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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1896)
RIDING ON A DESERT. A TltA OVER THE SAHARA NOT ALWAYS UNPLEASANT. Th narhtaa; Garnet and nil Trunk lmcnes lllinanlf theUnmmlne; lllnl, la TThlch Kipling's Taner Compared llliu. i ISHING to give our baggngo cnmclB an ollior day's reat bo foro starting on tho trying Journoy from Murat Wellu to "Wa dy HAlfa wo profit ed by tho delay to t&ko a long rido out on tho Abu-Hamcd road with our good friend Abdul Azlin Hoy, Bya a, writer In tho London Nows. Tho oatenelbl6 objoct of this oxcurslon was to boo a hugo rock In tho ffhnpo of a. crocodllo that Abdul Azlm hnd dls--covcrcd not long since about a couple of hours out from Murat and a few Siundrod yards away from tho Abu llamod caravan track. This rock, said -our guide, had never yot been seen by Europeans. Mounted on a couple of our friend's 'best bred running camels, and escorted ly nomo half-dozen well-armed trlbos ancn on small, active beasts as swift as our own, wo set out at that fast trot rwhlch is as pleasant on a well-bred TIadJuy, as on a rough, hard-set brute it 1b excruciatingly painful. It wan just after dawn and tho air was delicious, for tho Gun docs not begin to got really flerco until after 7 a m., nnd as wo wounA down tho Khor nnd out nmong the Kopjes of tho dcaort, with a pleas ant breeze fanning our faces, with the camel's pad striking crisply on tho firm, tKravclly Band, and tho men's accoutcr (zncnts Jingling rhythmically as thoy 4Joggcdfalong, wo folt our blood tingle '-and our spirits buoyant with tho exhil aration due partly to tho glorious ell- Time has brought many changes to tho American continent. A trifle of one er two million years ago tho region tfcatls now Dakota, Utah and other atxles' In tho Rocky Mountains was blessed with a tropical cllmato, tho iidd plains of tho present wero lagoons filled with warm water and surrounded by waving palms and other vegetable growth to bo found In torrid zones. Tho region was Inhabited by animals, strange and weird animals which have .long since become extinct and their 'boaca are now buried under three miles of solid rock. Prof. Henry F. Osborn, curator in tho American Museum of Natural HlBtory, ihas written an Interesting etory of these prehistoric animals, which ap pears In tho September Century. Chaa. ICnlght has drawn pictures of them mate and partly to the thought that wo really were at last well within tho eue jtny's borders. IFor, as Abdul Azlm said, when wo 'had ridden an hour or so, only ono Eu ropean elnco the Nile campaign had been nearer Khartoum than ourselves. This adventurous spirit was Col. Uun dlo Pasha, who in 1885 or 188G rodo so Sar toward Abu Hamed that from a .hilltop he was able to see that town mnd the Nlle. Not alone wero wo affected by tho Jovely morning. Its glamour was over or escort of Abadeh (generally tho anost taciturn of folks), four of whom mere conducting an eager argument at 'bot Bpeed In the quaint, primitive lan guage, with Its absurd, bewildering cl !i" Interjected, It would seem quite Involuntarily, at every third word. The others of our escort wero chanting al ternate verses of a lugubrious song, In whose refrain tho moan of the aakoeah, tttae buzz of a saw and the ceakiug of ian ungreased wagon wheel appeared to 1 deftly blended with the grousing of refractory camel. The camels themselves appeared to be afrected by the morning, or perhaps .It; was by the song. All of them de meaned themselves quite skittishly tnd one was so overcome by his sense at ir MAMMOTH MONSTERS THAT LIVED IN of tho JoyouBneso of things that he be gan suddenly to buck. Now, a bucking camel In, of all tho pleasant Bights In nature, the most laughable. Tho great beast seems at those moments of ox4 panolon to put off his camel nature nnd to Imagine himself lltorally tho hum ming bird to which Mr. Kipling's fancy has compared htm. For InBtanco, wiicn tho spirit moves htm to buck, the camel of a sudden hurls himself high Into tho air, spread ing out nil his spiny limbs at right an gles to his unwieldy ircnss. And ho nllghts, after this gn. .quo