..-JSWMHURMMI bmiuw imi iiwwwwwwiihiiiw mmvtmmmnK m muti gWfWWWHWWiy fgyBH)BgiBiiiwiWHnsTyr"'"" i" h yw .? HEMINGF01U) HERALD. TnOS. J. O'UKErriB, rnbJUher. HEMINQFOBD, NEDRA8KA. Whero ono porson will listen to ad vice a dozon wilt follow oxnmplo. Violent contrasts aro morn ottoa ridiculous thnn they aro effective. Thcro arc people who seem to Im agine that thcro 1b something witty about grumbling. Wealth la nlways within reach ol thoro who will pay the. price In labor sod closeness ot pursuit. Mankind la so constructed that It would rather bo annoyed by a novelty than rest content with monotony. Tho man who Imagines that people do not know when ho has bcon drink ing ought to tako glance In a mir ror. Tho prophets aro all busy prognosti cating on the character ot the coming winter. They all agroo that wo will surely have ono. It -would ho n kindly act It somo good accident insurance company wero to Bend a few circulars to Abdul Hamld JiiBt nt this time. 'Ono ot tho great daugers In popular government Is tho tendency of officials to bo too liberal in giving away publlo .property. Recent experiments ot the Danish ex perimenters in feeding hogs corn or barloy Bhow that whllo corn gives the most rapid gain, barley makes much tho best quality ot meat Tho famous stallion, for which Gen. Coxcy paid $10,000 n abort tlnio before ho organlzod tho Commonweal Army, was traded tho other day In Columbus, Ohio, for an old "plug" and $8 "to boot." No wonder tho general advo cates hotter roads, A French acrobat claims to be able to stand squarely upon n platform, leap Into tho air, turn three complete somer saults and alight upon his fcoL Per haps this explains whero so many can didates for office this year hato found a precedent for their political gymnas tics. A ghastly case of cruelty to animals has been brought to light In Morris town, N. J. A coachman named Wood wished his employer to get a now and better pair ot horses than thoso ho had, in which deal ho was to get a handsomo rake-off. His employer rofuscd, where upon Woods mutilated the horses In a horrlblo manner with a vlow to making them useless nnd thus forcing the pur chase of a now pair. An Ashland, Wis., correspondent of a Chicago paper palls attention to the remarkable fact that several of tho very disastrous forest fires of Wloconsla havo occurred on July 27. Ho specifies some, instances In support ot his propo sition that it has been a fatal date tor that part of tho country, but unfor tunately for hie logic, the facts are not all as ho states them. Many a flno theory caa bo spun out of manufac tured facia. An Italian woman In Now York has illustrated tho peculiar vlndlctlvoness ot her raco in a recent stabbing scrapo that took placo In the big metropolis. Feeling hereelf to bo Insulted by a man .she told her lover of tho occurrence and thoy went to hunt up tho man. When they found him tho woman slip ped up behind him and grasped him, pinioning his arms to his sldo and held him firmly In this position whllo her companion stabbed him several times In the front part. o, his body. A remarkable surgical operation has 1icen successfully accomplished at the city hospital ot Newark, .N. J on tho person ot a laborer named Arthur Har xIb, whoso skull ,waB so badly fractured by a fall that a large portion ot the Ibraln protruded. This was .replaced by tho surgeons, the broken bono .removed And a silver plato inserted, and Mr. Harris upon recovering consciousness did not &t all realize that possibly his brain was In a different place In his akull than heretofore. Ho Ib .recover ins rapidly, moreover. A fow years ago James Dixon took Paulino Dcscellls ot Highland, 111., to St Louis, where tliey wejno to be niar rlod. Tho first thing they did was to register at a hotel as man and wife, nd a few hours later tho young woman was refused a license to marry because she was a trifle under .statutory age. A few months later when Pauline became old enough to wed she was shocked to learn that her Jimmy had not only changed his mind but had disappeared as well, and now she Js seek ing the arrest ot tho man who would havo married her but for the law's restrictions. Thus it is that strict enforcement of the law sometimes causes untold misery. A man named Claude B. Lassalle has been arrested In New York for passing forged checks and the police claim that they havo in him the most expert and dangerous forger In tho United States. Whllo none of his forgeries have exceeded $100 or $150, yet be la cafd to have made over $250,000 by this illegitimate "buslnees." InMiis. posses sion we're found blank checks on all tho large banks of the country ? a DOolt containing cut and pasted down signa tures of large merchants and prominent IToreBsiontTl men in the vnrlouv cities THE CRIME OF 1873. HOW ACT DEMONETIZING