Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, October 23, 1896, Image 7
hi i u "V - i Mrrttrral Necromancy. There is another marvel performed by those liav&l. of whom I havo been wpertkinp as' ktiowini.' so miny enchant incuts. For when the great Kuan Is (it Ms capital nml In his great palace, sealed nt his tuiilu which stands upon a platform miiiii right cubits ubnvc tho cround, his cups arc set beforo him on u great buffet in the middle of tho hall pavement, at a distance of some ten paces fi-'itu his ttiltic. and filled with wine, or olher food spiced liquor such a they use. hen the lord desires to drink the enchanters cause the cups to move themselves from their places to the emperor without being touched by anyone. Ibis everyone present may wltne.s. ' lit n truth and no liol and bo will tell you the sages of our own country, for they can perform it Oc tober bt. Nicholas. No Tim Should bn !. Ilv thmo troulilrd wlth.ronstlpntlon lnieok Ini: relief from lUntottor Ftomnch Hitter Tho (lle:ic I eusllv rclluved In Its eurllel stnjrc. and n It N ut'orly subversive of tin general lieMltli.poMpuiiemantof tho reroodj U utitvlso. Tho same hold Jfooil of deltiy to en0H of fever ami ae no, kidney complaint nervousnusH. riehlllty nnd rlioumutisni. all' wants to which tho Millers IK particular!) adapted. Ilevlxed Vernlon, From Fibre und Fabric. Yesterday there wus a few old wom en and A cluster of girls in one of tho stores here. Somebody spoke of Sun day school, and tho storekeeper, for the fun of it, said he would glvo n. bag of candy to the one who could tell him how lonp it took to create the world. One of tho old ladies said sho didn't know. The girls looked at each other. My second oldest daughter slipped out, ran home and was back in a jiffy with this answer: "Tho Lord tuado the world in six days and got arrested on the seventh." STATE OK OHIO OITY OP TOLEDO. IiOOA COUNTV, as. Frank J. Ulienoy makes onth that ho ts tho senior partner of tliollrm of K.J. Olio nor & Co., doing business in tho city of To ledo, countv and state aforesulil, and that Mild firm will nay tho sum of uN'K 11UN DICKL) DOIiLAIia for ouch and every case of catarrh that cannot bo cured by tho uso of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FItANK J. OIIKNEY. Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my prcsonce, this Oth day of December, A. 1), IHM. (Seal,) A. W. OI.EASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Ouro Is taken internally and acts directly on tho blood nnd mucus surfaces of tho system. Sond for tcstlmo Dials, free F. J. onENF.Y & CO, Toledo, O, Sold by druggists, 75c. What tho Nails Indicate. From the Cincinnati Enquirer. It has long been known to doctors that tho shape and appearance of the finger nails form important factors in the diagnosis of disease. Thus, long nails indicate physical weakness, and a tendency to consumption. Where the nails are long and blueish they in dicate bad circulation. The same typo of nail, but shorter, denotes tendency to throat affections, bronchitis and the like. Short, small nails often indicate heart disease; Where they are short, flat and sunken, you may look for ner vous disorders. That Joyful Feellne With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and Internal clean liness, which .follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to the few whq have not progressed beyond the old-time medicines and the cheap substitutes Dometlrr.es offered but never accepted by the well-Informed. Mental Workers Must Sleep. Someone says of sleep: The amount of Bleep one needs depends on the amount of mental work he docs while awake. Men whose brains are never busy can get along with live or six hours sleep a day, even though their hands are always employed during the waking hours, but the mental worker must have more sleep or no will go in sane. When bilious or costive, eat a cascaret candy cathartic, cure guaranteed. 