t r."."
VtJT' L Pf-'
L ' I r
.Wim.-. 04
lRiW S.3'., , n ny.Kdry
STYLE 201 la sold by agents as high as $195
Tou can buy it at tho factory price from U3 for $88
nolslit 75 Inches, Trench Tlato Mirror, Talent F.ill Board, Mouso Proof, BOLID WALNUT
or OA It Guaranteed for u years by manufacturer and by us. We pay freight te
any point in Nebraska. Vo f urnisli Btoot, book and chart. Write for terms.
ORGANS from $20 ana up.
P. B,Our !d year.
Comfort to California,
Every Thursday morning, a
tourist sleeping car fpr Salt Lake
City, San Francisco and Los An
gelese leaves Omaha and Lincoln
via tho Burlington Route.
w . . . . ,1. 1-
l It IS CUrpetOU; UpllOlStCr0(l 111
rattan; lias spring seats and backs
and is provided with curtains,
beddings, towels, soap and etc.
An experienced excursion con
ductor and a uniformed Pullman
porter accompany it through to
tho Pacific coast.
Whilo neither ns expensively
furnished nor as fine to look at
as a palaco sleeper, it is just as
good to ride in. Second class
tickets tiro honored and tho price
of a berth, wido enough and big
enough for two, is only $7).
For a folder giving full par
ticulars, call at tlio nearest B. &
M. R. R. ticket office. Or, write
to ,1. Francis. Gen'l Pu.ss'r Ayont
Burlington Route. Omaha, Neb.
New Short Liue to Helena, liutte
Spokane, Seattle and Taconia
a. X. So "W. O. Time Card.
No. 42, panftflnK rarrlvosin
lAfrelKlit "
" ib liuictu itvrlv.is ut
wkkt HOUND
mi. it imssciiKonirrlvfts nt
i-S2a. in.
5: 1 p.in.
10:.& n. in.
1:30 a. Hi.
ll;K! p: m.
fell) p. in
imriduht arrlvas at
All regular nam mw paeswiKO
IM '-
. . w. at
COl'BljlNO, Afc-011
mk,m ii iimw
lillfilftiuMi H',UfJ&3i1W.tB'l IIIHIHIingMlWl
""'- :": .-.. ..... ,...-.-.
sSfoUfc fl&, SStK 4Pa m,&P)V).xSi2,ja.jaAa
Proprietor of
and Feed Statsles.
$195 LIST
OneTMrd Cash,
$5.00 per Month.
b Kimb
PIANOS from $40 aud up.
' Omaha, Neb.
of tho Northwest.
Wll bo sent postpaid to any
address six days a wook for
ono yoar for
Tho Chronlclo 8 tho mo9t
conspicuous nowapapor 8uo
098s of tho day, tho dally cir
culation oxcoodlns 70,000
coplo3 and tho Sunday circu
lation oxooodlnrj 100,000 oop
I03. It Is a firat-clnss nows
paporof 12 and l6pauo3 (Sun
day 40 to 48 'pases) and
Is a standi supporter of
sound domocratlo principles.
tally (except Sunday) year $4.00
Dally and Sunday, 1 year , . . 6.00
Daily, 6 months fcamtuiai edition! 2.00
r I 11 '? aft E sjy
D lly and Sunday, 6 months ..8.08.
it ly, ic montns .jltij
Dallv and Sunrlav 9 mnnlh. 9SfU
, - 4, m.i.w...,, a....,., .Hp1
Daily, 1 monlh .1
Pally and Sunday, 1 month
Sunday, 1 year .-ft!
Saturday. 1 vnsr mt'm
-, j"" ....... .........
sample coplos froo on cpplj
cation. Addross
164-160 Washington St,
Chlcoao. NCi
En '
mar -, i
B S!.rJ.