SIL VER WAS PASSED. It Wat Hushed Through Congreai With out llelng Read and I). bat. Wu Hhnt Off by tho l'revlou Question l'eople Merer Heard of It. Arkansas Oazctto: It has been often rehearsed, bo often Indeed that ono would think every citizen of tho coun try was familiar with tho facts, but they aro not, or it they read about it they havo forgotten tho facts. Tho act demonetizing ailver was erauggled through congress. Less than a half dozen members knew of It. President Grant, Who signed tho bill, was utterly Ignorant of It. Judge Kolly, of Pennsylvania, tho chairman of the committee on colnago, woights and measures at tho time, when charged with having advocated tho de monetization of silver, Bald In a speech in tho houso: "In connection with the charge that I advocated tho bill which domonotlzod tho standard silver dol lar, I say that, though chairman of tho committee on colnago, I was as Ignor ant ot tho fact that It would demone tize tho sliver dollar, or ot Its drop ping tho silver dollar from our system of coins, as were those distinguished Bonntors, Messrs. Blaine and Voorhaos, who woro then members of the house, and each of whom, a few days since, Interrogated the other: 'Did you know It was dropped when the bill passed?' 'No said Mr. Blaine, 'did you? 'No,' said Mr. Voorhces. I do not think thcro wero threo members In the houso that know it. I doubt whether Mr. Hooper, who, In my absence from tho committee on colnago nnd attendance on the committee on ways and means, mnnnged tho bill, knew It. I Bay tlila In Justice to him." This statement wns made In the Forty-fifth congress. In the Forty-sixth congress the inot- ttr wns again brought to the attention of tho houso by Judcc Kelly, who oald: "All that I can say Is that thetcftrhirHr tee on coinage, weights and measures, who roported tho original bill, were faithful and able, and scanned it pro visions closely; that as their organ I reported It: THAT IT CONTAINED PROVISIONS FOR BOTH THE STANDARD SILVER DOLLAR AND THE TRADE DOLLAR. Never having heard until a long tlmo after Us enact ment Into law of the substitution In the senate of tho section which dropped the standard silver dollnr, I profess to know nothing ot Its history, but I am prepared to soy that In the legislation of this country there Is no mystory equal to tho demonetization ot tho sil ver dollar of the United States. I have never met a man who could tell Just how It camo about or why. The bill was passed without any allusion In de bato to tho question of the retention or tho abandonment of the standard sil ver dollar." Evidently tho crime was committed after It had left tho hands of the com mittee, and boforo It was voted on In the house. How it passed that body is thus described by Congressman Bright of Tennessee: "It passed by fraud in tho house, never having been printed In advance, being a substitute for tho printed bill; never having been read at tho clerk's desk, the reading having been dispensed with by an impression that tho bill made no alteration In the colnago laws; it was passed without discussion, debate being cut off by operation of the previous question. It was passed, to my certain informa tion, under such circumstances Unit the fraud escaped the attention of some ot the most watchful, as well as tho ablest statesmen In congress at the time." Senator Allison said In reference to the subject; "When the secret history of this bill ot 1873 comes to be told, it will discloso the fact that the house of representatives Intended to coin both gold and silver, and Intended to place both metals upon the French relatlan instead of on our own, which was the true scientific position with teference to this subject in 1873, but that the bill afterward was doctored." Senator Beck said: "The bill never was understood by either house of con gress." Senator Thurman said; "There Is not a single man In the senate, un less a member of tho committee from which the bill came, who had the slightest Idea that It was even a squint toward demonetization." Mr. Holraan, In tho house, snid "the measure nnd the mothods of Its pass ago was a colossal swindle. It does not possess the moral forco of law." Representative Cannon, of Illinois, says the bill was not discussed nnd neither members ot congress nor the people understood the scope of the legislation. Senator Hereford, of West Virginia, in a speech in tho senate, said "the bill never was read, never was discussed, and the chairman of the committee said to Mr. Holman, when asked tho question, that It did not affect the coinage In any way whatever." Who was benefited by this crime? Tho foreign and New York bondhold ers. Who paid for it? Let the follow ing affidavit explain. It was made by Mr. Frederick A. Luckenbach, a for mer member of tho Now York Stock