10c, '-'3c. Mrs. Mary Svabck, 1235.South 14 th St, Omaha, Neb., writes: 'I have been sick threo years with headache, pain in the stomach, dizziness nnd no uppctite. I tried three doctors nnd all kinds of medicines, all of which failed. I have since used two 25-cent boxes of Dr. Kny'B Henovator and 1 have no more headache; good appetite and stomach In good order as well as my whole sys tem." Sold by druggists at 25 cents and SI. See advt Cascarets stimulate llver.kidneys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. Unequal Distribution. "It seems," remarked Uucle Allen Sparks, "that Dr. Nansen failed to dis cover tho north polo because he hadn't enough dogs. And what countless thousands of dogs we could have spared him from this neighborhood! Chicago Tribnne. THE ADVANCE AGENT OF HEALTH UBKl.SUsBBfiSEBBmLH Wulaturo Fao-Siaile WWej?W N ARTIST'S LOVE. ARMICHIEL'S s!g- 11 UUIUIU 111 uuu tui- K ner causes a ow ls vas to bo scram -"' l.lwl trtr In fliwan countries n o w adays, mid there arc Uiobo who say that It looks equally well at the bottom of a check. Carmlchlel himself Is brown nnd bony nnd a little Inclined to bo bald. Ho is a trifle cynical, too, and has accumulated a miscellaneous assortment of strango little ways that must bo awfully annoying to his wife. In fact, she says bb much In her lan guid, complaining way. Carmlchlcl'B work ha always been a puzzlo to tho critics. Lately they have decided that ho bolongs to tho Impres sionist Bchool, nnd perhaps thoso blg Jolntcd, green-oyed,. women, for which ho had occasionally" been responsible, do lndlcnto a tendency In that direc tion. Thoro Is nothing of tho Impres sionist about Carmlchlcl'B earlier paintings, however, and yet you would know that they were his; Just as you would know that tho Indifferent, bored looking Carmlchlel whom you meet in every plnce worth going to Is Identical with tho threadbare but always de lightful fellow who used to pnint BtudlcB of the Creole girls In the winter of 73. Perhaps, though, you were not among tho fortunate number who know him before he had painted his way Into the very heart of Philistla. We were only a small coterie, but our lack of oven a bowing acquaintance with famo was a sad trial to most of us. Carmlchlel was different, little as you would think it when you seo him today. Ho never seemed then to have tho least ambition only to do his work as well as ever he could, and If now and then a sketch was sold, why, there were plenty of friends to pat him on tho back and to help him cat and drink the proceeds. And tho sketches eold well after a time, for that wild artist colony In tho quaint French quarter was a happy thought for a crowd of out-at-elbows boys, to the most of whom Paris re mained a dream for more years than we caro to think about. There waa plenty of local color there, and any number of saucy girls who were al ways willing to pose for us, and who considered themselves well paid if they received the first rough sketch of what the sanguine artist Invariably assured them was sure to prove "the plcturo of the year!" Carmlchlel has several of the3e glow ing things In his studio now, nnd through them all you can trace a like ness to the drab-sklnnd water nymph that hangs in the drawing-room of Hastings, the porous-plaster man. It's another method and a different subject, hut It's tho eame Carmlchlel. We nover knew exactly how It was that he camo across Carita. She was one of the dancers at the littlo French theater or at least they called It a oil . l ,,', M hf tm JgC WITH A BLAZE OF WRATH, theater It was a sort of cross between a low cafe and a second-rate concert hall. We used to go there occasionally and throw roses to the dancers, though Carita was the only one that It paid to look at twice. She was really a beauty and quite Spanish In her ways, al though some of ub fancied that there might be Just a trace of darker blood. Of her husband there could bo no ques tion. He was a greasy, low-browed fel low, and wholly a villain. He used to beat her when his shop wa3 raided or so sho told Carmlchlel. Carmlchlel had never been In love before, and he lost his head rapidly. So when one morning Carita came Into our common etudlo the Commune we called It with her forehead hound up, and tho contour of one -pretty check almost ob scured by a Hvld, straggling bruUe, Carmlchlel upset his colors over the "peasant's bridal" he was at work up onthey painted Etich things In thoso days and declared that Carita was done with her brute of a husband for ever. It really made very littlo difference to any of us. Carmlchlel was tho tame Jolly comrade as before, and worked away furiously in the queer little house which Carita had furnished to suit her self. Sho figured in most of his pic tures that year, and after a time came tho little JuMcn, and Carmlchlel turned his attention to a hitherto neglected branch of nrt, and his canvases begun to gloam with tho pinky flesh of dark eyed babies. The little Jullen was a fas cinating model, and his father proved himself a genius by the facility with which he Interpreted the baby graces. All of which would have bbon very well had not Carita suddenly grown Jealous. Her temper was never of the best, and In her silly lltle heart sho considered herself highly aggrieved and neglected. Then they quarreled, and matters grew worse and worse, until Carita actually threatened to go back to her villain eu husband, who had never ceu3ed ijfir IwKAo I W. 