effort, with hie fcot all abroad, nnd a rock-splitting, splnc-dlssolvlng thud, only to make a fresh and moro oxtravngant departure. It la a soul-stirring performance. He brings a mnrvolous pcrsovcranco to the exercise and will keep It up over half a mllo of country. But It Is tho hum ming bird he Is aping all tho while, tho graceful collbri flashing Jowel-llko Into tho nlr (hero tho camel projects himself Into space) or poising feather light on tho oleander blossom (hero ho cracks a mountain on alighting). And ho Bcoms quite satisfied with tho meas tiro of success ho attains, though it is at best a success de'estimo. An Iucetiloua Itlojoln Look. A locking dovlco Is looked upon as nn cBOsntlal feature to every wheel by nil bicycle riders. An invention, pa tented by Mnx Gcssler, and known ob tho "dossier lock," is being placed on the market by Walter E. Lindsay & Co., of Milwaukee. Tho lock is placed Inside the front tubing of the frame, and does not mar its appearance In tho least. It is cylindrical in form, ono inch long, nnd secured by means of a rubber washer expanded against tho side of tho tubing. The locking nnd unlocking Is oftectod by mcano of n koy which engages tho bolt directly, forcing It outwardly or Inwardly, lock ing tho front wheel at an nnglo nnd thus bringing tho bicycle out of opera tivo position. Somo of tho points of superiority claimed for this lock are: Flrot, It engages neither spokes nor AMERICA from descriptions furnished by Prof. Osborn and other scientists. Tho great four-hornod ulntathere was found lu tho Bridger region of Southern Wyoming and Utah. A pic ture of its head Is reproduced, show ing tho peculiar formation of the horns and tholr arrangement. Tho body was longer, but in other respects resembled an elephant, and wbon grown it weighed two tons. Ita brain weighed less than a pound. Tho uintathcro had less brain in proportion to lta sizo than any other warm-blooded animal. With Its tremendous body its brain was as small as that of a dog, and to this fact Prof. Osborn attributes tho animal's early oxtlnction. Tho tltanothere was another giant that flourished perhaps a half million years after tho last than those of the sprockets, doing away with the ruinous effect produced by attempting to rldo before unlocking the machine. Sec ond, hammers, files, pliers, nippers are harmless. Tho lock Is out of sight, and cannot be gotten at. Third, it is non-plckable. Fourth, wolghs less than two ounces, Is easily operated, quickly adjusted, Is always in tho machine when needed; not In your pocket or at home. Indianapolis Sentinel. A Sure War of Locating a l'unctuie. "I picked up a new thing for riders of tho wheel In New York a few days ago," BUggested a popular wheelman. "Those who have had trouble In finding small punctures will appreciate it. You know tho customary way to locate a puncture Is to Immerse the wheel In a tub of water. Wherever the air bubbles there will be found the puncture. In somo cases, however, the air pressure is not sufllclent to mako tne air bub bles. In case3 of this kind lather some soap and smear It over the tiro. A Boap bubble will form then over every puncture, It matters not how small h is. Once located nearly every rider knows what to do, or thinks he does, which Is the samo thing, for tho great majority send them to the shops to bo repaired, anyhow "-Washington Star. kOY'S tlSSAY ON SHARKS. Ila Shorn Much Skill In Conttrootlnf; a FUh Hlorj. An examiner of lads under 1G for tho civil-service commission gavo for a question, "Dcscribo tho habits of fish," says tho London Church Times. Hero is a literal transcript of ono out of a batch of Bomo hundreds of answers: "The shark is about twenty feet long, nnd lins five rows of teeth when tho shark Is going to catch Us pray It turns on Its side. Tho shnrks are found in India, where they are very numerous In Africa, etc. Tho wny to catch sharks Is lowering a piece of meat on a sharp hook (and sailors will do It for amuse ment), and the shnrk Is very hungry always, that ho will grab at tho meat and find himself caught. "Ono of his foes arc tho Bord fish It will go nnd run Its sword through