Exchange, but a resident of Denver for several years. The present editor of "The Gazette" met Mr. Luckenbash often in Denver and heard him re hearse the matter, substantially as given in this statement: "In 18C5 I visited London, England, for tho purpose of -placing there Penn sylvania oil properties in which I was Interested. I took with me letters of introduction to many gentlemen In London, among them ono Mr. Ernest Beyd, from Robert M. Faust, ex-trcas- THE POSITION OF THE AMERICAN L.tBORER WHO ACCEPTS RE PUBLICAN PRINCIPLES. SiStSfU fJbJSJUJ PLAmJ?3xiM QN -rSjg&Zy '? i Ha Aooepts the Sop From the Plutocracy but Still Remains In the Stocks. urer of Philadelphia. I becanio well acquainted with Mr. Seyd and with his brother, Richard Seyd, who, I under stand, Is yet living. I visited London thereafter every year, and with each visit renewed my acquaintance with Mr. Seyd. In February, 1874, whllo on ono of these visits, and while his guest at dinner, I, among other things, allud ed to rumors afloat of parliamentary corruption, and expressed astonish ment that such corruption should ex ist In reply to this he told mo he could relnto facts about tho corruption of tho American congress that would placo It far ahead of the English par liament In that line. After dinner he invited me into another room, whero ho resumed tho conversation about legislative corruntlon. He said: "If you will pledge me your honor as a gentleman not to divulge what I am about to tell you whllo I live, I will convince you that what I said about the corruption of tho American congress is'truc vrrg1?ve "him my promise, and ho then continued: "I went to Ameri ca In 1872-73, authorized to secure, if I could, the passage of a bill demonetiz ing silver. It was to tho Interest of those whom I represented the govern ors of the Bank of England to have It done. I took with mo $500,000, vlth instructions if that was not sufficient to accomplish tho object, to draw for another $300,000, or as much more 33 was necessary. I saw the committees of the house and senate and paid tho money and stayed in America until I know the measure was safe. Your peo ple will not now comprehend the far reaching extent of that measure, but they will In after years. Whatever you may think of corruption In the English parliament, I assure you 1 would not have dared to make such an attempt hero as I did In your country." Such, In brief, is the crime of 1873, tho crime which tho people of the United States are clamoring to havo undone; a crime which, In the language of Mr. Carllble, "would ultimately cn tall more misery upon the human rare than all the wars, pestilences and fam ines that ever occurred In the history ot the world." rolltlc.il Pointer. West Virginia is full of woods end the woods nre full of democrats. Register, Point Pleasant, W. Va. Will Brother Hanna kindly arise and lend the Republican Gleo club in sing ing, "Ark, from the Tombs a Doleful Sound," etc? "The told refrigerated fact remains that here in silver-cursed Mexico wo have the money to pay our bills." Mexican Hernld. If free silver Is going to make gold worth so much moro than now, what Is tho gold owner kicking about? Harrlsburg, Pa., Patriot. Wall and Lombard streets are bit terly opposed to Bryan all the more reason why those who oarn their own living should support him. Bldde ford, Me., Times. A silver dollar in tho hands of the people is worth to them considerable more than two gold dollars In the pockets of a Wall street capitalist. Gazette, Ashevllle, N. C. Wo do not know where Miss Pollard is but it will bo news to her to learn that Col. W. C. P. B. has discovered and recovered his conscience. Wil mington. (N. C.) Star. The goldbug argument is becoming reduced to the statement that "the silver craze Is dying out." It la al mighty llvoly to be on Its deathbed. Gazette. Pheonix, Ariz. Twenty-eight out of thirty-one old soldiers wero for Bryan nnd frco sil ver, at the populist congressional con vention at Crawford last week, and they were not all delegates either. Hornet, Brownlee, Neb. "Gold Is the sovereign of sover eigns ' is the quotation prominently displayed by a local financial Journnl. It is well to remember that this great republic does not deal with sover eigns. Los Angeles Herald. Tho United States constitution for bids any Btato to "mako anything but gold and sliver coin a tender in pay ment of dobts." Mind you, the lan guage Is "gold and silver," not "gold or silver." East Oregonian. If the election were to be held to morrow, Bryan would carry Ohio by 10,000 plurality. And there is no in dication that tho present drift of pub lic sentiment will' be changed before November. Press, Columbus, Ohio. Six-logged black-beetles, a new pest In that locality, hav'ey done much dam age to the watermelon crop in