'i 5 &.1XW v W U ;-MI i V"-. -- ,lfliif as. ',m ., SU?vW drasv A-SE- - chuckling over tit ood bargain ho had mado with tho great artist. Carmlchlel was never mcok at any time, but yet the matter might havo ended differ ontly had not tho old undo who gave him his start in life chosen at this time to Introduce himself. Dut tho fateful letter camo nnd Carmlchlel went to the big hotel across tho river, nml thcro was an lntorvlow. It waB lato when he returned, nnd Carita met him with a hlnzo of wrath. Ho had not told her where ho was going, and sho wae diffi cult to plcaso those days. Sho thor oughly understood the nrt of making herself exasperating, and for a moment Carmlchlel caught himself envying his predecessor his enormous biceps and big stick. What ho had to say was spoken In a few words, and with a last good-by to the littlo Jullen and a mock ing mcsBago to tho womnn, CarmlchUl turned his back upon IiIb threadbare past, and upon Carita. He slept at tho Commune that night, and when wo opened tho door In re sponse to a gcntlo tap next morning, we found no ono In view except tho lit tlo Jullen, who beat his tiny fingers against tho door panel nnd laughed gleefully up In his young father's face. Little Jullen had come to stay. About Carita? Tho city Is large. PerhapB sho went back to tho ruffianly husband, or, if notwell, it would not be tho first time that the turbid yellow river had been Intrusted with a secret. Jullen Is a fine young fellow, an up per classman at Tulane, and occasion ally ho pays a short visit to his guar dian's home, although strangely enough, Mrs. Carmlchlel Is not fond ol him. Whether sho BUspccts what a few of ub know Is uncertain, but come of us have wives, and Mrs. Carmlchlel possesses moro than the usual quota of feminine frlonds. L. M. W. THE FUNNEL TRICK. An Inlercntlnc 1'roblem DoTlseri uj sportlTO Cnliroriilann. Jerry Lynch has finally learned the funnel trick. He took It In two dosea ono on ono evening and tho other the next. Tho senator sauntered up to the Bohemian club tho other day and siw two or three of the younger mem bers attempting a now feat, and h watched them with Interest Ono of them stuck a funnel In tho top of his trousers, throw his head back, placed a fifty-cent piece on his forehead nnd tried to drop It into tho funnel by slowly lowering his head. After all had failed Jerry Insisted on trying It, though all had tried to dissuade him from attempting a feat too difficult for them. Tho funnel was placed In tho waistband of his trousers and he threw back his head to recelvo the coin on IiIb expansive brow. At that Juncture a pitcher of Ice water was emptied into the funnel, and by the tlmo Jerry got through dancing tho Jokers had vanished. Tho senator's temper improved with dry ralmont, and the next night at tho club he start ed in to show a couple of friends tho funnel trick. "It's this way," he explained, "you put tho funnel In tho top of your pan taloons, so, then throw your head back, so, and wow!" Again Jerry was forced to change his raiment, and ho is not showing people what ho knows about the funnel trick. San Francisco News Letter. THE FAMILY'S MAIN SUPPORT. Tho old Umlertuker Dcp'nre ih Kconu mle lit) Hail to 1'rvctlce. From the San Francisco Poet: "Now, now, now; there, there; don't criticise those white gloves because they've been darned. Don't Jump on these poor old black rosettes because they're a little rusty," pleaded the country undertaker. "For fifteen years they have been the mainstay of a large and interesting family. Yes, I know those gloves have been washed and darned and stitched till they look more like salt sacks than gloves, but they still sell at the same old price $1 per pair. Crape rosettes for the pall-bearers still go on every bill at $5. "When I first went Into business fif teen years ago