Its stummtck. "When the shark has been floating about on tho water for eomo time It gets a lot of small flBh In Its mouth nnd thoy will go and lay on tho beach and let small birds come In their mouth and pick them off nnd will not heart them. Tho shark can llvo In water and on land. Going from England to In dlad, you will seo sharks In tho nlle, they will follow ships for many miles on purposo to get some meat, and then perhaps not get any. They are differ ent kinds of sharks, the Black shark, etc. "Tho shnrk Is a very curious animal, It can lay Us teeth down when not catching any food. "Once upon a time there was a ship going to amerlca, and on board somo slaves tho slaves wero packed so close together that they could not live, and tho captln of the ship you'st to let somo come upon deck, nnd many of tho slaves you'st to jump ovoboard, and bo eat with sharks, so the captln deter mined to stop it If ho could. So ono day a black slave woman was just In the acted to Jump overboard when the cap tln caught her, nnd had as many slaves as ho could upon deck. And then ho AGES AQO. unttnthere, thus proving that the bones aro plentiful in tho South Dakota Lako basin, and aro al ways found In a strata higher than those of tho ulntathere, thus proving that Its family tree does not extend backward so far. Tho pictures show what the animal looked like when alive. He was about the eamo size as the uln tathere, but had more brains and should havo lived longer, but he failed to do so. Among tho fossils and skeletons of animals that have been extinct for a million years are found skeletons of turtles, alligators and garfish, exactly like those to be found at the present age. They havo survived, whether they were fittest or not, and llvo to-day as their ancestors did two million years ago. had a reap fastened around her waist, and lowered her overboard, when a shark came and bltt n half off her off, and then the captln had tho other halt pulled up and sown to tho slaves on deck, and then said to them that ho would do any ono of them the same If ho jumped overboard." Ilnrrlble Seclusion. One of the alleged dynamiters who have just been released from an Eng lish prison says ho did not hear a single Item of news from the outside world In all the years of his confine ment Ho did not even know that Parnell was dead. In our prisons, which have the samo rules of silence and absolute seclusion, the inmates learn everything that Is going on, botfc within nnd without the prison, by a system of signs that defies the watch fulness of tho guards. Either English prisons are better governed than ours or else the inmates of English prisons are less shVowd and bIj than our con victs. New York World. Tli Only Opimrtimltx. Mrs. Talkalot What does make you talk so much In your sleep, Joseph? Joseph Gosh! It's the only chance I ever get. TO STAIN FLOORS. X Btl of ITonsewlfe Lore of Seriiee at TliU Season. The knowledge of tho uso of stains and vnrnUhcs and how to polish and elan furniture Is invaluable to an economical housekeeper, who can easily, with the help of an intelligent maid, kssp her house clean nnd bright and freshen It up when need 1)0, with out calling in tho aid of an cxpcnslvo workman. Formerly stains wera con fined to tho colors nearly resembling natural woods, but of lato all colors are used greens, blues, reds and yellow which partake in no scnBO of the na ture of the paint, but stains pure and simple, showing tho grain of tho wood. Tho most fashlonablo stain at pres ent for cottage furniture Is green, not sage green, but a good, old-fashioned regular green, which when rubbed well Into tho pores of the wood and then polished Is really beautiful. Tho two transparaont colors, Prussian bluo and raw sienna, make, when mixed to gether, an excellent green, or if a brighter tint is desired, gamboge and Prussian bluo. A very little of tho latter goes a groat way, as it is alto gether tho most powerful color known nnd completely overcomes any other pigment If mixed in equal proportions. In staining, it should bo borne in mind that it Is not paint, but stain, and that a very little should bo used, a pound