feacra mento County, California. HUNTINGTON'S SCHEME. Wants the (loTerntnnnt to Walt 100 Yer I,oDgr. The case of the Central Pacific rail road Is one that Justifies tho govern ment control of railroads. Tho rela tion of the Central Pacific and tho government is thus stated by tho Twentieth Century: "The Central Pacific railroad com pany Is bankrupt. Its Immense in debtedness includes a round $80,000, 000 to tho United States government. This sum represents principal and in terest of C per cent bonds, payable In thirty years from date, Issued by the government to tho builders of tho Cen tral Pacific road at different times be tween 18GG and 1872. Tho original sum total of them all aggregated about $28,000,000. Tho first of these bonds became payablo in January, 1895, and the Interest during all those years, not compounded, came to 180 per cent of tho face value ot the bonds. Tho re maining bonds fall due at intervals un til 1902. Now, tho solo survivor of tho four men who built the road Is C. P. Huntington, and he Is responsible for the bills that turn up so persistently in congress. Mr. Huntington wishes congress to decree that tho railroad be granted 100 yearn longer in which to pay this dobt. Interest he says should bo 2 per cent, and the United States govern ment should become responsible for both principal and Interest of these new 100 year bonds. The bonds now existing are to bo cancelled when the new bonds make their appearance, and tho railroad itself shall be freed from its present indebtedness altogether. The railroad proposes to pay principal and interest of the new bonds in in stallments, tho last one falling due in 1997. That is a very interesting scheme. If it succeeds Mr. Huntington will be tho most famous money maker that ever lived. For these reasons: The Central Pacific railroad exists under California laws. It Is not in corporated under the national govern ment. Its charter expires In 1911. Its affalrB must bo wound up then. Should It pay its debts it may rein corporate. If not, it goes into a re ceiver's hands. Under the laws of California the four estates of Messrs. Huntington, Stanford, Crocker and Hopkins (the men who pushed the road through) aro liable Tor tho in debtedness. But when the govern ment sued tho Stanford estate, Mr. Cleveland's attorney general failed to carry the case to the courts on its merits, and lost before the supreme court of the United States. No Jus tice changed his mind on this occa sion. The corporation disappears in 1911. Suppose the government took possession of the roud. It would get "two streaks of rust and a right of way." Huntington's scheme, defeated In the last democratic congress, and revived in the last republican ono, grants him immunity from all liabil ity. Uncle Sam hands over his secur ity to Huntington, who gives him back a vallBe. Uncle Sam's security repre sents $G5,000,000, plus $75,0Q0,000 prin cipal and Interest respectively on the entire Pacific debt, plus $20,000,000 of sinking fund, plus millions more for costs aud Interest. Huntington's vallso represents a corporation that disap pears in 1911, and two streaks of rust and u right of way. Huntington pursues this game of hlB by means of bills Introduced Into congress from time to time, Tho nn tiro business of tho house of represen tatives has been blocked by these mcasuies." Tho single gold standard brings nothing but disaster to the people of this country, if wo except a few nil powerful bankers. There aro in this country more than half n million men out of employment In the cities alone Post, Denver, Colo. Jefferson onco said: "Tell mo what England wants and that is what we do not want." Wo might add: "Tell us that Wall street wants It and wo do not want it." Wall street wanUi the gold basis. Will you vote for It? Industrial News. The republicans have entered a ve hement protest against the assertion that tho next president will bo "tho hired man of the people." They pre tend to think ho will bo Uie hired man of Mark Hanna. Kansas City Times. Arkansas has twice as many electo ral votes as Vermont, her majority is twice as large and the result la tide as significant. A Lumbering He Nailed. Tho New Berne (N. C.) Chronicle In Its first Issue denies that American lumber has been affected by tariff change, and says: "Slnco tho tariff was removed less lumber has been shipped from Canada than for any like period when lumber waB protected. The demand is too blight, tho supply too great consequence, slump In the lumber in dustries. Lumber, like all other things manufactured in the United States, has fallen in prlco be cause of underconsumption. Qlvo the consumers their Just deserts an hon est currency and not only tho saw mills but all tho mills and factories will resume work, for the consumers will havo the meanB