now this, of course, is on the dead quiet I bought half a dozen pairs of white cotton gloves for 25 cents, and I think tho crapo for those robcttes cost 50 cents. Every funeral brings me In ?G for gloves and V for rosettes for the pall-bearers, and in tho last fifteen years I think I have realized about $6,500 on them, and I'vo still got them almost as good as new. Some day. when I can afford it, I'll buy some now ones." KIlliiK'4 Worht Tour. Just before tho steamer Lahn sailed, Itudynrd Kipllns' talked with a report er. Ho said that, leaving tho Lahn at Bremerhaven, ho and Mrs. Kipling would spoud somo time on tho con tinent, going from thero to Eng land. How long a tlmo he would spend thcro he did not know. Event ually ho would go to India, ho Bald, the country of his birth, and possibly he would visit Samoa and other of tho Islands of the Southern Pacific. "Will you return to America, and if so, when?" Mr. Kipling was asked. "Oh, yes, I expect to como hack again, when I get ready. I- have not tho slightest notion as to when that will be." "Do you call America your home?" "That is my home where I chooso to live." New York Advertiser. Diplomacy, Thr N'tnm In llrlilcrt. Bridget (applying for a situation) "Oh, yis, mum, Ol lived In my last place t'reo weekB, mum." Mrs. Van Nobos "And why did you leave?" Bridget "Ol couldn't get along with her, sho waa owld and cranky," Mrs. Van Nobbs "But I may bo old and cranky, too." Bridget "Cranky ye may be, mum, for faces aro eometimea deceiving; but owld, niver!" And Drld get cot the place. Philadelphia Time. SHE RObfc A WHEEL, tl Clot the Meal nnl Then Mi Ilrnt lllm from tu llnii.f "Madam," ho began, as tho lady ol tho houso opened tho door In nnawer to his ring, "you rido a blcyclo, do you not?" "I do," eho anBwered, proudly, ac cording to tho Now York Telegram. "I thought as much," snld ho with a Bad flickering smile lighting up hip features. "Your bright eyes nnd ruddy encoks, tho glow of health that mantles your brow proclaimed that fact oven hcroro rou had spoken. But what 1b ono per son's meat Is another's poison and tho lamo toy, plaything or vehicle, call It what you will, that haB lured tho roses to your cheeks, madam, and sent tho blood bounding through your rcjuva nated veins has driven them from mine, dried up my llfo's Juices and sont mo forth a broken down, hopolersa wreck and wanderer on tho faco of tho earth. Yes, madam, that la unfortun ately what blcyclo riding haB done for mo." "Why, my poor man!" sho gushed, with a look of tender pity In hor bluo eyeB; "tako this half dollar sorry 1 can't glvo you moro, but It's all the chango I have. Then Bit right down and rest whllo I got you eomcthlng to eat." Half an hour later, when ho had eat en all ho could hold and was proparlng to travel on, eho sympathetically ob served: "Poor fellow! You muBt havo suf fered a great deal. Wcro you laid up long?" "When?" ho asked, with n puzzled took. "Why, when you wero Injured bicy cling." "Injured bicycling? Why, I never mounted a wheel In my life." "Never mounted a wheel!" Bhc fair ly shrieked. "I thought you said bi cycling was what reduced you to your present stnto?" "Correct, madam," ho responded, hastily backing down tho stepB. "Tho bicycling of others Is what did It. I used to bo tho proprietor of a livery stable!" oho dlvrd behind tho door, but a sec ond later when sho emerged with a broom it was loo lato. Her caller had disappeared. Mnklnir It 1'Uln. "This hero piece in tho paper makes ago o' tho word 'superfluity' several times," remarked tho man who was sitting on tho empty soap box. "Now whnt do yo tako superfluity to bo?" "I dunno's I kin exactly tell It," answered tho man with tho twine sus penders. "But I senso it all right enough." "Kin ye illuBtratc it?" "M yes. I reckon I kin. Superfluity ts a good deal tho samo thing ez a fel ler's wcarln a necktlo when he's go! a full beard." Washington Star. Unmutl Iro!llli). Unusual facilities for matrimony are offered at Amerlcus, Ga. Justlco Gra ham, while walking on tho street ono evening lately, was approached by a negro man and woman, who asked to bo united, and ho Joined them in tho solemn bonds then and there. I'uizleit. "Paw," said the littlo boy, "did you know that tho housefly, lays moro'n a million eggs?" "Maybe sho does, Willy," answered his baldheaded parent, "but I'll bo eternally dinged If I can tell when sho takeB tho time." Ha