being sufficient to stain a whole set of furniture. To get a good color the wood must ba light. Oak, yellow or white pine, ma ple, any of theso are suitable, and tho moro grained the better, tho molro effect of blrds'-eye maple, tho heavy markings of oak and the picturesque knot so often seen in yellow plno all coming out particularly well through the translucent color. The hest way to apply stain and bring out tho grain of the wood Is to put It on quite thick and rub it off with a linen or cotton rag, and It Is absolutely necessary that tho wood should be In Its natural condition with out paint or varnish. By sending a special order to tho manufacturers it Is easy to get sets of furniture with out cither; but if It Is an old piece that Is to bo renovated it must be thoroughly scraped. After staining, a coat of hard oil finish may bo applied as a filler, and then, after It Is dry, It should bo rubbed all over with tho prepared beeswax that comes In cans for floors, and then rubbed with a flannel cloth until It is quite Bhlny and bright. After tho wax is rubbed on it should bo allowed to harden be fore polishing It, Prussian blue alono makes a very pretty peacock blue stain, raw sienna a yellow or orange, according to tho amount of color used, crimson lake a lovely red. burnt sien na nn almost exact Imitation of new mahogany. All theso are what are called transparent colors, and are, therefore, especially adapted for stains; but oven opaque colors, If put on thin enough to show tho grain of tho wood, produce sometimes very pretty effects. Whlto on cortaln woods has a milky, opalesquo coloring that is very har monious with dcllcato chintzes. Light bluo, canary yellow, apple green and pink all may be used on woodwork as stains if applied In tho way that house painters call "priming" that is, one coat of paint put on so thin that it shows the markings of tho wood be neath. Georgia pine looks particular ly well when treated in this way. Hlown from a Train. "I do not supposo that onco in a hundred times wo ever learn tho real cause of a railroad accident," said a man who is always well posted on such matters, "when any ono of tho princi pals concerned Is killed. In Individual cases, where a man is lost from a train, and hla body Is found later bo Bido the track, sulcldo Is the first thing suggested, but you can never tell. A peculiar accident happened to a friend of mine. Ho was traveling eastward with some friends. He left them for a few moments to go to the smoking car. As ho crossed from ono car to tho other that was before the time of the ves tibule trains a strong wind that was blowing struck him and blew him to tho ground. Ho waa wearing a large cir cular ccat, which acted as a balloon in flated with wind, and it wb responsible for his being blown off tho train, as well as for the fact that he landed on his feet unhurt. Ho walked somo dis tance to tho nearest station and tele graphed ahead to his friends that he was all right, and would como on by the next train. If ho had been killed every ono would havo said 'suicide,' for the poaalblllty of a man being blown from a train would eeem to be an absurd Idea." New York Times. The Teaolter'a Idea. "I suppose," said the school teach er's acquaintance, "that you are sorry to see vacation coming to a close." "No," waa tho reply; "I think It has lasted long enough to serve Its most Important purpose." "You mean that the pupils and their Instructors have had a chance to re cuperate." "No; that Is an unimportant Incident. What I mean is that vacation Elves parents a chanco to realize that their children are not the angel3 they al- i ways assumo them to bo when they get Into trouble at school." Washington Star. Ilemetly for lied Honda. Red hands aro often benefited by be ing washed in oatmeal water that Is, tako some fine oatmeal, boll it In water for about an hour, strain, then night and morning uso the liquid to wah In; It, however, requires to be made fresh every day, as It soon turns sour, and Bmells very disagreeably. For excep tionally red and harsh hands a few grains of chlorldo of lime may be safe ly added to the soft warm water jou