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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1896)
I !..' " - " " ' '-.'-' ' II .1 " ' ' ' I ' ' "" - - VOL. 2. UEMliNtiEORD, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, OCT. S3. i. NO. 3E 1 ' ' " " I , j wnimimwwi I f T f 7I,,U8? 1 I J APPEAL FOR THE BRYAN'S PLEA FOR CAN YOU PLACE MONEY LIFE? , . The Companies Are Against Bryan Because of His Vote. The Men Should be With Him. On Fob. 21, 1803, there was a cli bate in congress on a bill to compel railroads engaged engag ed i:i interstate commerce to use on their cars couplers which would nrotoct the lives and limbs of their employes. There was opposition to the bill, but William Jennings Bryan urged its pas 'sage. He said: "I for one am willing to stay hero till this session ends, bo rauso'I think this bill should bo passed. I boliovo it is dictated bv humanitv. and I am not will- ing, if I can prevent it, that these men shall be killed and maimed just because some of the railroads insist that they cannot afford to nut these couplers on their ears. The only objection ihat I liavo hoard made, the only real one in that letter of Mr. Haines' found on our desks this morning, is that it would cost $75 a car, or S7o,000,000. Somo 22.000 Per sons have been injured Those of u who have associated with these men know that thoro is scarcely one of them employed for any lemrth of time in rail roading who ,doos not have a hand off, or linger off, or foot off, or who is not maimed in some way, and we have had produced here statements of tho startling number killed. Now I ask, Mr. Speaker, does it not appeal to us, who are membors of the only body Avhich can give this relief, because states are powerless does it not appeal to us and to our humanity, to pass such laws as will give them protection to the lives and limbs of these peo ple? Republican Party Money Plank of the Republican Platform in 1888. "The ropublicaparty is in favor of the u&o of both gold and silver ns money, and condemns iho policy of tho democratic administration in its effots to domonotizo silver." Mnoy Plank of the Repjblica n Platform in 1892. "Tho American people from tradition and interest favor bimet allism, and tho republican party demands that the use of both gold and ailver as standard money, such restrictions to bo determined by contemplation of values of tho two metals so that tho purchasing and debt paying power of tno dollar, whether of silver, gold or papi-r shall bo equal at all times. Tjio interest of tho producers of tho country, its f.irtnars ic working men, demand that every dollar, paper or gold, issued by tho gov ernment, shall bo as good as any other. Wo commend tho wise and patriotic stops already taken by our government to sectiro an inter national parity of valuo between gold and silver for uco as money throughout tho world." "Which is tho best for Americans? The Chadron Signal-Recorder of To borrow gold from, nnd pay last week gives an extended write interest to England, or dig needed up of Judge Croon's speech at money from homo mines? To , that place and concludes with tho make a new homo market for -: following: manufactures and farm products "After tho meeting threo rousing by employing idle labor in develop- cheers wore given for Bryan and ing western mines that do not com- then 52 men went forward and en pete with any American industry, rolled themselves under the banner or to help England foster her of American financial freodoin by South African, Australian and signing tho Bryan club list. About Indian interests at our exnenso? half of this niimhv w.. w.,u: lo legislate for starving labor and bankrupt farmers, or for Wall btreet? Briefly, is it hot for run the United States, or nermit EnoliJi lmiil.-m'j in r.v- ft knll.A. v....w v "- RAILROAD BOYS. THE CAR COUPLER BILL. AGAINST HUMAN "I do not question their mo - tives.bnt if wo eah keep this ouoslion in this nnsilimi. stiii'im? here night and day, the country will notice it and public op!n'( ii will bo brought to bear upon it, and wo are willing to trust to our being sustained by public opin ion. The platform of both tho groat political parties have de clared to favor it; and, as has been well stated hero today, be fore the election a bill was passed hero without a division. At that lime wo who now favor it had up on our side many of those wno oppose it now, or at least their opposition was not then maclo known. "I ask, Mr. Speaker, how chn we measure tho value of Human life? How can vou sav that $75,000,000 -expended in equip- ping cars outweighs 2,000 pooplo may