with which to buy homes. Under our present gold stan dardhaving nt least one-half less than money enough with which to do tho business of the nation we may ex pect & continuation of hard times nnd closing factories; and Just at this time, when the powers of Wall street aro strenuously exerting themselves to frighten tho American people into sell ing their birthright for a mesa of Hannalsm, we may expect fairly a py rotechnic display of 'object lesson.' " Arbitration I dosire to give Bpeclal emphaslB to tho plank which recommends such leg islation as is necessary to securo the arbitration of differences between em ployers engaged in interstate commerce and their employes. Arbitration is not a new Idea It is simply nn extension of tho court of Justice. The laboring men of the country have expressed a desire for arbitration, and the railroads cannot reasonably object to the deci sions rendered by an Impartial tribunal. Society has an Interest even greater than the Interest of employer or em ploye, and has a right to protect Itself by courts of arbitration against the growing Inconvenience and embar rassment occasioned by disputes be tween those who own the great arteries of commerce on the ono hand and the laborers who operate them on the oth er. W. J. Bryan. Tho Producers of Wealth. Labor creates capital. Until wealth la produced by tho application of brain and musclo to the resources of the country there is nothing to divide among tho non-producing classes of society. Slnco the producers of wealth create tho nation's prosperity In time of peace, and defend the nation's flag in time of peril, their interests ought at all times to bo considered by thoso who stand in official positions. The Democratic party has ever found Its voting strength among thoso who are proud to be known as the common people, and it pledges Itself to propose and enact such legislation as is neces sary to protect the masses in the free exercise of overy political right and in fhe enjoyment of their Just share of the rewords of their labor. W. J. Bryan. Trusts. The Democratic party is opposed to trusts. It will be recreant to Its duty to the people If It recognized either the moral or the legal right of these great aggregations of wealth to stifle com petition, bankrupt rivals, and then prey upon society. Corporations are the creatures of law and they must not be permitted to pass from under the control of the power which created; they are permitted to exist on the the ory that they advance tho public weal and they must not bo allowed to us6 their powers for the public injury. W. J. Bryan. Cuba. The people of tho United States, happy In the enjoyment of the blese ingB of free government, feel a gener ous sympathy toward all who aro en deavoring to secure like blessings for themselves. This sympathy, whllo re specting all treaty obligations, is espe cially active and earnest when excited by the struggles of neighboring peo ples, who, like tho Cubans, are near enough to observe the workings of a government w,hlch derives all Its au thority from the consent of the gov erned. W. J. Bryan. The CItII Service That tho American people are not in favor of life tenure In the government service Is evident from the fact that thoy, as a rule, mako frequent changes in their official representatives when those representatives nro chosen by ballot. A permanent office-holding class is not In harmony with our Insti tutions. A fixed term in appointive of ccs, except where the Federal consti tution now provides otherwise, would open the public service to a larger number ot citizens without Impalrlny Its efficiency. W. J. Bryan. Injunctions. The recent abuses which have grown tut of Injunction proceedings havo beon so emphatically condemned by public opinion that the Senate bill providing for trial by Jury In certain contest cases will meet with general approval. W. J. Bryan. If you want a repetition of tho last four years, C-cent oats, G-cent hops, 12-cent corn, $1.50 horses, and so on, you had better vote for McKlnley be cause ho advocates the policy of Grover Cleveland who ndvocates tho gold standard. Broad Axe, Eugene, Oreg. The blush of shame should mantle tho cheeks of the elite, tho political four hundred of New York in contrast ing tho billingsgate indulged in by their aesthetic champion with tho. dignity and conservatism of tho" Nebraska Anarchist. New Orleans State A DIFFICULT QUESTION. It Seemed an Katy One, bnt the Qnery Kdltor lllnndered Over It. From the Chicago Post: "Tho qucs-j lion, sir," said tho chairman ot tho delegation, "Is an important one, bu moro difficult to answer than you would) think when you first hear It We have wagered a matter of threo glasses of) beer and two cigars on It, also, so thero is a double reason why you should bo very careful in