wash in. but remember to remove I your rings, or they will be tarnished. finesses at Tmtu. Th man who is surest of a thing is mit likely to be mistaken. Knowl edge is apt to be disgested; ignorance alone is positively certain. Passionate and romantic love never reasons because it is too fervid and in tense to admit of nny 6uch calmness as Is essential to reason. If it could rea son would it not cease to be romantic or passionate? To bo entirely charming to a man n woman must retain a largo part of her mystery. As no man is a hero to his valet, no woman is a heroine to her husband. Harper' 8 liarar. II iid, From the Chicago Post The justice leaned over the desk nnd eyed tho prisoner sharply, for lie prid ed himself on being u. judgo of human nature. "I suppose you work," ho said sar castically. "Everyone," replied tho prisoner tersely. "Except me," corrected the judge, feeling that his position entitled him to last throw in the game of repartee. And he was so pleased with his ovrn tnecess us n humorist that ho made tho Ono only 55 und costs. I believe Fiso's Curo is the only medlcino that Trill cure consumption. Anna M. Ross, IVilHnmsFort, Pa., Nov. 12, T)j. The October number of tho North American Review nay fitly be called a campaign number. It contains arti cles on campaign subjects by Speaker Reed, the secretary of the navy, An drew Carnegie, Bishop Merrill of tho M. E. church, Louis VYindmullcr, nnd Judge Walter Clark, of tho supremo court of North Carolina. Judge Clark's article Is especially Interesting as be ing an authorativo outline of the changes which he and other advocates of free silver would make in tho con stitution if Mr. Bryan is elected. liegeman's Citmphorlovrllh. Glycerine. CureaCnanpedllandaand Face, Tender or Sore Xeet, Chilblain. l'Hes&c. C. O.Clark Co.. New Haven, CU Two admirable serial stories will bo published In Harper's weekly in the course of tho year 1897. One, a New England story by Mary li Wilkins, will begin in January, and tho other, a tale of a Creek uprising against the Turks, by E. F. Benson, tho author of "Dodo," will appear during tho latter half of tho year. Besides theso more thort stories will appear in the Weekly than It has been possible to publish during 1800. A 6equel to "Tho House Boat on tho Styx," by John Kcndrick Bangs, will also appear early in the fear, illustrated by Peter Newell. Sirs. Wlnslmv'a Rooming Syrup I'orclnl li rn teething, aof ten tlie:mn a. reduces Inflam mation, allays pain, cure! wind colic. S3 cents a bottle. Have you seen Tho Monthly Illus trator and Home and Country? it is an art and family mngazine of tho highest character. A gem In its way Beautiful pictures, attractive text mat ter, short stories, fiction, travel, enter tainment galore. If your newsdealer cannot supply you, send fi cents in postage to the publishers for a speci men copy. AddresB The Monthly Il lustrator Publishing Co , 00-08 Centre Street New York. When writing men tion this paper. Con't Tobacco Spit and Smoko Your Lilo Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easily nnd "forever, regain lost manhood, bo made well, strong, magnetic, lull of new life nnd rlRor, tako No-To-Bac, tho wonder worker lhat makes weak men strong. Muny gain ten founds lu ten days. Over 400,OUO cured. Uuy No-lo-L'a- from your druggist, who will guarantee ncure. Booklot nnd sample mal oil Ireo. Address Remedy Co., Chi cago or Now York. The I.lnt;o Too Much For Her. Mr. Ferry During tho row, whilo tho visitors were wrangling with the umpire, Batsj took tho opportunity to ineuk home amid the plaudits of tho assembled rooters. Mrs. Ferry The ideal Why should they applaud a man who is such a cow ard as to run home when trouble be plns? Cincinnati Enquirer. iSMUMS OR one increases every year ...lit JL win sec wny 5 "Walter Baker &WffifWft$( S.SGULATF fp55ir mCftT nrrtPr V PTlIDHWTPEn to core anyesseoreonxtipstlon. rsAeartt are the Ideal Uxa. ADoULU i th I UU Altfln inuV u. n.Ter trip nr i-rlpc-bat '" rosy nitond rroll. Mm. pie uiikosltUt free. id. STKUMSH KEMl.m Mrs. H. C. Aver of Rlchford. Vt G very much debilitated and had dyspepsia so bad I could scarcely