talk this 'way about the lives of others, but what if these were nni.cnncnt.wtu,. t ..i, ..p ivmuu uu ao.wu iiiaiiuuu; vu any one ot tlicse gentlemon what ned at tho head of these columns, price ho would set upon the life it i.s ,10tioib!o fact that it is such or security of a relative? And n . n , , how dare we hold at a trilling "oa that wdl read no. lung but the price the lives and welfare of 1J' & M -erciron State Journal thoso not kin to us, while wo hold and not liberal thinkers who are as a priceless boon tho lives an I supporting Mr. Ilanna's 118,000 welfare of those to whom we are mortungml echo, related by blood? l ' "I appeal, Mr. Speaker, to mi . , , those wlio are in favor of this I , . u leP,l,llcnn .campaign from bill to st-ind by our rights hero lms on w" receive now energy as a majority and protect tho from tho fact that Uio "McHanrtu livo'5 of those people who- 'plead' cratic Barrel" has been received in to us for thoir prhtection. (Applause.; Money Planks. Money Plank of the Republican Platform in 1896. "Tho republican party is unre servedly for sound money. It fnnunl fltn nnnntinnnf rF 41... I..... .... utv ....V KjUllJllllljllL IL I1JIT IILIV . to debase our . . currency or impair tho credit of qur country. Wo are therefore qpposed to the free coinage of silver except by iutor nationl agreement with tho leading commercial nations of tho world, which we pledge ourselves to pro mote, and until such agreement can bo obtained, tho existing gold standard must be preserved. All our silver and paper currency must be maintained at a parity with cold and we favor all measures designed tions of tho United States, and all our monoy. whether coin or paper, ' at tho present standard, the stan- Tr tttllltli-atl! ai..In1.1.. 1 t . 1 1" dard oi tho mo.iL enlightened na-, lion of tho earth. -- "" w W ilyWUIIll t-mia win! imu ueen convertnd hy Judge Green's speech. Altogether, labt night's meeting was tho best of tho campaign. Tho good it ac complished will be felt on eluction toy." nr..... ...l. 1 I !... , providing for tho resumption of I keoP hk W0 Ven JU1(1 his should specie payment in 1879. Since ! ?r t0 "j0, w,,Bo1 nVd dfo.nt tho dlrf' tl,3,i every dollar has been as good I m1 ?W being waged as gold. We are unalterably op-1 ft Ul wPabJ,e ,n ,th'8 -nc.i - 1....1- .'i I ihero w nfJ oubt but that at tho I Tho Hannaerat barrel and R. ! R. passes will not buy enough American manhood to elect the corporation tool. I have been called an anarchist because I have opposed tho trusts'and syndicates which would ; "nwiufci- una uuuuuj, j. nm gum to imvo tho opposition of those mon. I am glad that if lain ; manage this country. I am glad oiocieu inoro is not a trust or a syndicate that can come to mo ' tUHl Slv " u lmh yu uioro now ) .-. 4 1 tf 4 .. J 1 pay us back. William Jennings Bryan. It will bo well for every one wiio expects to vote for Bryan to be come familiar with tho names of tho Bryan electors as there will ap pear on tho ballot two sets of Democrat ie electors, tho regular Democrats and tho "gold hug" ticket. The names of the Bryan electors will ho found in another column in each issuo of the Him- ALD. Tho narrow mindodness of somo men who go Jo compose tho re publican nnrtv and who vnfn tho republican ticket was in evidence at this office quo day last week, ...l. . en .. ... uuuu uuu ui uiu y. u. p -.. came in and stopped this papor, because of the fact that Brvan's nictun is rur. this state and is boing distributed in every county. If money can defeat the will of tho common poo plo, thoro is no lack of funds. Ar rangements are being comploted whereby every man who can pos sibloy he influenced to stay away from tho polls if ho favors Bryan will bo approached by paid emis saries of the "Ilanna gang." From this time on every voter should " nrn.iint finm lYolivoolr.. i ..II ..:..!. t -7" 1 7 "" "Ul' I people will refuse to be bought up w )u ,uujh:u uiiii uio common , in the mtorests of a policy that j will be of vastly more injury to them than tho good that can come j from tho money newborn" liberal! v thrown into every precinct to catch tho unwary voter. The farmers and business njon of tho west voto for free coinage because they believe it will benefit them and they havo tho courago to fay fa()l . lh trU;jta' n"puds, coaj ua,'ons banks and syndicates say tUey ,ire hi favor of tho gold stan- dard because it will holn tint nmir laboring man. Grovor Cleveland, John Sherman, J. Piorpont Mqr gan and tho Rothschilds care noth ing for their own interests, but they weep continually over tho misfortunes of tho persecuted toil