answering it." "Fire away," said tho query editor shortly. "Well, you see It's thlB way," ex plained tho spokesman. "Over in our ward there were two men named John Jones, and they were father and son. Is that clear?" "Perfectly. Go nhead." "Well, last night they were both, burned to death in the same house, and. to-day when wo wero making up a list of those who lost their Uvea the boys insisted on putting down 'John Jones, Sr.,' and 'John Jones, Jr. " "Quite right," nssertod the query edi tor. "That's what we camo to ask youi about," returned tho spokesman. "Ol course, we all knew who "was meant,, but technically " ' "Technically It was exactly right," Interrupted the query editor. "Sure?" "Sure! Of course, I'm sure. Hot, else would you refer to them?" "Oh, If you'ro so dead suro about It we're not going to disputo you, but you ought to take all the technicalities into consideration." "I have!" thundered tho query editor. "If you can advance any reason why they should be referred to in any other way, fire ahead; if you can't, got out and let me go on with my work." "Well," said tho spokesman clowly and deferentially. "I'd figured it out n little differently. You see, tho old man lived down stalrB and tho boy lived on the floor above, and tho fire started in tho basement. Consequently, it stands to reason that tho old man died first." "What of it?" demanded the query editor. "Why, when the old man died th young man ceased to bo 'Junior,' dldn'l he?" "Um-ah " "And if he did ho was not John Jones, Jr., when ho died. Consequently no John Jones, Jr., died at all. That is the way I figured It out, but, of course, a query editor is always right, and it you say that " The chairman of the delegation dodged and a paper-weight struck the wall. Then the delegation retired, while the query editor kicked himself around the room and declared that the next man who tried to play him for a sucker would not live to tell ot it. Told Once More. Lord Russell's visit to America re minds the London Chronicle of an an cient story. It says that during Lord Russell's previous tour In this coun try with Lord Coleridge ho came in contact with many members of the bar, Including Mr. Evarts. It was .vhila walking with Mr. Evarts one day along the banks ot a stream that his atten tion was called to a point at which Washington, according to a tradition, had thrown a dollar right across. Th water was wide, and Lord Russell looked doubtful. .'You know a dollar went further In those days than it goes now." The American lawyer blandly insinuated. "Ah," Bald Lord Russell, qulto equal to the occasion, "and It may have been easy enough to Wash ington; it Ib well known that he threw a sovereign across the Atlantic." Students Uulld Water Works. Tho students at Park college, Park villo, Mo., are an enterprising lot of young men. They aro going to build a water works Bystem for tho town. Tho college is conducted partly on the co-operative plan. CAUSE AND CURE OF HEADACHE An eminent physician Bays the best treatment for headache is preventive, and if we would all allot eight hours for work, eight for play, and olght for sleep, we would rarely suffer from this cause. The headache which comes from dis eased eyes is most common and least recognized. Its symptoms arc pain in the eyes, temples and over the brows Hot water Is a very valuable stimulant for tho eyes. For nervous headache a hot bath, a stroll in the cool air or a nap In u cool, quiet room will often be found successful. A headache from fatigue may bo helped by pressing a epongo wet with hot water on tho napo of tho neck and on tho temples. Bilious or sick headaches are com mon to the first half of life, and some times stop of their own accord when ono reaches middle age. They como when a person has eaten food which does not digest readily, and a careful diet is imperative, sweetmeats and pas try being especially dangerous. Neuralgia is caused not only "y cool air, but by acidity of tho stomach, starved nerves or imperfect diet. Heat is tho bes'. remedy and mustard plas ters applied to the stomach and legs will do moro good than any medlclno. Cold water applied to the nerves in front of the ear has been known to work magic in chasing awuy neuralgic pains. Headache may bo caused by diseased conditions ot tho blood, by nervous Irritation and by inflammation ot the nerves ot the head or adjacent tissues, this last being infrequent. Liver tor pidity and catarrhal troubles have much to do with headaches, as they af fect the blood. Nerve irritation cornea in many forms. The nerveB terminate, throughout the body, in the muscles and on mucous surfaces, in delicate fil aments and little round bodies. Con. I tinued Irritation of these terminals wit cause headach' M r jr 4. tts: . Tsria.assjcrrai(vJ!- c t jntJic w r -."VU'