Stoppoil SmnklDir Clcrette. Charlie Parsons, aged 19, for "noro than a year smoked threo packages of cigarettes a day. Ho died a ahort tlmo slnco at his home In Kokomo, Ind., after being In convulsions for four days. BITS OF KNOWLEDGE. The horse, of all animals, is quickest to succumb to cold. , People who wore shoes In Italy dur ing tho fourteenth century had to pay a tax for tho privilege. In Germany the men as well as the women wear wedding rings. When cither dies tho survivor wears both. Fashion plates containing designs for clothing for pet dogs aro regularly issued by some of the Parisian tailors. Tho longest Unnel In tho world. Is St. Gothard, which Is 48,840 feet. Tho noxt longest ore Mount Cenls, 39,850 feet; Hoosack, 25,080 feet; Severn, 22, 092 feet; Nochistongs, 21.C59 feet; Sutls, 21,120 feet. Tho following aro said by a Swiss hunter to havo been found near tho nest of an eaglo recently discovered In tho AIpb: A hare, 27 chamois' feet, 4 pigeons' feet, 30 pheasantB feet, 11 heads of fowls, 18 heads of grouso and tho remains of a number of rabbits, marmots and squirrels. A careful examination of tho 'trees that are struck by lightning shows that over half of them are whlto poplar, i From this fact scientists conclude that tho poplar has some value as a con ductor of lightning. This being tlie case, agriculturists nrc advised to plant these trees In tho vicinity of their farm buildings. Ono of tho big steamship companies Is about to make a novel departure. It has ordered a steamship to be built for the tho "solo uso of invalids." It Is to be I a vessel of tho largest class, fitted up With a lux .'y hcrcloforo nover attempt ed, to be dovoted entirely to tho ser vice of tho wealthy Btifforors of that i class who aro afflicted with jffhnonary troubled, and who can prolong - , f6 jn j cry, ealub climate of t perpetual sumnicr, jsr vZS Kat t be Canghi Knpplnt On a recent Sunday evenlnr In Bel fast, Me., a younr man ip churoh looked frequently at his watch during tho sormon. Just an he was doing bo for the fourth or fifth time, tho pastor, with great earnestness, wnn urging the truth upon consclcnco of his hearers. Young mnn," Bald ho, "how Is It with you?" Whereupon the young man with tho gold repeater brawled out in tho hearing of tho whole congregation, "A quarter past eight" Now York Tribune. Just try n. loo box of Cascarets, tho finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. The Iteasoti Why, A man whoso circumstances of trav eling caused him to sit In tho samo seat with a young lady who was unusuullv frlondly for a stranger said, as ho left tho car: "I thank you for a very pleasant chat but I am afraid you would not havo been so kind to mo had you known that I am u married man." "You haven't any advantage of mo," promptly responded the yonng lady. "1 nm an escaped lunatic." San Fran cisco Argonaut. Men leave trouble to others when thov ran. as readily as n girl loaves dirty dishos ior ucr nioincr. Tho good advho peoplo give away so chcorfullv, is usually something they tau't uso tbemso.ves. A man may wear roUghm as n cloak and yot iroezo his soul to death. 5: W "Protection," PLUG If vouwant protection buy "Battle Ax. It is man's ideal tobacco. It protects his purse from high prices. It protects his health from the effects of injurious tobacco. It's the biggest and best there is nothing less, nothing more. An investment of 5 cents will prove this story. liulllluulA ri!l!il!lr!K 1 STANDARD OF THE WORLD, mm Mr I 1 J I i y -I A critical public have set the seal of unqualified m approval on Columbias. j POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. J 8 Branch Houses and Agrnries in almost every city and town. If Colunbita mr K not properly represented in your vicinity, let us know. H , I """ ' Smouldering fires of old disease lurk in tho blood of many a man, who fancies himself in good heal til. Let n slight sickness seize him, and the old enemy breaks out anew. The fault Is the taklncr uf medicines that suppress, In- otcad of curing disease. Yon can eradicate disease and purify your blood, if you nsc the standard reined yV of the world, I Ayer's Sarsaparilto. v- i,2G0 eu. CHI B, $9. SO. t ft. tiioouttt. Council ntufTa, Iowa. OMAHASTOVE REPAIR WOfflS 1U07 IKIUOLAS T., OMAHA. ABB. MiJWMiPiWWi M, n & Jliil HiKsBatf it 1 1 ."IJfnJf III liMIIiiTll !!!; Illlfl 111 1 N III ItaU I lliiiPl! U ' 1 111 IH V H ft Hf(