ers. Such disinterested patriotism was never seen in tho world before. Woin tho west" are selfish; the monoy kings are philanthropic. Wo jvould like to advance the prices ot tho products of our farms; thoy want nothing in the world but a cheaper'buBcuit for tho labor ing man. It is a little singular, however, that while they cheapen the broad for tho toiling masses that they send up the' prico of syndicate coal two dollars a ton u&tas winter approaches. Cen i r 1 ii. I .... a y mw Jij Jjuujuurui y Bryan Rally! Tho biggest demonstration of tho campaign will be hold at Al- lianco Wednesday night, Oct. US. J. S. Kirkpatrick and II. M. Sullivan will bo tho speakers. Every farmer in tho county should attend and tako part in the street parade. Thoro will bo no free R. R. ride but everybody should mako arrangements' to at tend just the Mimo and wo hopo that tho B & M heelers will havo enough decency to let the men attend this meeting. Lettor From Judge Greene, Our Next Congressman. Valentine, Neb., Oct. 17, '00. Enrroii Hkuald, Ueniingford, Neb. Dkah Sik: Quito often during this campaign, I havo boon ask ed how I stand touching tho question of arbitration between corporations and thoir employes, and as thoro may bo somo in your locality who are interested in this question, it is but proper ihat I lot all tho people know where I stand on alllSffifttf erot?: feeling their interest, 1 hold no views that I am unwillimr to ox- press. In tho iirst placo as all know, tho Corporation owes its life to tho government. In tho case of a railway corporation it not only owes its existanco to tho government but it has been endowed with the right of emin ent domain by virtue of which right it can tako tho lands of tho people for right of way without their consent, by paying tho ap praised valuo of such land. This it dods upon tho theory that it is a public corporation operated for the benefit of the public. That tho public has an intorcst in it. This being true, I HOLD THAT THE PUBLIC HAS THE RIGHT THROUGH THE GOV ERNMENT TO HAVE SOME THING TO SAY IN ITS OP ERATION AND MANAGE MENT. This right to a certain extent, has nover been denied. The government enn control the freight rates, regulate the speed of trains and say whore depots shall bo maintained. Compel the carrying of freight and pas sengers. These rights none do ny. I claim that tho government not only possosses tho rights above named but that it has tho right and SHOULD EXERCISE IT, to regulate by a board, of ar bitration all differences between such corporation and its employ ees, both as to wages to be paid o,s well as in tho discharge of its employees. Such board would in my judg mont bo beneficial both to tho roads and tho men. as it would provont strikes, which al ways re sult in groat loss both to employ er aud employees. Besides" this such board could prevent CUTTING UNJUSTLV THE VAGKS QP THE MEN EMPLOYED, AND PUEVENTTI1EIK DISCHARGE FOU POLITICAL AND OTHER CAUSUS, AND L'PON TUB WHOLE I1ENEPIT THE KOAD, TI(E MEN AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC. Everything lqoks well over this district and tho State and Nation. With highest regards I remain Yours. W. L. Greene. All parties desiring to mako final proof can Jiayo thoir papers made out at The Hickald oflico, free of charge, and promptly transmitted (a the land office. Calvin NEW STORE! New Prices! Always Leads and Never Eoliow3 ! ANTON PIONEER- hardware and TlIU ULWKST IWTAHMMtMBNT IN TIJIC COUNTY" Charter Cak Cook Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating StOYes,, Paints, Oils, Glass, p.fe -r- Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb Wire the Best on Earth. Frefl Ing CABINET BOTTLED BEER -1 A High Grade Lager Br, Purest in the Market. PATRONIZE HOME IHDUSTKT Oflico 1007 JuukBon Street, Omabn, Nob. Three Opinions: "The CHICAGO RECORD is a model newspaper in every sense of the word.'r Harrisburg Pa.) Call. "There is no paper published in America that so nearly approaches the true journal istic ideal as The CHICAGO RECORD." From "lcvspaperdom" (New York). "I have come to the firm conclusion, after a Jong test and after a wide comparison with the Journals of many cities and coun tries, that The CfllCAGO RECORD comes as near being the ideal daily Journal as we arc for ome time lively to find on these mortal shores."- Prof . J. T. Hatfield in The Evanston (111.) Index. Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions iweiucd by all postmasters. Address THE CKI CAG0 RECORD, 181 Medison-st. t J- WHdy :-: NEW GOODS! New Everything! UHRIG, w. I .Mtf V , Saddlerv. Brewing Company . 1