eat nny- r tjon in the pit of tho stomach Afc physician was unable to help me; I Qr, Kays Jt is a positive cure for the worst case of dyspepsia, constipation, liver and kidney diseases and all nervous or blood diseases. At thia time or year it is invaluable, as it renovates and invigorates the whole system and purifies and r.urieues the blood. The very best nerve tonio known. It has two to four times as many doses as liquid medicines selling for tumio price. Bold by diuRglsts or tent liy mntl on receipt of pricf, 25c and l. Hrnd for our booklet, it treats alt dbeises, and muny say it is worth 5 if they could nut get another; sent freo from our Western Ofllce. Or. 11. J, Kay Medical Co., Omaha, Neb. ebQWZ)OQQ'&mG$W Bhoes are easier to break in than they used to be. TO CURB A COI.D IN ONE DAT. Tako Laxative llromo Quinine Tablets. Alt Druggists refund the money if It faUs to curo. 25o If you don't liko a thing don't try to. Pure Blood is essenttal at this season In order to keep up tho health tone nnd resist the sudden changes In temperature and exposure to disease germs. Hood's Sarsaparilla The best In faot the Ono True Blood Puriflen HoOd'S PUIS Sa?rfiVllvVreparcd!25S Fnllman Never Dollt , Better Tourist sleepers Than those used for tho Burling ton Route's personally conducted onco-a-1 week excursions to California. That is ono rea son why you should patronizo them when you go west. Other reasons are: The time is fast cars arc not crowded excursion con ductors and uniformed porters accom pany each party tho scenery enrouta is far and away tho finest on tho globe. Tho excursions lcavo Omaha every Thursday morning and go thro' to San Francesco and Los Angeles without change. For full information about rates, eta, Write to J. Fbancis, Gen. Agt. Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. SOUTH MISSOURI. WEST Tho best fruit section in the West. No drouths A failure of crops never known. Mild climate. Productive soil. Abundance or Bood puro water. For Maps and Circulars giving full descrip tion of tbo Itlch Mineral, Fruit und Agricultu ral Lands in South West Missouri, write to .lOIlN M. l'UHDV, Mnnacer of the Missouri Land and Llvo Stock Company, Neosho, New ton Co., Missouri. BUCKET SHOPS!- TRADH WITH A RESPONSIBLE FIRM. E, S. MURRAY & CO.. BANKERS AND BROKERS, 122, 123 ud 124 fUuto Building. Cfciugn. IU Members ol the Chicago Board ol Trade In good standing, wno will furnish you with their Latest Book on statistics and reliable information re Kurdlng tho markets. Write (or it and tholr Daily Market Letter, both FREE. References: Au. Ex NATlONAti DANK, CHICAGO. Rl AIPQ' BUSINESS ANDSHORTHANDCOLLEGE ULHrXuu Actual lirsi.vrsrt Fiiom Tub Start Tenches business by doing business. Also thorough instruction in all branches by mail. Llfo scholarship S4", six months course 530. Corner 10th and Capitol Avenue, Omaha, rvobruikn. PATENTS, TRADE MARKS Examination nnd.Adrlco as to Patentability of In rcntlon. Send for "IriTentorV Onlcle, or lloir to Get a, l'utent," O'KAKllELL & SOX, Wohlngtn. D. a WK TAY CASn WEEKLY and want men errrjwhern to SELX. STARK TREES 5IU'0. A ffTy F "absolutely ben "SniKTboutnta, 11 BV. I nowiyitem. RTAHK HUOTllKRS, U H N a , IuujiSi, JJO., HOCTU-OItT, 1IX. PATFMTQ S0jui' experience. Send aVetrli for ! rMICrilu, Mi't- ('-.lxliMilln. cxiilnilRT U.S. 1'iU.UUIct:) Deaneit Wi:aM.T,ilcUilUildi;.,WU3u.l).U ana WHISKY hM "rri- nMk '' rare Dr. I). SI. HOOU.LT, AlUSIi, CI. WSMftThompsen's Eye Water. W. N. U., OMAHA 42 1800 When writing to advertisers, kindly mention this paper. fe hundred and fifteen fe x IBj r CUftES WrlFKt All USE f AILS. EJ tSA Beit Cough Byrup. Tastes Hood. TJao I"1 Eel In tlmo. Pold by druwlsts 11 wprirTTimniriiMfL years w alter .oaKer ol vo. have made Cocoa and Choc- olate, and the demand for it pc Try it and you E 5 & Co., Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. THE UVgBj t .. Wilcajro. aomreai. can., orcw mr. writes: "After having fever 1 waa with pain in side and bad headache. My but I waa completely cured by . . . Renovator t m I. i i: vj r & MLMMtesttaMfcrittW- , inswnriag VJS 7vMZ3mM!MV V& ml i if i liiiliiiiil'ilUMatianiii